Man Built This Trap In His Backyard, And It’s Disgusting How Well It Works

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for many of us our homes are our safe places it protects us from many of the things outdoors but what if these uninvited guests still find themselves in your house i'm talking about pests and annoying insects who would want a mosquito buzzing near their ear when they're trying to fall asleep and certainly no one wants a bedbug infested house fortunately there are a few easy ways to get rid of these annoying pests if you have uninvited guests in your house from fire ant colony casting to fly backs here are 15 effective ways to get rid of all insects at home number 15 fire ant colony casting fire ants are known all around the world for their painful bites and nasty stings these dark reddish brown ants are not only harmful to humans but also to other insects and animals around them these insects are considered to be an invasive species found in the southern parts of the united states from maryland texas california and new mexico red ants usually build large mound nests that expand into irregular shapes under the ground usually between two and four square feet in size although these insects like to stay outdoors most of the time they could be nasty threats if they're too close to your house fire ants can easily turn a blissful afternoon outside into an itchy and painful experience if you ever get stung by a fire ant you'll feel immense pain which will immediately turn into itching and irritation it may not subside for a few hours or even a few days later if you're allergic to fire ants you might even die from anaphylaxis and so these guys right here thought of a way to get rid of the fire ants if they get too close for comfort these guys poured molten aluminum into a fire ant colony not just any fire ant particularly red imported fire ants which are incredibly harmful not only to humans and other animals but to the environment as well the cast they pulled out of the colony is a huge abstract aluminum cast that weighed about 17.9 pounds millions of fire ants are exterminated in the united states not only using this method but through various poison gasoline fire or boiling water i guess this is a pretty cool way to exterminate these ants you get rid of the pests and you get a cool art installation out of it neat before we go on like this video smash the subscribe button and click the notification bell right now number 14 pitfall traps just as this name suggests this next entry shows a smart and simple trap that uses a pitfall to catch insects you might think it sounds ineffective but just take a look at this video if you have a backyard and you want to catch the creepy crawlies in there then you can easily try this out first just dig a hole deep enough to fit a cup or a similar container in the hole now you just have to level the ground near the trap so insects can walk in and inevitably fall into the copper container simple you need to check the trap quite frequently though since it's a pretty simple trap although it can be limited for catching ground insects it can fit a lot of circumstances number 13 don't follow the light just take a look at this light trap located on mount mao sun in vietnam at first glance you wouldn't even imagine that it's a trap you might think that this is an art installation with butterflies moths and other flying insects propped on it but this is actually a light trap this is only one of the many types of traps to control flying insects they're quite harmless but they can be pretty annoying and disturbing if they're flying all around the place these black light and illuminated tarps are quite effective at drawing them in there's been a lot of discussion on why moths and other flying nocturnal insects are attracted to light and most people agree that they're not really attracted to lights instead their senses get overloaded and they get disoriented when they see a light trap although we can't really speak about insects in general after all they might have similar traits but they're still ultimately different most nocturnal insects fall for the light tarp trap though creating a tarp or white sheet trap is quite simple just hang a white cheap cotton sheet vertically over a clothesline or tied to trees just like a trap you also need weights at the bottom of the trap to keep it taut finally just have a bulb shine onto or in front of the white sheet you can even use flashlights or candles if you wish but if you have black lights or mercury vapor lights then they're more preferable open areas such as these fields and mountains are the best spots to set up these traps number 12. bed bug heat frenzy bed bugs are one of the worst insects you can find at home these insects are found all across the planet from north and south america to africa asia and even europe it's a common misconception that the existence of bedbugs signifies a dirty place however this isn't really true bed bugs are found even in beds of five star hotels and resorts and they usually inhabit places where people sleep hence their name these insects hide during the day and they're active during the night these insects may be small but they're known to be able to travel over a hundred feet in just one night but these little pests prefer to live within eight feet of your bed where they can easily reach you while you're sleeping they can't really spread any serious diseases but getting bit by them is pretty annoying they can cause annoying itching that persists all throughout the day and it can even cause you to lose sleep it's a different story if you're allergic to their bites these insects are good at hiding because of their slim and flat bodies that allow them to fit in the smallest of spaces these insects also don't starve and they survive even without a blood meal for long periods of time you might even unconsciously bring a bed bug to your house while you're traveling most people fail to realize that they brought an uninvited visitor with them from outside because they can be quite sneaky it can be tricky to get rid of them one effective way to deal with them though is through heat treatment in this video a bed infested with bed bugs is being heated through this machine now you'll probably ask how come the owners let the bed bugs increase up to this point not everyone has a reaction to bed bug bites so some people fail to notice that they're even under the bed sheets the homeowners only noticed the bed bugs when they changed the mattress cover at this point the bed bugs are exposed to 90 degrees fahrenheit but in a few more minutes the temperature will increase up to 118 degrees fahrenheit which is a heat so unbearable for them that all of them will die within 90 minutes of exposure number 11 yellow jacket trap yellow jackets are aggressive pests that are equipped with a very painful sting and bite some people might mistake them for honeybees and we all know that those insects are friends yellow jackets have a distinct pattern on their bodies and they also have a very distinct yellow and black color their colors are brighter than honeybees and they also have a thinner back these insects can be found in various places throughout north america these insects usually build their nests underground but they're not that picky they'll make their homes in hollow logs trees attics or even between the walls of your house since these guys don't lose their stinger one yellowjacket can attack you multiple times if you get too close to their nests this man had a problem with yellowjackets invading a hummingbird feeder in his backyard the solution just some apple juice sugar yeast baking soda and a plastic bottle his diy trap is quite easy just cut the bottle into two parts next mix apple juice water and sugar to attract them to kill the yellow jackets put it inside the bottle then place the other part of the bottle with the opening inside and voila it's a trap that doesn't use poison and doesn't harm the environment as you can see the trap is super effective and you can even add yeast to attract the yellow jackets faster once they get inside the bottle they fly straight into the sweet liquid and get trapped although take note that if you have honeybees around your backyard it's a good idea to use meat with water instead so as not to attract honeybees number 10 mosquito magnet trap most animals and insects on our planet have their own role in our ecosystem each of them balances the population of another creature but mosquitoes well one could say that we can live perfectly fine without them most people think that mosquito's existence is pointless and they're just annoying buzzers to humans and they're mostly right aside from itchy bites they also spread a lot of deadly diseases such as dengue zika chikungunya and malaria it's no wonder that a lot of people immediately want to get rid of them if they ever see one near their homes in this video a man gathered a huge chunk of mosquitoes using a single trap just take a look at that the mosquitoes he caught using this trap are kind of repulsive to look at not gonna lie he used a mosquito magnet trap to catch these mosquitoes this trap emits carbon dioxide heat and moisture that attracts mosquitoes and as you can see it's pretty effective number 9 fly trap the house fly is the most common fly found almost anywhere they can exist in and outside of your very own home they're found worldwide and people all around the world can testify how annoying they can be in certain circumstances these insects have short lifespans but they can reproduce quite quickly they really don't bite but they carry more than 100 different pathogens from salmonellosis to typhoid and tuberculosis they can also contaminate your food just by landing on it remember these insects feed on trash feces and other decaying substances they frequently defecate so it's a bad idea even if one fly touches your food in this video a man uses a simple fly trap using a coke bottle he cut the coke bottle into two separating the opening of the bottle from the rest of the container next he placed some meat inside the bottle and filled it with water he also drilled a tiny hole in the bottle cap and finally placed the other part of the bottle inverted once a fly gets attracted by the scent of the meat inside they'll dive into the water and because of the tiny opening they'll be unable to fly back outside this simple trick caught a lot of flies that might not be the entirety of their population but it's enough to catch house flies flying too close to your home number 8. stink bug trap stink bugs particularly the brown marmorated stink bug is considered a pest and an invasive species in the united states it was first discovered in allentown pennsylvania in the fall of 1996 and soon spread east to new jersey then virginia by 2004. today these bugs can be found in most states of the us these insects earn their name because they release a very nasty odor when they're disturbed or crushed it's perfectly understandable why people would immediately want to get rid of stink bugs as soon as they see the first sign of infestation in their homes a tech team created a homemade and inexpensive trap for stink bugs i'd even bet that most of the things you need for this trap are already in your home a turkey pan water dish soap and a lamp that's it all you gotta do is fill the turkey pan with some water and dish soap then point the lamp towards it leave the trap overnight and the next morning you'll see a lot of stink bugs trapped or dead in the soapy water number seven killing flies i already told you about houseflies and in this next entry you'll see another foolproof yet simple trap you just need a bottle some water plastic and any fishing bait place your bait like shrimp or a piece of fish inside the container then fill the bottle with water more than halfway this way the annoying flies will get their wings wet once they get inside and they won't be able to flap their wings to fly back out next just pour some syrup inside the bottle and incorporate it with the water finally remove the safety band around the bottle opening then put a ziploc bag with one tiny hole at the corner you just need to create a makeshift funnel so that the flies won't be able to get out once they're inside the trap and that's it just leave this trap in the problematic area and you'll surely catch some annoying flies in no time number 6. giant wasp nest removal wasps generally have a bad wrap and honestly who wouldn't be scared or annoyed by insects that can easily sting you but despite their occasional aggression they do play a role in our ecosystem just like honeybees you can easily avoid wasps outdoors but what if the wasps created their nest right in front of your house or worse inside your house well they may be under-appreciated insects but they can be considered pests if they invade your home in this video a huge wasp nest is getting removed because it's literally propped right outside of a homeowner's window just take a look at this huge nest you might be wondering why do wasps build their nest near human settlements in the first place you might also be wondering just why wasps are attracted to our homes it's quite simple they want the ideal location for their nests and they want to live as comfortably as they can that's why they see your porch ceilings and overhangs as ideal nesting places thankfully a lot of people can easily take on the job of removing the nests just a scraper liquid with dish soap some nasty bug spray and the wasps are gone number 5. simple cockroach trap many of us consider cockroaches as the most icky and disgusting creatures while it's quite understandable the feeling of these insects crawling on your body is enough to make anyone shiver and disgust it's quite hard to kill them because they're pretty adaptable and hardcore creatures a cockroach can still live even after their head is cut off its body can still continue to operate separately from its head but it'll eventually die because without a head they can't eat or drink but if you're dealing with a lot of cockroaches in your house you can use the easy and simple trap this man used to get rid of the cockroaches crawling around his house he used an old jar then put vaseline in the jar's interior as well as the jar's opening next he put some peanut butter and dried dog food inside the jar then waited in just a few hours he caught more than 10 cockroaches inside the jar the cockroaches first get attracted by the delectable scent of peanut butter and once they crawl into the jar they realize all too late that they couldn't get back up number 4. horsefly trap horseflies are blood-sucking insects that usually feed on cattle horses and occasionally even humans they're found in both suburban and rural areas near bodies of water but they're usually more problematic in farms where their favorite snack exists these creatures are usually gray or black and they can grow up to 30 millimeters long just like common house flies it's extremely hard to catch these fellas but you can't let them be because their bites are pretty nasty they can also reduce milk production from dairy and beef cattle and they can also disturb the poor mammals while they're grazing allergic reactions from their bites are also possible fortunately one smart fella built this trap in his backyard and it's disgusting how well it works as horse owners they frequently find horseflies problematic but this horsefly trap worked like a charm the structure and materials of the trap are pretty simple you just need some door hinges plexiglass wood and you're good to go first they built a simple box out of wood then laid a plastic trash bag on top next add some soap and water then place the plexiglass on top at a 45 degree angle this trap is actually quite simple as the flies buzz and fly above the trap they'll inevitably hit the plexiglass and fall into the soapy water with no chance of flying again and as you can see here it worked wonders number three snake trap perhaps not a lot of people are dealing with snakes near their homes but this guy right here created one of the most innovative ways to catch a snake using a bamboo trap he used a tube of bamboo then created a mechanism that pierces the inside of the tube when a creature crawls inside pretty neat trick but perhaps not the most humane it gets the job done though and after putting up several of these traps you'll surely catch the terrifying snakes slithering around your house number 2. bucket mouse trap while most people keep rodents as pets certain rats and mice do more harm than good they can do a lot of damage from food to furniture and they also carry some pretty nasty diseases this man was tired of the mouse crawling around his house so he created a pretty simple mousetrap first he used a pail and a tilting lever using a cardboard box he created this platform then hot glued a stone on the other side on top of the platform he hot glued some nuts and some other hard food to act as bait he put the lever on top of the pail and done if a mouse walks on top of the platform to eat the snacks the cardboard box will tip down causing the mouse to fall inside the pail if you dislike using poison for rats and mice then perhaps this is the most effective way for you to catch them number one fly bags we've already established how annoying flies can get so if you've ever seen a bag of water with a penny inside hanging outside of a house then here's the explanation behind it if you're not a fan of loose change then you can use this trap to get rid of some spare coins and flies hanging around your house the results of this trap are quite debatable though some people claim that it doesn't work while some people swear by this method the explanation is pretty simple flies get disoriented by rapid light change so if they encounter a light ray by these water bags with pennies or foils they'll quickly scatter away what do you think of these innovative yet simple tricks do you have your very own trick to easily get rid of pests up your sleeve share your thoughts and opinions in the comments down below also check out our other cool stuff showing up on the screen right now and i'll see you in the next video take care everybody
Channel: Top Generality
Views: 915,300
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: top generality, list, life hacks, man built this trap, mosquito trap
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 56sec (1076 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 29 2022
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