Box Blades Don’t Hold A Candle To This Attachment

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[Music] [Applause] hey everybody adam here with hometown acres welcome back so if you've watched our last few videos you know we've been working on this plot of land down here on the entrance of our driveway to our property and what we've done so far is we've taken a sprayer sprayed it killed all the switch grass that was here and all the wild weeds and everything else and then we took a middle buster single bottom plow plowed it all up and after we got done with that i wasn't quite sure what i wanted to do with it um we were considering putting in a cornfield we were considering just smoothing it all out and making a lawn a couple other ideas we've had but what we've ended up deciding we're going to do is we're just going to turn it into a nice smooth lawn i think we're going to put a three rail white horse fence along the front plant a couple of trees really increase the curb appeal of the property you know just be proud of the property when you pull in the driveway that's what i'm after anyway so now that we've got the field all plowed and broken up the next step is to smooth it all out and this is the right tool for the job here this is a york rake i rented this from green hill farms and i know it's kind of a local place and a lot of you aren't in northwestern pennsylvania but if you are green hill farms is a small family-run kubota dealership but they also have a rental shop there and this was 75 for the day i just i don't think you can beat that it's a six or seven thousand dollar attachment to be able to rent it for 75 dollars for the day and not have that big upfront cost get the job done take it back and be done with it you just can't beat it but yeah if you're in the area and you're looking for equipment rentals or if you want to buy a kubota tractor green hill farms great people family owned and they're really knowledgeable and can help you out with what you're looking for so anyway here's what we've got going on here like i said we just plowed this you can see all the rocks that are in here very uneven ground with all these furrows and this york rake what it's designed to do is this spins backwards and then you've got a guard here that keeps all the rocks from going through and it kind of just filters dirt out the backside and it pulls all the rocks forward so it's good for two things it's going to smooth out all this ground and it's also going to collect all the rocks and it's angled this way so that it spits all the rocks off this way it does have a hydraulic here that you can hydraulically angle the york rake however i don't have rear remotes on this tractor so what they did was they just went ahead and angled it for me so it was offset to one side already to begin with so this would be even more useful if i had rear remotes but i don't so we're just going to use it as is and just make sure that we have all the rocks going the direction we want [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] do all right so here is the finished product we ended up making about three passes the first pass was just to smooth out all those potato plow furrows uh that way when i'm coming through here for the second and third pass my tractor tires will be level and i wouldn't be tipping one way or the other and digging down in after i got it smoothed out the second pass was meant to kind of dig down and break up as much as i could now granted that thing's not a tiller it's not meant to go six eight inches deep uh but it will go down three or four inches and that's enough to break up what i was looking for after that the third pass was just to kind of skim coat the top and try to skim as many rocks to the side as i could you know along with the switchgrass root ball clusters and it did a pretty good job at that i'll show you some of the rocks i got off the side here so here's just one bucket full that i got out of there and i actually wish i had a rock bucket because i hand picked all those rocks out of this pile of switch grass roots here so yeah rock bucket would have come in handy for loading that up i'm gonna keep this pile of rocks here for something i'll find a use for them down the road my first thought is probably muddy atv trails this winter but we'll figure something out for them all right so i just took the power rake back to green hill farms and that is one impressive piece of equipment there a box blade really just does not hold a candle to a power rake i usually use the box blade on my gravel driveway here you can see it runs all the way up to the house up there and i actually hit it with the power rake on the way back up and yeah like i said the box blade there's just no comparison that power rake really does a nice job of smoothing things out one pass and done anyway so being that it's september i was thinking i'd be able to see this immediately and as soon as i hopped off the tractor i get out my phone and look at the weather channel because you want rain right after you seed and if you look at this there is no rain in the forecast for the next 15 days i think the highest it gets up to is like 20 it's crazy so yeah like i said we're really far away from the house at probably a thousand feet i'd have to go get 10 100 foot hoses to irrigate this down here and with no rain in the forecast we're just gonna hold off until maybe october to get this seated but anyway if you enjoyed this video give me a thumbs up click that subscribe button and check out some other videos thanks for watching
Channel: Hometown Acres
Views: 377,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: power rake, york rake, rake, pto, tractor, compact, farming, field, lawn, transform, turn, tilling, rototiller, tiller, outdoorgans, outdoors with the morgans, wranglerstar
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 43sec (463 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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