Reading A Series of Unfortunate Events in 24 hours and then dying | Drinking By My Shelf

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welcome back to drinking about myself I have come up with a totally harebrained scheme I am going to read this series of unfortunate events in 24 hours this is a terrible idea and also impossible these books are not actually that short I have never done the 24 hour read-a-thon before but ages ago like several months ago I was looking myself and I remembered that I bought myself this series of unfortunate events like three years ago I have read the first five or six maybe up to like book eight several times I have never made it all the way to the end and a few years ago I decided to buy myself the full series so that I would read it and then of course never did so I thought Emma what if you always wants to do a 24 hour read-a-thon you've always been too scared you wouldn't be able to do it this feels like the perfect way to fill 24 hours and then just like everything fell into place because I had actually chosen this weekend already I like put it in my diary as a weekend but I didn't have anything else on so I could do it then Lauren announced cozy reading night was gonna be on the Saturday night so it's like perfect I can do that and keep reading these books and then I saw him Rachel Maria's Twitter that she is co-hosting a 24 hour read-a-thon over this weekend called the cozy PJ day a thorn or just PJ death on which goes from 8 a.m. to 8 a.m. so it's like literally everything is falling into place I was already planning to do this and now there's gonna be other people there to kind of help we'll be cheering each other on I might actually be able to make it I am now looking at these like so be toasting I'm gonna be able to read 13 books in 24 hours that's like I need to read each of these in less than two hours and that means like taking new breaks whereas I'm honey sick lots of breaks they can't actually just refrain for hours my eyes will stop working I am going to need snaps I am going to need caffeine times like this I really wish I liked coffee but I hate coffee all of the audiobooks are unscripted so if I want to get up and like go for a walk go to the gym I can keep listening to it I'm too old for this and yes I'm doing it and yet here we are [Music] it's time is 8 a.m. it's time to get cracking I'm literally coming straight down in my pajamas picking up book one city wakes up on this soup diving straight in the first live show for the PJs a thorn is a half past so we'll see how much I can read in the first half now before I make myself some breakfast and then the gum what's the live shape my god so nostalgic already even just the dedication to Beatrice darling dearest said and they also really remember yeah here there's one little in the second page the definitions that he gives of words like technically correct so we'll put in a word and they say which here means and then just give it like the very specific definition of what it means in that sentence so I suddenly have this like very strange vocabulary as a ten-year-old all these words that I kind of knew the meanings of it must be so funny for parents to read it and be like but he's not wrong that is what it means but it's not the most helpful ways to find that one I loved it in my good there aren't too many words per page so I feel like I might be able to get you this one pretty quick [Music] okay I'm making pretty good progress it is all this how fast and I am almost look so going pretty fast so I'm gonna get myself some Goods now My Sassy winning trades and going to sit in front of the live show or Mex channel which I think it's gonna be a life read so we cannot read together I love that Emma's trying to be oh how many are bad like being you know some things ok time settle down and read with these guys on the screen so over the last half hour they had a little game to see who could spot the most colors in their reading and I don't I think maybe one got it all shout out in character so much of this book is so nostalgic like shaken like picture they're kind of you from lying in my childhood bed reading this book because I loved it so much and just like little details like when Klaus has to stay up all night reading the book and it says he found himself reading the same sentence over and over he found himself reading the same sentence over and over it likes is it three times and I remember as a kid being like hang on it's written three times new wrote this book is so much fun can Olaf is terrible and I remember like it's such a fun one to read as a child because all of the adults in these books are terrible even the nice ones when I kind to them are just so stupid and gullible and they all like don't listen to the kids and they're like no care laugh is a nice guy and especially when you are a child you feel so like vindicated like I knew I was smarter than you guys and they finished book was 10 past 9:00 so I'm just over my aim of getting it into an hour that's not too bad and they also remembered this was so much more exciting when I was reading the books as they were coming out at the end of each book there's a letter from Lemony Snicket to his editor and it gives clues about what's coming in the next book and I'm always reading those and then having to wait for the next book to come out so exciting so this time oh wait at all because they're all right here and I am going straight into the reptile room the live read is still going on over there so I'm literally gonna just continue straight on at some point I will get up and have a shower but that point is not now Cal owner is like properly scary considering this is a children's book you like bully is like threatening them with knives and stuff he's like possibly scary describes who was sitting at the table rubbing his knife gently against violets knee under the table so no one else knows he's doing that this is like my favorite friends episode if only uncle one team knew what we know and Stefano knew that he knew what we know but uncle Monty doesn't know what we know and Stefano knows that he doesn't know what we know I know class said that's brilliant it's just so frustrating reading people just not listening oh you feel like a child trying to explain myself like when a teacher doesn't believe you about something and you're like I really didn't do it I feel like that rage he just explains the phrase meanwhile back at the ranch and they've literally took out my life since then never been able to hear the phrase meanwhile back at the ranch without thinking about Lemony Snicket and another one bites the dust it is now just before 10 plus 10 so I did actually finish this one and basically exactly an hour so doing well keeping to the schedule I am going to get a blanket dress I'm gonna take hippo on a walk the next one is the wide window so I'm gonna start listening to that one on audiobook while I walk hippo around and I might also go to the gym and keep this thing for an audiobook that that will slow me down obviously listen to audiobooks is slower than my reading speed but I think we're making good progress I have some spare time at the moment oh my god what are the chances I hadn't even checked it's all of the whole series of which events are showing on script but when you go into it only some of them are available and book 3 is not available 1 & 2 3 is docked how many scuppers my fans for listening at the gym okay well I just wasted like half an hour faffing around try and change my country settings on my Apple ID it didn't look so it's fine I'm still let's walk I'm just bringing them up they actually love this kind of weather it's really really cold it's very crisp and it's like foggy and yeah it's nice being outside like this I just heard an awkward laughing out loud to myself and a park goers at this line if you're allergic to a thing it is best not to put that thing in your mouth particularly if the thing is cats just made me laugh out loud again and this is a bit that I actually remember laughing out loud at as a child I remember when he consumed money which is this ceiling is not excusable if for instance you're in a museum and you decide that a certain painting would look better in your house and you simply grab the painting and take it there but if you were very very hungry and you had no way of obtaining money it might be excusable to grab the painting take it to your house and eat it three down there's almost the funniest one so far one thing that I noticed really really dates it is one of count Olaf's accomplices is a person who you can't tell if they're a man or a woman that's the thing about them that's so scary how'd you suddenly appear as if by magic what I was saying was yeah there's this person who they can't tell if they're a man or a woman and that's there like a scary thing and that's also the fact that they are constantly described as like enormous Lee fat and then they're really dehumanized because of that so like they're called a creature sometimes it's have a person and they use it instead of he or she or they and it's yeah it is interesting because it seems now like very outdated to put all of their like monstrosity on the fact that they are fat and don't fit into the gender binary rather than the fact they want to kill children which is mainly the part we should be focusing on are you working with Carol oh my good you look like you're working with evil god I'm a good one day is a great idea I'm gonna change my onesie networks I thought but for pulled for a onesie situation Archie is also in a onesie so we're gonna be raising ugly hair on the sofa this is a book that's a way for me would it be found it in a book videos yeah would it be very funny yes good girl Stan Oh [Music] now I finished before I am making for a progress I actually like broke down my day into the times but I need to finish each work and then way ahead of schedule but is because the first few books are shorter and I didn't know I couldn't bother today dude that detailed maps I literally just invited 24 hours into 30 new books to work out when I needs to finish each one so currently I actually had until 3:20 to finish book four and it's only 1:15 I just finished it which of course that's not as good as it sounds because the books are gonna get longer and longer so I will then get make that time back up but doing what so far and we've now reached a book that does have the audiobook on script so I'm gonna make some lunch well I listen to the audiobook which is good because my eyes are getting tired from reading Carmelita spats was rude she was violent and she was filthy vice-principal Nero I'm not interested in your problems quite frankly any room it doesn't hole up in it it's good enough for me the audio book is brilliant is read by Lemony Snicket keep chuckling for myself my risotto is nearly finished cooking and it is nearly 2 o'clock so it's nearly time for the next live reading it's fine to get all that together in time for that perfect timing and look at this delicious goat cheese and asparagus so in this live stream reach the Meg introduced they're doing a self-care bingo board where you can like they've got a competition you can win a candle and they've created this board and as long as you take off like one of the rows or columns then you're in to the competition I'm gonna have to take off two of the columns yes there's one column that's eat a snack definitely I've already got all of my snacks planned for later message a friend easy and stretch meditate or get active I was gonna go to the gym anyway on my way to the supermarket's buy my snacks the column next to that is to light a candle Wepa jammers and drink hot or cold drink I'm already in my pajamas I've got all my candles ready for when it gets dark and oh yeah drink a hot or cold drink I'll be doing that all day so I'm just doing what I'm not going to do is the column on the end I'm not going to attempt because one of them is to do a face mask I'm sure it already begins face masks another one is take a TV break and I literally do not have time in my packed reading schedule for a TV break as I said in the last a we're going to show you my next little shout out I think they were definitely laughing at me for being you can see in their faces they're like you brought this on yourself which to be fair I did so I can kind of knuckle down and keep reading and switch back to the physical copy even though I was really enjoying the audiobook I will go faster with this and let my risotto digest before going to the gym and then going snack shopping it's happened the first mention of BFD god I forgot you have to get literally all the way to the end of book five before it even gets mentioned oh five bucks down this is tiring I'm gonna get up now and go to the gym nice to be up and moving again I'm gonna bring the audio book of book six with me and then the bit that I'm most excited for of the day I'm gonna go and buy my snacks so for some reason and script had the US version of the audiobook book five but the UK one the book six so the narrator of this one is Tim Curry which is very cool all think he's very good at it but I really liked having Lemony Snicket do it well don't know how to do it I always just like having the author narrate their own work because I feel that they get the pacing always exactly how they imagined it [Music] even though I didn't get what I actually have my heart set which is Waitrose I don't usually go to waitress but all the way to waitress because they do this delicious bottle and pecorino dip and I wanted and I got there and they're out of stock and I was really crappy so I did also seeing else I wasn't getting my fancy dip but reit myself with some fancy cheese we already have some crackers so that's giving minutes I got some cookies I got some coffee ice cream I hate coffee this is froggy but that's a him and I already have some vegan Ben and Jerry's cookie dough in I'm gonna try and like eat snacks for now wait as late as I can to get dinner because I think basically the only thing that's gonna keep me up through the night is regular eating regular tea but first I need to shower and get back into my onesie so I'm comfy again or even back now I'm gonna bath and then read in the bar but it looks a lot of my time advantage from how much slower the audio put this much as I am really enjoying it somehow he's pretty good actually okay I am bathed the I am goes e I am probably now fully in the house until 8 a.m. tomorrow morning and Beyond because that went all go to sleep Stefan then for a good while now and I'm still I'm getting towards the ends of the earth sites elevator so we hurry through that one if I'm gonna keep to my strict schedule I just realized I can stamp off some of my bingo card get active went to the gym eat a snack yep I was just eating some Doritos wear PJs yes I am drink a hot dog or drink you know what I'm gonna go get my first diet coke of the day I'm not gonna light my candles yet because I don't want to risk getting too cozy and sleepy a lot of hours ahead of me mmm lava DC blue things I need to do message your friend I'll do that right now bet you have some texts I have a reply to yet unanimous popular either they're really clever playing with the idea of a red herring using a literal red herring and I'm probably not supposed to find that as clever and funny as I do believe it et okay okay finish but six we are going on to book seven which brings me to you halfway through the series sir it is coming up it's nearly seven o'clock which is when cozy really night starts so I'm gonna make myself a little selection of snacks and stuff so I have that ready for cozy really night and then go straight on look at that spread that is cozy reading night material can't me just go back and live with justice Strauss I know in the first place they couldn't because the world said they have to live with a relative boa but they keep getting passed off to random people at this point anyway so currently just caught up just to Strauss she wanted to take them maybe that's how it ends I don't know I don't really remember this book at all so here's where it's getting quite fun because up until the elevator one I think I've reread up until they're relatively recently like five years ago so I remember that one quite well where is this one I have read but I don't know anything about it I think I have read up until the circus one in the carnival one whatever it's called beyond that it's all going to be totally brand new but this feels pretty brand new because it's been like decades since I read it okay I have a question I keep coming across the word sneaked in this book is that the American Way of saying snuck because or have I always just got that word wrong because I will only ever say snuck every time I read sneaked it seems really want but it keeps coming up in this book I'm gonna solve this right now my google apparently is kind of looked down on snuck is more often used in North American English okay well there you go I've always been using snuck I started to undo it was that just a British thing but no that's not the answer okay problem solved thank you so much oh so we now have a character not Lemony Snicket but another Snicket house like become part of this story like Lemony Snicket has featured in here before we know that he kind of exists in this world because beatrice exist in this world who the woman he like dedicates the books to now we have another character with the surname Snicket like fully in this story I'm so intrigued to see how this is all gonna work we're gonna make loads of mysteries I don't remember ever reading this book at all before but there's like loads of questions popping up if you like the first like for books are just this like they're really fun they're really funny but they're just this quite like formulaic like children's book adventure and then from 5 onwards it's like now we're going to introduce this ongoing story and mystery that binds them all together and it's gonna get confusing I'm excited though why does it have to get confusing when I'm going into the second half of the refund when my brain is going to be very diet ok perfect timing I just finished book seven and then it's five to eight which means it's almost exactly half with you the read-a-thon and I'm more than halfway through which is great news and eight there is the next live reading so I'm turning it on now I'm gonna eat a cookie and then what even is the next book called I'm going into like really uncharted territory the hostile Hospital I don't remember this one either but they definitely know I read the circus once I must have read this very exciting I love getting into all the stuff that I don't know and do remember how is it but I'm so full let's practice eating this cookie and yet rachel is eating a brownie on the live show and it's making me really want brownies era okay I think it's time to light my candles now I'm moving into the second half second half of my book stack and second half of the TBR Mike and isn't it a little bit worse for wear moment basically this one this one's basically on its last legs this was a Christmas when I saw say well just finish it up [Music] literally could I have messed up that candle lighting experience mock did you see me literally drop a burning flame onto my carpet okay my crisis averted let's read this book I'm starting a series of unfortunate events in my life now geez [Music] just finished number eight oh I'm starting to get tired it's not even ten o'clock and I'm already like fully feeling like I could shut my eyes and I still have five full books left to read which is starting to feel like a silliness sure so I am going to splash my face with water make myself some tea order some pizza if I'm so full I feel like having hot food around my help you can do this Emma I'm I'm actually impressed that I've even got this far this early I'm still ahead of my schedule and way more than halfway through just think the faster you read the faster you can sleep where am i heading next the carnivorous Carnival okay so this is the only one left that I've already read my most at least hole so much this one's for me today this one's for a GP can you believe I have been reading littering on stop reporting out as but I've also watched 15,000 steps you've done so much today I'm super impressed now I really don't want to read five more books and I don't want to eat Beatrice if 10 hours left I'm just gonna be scaring Emma that's gonna amount to psychological torture why you asked me to keep you up it's Saturday night at 10:00 p.m. it's clearly better yeah I said on your eyes footing sleep in the next anti ah it's just like incessantly slapping my baby hey right right let's head off to the carnivorous carnival Hey a liquid arrived I think after this pizza I might have to start reading while walking up and down the stairs or something because eggs oh look at me awake and B I feel like I was coping brother during day when I had like a change of scenery through all the books whereas now I'm just on this sofa working away through five books in a row so I can't keep that stammer you may just take a little break as well I know I'm type of breaks like finally I can take you I'll talk about everywhere now eat this pizza hmm I love pizza oh my god that's just been such a big twist that I don't remember I mean though it swishes like a hot reveal I remember this setting because I guess there's a pretty memorable setting being like other circus and they're like in the freakshow and that's all a bit um cool so remember that but like something big just happened I don't remember this is exciting we get so many anagrams of count Olaf's name with his various disguises I'm just like really disappointed that no one's been called loaf yet okay eight and to go and eight hours to go so that's good that means I have two hours left but look I think I can do it but I'm gonna have to start walking around a bit I might take a real quick break and see if bargee wants to play a game with me and then I'm going straight back it's the chocolate I'm serious oh okay we are now entering uncharted territory my next book is book number ten and this is the first one that I have never read before I don't think and press it and I stopped maybe halfway through the carnival one the first time around when I was a kid so this is brand-new I'm liking where this is going I'm really enjoying the series even though I'm sleepy I liked much as I loved to the early ones I liked it stopped following that same formula and now it's like them on the run rather than them being kind of given to different guardians and adults not believing them again we're a new place now I'm excited but I'm just like really hoping that I don't completely just crash and fall asleep and fail which I may but that's what the teas for I'm gonna read this one the move to see if it keeps me awake she's still gone I didn't last long walking up and down the stairs cuz that was quite boring but now I'm back on the sofa again and I just feel like I've been here for years I'm considering moving upstairs and lying on my bed but that's also a dangerous game to play I'm really enjoying this book though the slippery slope this is number 10 we're finding out like a lot more about VFD and I mean yeah well I mean it's posing more questions than giving answers so far but I'm enjoying it it's really good fun so I don't want to fall asleep I'm not feeling like Earth this is a chore I'm having a good time I just wish it was the middle of the day and not a little left oh my god I've been reading this so long that sunny can talk now how much time is passed and they finish back 10 yay can you tell him really I think that Steve I did work out how many pages I read okay so now that I finished this one I have read so far two thousand three hundred and seventy four pages that's too many pages to be thirty one day and there were three thousand and thirty four total that means there is six hundred and sixty pages left to read so if I've been reading at a rate of just under 132 pages per hour I have just under six hours left and six hundred and sixty pages so that's just like a little under 110 pages bar so yeah the speed I'm going out I'm actually on track to finish this but do I want to this is for the three full books left but not sure once at this point these are full length books I hate quitting things and I've done so well and the fact like when I started this I kind of feel it was impossible and the father technically I could finish the whole thirteen book series in 24 hours is so cool well you made some of it for me so I really don't want to quit the same time every day when I go to sleep was that the longest one you're actually downs even longer I don't know what to do I was gonna say I'll be so proud of myself if I get thread also where lie why am I doing this nobody asked me to do this no one will consider this an achievement if I tell people about it they'll just be like why why I'm ready to pull an Instagram and so far it's on 5050 it's just not helping me I know if I go to bed I'll be disappointed I know it's a stupid challenge but it's fun that they could do it I've decided Emeril ttan does not give up but I am moving off this sofa because this place here's my meat oh my God look at this bags under my eyes there's a turbo yet here's what I need I'm gonna make this work I need my third diet coke of the day so sorry teeth and body I need more pizza which I just put in the oven I need to sit on a slightly less comfortable because then I'll feel less like falling asleep and I need you just let my face if you see my eyes shutting no right now the night sky you look fit sir Hey look everything's okay am i crying I'm not sure this book is called the fern grotto oh they're underwater just like my brain feels [Music] this book has a lot of long words in it does it not know that it's nearly 4:00 in the morning [Music] okay I'm glad I did that because I do feel like I've had a bit of a second wave I mean you know let's not go carried away I'm so sleepy but having now finished book 11 I do feel ready to go straight into book 12 this one is the longest one so far I believe so that's not great also for the first time today I am late and behind on my schedule I've like stayed ahead of it this whole time and now I'm half an hour behind so I might not finish quite by 8 a.m. but it shouldn't be too long afterwards um I'm still really enjoying it it's the last book like it he's definitely trying to make some points about like morality now about people being a mix of good and bad not one thing or the other which is obviously great um but it's like it seems a little out of place because actually for the first like 7 books in the series you do have these really cartoonishly bad characters so now suddenly trying to introduce like oh no one's one thing or the other doesn't really feel like it fits but maybe I mean maybe I'll get the hang of that so this one is called the penultimate peril we've met all sorts of interesting characters that I'm actually like really glad I'm reading these all in a row because otherwise I think I've struggled to keep track of who everyone is anyway time for the pronouncement peril but what I'm gonna do is it's now 4:30 I'm actually gonna change into my back into my night pajamas keep things changing you know what I did through the whole of the grim growth day is every time it was the start of a new chapter to get up and do squats for the first few pages and that really helped keep my energy up saying maybe I'll keep doing that I think it's when I sit down for too long as when I start being like oh you know what sleep is nice isn't it [Music] the sleepiness is really coming back come on you're so close we're up and walking around again it's the only way for it all so this book is such a confusing one to read me our brain is sleepy it's been like constantly trying to figure out who people are like identical twins and not sure who's good who's bad and it reminds me of those riddles that I used to like when I was younger they're like half the people on this island lie and half of them tell the truth and you have to figure out like in three questions how can you figure out if someone's lying or telling the truth you know I mean those ones it feels like a book version of those puzzles which is really cool I'm really fun but not at what time is it 5:30 in the morning when my brain is tired you just hang out because we're staying up I already brushed my teeth but I've now gone back into a full sleep mood so I think food is suddenly the only solution [Laughter] and when I have such a tummy ache from eating this food that my tummy doesn't want it's the only way it's 7:00 a.m. so the final life show is just started and I really wants to finish this book it's fine and this isn't even the final bit I'm so close oh so close was over I mean oh what's the live show for a bit I'm getting so much love on this life making me really feel like it was worth it to stay up oh okay so I just finished by 12 and the thing I was saying earlier about it being kind of about like morality it actually didn't go the way I thought it was gonna go it's and it I felt like it was going like a little bit overly sentimental and it actually took a kind of unexpected turn with it I can't really figure out where they make of it at the moment but it was it's interesting it's cool I'm ready a dream these books that they might get a lot deeper be lame either you would guess from the first ones um so now my decision is it's like ten past seven now I have one more book left but it's another big like longer one but technically the 24 hours on does go until 8:00 so I might as well start book thirteen down here with Rachel and Meg reading here anyway but there is a good chance I will fall asleep before I actually finish that book so it's happening 23 muddy hours later and starting the final book in the series for theater I cherished you perished the world's been nightmarish [Music] my eyes and brain have fully lost the ability to read now how I read the first chapter of the final but I was not expecting to enjoy that as much as I did but also I still I do feel very confused by it particles are confusing partly because I'm tired so I have to do some Wikipedia ring tomorrow my brains working better and like making sure that I understood everything right but for now it's been a full 24 hours I'm taking myself to bed [Music] hmm good Sunday now I slept for like five hours and then my alarm went off to remind me to not become a literal night owl yesterday feels like an actual dream like did I do that did I read for 24 hours straight I went through this morning when I first got up and couldn't quite roll out of bed added all of the first 12 books to my Goodreads I was just like did I really read those that's 12 but Zimmer's they actually the events in them I like blowing with my real life that's what sleep deprivation will do to you um it's me that the thought of reading the final 13th book now kind of makes me want to cry but also I really when I see this there and I doin it like this still unsolved mysteries up in the air I'm really hoping this book is gonna solve them or at least like give me something satisfying so I feel like it's just be more and more unanswered questions so I might get up and take you for a walk and read as I walk again that might be a nice way to not feel like I'm just back in the same dream from yesterday [Music] this like this nice reading and walking situation I've got going on it's very much on borrowed time the sky is so dark and gray right now like they just actually sort of get darker I feel like it start stuff pouring with rain any second now look are you going into that huh it is so strange like it's just throwing up the bells of all that like watching lost thinking the Lake Stevens lost we're just like someone please tell me what is going on also I've avoided the race for 45 minutes but everybody feels like it's about to start so I'm gonna start heading him we meet again he's a [Music] what was in the Sugar Bowl I thought it that didn't answer so many questions oh that's so weird that's so rude well I get finished on one answer that I already knew but what was in the Sugar Bowl that was such a bizarre way to end the series I'm in distress but I can't say that I didn't like it I do really like it I quite like that it just leaves you being like because I look a lot of what they talk about is these unanswered mysteries and like whether we need to know the answers to everything so it's it's deliberate but it's also just like just tell me just give me something I stayed up all night reading you you have to give me something when I did it I've done it I've had 13 books in a little over 24 hours to be honest so I did 24 hours and then I was reading again from like just before - just before 4:00 so 26 hours yeah basically took me roughly 2 hours per book I've read the whole series 1 4/7 finally I now it's gonna say I know what they're about I don't know what they're but these are been sitting on my shelf for so long and I've been so intrigued I actually don't know many people who've read all the way to the end like so many of me at my friend's read those early ones but it just becomes like a totally different type of book the tone is really different like it's still the same comedy in the same style of writing but these it's a bit like Harry Potter I guess where the books are not aimed at the same age group like the early ones you can be when you're really young but the old ones are definitely for older readers I feel like this is the same you're kind of supposed to grow up with them and it's just interesting that unlike Harry Potter most of us didn't like most of my friends who are the right age with me for those early ones did stop reading before the end of the series and I wonder why you know what my overall impression of that is really positive I really really enjoyed that I enjoyed that experience I mean I tried telling myself that a 3m I was so tired and unhappy and really want to go to bed but I'm really glad I kept going for the whole 24 hours and that was really fun and I'm now so glad that I can say everybody's works and know that I do really enjoy them I am gonna have to go and get lost down some internet rabbit holes because I feel like there's bound to be connections in here that I just didn't pick up on especially when I was so sleepy so I want to go onto them some like a series of unfortunate event forums and see what people think so what theories there are out there they did it I read the series of unfortunate events in just over 24 hours and now I'm just gonna lie down and die I think that's all that's left to do really why have I done this and now my weekends nearly over them so tight and so full of so much food that might be the last 24 hour read-a-thon I ever do because that was so exhausting than knowing me I will instantly forget how much I hated it in the early hours of the morning and I'll do it again so if there are any other massive book series you think I should read in 24 hours maybe I'll do it again there yeah I mean to be honest this like looks like if you put all these books together that's like the same height as my Harry Potter stack anyway though these ones have quite big writings so I don't think I could make it through the Harry Potter series in 24 hours but now that I've said that I really want to try [Music]
Channel: Drinking By My Shelf
Views: 164,994
Rating: 4.9723425 out of 5
Keywords: 24 hour readathon, 24 hour reading vlog, booktube, drinking by my shelf, a series of unfortunate events, lemony snicket, daniel handler, reading a series of unfortunate events in one day, asoue, baudelairs, a series of unfortunate events book review, cosy reading night, pjdayathon, rachael marie's book journey, megwithbooks, 24 hour vlog, reading for 24 hours, booktube challenge, readathon vlog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 52sec (2392 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 27 2020
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