Box Blade Tips & Tricks | Building Site Prep | LS Tractor

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[Music] welcome to tony's Treacher adventure welcome back to the channel we're over here at the farm and we're going to be doing some dirt work today we are getting ready to break ground for a new shop either a pole barn or shop however you want to look at it but we've really not decided it was not nailed down the plan yet but what we're going to do is go ahead and get the ground flattened out and get it prepped so we can kind of settle a little bit before we start working on the actual barn itself you guys come along for the ride the property has a slope going towards the back of the property and it also has the slope going towards the right of the property as you're looking towards the front of the property so what I'm going to do is cut into this and let make a level pad so I can build the future pole barn the restrictions I got or I have to be 50 feet from the road and also I have to be 10 feet from the property line so that's where we're going to put our marks and we're going to get this thing measured out [Music] you may or may not know that LS trasher come out with their own line of implements I was so impressed with a rotary cutter that you know the box blade seemed like a logical next choice we surely need it and we will see here why we need it so much what I couldn't tell it right here but it was about a hundred and four degree heat index I was not having as much fun as I normally would you can also see here that first pass but it didn't make much of a cut I got my rippers all the way down but I'm going to go ahead and here and change it to it's a little sharper angle and hopefully we'll get a little bit better cut I also took the loader here in and scraped a little bit of this grass all hoping I get my a a little bit better graph of this box plate I think we're heading in the right direction a box plate is not meant to make big cuts if you make deep cuts you'd be taking galleries out of the dirt we wouldn't be able to live it you box it also get full before you got any very useful this is about what I remembered I forgot the terminal form driver I reach down here and turn the four-wheel drive on and you can just tell the difference I didn't get the tires loaded because we were trying to control our ecologist at the beginning we're gonna get the entire luggage as soon as we can this tractors got a lot of power and it needs that extra weight after we got past the grass we really started cutting and you can hear it here I was running in mid-range just pulling I was cutting about an inch ever pass I started pulling all the topsoil down here and making me a pile at the end then I scooped it up but it was carried over to the corner of carpi we'll use it later you can get a lot of work done and not make it mess if you plant it all out I knew I wanted to have this topsoil off in one corner out of the way so you got to just cut as much as you need them as much as you can get piled up in one day don't try to cut all of it in one day and then you have a big mess sitting at the end it gets rained on and you got to clean that up I've got a time-lapse at the end of the video where you've seen this whole project happening in just a few seconds I'll shut up for a while now and let you guys watch I'm just trying to find the sweet spot for this cutter ever box blade has a little bit different angle that's his sweet spot this one has a shoe on each side this is the new LS mbb 3:07 - no but it's got a shoe on the front so it rides a little bit different than my old one which actually would cut a little different so what I'm going to do is go ahead and see if I can tilt this thing back just a little bit and make the cutter come out the dirt a little sharper angle I've got the the tines all the way down and it's moving dirt pretty good but I think I can do better [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this is what we got done today I put all the topsoil off to the back of the property over here or back of the yard and I've got a pretty good bit dug out we would have got quite a bit further but we stopped and talked to mr. Russell today about a whale we're gonna have to have a well dug and he stopped by and talk with us about the whale and that took up a little bit of time and then we took several breaks a day heat index today was 104 and we just had to go set in the shade a few times and could have got a lot further along if we started earlier but we wait it right till it God as hot as he could be that's before we could get out here I got me some new forms for work sabers and I'm still learning how to manipulate them maybe I still got a little bit of a learning curve ahead [Music]
Channel: Tony's Tractor Adventure Homestead
Views: 308,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: box blade, best made box blade, how to use a box blade, ls mt225e, box blades uses, mt240e, ls mt225e tractor, LS Tractor, mt225e, LS MT125, ls mt225, ls tractor reviews, box blades driveway, pole barn construction, LS Tractor Review, Subcompact Tractor, compact tractor, john deere 1025r, compact tractor mowing, gravel driveway repair, pole barn homes, 3 pt hitch, 3 point hitch attachments, how to, three point hitch attachments, Everything Attachments, tractor attachments
Id: nB54H8ad_5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 50sec (410 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2019
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