Breaking Bad Prayer Habits // Thrive with Dr. Dharius Daniels

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[Music] well what's up family Pastor Darius here and man just love you so much and so grateful for all that God is doing in and through this ministry man um I am on the tail Lane now of a break getting ready to come back but we've been getting poured into and recovering and replenishing spiritually here's the thing with me I've been doing this long enough and God's grace me enough that I could plow through and push through on gift alone but I don't ever want to do this without God so when I feel like I'm spiritually empty um that I need some emotional attention and I'm gonna pull away and get tended to so that I'm never using a gift without God and so that's why I kind of take some time away each year and I know it's different maybe from some of the passage that you know and love but God's got different routes for different people and this is the route he uh has me on but anyway hopefully you've been blessed by the messages that that we're releasing each week and you're going to be blessed by one today called Breaking Bad prayer habits it's a teaching that I did in New Jersey I actually did it during a time where the Northeast was bombarded with with smoke from wildfires in Canada so I mean the atmosphere was Smoky they said the air quality was unhealthy um but we had church and we taught a lesson that I think is going to help revolutionize your prayer life all right so tap in enjoy the message I'll be back in a second I wanna I kind of want to do some teaching tonight is that okay all right so Matthew chapter 6 verse number five this was something I was going to do at the beginning of the year and um I think I I when I was getting ready to do it y'all got to shouting and stuff and we didn't get a chance to speak that night so I want to revisit this because it's so key and I just want to walk through it Matthew chapter 6 verse 5 says and when you pray don't be like the Hypocrites for they love to pray standing in the synagogue and on the street corners to be seen by others truly I tell you they have received their reward in full but when you pray go into your room close the door and pray to your father who is unseen then your father who is unseen who sees what is done in secret will reward you When you pray do not keep on babbling like pagans for they think they will be heard for their many words do not be like them for your father knows what you need before you ask this ends the reading of God's word I want to talk really simply from this subject Breaking Bad prayer habits Breaking Bad prayer habits I'm going to go through some of this material really quickly because there is an area I just feel prompted to lean in on but um it seems like in our country we are gearing up for election season and in election season as of late there is a term that's become popularized and prominent and um the term is misinformation campaigns and this is when entities and individuals inundate the internet with inaccurate information in order to influence the behaviors of others it creates chaos and confusion and in some cases catastrophic consequences but I want you to know church that misinformation campaigns didn't begin in America they began in Eden it is there in the Garden of Eden that we see an example of the first misinformation campaign because an evil invisible individual named Satan attempts to twist distort and misrepresent God's word it is a misinformation campaign that led to Adam and Eve being evicted from Eden the whole created order being upset and it leads to us living the kind of life that is inconsistent with what God originally intended and it all happened not because Adam and Eve were uninformed it all happened because Adam and Eve were misinformed the scriptures say my people perish for a lack of knowledge and the inference there is that the lack of knowledge referring to ignorance is not simply a lack of knowledge that refers to no information but it refers to a lack of knowledge that also includes wrong information and the enemy distorts and twists God's word in order to misinform Adam and Eve he tells Eve in the garden what did God say that's not really what he meant God said that to you because he knows if you eat this fruit you will become like him Eve was not uninformed are y'all here tonight family Eve was misinformed and I've taught you this time and time again it's a principle of biblical interpretation it's a way to interpret things in the Bible and that is the principle of the law of first mention that the first time you see something revealed in scripture specifically in Genesis often reveals a pattern of how you're going to see that same thing play out all throughout the Bible and so if the devil engaged in a misinformation campaign then it means he's still engaging in misinformation campaigns now but he misinformed he engaged in a misinformation campaign using God's word are y'all hearing what I'm saying and just like he did in that day he is doing in this day he infiltrates religious teaching with what the Apostle Paul calls doctrines of devils so he infiltrates religious teaching mixes lies with truth and because lies are mixed with truth the truth aspect causes people to accept all aspects of what's being presented not realizing and recognizing that they're eating food that's been laced with poison it is spiritual food poisoning and here's what's interesting about food poisoning depending on the type of food poisoning you have depending on your body's makeup that determines how severe the symptoms are or how long it takes for symptoms to show up for some people symptoms show up immediately for other people symptoms show up over time so just because I'm not dealing with the immediate impact of food poisoning doesn't mean I hadn't been poisoned and I want to tell you spiritually you are what you eat and the enemy knows we aren't going to knowingly eat anything that's going to create spiritual harm so he laces what we don't need I mean he laces what we do need with that which we don't need and therefore he puts people in position who don't have spiritual discernment where they are accepting one with the other it is spiritual food poisoning that creates unbiblical expectations what does that mean it means it means people have expectations that God should and will do something that God never committed to do and so whenever there is a failed expectation there is frustration and frustration undermines intimacy it's hard y'all aren't talking to me tonight it is hard to be close to anybody that's frustrating you it is hard come on to have great affection for anyone that is frustrating you and the truth of the matter is that many people's intimacy with God is being undermined because they are frustrated that he's not doing something he never committed to do so we become we should be we should be upset there are times where we should be grieving job like seasons but he didn't promise we would live life without them so if you have an expectation to go through life without trials and tribulation just because you are a follower of Jesus it means somebody gave you some food that was a laced with a lie come on [Applause] am I making sense here yep true it creates unbiblical expectations it could be something it could be something like um the power of confession which is a Biblical concept right it is like literally the what the Bible says hold fast or hold firm to your confession of faith I I get it and it's literally a compilation of two words that literally speaks to um saying the same thing that God says it speaks to your heart and your mouth aligning and I get that but the purpose of confession is not to name it and claim it and blab it and grab it the benefit of confession is not that confession goes and fetches some things out there the benefit of confession is what confession does up here I need to say What God Says not just because it changes things I need to say what God says because it changes me and when I'm changed even if the thing don't change I'm gonna be all right [Applause] [Music] so I need to say I'm the head not to tell I'm above only not belief I'm A lender not the bolerant are you hearing what I'm saying I need to say when the weapon is formed that no weapon formed against me shall prosper and I need to say when people are talking and every tongue that rises in judgment Thou shalt condemn I need to say when I need a miracle in the form of provision and my God shall supply all of my need I need to say that one writer says put a governor on your mouth [Music] but I say that for me but no no Pastor no no no no Pastor no pastor no no the Bible says Abraham call those things that be not as though they were no I don't know [Applause] uh-huh you don't have to believe me Romans 4 16 therefore the promise comes by faith so there may be by grace and not and may be guaranteed to all uh assigned to Abraham's off-scream not only to those who are of the law but also who are of faith in Abraham as it is written I have made your father to many nations he is our father and in the sight of God whom we believe The God Who The God Who The God Who The God Who the God who gives life to the dead and calls things into beings that were not y'all aren't talking to me tonight [Applause] it says God calls those things that be not but if I'm if I've been taught that I do and then I start doing it and it's not working now I'm frustrated now the integrity and the reliability of God's word has been undermined and now people start to question something they need to be sure of [Music] this isn't just this isn't an assault or an attack on some of the things that we believe have been taught or that some of us teach it is an attempt to expose an instrument that the enemy is using to actually underride and erode the faith of people i s I saw this with sowing and reaping y'all aren't saying anything yeah yeah does the Bible speak up the concept of sowing and reaping yes does the Apostle Paul use that as an analogy when he's encouraging people in Corinth to be uniquely generous yes but the principle of sowing and reaping is not the same as a casino principle I don't put in a quarter pull up y'all aren't talking to me my seed can't manipulate God into delivering anything that is outside of his will for my life does God return seed to the sower yes does God give Harvest to those that succeed yes but Harvest represents value so what you get in return is not always in the same form as you sowed what you get in return is what you value in that season so sometimes you don't reap [Applause] finances sometimes you reap diva [Applause] [Music] sometimes you don't reap finances sometimes you reap opportunity sometimes you reap protection I'm not coming against what anybody else teaches I'm not the doctrine police I'm not responsible for the body of Christ I'm responsible for change church but but I want you to understand that this is not a small matter I can't speak to the whole body of Christ I can speak to those who say this is my spiritual family this is the house and the Soul I've been planting in and what I don't want to happen is the enemy to have unhindered access to so many of our spiritual lives because you're not discerning what foods you should be eating here's what's scary to me most of us online are in this room don't go over random people house and eat random people food let me some of you at your own family gatherings walk into the kitchen on Christmas and say oh come here who made that y'all are quiet in this Baptist Methodist come on who Who Made Who nah I wanna whoa some of you depend to pass you go over you like who cooking this year okay what I'm gonna do I'm gonna cook at home y'all come over we're gonna eat and then we're going over there how are we that selective [Applause] physically but not that selective spiritually some of us are spiritually confused because you're eating off of too many plates [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and and I'm not saying it's got to be me I'm not saying it's got to be me I I'm just living my life like it's golden living my life like it's golden like I'm not saying this it has to be me but this is why the Apostle Paul told Believers in Quran he said listen y'all confused he said you got thousands of teachers but not many fathers he says he says so you you have access to thousands of people that can speak into your life spiritually but if if you haven't discerned who God has appointed to be the one that is the dominant God's number one but the dominant spiritual leader in your life you'll start weighing all of these words the same way and the next thing you know you confuse and frustrated and what some people call another level is spiritual confusion [Applause] I need to go deeper you're bored because you're not putting into practice what you already know y'all aren't talking to me misinformation and one of the areas that the enemy wants us to be misinformed is in the area of Prayer he knows how key this is he knows he knows Sam storm said puts it this way he said we should not expect anything independent of prayer that God promised in connection to it like God's like I told you you don't have because you don't ask [Applause] he said he said I'm telling you right now there are some things you do not have not because I'm unwilling to give you don't want me James says in James chapter 4 verse number 2 he says you lust and you do not have lust me you have a strong craving for it and you still don't have it see I know people are telling you all you have to do is want it James said you want it and still don't have it are y'all bored or are you processing I'm trying to James said wanting it is not enough he said you lust and you don't have he says you murder not necessarily literally but figuratively there's stuff you killing that should be alive murdering your joy murdering your peace murdering your values he says you murder and covet and you still cannot obtain he says you fight and you war and you do not have he said so you are trying all of these you're engaging in all this activity in the natural you hustling and you're grinding and you're networking and you're working and you're burning a midnight oil and it's still not happening and he says in the next verse why you ask he says in the next verse he says yet you do not have because you do not ask but remember misinformation campaign remember law first mentioned same thing he did in the garden back then it's the same thing he wants to do in our life right now he wants he wants to get you and me to underestimate or to doubt the seriousness of what God Said oh he didn't really mean that yes he did and I think it can happen to it can happen to all of us where we do not take this seriously where we treat it like it's an option and God's like I want you to have it but if you're willing to live without it I'll let you I'm not gonna change my ways cause you don't want to follow it I'm trying to find a section to preacher I guess I'm just gonna preacher because I'm not about to because I'm not about to I said there are some things you will not get without prayer and and the reason for this is watch this the purpose of prayer is not to notify God of a need the purpose of prayers to express your dependency God say I know what you need before you ask but I need you to know that you're not me and that you are dependent upon me enough to acknowledge me as God and to ask me for what you know you can't get any other place and when you're asking me for what you know you can't get any other place prayer becomes more than prayer prayer becomes worship I'm asking you because Can't Nobody Do it but you I'm asking you because nobody can open this door but you I'm asking you because nobody can make this way but you I'm asking you because you're the only one that can do this [Music] am I making sense you'll be seated I said am I making sense he said it's a misinformation campaign he say so you think you can cheat the process he says you can't one writer tells the story the book he says one day this man passed away he went to heaven he ran into Peter Peter's like come over here fam let me show you something so they walked this guy opens his room there's boxes of gifts stacked from the floor all the way to the ceiling and the guy asked Peter what's this Peter said this is all the stuff God wanted to give you that you never asked for let me drink my water and mind my business and in the text that I read in your hearing Jesus is addressing he is deconstructing misinformation regarding prayer did you hear what I just said so in the text in math Jesus in the text that we read in Matthew what Jesus is doing is he's doing some deconstruction regarding bad habits uh when it comes to prayer now this is something that's so interesting I don't know if you're all ready for this are y'all okay I said are you okay all right here it is I want you to see what he says in verse six he says when you pray do not be I mean verse five I'm sorry when you pray do not be okay do you see do not be okay in the Greek that's do not be in the Hebrew that's do not be in the Swahili that is do not be I want you to see something I want you to see Jesus using the activity of religious people as a teaching tool on what not to do yeah I'ma say that one more time this is Jesus literally saying don't do what you've seen in church he's not saying don't do anything you've seen in church but he specifies there are some things you've seen done in a religious setting by religious people that you don't need to incorporate into your own spiritual practices and what can happen in religious settings is that there can be emulation without investigation where we can just pick up things and put them into practice without putting them through the filter of scripture to see if this is the way God has outlined for this thing to be done because if not you got to realize only those things done God's way gets God's results everything that is done by good people eating good everything we've seen done in church by good people isn't necessarily good for us to do so this is what Jesus says it's getting tight in here for some reason um Jesus said do not pray When you pray don't be like the Hypocrites for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners I'm gonna leave that one alone because sometimes people who do that will make these pejorative passive aggressive statements about people who don't do that and say things like I am more real and more committed than you are cause I'm out here in the streets well Jesus said you can be trying to shine in the streets too it's not where you are it's how you are it's not the place you're standing in it's the posture of your heart he says they love to stand pray standing in the synagogue and on the street corners to be seen by others truly I tell you they have received their reward in full wait a minute wait a minute Jesus said don't be like them but then he says they received their reward so what are you doing Jesus you're rewarding something that you're not endorsing no this is what he's saying he's saying their heart's desire is to be seen so that's what they get they get seen by people but not heard by me [Applause] and I don't know about you but when I pray I am not concerned with being seen by people I am concerned with being heard by him he says they have their reward he says so when people are praying and that goal is to be impressive and we're not judging people we're saying only them and God know what they real motive is but if their real motive is to be impressive then that's what they get if their real motive is to tear the house down then that's what they get but they do not get heard they get admiration from people but not an answer from God he says but I'm sorry [Applause] but when you pray go into your room close the door and pray to your father who is unseen y'all better come get me tonight then your father who sees what is done in secret [Music] we'll reward you God say if you are bold enough to do it in private I'm big enough to do it in public [Music] when he says go in your closet he's not saying literally he's talking about your willingness to be undistracted the ability to remove distractions see it's no I don't know if I can say this yes I can uh it's no room and no reason to go in the prayer closet if you're gonna take your phone in there with you [Music] did you because you're bringing the distraction with you [Music] am I making sense let me say this one other thing because I only got four minutes here verse 7 he said when you pray so first of all he says don't be like some things you've seen in your own faith then he says but don't you also pick up stuff from pagans this is a person this was a term used to describe a person that was not a follower of the way because this is what happens too syncretism you start reaching outside the faith and pulling all sorts of other stuff into it why y'all quiet now y'all aren't talking to me you start pulling all sorts of stuff you got all sorts of stuff on your dresser y'all aren't talking to me [Applause] you Worship in the ground you Worship in nature there's syncretism [Applause] she said you you gotta my way just like my way works if you work it she says if you and I want to break through in the area of prayer there are some habits I'm done so there are some habits we have to break let me give you a few of them and I'll pray we're going to get out of here number one obsessing about formality over sincerity I don't have time but how you talk to me says a lot to me about how you know me oh benevolent one Mighty prophet of God how art thou the ministry of your Administration through the spirit pastors just versus PD [Music] says how you know me and she's like I need you to break that because sometimes unintentionally unless his formality is not always a sign of respect sometimes it's evidence of pretension it is sometimes it's you thinking you can't bring the real you to me so you're bringing a representative and I don't want your representative I want you talk to him number two confusing quantity with quality I'm not going to bother this too much but I would have a quality not quantity if you go hour but you babbling pity how long you pray till I'm done yep it's like okay once I'm done what I got to say I'm gonna see if you got something to say to me if not I'm done because when you are conversating regularly you don't feel the pressure to make up in a moment what you've been doing consistently number three assuming that length is strength [Music] it's almost like when I look at some of the Miracles like even like Jesus Jesus modeling for us how to pray for miracles in in John 11. like he and I'm not saying we shouldn't pray long prayers for certain things but I just don't want you to think that's that just because it's an important thing it has to be lengthy to be strong in John 11 Jesus told Lazarus come on get up did you hear what I just said because if you're not laboring against some sort of spiritual resistance what you're laboring against is your own unbelief God's like it's not taking that long for me to do it it's taking that long for you to believe [Applause] foreign and here it is this is where I want to land our plane tonight deciding not to pray when you don't know what to pray give me a little more volume on the keys guys listen to me this is where I want you to listen to Pastor this is why I asked you to be open-minded because there is a gift and that's what it is that the Holy Spirit distributes to God's people to help them pray when they don't know what to pray the Apostle Paul in First Corinthians 14 talks about this gift to Believers in Corinth and he says this as he describes his gift he said I will pray in my understanding that means using words I understand and he says I will also pray in the spirit right and he says he says when I pray with my understanding I understand and my mind's fruitful he says but when I pray in the spirit my understanding my mind is unfruitful he says my mind doesn't know what I'm saying it says but it is my spirit the Holy Spirit In Me that is praying watch this because the holy spirit in me knows the mind of God come on and it says that spirit is praying according to the will of the father so when when he prays through me I don't have to wonder if it's if it's his will when he is praying through me the only thing he prays is the Father's will but the enemy wants to Rob so many of us of this gift because of a misinformation campaign and because of the abuse and the misuse of this gift you have abandoned something you need so we say stuff like I want them tongues with those tongues not realizing that's that's the gift you need when you got to pray and you don't know what to pray [Music] [Music] it is my go-to when I know I need something and I don't know what it is my go-to when I don't know what to do it is and the problem in Corinth wasn't that people were using the gift they were abusing the gift they were placing that gift above every other gift they were using that gift without order the gift was being used rampantly in corporate worship services and Paul's like y'all are not considering unbelievers when you're doing this and he says this does edify you though it says let it be done decently in order and it says forbid not speak with tongues this is because he that speaks in an unknown tongue edifies himself Lord and if you don't want that gift there's nothing wrong with it but for those of us that want it inhabit there's nothing wrong with us either [Music] the Bible says that we see the the the distribution of this gift first on the day of Pentecost and what they received on the day of Pentecost was not glasalea an unintelligible language when you read on the day of Pentecost they actually spoke in literal other language the Holy Spirit empowered them to carry out the Great Commission by giving them the ability to speak natural languages that they could not speak if you read it it's right there for you but the Apostle Paul says that tongues also have they must have a twofold function because when he talks about them in in the book of Corinth Corinthians he's not referring to Natural literal languages he's referring to a Heavenly language that sounds like babbling and Randomness that sounds that sounds unintellectual and uncouth but if people knew the power of praying in the spirit if they knew how heaven was moved by praying in the spirit [Music] so my goal is not to tell you you're spiritually inferior if you don't have it we do not teach here classical Pentecostal doctrine that that sun that tongues is a sign gift I don't think that's true but it is a gift that the Holy Spirit distributes to those who want it the Bible says covet or desire earnestly the best gifts and this is one that some of you need to resurrect [Music] you have been you have domesticated this gift and you're in a season of life where you better resurrect it and I'm done and for others of you this you're in a season where you need to receive it where you need to ask God is this the season of My Life that you want to release to me this gift which isn't necessarily for my corporate worship is for my private prayer time because ultimately it is a prayer language and it is a gift God wants to give to his people and it is one that changed the trajectory of my relationship with God I'm in a season where I've been doing this Allen long enough where God's really tugging on me to like Darius you have been big on practicing What You Preach for years I need you to start preaching what you practice a pastor friend of mine David jocks and I he passes in Orlando and we were talking about prayer sometimes and he's like Darius you need to talk more about this and show more about this because it's the side of you that people don't see it's the secret sauce to what God is doing in your life they know you read but they don't know how much you pray in the spirit of the spirit did you hear what I just in the spirit it [Music] and so today in this in this room or online for some that may want to receive this gift I just want to pray over you and if the Holy Spirit wants to release it he's going to release it but all the Holy Spirit does is give utterance they spoke in tongues as the spirit gave utterance he doesn't control your mouth [Music] you do he gives you the words and you do and you've got to break through the weirdness and the shame and just just just go in that secret place right now and just if you if and just if you sense it you don't have to fake it don't fake it no pressure but it's if you sense say out of your belly shall flow rivers of Living Water as you sense him giving you utterance we want you to receive that that gift today uh just in case there's some shade tree theologians in the chat [Music] who think who think I can't read who think you read something I hadn't I want to let you know not only do we stand on this experientially you can't you can't you can't argue with my experience [Music] not only do we stand on this experientially we stand on it exegetically that when you objectively read the scriptures you cannot deny this is a new testament gift that God wants to give to some of his people now if you don't want it just don't get it [Music] so right now I want to pray over those of you that [Music] need a refresher or that need to receive this gift for the first time [Music] and not be a house that has a form of godliness denying the power we need power [Music] I said we need power so father I pray right now I pray right now for those in this room who have need of this gift and who have faith to receive it would you just release it to them now will you prompt them and will you give them the courage and the boldness and the grace to release this gift that you're giving unto them now I thank you that their spiritual life is about to change as a result of this gift I thank you that breakthroughs are going to happen in their life as a result of this gift and I just pray now for the release of it in Jesus name real quick to whatever level or whatever this looks like for you just take a moment in the privacy of your own heart and just be with the father right now yes you will family listen I hope you enjoyed that message Breaking Bad prayer happens man I'm excited about it and about what God's going to do in your prayer Life as a result of it and man I'm grateful for what I believe to be is you know Mark Batterson says like prayer he says there's prayers of Prophecy that you can predict what's going to happen in your tomorrow by the prayers you're praying today and so I think it's going to change this this this Revelation can really change our life and and I'm excited about it so continue to prophesy through prayer I also want to thank you for your response to God's goodness by understanding this principle of generosity you know I know people have abused this and some people abandon it I don't feel like you fix wrong teaching by non-teaching you fix wrong teaching by right teaching and some people some people need to understand the power of the principle of generosity sowing into the field that you harvest from and so Lord third is coming on the screen right now to give you various Avenues to sow into what God is doing in and through this Teaching Ministry right that God has given us um that I believe God wants to expand and increase so that we can continue to impact and change lives so thank you for your generosity we're believing The Best Is Yet To Come I'ma see you soon take care well listen thank you for watching Thrive I want you to make sure you subscribe to the channel so that you don't miss any of our teachings and remember you can watch me live at Thrive every Wednesday at 7 p.m Eastern Standard Time
Channel: Dharius Daniels TV
Views: 58,488
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: chMboPSu89M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 4sec (3004 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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