Do these deserve an interview? (REAL Web Developer Portfolio Reviews) #grindreel

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[Music] I just really just really dig that song it's like super catchy it's like is it is it qualified as like making it in life when you get to like play with your dogs for a living I guess technically it's part of my job I spent way too long on the intro of that video but I had a good time doing it today we're doing portfolio review videos finally it's been a while since I've done some but we're doing it with like kind of a twist on it so me and my friend Sherm he has his own YouTube channel called do to code he's currently going through the Flatiron boot camp you can go check out his channel for that and we've done a video before where he gave his thoughts on the boot camp the reason why we're doing it together is because two pairs of eyes is better than one he saw some things that I overlooked and I saw some things that he overlooked and so you kind of get two different opinions two different perspectives on it there's also another twist so at the end of each portfolio review I will basically say when I interview you based on this because I've interviewed a few people and look at their portfolios and I you know it's better than just saying hey fix this fix this move this move that it's like would this get you anywhere in an interview and would I give you a thumbs-up thumbs-down yes no maybe you guys like this twist maybe you don't I got some courses coming out soon they're on my website grind real Academy we're going to be doing how to make a portfolio how to do resumes and cover letters how to apply to jobs how to make an e-commerce website how to build your brand etc anyways grind rail Academy that's my site if you want a resume and cover letter you can go to Grindr comm as always okay so let's jump into this so we're gonna get Carson's here we have an about what a picture the picture I think it's a little too big I think it's taken up too much space I think honestly you could remove your resume and your picture from this page and you could just leave the download resume as a button on the top and then instead make this homepage be your programming page so one of the things I noticed on this programming page is that you have a few videos here with no audio and the thing with including a video to show me an overview of your project is that I need time stamps to know when you're going to show me specific features of these projects and so this description here would need like some bullet points like at 30 seconds showcasing this 60-seconds showcasing this or audio on the video or text on the video but ideally I'd want to be able to see the features firstly and then be able to grow up to that section in the video so I play it and I click to like 18 then I know what I'm looking at because I've already seen what's gonna be displayed there from your instructions if an employer is going and looking on this page the chances of them watching a video if the title of the project isn't mind-blowing anyway is pretty low because they're looking through so many people's pages they don't have a lot of time to dedicate to one one website you know if McCoy it looks at a resume there and whip them a couple things right off the bat in the first five seconds they're gonna know if they're gonna keep there's a couple things I noticed you have links on the left and right that are very very very light grey and I'd almost like I kind of saw them so I get that these like snap to your projects or the different sections and then the other ones snap to the individual projects which is a cool idea it'd be cool if you had a smooth scroll for the last three projects that you have that doesn't actually go anywhere because you already at the bottom of the screen are you seeing the triple zero webhost at the bottom and powered by looks like you paid for the domain and triples your web host is free web hosting unless you pay and it looks like you did so I'm not sure why you have shows or web host I maybe look into removing that I'm not quite sure what the point of this page is because I can't click and see any of these all I see is you have 3d modeling logo art and poster arts they look at school like the posters in the background they look pretty cool I'd like to see them but you've not given me an option to do that if you're not gonna let me see your Behance page which you should have if you don't or your dribble page which you should have I don't think that you should include this page on your portfolio and if you do decide to let people kind of expand on these different graphic design pieces I would change it from a slider I would probably make this a to a grid showcase maybe give it like cards that you can click on oh it also indicate the technology that you're using for these did you build this in sketch did you do like XD for the 3d modeling this blender is this Maya what are you doing with that so Carson your portfolio I would probably bring you in for an interview because I like that you have so many projects and they're very in-depth it's just the weird part at the end there when I want to see the technologies and the projects that you're including in terms of like your graphic design what you're doing for 3d modeling what were the use case is behind that like I'm gonna ask you about those in the interview but I'm really interested in those projects that the ones that you're showcasing in video that don't have audio I'd want to know about that so be prepared for that remove that entire front page but yes Carson I would definitely bring you in for an interview just be prepared to clarify a lot all right next up we got Joseph Stanfield full psych web developer I know for a fact that this is HTML 5 up so let's look at if we got projects these images in the modal that pop up are a little bit skewed and then bootstrap in JavaScript specifically I can't read the text because the background is very dark be cool if I could see your github so you have a fit metrics link and that goes to the actual hosted project but right next to it I need like a github link so I see the code the film metrics the film metrics one is isn't bad still though it's pretty simple overall I mean you need to have have these three projects on here when I go to the about me modal I'm not super sure if you need this much detail it's good that you're a family man 100% that is awesome I just think that when you put in about me when someone says tell me about yourself they don't actually mean your personal history they only want to know your professional history like where you've moved up from so if you work retail how you got the code I took that story only not about how many kids you have not about family not about any of that just about professional career progression yeah I agree I think including a personal bit isn't bad as long as you have that variation they are like maybe even split these into do cup two columns be like professional life and personal life one thing I would save the contact page here looks good you have Instagram Facebook Linkedin remove Instagram Facebook and then if I go to your resume you pop up a modal that says hey look at my resume hosted here I shouldn't have to click twice when I click resume should just take me directly there I shouldn't need an extra click for that so in order to find your github I actually have to go to the about and click the link at the bottom or I have to click contact and then click github but I wouldn't really know where to find it so maybe consider adding get up somewhere on here yeah I think something is maybe a little white github icon along with even your like LinkedIn I can't under the navigation bar there are the projects about contact resume directly under there Joseph your portfolio you have two projects right now one project is a lambda notes app which everyone in lambda school does that does the web development track you're going to need to differentiate yourself I know that that's part of the lam school track employers might not know it but because I know it you only have one project in my eyes and I'm gonna need to see more evidence of what you can do so I might give you a call I might put you on file but I'm not sure if I would bring you in for the interview but I know you're in the middle of lambda right now so it's not that big of a deal I'm sure over time you know portfolio will expand those projects will expand the actual portfolio itself is not bad you need to refactor your about Me section you need to and make it a lot easier for me to find your github and your Linkedin and then eliminate that extra click for me getting to your resume okay I'm not trying to be like I'm trying to be a douche I'm just trying to be real one thing I immediately noticed on this blue fire animation website is that I'm on a 1440 monitor and this is what happens when your background doesn't scale if I scroll into 125 percent then it starts to look more normal but if I reset this to my native monitor resolution it this background doesn't stretch it's on a vertical axis repeat I kind of like the feel of the site overall actually it reminds me of maybe like a 2006-2007 web site maybe even earlier I don't know it was intended to be that way it's very dark so the background stark and you have dark blue like it's just a little bit hard to read I would maybe add a frosted glass effect to this little bulleted background that you have here and that would kind of brighten everything up a frosted glass like with a white hue I would be careful with these motion graphics animations that you have on your Patriot clearly because it's gonna slow down your page unload yeah banners doesn't load it all on iPad it's like sort of responsive ish a little I don't think this was designed with mobile in mind no no doubt about the skills here in terms of actual design yeah the content was definitely good and click on the even the banners tab having all those load I think I'm on a fast connection but if I wasn't that would I would take a while we can run an audit on this okay so performance got a 66 progressive web app got a for accessibility 56 best practices 80 SEO 78 pretty good so the fur off screen images could save you 19 point three six seconds there's a lot of optimizations we could do here so if you were to try to load this specific page on 3G it would take you 22 seconds before it would become interactive content is great the way that you are delivering this content needs some optimizations big time you could be selling yourself a little bit short here by the way you present your talent alright blue fire animations I'm I'm a little split I really like what you can do I like your designs I like your products like your banners I like everything that you can do but this portfolio is just like really it's just really holding you back like the fact that your background doesn't scale it doesn't stretch for different monitors and your designer seems kind of like what's going on what's going on here and then you're loading all these large gifts and images that's not mobile friendly at all so if someone pulls up your page they're on mobile data and like it's going to take forever for them and you're taking up a lot of their data for that so for that reason for a web developer I'd be like you know what is going on here but for like designers I would figure out a way to optimize this specifically for mobile or have links to your Behance or dribble and I don't know why I couldn't find any of that on there but I think that's what you're missing I'd probably bring you in for an interview but I would probably roast you on the audit that we did and these basic design things in terms of a website why you didn't account for that but your actual products top notch I like this animation on page load yeah I like to mix it oh there's a hole there's a lot going on I might need to run an audit on this purely because of page load time there it would be cool if that was sticky as you scroll down that stayed up there okay so we have a menu that takes you to the top just from a design fundamental so if you scroll all the way to the top drill down and I pin it it kind of moves you into that first section with met web and mobile projects having a thin navbar separating two background images just always looks awkward by the way around that I like the web and mobile projects got a lot of Aquaman going on I'm a fan I don't know what this does though mobile projects what can I do for me Froyo oh so this is just a design yeah that would be cool if I could see the code or the Behance or the dribble behind us you have a dissertation I'm not sure what this has to do with anything yeah I don't I can't really tell I just I would just take this off doesn't seem relevant at all or if you want like a personal section once again kind of make it not the prominent portion of the site this is the biggest portion of the site is your dissertation yeah I'm not sure what you're showing here when your main skills up front our web and mobile and then you have a dissertation I'm not gonna knock your dissertation and say that wasn't like hard and I'm sure you spend a lot of time on it but relative to your current skill set that you're trying to find a job in unrelated take it all off take the pictures off take the team picture just remove this entire section one other thing I kind of had an issue with was the font color of things I design design tools languages I use in dev tools it's dark text on a dark background yeah and then even if you scroll down to work experience the the kind of light gray paragraph font color you have there doesn't mesh well and then if I scroll down even more there's a picture of you which I would remove in general and then it says the dev I think that's you could just call you you know just have a picture of you and your name it's weird when you talk about yourself in third person yeah and then obviously when I scroll down to the bottom there's a phone number two emails a contact form you have a map of like where you're located bro take that off like I mean it's like a little section of the city but like you can just Christian I really like what you're doing here I like the top half like the the onload your your name kind of like fades in with the LinkedIn button in the top left like that was all super cool and then you have this weird section about a dissertation and then you have your website projects that you've done but it's just an image gallery I can't access your code I can't see what it does and there's no description on what it does and when I scroll down I just see more pictures of you and what you're doing and it's just kind of like what is what is going on here though at this point without more detail of what you can do unless your cover letter or your resume really like mix that up in detail based off this portfolio I probably wouldn't call you to bring you in because I'd be like this is cool but what is this but I'm not going to spend the time to message you that that's your job up front to do that it's you get four seconds of my time it's your job to put everything front and center to where I can get it immediately but more clicks you make the more time you waste the less I want to bring you in for an interview pretty much hey there fellow human please change that to just be the sentence after that kidding aside the portfolio is not really the place to joke around it's more of just like hey this is what I can make this is the value I can bring your company this is how I'm gonna make you more money look at things that I've made that could possibly make money on their own I can help you turn your million-dollar idea into a web application XD is that supposed to be like like an emoji because right after that you say but seriously so I'm assuming you're like using an emoji with text don't don't do that that's bad the actual design of your logo and stuff it looks good but this text here is a lock remove emojis from your text I think I see what you were trying to do making the introduction like a little different or maybe other sites I would just I would stray away from that not all employers are gonna want to see that everything below perfect list of skills looks good oh and then as I scroll down more projects load in oh that's nice and then yeah even when you go back up it Scrolls in when you go up and down this is good animations are good normally not a huge fan of animations because I think they take away more than they add but this adds it's like purposely directs your eye to whatever it is so you made a boilerplate for people down it's cool that you're trying to provide packages for people I can admire that like you're trying to you're actually you know making end products that you want people to use cool you have a bunch of lorem ipsum text like it looks real but I would have thought use this for a client until I saw your lorem text also when I click on your resume button at the bottom right it takes me your resume you have your phone number there any other picture there remove your picture remove your phone number download the footer of the website and take away the Twitter link absolutely take away the Twitter link I like your design I like the overall aesthetic of your website when it loads and I like your icons and I like how you used animations and in this particular case they add to the experience where they direct your eye down the page for what projects you're trying to show me however there were some projects on there that don't even load and there were some projects that still have lorem ipsum and now to mention when you got to talk about using emojis that's not the time to kind of like joke around I think if you want to joke around and like be a dev like do it on slack when you're like trolling your co-workers but by then you already have the job so it's not that big of a deal and whatever you do show that better be your best stuff in a better work when I click it otherwise just taken off alright guys that's it that is the portfolio reviews again I'm not trying to be a jerk when I was like giving the recap of each project I wasn't trying to be mean to anyone you guys are all brave enough to send it in to the YouTube channel to where we can review it two sets of eyes showcasing everyone else what you're wanting to improve where you're at like so and I appreciate each and every one of you guys but I want you guys to have like realistic expectations and if I were hiring this is what I would look for and you know some of you are just working through it some of you are there and then some of you have like some you know you guys saw the video right but like I'm not trying to be mean I'm just trying to be real and honest and just tell you guys how it is because I want you all to succeed anyways if you enjoyed the video if you enjoyed the dog b-roll at the beginning hit the thumbs up hit the subscribe button leave me comment let me know what you think hop in the discord someone made me see a nose I don't know who did it but you either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the meme I'll see you guys in the next video [Music]
Channel: Joshua Fluke
Views: 122,479
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: joshua fluke, code bootcamp, javascript, how to code, web development, brand, developer interview, developer jobs, developer portfolio review, developer portfolio website examples, how to build a web developer portfolio, reactjs, web design, php, ruby, reactjs tutorial, html, css3, web developer interview
Id: xLxm9RP1GbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 57sec (1077 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 19 2019
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