Box Blade vs Rear Blade vs Land Plane! Which One Do YOU Need?

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how about you i'm hank welcome to hamiltonville farm what do you need do you need a box blade a land plane or a rear blade let's talk about it in this video we're actually going to go over the rear blade the land plane and the box blade all in this video each one serves its purpose and each one has a good use but we're going to see which one is the best one for you to buy or if you need to buy all three of them of course we've partnered with homestead implements here on our channel i'll leave their website and discount codes below they have discounts for my viewers and of course if you're us veteran that has some discounts there too but we're going to talk about what we need the rear blade for what we need the land plane for and then what we need the box blade for so let's go ahead and i'm going to start with the box blade and you say well why are you going to start with the box blade because that's the one that's on the tractor all right let's get started i did a video a few weeks back called why box play should be your first implement i do think that it should be on the top of the list for either your first or second implement when you buy a tractor this is a heavy duty pinnacle series box blade from homestead i only recommend getting a heavy duty box plate don't buy a standard duty box plate you're just gonna get mad at yourself you're gonna blame the manufacturer for making a product that you know you're going to beat and bang and bend or whatever you just get a heavy duty spend the extra 100 200 whatever it is get a heavy duty box blade the box blade make sure that you have replaceable blades this is the rear blade here now some people call these box scrapes but we're going to call it box blades but you also have an interior blade as well so make sure that these blades are reversible you can change them out if they wear or whatever especially if you're going to do a lot of gravel work now also your box blade you're going to want your box blade to come with ripper shanks some of them have a hydraulic set up that's pretty high speed but these here are adjustable there's different type of attachment systems some have grooves like a tongue and groove type scenario some have different type of hitch pins so just do all your homework on how you want your ripper shanks to attach but i recommend getting ripper shanks on your box blade because you're going to be able to do a lot of work with those shanks either up or down now in today's video we're actually going to keep the ripper shanks up on the land plane and on the box blade but let's talk about what we're going to do with the box blade let's go ahead and get to where i'm going to show it in use and we're and i'll tell you why i'm picking this particular area to start with on the box blade [Music] i picked this particular stretch of road in our property because i want to show you how the road actually goes into it washes out in the center of it down here but let's talk about the box blade just a little bit more having a hydraulic top link on your box blade is killer i mean it really helps out a lot so putting a hydraulic top link on there it allows you to adjust how aggressive that rear blade is going to cut or if you got the ripper shanks down how how deep they'll go but i highly recommend a hydraulic top link as well good thing about a box blade is you can use it to move dirt so basically what we're going to do is we're going to take this dirt here and we're going to move it and you can see as we pull it down here i'm going to fill in these holes you can see here is a hole and you can see how it's kind of washed out down the middle of the road here so i can take a box blade and be able to fill those holes in by dragging the dirt from a position a down to position b and we can fill in these holes that way that land plane is not going to do that for you you can do it with a rear blade but you're not going to do as much dirt or as much you can't finesse it with a rear blade like you can a box blade so let me go in here let me drag something down and i'll show you what it looks like [Music] [Music] now what you can also do is you can tilt your box later you can angle your box blade to help shape the road like a crown of some sort so [Music] so so [Music] now you can see that you can pull that dirt into that hole and then you can also see how the rear blade was able to push back kind of help finesse it so this video is not going to be 14 hours long or whatever but you could spend hours working on this the problem is that you got to create ditches i'm just pulling dirt into this hole right now and guess what after it rains next time it's going to do the exact same thing until i get the crown fixed and i get the drainage fixed but you can see that this hole was actually now it's filled in with this dirt because i was able to take that box blade and pull that dirt with that box blade because that box blade confines that dirt into that container and pulls it where you need it to be and i'm telling you you spend time out here angling your three-point hit system using your hydraulic top link or adjusting your manual top link and you can really really get this thing looking really really good but the box blade is not the only implement that can do work like this let's go ahead and let's swap the box blade out and let's put the land plane on and let's talk about it for a minute now that we've got the land plane hooked up we'll talk about the differences now keep in mind that i've got sandy clay soil here in florida and so that's what we use the box blade for so you know if you're up north in some rocky conditions or whatever the box blade is another another great example of where to use that to pull that rock and stone uh you know from one place to the other or fix holes but we have gravel in our driveway here so we're going to use the land plane something with all these implements is you really need to start at kind of a neutral position i guess you say so that it's level front to back and side to side and so if you look at my land plane here you can see that i'm just a tick high on the left side of the tractor so i will adjust that by using the turnbuckle here on my left arm on my three-point hit system but i am level front to back and now what i'll do is i'll level it side to side okay so i'll do that by adjusting my three-point hitch okay now it looks like my left side and my right side are good i just land plane for a minute what you essentially have is two blades here the first one is going to cut and then the second one is going to level out the the surface that you're working on hey so they're angled you you're going to want to land plane again it's heavy duty that's got reversible blades it's got replaceable blades this one's got replaceable skid shoes on them so you you're going to want to buy a product like a homestead implements product that's really thought about the design of the land plane itself so let's go ahead and let's get down my driveway now one thing about the ripper shanks in the land plane is you if you have a old driveway of some sort that's got gravel in it then you can take these ripper shanks down and you can kind of revive that gravel i guess you would say by putting these ripper shanks down going through it kind of digging up that gravel and then using the blades in the land plane to kind of level it out i'm not in that bad shape yet the only thing about a land plane is well not the only thing but one thing about a land plane is it doesn't crown very good this is a seven foot wide land plane and so if i adjusted it left or right tilted it it doesn't crown as good as a box blade would do or a rear blade would do it's made for driveway maintenance and road maintenance basically so let's go ahead and let's get on this gravel driveway of mine and let's get the land plane and let me show you how it works this is what i want to show you in my driveway here you can see here i've got a washout on the side of the driveway here where water has kind of went down here now this rock is still in good shape here so i don't need my ripper shanks to dig it out but you can see that this dry this wash out right here that land plane is not going to be ideal for covering or for fixing that problem in my driveway that's more of a box blade problem there because that box blade will bring that dirt and that rock and fill in the holes there this is basically just used to level out your driveway kind of keep it refreshed and rejuvenated so you're going to be you're going to have more versatility with a box blade but if you're going to be doing driveway maintenance this is the tool you need to buy so watch the rock fill in with this front blade and then kind of level out with the back blade so okay [Music] so [Music] you can really finesse this land plane to get you a nice smooth driveway i was able to adjust my top link up and down to adjust the aggressiveness of the the blades in the back of the land plane and you can lower and raise the three-point lift system or hit system in order to get all the just to get it as smooth as you could possibly get it so this land plane is perfect for gravel driveways i can hit this gravel driveway of mine you know once a month once every other month and it will it will be it'll stay as smooth as a baby's butt so i really you know gravel driveway maintenance land plane is your best choice got one more implement to show you so let's go talk about the rear blade one good thing about this pinnacle rear blade some people call it a rear blade some people call it a scraper blade there's a couple different names for it or whatever uh some people use this for dirt some people use it for this real popular for the snow most all your rear blades are going to be adjustable you know left and right like this and then and of course you can adjust the three-point hitch for your your angle which we're going to do here in just a second a couple things about this homestead rear blade it comes with a kickstand you can pull it up secure it with your pen find the hole get in there and then what we're going to do is we're actually going to take our tools and we're going to offset this blade to the right of the tractor because we're going to cut a ditch with it let me show you how to do that when you adjust the offset of your rear blade you take a three-quarter inch socket or wrench whatever you got kind of loosened up on the top loosen them up here on the top and then you're gonna have to take the ones out on the bottom and reposition them [Music] now that i got all the bolts out that i need to get out i can slide this blade over and line up the holes again and find the holes where they go like so and now i have offset on my rear blade a lot of people will use this technique to plow snow with so they can get around their sidewalks and curves and stuff i don't have that problem down here in florida now that we've got the offset where we want it i'm going to take that turnbuckle on that three-point arm i'm going to twist it and i'm going to put this edge down so that i can cut a ditch with this rear blade if you want to get into the weeds on it i've got videos on each implement you go back and look at those this is kind of a 101 box blade versus land plane versus rear blade type video for you so let's get this angled and let's cut a ditch with it now i've got the aggressiveness that i want on this rear blade let's go up here and see if we can cut a ditch with it putting the tip of that rear blade into that sand like that allows me to drag that dish this way now what i'll simply do is i'll just i leveled up my rear blade now i'll just turn around and kind of get not necessarily the crown but i'll dig some of this excess back up to fill in some of those holes but you can really make a nice crown when you angle that blade like that [Music] box blade versus land plane versus rear blade they all serve their purposes if you're going to be moving a lot of dirt from one position to another filling in a lot of holes and a little more versatility get a box blade if you're going to be doing a lot of gravel driveway maintenance or driveway maintenance or dirt road maintenance get a land plane if you're going to be pushing snow pulling snow cutting ditches consider a rear blade i actually had all three hooked up to the quick hitch but because of the video i wanted to swap them out very quickly whatever you choose to buy make sure you check out they got some great american-made products that i think you'll like and always use the discount codes below that'll help you save some money get some fast free shipping you guys take care god bless
Channel: Hamiltonville Farm
Views: 135,153
Rating: 4.868155 out of 5
Keywords: Which is better? Box Blade vs Rear Blade vs Land Plane, Branson tractors, branson, homestead implements, tractor, tools, homestead, small tractor, tractor attachments, farm tractor, small farm, farmstead, 3 point implements, agriculture tractor, hwihc is better? box blade vs rear blade vs land plane, boxblade, box scrape, rear blade, rear scrape, box blade with ripper shanks, box scrape with scarfiers, scarfiers, ripper shanks for box blade, land plane with scarfiers, landplane
Id: zGJdi71GEnc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 21sec (1041 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2020
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