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you all right new little experiment here on perimeter defense I wouldn't call this an intruder alert I would call this a white-trash claymore what I've done is I've taken the hardware off of a mousetrap just a mousetrap not a rat trap and I've transplanted it off of that cheap balsa wood that it comes on on to a more hefty piece of board then I don't know if you can tell here I have taken a machine machine screw got the correct terminology machine screw and I have cut it off short then kind of rounded it out and made basically a firing pin out of it and right now it's drying I have JB welded it on to the mousetrap hardware and what it did is I is this machine screw is a regular slot screwdriver head so that it fit I had to water it out a little bit but it fit on to that wire and now as I said I've JB welded it it's drying and I've also drilled a 3/4 inch hole right behind the where the machine screw now firing pin hits and I discovered that 12-gauge shotgun shells do not fit a 3/4 inch hole and they don't fit a 7/8 inch hole it's kind of like Goldilocks one too little and one's too big but I found that 16 gauge does fit a 3/4 inch hole now I know you're thinking 16 gauge who the hell has that well I have one box of 16 gauge birdshot that somebody gave me and no I don't have a 16 gauge shotgun I don't know who makes those anymore but I doubt anybody does really and I just held on to them because I can't see throwing anything away so anyway I discovered that 16-gauge would fit into a 3/4 inch hole so what I'm doing is I'm making like I said it's not an intruder alert like I showed you before this is an actual defensive device and I'll tell you right now I am NOT suggesting you go make these and put these up what I am suggesting is you may want to know how to make these and have the stuff that if you ever need to make these you can I I don't claim to have invented this when I was in the Marine Corps we were doing some drug interdiction in Hawaii and we once ran into some booby traps on a fence line and basically they drilled holes through the the fence posts stuck shotgun shells in there and they had setup rat traps so I stole this from that idea unless you're exactly how they did I don't really recall what these for firing pin I don't know if the thing would have worked we saw it we just say well do dah dah dah but anyway this is the basic idea and what I'm going to do is let this jb weld dry and then we're going to go out here and we're gonna try it and see if it works the idea is if you're in a final protective fire type mode if you know that that's bad guys coming at you coming in the wire this is a very small very white-trash version of a claymore all right I have it set up here for testing since it though I showed the last clip I got rid of the little yellow Tripp and put two you nails here and I've gone with a straight cotter pin type release because that was just I don't know if I got this piece offset when I transferred it from the original piece of wood to this board but the thing was just hair trigger and I didn't trust it so I've changed over to this now what I'm gonna do is um I've got it screwed toe it to a fence post facing out to the swamp nothing out there I've taken two BB's out so we're gonna be effectively firing blanks and what I'll do is I'll set the camera up and then I'll fire it from a 50 foot lanyard the way we used to do and artillery and we'll see how it goes engage around force 12-gauge rounds in there now there's nothing in that there's no powder to thought about that work ha okay so let's let's assume that that 16 gauge ammo was no good all right that worked
Channel: Renaissance MarineTV
Views: 9,775
Rating: 4.7988825 out of 5
Keywords: perimeter defense, prepping
Id: IJZi-v9uHRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 23sec (383 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2016
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