DL Hughley on Kanye Stalking Kim, Pete Davidson, Dave Chappelle, Eminem, Joe Rogan (Full Interview)

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all right the mighty return of dl hugley yeah i can't well you always got michael j white white and tk i can't fit in you always have a place here man i can't compete with all that hey man listen it's been a i think about a year and a half since we had a proper a proper deal hugo i mean you made a cameo you made a cameo appearance you had a guest verse right you know when your man came in right right with dj daniel that's right that's right that was a great interview by the way thank you thank you so much for joining us in the interview that became one of our i always love you i just never wanna like sometimes i just don't have anything to say and now there's just a lot more oh yeah there's a lot to talk about right now right well first of which i want to start out with the super bowl sure they just passed right eminem seemed to take a knee he didn't see he took a knee he took a knee now he didn't say what it was for i mean you know people are saying oh it's because dre was playing tupac or something but it looked like he took like a kaepernick knee well i listen i don't know what his need was for but i think that the fact that people on the right were angry about it let you know that it wasn't just about the national anthem it lets you know that that wasn't what it was about and then you know you you understand that there are a lot of people i was reading recently where a lot of 45 republicans think that the nfl does too much for black people just imagine what black people do for the nfl wait the nfl does too much without without black people the nfl would be [ __ ] rugby what percentage of the nfl is black 75 the players 75 75 okay three quarters sure you take black people out of the nfl and you're gonna rugby yeah and i'm telling you they're the biggest strongest black dudes in the world the other big strong black dude is in prison like like you you have to so i think um there's almost this this thing like even when you watch the dynamic of the super bowl like i was very proud because it made me proud to be from la and california it was like a love letter to los angeles and you had you know one of the founders of gatesville rap and one you know and and dude a dude from the east coast duke in the midwest and a woman from the east coast but but 30 years ago they were what police were worried about snoop and dre and now the world watched them and they watched them at the eve at the dark where i wanted what i used to walk to and the burger place where i used to walk to and dancing on the streets of compton and it just shows you how the that was the best super time super bowl show i've ever seen and even if it's debatable the only people who may have done one potentially michael jackson or prince are dead yeah i was going to say michael jackson right he had a hell of a super bowl he might yeah but everyone princess well yeah everybody else who might whitney had a dope one too but everybody else who did equally as dope didn't didn't uh aren't here now and i just think it was a love letter to a city i love and a state i love and it was dope yeah it was great to see la win it was again right you know the lakers just winning you know and now we got this and when you saw pictures of l.a it was like somebody spruce that wasn't a homeless people want no traffic i don't know what [ __ ] homeless people at like this is bad in downtown it is it is bad it is but but this was but this was inglewood which is like you don't have these huge homeless cities no inglewood the way you do like in downtown no i think it's so unincorporated but it really is you know i have an unabashed um love for los angeles this is where i'm from yeah and i and and the the reason that like when when somebody tells you the first it's too expensive well okay [ __ ] that's all right the only way you live somewhere else is because you won't live here that's it ain't nobody come on hey man you know where the state let you it'd be like a club that let you in free would you [ __ ] go hey you got to pay the cost to be the boss you know would you go to a club with no cover charge there you go right now there you go we don't charge nobody will [ __ ] that club keep it right because there's cities out there they'll pay you to move out exactly they'll literally give you ten thousand dollars for show just to rent an apartment for a year it's states that don't tell you that won't charge you to live there yeah but here's the thing they just came out with this thing in the southern region of the united states of america it's not just me saying it the la average life expectancy is seven years less so your house is cheaper but good you better get a 23 year loan instead of a 30. you live seven years less less in the south is it the food i think it's not not just the food i think it's the environment i think it's the fact that so many people don't have access to health care yeah like if you look at the place where obamacare was denied it was a certain mentality a specific mentality that made that happen if you look at the infant mortality rate uh physically in black and brown people in those places it is because uh people just have a certain uh perspective and and that perspective costs lives and i think um nowhere is perfect no obviously nowhere is perfect but you you got to live you got to go with a fish or bite whatever you want to do live the places where they're doing what you want to do right i mean it costs more in la but you also get a lot more sure you know everyone i know that moved from atlanta to la just loves it yeah they're not going back the thing is it caught like it costs more to live here but if you buy i have a friend bought a house a year and a half ago mm-hmm 750 000 um in angle say we're in the valley but 750 that house a year and a half later is one worth 1.2 million dollars you buy a house somewhere else oh i bought it for 200 000 worth 230. now of course you can't move nowhere of course right you can't leave i just i think that you gotta i i love this city i love what it's done uh for me and my perspective and i love seeing it win so that was a big thing for me for for the super bowl i think it was the highest rated super bowl ever and it wasn't even necessarily the dominance of the team because they weren't like two cash to uh marquis team yeah i mean it was a close game at one point you're like oh [ __ ] the bankers are up like yo they might actually upset this game i mean right you know rams came back yeah yeah and i and i think aaron donald won that super bowl for them yeah i agree i think okay who got the pass but if he didn't let them score one time and then in him environmental if they'd have let them score one time this is a wrap one time if they got a first down you know he took them out of field goal range with some of his sex so you gotta and i know that the obviously the uh you know the the offensive side of the ball gets all the glitz and glamour but those dudes clearly stopped you from losing at a time when your offense would splutter oh yeah man the rams were a hell of a team yes a hell of a team great game i'm glad i got to watch it i almost went i almost went i didn't get to go man those tickets though man it wasn't even tickets my granddaughter my year old granddaughter was having her year birthday party well there you go so i had to i was gigging in uh san francisco pleasanton i had to fly to se i got off stage at 2 30 in the morning get back to the hotel get on uh uh rest for an hour get on the flight at six o'clock fly to atlanta get there at 2 30 and she's so cranky you know how that one-year-old i gotta take a nap i was so mad i was like i knew what she would you know because she's a baby so i like i knew she wasn't gonna be she don't know who i like you know and she's a covert baby so they only used to being with their families so i was like man i could have i could have went but you know you gotta be there for the first yeah she won't see me again until the fifth but the next four years is working i see you next time you see me at your birthday party you're gonna be five and able to tell me you want me there there you go joe rogan uh-huh okay number one do you know him at all i do not you do know i mean i know i know who he is i mean i've spoken to him okay you've had conversations with conversations but you guys don't keep in touch on anything okay no when the whole thing came out right right i mean first it showed up as him interviewing people that were like had questionable medical advice right right that's how it first started but i think if you die because you listen to a podcast you should die if you ever if you're if you're if you're in dire straits medically and the first words out of your mouth i heard on the podcast [ __ ] you pull the plug go right right i mean i have a a a doctor who comes on the show dr khan who's an actual medical doctor in las vegas right who's been treating covet patients since the beginning and it's funny when we post up like clips of him like regular people without medical degrees or anything else that will be arguing with him right and telling him he's wrong you know it's funny to me [ __ ] you can't even keep your car from being repossessed but you know the ingredients of the vaccine and you understand you didn't pass school like at a certain point my car is is is malfunctioning i don't go to a dentist when my ass hurt i don't go to a mechanic right i go to people that at least have the potential to have proficiency of what they what they claim to do right you just click yes and it's really just we we we have a romance with stupidity we want to be satiated with stupidity and conspiracy we have a romance with conspiracy everyone wants to think that they know some secret bit of information and everyone's been lying to them right but everybody knows but they already know when you when you take a [ __ ] sheep uh [ __ ] they give sheep you are one like you are one like i hear people to say what if they put a chip in me why [ __ ] you don't work they could drive right by and see you on well they might change my dna but then you won't know child support my cousin working the cdc your cousin sweep the floor to the city now if the cd if the vaccine was made out of fabuloso we'd ask your [ __ ] cousin's opinion that's a fabuloso you know the purple kind can kill girl it is there's a reason why the united states of america has more cases and more deaths than any other country in the world the next closest country is india with 23 percent of that population is because we're fat and free but we're not fat free right or how about my favorite is i don't want the government to track me like they do with your cell phone do you carry everywhere including the bathroom exactly you don't want to track you but you took that stimulus check right well you think don't you got a sign for that you [ __ ] idiot yeah every every once in a while there's somebody comes along that mirrors the mood of america in in a way in like an off way and like uh as far as joe goes i think that that audiences uh just like water seeks its own level serves a certain element they seek its own level now i can't say um i don't know him well enough to tell you what i think about his um ideas on race but i can't say this he very much was taken out of context but he wasn't taken out of character okay so there was a compilation sure they had him say the n-word yes with the hard r yes well it looked like maybe about 30 or 40 times or something it was a huge amount right right now he wasn't calling someone the n-word but he was quoting right and so forth now you could say yes that's taken out of context but you could also look through the vlad tv catalog that goes back 14 years with over 10 000 videos most of my interviews are with black people right and you will not find a single instance of me saying well but i've seen a lot of [ __ ] do interviews so that's crazy too leave that one alone i'll tell you this this was interesting to me do you know how many times you have to do something to have a compilation that's a [ __ ] messed up that's an anthology the jackson five got a [ __ ] anthology earthwood and fire got an anthology i look i can't say what kind i know that one you can tell me you took it out of context you cannot tell me how to is out of character because whatever you've done for 13 years it's not it's pretty much a character trait of yours you believe it's okay now um i'm not i think that you can be uh you you can appeal to a certain element i've always felt like he was kind of that way you know just on my initial kind of interaction with him i was like ah so i'm not shocked that it happened i don't think it should be canceled i don't think that i just if somebody says something that i'm not that i don't spark to i just don't listen to it but but let's not let's be clear i don't have to explain your actions you do well one of the things that people like have brought up is that he has a half black half-white step-daughter his wife actually had a baby with the guy from h-town right right who who died right in a car accident very important right and it's like oh well you know he was exposed to black people in black culture but to be fair that little girl was raised by a white mother without her father present unfortunately because of the accident and then she goes and marries a white guy so so there's not really a lot of it's interesting uh thomas jefferson had black children and a black woman that he kept in a cave next to his bedroom right in a cave he did it was a cave it was like an actual cave it was an actual dug-in dirt cave it wasn't you're serious wow yes sally hammond's they called it an apartment but it was a it was a cave it was a [ __ ] boat but that was his slave though that wasn't like his woman right but but when you tell me when somebody tells me they have a black child or black star gary only who's married to a black woman has back to him that are his right hand i've never heard him say the n word no okay so all of these excuses well i don't think it's an excuse i think i think what it is is that the reason i mention it is because you know when you have black people that are close to you they'll usually tell you you know and give you like good advice as to what not to say you see what i'm saying they'll usually tell you like hey listen like yes your black friends might be okay with you saying the n-word around them you know that you've known for 30 years but you don't want to say this in public and generally even if they do say it's okay you probably should just not even say it but you know what's funny one of two things has happened now eminem made a lot of money from black people right yes i never heard him say it oh you didn't because i did the the the tapes that came out but i'm talking about on a habitual outing did he actually say the n-word i mean he he disparaged black women and so so forth in a habitual out in the open way and if i had heard him say it i would have a different estimation of that and i'm a dude who's a proponent of free speech but i'll say this if you said it that many times either you mean it or know that pretending to mean it it avails you to something either you mean it or you know that pretending to have this mindset works there's a reason that all the people who listen to all these people on the fringe who listen to tucker carlson and who listen to shawnality gather at the same places because they feel comfortable right those people would never feel comfortable around me so either you're you actually mean this or flirting with it for an affect well india re originally asked spotify to remove all her music right uh because of some of the stuff that joe rogan was saying then after he apologized she said she actually accepts his apology when he apologized what do you think it didn't have i didn't care what he said one way or the other uh whether it was the [ __ ] or the apology i just pointed out what i thought was interesting i think it's interesting um that i watched donald sterling say [ __ ] one time and lose the clippers it's interesting that i watched paula dean say [ __ ] one time and lose a cooking show and he said [ __ ] for 13 years and made 100 million dollars i think that it says a lot about who that company is i've never seen the the president of a company come out and say yeah he said these horrible things but we're still going to stay with him we don't believe that we should silence speech well that's not true because viacom brought nick cannon back no no the cannon had to go away for a year and had to apologize nick cannon got to name his first son nick cannon at the damn they become a jewish dude he damn near there wasn't we can't pretend like what happened to nick cannon was okay we hadn't we had the conversation we had the conversation nick cannon's a show was delayed by a year and a half until he had made sufficient inroads with the community he defended before he could come back they took wilding out away from him they did so that's not it's not the same thing whoopi goldbergberg got suspended for two weeks but i've never heard the president of a company come out and say we're gonna stick with him you wouldn't you didn't see you you'll never see a president and it's because those companies have a different perspective those those shareholders that audience have a different perspective than the audience that listens to rogue yeah i mean trevor noah had this breakdown of the whole situation you saw it you saw it brilliant brilliant i'm not really a trevor noah fan like that but after i heard that i'm like it kind of changed my mind about the spot on the nav he basically said there's a big difference between fringe and mainstream and joe rogan had been functioning in the fringe right for 13 years and you could be as big as you want in the fringe and he almost compared it's like a nudist colony right you could be the rock star of the nudist colony you know i mean you could have your your penis swinging around and everyone's giving you a high five and everything else like that but at the moment that you take that 100 million dollars and you become mainstream everything changes it's it's so funny because people go he said that all the time and nobody did anything well bill cosby was drugging bronzer all the time nobody say anything about it where are kelly was was having sex with little girls all the time nobody said anything about it it is always these delineations of logic that we make yeah you can't tell me that 13 years is so long ago and he did it all this time and nobody said anything about it and you got a whole documentary of a dude who've been drugging abroad so long he could retire like when you've been drugged around for 60 years you can retire from the school system buddy andrew yang actually defended him and he actually said he works with black people well yeah there's that but he also there should be a statute of limitations on racist comments okay statute of limitation but there's not a statue of limitations on okay the problem with america to me is we make these special dispensations what i try to be is as clear as possible i i i don't personally spark to that but i respect it i argue for bill maher remember what bill maher said [ __ ] we talked about because i think there's a clear difference between somebody who's creatively using something and somebody else but either way i'm prepared for the idea that people may be offended either way i think that free speech needs to be protected because all of a sudden it becomes something else it's like like a club you will to hold up somebody else's head but i also think i hate these fall apologies that you don't really mean that you know and these ideas that you don't have to there there's a i pretty much try to say things that i at least mean in principle the idea of it you know what i mean now obviously i i live in a world where it's the theater of the mind i have to let you know how much of it i mean but elementally there are things that you say that there is a kernel of truth in and i and i will say i said it before and i'll say it again either he meant it or he knew that pretending to mean it would would work because spotify didn't hire him in spot because of him in spite of him saying they hired him because he did his audience is big because nothing's more edgy than a white boy saying [ __ ] nothing nothing it means this dude oh wow look how brave he is and then when they equate the funniest thing is when they go well you say uh [ __ ] in hip-hop all the time nick has been the american lexicon since the early 1700s hip-hop been around since 1970. what came first [ __ ] or the sugar hill game like mark twain a big bang right right i mean because i mean the whole statute of limitation things is kind of interesting because remember the justin bieber thing with that video one less lonely n-word and and and he went on he's like oh you know if i kill you i'll be part of the ku klux klan it was really like seriously offensive and look he's the darling of hip-hop still to this day everyone's dying to get a feature from justin bieber to get a hook to do a song and that's what i was going to say he was a kid he was maybe 12 13 years old so do you feel there is a statute of limitations when it comes to being underage and being a dumb kid and that doesn't apply when you're an adult or i think that we have these these this these this logic i can't rectify i can't rectify it like in america having sex with an underwear an adult having sex with an underage child is an abomination which it is but a police officer killing an underage child on our child is okay i don't think it's okay well i don't think it's okay like it's not tolerated like i mean they've gotten away with it so then it's gotten away with it yeah it's tolerated so we have these juxtapositions of logic depending on who the who the person is the perpetrator of the crime depending who if we look at things from the prism of the person who did it what i try to do is to look at the situation i don't think when somebody goes to court i don't think the jury should see them should know their names she know what sex they are she know anything about them except this happened this these were the circuits because what it does is play on our biases our inherent viruses if it's wrong to do a thing for me it is wrong to do a thing for you it is wrong i and i i don't i don't i don't make the i try to be as fair and as plain as possible but we have these the idea of america is at odds with the reality of it and the idea of america can't stan sustain it you it can't because we were supposed to be a thing and we found out when we find out you the idea of america is so at odds with the reality of it that it is it is killing people to accept that reality well the whole n word part you could say was taken out of context was you know actually joe rogan called it a political hit job i saw it let me the the question then is that that part sort of annoyed me looks like a political hijab when you're not a politician right there's that there's that but the one part that i think you can't really apologize for is the whole plan of the apes comment no where he basically said oh we were going to go see planet of the apes so we got out in this black neighborhood and it was planet of the apes and then he said and he said you heard a little further i had a lot of fun well you know i i guess if you go to the zoo you might have fun looking at apes like i'm not i've gotten high a lot of times and i've watched a lot i've been to a movie with a lot of black people and i never saw eight and if you get high and see apes maybe you like that joint with a tiki torch i just think you light that joint with a cheeky challenge a joke on so many levels right there i do not believe and i'll say it here and i'll say it flatly either you feel this way or you know that pretending to feel this way works right because he got offered a 100 million dollar contract from a right-wing platform of course which he denied of course but you know she did not accept but still the fact that lay me out white men can make a hundred million dollars in journalism in this country and not be offensive to [ __ ] made me one who gets i'm talking about a a big i ain't talking about somebody who i'm talking about where they give you a ton of money to do a thing on generally wait because now there's no journalists that don't make that much you got to be a sean hannity or tucker cause tucker costa can't even sell a [ __ ] commercial but he makes this money so what is it based on yeah i mean the biggest journalist yeah you're right i mean the biggest are insulting to black people who who are the biggest journalists in america the highest paid jobs the highest paid journalists and and then they get to hide on the listen you get to you get to say that this is an op-ed but you should he shouldn't be believed because this is an opinion he's an opinion comedy columnist oh here we go well anderson cooper has a net worth of 200 million and he's not he's not offensive but but i guarantee you that his net worth didn't come from what he says he was already rich he was already rich but i think i think he actually earned a lot of that money okay but you know he has a very high paid high profile not only doing 60 minutes on cnn and all types of specials and everything else like that i mean he learns a lot let's rattle him off i would argue that when you're married to when your mother is an uber wealthy woman you might inherit some of that money yeah uh his his family is a uh where's his family come from the vanderbilt vanderbilt yeah yeah exactly yeah i mean i think but still but still he is a very high paid well-respected journalist that does not make his money off of bashing i would say really anyone for that matter but the caveat is when you are one of the vanderbilts and you're worth 200 million dollars i don't know how much of that you earned okay i don't know how much you you inherit well trump actually chimed in and told joe rogan not to apologize of course don't let them make you look weak of course go ahead and use that n word with the hard r the way trump likes to do at home with his redneck friends yeah go ahead right double down right that's what trump does she doubles down that's what uh and that's what i like i said either you mean it or you know that pretending to mean it works yep and look at the people that there are people who you just wouldn't be around like if a [ __ ] don't take care of his family i ain't got to judge you we just ain't friend we just there's nothing we don't have anything in common if you say hateful [ __ ] about people i just i don't i don't know that we can find a place where we can hang out and i'm not i'm not begrudging anybody else they're right to feel uh the same way there are people who i've known and loved uh uh uh uh for a very long time and then they start to say things because i believe this i don't care how cool you were as a young white guy when you get older you're an old white guy you know white guy yeah and you start to take on the affect the ideas and the persona of an old white guy well it depends i'm getting up there in aging you know maybe you might know to every exception but but there are people that have been who've been great yeah but but i'm also i don't insulate myself in a white community you see what i'm saying like i'm around black people 24 7. literally literally 24. we live in the same community i don't see a lot of [ __ ] around me so i'm just saying 24 7. right people around me you know i mean but there are people like like the most the most erudite the most sophisticated the most humane people i know don't subscribe to a religious ideology right i'm not religious at all that's what i'm saying yeah so to me um i just think that there are things that people will do or won't and i think that i respect somebody who has this perspective organically i think that that that that naturally trump is a sociopath i think that he naturally is i think that everybody else i think that's what his inclination is i think he's a a narcissist i think that everybody else who wants to appeal to his audience pretends to be yeah i mean listen uh apart from the episode that willie d did on the joe rogan show i've never actually listened to an entire joe rogan podcast ever the only reason i listen to that one is because willie's my friend and i want to hear what he had to say you know what i'm saying i can't well he's my friend i've never heard one whole i've never heard that i haven't ever heard anything that you're we're going to experience except when i hear clips of somebody who's because it's just to me i just it doesn't listen i've never watched the [ __ ] whole episode of friends either we never watched seinfeld either i i'm not i watched a few sides so i can't i mean it's just things that don't appeal to me so i don't but um i'm not when when when i hear these things it resonates with me that i felt that there was an inclination for for that to be a potential yep kanye and kim sure uh you know i felt it was kind of you know in the beginning it was somewhat funny seeing him just post all the stuff about kim and pete davidson and everything else like that but as it's beginning to drag on he's really really terrorizing it's never online it's never been funny well you know i mean he put like the the marvel posters so i found it kind of amusing there's definitely a comedy slant to what he was doing at one point but then it's like all right you're telling people to you know they want beat up pete davidson you know he got him a chokehold he's reposting all these text messages it's like 20 posts a day i just never the difference between him and the other dude get restraining orders on them is hundreds of maids a dollar right because he bought a house across the street that's not from her house listen i don't i think that i've watched too many times when things like that happen and a woman or somebody's not believed and then things escalate yeah he is stalking her you can think it's cute if it was my daughter i'd do something about it i don't think it's funny i think that you can't write a beat so good that you get to do these things and society laughs it off because they said well she showed her ass all the time and he's this and he's that and at a certain point if it is not unusual for men like that the only the difference between having a restraining order is about 20 hits and a couple of hundred million dollars i just don't think it's funny i think that that that kanye wouldn't get no [ __ ] at all if he didn't write no hits you know that like he's not the kind of dude you know like he counts on the [ __ ] that he this mystique right and in the end she got just as much bread as she as she did yeah and why talk to him pete davidson is a scribe like i don't get what the point of threatening him like if if you if you threatening to do this [ __ ] your woman all they gonna do is [ __ ] her harder and she chose him obviously it's enough now he's not he's not forcing himself on this woman and and here's here's what else she divorced kanye she said i've had enough and who with four kids and it's that must have been a very long decision because it's like there's four kids involved well four kids when you on so public assistance is a lot different than four kids when you got half a billion dollars right but at any point i think any woman wants to have her nuclear family together and i think that when a woman like look you talking to a dude had been married 37 years and i know my woman has had enough of me at times right i get it i understand that and i would want my family i understand that too but if you want your family stop doing the [ __ ] you did that made her leave right which is what you're doing more of how about take your medicine you know what all that all that wild [ __ ] you were doing that got her be different i'm gonna be normal i'm just gonna take my medicine and see the [ __ ] world right and stop doing the crazy [ __ ] that exhausted her that's at a certain point when you get in your 40s when a woman gets in her 40s and you get in your 40s all that [ __ ] that was fun is exhausting [ __ ] you know what how about that crate be normal i'mma be a dude that takes care of my family that have a good time with my woman to drop my kids off and i can do all my crazy [ __ ] on the album you can't threaten the [ __ ] then drop off a truck a truckload of roses and think that's okay i mean imagine being in a relationship where your form of communication is instagram posts back and forth remember the whole thing with the kids yeah i can't see my kids i can't go to my kid's birthday party then she posts a message well the reason why is because blah blah blah they post oh well that's not fair blah blah blah you can't put him on tick tock and i'm just like if you guys are communicating through instagram posts like this is so crazy but that's that that's the relationship came about in a certain it was certain but i'll say this if kanye has all those voices in his head one of them should tell me to shut the [ __ ] up one of them like ain't one of them just a regular oh i remember interviewing lamar odom right who used to be with chloe obviously sure and we talked about the kardashian curse sure and he goes yeah he goes yeah people say that and so forth but if you put a spotlight on your family and follow them around with everything you do you probably see a similar set of you know situations occur you always hear the kardashian curse uh you know you're obviously part of this story you know caitlyn jenner kanye where he is right now uh scott disick you know people like to paint this type of story the kardashian curse i got stupidity because everybody go through [ __ ] you dumb asses if i had your family on tape and seeing all the [ __ ] that your family was going through people be like yo this [ __ ] family is crazy you see all the drug addicts all the sex so they share their life with you so you see everything maybe it's overexposed but is it people love it peop the people that made them or the people that point the fingers i don't it's like it's it's kind of like sickening a little bit and it now lives it from the inside in from the outside no and when i thought about that and i'm like well no one in my family did a sex tape right they came out they came out they came out right that's the pretty they came out they probably did a few on their own and it wasn't no one in my family came out as transgender no you know not to say there's anything wrong with that i'm just saying it's a little different and you know when you look at that whole family nobody's married currently everyone's a baby mother literally well including including their mom it's whole tv shows about that i'll just say this that we live in a world where some people are so many people are devoid of life they go home to watch other people live right and i think that that is a that is a interesting um interesting pools and swimming interesting scenarios to navigate i'll say this at a certain level i know what it's like to have a woman threaten to leave you that you love and want her back yes and i know that you can't do the things you did to make her leave right right so if all this crazy [ __ ] like wearing trump hats and saying all this vile [ __ ] about her family and talk did wasn't what she liked do something different right now listen all my years not only have i not experienced it personally but i've never seen other people do things like yeah so my friend terrorized his ex-girlfriend's new boyfriend and that made her realize that she wants it back like it just it doesn't work that way it's actually usually have the opposite hence the restraining orders and hence the arrests and enhance everything else like that this motherfucker's this close to that movie in the bedroom like he's that cl like it's oh you can look out the window and probably see it's weak i remember someone posted posted a video from john wick which has like you know him and this other dude like shooting at each other like you know in like the subway right and it's like the caption was kanye and pete davis and taking out the trash in the morning and all he doing is a young kid having a good time who wouldn't do it and now i i i can't imagine that that he's not slightly intimidated by all of this stuff who pete yeah i can't imagine he's not yeah but you know pete pete has money he could hire security money like that he don't have money like that and then he's got pretty good i mean listen he's a saturday night live regular he starred in movies he starred in movies it's got to be intimidating security don't cost that much i have security it's not that it's got to be intimidating to all of a sudden just be going out with somebody and the dude she was with is not letting it go in a very public threatful manner yes absent fame the police is [ __ ] talking to you absent fame judges are issuing restraining orders and this and we're watching the same thing the same [ __ ] that we turned the other way when certain people that we loved and thought were talented did things we turn the other way and then we get to act shocked when it goes left i'm just saying i i don't think it is funny i don't think it's cute and i think that it is the kind of thing um because society seems to not get something till they see a documentary about it they don't sit down like i think that it's in a society where where our emotions are our idea right or wrong our sense of justice is tied to a remote or dvr we're probably a little jaundice and i think that what he's doing is if it were my daughter if it was somebody i loved i would have a different estimation of it i think that any reasonable human being would too i know you love her that's fine but this this is the kind of love that is like i ain't no guru but i know this hiding across the street and threatening somebody and showing up and sending roses is the kind of [ __ ] that people go to jail for yeah i mean a restraining order is probably in his future you know i don't seem to be nostradamus too right figure this one out you just have to be no you don't you just have to have live life right and i've been like you like who hasn't like been crazy about somebody you know like yeah i've never been that crazy i've never been stalker crazy i've because i guess i've always felt like you know something like you know i had i've always had self-confidence i've always felt like all right well if you're not interested like i'm i'm the [ __ ] like you know i'm great there's gonna be someone else who finds me you know interesting and attractive and wants to be with me if you don't want to do that like you know what i mean like which kanye seems to have kind of got the ego of this and listen he's publicly was dating you know julia fox and everything else like that and leave it to kanye leave it to [ __ ] kanye to have a first date be accompanied with a magazine article and a photo shoot can you imagine going on a date with someone and actually having it the days i have i don't want anybody to find out about but the point is i just i think that it is i think that we're so jaundiced and jaded and and now we think everything's for our entertainment and that these are not human beings like i respect the fact that he might feel this way but i respect the fact that you have a woman that if a woman has moved on that she has four kids she had enough she's had enough yeah enough and i think the problem is is that in today's society unlike you know when you you and i were younger is that there's no real sense of privacy anymore when it comes to personal relationships you know i have people that i have problems with right now right at this very moment and i've thought you know let me call this person up and have a conversation with them but then i think about who that person is and what their track record is and what they're you know how they are and i realized this conversation might be recorded and it might be posted on the internet which has happened to me i've tried to work things out with people only to have them do exactly that i've seen it happen you've seen it happening yes right so we talked about it we talked about it right so so you're let me turn my phone off so you're kind of stuck in a way because people have so much access to suddenly put all these private situations on public display that it sometimes stops you from being able to actually work it out with the person privately so you end up just having these these public spats to just got to go on forever i know listen i think the bravest thing any human being can do is love somebody i really do i think that because you can never tell how it's going to be received or interpreted or even projected i can't say that and i can i and i we have had these conversations and i you know have found myself in these situations i think that ultimately all you can do is be exactly who you are and i think real human beings will understand look you can you can accidentally hurt somebody you can at a moment personally do something offensive to somebody feel bad about it and then want to make it right all you have is where it comes all all you can control is the vehicle it leaves in you can't say what you might get in your car and intend to get to the airport what happens to you ain't up to you it ain't it's it's other situations drivers lights other circumstances but i'll say this if i if i i never really apologize for telling jokes or trying to be ironic or but i will apologize if i made an observation a judgmental observation and it was off and or hurtful if if if the move strikes me but i think you are right that we live in a world that is so everybody got a brand to protect like it's a br like everything and so i think when you have this thing that you're supposed to be and this thing that you are the best thing for me is to have both of those things be as congruent as they can be right bill cosby has a new uh documentary called right out called uh we need to talk about bill cosby right you watched it i have i have two they actually used some of my footage i saw you actually show up in the background which they did not clear by the way our lawyers will reach out and work that out um it was a very interesting documentary uh michael jai white was on my show the other day and we talked about that i'm like well you know some of these stories with these women with these 30 40 year old incidents the way they were described seemed somewhat one-sided that the interaction seemed like there were certain things that were purposely left out and so forth and he goes well he said and this is what i know very well who i consider a good friend he said there are three women that he personally knows that have approached him way before the cosby thing came out way before hannibal burris blew it all out the water and everything he said there's three women that have that he personally knows that have talked to him that were sexually assaulted by bill cosby and never said anything the thing think about how many women haven't even come forward you know like again i told you i knew people you know you know people that have never come forward who told you in private these stories dude yeah how many women three three yeah all right well if you're telling me that then i i believe it apart from him and probably other other close friends they never came forward they never filed a lawsuit they never did this so he's been known about this so for years so i i mean what my ideas of what he was and are well documented so so you know women that have been assaulted by bill cosby they never came forward i would say this the reason i didn't appear in the documentary because everything i've had to say about him i've said and i was saying oh so they approached you about it i said this i feel like they went through the black tv catalog you can hit up all the people that said anything about bill cosby i think that made a documentary out of it i think i think that uh i think that everything i've had to say i've said and i think uh that in the end the onus is on a society that looked the other way that long and now they have forfeited the right to attend to be pretend to be offended people looked at and yet they were right like like they wanted to believe a thing and and i i think that you know when people talk about how it was like this and you could give someone when you bill god got all the [ __ ] he wanted it was the drugging thing i don't you know yeah you don't give a damn i don't think is that big of a deal because it's really just between him and his wife doesn't affect anyone but when you and this is what i i you have the right as a woman to have it to have some have a drink for somebody to have a nice situation for somebody to just tell if you're interested without having your mood altered to take the choice away from you right look baby this is what i am who i am it's what i want to do you with it or not yeah when you take we ain't here if you give them that choice and you still get just as much ads yeah you still get just myself you are still bill cosby you're still worth hundreds of millions of dollars right still the guy on tv that everybody loves you still have a a fantastic catalogue right there are plenty of women that says well i don't know your wife so it is i do not understand and it's it the onus is on a society that looked the other way because of what it wanted to see you know who looked the other way it's like a child that puts the blanket over his head because he don't want to see the boogeyman if the boogeyman was real that [ __ ] blanket ain't gonna stop it from an axe but that's the the kind of irrational things we do i also do think that what they did to bill cosby was a miscarriage of justice you can't say tell us everything yeah and you can't be uh charged and if you are charged we won't use the thing you say i said about you against you so i i can say this i can hold these two ideas in my head bill cosby is a rapist and he shouldn't have been in jail when he was right i interviewed tom estro who was his lawyer where he lost right you know the you know the first trial and so forth and we went through the whole story and you're absolutely right he was given an official piece of paperwork from the district attorney that said you get to say whatever you want and it cannot be used against you in fact it's going to be sealed forever right and the fact that later on another district attorney ran for office under the platform of i'm going to get bill cosby locked up we even find the commercial before this [ __ ] it gets real right and got the judge who had a b for the old district attorney to somehow unseal it and break that deal and put this man back in prison or not back in prison but in prison i feel that the supreme court of pennsylvania did the exact right thing exactly exactly it is it doesn't it does it's almost like i can hold these two opposing ideas in my head yeah with who he was and what happened to him there is at a certain point if you have enough money you can avail yourself to it i think that that's unfortunate but ultimately you gave a man an opportunity to to be truthful he was yeah because also in our judicial system you have the right to not incriminate yourself right bill cosby has enough to not say anything and look and and i guarantee you had he not said nothing that would have been a jury in the country will convict now he would have been convicted or not if he had said nothing yeah just deny the allegations and let his mouthpieces speak for him and put people up and indict that character he he reformed and he'd affirmative enough reasonable doubt when nobody would right exactly and that was the reason why they even did it the reason why they had him say certain things is because i think the district attorney wanted some something so that the you know the victim could do a civil suit which she won she already cashed out and then she came back and that's a problem for me you can get justice but not twice right and and it depends on what your idea of it is look i think that bill cosby changed the fortunes of black people in this country i think he got america to see us in a different way i think that barack obama's not president without him i think you don't have this large influx of black people going to black colleges and because that is the you know the foundation of corporate america and jewish prudence and the legal system i think that's absolutely true but he also is a rapist yeah and it's really interesting like as a content creator what kind of struck me in the beginning was the importance of owning your own [ __ ] because they went and did a whole episode about the cosby show they got mvc to license all that footage to use against them you know they were like hey do you guys know what kind of doctor he is he's a ob gyn you know where he practices in his basement yeah you know so you're painting it to look like oh he's really telling us that was really my okay we know what that but that's all like but even though it's all documentary like smoking mirrors and the documentaries usually take you on a bit of a journey exactly that was very linear to me that was very linear like i knew where we're going there was not a single person that documented that actually said actually you know um great guy a single a single neutral thing no there's no neutral people not that there has to be i get it but when you have it you kind of have to have some level of balance and and and and i think that for me i think um like anything else i watched things that show me perspectives i wasn't aware of or thinking about or had didn't wasn't privy to i think nothing shocked me but uh having said that also a part of that is it's really hard to get anybody who has something to lose to say anything yeah i mean he even said a lot of people turn down the documentary including yourself yeah i turned it down because i didn't want to pop to me i wasn't scared to say what i said before it just didn't seem to be a nuance enough it wasn't interesting enough yeah i was going to say the things i said before but only on a different lighting camera so it didn't seem like yeah i mean michael j white who's been on my show he he was in it um you know some other people that i've interviewed uh were in it um but you know at the end of the day documentaries are a [ __ ] i mean that's what got uh michael jackson hemmed up yeah right r kelly r kelly that's why i got r kelly hemmed up i would never i i've only seen one person do a documentary and didn't go to [ __ ] jail that's janet jackson well she did her own document that's what i'm saying she did it herself there's two things black dudes need to stay with documentaries and gayle king stay away from next year well uh they're actually trying to put uh bill cosby back in prison again they're trying to revive the sexual assault case i think that it has very little chance to go i agree you know and what i don't understand is like if i was bill and if i did that [ __ ] or if there's enough people lined up to say i did that [ __ ] which is the reality of his situation why even risk the chance of staying in this country i'll just be out well it would mean more to me if they did to the powerful like this this country has a propensity for going after low hanging fruit athletes entertainers go after presidents yeah i respect if you know what tournaments feel free you have 67. you have a a lot of women who accuse you of something too but all of a sudden we're wasting our time on the dude who's who this time will be thrice indicted right three times now one so this this idea this this justice can't be just us and and i just you know i like i said i hold these two ideas in my head i think he did it i think uh that he that they positioned it in a way where whatever else happened was going to be tainted by their malfeasance and now it's just no point about it like you know you watch tv show they go we we can't use this we collected the evidence wrong and i think that that's the case the evidence we've been so tampered with that now trying to reintroduce it it already has a baked in uh people are there's not very many people in the country who already don't know how they feel yeah pretty much pretty much and we'll see what happens man he's an old man like i said if i was in my 80s hold on let me see how old bill cosby i almost say bill cosby age is 84 years old 84 years old um but i'll tell you what's interesting you ever noticed as soon as bill cosby got out of jail he could see again the blindness went away like i guess the kill for blind yeah it's a miracle did you get laces no i bonded it out shook knight too he ever shook knight he suddenly lost his eyesight you know in court and read the small print that's crazy well and you actually touched on this already whoopi goldberg was suspended for two weeks from the view she's back now yes and you know what she said as a jewish person i didn't actually find all that offensive she basically said he was taught about the holocaust she said it's not about race but about mansion humanity to man uh you know this is white people doing it to white people so y'all gonna fight amongst yourselves when it comes to judaism the race and religion thing is very fuzzy it is and for someone who hasn't been jewish like their whole lives and kind of grew up in it you know being a russian jew and having to move on you know and everything else like that it it really there's a whole kind of aura and nuance about it where you do feel it's a race because you know my mother was jewish her mother was one and because of what hitler said but here's the thing with hitler yeah i mean he chose a group of ethnic people right and killed him right but i can understand someone who isn't jewish to think that okay it's just a religion and this is just white people like i was just like it doesn't seem like it was that big of a deal well i guess to people who want here's the thing that's interesting there is no way to have a nuanced conversation about something as abominable as the holocaust there's no way to do it because people are going to not hear you halfway through it yep and so there's no way to have that conversation so it's pointless i will say this having said that i will say this that it's not hard to get like i understand that hitler called it a race a you know a inferior race yes but you can convert to judaism i could i i right now could convert to julius well which actually brings us to an interesting point but go go ahead and finish and you can't convert to blackish you can't convert to that i you can't you can rachel dolezal would actually argue with that but whatever they are people like even when they were they were committing these abominations they had to differentiate them they had to show that he's different from me right right they had to put them aware of the star david because because they they couldn't you couldn't just at first glance see somebody true so i can understand these two things that you're doing although although a jewish person can look at another jewish person another jewish listen i can't wait but if you but this is what i'm saying like it runs deep as someone who's been jewish for 48 years yeah i could i could tell i could also tell you probably can't tell a russian from a hungarian but i could probably tell but what about what about a a an ask a nazi do for from a safari safari well well could you tell that it gets a little fuzzy that's what i'm saying it gets a little fuzzy at that point or an ethiopian jew you tell an ethiopian jew from an ethiopian christian so we can't when you say when you say when you say anything that is a large range of people but i i'll say this it is we don't have espec it seems it seems ironic that we have a show called the view where you can't express it well so the interesting thing about and you talk about you know converting is that once i actually dug into the story a little bit because i'm like okay hold on hold on whoopi goldberg that's probably not a real name sure enough it's not of course it's karen elaine johnson right she converted her name or changed her name to whoopi goldberg you know whoopi whoopee cushion but goldberg is a jewish name right and in the beginning i guess her mother even said that you know if johnson wouldn't be accepted as a jewish name so she actually you know pushed for whoopi to actually change her name to goldberg in the beginning back in like 2011 you know well then in the beginning but at some point you know 10 years ago whoopi actually said oh i'm jewish you know i don't know why people question it and so forth i grew up jewish and everything else like that but then later on you know there was like a a show on pbs that actually traced her lineage and there was no jewish anything in her lineage um they tested her dna it was you know 92 percent uh you know sub-saharan african so essentially according to one account emma johnson who's her mother thought the family's original surname was not jewish enough for her daughter to become a star so she changed her name to a jewish name to become a hollywood star which people seem to forget and now years later she's being you know cancelled over jewish comments which is to me i think that it's a jump ball that best is ignorance uh you know if you want to say that she didn't uh dot her eyes and cross her teeth i i certainly do not think it was a malicious place but i also think so either there's no way to have that conversation in in normal everyday pilots in parliaments in this country because almost everything you say is going to be it's not we don't have conversations like that to learn we have conversations like that to pick stuff apart we have conversations like that to say what but so so ultimately i think i have i i most certainly um wouldn't consider myself an expert but i do i do know this ain't nobody who's gonna say something officially saying it at 11 o'clock in the in the in the morning when people are watching i mean i think it needs to do i think the jewish community is overly sensitive you know as someone is part of that community i will say that they overreact too often which a lot of times almost creates some of the friction sure you know over the overreaction you know as opposed to saying uh whatever but but but that that ain't that big of a deal you know i'll tell you how i just think we have all that we know what not to say we know where the landmines are for the most part and i think that doesn't really mean that we're telling having true examinations of our feelings and true interchange it means that we're having the one that we feel is safe um and i think right now that's failing us because we have killed uh discourse uh and murder discourse even even that i don't have to agree with you to know that you have the right to say what you say i don't have to understand it but there is a true amount of respect that it takes for somebody to form a thought i think that people um now listen to indict and listen to destroy and listen um like even when we do interviews you know that if you say if you if you say if you word the the statement this way it's going to be more provocative right that's just and you can do that in journalism on what you do even even it's just but if you do that in conversation if you do that in conversation we have now um because most people don't read the whole article most people don't listen to the whole story right they will already they don't listen to the whole conversation they'll hear the thing you said and that'll be the tone of the interchange interchange you have and i just think uh now when we need to have an understanding of people's perspective uh we don't and i just i i it's interesting because in the same time we'll be suspended for saying something once you have a dude who's who's not suspended for saying something for 13 years and the juxtaposition is is hypocritical yeah yeah he didn't spend it all i know you're right i'm sticking by him we don't so so i can't live in a world where i mean i can't help but notice a world that has these kind of stark examples dave chappelle was recently filmed at a community meeting i saw where he basically said and you know i'm paraphrasing that there was a housing project that was planned to go up in this city where he lives and he had a problem the low-income housing part of that project right and he said in the meeting that if they go forward with that part of the project he's going to pull all his investment out of that city which i think 65 million dollars and uh i mean i had some friends who are not into entertainment or whatever else that hit me up and they're like damn like they're actually kind of shocked when they saw that video and it's not like he was paraphrasing or you know he's being misquoted there was an actual video of him saying that you know dave chappelle i do what were your thoughts about that i the first thing i thought is that i um well it's not it's not too much different than i said with rogue you could take somebody out of context but i think it's the character i look at okay and it seems against this character so i'm willing to unders what i want to do is is get some level of context so i saw the video and i and i i've seen it a couple incarnations of it i don't know what proceed i'm like now i feel like a police chief we don't know what happened before but i but i i i will say that as it is presented in the media it seems uh out of character for the man i know and respect so i don't know um cause everybody was saying well it's low-income housing or so i don't really know enough about it to uh uh to make an affordable opinion but if i did and i fi if if i had found out that that were at first blush what it was it would seem hypocritical well i think people you know are enamored with dave chappelle the comedian sure the stand-up sure you know who has brilliant brilliant stand-up uh you know like the closer and everything else like that which i thought was was absolutely brilliant and did a great job and so forth but you sometimes forget that this man is worth hundreds of millions of dollars and people that are worth hundreds of millions of dollars kind of want it their way you know i mean they they they push around their weight to have the environment that they want to live you know that they would like to live in at the end of the day this is a city like where does he live in uh springs uh some uh in ohio yellow springs ohio i've never even heard of that place i've been there a couple times you've been there to see dave chappelle yes okay that's what i'm saying and it's about you know just passed through yellow springs ohio because you have something but here's what i'll say i also know what it's like to be a man yeah who is taking a particular man whose society listen i don't want to be spiritual but it's weird to me that he would have these this this this uh uh dust up here and then this comes up so i'm i don't i would like to hear things with my own ears and my own perspective yeah come to my uncle but having said that if it were i don't have a problem saying that that some what my estimation of what somebody does seems out of character with the image or the idea i had of them i wouldn't have a problem with it at all but i just all i've all i've heard and seen or the thing are these two clips and i'm like okay let's see yeah but i know here's what i'll say for me when i was a kid there was proposition 13. you're you you didn't live here then proposition 13 it took out now i was living on 135th and avalon i'm in eighth grade proposition 13 comes along and it attacks attaches everything to your property taxes well if you live in calabasas you pay a lot more property taxes than you do if you live 135th and avalon yeah and everything's commensurate they took our after-school programs away they took our busing away i had to walk to school they took all the things that made our communities more livable they took away here i am that same bill comes up 40 some years later and i'm on a different end of it and i think a different way so so whereas the 13 year old me would had a proposition a problem with proposition 13. the 52 year old me went you know so i so i can also understand those nuances but for me when i hear this thing you know because i want to make sure that i'm being as clear-headed as sober and honest as i can be i'd like i just heard that for the first time yesterday so yeah it's just i'm like i mean he hasn't spoken about it right he hasn't addressed it he may never address it right it may just be one of those things where it's like uh i think i'll leave this one alone silence is often misunderstood but never misquoted right exactly and at the end of the day listen man this is a guy that set up shop in the middle of nowhere because he loved the city right now when i watched i think when he was on david letterman you know on netflix you know walking around the city just talking about how much he loved the city how much he loved it you know he took two minutes to walk through it right it was like three blocks you know and it's like yo so you mean to tell me that someone who just falls in love with a city who in the middle of nowhere listen dave chappelle could live in beverly hills dave chappelle could have a place in new york dave chappelle live in paris london whatever he has so much money that he can live anywhere on earth in the exact same type of house that he lives in that's cold yeah less corn but yeah less corn but is just as much land he could buy that much land in l.a right if that's what he really wants right but he chose to live there and he put millions of dollars in there and he's created his own little world there and he's worth hundreds of millions of dollars so when he said it it didn't sound all that out of character it's like yo this guy's worth hundreds of millions of dollars so he's going to try to create you know the most you know the environment that he likes the most and if that means going against what other people want to do and he's got 65 million dollars of of weight to push around i think a lot of people would have probably done it like that you know i'm saying you know they wouldn't admit it everyone wants to maintain oh we're for the people i'm for the poor people i i want to ever you know i mean but well i said this before we we call up the language of the poor but never they fight exactly yeah you said that you said that in uh everybody got an interview that you did everybody yeah i'm poor story and i've got an i'm poor story yeah my family came over here from from what used to be the ussr with literally nothing my parents couldn't speak the language english was not my my first language and over the years i made the american dream and but i still talk about my poor past i still talk about living the projects in springfield massachusetts and stuff like that but the reality is did i grow up poor no i did not i grew up in san mateo california in a three-bedroom two-bath house yes it wasn't the mansion that i live in now but it was a comfortable home it was safe i lived in a nice middle class neighborhood i never had to go without i never had a missed a meal you know i mean yes my parents couldn't buy me everything they wanted so i started working right you know still in high school but but i don't have the the rags to reach but america's it's pretty like so i know i'll say this what people will will buy is a level of consistency and i think that uh if you are are generally in almost all situations who you portray yourself to be or what you evoke uh then no matter what you do they're pretty it's pretty much a level of acceptance um but i think when it comes to comedically being a champion for the people um and no one i don't think anybody ever puts that moniker on themselves i think that people just kind of the zeitgeist put that in the zeitgeist and all of a sudden it becomes it takes on a life of his own i think that you have to understand that there is a commerce and the reason you do a thing and the artistic component they don't always have to be simpatico but to me what i hear um these statements i want to know for me what came before and what came after because uh i have no problem telling you how i feel about that situation to me i can i can't i can't tell you what it is but i can tell you that first blessing what it strikes me out and i didn't have enough uh uh i i don't feel like i have enough uh perspective to make uh a statement not even a statement because i would say something funny or just give you my broad blush assessment i don't have it well who really is a comedian who's a champion of the people like who really i can't you know when you said that i started thinking i'm like nah i mean you got comedy comedians that start out broke right but at one point they become rich if you do it right and they they talk about rich [ __ ] if you do it right you know what i mean but dave chappelle doesn't talk about struggling in his uh in his standups anymore he's talking about being rich now i i think that um it's funny because when i was younger and i had a broader uh a broader content of experiences than what i drew from now a narrow continuum experience with what i drew from now it's brighter and my perspective is broader um and i think that people want the thing about black people is we i remember when black panther came out and i remember people going with goofies and spears and [ __ ] drums like we were in front of sabaro with a [ __ ] drum circle but that's how bad we need to feel good right or when malcolm x came out remember yeah everyone's wearing x-hats and african medallions and everything i mean in my high school i saw that that's how bad we need to feel good um so when somebody makes us feel that way then it's that much of bill cosby made us feel away michael jackson made us feel the way r kelly made us feel away so once you can connect to the this feeling of of of of uplift yeah it is like there i guarantee you that most people in our community or maybe if i'm being generous 50 50 feel like something happened nobody nobody's telling the truth or they're being railroaded they feel like that and it's because of the other feelings that are commenced with that i i danced at r kelly michaels i conceived children of them i watched build so once somebody makes you feel something feel something you're connected to it yeah well i actually thought about something when you were saying it in terms of being you know a comedian that stands for the people actually chappelle actually had that moment when he walked away from the chappelle show sure that was that moment when he walked away from 100 million dollars because he felt that his comedy was being embraced by racists and so forth and the board rooms and so forth and i remember nick cannon when he you know was about to quit america's got talent i remember he called me and we had a conversation about it and he was like yo i want to get that chappelle thing i want black people to look at me the way they look at chappelle when he walked away from the chappelle show by me walking away from america's got talent and and and that's the thing i think that that situation when when chappelle did that is sort of romanticized who he was and what he would do in terms of his principles so i think that once this came out is sort of that's probably see what i'm saying it created like a dichotomy like oh wait a minute i thought that he was this and now he's that and yo i can't he's not saying anything so all i have is this video and it's a video you can't say that he's misquoted it's a video and he's saying what he's saying so i think that's what happened i think you're probably not wrong there you go i think you're proud of that kat williams uh had an interview recently when he talked about eddie murphy right and he said uh by the way do you know what i'm about to say right now i do okay you do not okay when they asked him about eddie murphy being the best uh stand-up comedian ever he said don't tell me eddie murphy is your favorite comedian because eddie murphy hasn't done comedy since the 80s it just doesn't make sense it's about how much body of work you put out so nobody knows who's beefing the mozart because the guy beefing the mozart didn't put up any material that's why history takes care of all that i i got to say this i think you are what you continue to do if a shark ain't a shark no more if they don't if they don't swim a bird ain't a bird anymore if you don't fly after a while that is literally what you're living off your lowers you're living off what you used to do remember the napoleon dynamite's uncle you said i used to be so um you there is there is a level of achievement where you get that you can get where you have all of these trophies but if you don't do it anymore if you don't do it anymore then you're not that it's really simple like if i whatever i don't do anymore i'm not stop doing anything you could be the greatest bodybuilder in the world stop listening for six months right i i don't think that people consider schwarzenegger as the greatest bodies but i'm saying you are what you continue to do which you home right you what you doctors you can be the most proficient surgeon in the world but you still have to keep abreast of new techniques do technology you have to do that so i think you are what you have to do yeah i remember i interviewed charlie murphy this this never came out cause i think i lost the tape but i remember i went out to jersey once this little you know coffee shop we interviewed him this was right after the chappelle show ended and you know what he told me which which still bugs me to this day number one you know let me just go on a tangent is he said that the next season the chappelle show charlie murphy's true highway stories was gonna have eddie murphy in it wow eddie already agreed to do it hilarious he was actually going to act and and be on the chappelle show right but then we start talking about the whole stand-up and everything and i'm like yo you know people consider eddie you know to be the greatest stand-up ever and raw and delirious greatest stand-up movies ever bob i know how he doesn't do anymore you know what charlie said he said honestly because he'd be whack right now you can't just jump into he would have to go hit the club circuit and do show after show and get his chops down and get his timing down and figure out what the crowd reacts to and then doing all that then at the end he might get that crown again but you don't have time for that he's got it he's doing movies like you know he's doing big [ __ ] you are what you have to do yeah i gotta go on the road that's what i am you don't have to go on the road i gotta go like really i'm not even talking about the financial expert that's what i have to do okay so so that's what i you are what you have to do what makes you go yeah what makes you the thing you are and you can only be a thing if you're it if you keep doing it would you would you would you go to a lawyer for a big case that hadn't practiced in 25 years no you wouldn't you wouldn't i don't care what he was is is a powerful thing is his current i'm this right now i'm not what i was i'm what i am so apart from yourself if you take yourself out of the equation who do you think is the baddest stand-up comedian right now right now right now because it depends i would say people that i i think that chappelle is awesome i think that i haven't seen rock in a while but i'm sure that when he comes out uh uh i think uh uh said is on fire he said john 10 is on fire i think dion cole is hilarious i think it's so many people that i'm fans of but uh george lopez is hysterical uh i think what i um what what qualifies it for me is if i know them and then happen to see them and they shock even me right like i'm a fan of it or yeah i kind of know where all the moves are yeah and then you shock even me and and and so i think that that that would be my criteria but i think there are so many people who just are really the art of standup is in great shape if these people uh are doing what they're doing right now yeah i mean i feel the same way about tk like i've done a million interviews with tk but when i see him live it's like whew yeah this is this is a whole different ball game you know the crowd control and every monster he's a monster he's a monster he controls like but he has no problem letting you know well you know i don't even know if you could love dk anymore because he has so much room to love himself but but he is a monster you're right yeah yeah you know and kat williams actually said uh i believe was one of our interviews where he actually said that dave chappelle and chris rock are funnier than him okay because i've never been the funniest person on the planet at any point so now it doesn't matter if people have a different opinion and it doesn't matter if my fans think differently they're biased they should think differently but now dave chappelle has always been funnier than me and chris rock has always been funnier than me i've always been aware of who was funnier than me yeah it takes a lot of it the funniest man i've ever like i i just don't know anybody i've i've seen them and went i don't know where that comes from like i don't know where that comes from but who are the funniest okay the funniest people i've been around it's funny because i'm not a huge fan of my gap stand up i am a big fan of his movie right you know his movie work but off camera just hanging out my caps is [ __ ] out of here if you're if you're not if you're talking about the funniest human being i've ever met that on stage it's charlie murphy charlie murphy okay the funniest human being i've ever met huh off sage i'm not he's funny on stage too yeah no no he was funny instead i've never met a better storyteller than charlie murphy and i'm talking about i'm a mark twain i like to read mark twain this this [ __ ] was as funny he is the funniest human being and not even just funny but he was the most engaging human being i've ever been around yeah and the crazy part is is that like i've interviewed so many people around that charlie murphy prince basketball game story like mickey free who was there um you know who else uh you know we just did an interview with howard hewitt you know who was in a band with mickey free and you know remembers the the phone call he got from mickey you know the next day and that story is actually true yeah you know that's what makes these stories so amazing and then so and the way he takes his time like he it's just i i well the most fun i've ever had on tour was with me and said and charlie and uh george and eddie griffin went on tour and we after the show we would just go to see what the [ __ ] charlie was talking he was such a great storyteller um and i don't know if i was gullible i wanted to believe it that when charlie died i because he convinced us he wasn't sick like he convinced us like he not only convinced us to convince his children too like he wasn't like it was not he he looked like like that last season of um black jesus yeah he looked sick he did yeah and i and i'm a reasonable dude man i'm a sage dude and i'm like okay if this [ __ ] say he alrighty all right and then i was like then i get this call from rich and he tells me you know that he's gone and he did what charlie does charlie put like he let me know what he wanted me to know believe what he wanted me to believe and i did it and i think he did it to everybody and i think a lot of people were shocked so i when i look back and see the thing like he obviously looked um like he was not doing well but hearing him like we i'm talking about two months before he died i was in the green room in [ __ ] dallas laughing and talking until four or five o'clock in one so i you know charlie's dope man listen i got to interview him one time and we hung out a little bit and then he invited me to a stand-up you know what i mean i had caroline's or something and it was like it was a moment like you know i was glad to you know to actually experience that with him he's the funniest storyteller i mean honestly you could honestly say like like seriously like if you take one step back i don't think this chappelle show would have made nearly the impact if it wasn't for charlie of course i think charlie really made the chapel take take rick james and you know the rick james story and the prince story out of the chappelle show and you do not have the same level so he's the scottie pippen as he surprised you he's the scotty all right let's talk about that so since you go ahead and mention it scotty pippin so so you had posted up a video where scotty pitman's saying you know i'm uh i'm just as good of a basketball player as jordan and then it had a whole bunch of like you know people rolling their eyes and all types of other stuff now i interviewed john sally i saw yeah who played who actually you know they're not armchair quarterbacks like you and i right he actually played professionally with michael jordan and scottie pippen on the same team as well as playing that's right as well in their prime as well as playing against them right and he said that jordan is not the most skilled player he's ever played with is actually scottie pippen you can go on youtube and see what michael says about scotty see what magic says about scotty jack mccluskey the general manager of the detroit piston how we thought we're just going to shut michael down we realized we had to shut scotty down right um horace grant charles barkley did i mention michael jordan what he said so skill he plays point guard shooting guard small forward big four and center in guard anybody on the court dennis rodman um can dribble the ball right-handed left-handed the fundamentals are built into his swag i saw so i kind of feel like yeah everyone's sort of cloud scotty for that [ __ ] but here's an actual expert opinion of someone that's actually saying well it isn't that i remember when jordan left and they came within one bad call going right back to the eastern conference family right right yeah one bad call like they would have win they call that file they go who was it and they can't they won i think one or two more games than they had the previous season yeah so i mean i know this jordan never went to a finals uh conference final without scottie scott he went back to him and look what happened when jordan came back without scottie yeah not a damn so you got people always they they it's like uh uh uh the first part of the mail they forget the last half the totality of his career concludes the wizards too right yeah i mean he was wack his whole team wanted him off you know like like like you could take a wack like kobe bryant took a wack team it made him great to the fight no i mean listen today like he took him against phoenix seven games i interviewed gilbert arenas i don't know if you saw this interview right but basically they brought him into the wizards to really get rid of jordan right right because the the actual teammates because jordan was on the wizards acting like the jordan of his prime and all the young players were sort of getting upset and annoyed because he wasn't performing at that same level and i remember it was a hell of a story gilbert said the owner gave jordan a 10 million dollar check and told that he's being let go jordan took the check and tossed it and walked away so when i went there that was actually one of my questions or my dad's question like hey what's up with the jordan thing why didn't you sign a back and you know a poland was like you know i love basketball i love the players so i asked the players what did they want and the players said they didn't want jordan back the players did not want jordan back because i mean this was not you know the dream team jordan you know this was jordan at the very last part of his career yes but you're talking about mj still so it's like it's mental mj2 so it's still like the the the the last dance mj that mentality those young kids wasn't ready for it you know so they're looking at an icon who becomes this you know this this bad guy to them oh so it was like an abrasive kind of yeah you know like mj you know mj yeah i won you know six championship the [ __ ] y'all gonna do for me you know it's that mj so you know so those guys like we don't want him as a holder if this is what he was as a player we don't want him as owner so that was you know so you know him explaining that okay all right cool because i'm a mj fan you know i go to mj's camps every summer you know i'm one of his counselors um so you know trying to figure out what happened you know and he was like yeah you know i wrote mj a check you know 10 you know 10 million dollars said thank you for your services mj threw that check and said [ __ ] off and drove out of the arena and i'm saying like wait wait wait jordan threw away a 10 million dollar check i mean in real life he actually did that no come on i want that type of money right to toss a 10 million dollars where did it go right back to the bank account of the owner that's where it went it was an uncashed check but yeah no i mean listen jordan jordan was a [ __ ] but he had a hell of a squad he had a hell of a squad and it's hard i mean listen if you take michael jackson out of the jackson five there's probably some astounding singers in that group yeah that if they had actually like if they were the only if it was up to them to hold that group together you could have seen some phenomenal work they wouldn't ever risen but you got michael jackson with you yeah so everyone just has to take a step back and be a background singer it doesn't even like to me to me people get mad kobe bryant's the greatest basketball player yeah and i'm a laker fan and i and you i've never seen a man with that single-minded level of determination and i've never seen a man win without his nucleus he won what he said i can win without shaq and did it he did it like i've never seen madison johnson went without kareem i didn't see buried without parish and mikhail i didn't see jordan win without but uh now lebron has won without but kobe bryant won two champions in a row without another first battle hall of fame away yeah he didn't have a super team around he didn't have one name one always has one except for all the cavaliers okay but but yeah kyrie irving could make it to it could be a first battle hall of famer eventually fair enough i don't know who on the laker like like amara owed him paul saw he'll make it but i don't think it'd be a hall of famer derek fish won't be a first battle hall of famer so he did it with two against the greatest defensive team the boston shelters at that time or at least two he got beat by them but they had a team before hall of fame or three hall of famers yeah i mean listen i can't b being great like really just world class greatest of all time great it puts you in a different a different stratosphere yeah that interview tito jackson and the jackson five or i guess it was jackson four at the time was already a group but they already had a lead singer and everything else like that and then little michael sang at some you know school school performance and everyone's like all right never mind i'll never leave singer the youngest kid i was at the greek theater okay and i've gone to see jeffrey berkeley the greek theater here oh here okay i've gone to see jeffrey i mean my wife are going to see jeffrey whitney houston opened for him and i was a huge but i'm a i'm a big fan of jeffrey eisenberg now when whitney houston came out i went she won't be opening for him again i remember halfway through it and uh i was like you know what this is it for him and after and i was the hugest fan i didn't know who she was literally no idea what she was but when she was finished i didn't want to see him and i had come to see him it was my it was my i love this dude i'm taking my old lady we're going to see this dude and i we can go now this is this girl oh yeah no i mean my man greg street i remember uh sending this interview he did with la reid and la you know basically had a label deal under under clive davis right and he assigned all these artists and you know all these local acts and everything else like that and like clyde wasn't putting anything out he's like what's the matter what's michael's come down here i wanna i want to take you to a little uh performance we're going to do they brought out when houston he goes see this is that's why that's why that's why he goes oh i get it right i need to sign better artists oh okay this is what i'm competing against i've been doing it all wrong i gotta [ __ ] scout with the coils suck compared to what yeah i mean whitney was was a powerhouse i mean [ __ ] i interviewed um dark child rodney jerkins when i asked him who the greatest female vocalist of all time he said whitney houston this man has sold hundreds of millions of records done records with her as well as michael jackson and everyone else and said name your national anthem better than whitney's yeah it doesn't exist i say marvin gaye but okay okay i'd say that because it was just some old different yeah i liked it when nobody else did so yeah okay you could say martial not not lyrically but just someone that's a man brother on the female side yeah no i mean i thought roseanne barr killed it she like grabbed her crotch yeah i think that yeah i think man carla carl lewis did you see that one though yeah i think yeah she whitney did the best one uh michael blackson uh i think on martin luther king day uh did an instagram post asking if uh martin luther king had a white side chick right uh cat williams called him a [ __ ] right in the comments right um do you feel that that was as a comedian that that's off limits or do you think anything's that was a valid joke i think that whether i like it see the thing i think most of us just just tend to judge things of what we like and if we like it the validity is associated with with what it feels like to us but our sworn vocation means that we find humor when other people don't and that extends past our perspective so i think when i saw it i knew what people the visual reaction would be but i didn't think i didn't think i remember how mad jesse jackson got as said uh in barbershop for doing the martin luther king joke so wait wait jesse jackson did a bunch got mad at cedric the entertainment barber shop because oh the barber shop yeah yeah yeah he got more acid towards jesse jackson got upset but i'm just like we can't be in the business of being comedians and then deciding um where people should go or to kind of limit them creatively so i think that's when i saw it i saw all the and i posted everything i saw what happened but it didn't it didn't strike me as offensive no yeah i mean really nothing happened to him you know what i mean i was like oh wow i'm very like i'm at one time what do you think about white people um dressing in black face i think they should be able to dress up black face i think the minute they do their credit score should go down and their blood pressure should go up like if they want to dress in black face we should have election day on halloween that way you dress like us and they suppress your vote too but i think i don't like i just i just i think that there is an ironic twist to virtually every circumstance i've ever seen and that's why there's a tendency on my part not to to give people attitude so if we were talking about rogan and those were all jokes i wouldn't care it would be and i don't even care now but i i just think you have to decide what when you if i if i tell a joke and it's a joke and i'm just gonna leave it alone i remember when people got mad at me because for a joke i told about debbie reynolds right she passed on i'm like what about who debbie what was this carrie fisher where was she carrie and i'm like this is i if you can't take a joke [ __ ] you i really i i'm not i'm not in the in the uh it's not my position to have to explain whether i mean it or not or whether you think it's funny what was the joke i forgot it now oh i said oh when i forgot when black people lose their kids we don't die we just put their name on the t-shirt like all right because carrie fisher's mother died right after carrie fisher right right something like that yeah and it was just and i remember people got upset and i the thing i don't understand is the anger about something you don't think is funny if i don't think something's funny guess what i don't do laugh right i don't go i'm mad at you but if i go to a buffet and they serve some [ __ ] i don't like i don't go get it i don't go how come they serving this [ __ ] that i don't i just don't understand why i'm afraid i go to 4c they're the best brunch ever you know what i don't get mad do they stop the brunch hold on yeah no no hold on hold on i i need to make a point because you brought that up because the fact that like the thousand oaks no not that one not that one like the the fourth season's brunch is no longer there which has been a staple in our community for decades yeah let's go i'm very angry right now yeah the beverly hills oh there's no they stopped the brush that's all right okay uh i don't get mad when somebody feels away unless i'm paying for you like if you my like if my wife i can get mad at her because you know we're family or my kids i get mad at them because i pay for i give them money but if somebody just has it has like something they think is funny i don't i just go well i don't i don't give a [ __ ] because you think it's funny well but or a song or i mean but look i mean but the reality is society changes you could say evolves you could say devolves you could say you know how would we change i think we put no i think that the listen people feel the way they always failed they just are afraid to have those conversations out loud they are just as hateful just as homophobic just as racist just as misogynistic they just pretend to i don't i don't know about that i i think that if you're in an environment where certain things are considered normal and even encouraged that might make you form a level of opinion based on fitting into a group right i don't think anyone's born hateful i don't think anyone's born racist i don't think so i don't think they are look at kids you know go to any schoolyard and you look at kindergarten kids they're they're all playing with each other asian kids spanish kids black kids white kids as they get older the segmentation starts to happen i will make that the the i'll tell you i'll give you this caveat they play with each other at school they'll try to go home with one of them you i don't care how young you are talking about adults though yeah but adults might have a problem with the kids themselves but the kids pick up on kids don't do what you say they do what you do exactly so even before you've told them anything like i hate when people go i wasn't raised that way [ __ ] yes you were right you were you were raised that way yeah and now you're saying this thing by road because it's what you say we tell our children what to do by what we do not by what we say right and if we said enough of these things that even if if i can learn a different language that's two i can learn the language of bigotry misogyny racism right at two two exactly but what i'm saying is is that you have jokes you go back to like the eddie murphys you go back to you know to jokes in the 80s where they're using the f word there's there's lots of gay jokes there's lots of trans jokes and everything else like that you know you go back to the 60s and 70s there's probably a lot of racist jokes so you know what i mean by white comedians they're considered funny and acceptable and maybe even black audiences might have even slapped off because that was considered like not a big deal and so forth they don't translate into 2022 no because we learned we've learned to listen with a different ear it doesn't mean if you want to know how people really feel about something go to their social media pages when they don't have the name under it go go watch them make a go into their avatar when they're speaking just and nobody knows who they are under the uh uh the cloak of anonymity and see that's america right there yeah i mean i've always been away with no listen i've always said that you should not have anonymous social media i feel it should be illegal me too illegal meaning that you could get fined or possibly even jailed for having it because i never had the luxury of being anonymous no i i i was already a known dj when myspace launched so i've always had to watch my mouth i've always but that is the okay here's the thing i don't think white people should be able to obscure your view in any way i don't think they should be behind curtains i don't think they have blinds i don't think that they should have because i think under because if you look at the people who are making the decisions and the rules and the norms there are people who pretend to be one way in public and another way in private i think that when you get to vote on the jury without nobody knowing why there's a certain effect when you get to make a vote on a cast a ballot nobody knows why or how you don't have each other that's a we count on anonymity driving this idea of bigotry and separation forward we need darkness to do it right we need doctors who and i say what my mother told me something one time she said well you can do whatever you want as long as the door open whatever i want to do do you know how hard it is to try to get you some ass when your mother's walking by but whatever you can do with the door is open and i think that if we're that uh a society that we constantly talk about transparency we constantly talk about being open and but we do everything in the dark i think that it's antithetical to the idea i think people should be allowed to be what they are i don't think racists should not be able to eat i don't think they should be police officers or judges or bankers i don't think there should be any in any position where they can get to control somebody's life or liberty or circumstance because of their idiosyncrasy i don't think that should happen but i don't think they should die i don't think they should be not i just think that they should be used car salesmen or you could be [ __ ] amazon whatever you got to be but it just can't be where you can generously right whatever yeah but but you can't have it because bob the racist job right yeah whatever [ __ ] yelling at all the black kids i was just sleeping but i just don't think you should be i don't yeah there he goes there he goes again i don't i don't think you should i don't i think you should be able to i think that you shouldn't have there are certain positions that your perspective should disqualify you from in medicine in in corporate situations like if it's your company you can do whatever [ __ ] you want but if you get corp if you get uh if you were if you are uh get some kind of subsidy or even a benefit or a tax break from the government that's our company and you got to act accordingly yep yep ti started doing stand-up i think that's it if you watched a stand-up i have not i have not either but apparently according to the the reports it actually got a good response okay people are laughing and everything else like that i think tia is a great performer and i think and he's a great storyteller so it like you could take the corporate president of ibm which doesn't exist anymore and you can put them on apple computers because this is a skill set that makes it all right but but i'm talking well it's not what it was but you could you could take because it's the skill set that transfers so i think he has a skill set he can captivate an audience he knows how to perform he knows how to tell us he's got a fan base he's got a fan spell out he can sell all venues and and he knows where the moments are yeah that ain't that hard it ain't like he came from he wasn't a mortician now if somebody came no listen i i feel like listen i've i've interviewed so many comedians and i've gone back and forth i've always felt like if i actually had the time like if i sold my company i might try stand up just try it why not mm-hmm where's the how do i get booted off the street oh well no you no okay who you are here's the problem you're going to get booed right i don't care who you exactly you're going now one day you'll learn how to avoid it you'll see them coming and get off early but you're going to get yeah so it is what you do when stuff ain't going the way because after a while you are not a novelty you after a while you're not interested after a while i'm just listening with a specific ear yeah what happens then so i'm not shocked that somebody who has the raw makings to be a great comic is having is having success have you gotten booed so many so many times but you know what here's the thing well let me agree we've gotten booed in the last 10 years sure okay i think that physiologically your body doesn't know the difference between a sneeze and an orgasm and i think a comic should know the difference between a boo and a laugh i just don't i don't think that that's i've gotten boobed because people didn't like what i said or they thought it was mean or they just get it or whatever but i think that i don't what somebody thinks of me is not any of my business and i think your body if you took a graph of your body heat index your body you watch what it did it's the same it's the build-up uh the climax and the resolution for a sneeze in oregon it feels the same way it doesn't know what does g-ray do i think a laugh in a booth should feel the same well yeah and i mean to be a stand-up comedian you really got to hit people every what 15 seconds 30 seconds like you can't tell a joke that takes three minutes to tell where it's just silenced through the whole time i think that i don't know that there's a wherever i get to be but however long the ride the view better be that great however long you take me to get there it better be worth what i do okay and i think that's ten seconds five seconds i don't know that there's a metric like that but i do know that wherever i go you'll you'll drive a long way to go to a great restaurant yeah you'll fly a long way to go to a dope destination and so because all the [ __ ] you gotta go if you got a great job traffic ain't so bad right if you got a shitty job living in the building you work in is a [ __ ] i mean do you feel that black audiences are harder than other audiences in order to really break through i mean once you're established and they already know who you are and they're buying tickets to your shows they're already prepared to laugh but if they're not already familiar with you i think that i've never i've noticed that there are things i know about people who've had my shared experiences so that may make me comfortable so i would say that the level of comfort is different around people i know okay fair enough but i don't think human beings outside of experiences are different i remember in the um fat tuesdays mm-hmm documentary you watched it i've seen it you haven't seen it yet but um so for example in the uh the fat tuesday documentary right there's steve harvey on there and he was saying how like you perform the white audience you're not doing well they'll be like oh he's trying okay good for you a black audience will like start looking at each other put their arm over the shoulder over the chair start having conversations amongst each other and so forth listen i think i think that everybody i think that people organically want you to do well and then they get uncomfortable when you're not they don't want to that might be addicted to another they want you to do well but i think the the the level of comfort isn't internal it's that you feel oh they look like me so i have a kinship with them when i go to a restaurant i look around and see if it's a black dude in there like i like okay because that is about my comfort but but being an entertainer i think specifically being a confident a comic is about being uncomfortable i i just don't think you can ever name me somebody that achieves something um that where they're moving forward where the goal is to be comfortable yeah and and if that's the goal then you're in the wrong business i feel you you know the fat tuesday's a documentary this was an era that i missed i did interview guy tori though right i i just did too for fair to do okay and um i didn't realize how important that night was it was and you were part of it as well right well here's the thing i never went uh to fat tubes never performed no okay and i didn't do the documentary because i didn't perform but right but it was it was it was because of this i come off the road i just uh it just was weird to come off the road when you've been working all weekend and then go somewhere and joke around about the things you were just earning a living with tuesday so i got and i got to fly on friday again so it just never worked its way out for me but i think that it was an invaluable part because i think what was important was that at a time when black people didn't have a place to be and agents didn't have a place where they could feel comfortable and go it provided that so many deals so many people so many uh shows and movies came out of that dynamic that it was obviously a valuable thing i just didn't participate in it well you were doing kings of comedy by that time right so you're already like you didn't need the laundry but you didn't have the the sitcom by that part by the time yeah okay but it wasn't it wasn't to me it's just one of the things that's important to me is to keep my perspective pristine you know and the thing about chefs don't cook for chefs they cook for people when you start to do jokes for comics you become a different thing chefs don't cook for chefs they cook for people you don't play music for musicians you play music for them for people right if i started telling jokes for comics or started started trying to please a a a a a jury of my peers that's a good point it is i become a different thing so my perspective is not to not to knock anybody else but for me i want my footprints to be the first ones in the snow from my perspective and i think that's just i feel you like i mean i don't give a [ __ ] with charlemagne or you know academics or adam 22 think of my interviews right i'm not doing it for them right i respect these guys right and i think they're good at their craft right but i like people right you know i mean i i don't hit them yo charlie would you think that last night you know if we talk and they mentioned they saw something cool and i mentioned i saw some of theirs but yeah but imagine a room where everybody's at oh i'm like nah i'm not going because then it's then it's just about um i think to be a great champion you got to play away games if you play home games all the time yeah that's why you went to fox news yeah that's why i went to boston that's what he's doing he went to fox news tristan thompson uh just had a new baby yeah and uh the story goes that he actually tried to pay 75 000 to abort the baby uh i guess there's text messages to the the child's mother that basically said you know i'm about to be an unemployed basketball player so you're going to get a couple hundred dollars a month so you might as well take this 75 000 it's a better deal and so forth and of course those text messages came out and then the cult chloe thing and everything else like that um now we've talked about this in the past you had a child yes outside of your marriage unfortunately passed right you know my condolences once again um when you based on your own experience when you saw tristan going through what he went through what did you think i was glad it wasn't me i was i was glad it wasn't me better you than me but but here's the thing um i think when you are young and you are making well i just think when you're young period or when you're selfish and i think you you have to be selfish to have a certain mindset i think when you're selfish you honestly when i was doing what i was doing i never felt like it was wrong to have a lot of women i didn't at all i think you get tired of hurting people and you run out of wind and i think he's very young and i think uh right now things may look decidedly different than they do later on but the first thing i thought was [ __ ] i'm glad that they me thank god you said one of our interviews you said one of the funniest things you said family's supposed to s you said what did you say he said your wife is supposed to find out about your side babies at the future which is how god intended yeah that's what god wants you that's what like my move that over there look like daddy shut up and get in the car at the funeral or you don't have to deal with the repercussions of it you're right man man i could man social media phones you know this is i'm not even bragging about this but it's true i most mostly men i knew had families on the other side of town and they would take care of both families on the janitor's salary and the women would kind of know like they would say hey take these clothes over to such and such or take this food over to such and such well like you never knew i've known people i've been at school when [ __ ] found out they had the same day at school like like i've been there what happened really like at school they fought at the same time and they said that finally said staying dead and but but i think under the aspects of nobody knowing and don't it was three things you had to do when i was young when you when you when you were gonna be a man and they it was the only you had to take care of your family you couldn't let no mess come to your house and you had to be home before the sun came up before the sun came up yes before the sun came out i was like [ __ ] i got that check i could do all that but now but that was because they got to not know [ __ ] but now they don't it was the point like i wanted this when i found out my father wasn't my real father that two things like wait wait wait wait wait i don't know this part of the story i found out my father was my real father right so your father was actually your stepdad ugly is my stepdad right okay and i so your real name your last name is actually ballard okay but i didn't i never knew that so like my f i was with my father from the time i was born i was born to my father but he was my father right so okay so your mom started dating your stepdad while she was pregnant my mom uh my mom yeah it's my mother left my father while she was pregnant she prayed with me yes hey man it takes a strong man to take on a woman and pregnant with another man's child so so shout out to your father and he was he was with your mother like you know and so bravo when i found out about it because everybody thinks that you should know [ __ ] no and i was like i could have not known this he was a black guy right yes so i mean if it was what god i wanted to know come get me now but um i was angry because people and the two things when it comes to my father that people that i listened that people listened and and gave me information that i wasn't that i that i was like that i could have went my whole life without knowing i i like i i couldn't we could have just been lying to each other i'd have been cool i don't i don't i didn't need that information i remember when my father was dying i remember i i don't know if i talked to you your real father my um hugh lee was that he's okay yeah i remember that yeah we were talking to him i was so mad at my wife and my daughters because they were like he would want you to be there and he and when i saw my father he didn't want me to be there he didn't he was like because you have an idea of your father that you never an idea of your father will will sustain you the idea of your father will sustain you through your life because you see this figure it's almost mythic but then you see your father um weak and sick and hurt and struggling to breathe i was so mad because when i saw him he saw me and didn't it was like i don't want you here and you want to be here and i was ashamed and i listened to them and it's one of the reasons that i you know you got to form your own mind because i don't the images that women have oh you he knew i was there to cover i don't have that anymore now all i have is the image that you told me will come from me and it doesn't so did you meet your real father yeah i met my real father right before i did my and i met my real father because my wife insisted that because i was you know i was you know so she's like i gotta find out where this [ __ ] comes from she meets my real father okay right ten days before i did my third or fourth hbo special okay and i and he comes then we go to the airport to pick him up and he he comes out and he looks just like me really and he was you know and my kids [ __ ] sellouts was jumping all over [ __ ] happy and [ __ ] [ __ ] sellouts these [ __ ] these [ __ ] sellouts so then we go home and i was on the hugely stand so imagine me your father when you're doing a show with your father your father's name so i came home from work and they were all in the pool and he was cooking and they were like like they [ __ ] because to them they saw a dude that looked like me so it was the best [ __ ] in the world to them and i i came home and i said he has you have to go and i said um get your stuff you leaving you kicked him out yes and i took him i said i never want to see you again oh because if you do if i do then i'm going to assume you're you're a man and i'm going to treat you like you trying to hurt me like they're like i've given you about so he leaves time to find out my wife has kept in contact with him the whole time when he dies my mother calls me said your father died and i go oh my god but it wasn't it was true jerry valley wasn't charles heugley and i was like why are you all upset time to found out she had a different relationship than she told me she did she had kept in contact with him all the time huh so my whole basis was i i thought he had done something crazy my mother um but she had a relationship that i didn't and i learned to just listen to my first mind because i felt like i was on the front to charles hughes and it would you have your the heart has capacity for love and understanding and now i'm a man who's been in that situation where i've had and if if i had gotten a chance to meet uh my son i'd love him and and when you're older you'll get a chance to say hey man this is what it was and you hope that his experiences has given him you enough latitude to be able to have that conversation but i think listening to other people in these like really um interesting places in my life have has robbed me of the chance to have an organic experience that i would have been able to navigate better had i just listened to me yeah i mean it's tough i mean let's just say some 30 year old walks in the room and said hey you're my real dad you don't know him you never raised him you never changed his diapers he never fed him you know you never disciplined him you didn't see him go to school this is just it could be anybody you know i mean like your son could be right here sitting next to me my cameraman like you know wait wait surprise surprise yeah actually hit the drone you know what i've been trying to get down i know what i'm saying like people think there's some sort of bond between a man and a child and and so forth but if you don't know this person like like listen man as much as i've done over the years i could probably have some kids in different parts of the world right now i don't know i hope not but you know but if you to me for to me what i would have liked um and you look look you you make all kind of mistakes but i would have liked to have an opportunity to come to those decisions on my own without having either either watching my father die or having a relationship my real father it would have it would have been i'm you should have left those decisions give me the information let me make those decisions because now i have a father that i lost that i saw that i shouldn't see die and then another fight i never got to knew because i listened to information from people who had maybe my best interest at heart but it was filtered to their perspective sometimes the only thing we know about our fathers is what our mothers tell us yeah something the only thing we know the only thing i know about that man was what she told me yeah and you can be a horrible husband or horrible mate and a good father but i think they want you it's like almost like mean girls i want you to not like somebody because i don't like them but you what you what you do is you live your whole life guessing what not to be yeah yeah and so i just i just those times and it's one of the reasons i fight so hard from my perspective because i you know at least i can live with a decision i make with the information i gather it and i come to this conclusion but if it's altered by somebody others interjecting their perspective so it's just that's always been not well even more it's now more pronounced because it's all it's now now see where listen to people even though they're well intended like my wife she adores me she would never but now i got this but now she's been now they've got this little side i'll make the relationship with your real dad and you didn't know about all these years yeah i cannot yeah i was like i'll understand i'll i'll decide what i need there you go i mean speaking of marriage um you know since our last interview will smith uh wrote a book right and he talked about tupac in the book he said i hated that i wasn't what tupac was in the world and i suffered and i suffered a raging jealousy i wanted jada to look at me like that i saw that and the two their relationship is so i don't know just you scratch your head because it almost seems like something bad happened between them and she's going to publicly embarrass him over and over again until whatever whatever is fulfilled in her heart i've made so many horrible mistakes in my relationship i'm in no position to talk but i will say this okay you're not feeling telling my business on tv all the [ __ ] time i want to go on the red table hey [ __ ] you got to talk to this kitchen table you think we live in all you think we live in this good because those set it off residuals you think you think they're making nurse harthorne too jason's lyrics they're doing that again and tupac is dead he is so at a certain point i think the grace that we generally extend to anybody else outside of our partners we have a hard time extending to them and there's a certain amount of grace you need to have with somebody who you've taken vows to there's certain certain amount of grace you used to have and that seems decidedly ungraceful to me right it's not just after the entanglement i'm like august i'll see that i'm not yeah there's a certain amount of there's a certain amount of uh like even if if if you can lie to protect too right like you can you can go i don't want you i've done lots of that but but if you just didn't [ __ ] i'm going to like i i'm in no position to speak about somebody else's dynamic i will say this again there is a certain amount of grace you need to have with somebody that you've decided to marry and stay with and be intimate with and there are things you can't unsee and things you like you need to give people grace and if you don't you can be honest but not brutal brutal and honestly don't go together we put them in the same sentence but now all of a sudden you you really emphasize in the brutal honesty parties well i also feel that your personal relationships should be protected you know what i'm saying like there's a reason why i've never specifically spoken about my personal relationships because i feel they should be protected and i feel that they shouldn't be used as promo or a revenue source or clout or whatever whatever else you call it because all that [ __ ] doesn't matter because at some point the lights will get turned off and the cameras will will dim and you know you have to still live with that person you still have to relate to that person so why put it all out there and use it as material and use it to advance your career and use it for other people's entertainment because they're going to go on to something else the next day yeah as exciting as the entanglement was that week no one gave a [ __ ] a week later but will still got to live with that [ __ ] yeah you see the comments that's certain you have to have a certain amount of grace with the person that you're intimate with a certain amount of grace and i can't say where the line is for a lot of people like i tend to say things out loud because i don't want somebody else to come up and be me saying i said something i'll tell you goddamn this would happen yeah because and so when you've lived your life a certain way and start out a certain way like you got to kind of finish it that way but i think um i just i don't understand what the need um i i i just think you have to have a certain amount of grace for people yeah a certain amount of empathy uh asap rocky and rihanna are expecting their first child um what's interesting about this and this is you know we haven't ran this part of the clip yet so i don't know how it's going to be really taken but me and tk kirkland had a conversation about this and i mean number one listen um i've briefly interviewed rihanna years ago you know and i met asap rocky once or twice i don't i don't the point is i don't know we do these people right these are these are total strangers to me so i don't know them but what surprised me a little bit and tk kind of agreed with me on this is that when you look at someone on the statue of a rihanna self-made female billionaire one of the most desirable women in the world you know a monster on the music side an even bigger monster on the fashion and makeup side and so forth millions of men lined up you know to be with her and so forth she gets pregnant before getting married which kind of surprised me kind of surprised me you know i mean because me and tk talked about this and tk was like yeah i mean she's a baby mother she's not a wife like rihanna is technically going to be a baby mother unless she gets married before you know she has the baby and and that and then ladies and gentlemen i want you to hear what vlad is saying he he respects rihanna so much you don't want her to be called a baby mama right i totally respect that you don't not rihanna not the billionaire who's done all this stuff you should not have the title of a baby mama exactly i respect exactly and at this point that's what she has this is not a knock at rihanna this is not a knock at asap rocky yes i'm just saying like actual wage you guys are at a very high level and if you guys are have decided to have babies with each other like this is a very big commitment and this is really setting up for multi-generational wealth and so forth like it's a big responsibility i totally agree i totally agree with you 100 and when you look at people other her peers of that stature jay-z and beyonce alicia keys and swizz beatz um you know i think i'm forgetting one or two other people you know once you get into that that financial status and you think about legacy and empire and so forth that usually comes with marriage it doesn't come with just having a bunch of kids with you know various people that you're romantic with so that to me was a little bit of a disappointment and as someone who's married yourself how did you take that out of mary rihanna right now i'd marry right now even you call your wife sorry hey baby i think that one of the things that i find interesting about this whole situation is wealth is a tool and you can use that tool to build whatever happiness you want whatever semi-reality you want and um sometimes we have you know shaped their ideas through our prison but if she wanted she's a billionaire and she gets to do or a independent woman she can do whatever she wants and she did and she doesn't have like when you talk about her period what she got two people like she wouldn't be able to fill out a whole jury of her peers like literally it'd be like four people uh that's not true people like offset and cardi b no not not not billionaires they have a lot of money not like that they're now they're getting up there carly b especially cardi b especially you when you're talking about i'm talking about rihanna makes more money off the other even at that even at that she is a woman that comes from a country the with the bahamas she's coming uh comes from a different place come in does it i'm i think it's dope well i think it's dope about this whole thing is watching a woman do exactly what the [ __ ] she wants and say i'm doing it exactly what the [ __ ] she wants like she don't she could i just think it's dope that she's just gonna say i'm i'm i could be whatever because because it it from that from chris brown that incident when we first really started north to this you see this independent uh uh you know erudite sophisticated socialite business woman who's made a decision as opposed to the first time we she came to the public zeitgeist hey man i just i think she's she to be able to kind of shape around and plan her flag and say this is what i'm doing i think it's dope yeah and i understand your point of view but you know damn well that being a husband is a lot different than being a baby father living in the same house having joined bank accounts having an action the only person like i just i would have to talk the statement about that you're like like i wouldn't like [ __ ] like stop and segment was in the guest house we had covered you know in the position where if they could leave the baby and she could maybe take me and wouldn't need nothing from me that's not true nothing money-wise right right but not having a father in the house all the time is a loss yeah i'm not saying take yourself look at your kids right right look at your kids especially you know your son you know we talked about you know special needs and everything else like that turn your relationship look at all these years with your relationship with your kids and say okay i'm gonna i'm to swap this out for every other weekend right it would yeah that would not have turned out to say it wouldn't have and now but take those and say i'm going to swap you out every weekend but i'm going to be around and i wouldn't give a [ __ ] what happened to them kids you know what i'm saying i'm just kidding i'm kidding uh i i think that the the value in the father is oftentimes miscalculated because i think it's very important i think that the older i think that if you look at my son my son's uh situation was decidedly different than it would have been because he has his father in his life and he the less medicine less treatment that is provable this is what i'm saying but i had a father in my life and i don't think i would have turned out the way i did if my father was not around but i can hold these two ideas in my head i can say but i think it's dope that she because if if she's pregnant she made a decision yep not supported she may not take she knows she made a decision to have this baby by this guy yeah and it's dope that she is an articulate bright young everyday wealthy woman who made this decision yeah yeah and listen and they're saying they're going to get married after the baby comes we'll see what happens maybe they will maybe they won't so none of my business but but i guess rihanna get me pregnant i don't think and you want to get freddie maria remember remember chris rock i think was the tambourine man yeah yeah yeah where he said like you know after he divorced his wife he thought he could go holler at rihanna and she looked at him like a like a grandfather or something the look on her face was just so like disgusted that yeah he's funny you got his teeth fixed though you know i mean remember the old the old uh since our last interviewer jesse smullet has been found guilty on five out of six felony charges felony he is now a convicted felon right getting an apartment would be a little challenging for him these days yes yes and all he had to do was keep his mouth closed like literally now i realized keep your mouth closed makes you a horrible gay dude but a wonderful defender you you might not get a date but you won't get a court date either like he's a he's a tough nut to crack let's do shut up shut up i don't feel bad for him at all shut up i was actually supposed to interview the nigerian brothers actually i remember like one of their reps reached out to hey you know they want to get the story out there and then he took the stand and started saying how he had a gay relationship with one of them and they're like oh never mind right never mind we don't want to talk anymore right he tried to he tried to shame them but all he had to do was shut up all i do is shut up shut up yeah i mean it's funny because i think like one of the one of the the head police guys said that they probably would have dropped the charges had he just admitted what he did because what he did was not that serious people don't usually go to prison over filing false police reports but in his case he decided to to keep the lie going all the way through the whole investigation into the courtroom got on the stand kept going and he did wasn't holding on to something he couldn't actually justify what he did at the time when there were escalation in racist racial attacks across the country when black people the fear was heightened yeah when um there are people who really been uh you know really actually are being attacked they were uh uh plots of of attacking people have their uh people plotting to attack people you do this and keep it up and now it jaundices every other investigation yeah because when a black does do something good it's just him when he does something bad as all of us do any black people look bad it put people in danger well i mean to me because yo listen you don't know early on you don't know yeah it sounded kind of like [ __ ] you don't really no no but the moment the moment was when the police went to his apartment with the body cam footage and he had the noose around his neck like hours later i first heard it i knew it was a lie really i knew it was like now i couldn't say i know because i didn't know but i was like this [ __ ] what about when you saw the news that was the apartment i'm like who i'd have laughed about investigating that but everybody but we but you gotta remember this was in the crux of the metoo movement and you had to believe people and and so everybody has to believe the victim right and so you know what the the best you got from black people was silence right he calls up the gay tupac yeah yeah i think that's really pissed off right a lot of people right you got a lot of tupac fans out you know i'm just saying though like if i was attacked with any sort of weapon or or anything would i still have it on me like you know how i still got the axe in my head they tell women who are attacked to not take a shower and get undressed to keep to preserve the evidence so i could see what his his oh that was the justification i don't know what it was but i tell you this for me i think that when people do stuff like that um um it was it was that it was the i remember everybody's stamping up we got jesse justice for uh jesse and all that kind of stuff it was but when i knew two people were two groups inside one is black people and one is the gay community and both of them knew something was this nigga's line [Laughter] that's what i'm telling [ __ ] black people it was the coldest day in recorded america north american history and you go on the [ __ ] subway are you out your goddamn mind you know what chicago's a violent city and then it was the most peaceful city in the country because nobody's going on that weapon but it's just so hard to be a criminal these days like honestly to everyone who's watching this who thinks they got it figured out you should have been a criminal back in the 70s or or at least seven years ago like seven years ago was a good time to be a group yeah i mean but with cell phones and triangulation and cameras everywhere on the light pulse if you could do tech stuff like i'm not going to say that because but i it it's the ball from street crimes to like more texas yeah but i'm just saying though like they figured everything out within a couple days like okay he was right here oh yeah the nigerian guy oh we figured out where he was oh he was in this you know sporting goods store and you actually see him buying the rope and all this other type of stuff and it's all there dumb people this is a bad season for stupidity yeah and it's so much it's so rampant but i i feel like these days michael j white said this he said that stupidity has you know in terms of a salary is it as highest than it's ever been oh yeah you can make more money being stupid now right then than ever before you want to act out on the internet you might get a fashion nova deal in the process whereas before you just be stupid broke as a commodity yeah if you are willing to be stupid on camera if you're willing to mess up people's time mess up people's property dance [ __ ] for no reason at all yeah you know wreck [ __ ] get arrested for no reason waste people's time you know like like [ __ ] up businesses you will get actually compensated you know i mean you get confident you're doing you get rewarded for bad behavior because of social media you will whereas before you would just lose your job and be homeless you know what i saw like just remember when people was playing the crate challenge but not taking the vaccine i'm like oh so you stack your crates in your front yard you would trust a [ __ ] stacking crazy in your front yard but not a sign like and what are they get like are there that many i don't play work djs with all these [ __ ] [Laughter] where'd you get all these goddamn crates from i feel you and now you have time to stack them and and and and remember it was so stupid instagram we ain't gonna show nobody's videos but they'll show videos of stupid ass doctors saying dumb ass [ __ ] about the i just yeah i don't understand uh since last time uh draco the ruler uh someone who had interviewed maybe about a year before his death was killed backstage at a concert here in l.a and i remember me and his uh his manager tk baron we had this long conversation he pointed out to me that i never really thought about before was that this is the first time in hip-hop history that a concert you know at a concert where someone that was supposed to be performing was actually killed backstage at the concert rappers have gotten killed over the years you know i mean after the concert at a studio in the street whatever else but actually they're about to perform and they get murdered at the actual concert was such an anomaly and the fact that it actually happened in la and it was gang related and so forth just left such a bad taste remember last time we talked and i talked about how much i love this city but how i hated how many people it had taken like like just look at like i just i i love this city but i hate that spirit here where you can just decide and it's always i don't it's a it's future presidents and people rapper like it's just and it's one of the things that i think um as much as i love the city i i can't imagine living anywhere else uh full time it's one of the things that i've always despised about it is how uh much not just talent but potential we've taken yeah and you know we've talked about used to be a blood yeah you know growing up so you're very aware of the gang element and you know you look at the whole story and from what i understand the person who did it hasn't been caught i mean he was like stabbed in the neck it was really very brutal yeah ugly way to die right you know but he had you know he had his gang affiliation he made a song called ingle weird right where he dissed the whole city right you know i mean and i'm not saying that that's the reason for it but when you take a step back and you say what was probably likely led up to this it was in the end that type of [ __ ] in the end in the end it doesn't hold up to the light of day whatever the reason was and i just i think it's just really sad to me like when i um when i see right before the uh super bowl super bowl is talking about that's a real thing and people have this romantic notion of that and this is just spiraling out of control but i hate that a city that i love so much seems to always be at the epicenter of this kind of stuff well yeah well and that's because and i've talked about this in a lot of other interviews crips and bloods have had the best marketing of any gang in the history i think of the world right of the world right you take any gang from any country and they are not as well marketed as scraps of bloods not only are there songs hit songs about movies movies rappers end up becoming gang members in their 20s and 30s when they're already millionaires like the chris browns and the little waynes of the world um you know it spread into vietnam and europe and new york and you know right i'm sure mexico and everything else like that you know it's it's it's so you know especially someone who doesn't hasn't really figured themselves out yet it sounds so exciting like oh i'm a blood i can get through these games part of this community of guys that'll protect me and i could be tough as tough as i want to whoever i want because i know i got these guys behind me but i mean the reality of it is every gang member that i've interviewed has really had horrible stories to go along with it and it's it's such a i remember doing it uh uh dre and stoops performance they had you know everybody was [ __ ] walking oh snoop threw up the [ __ ] side and i remember i saw it and i remember it's such a romantic notion of it and then there are people who are not romantic about it it is their calling it's what they do yeah this is the thing that's so dangerous right about this time in our life i don't think there's been a more stark division for people who have and who have not 100 right yeah but if i see you have and you show me that on instagram or i see you coming here i'm i'm getting to you yeah i'm gonna do it and you can you could just and and the thing that's unique about this city is they know where everything is yeah and and now lions who you never thought we lived here how long you lived here in l.a since 2013. so what is that uh i've been nine years i've lived here my whole life i've never seen people running into neiman marcus and just louis vuitton and burberry and gucci and just i've never seen that happen so the lines that used to be there used to be lines you only there were certain places you would be i mean that's some 70s [ __ ] i remember i interviewed this one dude um who was part of the lowlifes you know what i'm saying um and that's what they would do in like the 80s they would go into department stores 100 deep steal all the polo off the shelves knock out the security guard and just walk out with they actually shut down a department store because of these guys you know and now here we are yet again running into louis vuitton stealing a bunch of [ __ ] running out cameras and like i was coming out i was coming i was i was it was right before christmas then i just uh i left the nordstrom's in topanga and there were police everywhere and this police officer saw me get in my car and drove me out of the parking lot to the freeway and turned back around what to make sure like nobody followed me huh and i saw him do it to like i forgot who i was coming i'm like that's how bad it is where people are like you got a police officer following people and the real kind like i'm like hearing people having lunch with people like the lady having lunch with people and somebody like i've never seen it i've never seen it like this where uh where people calabasas somebody was coming out of a restaurant at one you heard about that one o'clock at night they did yeah like you never saw it like they were places i don't even heard of that yeah okay people like they whipped like i'm like yeah there was actually there's been a string of break-ins and everything else like that in calabasas which you haven't heard of right you're right i've never got a whole new alarm system all right yeah i'm like so now because the line between the halves and the have-nots is shrinking the the if i if you have something and i want it i'm going to get it well i mean but there's also the the social media showing off yet where suddenly people are put into a mentality of i can't wear the same outfit twice if i'm taking a picture of it and i catch myself with this [ __ ] you know i'm saying like if i'm gonna be where do you see me next time with this same [ __ ] there you go but i'm saying like yo when i buy designer [ __ ] i wear the [ __ ] out of it you know what i'm saying if i buy some gucci shorts i would wear them 200 times and i'll be in a bunch of pictures with them but but a lot of people are like oh they don't want to get clowns wearing the same [ __ ] in an instagram photo so so therefore they're they're doing things i remember foxy brown's brother got arrested back in the day for like stealing hermes belts or something like that you know i mean and it's like okay i kind of get it you got this superstar sister and you're not really doing anything so you to somehow but now it's just that now i said that people want it they just want it because it's i want it yeah and they want it even i ain't talking about taking pictures every time i'm talking about people to see stuff on instagram or wherever they see it and go i'm going to get it yeah from you and it don't matter how yeah i mean look uh i just did an interview with uh baby blue from pretty ricky who is now in prison doing 20 months over a ppp loan he was involved in a 24 million ppp scam and he broke down how it happened and you know he felt it wasn't really his fault it was he was working with some company and they sent him some money you know and he thought it was for something else and you know and when all came out it was all ppp loan [ __ ] and everything else like that and uh you know he bought a ferrari with it and you know that's all part of the story now and you know but i'm just you want it i just want it i just want it and you know how i get it i'm gonna get it yeah and and there's not very many places in this country where you you don't see this this the the line like all i gotta do is go across libraria yeah get on the one-on-one and the and the love of material items because there was a right before he had to turn himself in he had this big huge cuban link chain right this huge ridiculous chain and he was coming out of a bowling alley and some guys ran up on him and tried to take it and he ended up getting shot in the process and i'm like i'm like number one i'm assuming you insure your jewelry right because i know i insure all my jewelry so the monetary loss probably would not have been that significant and he was like man listen man i'm from miami i i just can't imagine another dude out there taking pictures of my chain so i was willing to go all out for that chain and honestly i just didn't get it i'm like i'm not feeling you right now i just don't get it like because you could have my jewelry i'd rather go on living my life now right and then what is the right now what is here what are you doing yeah i'm going yeah i'm going home yeah and matter of fact i'll be here next week you grab me again because i'm not right you can have it if someone try i'm gonna put this out if you try to rob me you can have it i'm not going to put up a phone i'm not going to put up a fight i don't care if you take a picture of my watch on instagram afterwards i don't give a [ __ ] right i don't give a [ __ ] my life and my safety you know i mean if you wear it better than me i will like your picture i'll make a comment right are you rocking that i never thought you were with that outfit before people people have this like my my security man i say that man i'll be on the phone with carmel mother insurance still got damn fans right i i just i don't i don't understand the need to kill somebody over it either right i just i don't have this if it ain't about my my my people i love or my life yeah i'll die protecting somebody that's what i'm saying i'm not happy i won't be happy i won't be happy about it so you can run because you had to wear [ __ ] red bottles we couldn't run but now i'm dead right see the [ __ ] i'll hunt you too [ __ ] i don't think i think there is this area material and the thing i've noticed here about here and i love the city and it's just you just don't see these kinds of people um this abject you know poverty and then this i've seen wealth in the same spaces so frequently yeah like you just don't think that that like they're in the same it's like you notice like l.a is starting to be like you know how water buffalo are crossing the river and all the crocodiles are waiting it's that it's that they like they gotta come this way we'll just wait would you and they just wait they'll just wait you know because last since our last interview young dolph got killed yeah in memphis right yeah we've done one interview with them before i was the one doing it um and they caught the guys who did it right no surprise it's on camera like a bunch of stuff matched up it wasn't it wasn't that hard for the police to actually locate them and the guys have now stood in front of the judge two times they said they can't afford a lawyer i saw it and when you look at their instagram pages they're wearing jewelry they're rolling around in benzes they're wearing designer clothes all that and you don't even have lawyer money right when you get caught doing a murder all that all that and you cannot afford a goddamn loan you're going to get a public defender for a murder trial good luck with that [ __ ] it don't really matter who you had they're going to join jail but and but well you know [ __ ] oj got off you know i'm saying a lawyer will do wonders a great lawyer a great lawyer will do wonders come on now o.j was a beloved figure he was beloved by everybody until then until then he was beloved he had a hurts commercial [ __ ] he was doing this naked gun he was he was beloved nobody the these listen i just think we lit it's an interesting time we live in it's very sad that now we're so connected to these things um and people are losing like the the people that people respond to and are are um kind of you know responding to in a way that they just don't to everybody else are being killed this is crazy bob sage recently passed there's a picture of the two of you together how old do you know very well very well oh i'm so sorry then i'm you know it's funny i'm so sorry for your love but he was i was in birmingham so right before it was january june june two things i remember when i got kobe bob was one of the first people to call me and he was like really con like he was like tearing up because he thought because he saw me pass out it was like like bob i think i'm good but a year later so it would have been june this june we were on the plane together we were both flying to orlando staying at the same hotel that the hotel it was the hotel we always stayed at i stayed where he died oh and we talked the whole time like he was going to do the con i was doing i was playing the gig and he was going to do either comic-con or something or something where he was there doing uh memorabilia or something and we talked from la to orlando and we're supposed to have dinner and we didn't and so that's maybe june july or august somewhere along and then i am in birmingham and i get a call from my social media guy and he goes man i'm sorry about bob and i'm like bobo and he's like bob saget and i could not believe it and it's just it's it's it's it's a weird thing and he was a good he was a good dude and it's just uh it shows you that we're living in a time that's really more fluid than i ever i don't remember a time like this where things were happening at this pace and i'm sure they were but it just feels so fluid to me yeah cause i guess uh he had bumped his head he had a bad head like a fall or something like that and there was some bleeding internally and he went to sleep and didn't wake up and so you know how paranoid i am and so now man it's this it's very and then who do we lose after that somebody else after that we lost a bunch of people we lost well i mean aj johnson passed away do you know him i wasn't no aj and i used to talk all the time and i interviewed him um and i could tell you when i interviewed him this was not iselle from friday this was someone that was wasn't quite there there was a lot of parts that interview we should have to cut out because out he'd asked me to repeat the question you know multiple times and i guess he had a stroke like uh maybe a few years before then and ultimately um they said it was from alcohol yeah he just had a bad drinking problem for probably decades and it just caught up with him yeah yeah sad uh louis anderson passed away did you know him very well you know matt i work with louie my condolences uh as well man this is it's a it's a weird uh paternity fraternity um i work at louis the last time like a year and a half ago a comic named jay mandian who's one of the writers talented kid but he's a young comic so he asked me to come on out there with doing something at the live action and i i was telling you i never go to work out i always i'm always gigging for real so i go to work out at the lab factory and you know he's just industry audiences so you know um right before i come on louie anderson's talking about loving each other and being just good to each other and i'm like and so he introduced me and i go what the [ __ ] are we going to talk about now and we i got off stage we i did myself we got offstage and we laughed uh and he he for a long time was one of my favorite comedians really i remember his old stand-ups like people don't remember because it was like the 80s because he really stopped doing you know big stand-ups whatever you know after he started probably after coming to america yeah you know what i'm saying he was one of my i still he like the way he structured joe's is cadence's pace he was one of my favorite comics oh you know he had this joke back in the day how his mom bought a toaster cord from a garage sale and when he asked her why she said it was only a quarter because okay next time at the grocery store i'm short a dollar four toaster courts i said my mom would pay for it and it'd be [ __ ] like that get his own cartoon i think at one point oh yeah coming to america you know coming yeah yeah man um people sleep on him yeah he was a great one he was great we lost betty white yeah almost made it to 100. yeah but that that's you know that's little that's all that's tragic but you expected that one yeah 99 yeah i knew it was going to happen when they said one should coming up on our 100th birthday i was like these [ __ ] i think jinxter yeah yeah uh cindy poite passed away as well yeah but good run yeah he had a hell of a career and still say stayed like sharp all through like every time he saw him you met him yeah i never got to meet him yeah it's sharp like i always knew what was going on yeah man i mean this life this life ain't promised to us uh we don't know what's gonna happen tomorrow you bump your head and then you don't wake up when you go to sleep that's like man but it's better than getting by like a [ __ ] alligator or some [ __ ] like that it's man at least it's so amazing you should have spoken at his funeral man at least he could eat my alligator y'all it could have been worse [ __ ] dear hugley man always a pleasure it's been a year and a half yeah and we made up for it then we didn't seven years this interview lasted a year and a half we met him for the yeah time man congratulations you got anything coming up yeah i'm i'm actually i just turned in the script uh to fox uh thursday so we get noticed my uh show a new sitcom is it going to be the hugley's again it's going to be me now so i but my name will be huge on the show but yeah i'll be a radio show host who always says things that get in trouble and my i have a wife who's very religious and a daughter who's gay and the son who has aspergers so you're actually found maxwell it's like a version of the cosby show except i won't drug anybody you won't drunk anybody uh we won't even have coffee on the set any stand-up specials coming up no i'm writing one right now you're writing it mm-hmm okay i was supposed to do it last year but then instagram i mean then uh covet yeah cause the last one was on netflix right it was on netflix so i'm writing it right now dope any books coming up cause you're big on that as well man i [ __ ] i wrote five books in five years i'm tired you're tired i'm gonna write another one pretty soon but now that's what it is dia hugh lee man always a pleasure until next time peace
Channel: djvlad
Views: 1,228,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: p_lH_19dJ6g
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Length: 159min 7sec (9547 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 25 2022
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