Portfolio So Good I Hired Him | Web Developer Portfolio Review

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you already know your boy joe back at it again codingphase.com today i got something special for you guys man i'm gonna show you guys a portfolio that is simple but yet effective okay so uh basically i received this portfolio from one of our subscribers here on codingphase the youtube channel his name is ram maheshwari okay right manchuri hopefully i'm not killing your name ram okay uh he basically sent us his portfolio um and told us hey joe can you review my portfolio uh from what he has told me in previous conversations through comment sections and through you know uh the live chat is that you know he's applying to jobs but you know he still hasn't found the right one yet uh nobody has really given him the opportunity but i believe this guy got it okay and i think his portfolio is so good that i decided to give him a job okay and hire him for my company 87 lux okay and yeah man i'm gonna show you guys uh his portfolio right now okay by the way guys if you are watching this we are live okay so if i sneeze or anything like that i have like really bad allergies right now i've been just sniffling all over the place so i do apologize okay maybe on the replay out if i do sneeze or something like that i'll try to cut it out uh but this is live okay um but let's get into it all right so right here we got the portfolio uh this portfolio again is by ram mahashwari uh it says hello there i am raymanshwari i am a web developer and it shows you hey scroll down okay he has his latest projects and more about him okay it's a nice clean layout a very nice design nothing too crazy but it's a very effective portfolio okay the typography is very clean animations pop up very nicely okay says about personal info uh get to know more about me hello my name is i'm a passionate friend of uh front and web developer using web technologies to build amazing products and focusing on solving problems for different niches in different industries using the power technology that's it simple a simple bio about this individual i would love to hear from you whether it's a project job opportunity just chat feel free to contact me he in here he putting skills html css javascript sas react gate he kept it simple okay there wasn't no level 100 html level 2000 css level 3000 javascript 99 on javascript 99 or react i hate seeing that because at the end of the day if you are a junior developer and you're still trying to look for a job putting those things puts like a lot of pressure and high expectations okay if you're putting 100 on react that means you got to be a master of react the guys that even work on react not even them go and put that they know 100 of react okay trust me um works okay this is the projects latest projects here you can find some other projects that i can that i created recently okay he has youtube uter uh wilson port he also has uh borrel coffee clone crown template okay very nice and then here says contact say hello submit the form below and get uh back to you as soon as possible okay got his information in there etc all right now let's look at the projects okay so i'm gonna be honest with you the portfolio is a simple portfolio it's nothing crazy no crazy animations the design itself is nothing crazy but it's very straightforward and it's simple but it has a lot of details like even from the typography the spacing right everything works how it's supposed to you come in here put this mobile it works nice it looks good okay let me see if i could make this a little bit bigger for you guys so you guys can see it like there's nothing about this portfolio that i can complain okay nothing here i will say oh i don't like this i don't like that or this is broken another thing that you if you guys notice right when we refresh his page his website loads right away okay his website loads right away what does that tell us he's actually either paying for hosting or using a service like netlify to host his website uh one of the worst things that you can do for your portfolio is have a portfolio that takes forever to load okay uh optimizing your portfolio is key that's something that you guys gotta work on another thing too is stop being cheap right what do i mean by that invest in yourself okay invest in yourself by looking like a professional because if you don't invest in yourself why would somebody invest in you okay now from every project in here everything that i see from from ram it tells me like you know this is an individual that is putting in a lot of attention to the details and making sure that um you know his message comes across right away okay there's no loading time there's nothing crazy there's no dinos from heroku loading up and i mean there's nothing wrong with putting your projects on heroku but you know if you're looking for a job make yourself a little budget right make yourself a little budget if you have uh i don't know three projects and you're hosting all of them on heroku make a little budget that you're gonna pay 21 okay seven dollars for each dino so the website actually loads up and you don't have to be there two minutes waiting for the website to load because believe it or not a lot of people just don't have the time to sit down and wait until your website loads up especially when they have 200 other candidates that they got to go in and look at their projects too okay so those are things that you want to keep in mind another thing is also having domains so i click in here you see you turn that online so everything loaded up pretty quickly okay um he also has its own domain okay so at the end of the day it just makes him look more professional it's no longer like hey guys i'm just a random dude trying to get a job and i'm not taking this seriously right like this like i said it's a lot of attention to details in his portfolio even for his projects okay so here the home of your favorite communities youtube is a place to join and chat in your favorite youtube communities etc okay so it's actually pretty legit all right it's like uh a place where you could actually go and communicate with other people who are interested in that specific community i like how he set things up like this is a proper landing page for an application you know sometimes people come in and they have you know full stack applications but don't even think about the presentation and again this is something that really made him stand out from everybody explore youtube communities that you would love to join search for your favorite uh channel to join this community chat with people the same community have fun why wait log in and start your amazing journey okay so coming here i'm just gonna use what should i use let's use um let's use the 87 lux agency one okay loading up let's see okay now of course could be something could be uh my own account okay there you go so it was able to log in now i have an account here and as you can see it has a whole bunch of different uh communities here justin timberlake walt disney two cellos okay let me see if we can search for coding phase he get props okay all right so cody faces in here you could join the coding face community hey that's hot let's see uh i don't know just to search uh traversing so it's traversing okay traversing media is in there okay so nice so if you wanted to join the coding phase you could join the coding phase okay the application is nice okay uh the color schemes i'm not too crazy about it uh but yeah this is actually pretty cool man remember there was somebody who sent us a portfolio review right and they had a project that was similar to this right and it was like in some type of chat room right in some type of community based chat room right uh but like i said in that last video like the presentation wasn't there okay here i could see that this is pretty nice okay he's using i'm pretty sure react okay um but yeah it's nice man let's see youtube is a web app that created uh where people can join the community their favorite youtube channels and can be part of conversation made using react express postgres sql websockets etc a couple other things all right this is another project that he built again wilson port that online it's a domain okay it's a domain believe it or not little things like this it makes me feel like i don't know if he got paid for this he worked for that company right or this was a client right like i don't know i don't know the whole details of this project but by creating this and having a real domain it just made him look more professional it could it could make me think that he's already working for a company right so wilson port pretty nice uh website uh again he has like business websites right business uh type websites your ultimate trucking and warehouse service here is wilson okay about us okay this is an about us page looks very nice okay all right there we go okay so the as far as design looks great the actual attention to details like you know like everything looks nice typography the spacing okay um everything looks like it's legit all right like i'm impressed i'm impressed with this type of uh portfolio because this this is a real website for a business okay so it's pretty nice now the next time uh the next project here is i created a well i recreated the front end of burrell coffee's official app because i got attracted to their beautiful ui it was a great experience for me to build an entire front end made using reacting sas okay so this is a website that he recreated he's using netlify again now the good thing about using netlify for like the front-end projects is that it loads up right away when you do something with heroku it takes a long time to load and other services that provide like free uh hosting so if you're doing something on the front end you might as well just put it on nutlify uh but yeah looks pretty nice and he basically he just said he just recreated this this whole website from the ground up just to show that he can do it right because sometimes you might think like oh you need to have something 100 complete original but if you're honest and you're like hey i recreated this website from an application that i saw and i like their ui then now at least the person knows like okay this is a design that he didn't make but this whole website everything that we're seeing here he actually built it himself so again it looks pretty damn good like i'm not even gonna lie all right he looks nice there's nothing that i could complain about on this project either crown template is a crown it's a template that i created targeting the restaurant and food industry which anyone can use to present their business online may use an html css javascript aos library all right again very nice okay now this is a template that he built himself okay so it's his own design work everything is all him pretty nice like there's nothing here that we can complain about like you can't say like this sometimes that we have to be here like we could go in and be like okay let's let's inspect this let's go through lighthouse right and maybe open this up on on let's say incognito right if we really wanted to nick nick pick this thing right let's go into inspect let's see uh go to lighthouse let's see what scores they they give it and of course by the way i do have like 30 000 tabs open sometimes lighthouse doesn't give you good uh reports because of that but even with that it has 94 uh performance accessibility 80 best practices 100 seo 83 so he put he put his time into this right so it's looking pretty damn good all right so i wanted to show you guys this portfolio to show you guys like this is the type of portfolios that make a difference okay like if i was looking to hire somebody as a front-end developer this caught my attention all right he also has a full stack application which is that youtube or uter application right and it looks good it looks good everything worked nicely um there was a little loading time between the you know connecting the google account and coming back and reloading the page but that's just you know that's a little thing that you could hash it out okay uh but besides that everything worked exactly how it's supposed to so right here he basically has four projects that are legit each one of them are legit none of them we could say this was missing this this was looking bad here this didn't load properly this didn't catch my attention like everything in this portfolio was actually legit okay sometimes we we do this portfolio reviews and we see a lot of people who are at their uh early beginning stages and we come in and we say huh i don't know if this person is ready but this portfolio here let me know you know what ram is ready man and and this is one of the reasons why i decided to hire him and i told him hey man right now i didn't even have a budget for him but i said you know what i'ma go out of my way to make the budgets to to hire him and you know get him into the company and so he could start working with me uh there's a lot of stuff that he could definitely help me out uh in the front end so i could focus on other things and also to uh building the business of 87 lux getting the clients getting the customers right so while i'm focusing on that he could build the other things that i feel like i might not have time to do so i could give it to him so that's gonna be pretty damn cool so again he just sent me this portfolio just like every single one of you guys can send me your portfolio at codingface gmail.com right you can send it to me right there and i could review your portfolios guys let me know if you got a portfolio i will review it okay so again this is a great portfolio man shout out to ram and you already know ram welcome to the team i set you up with the private discord i set you up with asana there's already a task for you in there so if you can start tomorrow bro okay so welcome to the team man um again shout out to everybody in here we got noel garces ar uh bruh trippin marcus john darby j has aurel uh anonymous uh sprites who else is in here um let's see who else is in here ar okay address address g f females that's a difficult name bro uh pjd uh sprite okay let's see who else now that's a good question sprite says always though we need a photo for ourselves in our portfolio that can help if you feel like man you know what i have a very nice professional image uh i could you know my image or my personality could really shine and help me get the job right sometimes let's just be honest right somebody is good looking is gonna have a bigger chance of getting higher than somebody who's not good looking like this is just the truth this is life right you want me to you you want me to tell you the truth right that's just how it is right if you feel like uh you have a very nice image a very nice professional uh presentable image right go ahead put your picture but do you have to do it no let your work speak for you okay you know now if if you're looking like a troll right you look looking like a troll you're looking like you're looking like you got you got a beer bottle in your hand or like like i don't know what it is like you haven't slept in like three days or something like that right maybe don't put that picture up okay maybe that they'll put that picture up let your work speak for you okay now in a situation where hey you know you got that sauce you got a nice little suit on right you're a beautiful girl or whatever it might be if you feel like hey who i am can help me get the job go ahead put your image you don't have to but let's just be honest that's how the real world works right you come in and uh you go to a store who you think is gonna get higher you know the good looking girl the not so good looking girl right sometimes it happens like that okay now luckily in this industry it's more about skills than looks but let's just be honest if you look good and you got a picture that you you know somebody said you know what i wouldn't mind having a little billy in the the office right he seems like one of my buddies from high school or you know what i like little cindy right she got a nice personality right she seems pretty cool seems like a couple of the people here from the office put up your image if you feel your image is not going to help you don't put it up it's up to you uh let me see anonymous says that means i gotta spend some dollars this month well sometimes you gotta invest in yourself how much is 21 let's say you have three projects okay three full stack projects what is 21 per month to get a job and let's say you find a job in one month what is 21 nothing right so at the end of the day it's like you have to invest in yourself and i always tell people this all the time because nobody's going to invest in you if you don't invest in yourself it's like i told you guys if you want to go into a job interview and you go in there with a cr or freaking uh freaking shirt that's all crumbled up and and like you know your shoes are so dirty right how can somebody give you a job when you don't even take care of yourself what makes you think that now they're not going to be thinking in their head like yo look he don't even take care of himself you think he's going to care about us and that will work right it's the same thing with your portfolio if your portfolio is not top-notch and you know you're you're not paying for your own domains and your own hosting like now it just looks like a beginner it looks like some random dude just trying you don't want to look like you're trying you want to look like yo if you don't pick me up the next company is picking me up right that's why i gave this opportunity to ram because to be honest with you one i feel like he has the skills two um there's another company that's gonna scoop him up so before they scoop him up i'd rather scoop him up myself you know what i'm saying so that's what it is and number three i wanted to help him out i said you know what this kid you know he's been here in the community for a while he's very talented very dedicated so i know and even whenever we do a live stream he's always here so that tells me he he's on the same time zone and if it's not on the same same time zone he's up at the times that we need him you get what i'm saying like if i come here i do a live stream at 10 o'clock 11 o'clock in the morning and i always see ram in there or there times i do a live stream at nine o'clock 10 o'clock at night that lets me know that ram is up when we up i mean i think he's in india right now right and i kind of said i wasn't gonna hire nobody from india uh before but this time around it's like it's a really talented dude and i know for sure he's around right so at the same time i said you know what i'm gonna give him this opportunity and hire him and get him in the team okay um let me see and at the same time that kind of makes you think like yo if he could go invest in yourself right and he's in india and i'm not saying like in india people don't got money too but i'm saying like if he's going out of his way to invest in himself like i mean for you that's here in the us or maybe in europe what's your excuse to spend 21 on three projects for so you could have real hosting right like that's not it's not money right like for real um yeah for real for real okay let me see what else yeah man jonah's brains what up yeah so uh my corroding alright now my co-worker and i are a package deal you want front and developer to back in corona comes to all right guys so i'm actually going to stop right here this is going to be i don't know do you guys want me who wants me to stop right let me know if you put put the number one if you want me to go i'm out of here i'm i'm feeling like a little bit iffy because of my allergies um but i wanted to do this this live stream i also wanted to do this portfolio review because i think some of you guys needed to see this right sometimes we come here and we see portfolios portfolios and portfolios and portfolios of people who are still trying to get their together and still trying to get in into the game uh but then we come across gems like this one where it shows like hey you know like a lot of the stuff that's in here i could easily tell like ramsay's been listening to all the things that i talked about on the portfolios right like he has everything that we've been saying hey have a full stack application okay uh at the same time have you know a real business type website right this is like for a trucking company warehouse company this is for a restaurant right uh this is like a coffee clone right for a coffee restaurant type place this is another restaurant type place like all of this are businesses right everything that you see here this is this could be a startup right here this could be a business this could be a business this could be a business so pretty much he listened to everything that we said on all of his videos and created a portfolio that is really going to make him stand out and shows that he's ready for prime time like even at this portfolio project that he has where is a borrel coffee clone this is a real website right and for for business so even if it's a clone of like looking at a design from somebody else and then copying it and creating it again right that tells me that if i give him a design similar to this he can build it there's no problems he already did it once and he already did it twice okay so same thing for this one okay so this is like you know something that at the end of the day it it really makes a difference when you're looking for a job in in four opportunities that's why i wanted to show it to you guys and then not only that just to show you guys like hey this is what will actually um you know gets you jobs and opportunity shout out to ram ram is in here uh thank you so much for reviewing my portfolio definitely bro by the way ram go check out your email send you some some information i'm giving you your first task you start tomorrow
Channel: CodingPhase
Views: 23,670
Rating: 4.9337749 out of 5
Keywords: codingphase, coding phase, codingphase.com
Id: X6PwyH0thU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 48sec (1548 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2021
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