Doctors, have you ever had to "FIRE" a patient?

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like and subscribe right now or else this will be in your bed tonight our /oscar edit by planet reddit doctors of reddit have you ever had to fire a patient if so what was the straw that broke the camel's back dentist one time I refused to see a patient's after they refused to stop chewing gum I mean during the appointment I asked her three times and every time she pretended to take her gum out which a 16 years old seemed pretty childish I finally worked on her and as I took my hands out of her mouth foreign instrument she started chewing again it was study on learnig Linda I told the parent that their daughter was not ready for braces they argued but she would not follow the simplest instructions let alone habits she would need to form to keep her teeth clean throughout treatment she sounds incredibly stupid what really got me was the mother aggressively defending her this isn't an opinion your daughter will not follow directions she was chewing gum through the entire consultation it's still in her mouth right now when I was a paramedic a call came in that a child was suffering from a severe peanut allergy she was 7 and Harold a brother thought it would be funny to force-feed her peanut butter either way get her loaded him but the mom is just dragging her feet she forgets her purse then her phone then her brush then her gum or whatever I just sort of waved at her hi we need to go the hospital now child sick hospital let's duck ingo of so she waddles her way over to the ambulance and gets in it took about three minutes before her phone is out and she's snapping pictures of her daughter for her Facebook page one of those like to make my baby better things so once again I just sort of wave at her hi please stop we are trying to help your daughter she ignores me more Facebook or Twitter pictures click click click I just lost it stop taking ducking pictures you dumb duck and and then I took her phone away so now mom is flipping out because I took her phone away we get to the hospital and mom is still flipping out over her phone being confiscated people at the hospital think she's distraught over her child and try to calm her down they figure out it's about her phone being taken away by the mean man in the ambulance click-click-click likes to save my baby click-click-click then I hear the attending MD just explode okay get the duck out just get the duck out of this room I guess that would count as being fired edit row' came back to this well at least most of the comments are civil yes I did get in trouble till the post a person who thinks that I would be fired immediately you've obviously never worked in any medical field which is sad I got what was called a note to file or semi final I'm sure the term is different for different places what it means was I had to sit down and speak with my supervisors regarding the incident but that was because I took her phone not because I called her a dolt yes doctors can ask people to leave if they are being disruptive and they are trying to do their job yes they can say get the duck out especially if someone's life is at risk okay I am work bye I feel like this would justify calling CTS reckless endangerment of a child neglect being a slowpoke with a camera phone dentist after spending multiple appointments explaining concerns with healing after an extraction she continued to be argumentative and then said you Arabs are so stubborn I told her she can be a racist out on the street but not in my office so please leave as a side note I'm Iranian and I practice in Canada I came here when I was nine no man number your skin looks different than mine you are clearly a terrorist I've met a couple of Iranians who were very quick to say we're not Arabs and then my Arab friends would be like Yeah right what's the whole deal never understood it edit since some folks below seem to think I'm being racist I am going to rephrase rereading my comment I do see that it's under too could be misconstrued as being racist but please before Yale get all judgy like you want to remember that the written word and the spoken word can convey two different things as I mentioned to the person one eye down below who thought I couldn't even be racist right that I have close friends from different religions and ethnicities I freaking love em we know be racist okay it blow up cause me type sentence quickly from phone without thinking it out we be non white chick myself and know what it's like to have stereotypes and whatnot projected on me not a doctor but I work at a pharmacy and we got a guy thrown out of two practices he was doctor shopping and getting oxycodone prescriptions from both not a doctor but I work at a pharmacy and we got a guy thrown out of two practices he was doctor shopping and getting oxycodone prescriptions from both you would think he'd be smart enough to go to different pharmacies to fill them I always worry about this myself because I get multiple opioid controlled prescriptions from multiple doctors sometimes like morphine dilaudid oxy valium although I actually needed for things like a cute post-op pain and open wounds that I have we have the eye stop electronic script tracking program and NY but it still just seems like the pharmacist fills things at their own discretion I had the theory that he just mixed up the pharmacies and meant to take this one to the other pharmacy he was using I was the one that got fired long story but I was having problems for about six months and was sent to the neurologist in my small town when I got there the doctor didn't have any of my files and straight up told me so I told him what was going on and he prescribed me three separate pills for headaches insomnia and nausea but while I research these pills before I picked them up and decided not to take them it would have masked my symptoms and I thought I wouldn't get a diagnosis I saw him after another MRI and told him I didn't get the pills he prescribed he told me I needed to leave because he wasn't going to give me oxytocin I tried to tell him that's not what's going on I just wanted to know what was wrong with me but he had no shirts to give three months later I was diagnosed the somewhat rare malformation and large cysts in my brain I have neurosurgery in November we plan to sue the doctor for malpractice but I'm waiting until after recovery to talk to a lawyer edit yes yes can't spell talk to a lawyer now you don't have to file until you are feeling up to it but best to get the ball rolling I don't think you understand what malpractice is I very much doubt even the slimiest plaintiff's attorney would take your case I work at administration at a surgery center but we wouldn't even look at one patient after he threw a chair at me when I told him how much he had to pay our facility it's not always easy to refrain from throwing furniture at you guys I always start with an accessory like a throw cushion and work my way up to a queen and Cher I've fired a number of patients and likewise being fired sometimes it just doesn't work out for one of my colleagues the last straw was having the patient break the exam room all with her head and then leave screaming obscenities at her I actually chased that one out myself falling glass on the other side of the wall almost hit my own patient first patient I ever fired myself tried to destroy her own medical records a wise doctor I knew early in my training once said the only things I'll fire a patient for are physically abusing me abusing my staff in any way or calling me at home seems about right edit fire not for I sort of thought that was the way all doctors were at least the ones I've known I was surprised last year when a doc and patient made now a paper after he fired her for not following his recommendations I think he had told her to lose weight and take some tests she didn't feel were necessary she was a nurse and filed a complaint against him afterward I'm sure there was more to it than the blurb in the paper that have all seemed odd if I fired everyone who rejected my advice I'd have nobody to see but sometimes it's clear the patient isn't accepting anything offered and isn't interested in working with you then it's probably best to help them find someone else that same doctor sometimes would say all I can do is give you medicine do surgery on you and radiate you psychotherapy or give you lifestyle advice those are the only tools I have you've rejected all of those so I don't think there's anything I can do to help you at this point they'd usually go away and sometimes come back having reconsidered what they were really looking for smart guy once a year my mother sits down with a big list of area pharmacies and calls them all she usually finds out a few people are doctor shopping and one time she actually discovered someone had been altering forging her prescriptions she writes these people a letter to formally fire them edit hurting this here because replies to comments below would get buried for those of you curious or skeptical about this she works in a rural clinic in Herat 20 area pharmacies tops she doesn't have hundreds of patients nor are there a ton of places to fill a prescription she also doesn't ask about every single patient just a handful of ones who are on pain meds my mother would never be able to operate a database or keep an excel sheet she's a bit of a Luddite it's a phone book pen and paper for her it doesn't take as long as you'd think she's on the phone maybe 10 minutes Pharmacy and she usually does the whole thing on a Saturday afternoon I agree it's not efficient but my mother is a rural cell and family practice doctor and things work a little differently than they might in a suburban or high-volume practice prescription drug abuse is a huge problem in her practice and she's gotten burned enough that she decided to find some sort of solution it works for her how does this actually work does she ask what patients offers they have does she read off the names of the patients on pain pills and see if they have any prescriptions and for them from a different doc there's generally a finite number of people who will come to a pharmacy with scripts for class two narcotics usually only a couple dozen so calling around to check is probably not too time-consuming and the other doctors probably appreciate that this person is looking for them I'm a specialist there are only a few things that will get a patient fired verbally abusive with my staff I have zero tolerance for this one a patient can get mad at me and yell at me all day long I can't take it my staff is different they don't get paid to be abused period I will always stand up for my staff chronic no call no show three in one year and you are out I have a three month waitlist I will keep my spots for patients who want to come other than that there are patients where we mutually agree to disagree and we part ways amicably as someone who used to be a secretary in a doctor's office I know your staff fully appreciates this even if they don't say so after working there three years I left that office and never looked back after being verbally abused almost daily by patients and having the doctor shrug it off like it was no big deal thank you for me it is a big deal sorry you had a bad experience join our community discord link in description I'm a nurse practitioner in my errands because we are an urgent care we get a lot of doctor shoppers but in California we can look up the narcotics record so at least once a day we will tell the patient that it seems like they are fully stocked from another doctor and that they are not going to get any more usually they will be resigned but sometimes they will get simpler defensive there is a mother and son that still the main Doc's dnumber and called in poorly worded narcotics on an elderly person we so far them that we turned them into the police I once got to pharmacy call that started with doc I know you didn't write this but I had to check before I called the cops a patient has stolen a script and wrote for one pound of mo fine ten refills doc I know you didn't write this but I had to check before I called the cops that's two lines of almost perfect blank verse I was asked by my psychiatrist how I was and I told her I didn't want to be there I was less than 14 years old just telling the truth in a home she told me to leave and she talked to my parents that was the last I saw her if that was their response to that kind of statement they were not cut out for the job maybe it was the last straw a bad day but ro its other possible that speaking with the parents solved the issue or let him decide therapy wasn't needed or wouldn't be needed unless something continued or happened you don't have enough info to make that call not by a long shot I have fired two patients in my career the first was a family of a man about to have a planned surgery they were upset that they had to wait until the following week to see the cardiologist and because of their influence they called their state representative he called the hospital CEO who called me I explained the situation I then called the patient and told him that trying to force the system to work solely to his advantage was not how this was going to work I explained that the doctor-patient relationship in non life-threatening situations if voluntary and gave him a list of other specialists in our area ii had a wife who was very mean to my staff over several visits in their last visit she made male nurse cry and actually hit one of the texas she was helping the patient put a sock back on the patient made no apology for her supported her actions and seemed to think that this was normal behavior that first guy what a bunch of selfish pricks but he was a special case though i mean he really wanted to get treated like immediately which makes him more special than all the rest of the patients i was dumped by my first option after I had my daughter I needed to research my birth control options because I still got pregnant on the pill he gave me the depo shot without my permission like they told me it was something else sir my next up I got the NP and doctor and I was like I was interested in this and she goes oh no you got the shot and I was like no I said I didn't want I don't want the depo it will mess with me she looks at the chart and sees my consent was never signed and the doctor tells me I need to sign it and I refuse I was pissed but I was 17 I didn't know just how bad I had been ducked over my next apt it was just him and he basically told me to find a new object looking back I willed a pitched a huge fit but being young I didn't know any better this is actually a pretty big deal he dumped you because he was worried about you suing him for malpractice you probably would have won if you had WTF that's so messed up you probably needed a new rob.jenn a ways doc that I'm a psychiatrist myth always meth don't use it and then come to me with psychosis and tell me you're bipolar schizophrenic it may work on some and in a field where a lot of care is done by less trained social workers it's common but I went through far too much school and hard work to be fooled that easily sorry for the stupid question but do people do meth to try and get prescription drugs or what drug addict who basically refused to try to change anything was on rx narcotics and benzos then one day ended up in the air the drug screen in the ER show no benzos on arcs which confirmed my suspicions she was selling them in retrospect everything she was on had some street value including her antidepressants people will use anything here snorting wellbutrin PTC snorting wellbutrin maybe in prison yikes I was about to say nobody snorts wellbutrin but I have seen Dumber [ __ ] before I believe you not the doctor but I am the girl that writes the your fire letters to the patients in 4.5 years I've probably written something like 40 50 letters most are people of narcotics that have come up positive for other drugs multiple times my doc is nice and likes to give people second third chances other times it's for doctor shopping or seeing multiple doctors for the same issue some are for mutliple no-shows or cancellations most recent had 64 cancellations in three years the rest are due to bad behaviors one was calling the doctor and practitioners horrible names in the waiting room two other patients another screamed at everyone in the facility because she had history of filling meds early and we refused to give them to her early anymore another kicked out our glass door because we wouldn't give her narcotics she wasn't even prescribed them another cold over 25 times in one day just straight-up harassing us because we wouldn't help her commit fraud there's lots more these days though we don't have to write letters most of the time they get blocked due to non-payment of their bills once they are blocked they can't make appointments and without appointments they get no meds so suffice to say this has caused a lot of drama lately what do you mean when you say doctor shopping I ask because it is always a nightmare to get my prescriptions filled and I usually have to call multiple times dot so is my doc going to fire me if she finds out I'm looking for a different doc I'm already worried she'll fire me for having a shitty rx company that forces me to badger her office for refills doctor shopping is a bad term it doesn't mean looking for a different doctor to transfer your care to it means going to a bunch of different doctors at the same time to get multiple medication prescriptions usually narcotics and/or anti-anxiety meds generally this is considered a sign of narcotic abuse diversion but occasionally it's a result of undertreated chronic pain my dentist was fixing a cavity of mine once she said that when she was a resident she had a patient who told her that when I the patient tell you to stop you need to stop right away or I'll punch you in the mouth they both had a good laugh over that then the patient told the doctor no I'm serious the attending told my dentist to finish up with the patient and then tell the patients to never come back I had gingivitis when I was a kid and the assistant had my dentist used to stab my gums when she was cleaning to the point where I thought it was deliberate I kept saying now and she kept telling me not to be such a baby in a super beachy way it's entirely possible your dentist was like that and you just were getting the full story or they trot out the if you've lost more your gums wouldn't be bleeding no beach if you stopped stabbing me and the gums with a metal pick they'll stop bleeding I was the fired patient well I sort of quit anyway I had quite a bad dentist at 13 who would just not listen to what I had to say one time I had a cavity on one of my molars asked for an anaesthetic like I always did for years with all my previous doctors my pain tolerance is low when it comes to teeth she didn't want to give me an injection but I insisted and she finally gave me a dis that was way too small and instead of waiting the usual ten minutes for it to kick in she started drilling immediately of course I screams in pain and nearly stabbed myself with the drill because I got so startled she yelled at me for being a baby and said I'm exaggerating it doesn't hurt at all I got defensive and asked her if we could wait until the anaesthetic makes it numb but she didn't want any of it I laid back on the chair and reluctantly agreed to go on but as soon as the drill touched the tooth I wanted her to stop because it hurt like hell she just told me to stop whining then I screamed bloody murder for her to stop again when the instrument was out of my mouth I stood up can you ducking hear me I told you it really hurts she got super offended but I didn't let her speak and told her to just give me a temporary filling and I'll be getting a new dentist who cares about their patients a few days later I wrote her a letter of apology because my mom wanted me to I admitted that I overreacted but I let her know that patients are people to be considered not ignored when they're screaming and pain thanks for watching subscribe for three videos a day [Music]
Channel: Ask Planet
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Id: jYhallmfQoQ
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Length: 21min 3sec (1263 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 12 2020
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