$20 Behringer Pedals are back! - Hm-2 vs. HM300 & MORE - #Affordaboard - Thanks Sweetwater!

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hey everyone i'm ryan you're watching 60 cycle hum and i've got a just ridiculous stack of cheap plastic pedals here all provided to me by sweetwater thanks sweetwater i put in this order probably last year and they finally came in i know there's been big um you know production supply issues with cobid and everything like that so they're finally back in stock as of me recording this video you can go to sweetwater and buy many of these pedals now all right what do we have here we've got the hm 300 might as well just unbox all this stuff right now right i love the color bright pink he has the box he doesn't have the box this of course is a clone of the boss hm2 i'll probably do a comparison at some point in this video the uv 300 bye bye box hd 300 i forget what this is supposed to be it's supposed to be a boss md2 mega distortion ultra octaver attack of the clones here dr 600 any guesses this one i'm excited to try out because it's got a spring setting will this finally be an affordable pedal with a decent spring reverb ultra tremolo here a clone of the boss tr2 and this one is interesting because i'm pretty sure this is the only behringer pedal that isn't a direct clone of anything it is a digital multi effect it's got stuff like delay and phaser course flanger tremolo pitch shifter on there i know i don't have a camera on it but i am just getting these in the trash can nothing but net i'm so good at playing basketball with boxes guys none of that is true they're all just landing on the floor a to 800 obviously a tube screamer a vd-400 from what i understand this is supposed to be a clone of the boss dm3 i'll do a comparison against the dm2w that i have but from what i understand they're not the same the dm2 and the dm3 are not the same delay they're closely related but not the same we'll see how they compare right in affordable tradition i'm going to use an affordable guitar this time the squire starcaster i played it the other day and i've been thinking about it since i really like this guitar so i just want to play it again it's got humbuckers i think that'll work really well with a bunch of these pedals maybe i'll switch to something with single coils if i feel it's appropriate all right here is my dry tone [Music] super dry barely damp at all all right the hm 300 starting off with all the knobs turned all the way down which is the opposite setting you would expect for a pedal like this let's actually mirror the settings that i already have on the hm2 [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we'll do the joke setting that everyone thinks is the real setting but i never run an hm2 that way [Music] no thank you that was too loud if you want a pedal that goes too loud this pedal goes too loud [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] all right we should do a comparison to the hm2 now [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Applause] it does the same sort of thing the game character is the same but this hm2 just sounds a lot better this is a mij by the way i've bought and sold probably four or five hm twos over the years it was always just as a flip just trying to make a profit um but i ended up landing on this one and i honestly feel like this is a magic one there's something a little bit different about this one where i connected with it was like whoa that sounds better than the other ones that i've been buying and selling so i've kept this one so i might be cheating right now by having an extra special magic hm2 if there is such a thing [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] uh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] i wish it sounded as good as the hm2 because it would be great to have a fully great sounding budget clone of the hm2 boss is coming out with a waza hm2 but still it would be nice to have like a 20 version and technically it is but i'll say it sounds like a 20 version i think if you're hm2 curious this is definitely a route you could go to explore that sort of sound to see how it works with your rig and then if you feel like you like it but you want it to be better you did a taste test and you can move on to other versions of that circuit which is kind of kind of the strong point of cheap pedals like this if you're curious about something you don't have to fully invest in it you can try it out for a while see if you want to keep exploring that direction all right i want to i want to check out this digital reverb it's compelling that it has stereo in and out [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that doesn't sound so bad that's on the modulate setting [Music] all right on to the room setting [Music] is doing it not really the reverb sound that i tend to use [Music] gate that little bit of splash there is making me feel pretty hopeful for the spring setting when that comes up of course it's the last setting on here [Music] hall that sounds decent [Music] reverbs have been really tricky for the affordable board that is really the line in the sand between pedals that are almost always bad because they're budget and pedals that are acceptable past a certain price range so far this is sounding fine i'm not getting any really weird crazy glitched out digital sorts of things that i've gotten on many many many digital affordable reverb pedals [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah not let's bad for a richer mix on that hall setting plate sometimes plate will have a really nice little kind of surf appropriate splash to it [Music] [Applause] not so much in this case it's doing more of the big lush sort of plate sound [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's go all the way wet on that plate [Music] i feel like i need a fresh tune [Applause] all right the moment of truth i'm from at this point i'm not sure i'm gonna endorse this pedal the spring is really gonna push it over the edge am i into this pedal or am i not into this pedal [Music] i think this is supposed to be an rv6 clone let me look that up rv5 it's supposed to be an rv5 clone i think the rv6 has a drippy reverb i don't know about the rv5 so maybe this is a faithful clone of the boss rv5 [Music] well i guess the affordable search for a cheap drippy reverb is still on because this is not doing a drip how much does this go for i'm sure this is one of the more expensive uh behringers yeah this one's uh 36 bucks at sweetwater it really is one of those tricky things with affordable pedals reverb is really tough i think because of the amount of high quality digital processing that is required to do reverb really well i think that's the the barrier that keeps cheap pedals from sounding really great as reverbs like fuzzes they sound best when they sound broken they're great affordable pedals drives distortions overdrive stuff like that they're great candidates for affordable stuff delays send they they tend to work out just fine but something about reverbs there's very few affordable reverbs where i'm prepared to sign off on them for 40 bucks for 36 bucks it doesn't sound bad it's just not scratching that drippy reverb itch that i've been wanting scratched by a cheap reverb [Music] so [Music] [Applause] vintage delay oh yeah that sounds like an analog delay [Music] [Applause] ah i like it already it's doing the crispy kind of like overdriven delay circuit sort of sound that you get from analog delays [Music] [Applause] do [Music] so i want to compare it to the dm2w it sounds really good to me without a comparison let's do similar settings visually anyways [Applause] [Music] i think i might be on the custom mode here let's switch it over to standard [Music] now the knobs don't line up the same across the two petals which shouldn't be too much of a surprise [Music] yeah no i i think this is a really good option if you want to try um you know some analog delay sounds on a budget how much is this that's what i want to know how much is that 20 bucks yeah if you're if you're analog delay curious 20 bucks yeah totally get this to try it out if you find that you love it and that's like a road you want to go down then you invest into more like specific options later that's a great first analog delay or just you need to pack out your board with an extra analog delay for that extra layer of craziness you want to get extra edgy get yourself a budget vintage vd-400 delay by behringer yeah i like that do no i want to do the ultra octaver i might have to pair this with some sort of dirt to really explore it sounds kind of glitchy right off the bat [Music] so you've got a low octave and then a sub octave i'm not sure what the range means [Music] i like that mid setting though [Music] so oh i see this is the blend knob all the way to the right you get your dry signal mixed in all the way to the left it's just affected signal [Music] i'm not sure you guys will even be able to hear that [Music] it's doing the um the analog octa thing where you if you do a chord or multiple notes it freaks out which is kind of fun if that's the sound that you want [Music] [Laughter] i think the second octave that sub octave is way too much for a guitar rig but it would probably sound great through a bass rig we'll keep that in line and pair it with the hd 300 heavy distortion what i say this was the boss mega distortion or ultra distortion or whatever it was some boss distortion i've never messed with watch this is gonna be my new favorite thing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that's got some roar to it [Music] so [Music] yeah right off the bat i like that that's a bunch of fun [Music] oh [Music] nice and thick and meaty sounding it's got a bit of a noise floor to it but that's high gain pedals for you i'm not totally sure what the relationship is between the gain boost and the distortion knob sounds a little bit redundant [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] it kind of feels like a presence control i know that's not what it's doing but that's kind of what it feels like it kind of sounds nice on this lower gain setting like this is the sound you'll use when you're jamming at home and you just want to feel epic [Music] but in reality this is what you'll use when you're recording or gigging or just jamming with people [Music] [Applause] because it'll hold up in the mix just a lot better trust me trust me on that [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] yeah that october sounds a lot better hitting the dirt [Music] so [Applause] so [Music] me [Music] i think this is very compelling there's something to that i feel like i'd much rather recommend this over the hm 300 which is trying to be a very well known and desirable boss pedal this one is being a boss pedal that i have no experience with but i'm really liking the sound of it it's making me think i should track down that boss pedal the mega distortion i think it was digital multi-effects it has stereo through you think i should test to see it has stereo out we've got parameter knobs for each setting here for setting as a pitch shifter [Music] am i out of tune or is that just the [Music] pedal [Music] there's a really interesting like shaky little vibrato thing happening with a weird like digital click at the same time like a phaser setting in the middle of this parameter one [Music] yeah there's some sort of modulation across parameter one [Music] so [Applause] it's doing an interesting like faux 12-string sort of thing [Applause] you need to have a very specific application for those sounds let's see if the rest of this holds up [Music] i want to bring the reverb back in for [Music] this [Music] either a depth or shape control on parameter two and obviously speed right there does it do tap tempo or anything like that no i don't think so [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's doing it that's a that's remote is just fine all right delay now [Music] there is a stereo thing happening i swear i'm out of tune right now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah that delay's just fine [Applause] it doesn't do spaceship noises but fully digital delays don't always there's clearly chopping out the signal and glitching out which is kind of a fun noise too all right we've got a phaser now [Music] actually reminds me of the first petal i ever had which was a boss ph2 i think the four knob phaser [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'll save it so far of all the affordable multi-effect pedals that i've messed with over the past year or so or something like that this one's holding up the best usually you get like two settings that are interesting and like five or six settings that are just hilarious garbage with really really cheap multi-effect [Music] chorus sounds like it's doing a stereo thing that's fun [Music] i could have used this the other day for my uh for my stereo chorus video [Music] i could have had one more chorus in that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] video [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm still learning that riff i don't have it quite right yet do i [Music] it's doing a really decent chorus sound though there's a lot to work with there oh it gets freaky and weird [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah i actually like that that's not bad at all on the max setting something is freaking out in the circuit and i'm getting like this weird static pulsing noise [Music] some sort of weird clock noise [Music] oh that is unsettling that makes me feel physically uncomfortable all right there's one more setting on here the flanger [Music] i want to swap out this reverb for something with some dirt to it [Music] go back to that heavy distortion there we go [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh well it does the over the top like jet flange thing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah i think this holds up i think this is one of the best affordable multi-effect pedals that i've tried so far i'll have to do a standalone video where i compare it to a bunch of other affordable multi-effects but everything on there worked and that alone defeats the vast majority of them everything worked and didn't do really crazy weird sounds or sounds that i thought were just like throwaway useless sounds or just a repeat of a previous sound like so many of those cheap before the board multi effects are just like oh here's three different courses and none of them are really that different so yeah i think i think that's good i could recommend that what's left the vintage tube overdrive and the ultra vibrato oh and the ultra tremolo i'm famously not a huge fan of tube screamers but i keep this ts9 around it is keyly modded it has the mod plus mod on there it doesn't make a huge difference it still sounds like a tube screamer don't tell keely that i said it doesn't make a huge difference it it does it does make it sound better here we go [Music] i'm sure this is trying to be a ts-808 anyways and this is starting off as a ts9 so there are going to be differences there are differences between every tube screamer that's ever been made [Applause] [Music] so i'm picking up like a nasal characteristic to it similar nasal characteristics from this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] more clear though it doesn't have quite as much of a filtered sound [Music] [Laughter] [Music] yeah it just has a lower thigh sort of like telephone booth sort of sound going on [Applause] [Music] that could be your secret sauce though i don't know [Music] honestly not that different though they're they're doing kind of the same thing it's really a matter of taste at this level of difference [Music] [Applause] so me does anyone like that sound [Laughter] i don't know tube screamer lovers tell me did you think this sounded good i like i said i don't like tube screamers for the most part so i don't typically play into them well because i don't i don't feel anything pleasant when i play tube screamer does that make sense maybe i should keep it around to be the dirt before these two petals here though no no no no i want to go back to that heavy distortion because i liked it if you like a petal it doesn't matter the cost doesn't matter who built it if you like it that's a good pedal that's just the reality of it we shouldn't judge pedals or any other musical instrument any other way if you like it it's good that's it there's no other metric to worry about and anyone who tells you that you shouldn't like it because they don't like it is wrong your personal tastes are the main factor and whether or not a petal is good or bad all right ultra tremolo you got a triangle on the left a square wave on the right and in between i'm assuming it blends into sort of like a sine thing [Music] now i think it just gets more square in the middle well it does the hard chop thing well [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm not sure this is a trend i would use for like a classic surf sort of application because it is such a hard chop even on the triangle [Music] setting [Music] with some tweaking pulling back the depth that's decent you could you could fudge a little bit of like a like a fender blackface sort of trim out of this [Music] [Applause] let's go spaghetti western with this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it certainly works i'd say that it's a good representation of the boss tr-2 which i have very limited experience with it's been years and years and years but that's how i remember them working you've got this triangle to square wave sort of knob here and then a depth control and your rate and that's it it's very simple if you like the sound that it's giving then it get it get it i typically like a trend that's got a smoother more like amp style trim sort of sound to it so this isn't really the style of trend that i'm going to find myself using very often all right ultra vibrato i'm excited for this one i really liked the behringer tailspin vibrato a lot of people said that it was based on this or a portion of the circuit from this so we'll see it's got a little slider switch here unlatch bypass and latch i'm assuming that means like momentary latching options which could be very fun and useful [Music] yeah i could get into that [Music] [Laughter] [Music] i'm not totally sure what the rise knob does [Music] [Applause] oh i think it's how quickly the effect is engaged [Music] yeah like blends in and out let's try the bypass thing [Music] oh it does nothing [Music] i don't know why that option is there it does nothing [Music] all right unlatch [Music] that's fun for a little bit of burst of vibrato when you need it you can put it on the unlatch setting [Music] so [Music] see [Music] it brings something a little extra special and fun to the table without unlatched setting i still have no idea what bypass does it seems to just turn it off permanently no idea why they included that it seems like you just need to latch and unlatch right [Music] i think that's a winner i like that what's left did i do them all all right let's figure out which ones i like the best i i really like this i think this is a bunch of fun i think the digital multi-effects was good i thought the vintage delay was good i thought the tube screamer i thought it tube screamed so i'm gonna include it i think that this is a decent buy for anyone that's tube screamer curious if you're curious about cheap screamers you don't want to spend a bunch of money on it go for it it's not really my flavor but i can't say that it's bad i think it sounds like a tube screamer all right so five petals out of nine that i feel like i can recommend which is doing pretty good i mean the ultra tremolo there was nothing wrong with it i think it's a good representation of the original circuit the digital reverb i think there's just better options out there these days it's cheap but with reverb i think you should spend some more money if you are taking reverb seriously i don't think there's really anything in the affordable pedal sort of range that i've found that does a good like multi-reverb sort of thing like i think you have to be above like 80 bucks to get into good reverbs it's just the way it is the ultra octaver it's actually fun maybe i should include that in this i'm going to throw in the ultra octopus it was fun before distortion i love a fun low octave before distortion to get that like tom morello sort of thing going on and then the hm 300 it wants so badly to be the budget option for people shopping for the hm2 and i think it can be but i think you should adjust your expectations don't expect it to sound exactly the same it sounded a bit filtered a bit muddier not quite as alive and huge as this vintage in my j hm2 which i said might be a magic one i went through a bunch of them before i found one that stuck so maybe this sounds like most hm2s and mine just sounds special but this isn't going to kick my hm2 off the board anytime soon alright let's go through what we've got here in the winner's circle the winner's line it's not a circle vintage tube overdrive for your ts 808 [Applause] sounds [Applause] ultra october for your glitchy low octave sounds show your bass player that you don't really need him but you keep him around because you like him get yourself an octopedal and this thing [Music] just a distortion beast [Music] oh you want a pop punk sound in a hurry there you go [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] my [Music] there's something to that i want to mess with that live i want to have that unlatched option live just to throw in that little extra special bit of weirdness that blends in and out the vintage delay [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah worth the price of admission there it does the vintage boss analog delay thing really well in my opinion and then the digital multi-effects here i don't want to spend my whole life going through this thing again you you saw what it did earlier in the video [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so so you know what i like to do i've got to end with baritone right [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] was that music that resemble music at all i don't know you tell me what do you think of these what's your favorite what's your least favorite which are you thinking about buying which will you never buy discuss the ethics of buying cheap plastic chinese-made petals down in the comments section and you know what thanks for watching please like subscribe just like leave me rude and nasty comments support us on patreon buy a shirt if you're naked click all the links down below sweetwater sourced me with all these so huge thanks to sweetwater click the links to make it worth their while if you're gonna buy any of these or anything else really and you know what stay grounded bye everybody you
Channel: 60 Cycle Hum
Views: 50,556
Rating: 4.8498497 out of 5
Keywords: behringer pedals, behringer pedal, 60 cycle hum, affordaboard, jhs, jhs behringer, hm300, uv300, hd300, uo300, dr600, ut300, fx600, to800, vd400, behringer heavy metal, cheap hm-2, cheap heavy metal, cheap tube screamer, cheap analog delay, cheap vibrato pedal, boss clone, behringer clones, $20 behringer, ryan burke, baritone, heavy metal, swedish chainsaw, afford a board, affordable pedals, affordable pedalboard, guitar pedals, behringer chorus, reverb pedal review, boss pedals demo
Id: 5w4KVR2z3kA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 42sec (4062 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 08 2021
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