DL Hughley Talks Blackface Controversy, Donald Trump And Racial Equality Issues

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[Music] you're watching The Breakfast Club yes the world knows dangerous morning show The Breakfast Club Charlemagne to God Angela Yee we got one of my favorite people in the building right now I'm here with Mark Twain I'm so proud of you man thank you sir you know what it is because most people can they're not they're not like they have high finish but they're not necessarily good at them hmm but you were you know what you did great at being you that's it and no matter it's like water to come to your house son used to wash clothes so I'm you take your shower so I'm you cook with same source different uses that's a dope way to to live and Angie we're fine you can get away with saying anything anyway because I think as a comedian you have the license to do that so you might be like it was good and I'll just laugh because still but I think you know so funny cuz now when I watch comedians who feel like they have to ask for permission to have a thought that separate then it's it's it's silly to me like you don't have to ask permission the only way I'm - permission from my father when he was when I was a kid I want that permission from an audience like they either dig it or they don't or the worst is there gonna happen to me is that Twitter get mad what the [ __ ] is that I don't know you got a permission if you want to pull you dig out and jerk off I don't even think like to me like that whole like I understand the premise of the me to moving on and I think I problem with it is that it's inconsistent yeah it's like there's a different between Louis D louis c.k and Harvey Weinstein yes there's a difference between Aziz and and you know Matt Lauer yeah there's a big difference but just like that gradations of murder you know everybody is murder one murder two they cast those cats all in the same thing and they were different people like I think Bill Cosby should be in jail I just think you should have company now hold on oh I got I got a push back on you a little because I agree with you but during the whole Cavanaugh situation that's one of those ones where that didn't fall under the Bill Cosby umbrella like they had to meme up saying what's the difference between Bill Cosby in Cavan I'm like Cavanaugh's accused of being drunk and groping a woman the okapi who was drugging and raping that's a big if I don't know no no no he attempted to rape a girl had a lot tended to rape the girl he escaped so it's not and he didn't even he attempted the raper and the difference between Bill Cosby and Kavanagh is its complexion that's really the truth and I think they all should be really say whether it's one or we're talking about numbers but the idea of taking something from a woman against her will is is the same premise no numbers okay but Kavanagh sought to use he tried to take something a woman wasn't giving him and he has power and privilege like to me that was about white guys powerful white guys protecting another powerful white guy out to me I don't see any difference between like to me Bill Cosby should be in prison next to Catholic priest yeah I think the problem with me is that so many perverts like it get jobs when they can wear robes I don't understand that my only problem I don't have a problem with me to moving because I got three daughters so anything that makes the world a better place for women I'm all for I just don't like them weaponizing it way to try to take people out like and so were they trying to do with Molina right you know I mean yeah but but but it is the same thing to me we live in a society that what the and then the biggest problem I had with me to movement is that women tend not to believe women when women believe women this would be a lot of different thing look at the biggest defenders of people who are accused of these atrocities women explain a little bit more look at look at everybody look at all the women for Cavanagh look at all the women who defended Bill Cosby look at all if you go even right now look at look at the women who support and and and and look at how many women say I'm a victim and I acted like this so I don't see why she didn't act like I would have act right women will say that but I will say this going back to Bill Cosby in that because you had your own experience when you never tried [Laughter] not just about his complexion it was his power he got away with that for decades or anything he's all-powerful you know so that is not about his complexion it was but when you look at Kavanagh he got away for decades - yeah but I think this is the first time these allegations have been brought up right against Kavanagh Bill Cosby this has been going on with women coming forward and accusing him whether or not those cases ended up going anywhere was a different situation I think we're making the same point yeah I think that what no matter how long ago it was or how many it was they are the same type of men what they have used you know one one use celebrity and one used wealth and privilege to take advantage of somebody because they tend to think Bill Cosby's allegations just happen no and it's not true no and and and my whole problem with my whole problem with the Bill Cosby thing it had already been adjudicated even though I believe he did it already been adjudicated he'd already settled then we go back and do it again to me like the law works specific ways you you know just like he had already that had already been settled and then they went back and did it again under the auspice of what up to the prism of today where people looking at it now and and to me that was what was wrong about it I thought I thought he was just what he was before and he you had settled it and they they had gone away and now all of a sudden it comes back because people are their different mindset there's one thing that I really want to know about the Cosby kids more than anything well they're really trying to buy NBC but you know a lot of people say that but Bill Cosby I know this for sure were not Bill Cosby when we were on Def Jam he hated that [ __ ] he hated and he said on the board of Time Warner and he actively sought to make sure that we didn't get to keep up like all in cancer love right now yeah you wouldn't have you wouldn't see had he been on because he liked it down a certain way and so to me I think that the comedy like anything else is free expression it has to go where it goes but he clearly tried to and I don't know if it was a conspiracy because it was trying to buy NBC but he clearly wanted comedy done a certain way he clearly didn't want black people have a certain conversations he clearly believed that there was a way as opposed to go and he clearly was hypocritical at the og King of Comedy what do you think of all that is a comedian beef I think it's been brewing the past couple of months they can go home and cry on a pile of money that's broke people see right there I never gotten it but but I think that it proves they're creative people sometimes don't burn off enough energy it make me sad because this is the art form I love like when you see somebody like if somebody's a hip-hop artist and they see somebody doing something that brings that artform down obviously you you're gonna have if it's a woman you wouldn't you see somebody that she's with it it's probably not treated or where you want her to you feel like that but I think it's it's clearly enough to of an audience to go around and it's enough projects to go around and nobody has to blow anybody else's candle out to burn brighter I never thought I never I never understood that part and I don't remember if you were actively like trying to tear down Chapelle when he was the guy no a tearing down rock when he was a guy Eddie when you got I mean I was young but I don't remember it no I think things like that didn't go viral like if they did we might just not have heard about it I think I think that one there was so they were singular it wasn't like there's never been so many and so at one time like there are a lot of people and I think that they may feel like they're competing for the same space but are we're so individual like but I don't recall the Animus like when we did King's economy I didn't there there was never anybody who wanted somebody else to do bad so they could do good but and we put toured together for a long time a matter of fact we had this situation where if you went over on time you had to pay $1,000 for every minute and we would donate that to charity and we raised $1 like you respect to people like I I think that there is this idea and I don't know if it comes from the fact that that social media is so rampant but this idea that I have to denigrate you in order to elevate myself and I think it's it's it's rooted in fear and and being it's fear it's fear that you that someone gonna take something from you or that you're not enough and I think that same fear is the one that makes you great but it when he was that way I think is detrimental when Jessica was here he was saying that the Kings accompany to was about to happen mm-hmm and then unfortunately which uh-huh Wow but you know it's a lot you know unfortunately Steve Bernie you know how to befriend yeah they be a poor any person but then Bernie so so even if even at that it was able to just it just by the time it came about like we were close to signing a deal that something came up and I think that it didn't have because it wasn't supposed to but the idea that you were able to accomplish something that like that monumental what some people you genuinely love and respect is something nobody can take away from you what would Steven Bernie be for both I think Bernie specifically felt like he wasn't going to people didn't get him like the black audiences got him but networks did and Steve at that time you know was only a saint and Bernie felt like he wasn't gonna get his shot and I think there was a little bit of resentment there I like it would be me and Bernie and Steven said because they want to show together me and Bernie would hang out but I think in the end and in the end Bernie felt like he wasn't respected and getting what he wanted in the end he did and after he did it he just want to do it no worries like I'll do I'll do my own thing so you did the network thing I realized that wasn't you he literally was a guy that would do what he wanted to do so why would I understand so he was I was even jealous Steve no no he wasn't I've never seen a more confident human being Bernie but never this too used to wear colors I've never seen nobody where we should wait at the elevator what is this [ __ ] level today like Crayola used to call Bernie can I get the can I get a patent on that but he was the most confident human being but I think that he I think that he felt as if and if you listen to you know the beginning of the Kings in comedy he felt as if that the country would never accept him and once they got a dose of them they did yeah now before we came in here you were talking about your relationship with TK Kirkland yes and telling me things I didn't even TK was my mentor I love teachers yeah me too I think that's one of the funniest dude that ain't never got the shotty cable but he had TK was my mentor like he taught my son Kile air is hugely is named after his son Aerys really yes TK to Tk one time to use my medical benefits at the LA time to get his teeth fixed and my wife is mad and that [ __ ] just walked away from the veil like he stayed with me and got it you know he was my he was my Mitchell no no I was a kid then and then TK the one we used to leave an apartment in Hawthorne that TK came home for dinner when is what I think is LA Oh in LA and he came over for dinner one time I needed like me you got to get this apartment together we had shitty furniture and I had a baby he really he really more than anybody else that I've ever met hat for no reason other than he loved comedy took me under his wing I like a matter of fact when he went under way to chill with NWA he had two clubs one with xenos and one was Bert land west he goes away he lets me host he comes back they go we gonna stay with you and and he never really you know that was my on Trent economy when people come see me at the Berlin West or xenos or at the comedy act in TK is he's a lot like you and a lot like Chris Rock and affected he can talk about things that is going on in just life yeah in such a cool delivery on stage yeah he's really giving you life lessons and you laughing at him he really and I think I've learned that's one thing I learned from and I think he's unapologetic I think he's unflinching I think he also is a confident man like to me what's going on in the world like like I don't like hours I don't like because I spent so much of my life being one when I was a kid so now when I see it I recognize it right away and it's something that I'm averse to I don't think that you think you can say whatever you want you just can't keep resented this is what I meant yeah like to me that's my whole thing with Kanye III get that he's having a middle breath like I have an uncle who you should think it was a serious superhero now he think he a race car but it's you know but you can't keep changing your mind how do you think you think he really does I mean like you can't like you can't have these you can't be bipolar and a superhero like how does that work like up in the sky down on the ground up on the sky is like I just don't like when people have an opinion take heat for it and then make these nuanced it's kind of I didn't mean it that way and I'm trying to be this way and I have this and I have that I said this thing you may I'm only responsible for the way I said and my intent you are responsible for the way you interpret we got to take a little bit of responsibility when it comes to that dose and what I mean by that is like if we know somebody's dealing with some type of mental illness like we know it ain't all there right why are we taking so much talking what he's saying but because the president United States of America has him on TV yeah but look at the president that we have that's what I'm saying there's no other president real like you would like I wonder with the old Jim Brown would think of the old Jim Brown like that my momma we was in the White House it was around do it yeah she couldn't understand it this this dude like the people that are in this sphere the people are in this world and my problem with him is that people are dying now people are not you're normalizing behavior that is killing people mm-hmm so to me it's not about just saying we should reach out to you you're complicit in the deaths of people by normalizing behavior we're getting more and more use to this rhetoric we're getting more and more used to the things that people say and when people die people are dying people are saying well Donald Trump said this and the reason why I went and shot this up is because it does you know and and and and and they make these moral equivalence I go well Bernie Sanders supporters shot Steve Scalise well you know that's like saying Jodie Foster was responsible for Hinckley shooting Reagan yeah like Bernie Sanders never said anything to weaponize him or accident a given action Donald Trump is specifically when you say you are nationalists you are using the parlance of the right-wing when you say some of the globalist you are saying what they say and you don't get to pretend like you don't and there's no more equivocation you either are are you ain't it ain't a little bit you can't be a little bit pregnant you can't be a little bit racist and people will say when economy is so good and what he says about black Pete was funny to me the black unemployment's never been this I can't he can't be racist cuz I'm employment for black people's never been this low [ __ ] doing slavery was pretty low and they hate it you can be you can be racist you just can't be a coward you can you can be whatever you want you just can't be a coward that's why that's why I like what we at right now I mean out of which everybody is just saying what the hell they really feel yep I respect it I like you know I American history is where it is right now the version of America is where it is because of Google it was different when you can see say some [ __ ] and we didn't know yeah America has a like you know it's like have you ever heard yourself on a recording and you don't recognize how you sound you like that doesn't sound like me cuz you hid yourself from the inside out everybody else hears you from the outside in that's Comerica right now we don't understand how we sound right it's embarrassing when you go to other countries and tell them I'm from the United States right they're like oh I'm sorry right and then we can't even accept the truth like Don Lemon said the white men are the most dangerous the biggest threat to America they are yeah they always have been yes listen it was pestilence it was frogs it was famine and it was angry white dudes those are all guys in like like to me even even the way like the opiate crisis stop you I remember this is true during during a donald trump built a temporary or more memorial to the openness to the victims of the opiate crisis you know what they do they built for people the crack epidemic they build jail germs so even the way we look at things and i just don't i you can be you can be whatever you are you just don't you can't tell me that you're not that needle right if you're racist be a racist take your stance stay there and say no you are but don't pretend like you didn't like when de Santos call kill him when he say you know what you meant hmm I didn't like that one you know what I mean I didn't like that one cuz we got so much direct racism I'm like God he's still a sucker he's still yeah I like the voice call I like the recordings I see white people should be able to dress in black face and I when they do I'm telling you and when they do that credit score should drop cholesterol should go up and police bring to the apartment of shooter I'm if we can why people want a dress in blackface we should do it on Halloween make Halloween on election year and that way when they go to vote they get they Bo suppress their you know it's too many ways do not like I'm Megan Kelly gets to pretend and people like her she's more like most white women in this country than she is most white women who are educate did you to pretend like they they don't feel that way they get to pretend like they're benign but things they get to turn the other way because they have husbands and and brothers and and uncles and neighbors who commit these atrocities and they get to pretend like they don't see them mm-hmm what did you think about her I saying just plain clueless like oh you know why don't why can't we wear blackface it's right because you want to be Diana Ross and you let Diana rust you should be able to yeah you should you should be able to Diana Ross but you underst also understand Sandra bland got killed we're blackface yeah it ain't the popular [ __ ] you like look everybody like something like people right everybody like some black people it's the ones that like to me you don't get to that that and and the problem for megan kelly and people of her ilk is they get to really not know they get to do you really not know yeah when she said when she said when i was young you know blackface wasn't a problem like yeah cuz you was around a bunch of white be branded by it was wrong and if you were for anybody you wouldn't gonna say [ __ ] yeah listen speaking out is something Charlamagne being you thirty years ago ii got you killed that's the truth you feel exactly what you are yeah thirty years ago so you almost killed her yeah that's why we ain't open it no mail do not let black people know coming ain't nobody getting no money now we're gonna sit out the water but the mail box blew up so this year but it's it's it i just get tired of people like i was very proud of nike for the taking the stance they did but it made sense cuz nike needs [ __ ] matter of fact that could be the slogan and we wouldn't even get back you you ain't never seen the only white dude I know where the shoe deals Tom Brady and that [ __ ] where uh-oh ain't nobody get into tomorrow as then get the new earth yeah it makes it makes sense that people are making choices that and and the thing about this time is now you have to pick a side you don't get to you don't get to be benign but Nike didn't like you selling guns the both sides absolutely yeah absolutely but you never saw most corporations stay out of hmm most corporations pretend like they don't know like that were corporations they're back Steve King and I way and they knew it was racist hmm but they most of them stay out of the fight Nike took his side because it made financial sense that's that's business but it told for the first time I think in in Nike and Barack Obama were a lot alike and they made white people feel the excitement white men feel the same way we don't need you to win hmm Barack Obama won without most white men vote of him Nike was winning without most white men supporting it yeah they don't need it the gay it's a game you can't play we don't need you and plus it's such a it's a brand and ain't nobody yeah but but even the Nikes they got rid of look like serial killer Nikes come with a white van don't you think black people took it a little too far with Nike do we start acting like the logo with the black power fist yeah it was a but but like anything else that's how bad we need to feel good mmm that's how bad like I'm gonna tell you something if you may if you do something that resonates in black people we will [ __ ] with you Cosby made us feel good we could out look like I'm telling you no matter what we [ __ ] with our Kelly you make a good album I just saw some video of him performing and they was going last week we will make excuse me I know it Peter and Edgar but if you gonna pee on somebody this a uni to do it dude like it that's how bad that's how devoid of a positive like we got a we got excited by a comic-book hero well condom in Africa right there right there was in Atlanta you know but the thing about it that was so tricky is that you know it's based on a comic book hero and they led the world in math and science the technology [ __ ] comic book that's history you did it yes baby you so we're so devoid a feeling of knowing I sell the Pharaoh was was the Egyptians and and and and the [ __ ] that Africans did was way deeper than the [ __ ] you saw Alomar consulate but but that's how bad we are that's how bad we need to feel good are there any products that you don't use because of what those the people in charge represent or yeah I think a lot of fast food product like fast food don't kill more [ __ ] and guns and it's the only thing generally the advertisers on our radios hmm and then they got a shitty attitude about like every every week you turn around and some shitty food chain is being disrespectful in it and I'm like a man you need us like Papa John's who the [ __ ] gonna keep you alive but us like that somebody's shitty as restaurants look it don't we the only one who eats your tasteless nutritionist food in great abundance don't be disrespectful let me kill myself it's silent yeah because it's affordable that's why they put them in all the hoods right and it's advertised right that's it so so stop and they are the most distant like I know you are you are you you are you a server and you don't want to be serving food to people you don't like but you here now this is symbiotic relationship you need me and I need you so scoop those cheesy biscuits up and shut up let me go back the church Anthony some of that [ __ ] good I'm so happy for Popeyes Popeyes is good yeah it is good but you wouldn't eat it all the time no but but but imagine a steady diet of that yeah yeah that's that's what's the problem with us is that we have a steady diet physically spiritually and emotionally of [ __ ] is bad for us and you don't even realize this bad till you're not in the midst of any more that's why I give you with me no that's why I'm able to go to therapy because I'm not in that hurt you can't heal when you into mister to hurt a man let me tell you something you you never know how much pain like the I know my father now that he's when I'd learned my father more about my father when he was dying than I ever nobody and black people never know that like we think you can pray [ __ ] away like I never knew who he was and what he believed what he failed and what hurt him I would love because we don't we put up this facade for everybody to see we think we you you you can't you can't do this or to be weak or you can't do that or it won't be I think that we need to know who we are and we need to know that as great as we are is as flawed as we are damn right and as as as humane as we be as we are do you know why people are afraid of because they've seen how great we are you know how bass we could be like we can be we can be poets and savages yes rashes and writes write that whip elephant like that's right but you can't be they teach do you realize that that the taxes of war Hannibal who was an African they teach his tactics in West Point so we taught you how to fight we taught you math we taught you science and all you believe about is these notions to be like everybody when they say Chicago that means black people right Chicago is a metaphor collecting Maine isn't a metaphor for white people you know but it's amazing like when people say I'm gonna like even with Kanye I'm gonna we're gonna go fix Chicago and we're gonna do this in Chicago most black people don't live in Chicago mm-hmm most black so if you fix Chicago most black people wouldn't have a positive impact what about when he went to Africa and said that he's gonna make it like Wakanda right and he has all these plans right they were like any any did and he did make it like Wakanda in other words she stopped happening when the cameras went off so it was just like what if you wanted to fix black people if you wanted to fix black people you would fix the problems that plagued us and that would help Chicago help fixing Chicago doesn't help black people fix problems or black life you please help and just like when people won't vote like people you ask for candidates like this you ask for kind of like candidates like state Stacy a bro who said I'm a [ __ ] with people who [ __ ] with me i'ma do the things that matter to me like kill him in in and you ask for somebody that wanted to take stand-your-ground off the books you asked for that you marched for it then get your ass up and do something about it better or work you ain't never seen a white man tell other white men it's wrong for y'all to keep killing black people not say nothing about no if you stay home now you're cowards you're a [ __ ] so so don't don't complain just let them do whatever they want to you listen I don't lost a lot of fights but I never had my wine try yeah I don't lost a lot I don't lost a lot more than I want I will say to um you do need templates like I think that's one thing that we're missing in the black community like we didn't we need to see one area where everything is thriving for black people like how we used to have black walls yeah no reason they destroyed him [ __ ] all the time it's a reason it's systemically our name is definitely they blue black Wall Street up 94 like look at the highway price look at where all the highways that connected America together look with neighborhoods they went to black wealth yeah they were look at look at what we were able to accomplish and then it was look at Chicago how they weren't able to buy houses how it was raised today they had these charts where you couldn't buy you couldn't sell black people homes in certain areas so all that all the ways that we are deficient but the one thing that I that I take a umbrage to is the most educated segment of American population is black woman they black they black mm-hmm the most the most the the most the most enthusiastic the most the people who feel like they have the most opportunity for advancement is black women they really our greatest leaders are that's right if we really paying attention so stop pretending do you know what happened in Alabama when Alabama would turn that state blue ninety-eight percent of black women vote they vote our high capacity then didn't any other ethnicity it was the fact that 94 percent of black men did you you know what happened if black men caught up to black women if we were determined to work as hard as they did determined to not take no for an answer like they did then we would be the problem in our community is we're not their ego and we pretend to be mmm we're not they equal can find their equal here you look nothing like us your ego educationally your equal in terms of for mobility your equal that's right your equal in terms of strength when black men do what we're supposed to do and lead and I'm not talking about I'm dominating you but I ain't gonna let you outwork me yeah Minister Farrakhan just said that he said that you know you got all these black women that are doing everything they're supposed to be doing but the men having caught up with them yet that's let me chase him I got a friend his woman used to make him feel good so she would give him the money to pay out of her pearl order come on now come on I've done a lot I've done a lot but you know my woman ain't never done oh man me yeah yeah yeah you never let a woman answer they're doing when bad news is not yeah you got a listen even if they see you lose their case you not try that's right we quit all the time and black women we're very supportive - yeah like when a man wants to do something we like okay there's a sin that a man hands up an attitude he has you women like remember that mr. Potato Head it was it was a little thing you could make what you wanted to that's how women are I'm gonna make this dude a man right you either now I'm not saying men are complete but their elements elementally you understand this dude got the raw potential to do this yeah like you what you would have been given given the great the great thing about people like you in your position is that all you did was take advantage of the opportunity and recognizing imagine if everybody else saw that do you know who does the best in parochial school and schools that they pay for black men black people excel in it you know my single home good I'll be telling all my singalong rhythm like it was not y'all y'all y'all de saint-fond y'all equals you it's hard to find your EQ on a date down right but for your mother down does it mean like my my wife and children are formally educated I'm not but they have and I'm proud of them having you know you know an academic acumen I just I don't have I'm not I was never born like I used to go to the school in the back of the little school you know but but I'm proud of them but I have something they don't and that thing is a love and a clearness that they can't that that's and I see it and I don't wanna I'm not kidding yet I see it in you and it makes me proud because I see it in a lot of people and and I think that it's a reason why you see these people shaping ideas and shaping thought and understanding that we don't all have to say take the same path if you want brighter men put put if you want brighter better men put more onus on that you could get more you get more girls catch it by pushing the ball than pushing a book because the things that are attractive to you aren't the things that a substance true you tiger what's know but what I didn't know black woman was gonna mess with Tiger Woods a buck to AIDS and do playing golf until he broke you want me and you want you're interested in making men put place value on the things that will sustain you as opposed to satisfy you for a moment I think that women do that I don't know they don't look at guys who have potential to be this or they're ambitious and like we were saying earlier women support their black man to a fault sometimes I pretend you to be a rapper yeah when's the last time you seen anybody cheerleading a debate or cheerleading a spelling bee or cheerleading a math content because those are things gonna get you a job you don't see that but you see somebody run a ball you see somebody hit a ball you see somebody drop a verse so if you want value invested early and things that matter but don't tell me you support me when I'm 35 years old trying to you know get off my record rap career well you didn't support me when I was trying to figure out algorithm that's real you ain't nobody got uni doesn't girl shave her legs go to the library no if you want to catch a fish you gotta go with a bite that's that's the thing but the things that are attractive to us the things that that are substantive to us we don't attend to like look I'm an ambassador for the New York Public Library right I go to the library I don't really go as your age I think there's certain women in what you're thinking about a women like in the entertainment business those might be the guys that they like but I think on in general on average women are looking for men who are motivated who are stable when they're ready to settle down that's the point you made exactly the point hmm men become men or idea of masculinity is based on what women like your haircut the way you smell the way you dress is based on being attracted to women and men do the things that they think women like it's those things so it starts at a very early age you are you know one of the most impactful lessons I ever had I got I had a job and I took my money from McDonald's and I went buy groceries for the family I bought all the stuff my mother my mother liked and all that my mother would buy and so she came home and and and somebody made groceries and she said who did this and I said I did and and my mother made my plate first hmm and that's the way I look at women right now cuz it's always like men our job is protecting for when you provide for a woman a woman oh look I listen and I go on further if you're not protecting and providing and and putting I can understand why a lot of black women feel like they do because they've never been protected my wife had experienced one time in calabasas she was running around a lake they pulled over and the police jammed her up and and after it was over she called me and I said why didn't you call me she said cuz I didn't want you to go down there and get into a confrontation they could say it's a hell of a burden to have to subjugate yourself to protect me so you've never been protected but I think you ain't [ __ ] as a man if you're not protected and Peary's existed they're protective of I know if you don't do that you should be dead now what are men attracted to would you say the easiness intellect it's a lot of things depends on how much run my head you know I don't know I think that it's a movement sometimes men are attracted to the wrong things as well always because there's a lot of hard working working women out there that are busting their ass doing the right thing but you Club consciously men know women that are out of our league or we at least think they out of money and in some time we just petty something like like the thing that always cracks we have about woman I can do that just just like you and if I did that if you did that and you acted like me I wouldn't bother you if you remind me of me what the [ __ ] about [ __ ] with you here be better than me we ain't shooting right why would I want to I don't want you to come down my level your gigs that make me rise to yours but I think that to your point yes men like low-hanging fruit think there's anything wrong with telling a man to put himself in the position about what if I did that you have to put yourself in that like I wouldn't do something to you that I wouldn't want you to do to me I think you're using reason and that's the silly equation like like with men who are [ __ ] who are for the most part unless they're older you know or have had some experience like you know you experienced shape you you like in Carlito's Way I didn't rehabilitation I love wind but I think that when you try to use that logic to say if I acted like that and it would hurt you it doesn't equate it doesn't it doesn't register the same way cuz because then you have a competing narrative you'll have women saying men will be men yeah and then women say what if I acted like this men at all look at look at you know two things is undefeated in American history [ __ ] in politics every if we're seeing politics every time undefeated I don't care how much a man got to lose well I don't care what's happening you're right but when politicians do because that's right that's right but I'm saying that those are undefeated so if you if you if you look at all the great things that men have accomplished that have been brought to ruin or by at least to a blemish is they're poured how could somebody be this bright like like women go if you did if you love me so much you wouldn't do this you could I couldn't do that to somebody I love you you don't have the the psychological I'm not excusing and I'm telling you how wrong it is not flawed it is but you use your logic to get me to to the result that you think but don't you think that after you do the same thing over and over again then at some point it's like when do you learn your lesson ask America we're a nation of people and I think and generally you learn your lessons when something horrible happens to you right you're close to dying it's all like if you look at the black church there's women right children dudes who messed up a lot and gay dude right that's that's pretty much the makeup right right it's I'm saying is when Chinese I don't know it's what see now you don't know and you know man damn you know this equal for its women the children that go with no force to go with them a lot of dudes who are messed up a lot yeah and and gay dudes who are trying to pay the love of dick out of it that's really best the makeup and they all are therefore different but you can't pretend like you don't understand that that's what it leads and you can't say that because I have a moral compass or because I think you you can you can you can rationalize almost anything you like and I think women are just better than us and our goal and I said this earlier I think I'm being consistent if we caught up to you and educationally in terms of entrepreneurship we'd be a bulletproof nation every bit of evolution and growth that I've experienced over the past four or five years has been coming because of course every single bit of course you know you talk about dating you know you you you hear yourself talk you like huh yeah so if people on the outside checking you school and you and it's like oh okay I see what I'm doing wrong and and I'm telling even my daughter's my daughters who I adore them but they were built for men they were built to make men better that's it they were built for it I mean two three now yeah well I would never every daughter you have is a bullet in the head er you every daughter you have is a bullet in the head of yours you gotta kill that young yeah there's still money just man a little yo I know that my life is much richer for having them in my life but I will live five years less long than my work is filled with life but I mean I'm just this just the way that they they are but and I think when I when I when I you can tell when a man not just has daughters but loves it that's right you could tell the way he the way he computes the way he sees things like I have a relationship with my daughter that we used to be very very close my youngest daughter we were very very very close then she found out who I was and the things I've done and she distanced herself for me and now we're getting very very close again well because you can't have an image of the image of who I was in her head has to die and they can only be a without a death that can't be a resurrection all I ever want my children to know is who I am hmm Who I am now woody but now the the notion of who I was was an idea of me and the reality of me is significantly different hmm but but I am comfortable with both of those things I'm comfortable with you knowing who I you who you wanted me to be and who I am my daughter said I want to marry a man who's just like you and nothing like you I'll take that said I guess she could be talking about you at home and then your that's nice no she she's time finding out the [ __ ] I've done did a great job well no no women tell themselves stories and and and and people tell themselves tours I should be specific and we have a romanticized notion of we our parents are and who they but the one thing that my daughter's I think my children know about me if you're in trouble and I don't get to you I'm dead and they also know I've done a lot of [ __ ] that hurt them I write so i guess between those two Continuum's of experience that those two variables is where you find the man I know he'll love me and no matter what and I know he's done some shitty stuff and that's what I you know so funny you say that cuz that's how I look at my father and like so when I was doing dirt cheating on my wife I'm like I know I gotta cut this out cuz I don't want my daughters to look at me anyway I look at my father with that same exact thing you know good man but you [ __ ] up but you know my it's so funny because my daughter's love my wife's father and he he's way too back it's like so it's it's so funny being an artist being you know you know I try to be as clear as possible and I try to be as unflinching as possible and and it's one of the reasons I kind of like this collective but I don't revel in the things I've done I just I'm not afraid to examine that's it I said wholeheartedly that's why I mean that's that's what therapy is about that's what all it is that's what growth is about like if I can't step back at 40 and look at how [ __ ] up I may have been in my tennies early 30s then what are we doing it but it's it's so great did it happen yeah like I remember meet my wife she used to make me go to therapy we used to go to therapy all the time all the time and it was a - $250 - tell me why do you act like you read cuz I'm I like I like I'm not one of them dudes like I didn't dislike what I was doing yeah yeah oh my god it's me but I dislike how it made people feel right I don't I don't I mean I have a great [ __ ] time you kid give me some more antibiotics and let's keep this I hate how it made them feel yeah but yeah but I think by definition you can't do what we do and not be selfish yes all you doing is gonna look at me listen to me hear me so you can't take that nut it's so funny to what tolerant of you of you know if they know you're doing the work to get brain that's a well and ended on in this incremental but it's not are you doing the work what our way we talk about that I have to because my wife is like I want to I want to I want to you know like our kids are grown like my problem right now is that my kids are grown and I feel like I've done my job and I should be able to kind of relax but they feel like you should still like right now they're grown and I'm their father but I'm only their father when they need them but when you not so it's a whole but they still have to learn like the one thing about my daughter's it's so funny to me they could do they're the only women that could do anything to me and I still have to be different I still have to reach out to them laughter I still have to you know be their beacon no matter who their weight no matter what happens they don't have to do that to me oh I got a son to be slow I love my son is the best slow son like if you I'm not trying to be funny if you had a dude that my son is the most warm wonderful he's the the best thing I've ever done and he is my son loves his father like this is how close me and my son are we go to work we go to work out together right white people see my son kiss me on the cheek and they thought we were gay because that's the only example of black love they could have quit just like me Wow think nate will come up to us go it's so nice you guys are openly affectionate and nobody I said that's my son but but with their so devoid of positive images of a man just loving his seed that they thought we were gay you know what man not as you say that [ __ ] you make me think about like I remember one time he was just me and my daughter on a plane flying to South Carolina and the flight attendant came to check and he was like that's your daughter and I'm like I hope so yeah yeah you know I mean because it's so devoid like it has to be something in yeah yeah yeah it is because this notion of who we are my son used to get mad at me because I used to make him kiss me when he left that you better come kiss me you don't pay ring you better kiss me on my face right on my face and he said daddy when am I gonna stop doing this I said when one of us saying do you know but I get a girl to kiss my father right now mm-hmm you better kiss me [ __ ] and a great and I think that that's what the world the world needs to see us broken and they need to see us struggling they need to see us falling I'm falling down getting although problem is they only see us one way you know so interest about you dear ma'am I'm back in the day when you had that CNN show yeah I remember everybody would say why does DL Hughley got to CNN so well probably take social issues relationships all of that good stuff because you get your ass with I knew I wasn't I knew I wasn't ready for seeing it but I knew I had this I went to CNN the same reason I met my wife I knew I wasn't ready but I was gonna try to get ready yeah like I always loved her I knew I was in love with her I knew and I knew I was gonna be full of [ __ ] I knew I would be but I said if you stick with me I'll try my best to make it work like I knew I wasn't ready mm-hmm and I think that that that's but I'm not afraid to lose did she give you a ultimatum or you just felt like you had to he give me ultimatum I got to be what I am and what I am is what I am at that moment it's nice for people like they've been watching read.table talk with Jada Pinkett and Will Smith and seeing the problems because people will look at them and be like that's the relationship goes that's this that's that but people have to see that relationships are far from perfect even though that's where you might imagine when you see celebrities you know why women leave because they can't and in other words if there's not enough there to make me stand you to your point I'll leave if there's not something that's keeping me there and I'm not talking about money and I'm not talking about sex and I'm not talking about children I'm tell me there's something that's not hooked into me I can't see something past these current circumstances I'll leave so they leave because they can't and they stay cuz they don't have a choice you have to be resonant enough and enough enough to have people want to be there I agree with that I think that's why people are getting married a lot later now than they used to yeah because women don't have to and people getting divorced a lot more also just because women don't have to so we don't feel like we don't have options Hey look I used to and you you grew up I'm used to no minute half families on the other side daddy had a hole he left a woman he left my mom for this woman yeah you had a family a mile away they ran a truck parked right in the driveway you know what else that the woman used to know about it and send fool you go take this over miss Johnson so close over to miss Johnson do you know where they stay with that man because in their estimation how did the man that worked as a janitor take care to fit but he did it like I don't want to ask myself man I said do you love me he said nag I ain't got time to love you I'm trying to fix you you can have a hamburger you can have a hug because that was in it but there was something in them at least I know I'm going to be taken care right and that's enough yeah when you try when you're just trying to survive every day that's enough my biggest fear is that that someone will do something and I can't get there mmm but I don't but but I can only be what I am but I want my children to be with people who at least have that at least at least know that nothing's gonna stop me from getting to you if I have to say you like your daughter's boyfriends no okay I don't and she's gonna hear you yeah they know it how could you not yeah yeah I don't I don't like I don't like the because they I'm always there first off if I'm your first up is your knees let's see therefore that's real goddamn right I'm not I'm not and plus I have the kind of daughters you have to be they can power boys uh vacuum either you gonna be in charge and they're gonna charge if they're in charge they're gonna resent you for it and I'm and I see it they're gonna resent you how many times you seen a woman with a man and she he's perfect he's good and she likes him but he makes her make all the decisions he seems to hurt she feels like she's demanding relationship and she'll wake up one day and hate him but no reason at all [ __ ] why are you breathing and it's based on nothing it's because somebody has to leave and that leadership has to be ironclad do you ever tell your daughter that like I mean and the dude is bright and make money and cool like you do for everything that my male be like yeah I'm like look look at I mean I wanted to be with a lion yeah yeah a lion I want my children to be with lion that's real what you said savages line but yeah that single-minded determination I've know what you said about - not like your biggest fear that something happens at him and you can't get this I want them to be around people like that mindset makes me be the person that I always want that to be around my kids there are people like my old man you know if people are like oh you should be there when he dies you know I saw say my father wanted me to see him like that I did that cuz a woman told me I should do this you should see it nah I should have let him go and live with that memory I even wanted to know that mm-hmm I don't want I don't want my children ever to see me like that I want them to always know why DL Hughley ladies and gentlemen you can watch his Netflix special it's out right now the cherry yes in my book how not to get shot and you are you'll be a Caroline at all this weekend I'm coming [Laughter] we just had this nice deep come shortly sold out no the Saturdays are Friday they are your Friday Saturday Thursday Friday Saturday y'all go check the Hughley out at Carolina you can go get tickets at Caroline's on Broadway calm the house always a pleasure when you black wise man I'm I'm so proud of you Mark Twain I can't wait I can't read the read the [ __ ] Huckleberry Finn do you mr. Breakfast Club [Music]
Channel: Breakfast Club Power 105.1 FM
Views: 3,742,559
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the breakfast club, power1051, celebrity news, radio, video, interview, angela yee, charlamagne tha god, dj envy, dl hughley
Id: roiw0Ykwa6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 21sec (3201 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 05 2018
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