Two DIY Mouse Trap Alarms for SHTF

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mousetraps rat traps there's obviously a purpose behind having these around in an shtf situation but also for everyday keeping your house clean and your property outbuildings free from rats which can do a lot of damage they get into food sources but they also spread disease pest control is very important and in an shtf situation where you may not have the supplies you need it's really important to have some of these set back a number of these they're pretty cheap there's a whole different slew of kinds of rat traps rat poisons rat poisons also or something that you probably need to have on hand but we're going to talk specifically about rat traps and a couple of things that you can do with these outside of what they're originally designed for one of the things that you can use especially this larger size is instead of trying to come up with a snare and a homemade snare or some kind of wire and and those work fine they've been used for centuries but this is something that would be very simple to use in a bug-out situation to make a trap to be able to set it for the big rat trap one of the things you're going to need to do with this though is to secure it to something so drilling a hole in this ahead of time or a couple of holes and putting it maybe attach it to a tree or something that you can get this stable now of course if there's no food available I don't want to say that you want to eat rat but you know yeah I'm not necessarily looking forward to anything like that but that's definitely something that with small animals that you could do possibly just to catch them in time to be able to use them for food so that's just one of the bug out applications but I've got two other projects I'm going to show you and it's about more of a century alert or a security alert system there are two different styles that we're going to use and we're going to use both types for these I think you could use the large one for both but the small one works good especially for the noise and then we have one this visual we're going to look at some of the items you're going to need for this project I'm not going to go through every detail of it but I'm going to show you some things first thing we have is the large rat trap and what we're going to do is to do a light device this sets off and so I have here a glow stick which you're going to need glow sticks here I've got these screws placed and with pilot holes drilled and that's one of the things that's really important is you're going to need to drill pilot holes especially in the smaller mousetrap because it will split the wood also obviously I painted these and I'm using the cry lined camouflage paint you can find this at Walmart or anywhere it's pretty common now we're going to spray paint make it a little more camouflage now drilled holes on either side of the light stick and I've run wire here you can see with the wire Criss crosses really I would probably want to paint the back of this as well just to keep it from being seen you are going to be able to see the glow stick you don't want to paint it for sure so I painted it first and then just slip the glow stick in the glow stick just comes right out so once you get your wire loops in place it will slip in and there's some definite resistance to getting these in but I just felt like this was one of the best things you can use fishing line and some other things you wanted I want to have a very small hole also here we have two pistol primers glue down to the base now originally I did some countersunk holes and put them in a little bit the wood started to split so instead I just went ahead and glued these down and now you can use probably superglue but I use this vinyl fabric plastic flexible adhesive and it's really tacky and it holds these primers into place very well and here of course I've spray-painted it the screws are keeping this piece up so once I screw this into a tree it's going to be very stable and that's one of the things you're going to need is to have something very stable because when your line is pulled this cannot move because if it does you could lose the trap it can be ineffective also when you're working with these traps it's really good to have a good clamp and this is a self-locking clamp and I'm going to show you the bit the reason why you want to do that if you bring this back you want it to be stable and so with this clamp I can clamp this down and hold it into place while I work of course running different things through here this just helps and of course it makes it even easier with this smaller trout because the last thing you want to do is to hit yourself or this thing it really hurts so getting some good wood screws a couple of drill bits and you can figure out what you need here I have large pistol primers you can use any kind of primer I think maybe shotgun primers would work as well of course the clamp your mousetraps a light stick some wire and also some paracord is great to have in your pack especially if you're going to use this for a trap in a bug-out situation you can drill a hole into your large rat trap run the paracord and it will hold this into place in case you catch something and it doesn't run off with your trap and obviously a cordless drill would be important I'm going to use fishing line as my trip cord there are different things you can use but you really want something that people can't see and you know while they're walking or an animal or whatever it is and obviously you can use this in a camp situation if you're camping out especially with predators around you could actually put this around your camp so that's just another good reason I'm going to drill this right into this building put in my light stick or glow stick probably want to shake it up a little bit this is a temporary type situation of course it will stay now I'm going to want to go ahead and attach my fishing line before I set this trap I'm gonna tie my fishing line right around this bait area where the bait would typically go make sure that it's good and secure you know you want it to have it enough force to where someone pulls this the line is not going to come loose okay we got our fishing line attached so now we're going to tie it to the tree to make sure we have enough tension we don't want to pull this thing loose here we're going to put this around the tree tie it up you don't have too much tension to wear this actually pulls this way because it's going to set the trap off early died well I accidentally hit it before I even set the trap and it is glowing it's gonna be kind of hard to stale I'll put the green one in see if it works hopefully this time we won't set the time trap here we're attached to the tree here is the trap okay wouldn't pull this out it is glowing so it's going to be a faint glow but obviously you can see the glow in there it was difficult to tell outside but here you can see that they are glowing when I brought them out so I really wanted to do this test in the late evening but we're going to dinner and a movie and so this is going to have to do but here we go one thing I did was I started shaking it up just a little bit before I put it in and then I don't know that that helped or not but obviously the green one is really glowing of course the yellow is too it's just that the green seems to be a little bit brighter but I think this would be a good signalling device you can put it at a distance and at least know the direction that the set was trapped in and keep an eye out instead of this tying around the tree I'm going to go ahead and put a little nail right here I'm going to tie my efficient line around this first okay we're going to put it on the inside of this post that's going to really allow for this to come down the string is going to have to actually pull this in the down position instead of pulling it up because it'll just bind with this little piece here I think with the standard rat traps that in fact that bigger ones the same style I think it's a little bit easier I think if I did it again I wouldn't go with these yellow markers I'd go with the standard mousetrap again taking it slow to make sure you don't crack that board it's good and sturdy I'm going to tie this on and want to set the tension with this that way we're not pulling too much on the trap again you want to get a good solid knot here because you don't want this to come loose when it's activated and that should hold got tied to a tree right here right here on this fence post is the there you go just set the primer off there you go just set the primer off just set the one primer off here oops this primer is still in place one thing I had to do was move the primer up higher mainly to hit that corner plus I had to scrape the paint off the paint was keeping this from igniting the primer okay here's the trap and you can see it actually blew a little bit of a hole right there I had to try it about two or three times in the main reason was the string was actually that it was attached to here was hitting the primer first it was cushioning it then I moved it up and it let that corner hit it and I got rid of the paint once I did that it worked just fine it did not ignite the other primer though you can see there's a little bit of line there but this primer on this side was a little bit higher up or at least this bar was hitting higher so it didn't set that primer off I wasn't even expecting that parameter to go but my original initial test on the first try I put two on here and they went off immediately so I think it's going to be a little bit of trial and error trying to find out what's best but these are still really cool little items to be able to have and it makes a pretty decent little pop so again taking standard household items and finding many uses for them mousetrap just great in itself serves a lot of purposes but it can be adapted for other things be strong be of good courage god bless america long live the Republic so again just help you to keep your mind focused going in up just a few more ideas to help you be even better prepared in an shtf situation make you better make you better prepared and an shtf the heck
Channel: SensiblePrepper
Views: 426,682
Rating: 4.7404647 out of 5
Keywords: Sootch00, Sootch, Survival, SHTF, Emergency, Mouse Trap, Rat Poison, Pest control, Sentry alert, DIY, Alarm system, Prepping, Rats, mice, Glow stick, Primers
Id: EecNWa34Ub4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 16 2014
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