Get rid of flies, mosquitoes, and other bugs

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having the beautiful lawn is a dream of many homeowners but what's the point of having a nice lawn you can't enjoy it if you have bugs I'm gonna show you how to get rid of them stay tuned hi everyone Rob the average lawn guy thanks for tuning in so in today's video I'm gonna show you exactly how I treat the bugs you see having a lawn is one thing but if you're out having a barbecue and you're being swarmed by flies and different types of bugs it is really annoying and you can't really enjoy your backyard these products you see right here is really all you need to really treat the bugs this is by no means the only way to treat for bugs but this is how I do it and I wanted to share with you first off understand bug control requires different types of treatment and it's a battle on different fronts and you have to treat it accordingly with these types of products I'm gonna start with the granular type product the granular form of bug control is what you need to put on your lawn it's gonna prevent a lot of different problems from happening and it's gonna prevent different bugs from making your lawn home by applying the granular treatment you're gonna reduce or eliminate most of the types of crawling bugs that's on your lawn typically the main ones I'm concerned about is ants possibly cockroaches and also by applying the granular bug control every two to three months you're gonna reduce the chances of having grubs on your lawn you know grub damage can be a problem if it's left unchecked but by doing the granular treatment you're gonna reduce the issue of grubs now with granular treatments you want to go at the heavy rate you want to make sure you're able to get the granules up on your foundation and on your lawn this will give you the total protection you need from crawling bugs it's really nothing to it just follow the bag rate remember go at the highest rate the highest rate is what you need to prevent any issues with most bugs next up is the whole Zen sprayers there's different types of whole Zen sprayers I'm never gonna push any type of particular product on you you choose what you want and what works best for you but I find the products of seven and bug begone are good at treating mosquitoes and flies and also many different flying insects for me the most important issue I have is flies in the backyard especially when you're barbecuing there's nothing worse when you have a bunch of food laying out and you have flies just swarming all over your food this is especially true for where I am in Georgia so the seven product and the bug begone will reduce the problems you may have with flies it's also good for mosquitoes and different types of flying insects now if you choose to use a tri other side and the cutter backyard control those are good products but they're not gonna work as well on flies they will definitely get rid of mosquitoes so consider using these products if you have a mosquito issue but if you have a mosquito and fly issue I would go with the seven or the bug begone now with the liquid hose end products what I normally do is spray the backwoods in my backyard I have a wood line fence and I typically spray the hose and spray is in the woods I also spray the fence I spray the entire fence up and down because offense is porous I typically apply this hose end product on my fence and this will reduce the number of flies landing on your fence will also reduce the chances of Hornets making a home on your fence you've seen the issue of Hornets when left unchecked they typically like to hide or set up home right under the fence post or anywhere along a fence so by spraying the fence itself you're gonna reduce an open invitation to any bugs so besides the woods in the fence I also spray on the foundation going about five to eight feet up and I also spray the patio by spraying the patio you're gonna reduce the chances of any crawling insects entering your home just remember the best time to spray is usually early mornings or late in the evening you don't want to spray in the middle of that this is when typically the mosquitos are out and you can catch them more easily they'll also protect the bee population now finally what I do is use the fly traps I would set up the fly traps after I spray the entire backwoods but the fly traps are set up away from the home as far away as possible only because it produces a smell which is desirable to Flies but it's very awful to humans so set it up away from your home you can set it up on the end tip of a fence or you can set up on the tree branch I typically use a tree branch that's away from the home so in this video right here this flytrap has been up for two days and you can see it's already done its job it's gotten a few flies what I normally do is swap these out about every two weeks to every month depending on how much liquid is there once this starts to run dry this is when I change it out if I know I'm gonna have a gathering ahead of time what I do is use the cutter spray a few hours before I would take the cutter spray and spray the entire patio this will give you a good protection for about 8 to 12 hours so you spray this all over before a gathering so this way you can enjoy your barbecue and your patio when you have guests over so bug control is very easy to do it's just a matter of choosing the products but it's most easiest for you to use and apply it remember read the labels and prevent any pets or kids from entering the area until the product is dried now I think you'll find this bug video useful right here it gets more in detail on how to control bugs and you can also watch this video right here on lawn bug control so I hope you found this video useful stay tuned for more videos with that thanks for watching take care [Music]
Channel: The Average Lawn Guy
Views: 89,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: get rid of flies, get rid of mosquitoes, how to get rid of mosquitoes, how to get rid of flies, bug control, mosquito control, keep mosquitoes away, how to keep mosquitoes away, flies, mosquito, bugs, how to kill bugs in your yard, how to kill bugs in yard, how to kill bugs in your grass, get rid of flies in backyard, The average lawn guy
Id: imuhHHEXB20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 7sec (367 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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