How to kill Lawn Pest plus how to get rid of Fire Ants

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okay you're next welcome back to Bermuda grass central dyd hey a lot of you guys are asking PYT how do I get those insects out of my famiry lon do you ID how do I get them out of my long period doesn't have to be commuter grass it can be any grass and can you do it without making a 20 minute video stay tuned you are watching the new to Grand Central changing the world one yard at a time - xby D is aiming for a 10 minute video so it may seem a little rush but you guys requested it no more 20 minute videos well I'm not gonna say no more but not this one all right guys look first thing we got to do and by before I even start listen you know I love structure side products spectra side is not a sponsor BYD I use the products because I believe in them and they are affordable for the home owner right you pro landscapers you may go out and get buy other kind of chemicals but for the average homeowner you need something that you can go in the store get and you can afford alright so check it out basically what I'm doing I'm gonna treat this and by the way make sure you get some gloves before you start having handling those chemicals we're gonna treat this I still having that ryegrass issue you can see grass still coming along great the back we actually wanna head did because we had a little function going on this weekend so I went ahead and took care of that part back there that was already treated with the chemicals to kill the bug guys and as we come around the house we'll also gonna treat this side right here with the respective side insect control alright so let's just go ahead and get started look this is going to be a one two three four part step all right this is one of the best ways you could prevent the bugs from coming in your house and around your house and out on your lawn I you know you can get lawn damaged from all kinds of insects grubs crane flies ants fire ants mole crickets it's a million-in-one bugs all right but we're gonna use a basic formula that's gonna cover pretty much the major bugs that's in your yard now guys you'll don't sit here and try to find out exactly every bug that's in your lawn and then you're trying to find a product for it the best way is most of these manufacturers have what you need in it treat your lawn then worry about that later but generally when you hit it with this stuff right here you're getting rid of insects now I do get that question byd will this kill earthworms I've read stuff that says it does I read stuff that said it doesn't now when I use it in the past when I hit it with some Milo even I switched over to purely organic my little brain worms every time I put that stuff down I get worms in my yard so that question is debatable but if you're concerned about it you may want to deep dive into spectra side that calm and maybe that have an answer for you but listen the first thing we're gonna start with step 1 spray the perimeter the border of your house this was inside and outside we're just gonna worry about it outside now spray that on the outside and I'll just give you a little glimpse then we'll hit it with a mound destroy you if you have mouths your lawn that works great and I have a awesome video that you can click on I'm not gonna show you the necessarily how to do it but I have a video that me and BYD jr. did a while back and it works good and this you apply this all over the lawn just like fertilizer that right there you can spray this as a protective barrier or around your house to help reinforce what you've done right here alright so we're gonna go ahead get started I'm gonna show you how to use this okay you are fanatics before before I start let me go ahead and show you what i'm using i'm using the easy spray now the easy spray has a trigger on it that's battery-operated I don't know if you got to see that doing this by myself but basically you just put it on either stream or a wide spray squeeze the trigger and you'll see it come out like that alright first thing we need to do let's go ahead and treat the boarder windows these cracks right here all right anyway all the way around braving the cracks spray it down at the border you know you probably can't see it but you spray down there guys make sure you wear masks when you're doing this I don't have one on right now because I'm filming by myself but you can't see all the way up there but just like spraying the border of your house right there see I got two easy three jump ring it down and guys you basically people all the way around your house and you do your border like that all right all the way down do the border any place that you think bugs will get in alright that's step one step two basically all we're gonna do is cut that open pour it in there know your square footage this one bag treats up to let me show you real quick three sup twelve thousand five hundred square feet I will tell you this when you're spreading this stuff you're gonna want it to come out like fertilizer and you basically see it everywhere but it doesn't take much spread it according to the manufacturer's square footage right 12,500 square foot if you go over it's not gonna hurt so in other words if I do ten thousand square feet with twelve five still gonna get a good put down all right read the directions before you apply it and you understand what I'm talking about but basically let me show you how to go ahead and plat first gotta cut open let's see it's it's not like fertilizer and it's real big anything like that I'll show you what I'm talking about see I poured that in there and it really didn't even fill it up but that's what it looks like next step is to go ahead and apply to the lawn just like we are applying fertilizer fertilizer savings are on the bag but if you don't have that fertilizer you're gonna have to excuse me let her have to calibrate your spreader all right I have awesome video for that you can click on that and you can learn how to calibrate your spreader but let's go ahead and plot them all [Music] [Music] the to be stripped if you have a Scot whiz that works just as good like I said do it from the outside to the inside and you see how nicely pressure-washed my curved sidewalk my driveway is compared to everybody else click on that link above to see about that the Simpson 3200 PSI 2.5 gallons per minute pressure washing all right guys look same thing here just take it do now you don't have a whizz I will show you another way of doing it that's why my pressure washer was sitting on the grass and the exhaust burner all right and you just go all the way down and do these trip like that all right des partisan this is actually step three of the process alright and like I said this is not a process that the Spector side came up with it's something that I came up with and I don't have any bugs I'm just gonna be real with you once I apply this once I start seeing activity it's a whole process I don't see any bugs for at least three months all right really longer than it but let me show you this real quick all right I'm gonna sit this down I'm not gonna do a video on this because I've already done one I want you to click on that link guys watch that video in its entirety so you can truly understand how this product works but basically we create a barrier around it then we sprinkle stuff on it water it in and watch him die all right Jill you get a burst ants trying to run up out of it then it'll subside and the reason we won't hit and did the entire yard because we what I'm trying to do is find those mounds but once you treat the whole entire yard then you hit the mound and you water that stuff in they have a hard time escaping that's part three of the process click on the link and you'll see alright let's go to stuff this is the last step step four and what you're seeing here this is an incident all right I use this in another video and I'll link to it and you can watch that video is basically showing you how to maintain your Bermuda lawn but I use this on the lawn all right but what we're going to do today I bought this one it was on sale for five bucks all right you actually get more it's cheaper excuse me cheaper than this so we're gonna pour this over into this and we're gonna treat some areas and I want you to see where I'm spraying alright this is how you get total protection from these insects out of your lawn okay y'all for next basically I'm gonna just take this knife cut that seal open all right try to balance this and just pour it in here fanatics look this is one of the areas that I want to spray for both now yo neighbor's lawn is next to it I'm going to show you another trick on the other side but areas like this pine straw being close to the house you want to go ahead and treat those see the little small area I got right there okay and I was asked if I spray this on my hedges will it hurt in the past I've done it but normally when I do do that I water it in so I rinse it off the leaves you may get something still stay on there but that stuff works for us keeping Mike's crickets and all kinds of stuff off your hedges and bushes all right so let me go ahead and show you how look one of the things I don't like is they don't list the square footage on the front if my memory serves me right I think this cover is about 50 100 square feet if you get that concentrated bottle they say you get 25% more so I think you can cover if my math is right fifty nine hundred square feet something like that maybe six 6061 somewhere in there all right but listen this actually kills a tad bit more insects 260 verses that bag all right so if you really want to get down to it you could spray you a whole yard with this and get more insect kill all right so let me show you how I use this same way with the one that's closer to the house let's say I spray everything never had an issue with it killing anything some guys asked me once your plants take up that chemicals like fertilizer I have no idea why your bushes don't do that you know I had no idea but listen you go ahead and treat that area like I said I'm not the rocket scientist just showing you some tips you don't like these tips you get off the challenge all right you just spray that down real good guys remember we got to bury against the house and then we spraying the vietze make sure we get those in six like I said this one is actually better than the granular all right another thing I do guys I want my property you know I treated the barrier with that other one we create another barrier that's hitting the lawn and the look there that wall so when those books start to try to run that way they won't make it all right same way with my wooded area I know it's bouncing around cuz I'm not using that gimble dyd nowhere to be found BYD jr. that is spray your wooded area to that all right yes that's how you protect you'll feel very you can walk your whole property line get it all the way around like that all right one of the things I want to show you that this hose is cheap so right round here it's leaking water now no chemicals are back flowing out of it but sometimes you have a cheap hose and you'll get a leak right there so try to make sure you got a good hold guys it's the same thing I'm saying part of crushed our neighbors is to spray it's the sprayed and the property line guys and what that does is create create another barrier to keep their bugs from penetrating over to your property now you label me all the sudden get in towns let them right in their lawn but you know just part of all right and now that we sprayed that you remember when I was talking about the Wiz if you don't have one if you got the liquid you can use it to do the strip also check it out we got this little area right here also someone's go ahead okay you're fanatics and that's it that's it basically I showed you how to do your outside border and like I said that's step one you can use it on the inside and outside the indoor outdoor product you spray the border then we came and put a granular fertilizer all over the lawn all right my next step we actually did the are my own see step three about the hand mouse click on that video and you'll see men PYD junior having a good time taking out a hand now alright the next step we actually came and we treat it deep the porter now like I said I did the border all the way around alright the areas that I have pine straw in if you saw us do that you treated that for bugs also the one is closer to the house this side that also goes right there through the dead area hey guys your next step regular with the Wii is Scott's way is to do the strip all right and on the other side we used liquid all right did you see me do crushed that neighbor probably he's free the property hours from your last of that - just water it in okay y'all fanatics and that's basically it that's how you get total protection on your lawn as a homeowner you don't have to worry about those mole crickets crane flies you know sometimes when you step on the grass and all those bugs come flying about a little malls that's gonna eliminate a lot of that stuff right there and that's gonna cure a lot of the issues the 20 or 30 percent issues that you're having with your lawn for your lawn getting aid up by side ones these insects sometimes eat the roots they sometimes eat the top plant you'll get moles sometimes because the moles are actually digging looking for grubs so if you can get rid of the grubs more than likely you can get rid of the moles that way because they're only gonna stay if food is around it's just that simple so guys now you know how to totally protect your lawn from insects guys remember one thing you are towing the tip amigo grass centrally with BYD this is my home and I'll talk to you soon yeah I tried to keep it under 10 minutes but that's not be white you
Channel: Bermuda Grass Central 🌱
Views: 75,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to kill lawn pest, best way to get rid of bugs, best way to get rid of bugs in lawn, lawn insect control, spectracide triazicide insect killer, spectracide triazicide insect killer for lawns, do insects destroy lawn, how to get rid of fire ants, what is a good insect killer, what is a good insect killer for lawns, lawn pesticides, when to apply lawn pest control, How to get rid of bugs in Bermudagrass, bermudagrass central, Michael Bowman, b y d bermudagrass central
Id: 7HHMo14hJMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 7sec (1147 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2019
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