Doctor Reacts To Medical Memes That Go Too Far

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- Memes, episode 23, featuring... - Pamela Rae Schuller. - Let's get started. - Peewoop! Label me like one of your French girls. - Yeah, look at that pelvis. - I know a few of these bones. - Yeah? Name one. - The tibula. - What? - The fibula. - Okay, that's one - Is the tibula not one? - No. - Name a upper body one- - The clavicle. - Okay, also known as a? - Neck. (Sam laughing) - Collar bone. Look how instinctively the mother croc carries the baby in its mouth, nature is beautiful. Oh, that's a croc. I actually got my first Croc the other day. - No Mike! - Yeah, not animal, footwear. - No, thank you, I know what you meant and I honestly, would rather you get a crocodile than wear a Croc. - No, no, no, people said they're the most comfortable thing that I had to look. And I got furry Croc. - I'm sorry, what? - The inside is furry. - Please tell me it's not called a furry Croc. - I don't know what it's called. - When I don't get waxed that's what I call my... First aid course book from 1943: how to save someone from choking? I'm gonna be honest, I can't speak right now because nothing that I have to say won't get me canceled. - My favorite part about this image is that he has a tear drop coming off his eye. Is it tears of joy? - I can't speak Mike, it's for the best. - 'Cause if you're choking, you're choking a little bit further down past epiglottis. - Where's your epiglottis? - It's for me to know and for you to find out. (Pamela laughing) Government, work from home, surgeons. (laughs), Oh, that's funny. - I think you and I should play with Tourette's. - Oh, I don't have it anymore. - Oh, I'd be so bad at it. - I should go get it. But then, that's sad. - But there are not a lot of things I can't do with Tourette's, and I feel like if I were a brain surgeon I can't be like, "Sorry about your frontal lobe but I have Tourette's," I'm not gonna be like a hot tea server. Is that my violin? - Please add sound effect. (somber violin music) - I use that camera by the way, like I'm on The Office. - Sensational, Beethoven's royalty-free orchestra. - What stinks is, your team does the editing. So you can all make it look like Mike also isn't whining about every other thing right here. (violin screeching) - When all patients eat apples every day, yeah. But they stay healthy, but I'm okay with it. And no, you still gotta see a doctor for preventive care. - Follow-up question, apples, I feel like are not what keep you out of doctors. Isn't protein better to you than an apple? - I know, but- - Some tuna a day keeps the doctor away. - Pam, let the joke breathe! - An egg a day keeps the doctor away. - My God! - I'm doing joke compressions. - I gotta chest compression this joke back 'cause Pam tried to asphyxiate it. - Joke, come back! - Mr. Sippy and his wife. (dial-up buzzing) - Am I supposed to find this one funny? - Yeah, say it out loud. - Mr. Sippy and his wife. - Who's his wife? - Mrs. Sippy. - Aww! - Mississ... (Pamela laughing) - Ah, she got it, not medical at all. - I honestly deserve to be canceled for that. If I had a comedian card, it was just ripped up. - But don't they make a cute couple? (dial-up buzzing) It's an inclusive marriage. It's a state and a sippy cup. Me when I actually elicit a reflex with the reflex hammer, Thor! - I don't know who Thor is. - Me either. - [Sam] He's the god of thunder. - He's handsome though. - I disagree, I'm not into that look. Hey girl, are you an EKG interval? Because you are at a Q, because you are, because you are, because you are a QT. I'm uncomfy. Did you hear me malfunction trying to read it though? - Yeah, and I was mouthing it at the same time so I said keep restarting. Play it back. - Because you are a QT. - Do you get the joke? You probably don't. In EKG intervals, we have different intervals, we have different waves. - Did you post this? - No. P wave, Q wave, T wave, P, Q, R, S, T. - We all stopped listening, right? We've all- - P, Q, R, S, T. The Q to the T is an interval and we measure it. Some medications prolong it, some conditions prolong it at which case, it can be arrhythmia which can cause a lethal termination of heart rhythm. - I went to sleep with my eyes open. - This is just a toilet, oh, look where the roll is! - Oh no! - That looks Photoshopped. That's Photoshopped. - Can you imagine what I'd have to do to wipe though? - You would just use the water from inside the bowl. - No, I absolutely would not. I would just waddle. - You know, when you flush a toilet, E.coli springs into the air. Every time I come here, I learn things that give me anxiety. - Okay, the more you know. - The less I live. - Today is the day we take the stairs. Oh, that's messed up, that's dark. - It's like an awful health promotion. I actually- - Why is it awful? It's not awful, they didn't mean to do it this way. - It could have said, "Today is the day we do something physical," but to have it on an elevator, an elevator's a tool for accessibility. "Today is the day Mike stops talking," that, everyone could get behind. - Okay, the YouTube channel wouldn't do well then. - No. - 'Cause I would just be sitting like this. - I feel like some people would still tune in and that is concerning! - Just make ASMR noises. - Oh, I love ASMR. (Mike slurping) Not when you do it. - Me acting confident AF as I head into my patient's room to perform a procedure I've never done before. - Oh no, wait, wait- - Look, a little baby. - Do you take someone with you if you're doing it for the first time? - Yeah, of course. See one, do one, teach one. - Do you teach other people? - Mm-hmm. - People learn from you? - I'm a preceptor. - That is terrifying. - Isn't that cool? Can you call me preceptor from now on? - No. - Oh no! - Accessibility ramp right into a pole! I'm willing to give charitable thinking here and say that while that is messed up, they initially created the ramp and then the pole was built. - Right, what I'm saying is that's a system of people not connecting, communicating. Accessibility is people sitting down at a table. - And talking about it, collaborating. - And people with disabilities being included at the table. - When your salad keeps making jokes. - Oh, because every... - Everyone is so happy but- - Also, yogurt commercial. - Every commercial! - No, yogurt and salad are the worst. Because every yogurt commercial is like, "We're gonna help you poop regular," and all the women are like, (laughs). But have you ever left that hard or been that happy eating a salad? - Have you ever had that much fiber in your life? - I cry into my salads. - Look how many colors are in those salads. - They're beautiful. - It's a rainbow-rich meal. - Not all of them. There's one in the middle and the bottom, and it looks like she's just eating- - Greens? - Green. Raw and- - Green is beautiful. Green is chlorophyll, be chlorophyllic. - Gonna ruin these memes for everyone. "Dr. Mike comes in and makes things boring." - But salads are funny. - The girls were super loud on the six-hour drive to Michigan last week. So before we hit the road today, we're watching the highway scene from Final Destination 2. That's good parenting. - What do you mean? The kids are gonna have more trauma. - Yeah. - You're exposing children to trauma. - Sometimes, you gotta sprinkle a little trauma. - Do you know what this is? This is an ACE, an Adverse Childhood Event. (Pamela laughing) This is gonna cause legitimate trauma. - No, that's brilliant. Those kids are gonna be- - I just read the book "The Body Keeps the Score." - [Pamela] I'm also reading that. - Really? - Yeah. - I'm listening to it on Audible, my partner. I don't know why I did that. - It was uncomfy. I can do all things through evidence-based best practice which strengthens me, peer review 24:7. I love that. - That's actually really cute. I think everyone in my hospital- - I love that. - If someone can make that for me, I would appreciate it. P.O box down below. - Yeah. - And I'll give it to Pam. What is happening in this image? - Is that how someone who uses a wheelchair has to get in, by climbing a ladder? - No, no, no, no. This is messed up because clearly the sign is pointing for the hallway that there's wheelchair accessibility, and they took a picture of the ladder and are trying to make it seem like it's connected. - Okay, that's an awful sign. That is incredibly confusing. - Well for you, because you're not that smart. - I'm gonna say for everyone. Also, neither are you. - Somehow you became a doctor. - I'm okay with that. - Finally sitting down to my vegan, gluten-free, soy-free, antibiotic-free, raw, non-GMO, organic, fat-free and low carb keto-friendly meal and it's ice. - What if they put vanilla oil on it? - That's actually somehow worse, I'd rather- - But what would it be, what would you call it? - Ice, ice, vanilla, baby. Ice, ice... - Vanilla Ice, Pam! Do you know who Vanilla Ice is? She doesn't know who Vanilla Ice is. - I was getting there, but slowly. - No, you don't know who that is. - Yeah, I do! - Who? - [Sam] Pam, you don't know because you're too young and beautiful. - Oh, sorry. What I meant was, 10 o'clock appointment. I'll see you at 10:45. - Do you have struggles with that? - Okay, there's a difference between a doctor being late to see you because they're saving a life or- - And how do you decide when that's happening? - Or a doctor being late to see you 'cause they simply don't respect your time and they think- - How do you know that? - You don't, it's just a feeling. - Everyone assumes that the doctor doesn't respect your time. And there are doctors who don't respect your time. But then, doctors are humans too. We get into traffic jams, traffic accidents, have family accidents. - I once had a dentist that showed up two hours late and he came in on a skateboard. He goes, "Sorry I'm late, I was having fun." - Wow, what's happening here? - I did a thing about how Peloton isn't accessible because I so wanted to buy one and they told me I was too short to use their product. In all fairness- So you bought one? - No, this is someone else's for the article but the bike does go down lower. And even when it was all the way at the bottom, I can't reach. But also, I'm adorable. - I also like how you're gripping the handlebars. - Two hands. - It's very interesting. What were you hoping to achieve with that? - I just wanted the bike to know that I cared about it. - [Mike] Okay. - No, I think I was holding that because my feet didn't touch anything and I was petrified of falling. - You're the only person I know that would get a New York Post hate article about Peloton. - Thank you. It was like, Peloton, your industry standard right now of a bike, let's partner to do more accessible things. I kept emailing them and being like, "Is this safe? What's the minimum?" And they kept not responding. And then, one day I got an email back and all it said is, "You are unfortunately too short to use our product, it is unsafe. But thank you for being a part of the Peloton family." - Aww. - It very much was not a hate piece, it was like a- - "I'm a fan, but include me." - Yeah, I wanna do it. - All right, Peloton, include Pam. If you wanna learn more about Pam's story, click here to check that out. She's funny, she makes jokes and she barks. As always, stay happy and healthy. - And fabulous! You didn't ask me for my opinion, and fabulous. - Nobody wants to hear your opinion. (upbeat music)
Channel: Doctor Mike
Views: 4,246,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: doctor mike, dr mike, drmike, dr. mike, mikhail varshavski, doctor mikhail varshavski, mike varshavski, doctor reacts, Titanic, Crocs, choking hazards, CPR, surgery, operation, apples, protein, Mississippi, dad jokes, reflexes, Thor, EKG intervals, accessibility, wheelchairs, elevators, E. Coli, ramps, babies, salads, weird ads, antibiotics, Final Destination 2 highway log scene, keto, paleo, fat free, dairy free, low carbs, low fats, Peloton, meme, memes, doctor reacts to memes, memes 23
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 45sec (585 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 07 2022
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