DM's of Reddit, what was a convoluted plan your party put together that backfired IMMEDIATELY? #1

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We managed to wrestle a cursed sword out of the barbarian's hand and get the demon out of it. Combat starts and I cast enlarge on the barbarian, and what does e do? He immediately goes and picks up the sword again, and is once again immediately possessed, so now we are up against an enlarged barbarian and a shadow demon, as a level four party.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/EccentricCleric 📅︎︎ Feb 25 2021 đź—«︎ replies
hey everyone your favorite narrator and voice actor from ohio brian von viet is back at it again with another set of d d stories today we've got dms of reddit what was a convoluted plan your party put together that backfired immediately part one it wasn't a party but a single member i was running a 3.5 dragon lance campaign as a fledgling dm i loved that campaign today i recognize a lot of the mistakes i made but it was my first to run and it was a lot of fun the party was low level between one and five and they'd just broken a siege they were tasked with helping go reopen the trade routes to this castle fortress i can't remember which one but i was taking liberties with the story to give something new the party had been warned that if anyone disappeared into the forest then they would be abandoned because there was no telling what threats could be out there at this time that night one of the minor npcs went missing this wasn't discovered until the next day the caravan mourned and moved on i decided to roll for a random encounter rolled two dire wolves and the party ranger chose that moment to say that he wanted to search for the missing npc i was stunned because though i rolled behind a screen it's not like i made it a secret the caravan leader advised him against it but he had his heart set on this well the caravan left without him dire wolves are intelligent with high enough intelligence scores in 3.5 to be sentient and make plans they saw this large group of people and would have just left no one to know they were there and then one person willingly separates himself from the group they stalked him for about 10 minutes as he and the caravan walked in opposite directions before they attacked that was my first pc death we still laugh about it from time to time so my party was planning to infiltrate the keep of a prominent leader who staged a coup that resulted in the death of one party member's father and the military takeover of a major city he had been portrayed as a big bad evil guy since the start of the campaign each one of us had different reasons to want him deposed or killed the party spent about two or three sessions planning how to get into the city and then how to sneak into his keep to deal with him we each had a different role to play in seeking out information setting up plans generally setting the stage this took about one month in game and then the mistakes start happening one player who had worked his way into the guard of the keep was set to receive a shipment which would contain the rest of the party in crates pretty standard so one person set up creating the manifest to get the crates into the key one person got the crates and put them into position so that everyone could get in and hide without anyone seeing and another person took care of making sure we had other supplies we needed the one thing we overlooked was arranging for the crates to be brought into the keep so here's the party waiting in crates that were never arranged to be picked up the dm allowed us to correct our error by procuring a cart and someone to bring the packages into the key one problem solved the inside man the party member that's already in the keep gets us and we start sneaking around the dm did a good job of tossing down hints that we are not encountering guard patrols that the keep seems less populated etc the reason for that is that he knew we were coming and gathered up everybody into where he knew we would strike while we were game planning before trying to sneak into the room where we would all attack him the dm rolled a few dice and determined that they could hear us the bad guy announces into the hallway that if we want to try to kill him we might as well come on in and the sorcerer the player whose father was killed by the guy waltzes in first now that the jig's up we walk into a room filled with at least 20 guards a mixed bunch of melee and range about six mages the guard captain and two clerics the sorcerer walks right up to confront this guy and in the first round or two of combat is pretty much cut in half the rest of the encounter goes about as well as you would expect our fighter had agreed beforehand that his job would be to cut through the melee guards and our monk would tank the bad guy our monk chose instead to try to rush at the line of ranged guards allowing the bad guy to make short work of our wizard and one of our rogues plan had been that the wizard and sorcerer would reign all holy hell on the ranged guards mages and clerics instead they threw all of their magic at the melee guards the other rogue was picking off ranged guards and mages generally providing ranged support like he was supposed to me as the only healer stuck to the plan of being the medic to the fighter's heavy if you get team fortress references he's the meat grinder i'm the guy behind him keeping him alive everyone else agreed to get by on potions until the fighter finished his job and i could get back to group healing they forgot we literally stockpiled potions for that purpose and did not do that it would have been a tpk if the living rogue the fighter and i didn't hightail it the worst part is that we could have won even with all the hiccups we almost had him i sounded the retreat because i was on my last spell slot plus i was playing a scaredy cat to backseat cleric who just watched multiple friends die so his tail was between his legs afterwards the dm admitted he was relatively low on health and may not have lasted more than a round or two my party met a group of kobolds living under the city they were staying in the kobolds were upset that a road had caved in and destroyed part of their tunnels instead of just telling the leaders of the town or paying the 10 gold the kobolds requested to rebuild their home the party decided to convince the kobolds that the bronze dragonborn was an actual dragon and conned them out of their treasure horde to do this they had to use the fly spell and a well-timed fire can trip since the kobolds thought that anything that didn't breathe fire was a fake dragon as a last test the dragonborn was given a trial by combat to prove that he was a real dragon during this combat the druid and sorcerer who were watching the fight came up with a new plan the druid used thamaturgy to snuff out all of the torches then the sorcerer killed the leader of the kobolds and used the sky self to turn into his ghost the only problem being that kobolds have dark vision and saw the whole thing the party did manage to eventually get the treasure hoard but it turned out to be three gold which they immediately gave back to her surviving cobalts i was running a home brew campaign and the party had to collect a bunch of arcana items to summon a demon who had information about the big bad of the game the demon was a minor god of mischief and trickery who wore shifty armor and had an undead dragon companion the wizard set up the summoning circle and like the brain of the group he was he said they should have a plan a little information this party consisted of five players a human wizard an orc rogue an elven ranger an asmr barbarian and a tiefling cleric all of the players are crazy mass murderers hopefully not in real life who have no value for human life and are all chaotic neutral in alignment they are all wannabe heroes who are adventuring for selfish reasons mainly revenge the only relatively sane one is the wizard anyway the wizard had just finished his summoning circle and proposed the party make a plan in case the demon escaped they argued for a bit but the final plan which both the cleric and wizard thought was ridiculous but the cleric thought it would be hilarious to watch it fail miserably was that the rogue would try and level with the demon as he was a god of trickery while the wizard drew a devil's trap around the demon under the ranger's pass without a trace the ranger would then attempt to wrangle the demon's only friend his dragon companion and use him as leverage the barbarian and cleric would try to hold the dragon and revive him so he was no longer bound to the demon and he would be the escape plan after a series of terrible roles the only thing that went right was the devil's trap the party was too busy murdering my npcs the entire campaign to catch all the clues i'd been dropping the entire time and always the one for pro revenge i planned an epic showdown that would go completely unnoticed because they'd killed or betrayed all those who could give info the demon was a soldier in the big bad's plot to restart the world and knew he'd be walking into a trap as one of the npcs the group had been traveling with was a dark guard disguised as a paladin fighting for the soic church i hope i pronounced that right the ever ignorant party had ignored his shifty behavior etc the paladin had been feeding information to the demons and he came prepared he shifted into the dragon and the demon they trapped was just an image as i said the party enjoyed murdering so when the demon didn't give anything up they slaughtered him escaping on the dragon they celebrated their victory by raiding a temple to the demon when they took a long rest the paladin and wizard took first watch the dragon demon possessed the wizard and slaughtered the entire party except the paladin the demon left behind a bit of himself when he vacated the wizard's body the wizard was now evil and her and the paladin got married and bore the demon prince who effectively ended the world and the campaign all because the party was too busy bringing about destruction to gather the information needed to end the world ending rot they would have known all this was coming if they hadn't killed the mystic for not pouring enough tea tisk tisk the next time we played it was the aftermath of the great rot and the players were a lot more intent though there was still a lot of chaotic rampaging in the post-apocalyptic world the previous party was known as the imperial t connoisseurs winter wolf rescue this was a very early campaign in which we were playing fantasy versions of ourselves my friend brian was playing byron the ranger my friend shawn was playing niez the sorcerer my dad was playing larry the rogue and i was playing gigon the fighter we were on a mission to clear out an abandoned frontier outpost that orcs had taken up residence in we arrive on the scene and begin scouting out the area taking note of the size and distribution of the orc forces timing out their patrols and shift changes the whole nine so with this information we begin to form a plan we would split the party brilliant and approach the outpost from two directions scale the walls kill the sentries set fire to some interior buildings and regroup at the main gate to cut down the orcs as they attempt to flee to safety as complicated as this plan sounds it actually worked flawlessly at first under the cover of darkness we split into two infiltration teams myself and larry approach from the north while niace and byron take the southern route both teams were able to successfully scale the walls unnoticed and kill the guards without alerting the orc encampment so far so good on to phase two operation burn this mother down larry and i fan out we quickly locate a barracks lob a couple torches into the rafters and head back to the main gates to set out our ambush over on the other side of the outpost byron and nias jump down from the wall and set about finding a building to set a flame the first thing they encounter is a courtyard with a well in its center chained to the well is a winter wolf think a dire wolf with a breath weapon that orcs were using to guard this area brian suddenly gets excited as i would too and looks across at sean with the manic energy of a coked up spider monkey brian loves wolves irl dude has more than three wolf tattoos last i knew and wore those truck top wolf graphic tees unironically i like this guy he says desean dude we gotta help it we can free him and he'll probably be our friend it's lawful evil sean is unconvinced but brian is already concocting a plan you get his attention and i'll sneak around and free it ryan says you can see where this is headed sean knows there is something wrong with this plan but his protests fall on deaf ears so nias walks out to get the winter wolf's attention while byron successfully sneaks his way to the well once the wolf notices sean's character flailing around it charges him fortunately it's stopped short by the chain securing it to the well unfortunately nias is squarely within the range of its breath weapon it's at this moment that byron is able to release the chain the wolf proceeds to blast nias with its breath attack he instantly freezes solid and shatters like the t-1000 brian is only now realizing his mistake while sean glares at him from across the table suitably annoyed byron tried to run but he didn't make it far meanwhile back at the front gate our ambush failed miserably with half our party unable to create the desired chaos in the orc camp instead of panic orcs fleeing and mass we were greeted with a good half of the orcs suited for battle i was forced to use my own father as a human shield should have put more points into strength old man before fleeing to get out alive on the plus side i didn't have to divide the exp with anyone hey everyone brian von va back at the end again to check up on everybody make sure everyone's doing all right hey if you liked the video make sure to leave a like and if you're new subscribe and ring that bell to be notified whenever we upload a new video if you want to submit a story to us obviously check out our subreddit r mr ripper and if you're looking for a d d group check out our discord which is linked in the description below you can also follow mr ripper further on twitter or if you want to watch us live on occasion check out our twitch account which are both linked down in the description below using a help action you can come sub to me on my journey to 1 000 subscribers and beyond brian von va joining the brivers or feep army as we are called while we dive into gaming streams and voice acting memes now we always try to end this on a positive note here so i just wanted to say today make sure to say hi to somebody in the comments below why because a simple gesture can go a long way just one small little gesture and a moment of your time is enough to make somebody's day that much brighter in a world where we can't go out and hug somebody so just say hi to someone and actually try to make a new friend it can't hurt and it takes only five or ten minutes out of your day and you earn that yourself as well as they've earned it for themselves too so all the love we'll see you next time bye for now and stay safe out there everybody you
Channel: MrRipper
Views: 22,647
Rating: 4.9433551 out of 5
Keywords: MrRipper, Dungeons and Dragons, dnd stories, reddit stories, please sub for nat 20s, Silly, PC, NPC, player character, BBEG, Big bad, planned, crazy, dnd encounters, askreddit, r/askreddit, tabletop games, tabletop simulator d&d, dnd, dungeons and dragons, dnd 5e, dnd stories reddit, dnd music, dnd campaigns, role playing games 2020, dungeon master screen, tabletop rpg games, reddit tales, dungeons and dragons how to play, family friendly gaming, reddit story, askreddit stories
Id: cMS6TxoPYDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 24 2021
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