Teachers, What's The Most Ridiculous Thing A Parent Has Said? (r/AskReddit Top Stories)

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teachers of Reddit what is the most ridiculous thing you have had a parent say I had a parent tell me he cut his daughter's hair in a short bog because they noticed her attitude gets bad when her hair gets too long I had another parent tell me his kid was acting dumb for my benefit and that he is really smart at her they still refuse to get him any tutoring when talking to a parent regarding behavioral issues the parent said from 8 to 2 has your problem not mine every single adult should know where every single child is on campus at all times the mom said yelling at me I had been given her son extra help after school along with some other students we were 6 weeks in and mom hadn't come to back-to-school night or made any attempt to speak to or contact me she came to pick up her son and had no idea where to go because she hadn't been to our school before or read the after-school group flyer instead she yelled at some other teachers who were waiting out in the front of the school with some of their own after school students to be picked up they had no idea who she was or who her child was she called and asked them where my class was because she didn't even know the name of their child's teacher I walked up with her son as this was happening she turned and continued to chew me out she said a lot of ridiculous things that day it was complete and blatant projection of irresponsibility at the end of each year all the students merits are tallied up and the top three students get a prize one of the parents was complaining about how it's unfair their child started so low every year it was a lot harder for them to get to the top the list starts alphabetized I have a few stories but my favorite happened to a co-worker this girl didn't study and skipped most of the questions on a test mom came in to argue about her daughter's failing grade and said she should only be graded on the questions she did answer so therefore should have scored a 100 since the few she chose to answer were correct I taught fourth grade next to a military base so my class list was in pencil midway through the year I got a Dutch girl she didn't speak a word of English her dad dropped her off in my room after signing her up then told me not to make any exceptions for her shed learn English on her own however she was to be exempt from math b/c she's never had a math class before the man was an engineer with the army I taught her math she appeared to have very limited exposure to it by the last semester she was on on a roll including math I was in an IEP meeting when the counselor asked the student what his post high schools plans were he proudly stated that he was interested in studying animal science his mother and Grilli swung her head at him and said animal science oh hell no what about our plans for the NFL the student got embarrassed and said well I need a back-up plan mom and she said not when you're as great of a player as you the student was mediocre at best at football for the taxes we pay we expect our teachers to get our kids into any college we want not as bad a son but when I was student teaching a parent emailed saying to give his child to see no reason just give her a C she was getting an F and I called and believed the insanity of just saying what boiled down to C now yes my child is misbehaving throwing chairs eating other kids etc but you took his paper airplane in second grade and scrunched it up so this is really your own doing I think the best thing to do is for you to help him make a new paper airplane and apologize then I'm sure he'll behave the kid was in sixth grade at this point Spanish class parent asked me to exempt a kid from speaking anything in Spanish said it made her daughter uncomfortable to say anything in Spanish at a nation kid that was acing everything straight as I told his mother that I think he is a little bored she puffed up and said I will go home and speak to him about that at once after Thanksgiving but before Christmas one mom said if you don't let my daughter singer holy night for the Christmas show I'll withdraw her and my son from this school and you'll never again have such talent truth is her daughter couldent sing on pitch no matter what and didn't even try because she had zero interest in it this makes me so freakin sad I hate how parents force their passions and interests on their kids when the kids have zero interest in any of it there's an episode of South Park that shows this the one where the kids are on a baseball team that they couldent care less about I used to be a preschool teacher ages four and five and we did evaluations every few months one four year old girl sweet as could be could only count to the number four she struggled with other things but the counting was by far the worst her parents come into the evaluation and are delighted that their daughter could count to four we had to gently explain to them that she was well behind the other kids even the actually challenged kids surpassed her she was obviously bright so we asked them what they worked on with her at home nothing they did nothing with her they assumed that she didn't /world and start learning till teachers taught her to their benefit they did start working with her at home and by the beginning of the next year she was ready to move up I've never been so proud and disappointed at the same time in a set of parents my aunt's a teacher and I remember her telling me about one strange parent encounter a year or so ago she taught maybe the sixth or seventh grade there was this one kid in her class severely underperforming and even after numerous confrontations with him he never worked in class or got his grades back up my aunt had to call his mother down to the school and sat down and tried to talk to her about it she mentioned that she felt that he had the capacity to perform much better but he didn't well the mother Justin I did to be clear she wasn't crazy or anything just an absolute denial my aunt showed her his grades but she ripped the paper apart and told her that it's not true she said I don't know what you're talking about my son is perfect and stormed out of the school how dare you tell my child that there were people before God existed we were studying ancient Egypt and I mentioned that the priests they were eating about had similar roles to their priests and pastors they just we're and Christian since Jesus hasn't been born and Christianity hadn't started yet I reminded the parents that there were parts of the Bible that took place before jezus birth in Egypt edit clearly the student miscommunicated what I said and the parent chose to fly off the handle rather than ask me what happened parents evening last year year 10 so 14 / 15 years old told a woman that her son was doing really well in English and was very bright she actually scoffed and said really the boy was sat there too I asked what he was thinking of doing when he left school and he said he wanted to go to college to do a levels kids at this school had ridiculously low aspirations so this was music to my ears his mother interjected and said no no you're doing an apprenticeship you're gonna be a plasterer like 'yeah dad now I have no problem with kids taking the vocational path as opposed to the academic but this kid had a chance and he wanted to take it but his own mum made him feel that there was no point so sad edit had a few messages saying that I obviously value the academic choice / vocational that's not what him saying at all I apologize if I phrased my point in a way that suggested that I just meant that this particular pupil wanted to go to college and take his a-levels but his mom made it clear that she didn't think he was bright enough and that it wasn't a worthwhile choice I just felt it should have been up to him and I could see it lowered his confidence got my FEM K left school at 16 worked in a shop and now drives lorries and earns pounds 10 K more than I do a teacher so I definitely don't think that everyone needs to go on to higher education I do think that people should be allowed to follow their passion and do whatever they feel is best for them I was a 22 yo female Asian middle school teacher in a district that was 99% black you couldent find another person who looked quite like me in a 20-mile radius had a parent tell me that I couldn't possibly be a good influence on her child after all I do skanky things like nails and hair during my off hours the community's impression of Asian women were that we all worked at male salons the extremely skewed Asian stereotypes however worked in my favor for classroom management when my kids were convinced I knew martial arts anytime I put on my teacher face when the students were misbehaving one of the kids would exclaim Oh shoes missus about to come through your ass I never had too much problems with the kids that year it's not your job to teach my son lessons I kid you not my mother is a retired College English a teacher helicopter parents would regularly call to inquire about their kids grades Martin that's confidential as per college policy if you want to learn your child's grade you're going to have to ask him /her parent but in paying his / her Stu ition mop it doesn't matter you child has a right to privacy I can / will only discuss your child's grade with him /her parent in calling the Dean mopped by all means rinse and repeat over and over and over parent of a child with behavior problems sends him to school with shoot for breakfast every day fast food Starbucks cupcakes you name it we spent a lot of time trying to get her to even feed the kid breakfast in the first place because he refused to eat what was provided at school and was an absolute nightmare on an empty stomach we're talking hide under the desk screaming all day levels of difficulty so we didn't say anything for a while because at least he was on time and eating except than all the other students who previously had no with the milk cereal and fruit that they got at school started noticing the smug kid eating his delicious pancakes or whatever he had that particular day it became a full-blown kindergarten hunger strike and it was miserable when we asked the mother to please make an effort to feed him prior to arriving at school she said she didn't have time unless we wanted him to be late every day another problem that took forever to resolve we reiterated that the school provided a perfectly healthy breakfast for free and maybe she could make an effort to convince him to eat what everyone else got he would literally do whatever she asked it was just a matter of staying for ten minutes to eat with him she said I don't want him eating that sugary processed crap he took his McDonald's with an aide in the classroom for the rest of the year edit extraneous , thank / you / grandma Raya in 4th kindergarten teacher here 1y I said my child's writing their name yet so I don't want my child wearing sunscreen we live in Far North Queensland 3 I took my child to the GP he doesn't need a specialist for my child is free-range I will not vaccinate my wife is an elementary school teacher and suspected that one of her students may be autistic the kid well would communicate well at all at issues with using the bathroom and showed other classic signs of autism my wife had a conference with the mother and explained that she would like him to be evaluated but the mother refused and said that if her son did have autism my wife was the one who caused it I'm not a teacher but I coach my kids youth sports teams I once had a dad approached me and bribe me $50 to prevent a certain kid from playing in our upcoming flag football game these were six year old kids the kid did make a costly mistake in the previous game but the fact that this random dad was willing to pay me to bench the kid was mind-blowing I should have made it clear that I did not accept the money the data attempted to bribe me and I turned it down for obvious reasons my mom frequently is forced to let kids retake tests because they didn't do well on them not because the kids have any sort of problem but because the parents Beach and complain that their genius somehow got a failing grade on a test so the school just gives in and lets the kid we do it third graders parents come in with a notarized list of demands children in my class must be prohibited from bringing in gluten ever they said they didn't want her to feel left out because other kids were eating drugged no she didn't have celiac it was just the family's personal choice I'll let their daughter choose who she sits next to each day the class had a carefully coordinated seating plan she be exempt from history class because she was too advanced for our history class but not advanced enough for a nap class long story short they switched her to a private school before year's end edit did away with the numbering because I called and fix the formatting problem I'm sorry I wasn't clear about this app at this school when I was teaching just mentally accelerated or gifted class it was not referring to an official app curriculum I know what notarization is my mother was a notary public for most of my childhood and she certainly got a few requests stranger than this they had the document signed by a common law notary not civil law and actually in hindsight I think they just forged a seal on their document as there was no notarial certificate attached if it was real the idiots had their own signature notarized on their own document s mhm my daughter's senior class voted a medically handicapped girl prompt I feared they were playing a joke on her but my daughter insisted they all truly wanted her to win her family was poor and the teachers chipped in and bought her dress shoes etc the summer after graduation I ran into the mother of another student in the class this mother had pushed her daughter to be popular bought her the best of everything pushed her into being a cheerleader and even went to the point of trying to set her up with boys in her class she actually chests them on her daughter's behalf she's also emit nuts so I try my best to avoid her if I see her first this day I wasn't so lucky immediately she started complaining about the student that was voted from she kept saying how her daughter should have been prom queen the other students just voted for the other girl because they didn't want her daughter to get it which was partially true it was so unfair she was so mad then she started on how horrible it was to vote in a girl that was in special ed classes because she really didn't deserve to graduate she was so poor that the teachers had to buy her dress as if it was a sin to be poor I finally got sick and tired of her crap and I didn't like her anyway and told her what I thought I thought it was a very nice thing for the students to do this may be the only special moment this girl will ever have her daughter will have many special moments it was so nice for the teachers to make sure she was dressed as nice as the other girls etc she was stunned to say the least she expected me to agree with her that I was sick of her how she was nearly prostituting her daughter out to any boy who were data told her daughter's friends about her six life and her crazy tirades every time I saw her now when I run into her we live in a small town she speaks and goes on her way thank goodness this family was incredibly well off the little girl wore matilda jane clothing every single day which is expensive the individual pieces are between $40 to $60 she almost never wore the same thing twice compared her to a little boy in my class his dad was in and out of jail he always wore dirty jeans and the same pair of boots his mom cut his hair and you could tell but he was full of personality all the kids wanted to play with him he got a little rowdy and it's a some lightly inappropriate things like fats pandas or what the hell but I would never pegged him as a behaviorally challenged kid well the rich mother approached my lead teacher and flat-out demanded that her little girl never have contact with this boy because he was a bad influence she wasn't to sit by him or speak to him or play with him when we refused she gave all these instructions to her daughter who would approach the little boy and announced over the whole class you have to leave here so I can play people never cease to piss me off I was a high school varsity coach I had a nice girl on my team with very little talent after not starting her mom came up to me and said it is really sad that Jenny isin't playing how can you hold it against her I asked her what she was talking about her response well her dad's brother dated you in middle school and he broke up with you funny thing is I have no clue who she was talking about I wasn't a teacher but I was volunteering while in college to help a school district run a group field day me and another friend of mine were asked to subbing for a class v class game of tug of war for first graders one class had six less students of course me and my friend Hamid are act like were really struggling ECT afterwards one the parents of the kids from the team we were on just started shouting at us telling us we should be ashamed for not trying her hardest and for faking continuously labeling their children exactly what they don't want them to be you're such a liar why can't you just tell the truth clean your room you dirty slob keep your legs closed you [ __ ] my mom called me a horse in front of my friends when I was in high school she saw that I had a hickey and then sighed and said my daughter the horse she actually trailed off at the end like that like she was saying well them are just the facts of life the best part is that I hadn't had sex yet even though almost all my friends had and this was coming from a woman who was engaged twice in high school has been married three times and engaged for cheated on my awesome and loving dad with a woman she was training to replace her at work while she was on maternity leave she was pregnant with twins at the time and who loved to tell me stories about her and my dad having six in like one time apparently they did it on a grave in a graveyard and a kid came over the hill from a funeral and saw them so yeah in the immoral one apparently edit maturity leave to maternity leave that she probably should have gone on both I was a de coeur teacher and this happened during the summer we had two siblings coming in and in their file it was clearly marked that they are both lactose-intolerant we take every allergy very serious and we do provide snacks to the children so every box of snacks gets inspected to make sure the kids eating it will be fine and we also provide alternative snacks just in case so this goes on for a week until I notice the kid is drinking milk out of a carton I go to my supervisor and we ask the kid where she got the milk from she is little so she doesn't really know but she thinks she got it from her lunchbox so now I'm confused my supervisor is confused and the kid is confused since she claims she drinks milk all the time so we get out a form and call a parent and of course we can't get ahold of her we agree to monitor the kid until her mom picks her up she was fine no tummy ache or anything so we were carefully optimistic that we dodged a bullet there well it turns out she isin't lactose intolerant at all they are not vegan either her mom just read somewhere that normal milk makes you smell bad so she only gives her kids organic milk it was the end of my shift so I just left and laughed my ass off all the way home [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Reddit Cubed
Views: 20,481
Rating: 4.8530183 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, reddit stories, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, askreddit new, askreddit stories, reddit story, askreddit funny, reddit best, funny askreddit, reddit funny, funny reddit stories
Id: CYcZApxzOAw
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Length: 21min 8sec (1268 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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