Do Behringer Guitar Pedals Sound Good?

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welcome back to music and wood today we're going to do a video about behringer pedals [Music] we're back with the pedalboard that i built a few months ago and put all of these behringer pedals on it's been some time however i'm finally going to get around to making the video talking about all of these behringer pedals and we're going to turn them all on and see what happens i wanted to find out if we could get some decent tones with some of these lower and lower cost pedals and some of them are pretty good and some of them not so great but let's take a look together at everything that i've got in front of me there's not all of the behringer pedals here but a good selection of them and we'll run through them and test them all out i'm going to use a strat as the guitar that we'll test with today and a fender hot rod deluxe that's going through a guguera power soak and that power soak then is uh doing an emulated output into my computer into the logic and it's recording all that in there so no mics into a speaker but i do have a speaker next to me as a monitor to listen to while i play so as everybody probably knows behringer pedals are relatively inexpensive and they do have some more expensive lines but the basic kind of boss clone pedals are not that pricey and function pretty similarly albeit they're made of plastic instead of metal and the mechanisms are not as rugged as the higher end boss kind of comparatively pedals we've got two compressor pedals here the way the chain's working is i've got the guitar going into the tuner turner going into a noise gate noise gate going into the compressors and then that goes through an octaver pre-amp and then a whole series of overdrives up to heavy distortions metal distortions and then that goes into the front end of the amplifier into the preamp and then the effects loop of the amplifier comes out and that goes into the phaser and the rest of the modulation pedals the chorus vibrato tremolo and delay pedal then that goes back out into the power section input of the effects loop on the amplifier so that's the setup we're doing the uh effects loop setup for the modulation and everything else is going into the front end well let's see here so we've got a tuner and then that's going to probably be the first one to take a look at i would really hope that a tuner actually tunes or tells you if you're in tune so let's find out together [Music] it says i'm a little sharp on the e a d g b and e now i tuned this guitar up just a few moments ago with a different tuner and it said i was not sharp so it's possible that this may need some adjustment but i'm going to leave it where it is and then we'll just if we need to use the tuner again tune everything one notch sharp so let's turn that off [Music] that's our clean tone just a little bit of reverb i may turn that off and on throughout testing these pedals so let's go ahead and just turn on first compressor here [Music] so i've got the sustain up pretty high attack is relatively relatively fast level kind of about a quarter up [Music] so [Music] and definitely hear the compressor doing its work there let's uh turn the attack up a little smoother go down to minimum [Music] you can hear it immediately on kind of maybe halfway that [Music] go ahead and bring back the reverb on the amplifier and we'll just get nice and clean no reverb [Music] let's try turning that sustain all the way up here and [Music] definitely gives us a lot of boost out of the guitar [Music] i think i'll leave that off and on throughout because i kind of like what it does to [Music] the guitar so probably find a good spot for that now we've also got this compressor sustainer here the cs400 next to it this one is slightly different it's got a tone knob to it so you can kind of change the tone let's turn that on and see what that may sound like here kind of bring the attack down a bit sustain up and level up a little bit we'll start with the tone in the center bring the tone up almost all the way [Music] really see turn the tone down here almost all the way [Music] well not too bad of a pedal [Music] does what it says it does compresses and sustains [Music] some quacking [Music] [Music] [Music] i kind of like the [Music] way that the red one sounds so probably turn that off and on now next that we've got an octaver and then some boosts and drives so let's go ahead and just turn the octave on here [Music] well it kind of does what it says got a direct mix so i suppose we turn that down all we get is the octave you can blend it back in blend your clean back in [Music] some range settings here [Music] suppose that's for the octave didn't read the manual [Music] let's turn down that octave will turn up octave two [Music] turn up octave two see what that sounds like a little smoother than octave two i can't really tell sounds like it's going down one octave and then octave two goes down two octaves that's kind of what it sounds like so you can kind of blend in two octaves down kind of get funky with that a little bit and have some fun with some solo [Music] [Music] well it works it doesn't sound superbly awesome but totally works and uh well we've got a preamp boost and probably the simplest pedal you can make if you want to make a preamp boost you can absolutely do that with like four components uh on a breadboard or something like that so if you ever wanted to build your first pedal you can definitely do that with like an op-amp and a couple of resistors a couple of capacitors put it together and boom there you go you've got a pedal that you just made with minimal components and super easy to do so i would really hope that that didn't uh get messed up so let's give it a try here i'm going to put the gain down about a quarter inch of the way we have a base and a treble eq dial so we'll just put those straight up at the moment and see what uh what it does so [Music] it seems to boost all right [Music] so this actually might be somewhat useful if you've got a strat or some other single coil telecaster or something like that you wanted a little hotter of a tone or sound going into the front end of your amplifier you could use a preamp boost somewhere in your chain before the front end that would then raise up the input signal into the amplifier and then you could you know not get something like a full humbucker tone out of it but it would push the amp potentially into breakup a little sooner so that's definitely one use for the preamp that you could use i might even use that into one of these other drive pedals that we have after it so we've got a vintage tube overdrive it's green it's called the t0800 i really don't know what possibly that particular pedal could be trying to replicate no actually i do it's probably the tube screamer but then we've got the overdrive distortion heavy distortion ultra metal pedals so we'll just start off here with the vintage tube overdrive and i'll go all the way down let's see here so we've got the got a drive a tone and a level yep just about a quarter up tone will go straight up [Music] so [Music] i've got the tone about halfway on the guitar right now [Music] drives about halfway here drive is almost three quarters let's go ahead and roll back the volume and see what it cleans up like [Music] so [Music] well it uh sounds kind of nice cleaned up a little bit i'm going to roll all the way back and [Music] see where that goes now let's actually put the preamp in front of it the prime boost and i'm gonna raise up the gain a little bit more [Music] let's turn that off [Music] so so as i was saying stacking the boost up into the overdrive can give you something a little sweeter sometimes especially if you've got uh single coils or a little lower output so you can push the overdrive just a little bit more with the boost in front of it so the green vintage tube overdrive doesn't sound too bad on the behringer lines just turn the gain up pretty much to max there for the drive [Music] [Music] [Music] me i really like stacking that preamp into the tube overdrive really sweetens and fattens up the tone nicely [Music] that is definitely kind of cool so likely want to reuse that combination again let's move over just to the overdrive distortion and so we've got a level tone drive and a mode being able to apparently shift in between overdrive and distortion so let's kind of put that up in the middle and then we'll get our tone up in the middle drive about a quarter level a quarter see what that sounds like [Music] not too bad [Music] kind of like that it's definitely a little hotter than the vintage tube overdrive let's just slam it with the preamp boost and see how that sounds [Music] definitely boosts it up you could also use that kicking for a solo that would probably be a great use of that prion boost as well just going along yeah just play your song [Music] now it's time for that solo [Music] so [Music] so you could definitely do something like that with the preamp boost if you wanted to just go into overdrive no pun intended using an overdrive to get some drive and then a more drive with a boost into it i'm going to change this overdrive distortion setting all the way down to overdrive for the mode we'll kind of see where that goes [Music] definitely gets a little more overdrive sounding [Music] definitely less [Music] that sounds even more overdriving and i just went all the way up to the distortion setting [Music] kind of like that a little better it opens up the tone let's go back to overdrive here [Music] i mean to me the overdrive sounds like distortion and the distortion sounds like overdrive when you go full kilt on the dial there [Music] huh [Music] [Music] [Music] well you can definitely get some really nice different tones out of this overdrive distortion pedal the od 300. [Music] huh kind of like it so oh i like the vintage tube but this overdrive distortion tube uh overdrive distortion pedal actually sounds pretty good as well let's go a little bit further we're gonna get even more extreme go into the heavy distortion pedal so we've got a gain boost distortion a tone level and a bottom tone so uh we'll go ahead and just put the tones straight flat up and let's see distortion gain i guess we'll just kind of start off here at a quarter see what that sounds like [Music] oh huh pretty gamey let's uh let's bring down that gain boost and just bring the drive up [Music] well it sounds like i may need to tune let's go ahead and check the tuner see how that's working well i don't really love that tuner it might just need some adjustment but i feel like there's probably a better tuner you can buy so we'll keep going and go back here to that heavy distortion we were looking at so i've got the drive straight up about halfway bring the gain boost up about a quarter so [Music] yeah it's uh definitely sounds pretty forced try messing with the tone [Music] brought the high tone up a bit maybe the bottom down a bit [Music] so [Music] let's go ahead and see what it sounds like if it cleans up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hit it with a preamp booster all right good to go back on for the ultra metal so let's turn that on and we're starting about a third on the distortion about a quarter ish on the level and all the tone section knobs are straight up yeah okay it's a distortion pedal sounds very similar to the heavy distortion let's scoop the mids we're gonna kill the mids and see what happens oh there you go that sounds pretty mid-scoopy [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah it's got some metal tone in there [Music] hmm [Music] uh yeah you could probably place the metal with that i suppose [Music] bring up the tone on the guitar bit here [Music] [Music] yeah you can get pretty metally i'm uh not a big metal player but uh like the tone well so we left that you know with the mid scooped pretty pretty well traditional kind of a tone for sorts of metals and things and distortion about halfway just for fun let's kick it up all the way wall of distortion going on huh i mean that's not unbearable definitely can hear a lot of things coming through if i was using this noise gate with the effects loop then i could like totally kill everything this noise gate's kind of interesting it actually has a built-in effects loop so we could configure it to where the guitar would gate everything else going through it uh rather than just the guitar gating so you can use it in two different ways kind of a hum kill or an entire tone sound kill rather it's probably also a tone killer but let's see so if we wanted to have that ultra metal and the preamp boost and you can hear all that fizz and fuzz and hiss come in because we've got that high gain and the preamp boost going through the amp so we're going to wire this up and maybe get the noise gate to take care of some of that for us all right i'll just set that up there cool we can hear oh it's silent [Music] well listen to that so we've got a threshold of course [Music] and a decay for how long the gate stays open it kind of goes off slowly trailing off let's go ahead and turn the decay to the minimum setting so it'll decay the quickest and the threshold will find a good [Music] one and we'll just crank the distortion up [Music] [Music] and it's now absolutely quiet so that's definitely cool you can also use it as a mute pedal so you can just kill switch mute everything definitely might need to use that for some higher gain pedals seems to function well enough in the full kind of effects loop way that we've got it running so the guitar is going into the tuner tuner on the inside of the noise gate and from the outside that's going directly into the amp then we've actually got this effects loop that's a part of the noise gate and so that's coming out from the send going into the drive and compression and booster channels or booster pedals and then out the strip of those back into the return and then that goes out of the out into the amp there so seems to work pretty well turn that on to reduction you can hear it's not reducing it very well but the mute definitely does keep the extra hiss from the super gain pedals pretty down to a minimum [Music] that's pretty cool definitely nice go ahead and reorder this so the board looks pretty again all right we've got everything back [Music] to how it was before let's go ahead and move into some of the modulation pedals so we've got the vintage phaser this is the vp1 and this of course is a phaser we've got a tone switch and a rate switch no blend or anything like that so you get what you get out of it [Music] oh i always find phasers audibly it sounds like they're taking away from some of the volume so we're going to use the preamp booster bring back some of that volume another great use for that along with a modulation pedal which removes some of the perceived volume because of the modulation [Music] let's put that tune switch up wow [Music] feels like that tone almost changes the depth not really the tone but the depth of the phaser [Music] well yep you can definitely uh make some cool vintage tones with that vintage phaser i like it so onto a course it's a chorus pedal this is another modulation and we've got level tone rate and depth that's nice that the levels included because sometimes i find chorus can also being a modulation remove some of the perceived volume from your sound so let's go clean turn it on we've got the rate and tone so level we'll go straight up tone straight up right uh straight up depth straight up everything's straight up and let's see what it sounds like pretty uh quiet it's kind of under the under the layers of the sound there it's a pretty nice subtle and subdued chorus effect [Music] that's um let's mess with the tone a bit i'm going to turn the tone down see here where we go [Music] so the level is actually a blend of the chorus along with your dry signal [Music] change the depth we'll raise the depth up and the rate a little bit gets pretty fazey [Music] turn that down to a scene rate okay something a little more sane nice [Music] [Music] um [Music] i like it that's definitely a decent sounding course i'd i'd probably use that for something let's get the phaser and the chorus going together wow see if we bring some trouble back into that [Music] now [Music] oh yeah i like it turn all those off and go into the vibrato so kind of funny i'm sure most of you are aware difference between vibrato and tremolo but uh the tremolo is supposed to be the volume and the verado is supposed to be the pitch so this is vibrato and this would be if i use the volume knob the kind of tremolo effect [Music] right and so those are the different actual effects now this is referred to generally trembar whammy bar something like that tremolo bar or whatever there but it's technically not actually a tremolo it's actually a vibrato but i think there's some copyright or something with the vibrolux or something from gibson something like that not a historian so you can read more about that but difference being one is volume one is pitch so let's look at the ultra vibrato now which is for the pitch let's see what it sounds like well i have it in bypass mode so there we go now it's in latch mode so we've got a switch unlatched bypass and latch we've got a rise rate and a depth i'm going to guess the rise is how quickly it rises so you can kind of shape the wave for the vibrato the rate obviously is going to be the frequency and depth kind of helps shape the wave as well and probably also the blend coming from the depth so we will just put everything straight up go into latch mode [Music] well so something interesting that i've noticed the vibrato pedal along with either the chorus or the trim pedal those somehow being in the same chain can cause this odd kind of a frequency that's audible somehow the oscillation circuits in these petals are interacting with each other and you can actually hear some oscillations some different high tone high pitch frequencies so that's why it was in bypass to begin with because that way it's just not in the circuit so if you hear some funny kinds of little high-pitched tones or something like that like that right there that's just the vibrato pedal i think if we were to remove say the chorus pedal from the mix then probably turn that off or something then let's see here i think we could probably [Music] yep so it seems like the chorus and the vibrato in the same patch are not actually going to play well together so keep that in mind of course or vibrato or you'll have to switch into bypass when you want to but then you got to do the switchy switch and just doesn't seem all that feasible so of course in vibrato of the behringer pedals doesn't sound like they work well together unless you use some other kind of a pedal management system where you can probably run things out differently and you don't have to run them through each other so they're not all directly connected to each other which is probably just something from the ground between the two of them as just a off top my head guess so back to the vibrato [Music] [Applause] so [Music] so [Music] turn the rate down a little bit get something smoother [Music] [Applause] [Music] well as a vibrato it does its thing sounds nice probably find some good settings i probably wouldn't use it because i would rather have the chorus on the board so i would probably ditch the vibrato and just keep the chorus let's see here [Music] there's also this unlatch mode [Music] well that's kind of interesting [Music] so [Applause] you can use that to kind of almost as a an expression pedal press it on to turn it on and let go and that way you can use that to embellish what you're playing a little bit without keeping it on all the time so you can just get a little extra vibrato in there if you don't want to do it uh with your fingers or you want to do a whole chord or something but i guess you could do a whole quarter of the fingers too so the trem actually one of my favorite effects modulation anyway on here we've got rate depth and wave you can shape the tone using those three different things the rate of course how fast it oscillates the depth of course how deep it goes into the oscillation kind of use that to blend it's a little softer the effect gets more pronounced as you move through the depth and then the wave so you can hear this kind of sawtooth here and then we can move all the way over to a more abrupt square wave or some blend in between there [Music] nice actually that's why they got to put the preamp booster eq back straight up i had that set to try and put some more trouble into that phaser there we go much better [Music] such a fun [Music] effect a little more right into there [Music] [Laughter] change the depth down a little bit [Music] do [Music] so yeah that sounds pretty decent it's got [Music] all the options you could really want [Music] and a tremolo effect [Music] alrighty so there is one pedal left on the board that's the delay pedal it's called the vintage delay vd-400 let's check it out so we've got a repeat rate intensity echo and see here i'm assuming the repeat rate is probably going to be the yep the rate of repeats to echo kind of the [Music] feedback [Music] or maybe the volume yep so the echo is the volume of the effect and then the intensity is the feedback nice sounds like you could probably get some fun sounds out of this i'm going to just test this out speed that up kind of slap effect going on and we will [Music] we got the vintage delay and the overdrive distortion pedals on turn down the echo a bit [Music] so [Music] so i've got the overdrive distortion and the vintage delay effect on speed that up a little [Music] [Music] oh i forgot how to play guitar so i've got the overdrive distortion and the vintage delay pedals on the repeat rate set pretty high echo volume down intensity down there for the feedback just to get kind of one or two extra spring backs on that [Music] um [Music] um get the compressor in on this action too turn the sustain up and actually we'll get the preamp boost out of here just use the compressor [Applause] [Applause] got some phaser in as well [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] uh so i've got the vintage delay and a slapback overdrive a phaser and the compressor all on and i kind of somewhat feel a little bit like david gilmore with this tone it's kind of fun [Applause] well all the different tonal possibilities can be at your fingertips for an incredibly low price each of these pedals are somewhere around 20 to 30 bucks and you can possibly even find them cheaper in a used market i got all of these pedals actually from sweetwater i was not sponsored to do this but i figured i'd mention because i think they've got them for a decent deal that deal may or may not still be running but if it is you should check it out and get them for a very nice price if there's something else that you thought that might have been a better behringer pedal to showcase or anything you think i may have left out definitely please put it in the comments and we'll try to get one and see if we could get our little board and test it out that's been today's music and wood thanks for joining me sure hope you'll subscribe like and do all those fun things so we can keep making content i certainly enjoy it it's definitely fun and hopefully you enjoy it too i'll see you next time on music and wood [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: MusicAndWood
Views: 6,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: behringer pedals, behringer, musicandwood, music and wood, Chromatic Tuner TU300, Compressor / Limiter CL9, Compressor Sustainer CS400, Ultra Octaver UO300, Preamp Booster PB100, Vintage Tube Overdrive TO800, Overdrive Distortion OD300, Heavy Distortion HD300, Ultra Metal UM300, Noise Reducer NR300, Vintage Phaser VP1, Ultra Chorus UC200, Ultra Vibrato UV300, Ultra Tremolo UT300, Vintage Delay VD400, 60 cycle hum, affordaboard, jhs, affordable pedals, pedals demo, review
Id: cAVBQ7TuJv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 30sec (3570 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 24 2022
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