How to Level Dirt with Tractor Loader

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[Music] hang with us when we show you how to level some land with your loader [Music] what a morning um it is early here in the morning at the farm we're supposed to get a really hot day again today so we're here trying to knock some things out and my future irish flower bed is totally overgrown again so i'm gonna have to do that but we kind of probably fall behind with a lot of things so we're trying to play catch ketchup right now and it needs to be mowed again and it's just so much work work to do and so much things to do that it's just kind of gets a little bit overwhelming but um it is still a beautiful day and gonna be all good because god's great and and we're going to get the work done and tony's already working starting to cover up the um line when we put the pipe down for the power so and there's that big pile of rock we're going to spread out too so lots lots of work but we we're moving forward that's what matters so i'm excited [Music] we passed our final inspection on the first go before we get too far down that road let's jump back in time we went ahead and dug our post holes about three foot deep and we put these metal posts in using the new product called fast 2k brought the backhoe over next and then we were digging the trench from the main power line over to the uh new poles that we put in the ground little dude's getting it going right now look at it go this was the first time we used the backhoe on the t25 [Music] you all may need to pause this video right here not every day you see me doing manual labor this is a 200 ounce service and its primary purpose is going to be to power a travel trailer but at the end of the day we're going to power the shop with it as well shortly after we finished this conduit here we had our inspection done and we passed on the first go and that's because my nephew here this is uh my nephew in the trench he's a certified electrician he's the man i'll do an in-depth video on the whole project when we're done [Music] i believe that about catches us up i better get to work did you see that i have a lot of people asking me how to use float on their tractor let me show you again in slow motion push the loader control valve forward fast and firm you'll feel it click into place and hold forward when it clicks into place and holds forward you are in float the float is meant to use for mostly for pulling backwards and dragging your bucket as you see here at the end i kind of curl up and it gives you that smooth smooth finish float is really good for people who are just starting out on tractors but it's not always right the right tool for every situation it generally works best with loose rock and loose dirt sometimes you need to push down with force of the weight of the tractor because in float all you have is the weight of the loader how you guys hang out with me here i'm going to do a time lapse at the end of this video you guys know how i like my time lapses but i think it's pretty cool where the camera sit and you just see me run down through there filling this uh trench up just a different perspective most new tractors have what they call a load indicator and this in my case is the little silver rod running up beside the black cylinder on the right side it has a rod that will come out and when it's flush with the top of the little pipe that lets you know that your bucket's level and this is a great tool and i can't believe not every tractor comes with this anymore i don't care how many years you've worked a tractor it's still hard to judge where the buckets at i'm not gonna lie when i seen this video right here of this tractor pushing it forward i had a i had a little boy tonka moment who had the tonka toys i had the tonka dump truck the tonka dozier i had the road grader and let's see i even had a uh excavator those tonkas were pretty much indestructible but they just last about for a lifetime i can remember christmas i was always waiting for that next next piece of equipment they weren't cheap but you know that was kind of the one big thing we would get each year we weren't rolling with money when i grew up but you know i really didn't know anything different because nobody on a farm around us was rolling in money plus when i got old enough i was out on a real tractor just as soon as i could be this dirt was still wet from the rain and it was still pretty heavy it was it was filling in real nice but you could tell pushing here how much that weighed also you can see here as i set the bucket down and actually use the weight of the tractor to push it into the trench we'll let you watch here a little bit and then i'll chime back in when we start packing the dirt and doing the finish work [Music] [Music] this is kind of where i start doing my finish work and what i'm doing is i'm running the the tractor over the trench basically straight up and down it my rear tires are loaded and then the weight of the backhoe on the back is you know extremely heavy and that compacts the dirt and presses it down so what i keep doing is driving across it and then dragging dirt back in and filling the holes up that i just made by pressing the dirt in this is a good way to to pack without having any extra equipment no matter what you do you're never ever going to get it packed enough over a period of time this this trench will settle and you will have to put more dirt in it i've never been able to just put a trench back or fill a trench back in and never need anything else done to it so generally probably i'll say about a year from now i'll come back in and touch this up it'll really need to go through a freeze and thaw cycle i will say this we have it better than some because that we have a high clay content and it packs really well so this is a point where i just start driving back and forth back and forth over the trench keeping one of my one side of the tires on the trench and like i said you can really do some serious packing this way but you got to spend your time i probably went back and forth like this driving over it i would guesstimate probably six eight times after you feel like you've got it packed as well as you can then it's time to do the kind of the cleanup work this is where i go along and skim the top of it off and then just start spreading this dirt out as best i can like i said you're never ever going to be able to get it perfect and it will settle in my experience always it will settle maybe if you brought in some really high dollar equipment and spent a lot of time and money but it's just for normal people we're gonna just do it like this and top it off with some dirt later on next season i would be interested to have a land plane i'm thinking about getting one i think that would be after i got this pack down here if i had a land plate i could go back and forth with it i don't know maybe it's not not the right tool for this i know it does great with gravel i've never owned a land plane for a tractor before you know i've always used box blades you guys that that own one give me your comments you know let me know what your what you you know what you think about them would it work for something like this i would think it'd have to be pretty dry even for a box blade to work you you know you really need to have the the dirt need to be pretty dry or you're just gonna end up rolling mud balls i felt pretty good about how this turned out using the loader you know if you just put a slight down angle on your loader and drag backwards you can really do some uh fine leveling work and then like you learn to do what i'm doing here where you just kind of find that sweet spot and skim along the top then drop that load of dirt then back drag it so you can see i'm just putting some down pressure and then i'm i put my bucket at just a slight angle and just kind of spread it out and then come back and grab you another you know another bite and just keep doing that until it's smooth like you want it [Music] hey the next video we drop is going to be where we put in our driveway we take the t474 and we spread well over 100 tons of gravel and put in a pad for our travel trailer uh and then we take and finish up a driveway and then we take we got some uh like we call pea gravel and we put that over the top of the portion it's going to be for the uh travel trailer pad and that video will be coming out i think probably in in the next five or six days one of my grounding rods will stuck up a little bit of a surface and you know i fixed that [Music] hey i appreciate it if you subscribed god bless and have a great day
Channel: Tony's Tractor Adventure Homestead
Views: 9,406
Rating: 4.9385967 out of 5
Keywords: tractor loader, tym tractor, tym tractors, best forty hp tractor, best 30 hp tractor, best thirty hp tractor, best 25 horsepower tractor, tony's tractor adventure, portable sawmill, tractor attachments, leveling dirt with front end loader, front end loader, frontend loader, grading with a tractor, john deere, kubota b2601, front end loader tricks, kubota tractor, leveling ground, tractor loader attachments, tractor loader backhoe, tractor loader work, Tractor loader tips
Id: gKiXTdB7-5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 38sec (698 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 29 2021
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