I Want Out // Exit Strategies Part. 1 // Dr. Dharius Daniels

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[Music] hey you're about to watch a message that we just did my first message back from sabbatical it's called I want out a message from a series on exit strategies we're going to be in the book of Exodus this entire series and I want you to lean into it there's there's there's an area of your life that God wants to get you unstuck in now and I want to give you some strategies on how to do that I want you to tap into this message I got one request if it blesses you share with somebody else take care I love you I want you to clap your hands for all these made men that know what to do [Music] well man I'm gonna start this series today while uh called exit strategies and uh I wanna I wanna start reading at the book of Exodus chapter number three beginning at verse number seven Exodus chapter number three beginning at verse number seven if you're ready for the word today say Yes all right text says the Lord said I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers and I'm concerned about their suffering so have come down to rescue them from the hand of the Egyptians and will bring them up out of that land into a good and spacious land flowing with milk and honey the home of the Canaanites the High Tides the Emirates the amorites the parasites the hivites and the jebusites and now the Cry of the Israelites has reached me and I have seen the way the Egyptians are oppressing them so now go I'm sending you to pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt I want to stop the reading of God's word right there I want to talk from this subject in our time together today I want out somebody that's ready to go to the next level don't wait till the battle's over but if you getting ready to step out on one level into the next level give God a prophetic praise right here I want out family I want to ease into this introduction today with a quote that I think is critically important and is Salient for this series of sermons we're going to be sharing from the entirety of this month for my Note takers the quote is as follows what you are able to walk into is determined by what you are willing to walk out of I'm going to say that one more time what you are able to walk into is determined by what you are willing to walk out of in other words you cannot say hello to something new unless you're willing to say goodbye to something old and I believe there are some people who are seated in this Sacred Space and watching us online that could honestly admit God has perfected your goodbye thank you and people don't who don't understand your experiences have misinterpreted your conviction as callousness they think you are hard-hearted they think you do not feel they think you're temperamental they think you are a person that is absent of empathy but they don't understand that you got a revelation because you've been through some situation where you realize that entrances into new seasons are preceded by exes out of old ones and if I am not willing to walk out of something old I won't be able to walk into something new I want to know am I talking to anybody that feel new on you imma say that one more time am I talking to anybody that feel new on you remember not the form of things neither consider the things of all behold I'll do a new thing shall you not perform it what you are able to walk into determined by what you are willing to walk out of and I know in culture and in Christianity there is an obsession with entrances what I'm getting ready to walk into what God is getting ready to do the doors that are getting ready to be open but I want you to know ladies and gentlemen that if you mastered the art of the exit you will never have to worry about an entrance watch this because you cannot walk out of one room without walking into another and the enemy is aware of this reality and he therefore attempts to inhibit our advancement by using strategies to keep us stuck I want you to know Satan not only specializes in sin specializes in stuck talk back to me 12 o'clock I said Satan not only specializes in sin he specializes in stuck he realizes and recognizes that stuckness leads to suffering and stuckness leads to stagnation and suffering leads to you operating at a degree and at a dimension that is less than God's best he he orchestrates stuckness not just personally but socially he orchestrates it not just socially but spiritually so that stuckness becomes a social Norm and if stuckness is a social Norm I feel normal even though I'm stuck did you hear what I just said I said if stuckness becomes a social Norm I feel normal even though I am stopped but I believe I'm talking to some people today who have a revelation that you are not saved just to be stuck I believe I'm talking to some people today who will say the pain in my past has created a passion in my present to pursue everything that God has for me that my suffering raised my standard please that there would be some stuff I was okay with had I not been through what I've been through but going through everything I go went through if you think I'ma settle for anything less than God's best for me the devil is a liar all of these tears are shed all of this heartache I went through everything I had to bounce back from and recovered the devil is a liar the devil got to pay me for this pain my Bible says if I sow in tears I'm a reaping Joy am I making sense I said am I making sense I believe I'm talking to some people that have a holy discontent and the anointed agitation with where you are and if that's you I want you to make this Proclamation today I want you to say it with fervor and conviction and enthusiasm say I want out you know what let's shift that let's say it with a little more faith and let's adjust that affirmation let's let's let's make a prophetic Proclamation we're about to shift from our one out I'm gonna see who got faith somebody say I'm already out the devil shouldn't have let me get to church today because I got my head out and once my head get out everything else it's got to follow I want you to praise God like you all ready out [Applause] I will not be able to walk into something new if I am not willing to walk out of something old and our heavenly father understands how important and how imperative excess is exits are so important to God he wrote a whole book on them there is an entire book of the Bible and we're going to sit in this book all month long we're going to be in this book ten toes down all month long because by the time God gets through with you at this month of August this month of new beginnings you're gonna be out of Egypt whatever your Egypt is you're gonna be out of Egypt and on your way to your Canaan [Applause] exes are so important to God and so essential for us an entire book of the Bible written on exits the book of Exodus is a book contained with exit strategies the word Exodus means exit did you hear what I just said the word Exodus means exit so all of the content in the book of Exodus is content that describes how God arranged for Israel to make an exit out of Egypt it is descriptive of what happened for them but it is prescriptive of what can happen for us when we read the book of Exodus God doesn't just want us to see them he wants us to see you am I making sense I said am I making sense here he wants us to see a picture of possibility regarding those of us who feel stuck in our proverbial Egypt see this is interesting family [Laughter] [Music] because this book not only exposes us to aspects of God's strategies it exposes us to the fact that God is a strategist am I making sense that sometimes God answers your prayer to your problem not by giving you an answer but by giving you a strategy all throughout scripture you can see examples of God making ways for his people not by giving them an answer but by giving them a strategy when Moses was situated in front of the Red Sea and pharaoh and his army were behind him God gave Moses a strategy when Joshua was attempting to lead Israel into Jericho God gave Joshua a strategy he said I want you to walk around the walls of Jericho once a day for seven days and on the seventh day I want you to walk around seven times and on the seventh time I want you to shout and when you shout the walls are going to fall down because God is a strategist and he specializes in giving us strategies to get us out of our Egypt he's a strategist and this this is interesting because Exodus doesn't just reveal to us aspects of God's strategy it reveals to us aspects of God's self whoa you get to see things about God that you wouldn't ordinarily see in any of the book yeah you you see are y'all ready for this I said are y'all ready for this I said are you ready for this yeah this is what you see you see God I don't know if y'all ready this is about to shake your theological tree I don't know if you're ready you see God giving Israel uh oh strategies to get themselves to he out of predicaments that they got themselves into y'all miss that this is how Exodus is a type or anti-type of the Gospel geez you see Israel in situations and circumstances that they got themselves into but they could not get themselves out of it because sometimes it takes Humanity to get you in it but you can get in it so deep it takes Divinity to get you out let me go to this side over here I said there are there are some seasons and situations that are Humanity gets us in it but it takes Divinity to get us out but the good news and the gospel is God Specializes in getting Humanity out of predicaments that Humanity got themselves into Adam got us in it Jesus got us out and I'm telling somebody in here today the deliverer is getting ready this month to pull you out somebody praise him for the pool you need to know just because you can't get out yourself doesn't mean you can get out just because you hadn't gotten out yet doesn't mean you can't get out it could be 12 years like the woman with the issue of blood 18 years like the woman with a bent over back 38 years like the man with the pool of Bethesda or all your life like blind bottom ass when God shows up it doesn't matter how long you've been in it when the deliverer shows up it doesn't matter how long it is held you hostage it's got to let you go y'all missed it God is sovereign and two things can't be Sovereign at the same time [Applause] either God's got the last say on your past got the last say either God has the last say or your issues have the last Saint and I am telling you that God as the righteous judge is getting ready to pull you out of what you walked into all of the perfect people who have made all the right decisions and never got yourself into anything be quiet but for the rest of us that need them to pull you out of negative thinking Paul you out of compulsive Behavior poor he wants to pull us out of Egypt Exodus exposes exit strategies for your Egypt Egypt represents mindsets and methodologies that are producing seasons of stagnation and suffering mindset ways of thinking methodologies ways of behaving patterns of behavior so ways of thinking and patterns of behavior are producing seasons of stagnation and suffering I'ma say it one more time tario mindsets ways of thinking and methodologies ways of behaving are producing seasons of stagnation and suffering Egypt this is important because notice I said seasons of stagnation and suffering I didn't say seasons of sin laughs it might be sin but you can be stuck and not be in sin [Applause] and I want you to know the deliverer doesn't just want to deliver you from sin he wants to deliver you from stuck hiya I said he wants to Deliver Us from stock so Egypt then doesn't simply represent evil Egypt represents that which has become irrelevant foreign it's not that your mindset is bad it's that mindset is no longer relevant it's not that your methodologies in the past were bad but it is it's no longer relevant for where God is getting ready to take you see Egypt can represent that which at one point in your life gave you provision but when you outstay your season it became a place of persecution [Applause] oh this is 12 o'clock so I could just I don't need to overthink this see when you don't have a revelation of this you will allow other people's opinions to influence your advancement because they hadn't had your suffering they don't have your standards and because they don't have your standards they're okay with what you not and if you don't have a revelation of this you'll be feeling guilty and you'll be condemning yourselves for being dissatisfied with a state and a season other people wish they could live in but just because that's what you want don't mean that's what I want I'm not going to impose what I want on you don't you impose what you want on meat if this is enough for you have at it but as for me and my house see y'all missing it see I'ma see okay sisters y'all I wouldn't hear from womanology I want to hear so let me let PD let your pastor let me at least just let me just help you just this one thing see there are some there are some of your girlfriends who just want amen [Applause] that's where they stand us are they just want amen but you in a season in your life well you say if all you want is a man God bless you I want a good one I want to save them I want to anoint anyone I want one who loved Jesus and got a little Thug I [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] Egypt represents that which at one point gave you some sort of provision but it becomes when you outstate your season becomes a source of persecution listen to this it's in a text because Israel's initial entrance into Egypt was actually to spare them from a famine I don't have time to tell a story but there was a gentleman named Joseph right who God positioned to a place of prominence and influence in the streets he was in the governmental Street Joseph didn't work at church let me go to this side Joseph was not a preacher Joseph was an entrepreneur who knew how to leverage his prophetic gift in the marketplace y'all missed it his prophetic gift allowed him to interpret Pharaoh's dreams that a recession was coming y'all missed it that there was going to be seven years of plenty then seven years of family so God gave Joseph wisdom to say during the seven years of plenty we're gonna stack paper [Applause] so that during the seven years of recession when other people aren't liquid we're going to be liquid [Applause] so we're gonna store up food so when everybody run out they're gonna have to come to us to get it We're not gonna give it to him we're gonna sell it to him and the Bible says and Egypt prospered during the famine so when people ran out of money they had to give land so Egypt's Empire expanded because Joseph knew I ain't even got time to deal with this how to take a spiritual gift and use it somewhere besides church [Applause] if the only place your gift work is church I don't know what kind of gift you got but if you got a spiritual gift [Applause] then the gift Works where you work it so Joseph's family Joseph's family was in a part of the Egyptian Empire that got hit with a family so they have to come to Egypt to get food and Joseph recognizes his family and he says you know what y'all don't have to stay there y'all come live with me I want you to catch this now and the Bible says this all the descendants of Jacob were 70 persons so it was 70 people they came into Egypt it says then Joseph died and all his brothers died and all that generation died but the people of Israel were fruitful and increased greatly they multiplied and grew exceedingly strong now you would think that everybody would be happy because Israel was growing and multiply and getting strong you would think all your friends is this too real no it's the 12 o'clock restrict it's it you would think that all your friends and your family I feel real right here let me push will be excited that you're growing and strong [Applause] that's what you would think right but what I learned is the text teachers some people only like the small and the weak version of you they like you better weak they like you better when you give them everything they ask for they like you better when they can treat you dirty and you still be there they like you better when you're insecure when you have low self-esteem when you have no boundaries and standards [Applause] some people love the caterpillar they can't handle the butterfly [Applause] I want to know am I talking to anybody that's willing to say but I got Wings in this season I've been crawling long enough this is my season to fly everybody in Egypt wasn't happy about the growth text says now there are roles a new king over Egypt who did not know Joseph and he said to his people behold the people of Israel or too many and too Mighty for us come let us deal truly with them lest they multiply and if War break out they'll join our enemies and escape from this land therefore they set task Masters over them to afflict them with heavy burdens so they came into Egypt for provision now the same place that gave them provision in one season is giving them persecution in another the problem wasn't the place the problem was the season [Applause] did you hear what I just said [Applause] they start oppressing them and persecuting them and only the only thing Israel did was grow they missed it Marlon I said they start persecuting them and oppressing them and the only thing Israel did was grow their growth was intimidating to people who saw that they were growing in a way that they might start fighting for themselves [Applause] did you hear what I said I said wait a minute wait a minute they were fine with Israel until they kept growing they may have been okay with some growth because it's not that some people can't handle you winning they just can't handle you winning like this I feel it right over here let me appreciate you I said they want you to win but it's like I didn't know you were going to win like this though I didn't know you were gonna blow up like this you still got that little business you still [Applause] whenever they put law in front of it that's a big hater [Applause] the only thing Israel could do to avoid the persecution was not grow the only thing Israel could do to avoid Pharaoh not feeling threatened was not grow the only thing they could do to not trigger Pharaoh's insecurity was not grow and some of you are driving yourself crazy saying to yourself maybe if I had done this different maybe if I had called them more maybe if I had text them more but the only thing you could have done to appease their insecurity was not growth [Music] the Bible says there are rose of Pharaoh in Egypt that didn't know Joseph this is so powerful because it teaches us something teaches us something so powerful here it teaches us something not just about the way Pharaoh worked but about the way favor worked see Joseph had favor with the old pharaoh that Pharaoh died and a new Pharaoh assumed the office and Joseph's family did not have favor with that pharaoh this is important because many times Believers confuse favor with pharaoh they confuse favor with Pharaoh with favor from pharaoh you may have favor y'all are right over here you may have favor with pharaoh but favor don't come from pharaoh [Applause] favor come from God and if you don't know this some pharaohs will try to make you think that they your favorite you not my favor my favor comes from God and if God didn't use you he would have used somebody else to get what I need in my life so stop tripping over pharaohs stop begging pharaohs because God when God is determined to do something for you he is not bound to one way of doing it when he want to get you in a room if they lock the door he'll bring you to the window if they bar up the windows he'll bring you to the roof what God has for me I better quit I feel something getting ready to break out in here I feel a riot getting ready to happen in the house today somebody that's on your way out give God a breakout shout right here all right I got four minutes so Texas when this favor Runs Out Israel begins to cry to God say you got to get us out we stuck now remember what Egypt represents mindsets and methodologies right that produce seasons of stagnation and suffer you have to be in Egypt in every area of your life but everybody has an Egypt in some area maybe you're not stuck financially but you're stuck relationally maybe you're not stuck relationally but you're stuck emotionally maybe you're not stuck emotionally but you're stuck professionally maybe you're not stuck professionally but you're stuck spiritually everybody's got an area in their life where you're in Egypt and the text says they cry to God for help and this is what the Bible says in verse 7 God says to Moses he says I have heard he says I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Israel in Egypt and I have heard them crying out this is what's scary guys y'all know what's scary in verse 7 God is talking to Moses he's not talking to Israel Moses wasn't even in Egypt he had left Egypt by this time Israel is crying out to God saying we need relief God's not even talking to them he talking to Moses and he's telling Moses I heard them but he never told Israel I heard you so Israel is probably sad they're probably nervous they probably upset because they like God not hearing me and God's like I heard you just cause you don't feel heard doesn't mean you aren't heard just because I didn't tell you I heard you doesn't mean I didn't hear you because I don't always answer your prayer with words sometimes I answer your prayer with work I ain't talking about it because I'm working on it am I talking to anybody I said he's not answering with words he's answering with work and I want to tell somebody he's silent because he's working he's not speaking because he's working he's working on something that your eyes haven't seen and your ears haven't heard and your heart hadn't conceived he's getting ready to open doors that no man can shut and close doors that no man can open [Applause] all throughout scripture we see examples of God answering people's prayers without letting them know they were heard in Daniel 10 Daniel Prayed 21 days and heard nothing until the 21st day and when the angel appeared to him on the 21st day he said to Daniel from the first day [Applause] that you set your heart to understand thy words were hurt for 21 days you thought you weren't heard and on the 21st day I just rang your doorbell and I showed up as an unannounced blessing [Music] I'm trying to see who catches the revelation it was an unannounced blessing they are thinking they are unheard and then all of a sudden the doorbell ring and the answer's there I don't know who this is for but this next thing God's gonna do in your life is gonna be unannounced no warning no prophecy the word you just gonna pick up the phone there it is you're just gonna open the email whoop there it is [Music] [Applause] in Acts 12 the whole church was praying for Peter while he was in prison and the Bible says they still in the middle of the prayer meeting God has said Peter free Peter doesn't walk all the way to the house where they praying they praying he ring the doorbell they open the door it looked like Peter she thought it was a ghost and closed the door God's gonna do it so fast he's gonna do it so fast you're not even gonna believe it's real is this blessing real is this opportunity real [Music] [Applause] he says I've seen their misery and I've heard them that's verse 7. and in verse 8 he says this I have come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians and bring them out of that land into a good and Broad land flowing with milk and honey wait a minute he said I have come down to deliver them but he's saying this to Moses telling Moses I'm sending you so God which one doing it you or Moses you said you coming down sometimes God answers your prayer by sending Moses what does Moses representing Moses represents the answer you need that comes in a form you don't recognize [Applause] y'all missed thank you and the form that the answer comes in is so different than what you expect you don't even know he answered it because you need to deliver and God sent you a stuttering insecure man God this can't be my answer this is the one that's supposed to get me out [Applause] it's it's when God gives you the answer you need in a form you don't recognize I was talking to a young lady yesterday at our dream team conference in New Jersey and she was talking to me about some financial goals that she had and some winning invention God giver and things of that particular nature and uh she's talking about time frames and stuff like that and she started talking about financial Blunts and I told her I was like you know God don't give money she was like what I don't I don't care who said that on TV that's not what the books say I don't care who shouted when somebody told you that that's not what the book said you don't say he get money Deuteronomy 8 18 says he gives you power [Applause] remember the Lord your God for it is he who gives you the power so I said to the lady what God has given you is creative abundance [Applause] so you got these ideas and these witty inventions and these plans so God's giving you abundance creatively now what you do with the abundance that he's given you creatively determines whether or not you have abundance financially you think God had answered your prayer because he didn't give you money but he answers your prayer when he gave you an idea y'all aren't talking to me and if you will work the idea that he gave you you will see okay I got one more y'all all right okay I got one more in the book of Exodus Israel starts asking God for bread and the Bible says they wake up one morning and there's this frost-like substance on the ground coriander seed and they look at it and they say Mana and Mana means what is it they say we asked for bread you gave us this little frost-like substance where the bread at because I asked you for bread you gave me this Frost like substance but the Bible says they took that seed and they grinded that seed [Applause] so when they start grinding with the seed It produced grain that they use to make bread [Applause] so God gave them provision in the form of a project and your willingness to grind [Applause] you've got the seed just grind you got the idea just grind you got the initiative just grind if you're grind you'll get the bread [Applause] he says in verse 9 I have The Cry of the people of Israel has come to me I've seen the oppression which which the Egyptians oppressed them this is interesting notice what God's here it says the Cry of my people has come to me in other words I'm responding to their cry I've seen their oppression but I'm responding to their cry I saw what they were going through for hundreds of years but I responded to their cry I would have come sooner if they called me earlier I would have come sooner it didn't take me this long to deliver them it took them this long to know they needed Deliverance and that's some people's problem as long as you're still picky you're not in enough pain [Applause] I don't want okay you're not ready then but when you get in enough pain you say Lord anyway you bless me I'll be Satisfied I'm always gonna wait on you you will never have to wait on me Deliver Me heal me open the door for me now [Music] I'm done tario these people didn't cry he didn't come until they cried they didn't cry until they got dissatisfied with something that used to satisfy them [Music] some of your problem is you still in love with what Egypt used to be imma go to this let me go back to my real side I say something let me preach to the lobby right now some people's problem is they still in love with what Egypt used to be they can't see it's not that no more it was that but it's not that no more it was giving you provision now it's persecution it's not that anymore see your ability to make an exit I'm dontario is dependent on your willingness to properly discern the reason for your dissatisfaction [Applause] see many people automatically assume that dissatisfaction is greed I'm telling you sometimes dissatisfaction is God God's like if I made you okay Where You Are you will stay there stay there you would just settle there cause it's better than where you were you'll just stay in Egypt because of all that Egypt had done for you sometimes it's not greed is God God's turned the nest saying you can't keep thinking like this killing you I'm dealing with mindset next week you can't keep thinking like this thinking patterns are killing you when you're gonna break this cycle when you're going to do what James says and put a governor on your tongue [Applause] you put a governor on an engine that only allows the engine to go so far when you're gonna put a governor on your tongue you keep talking yourself out of what God's trying to talk you into [Applause] he says there's some nonsense and methodologist you gotta exit this strategy not working no more playing Russian roulette with your heart can I just be a spiritual father he says in your 20s you was able to get away with that now you got people you responsible for you can't just be out here Reckless with your heart that method that's Egypt you gotta lead that it's not working it's not evil it may not be sin but it's stuck it's not the sin but it's the weight and the book of Hebrews say lay aside both of them [Applause] the sin and the weight the weight and the sin both is not evil but this is unproductive for me in this season there was a season that it didn't affect me the way this affected me now and I got a bunch of points but y'all only need one this is the one the holy spirit's impressing upon me now and it's this one give me Point number four media listen to me 12 o'clock this is the word for you you need to admit your attachment your emotional attachment to a season you no longer need because you needed it some of you think you need it and you confused and unhealthy allegiance to what no longer is serving you you've confused that with loyalty you think you're being loyal but you're being a bad Steward of your future [Applause] [Music] this not the same pharaoh you got an emotional attachment because that Pharaoh was there when you needed them This Not That pharaoh and you're romanticizing a season that's killing you [Music] all you have with that season is history [Music] [Applause] and the day God our Liberator wants to break us free from emotional attachments to a season that's no longer serving you [Music] he wants to break you free from your assumptions about the life you thought you were supposed to have I want this generation to get this so bad you don't find your life till you lose it see in order for God to show you what's next you have to give the yes first God's not given some of us clarity as your response is conditional [Music] but I'm praying that God sever Al I see it a divine severing he is removing that attachment to the way you thought life was supposed to be and he's like I promise you if you give me what's in your hands imma give you what's in mine and what I have in my hands is far greater than what you have in your hands he says you think you're going to lose by losing but the only way you're going to win [Music] is by releasing it's by giving up is saying God I'm in a state of dissatisfaction in a certain area but I trust you not just with my salvation but with my satisfaction I trust y'all better come get me I trust that you know what will satisfy me God didn't block me from law school he saved me let me go to this side he saved me from something I assumed gonna bring a degree of satisfaction that he knew he wouldn't he didn't take that dream from me he saved me from a life of dissatisfaction he broke my heart for a little while so my heart wouldn't be broken for a long time he let me cry in a season so I wouldn't have to cry my whole life and I'm talking to somebody that's in a season where you feel like you're crying now they whose soul in tears shall reap in joy [Applause] he's severing and emotional attachment to what you think you need but you really don't dare she need law school you need me [Music] and the day will you let it go Lord I want I'm on out I went out of the box I put myself in I want out of the assumptions that I made I want out of this idea of what I have to have I Surrender come on I Surrender [Music] I want to pray over you now father Hanam Jesus [Music] Lord I pray right now for Supernatural severing of attachments that are no longer needed like a rushing wind Jesus breathed Within Lord have your way in me I pray that you would break the tie that binds us to the past and that you lose us to step into the fullness of your future for us I pray for grace to let go I pray for grace to let go I pray for grace to let go and to walk into the fullness of all that you have for us we're on our way out in Jesus name amen [Music]
Channel: Dharius Daniels TV
Views: 78,212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dharius Daniels, change church, spiritual growth, personal development, spiritual growth for 2023, personal growth, spiritual growth in christ, book of exodus, how to grow spiritually strong, how to grow spiritually as a christian, sermons about exodus, 2023 spiritual growth, how to grow spiritually in god, how to grow spiritually closer to god, self improvement, how to grow spiritually in the word of god
Id: PhWiT19D3cM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 8sec (3368 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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