Rag Trick: Great technique to sharpen/reprofile a convex edge! Every ax user should know this Trick

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[Music] hello youtube welcome to another tipping trick video for your ex recently i uploaded a video where i showed you how to transform a cheap eight dollar hardware store hatchet into such a wonderful carving x and viking style the most important modification step was for sure the regrind of the edge in this video i show you the outstanding rectory with just the rack and the file you will be able to transfer the steep splitting edge geometry into a wonderful slightly convex and super sharp carving x geometry and i explain you why i have much more uses for an x in this style than it is style stay tuned in the next few minutes i will explain you my uses for next during my bushcraft and camping trips and this should explain you why i prefer this sharp cutting-edge geometry for my carving axe over the geometry on this eggs i need an x with i'm able to work out the rough shape of a spoon the fork of a knife of a coaxer or of another kind of pole out of a branch or trunk i often have to remove side branches for example on this dryer spruce trunk that i get a straight proper pole for constructions often you have to make points of the end of a pole of a stick i want to be able to make fatal sticks with my eggs i want to be able to flatten [Applause] a splitted surface like this i want to be able to make 10 packs or whatever and yes of course often you have to split firewood with an axe and here you are in a little disadvantage with the flat corn wax because um sometimes it happens that the eggs stuck into the wood instead of splitting it but hey take a wooden wedge rescue your eggs and split the rest with the wedge and now i want to show you the right trick so what you need is a wise or something else to clamp the eggs you need a rock or an auto piece of fabric you need a file with the flat side you need a grinding stone i have the cc4 and something for polish i have a little leather strap here so first you have to clamp the exit twice i do it on these shoulders here like this and i do it with a counter piece so like this the eggs hold perfect here now i make some marks with a permanent marker this is just for a batter which will control in which area you are grinding now take the rock and fold it once that you get two layers and put it on the highest point of the x that's here where the eye is this is the pivot point of the file so put the rack on this and here is the pivot point of the file now make a move like this so you can you can sharpen an accent with a file because the hardness gap between the file and the knox head is big enough a normal file a good professional file has a hardness about 65 rockwell an axe head this one has probably 53 rockwell something like this and the next head from grant's force has a hardness about 57 rockville i guess okay now i have a continuous flat from here to here that's why i take the rack and fold it again now i have four layers place it again on the highest point the pivot point here put the file on it hold it with your palm and file again now the file is a little bit steeper so if you think this is enough fold the rack again now you have eight layers so there's for sure nothing wrong if you wear gloves for these tasks because the file is rubbing here on the palm and if you wear gloves you minimize the risk that you that you hurt yourself on the edge here so if you are finished with eight layers fold the rug again now you have 16 layers and as you can see the file gets steeper and steeper and steeper uh so last step is 32 layers if you can feel a burr all the way from here to here you can stop to file now the first site is done we have something like five flats with two layers with four layers with eight layers with 16 layers and with 32 layers that makes a wonderful convex before we start with the second side i want to try to measure with how many degrees we filed at the very end of the edge with 32 layers this is not that important but this gives us a feeling in which range of degrees we are working so for that i have an app on my cell phone where i can measure the angles so now i set in on zero and then i set it here so yes this is about 12 degrees so 6 degrees on each side and now i put it here set it on zero zero zero like this take the rack multi 42 layers and measure again so this is about yes 15 degrees um plus six degrees from from the the angle of the cheeks this makes 21 degrees on each side and and don't forget if the second side is done we have to round up these five flats to each other with a with a grinding stone and this makes the very end again a bit steep so at the end we have an angle between 50 45 and 50 degrees i guess something like this as i said this is not that important but just that you get a feeling in which range we are moving so now both sides are done with the file work now we have five flats we have to round up to each other that you get a nice convex and for that i like to use my cc4 from falcon even but you can also take a normal grinding stone with the rough side with the fine side that works perfect so my friends the last hour i spent it with grinding out some scratches and grooves from the file work for that i took my grinding stone and i want to make a wonderful edge just with manual work without meshing and that's also the reason why i polish by hand and next step is to polish the edge on my polish machine this would be done in a minute but i want to do it with the latest drop only manual work look at this beauty 100 handmade convex edge so i like the rock trick very much this is not the fastest way to to regrind the necks but it's very controlled and it's 100 manually and you put so much patience and love and time into this machine made x head that you give them back a soul and i tell you this is my serve x i modify this is the first this is my second one and i like them more than my grandfath that's it for today please let me know if you want to see more axe modification videos on my youtube channel i hope you like this little trick today thanks a lot for watching don't forget to subscribe to my channel and see you next friday again ciao
Channel: Felix Immler
Views: 526,992
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: customize an axe, How to modify an axe, modify a cheap axe, Felix, Immler, Pocket Knive, SAK, Swiss Army Knifes, Taschenmesser, Sackmesser, Bushcraft, Survival, Camping, Wilderness, how to, maker, Victorinox, Axe edge geometrie, Victorinox Huntsman, Life hack, Trick, scout, hack, Modify an old axe, how to sharpen an axe, carving hatchet, carving axe, DIY axe, Axt schleifen, diy schnitz axt, viking axe, wikinger axt, sharpen the convex edge of an axe, rag trick, Felix Immler
Id: tWIxWjrhpv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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