Put Phrasal Verbs

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okay welcome everybody to today's class today we're looking at put phrasal verbs so crazily verbs with put it's a vocabulary lesson think I'll bring that a little bit further down there I hope everybody can see the whole board if you can't do tell me if you're missing the top or missing the bottom tell me so I'm taking all of today's phrasal verbs from my book hello lollie Lally I'm taking all the phrasal verbs from this book and you can buy this book on my website Skype - lessons calm hi Ali fantastic I'm glad it's good so you can find these phrasal verbs in this book and you can do exercises in this book there's good 400 pages in there there's a lot of information so do buy this book if you would like to practice these phrasal verbs and you can buy it on my website skype - lessons calm so hello Czech Republic hello Balraj anybody else out there so hello Tania I think it's Tania excellent okay let's get started then so put something on first of all nice clear easy one yeah you put on your jumper you put on your coat you put on your trousers you put on your socks so it means put on clothes and the opposite would be take something off take off your t-shirt take off your jumper take off your coat if you're feeling a bit hot now do remember that there are some more here you could also throw on a jumper or sling on a jumper or throw off a jumper or sling off a jumper so you can throw something on sling something on and throw something off sling something off meaning take off or put on so there are other verbs there that work as well forget dressed you I threw on a jumper because I was quite cold I was a bit chilly now put on can also mean switch on switch something on so you can put on a light or you can turn off a light so please remember that lights can be put on as well just like lights can be turned off you can even say put off the light although that's quite rare or put out the light and we'll look at that down here but yeah put something on means put on clothes or switch something on please remember throw something on and sling something on as well and if you put on that it means you pretend you make out that so put on that is exactly the same as pretend or make out that okay so you might say he put on that he was a policeman yeah he made out that he was a policeman in order to gain entry to the building perhaps maybe he's a burglar and he put on that he was a gas man he pretended to be a gas man yeah he put on that he was a gas man he made out that he was a gas man because he wanted to gain entry to the building and then perhaps look around and see if there were any easy ways to break in okay put something across means to convey we had get something across yesterday with the gate phrasal verbs and it means to convey an idea so in a meeting it's important to put across your ideas clearly and carefully and to do so you ought to study grammar and vocabulary because that will help you put across your ideas clearly and carefully so put something across means convey you've also got put something forth set something for if you can set forth your ideas in the meeting you can put forward several proposals in the meeting so put something forward it's similar it means propose basically put forward propose put something down is the opposite of pick something up okay put something down put a pin down and then pick it up yeah that's all it means there's a second meaning though so it's not all it means the second meaning is just write something down so if you want me to write something down on the feedback you might say put it down Dave I want to remember this rule so put it down yeah so put it down it means the same as put something down write something down get something down or jot something down they all mean make a quick note ok so put something down can mean write something down as well as just put on a surface put something down is either put on a surface or like something down okay so do remember that one as well it's very common now if you put something down you put it on a surface or you write something down if you put somebody down then this has many meanings it can mean insult or criticize someone in which case it's exactly the same as run somebody down but please compare this to bring somebody down and get somebody down which mean depress they are different if somebody brings you down or gets you down they make you feel sad but if somebody puts you down or lumps you down then they insult you they criticize you yeah so these are all the same insult criticize put somebody down okay so maybe they're saying nasty things to you maybe your dad puts you down all the time criticizing you insulting you something like that if you put down an animal you kill that animal out of mercy perhaps the animal is very sick or in a lot of pain and so you need to put him down you need to put him out of his misery you need to put the dog or whatever it is whatever animal it is out of its misery so you put the animal down and the vet usually does that okay if you put something away you tidy it up you if you put your clothes away you put them in the Wardrobe or in the chest of drawers or in the cupboard wherever the clothes belong you put them away but if you put somebody away then you put them in prism so if you say he was put away for five years it means he went to prison for five years you can also say he was sent down for five years or the judge sent him down for five years the judge sent him down for stealing so you can have four plus gerund for stealing for killing someone or four plus period of time for five years for ten years so this one's the prison one okay if you put somebody up you let them sleep at your house okay so maybe your sister's coming to stay she's coming to visit and you say I can put you up for a few days you don't need to get a hotel don't get a hotel I'll put you up you can sleep in the spare room so put somebody up means accommodate somebody put something up is the opposite of take something down now you can put something up on the wall I could put a poster up on the board if I wanted to I'm not gonna but put a poster up take the poster down so put something up take something down put a painting up take it down so it could mean that it could mean stand something up on the table if you put something up so maybe something's falling over like a VARs and you put it up you stand it up it just means place vertically on the table and if you you can also put up a tent meaning assemble a tent so you could put something up that needs to be standing usually you assemble something that stands so you could put up a tripod I've put up my lights for today and it just means assemble and make them stand up okay in fact I never take down my lights I keep them here so that it's easy to do the next video so put something up opposite of take something down if you if you put something behind you then it means let go of a painful memory so maybe you had a difficult breakup yeah you you're in love with this girl or this boy and it took some time to get over them please remember to get over somebody and in the end you managed to get over them you managed to put that relationship behind you yeah and it means let go of something stop dwelling on something remember dwell on stop dwelling on things stop being obsessed about something and let it go put it behind you if you put something off you delay it you delay it in some way so a lot of us have a habit of putting off our homework you of delaying it until later until later and then you don't get round to doing it at all and unfortunately the teacher tells you off so put something off can mean delay and please compare it to put something back set something back bring something forward because when you put something back you delay it for a few days and if you set something back this one's much more common than put something back or set something back but they have the same meaning and bring something forward is the opposite is when you make it earlier the new plan originally planned so maybe I have a lesson on thirsty but I ask the student to bring it forward to choose thee because I've double-booked something like that now you put somebody off something you might put them off they're driving in which case you're distracting them maybe the kids in the back of putting you off you're driving because they're fighting or they're bickering in which case they're they're distracting you so put somebody off can mean distract it can also mean cause somebody to stop liking something so maybe the smell in the room puts you off your dinner yeah maybe there's a bad bad smell in the room maybe you've got mold on the walls and it's creating a bad smell it's giving off a bad smell it's another good phrasal verb and when it gives off a bad smell it causes you to not like your dinner it puts you off your dinner okay and it can also mean turn something off when you put off the light you turn off the light that one's quite rare I think it's more common to say put out the light okay meaning turn off the light so put out the light put off the light they both mean turn off now if you yeah if you put out a fire you extinguish a fire so there is a fire extinguisher somewhere in this room I like to keep a fire extinguisher safe and handy just in case and the fire extinguisher will put out any fires that that might happen fortunately it hasn't happened yet but yeah you can put out the lights as I just said and you can also put out a new novel or put put out a new YouTube video or something like that and it means bring a new YouTube video out roll it out the video comes out so it's when something is launched a new film or book or YouTube video when it comes out it appears it becomes available and so you could bring out a new a new video but I can also put out new videos as well so put out and bring out can mean launch like that now if you put somebody out you inconvenience them so you usually hear it said like I don't want to put you out but can you put me up through a few days you hear something like that now of course if somebody is accommodating you if they're putting you up through a few days it may put them out it may in convenience them and so this really does mean to inconvenience somebody very similar to impose on somebody so I don't want to impose on you but yeah I don't want to put you out but so to put somebody out to impose on somebody to inconvenience them I'm gonna have to go quicker because I've got a lesson but coming very soon if you put somebody who you connect them so they're trying to get through and it's quite old-fashioned really because usually we don't have operators nowadays to put people through but maybe a secretary could put you through to her boss and then you get through to the boss so it's a phoning phrasal verb this one okay put up with somebody means tolerate somebody's behavior okay put up with somebody means tolerate someone's behavior it only ever really means tolerate so like stand or bear if you can't put up with the noise you can't tolerate the noise any longer and you have to do something about it put something together means to assemble something and it's not something that's standing up like put up a tent or put up a tripod this is like put up some IKEA so I put together some IKEA furniture maybe you get some IKEA IKEA furniture and you decide to put it together and it's the opposite of take something apart which means disassemble and you should also remember there's loads with together meaning assemble you can cobble something together which means with minimal time and resources or you can throw something together which sounds like it's very fast it's with minimal time rather than minimal resources you can even latch something together meaning tie something together so there are a lot with those if you put something by you can put buy money you can put buy time or you can even put buy resources so this if you put money buy for the future you're saving up exactly the same as saving up saving money for the future but you can also put buy some free time and that just means allocate some free time so that you can get something done so that you can get round to doing that homework that you keep putting off okay if you put somebody down for something that means that you have a list and you're choosing what each person on the list once maybe you have a list of people who are going to a restaurant and the restaurant wants you to choose your meal first of all before you arrive so they can prepare it and you have to collect everybody's orders and so you put Jon down for a steak with fries you put Martin down for some beef stroganoff you put Julie down for Greek salad and some chicken whatever but you put someone down for something it means you you write down what they would like basically and you can also say I have you down for it means I have you on the list for I have you on the list for this thing off of that thing and so it is connected to these put something down write something down get something down jot something down these writing phrasal verbs now you can also put something down to something this means to ascribe a course it's similar to come down to something which is intransitive whereas put someone down for something is very Tran so I put something down to something is very transitive so you might say I put global-warming down to pollution yeah I put global-warming down to carbon dioxide the amount of carbon dioxide that we produce or you can say global warming comes down to the amount of carbon dioxide that we produce yet or you can say global warming comes down to the Sun and the solar cycle that kind of thing so it's when your scribing a cause if you put somebody down as it means you consider them to be this type of person and there's loads of these there's have have somebody down as have somebody pegged as come across as is similar strike somebody as is similar so you might not like this person you might say I put him down as a nasty piece of work but then over a few weeks I warmed to him I got to like him and now I get on with him so yeah you might say I put him down as a nasty piece of work I had him down as a nasty piece of work I had him pegged as a nasty piece of work he came across as a nasty piece of work or he struck me as a nasty piece of work all the same and lasting you've got put some be up to something this is when somebody makes someone do something else or provokes them to do something else usually something naughty so maybe your your son is in trouble perhaps he has I don't know that what could he have done perhaps he has made a mess in the kitchen and he says it wasn't my fault my sister my older sister put me up to it she provoked me she told me to do it and he's blaming her of course so it's when somebody causes somebody to do something all of these are very common so please do try to activate them in your speech I'm afraid I have to go now cuz I've got a class starting any second now but please if you've liked the video click like click Subscribe blah blah blah yeah egg someone on is similar to put somebody up to some what's up to something it is very similar egg someone or means urge them to do something naughty and so it's very similar to put someone up to something okay we're gonna have to finish there thanks for watching if you wanna more practice with these phrasal verbs by the book 20 pounds on my website or on Amazon if you prefer real pages thanks for watching and I hope to see you all soon
Channel: MrSkypelessons
Views: 3,808
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Keywords: phrasal verbs with put, put verbs, phrasal verbs, put and preposition
Id: R2GlTwLnVd0
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Length: 16min 50sec (1010 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 26 2019
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