4 Tricks to Transform Your Budget AXE - Minimal tool modifications ! - Perfect axe for hiking trips

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today i'll show you how to modify such a cheap axe head into this chest the drilling machine and the file i'll show you how to darken the handle with the casper i'll show you how to make a handle protection with paracord and you learn how to darken how to oxidize a shiny accent [Music] hello youtube welcome to another x modification video two weeks ago i uploaded a video where i modified such an eight dollar harper store eggs into a super shop viking style carving eggs i got a lot of comments and many of them criticized that my concept of buying a cheap axe doesn't really work because for modifying this eggs i needed an expensive machine park yes i understand this this this feedback because it must be frustrating if you see a super cool project and you want to do it but you can because you don't have the machines for that that's why i decided to make a video on how to do this modification with just minimal tools i use more or less just a file and a drilling machine at least this is my plan if you have a bigger drilling machine like this or this no questions go down but i tried with the cordless as i planned this video i asked myself is it necessary to remove the handle to do the modification and my answer is yes and no um i have two reasons why it is necessary first reason is if you want to make here a curve like this not like this like this it's almost impossible to make a proper curve with the handle on the hex head and the second reason why i want to remove the the hex head is at the end of this video i want to make a protective oxidation layer and this is also almost impossible with the hex head on the handle but if you like this style with the blank steel and if it's not your expectation that you have here appropriate is just let the handle on the hex head this is for sure the simplest way so in my case i decided to remove the handle [Music] so so next step is to transfer the shape of the head on the piece of cardboard now i draw in the curves that make this x to a viking style x for that i found the plate and the empty glass and this is exactly his shape important is that you know that on this these x only the first three centimeters are hardened now i transfer the shape of the stencil on the x head so to remove this part i choose a totally different technique than two weeks ago instead of taking the angle grinder and make cuts i take the center punch and make marks every fourth millimeters after i take four millimeter drill and i make holes very close to each other after that i try to hammer out this piece okay right now i have the problem that this is much more hard than three centimeters so but uh i start start with drilling and i will see if it works probably drilling a lot of holes is the better idea than working with the angle grinder because the angle griddle make a lot of dust a lot of mess and uh you get in danger that you overheat the steel and this should be better with the drill so let's start with threading [Music] ah [Music] so we really had the problem that the part next to the edge is much harder than this and i didn't expect that i changed on the little bit more stable during machine and i try out if it works the problem we had was that the halton part at the front of the axe head has not the same deep on all axes as i tried this technique with the holes one week ago it was easy possible to make some holes here in this area with the normal high speed steel drill but on this eggs this area is already hardened and that's why i need a hormetal drill such a cnc hormetal drill you get for under 10 bucks on amazon for example and with this trail it's easy possible to make all these holes in the housing part as i made this video i didn't have such a hard metal drill so i had to improvise that's why i took a stone drill at the very end of the stone drill you have two hard metal inserts and with this stone drill it didn't work perfect but i was able to make holes and i was happy that i could continue filming my video so finally i got it next step is to hammer through the remaining connecting parts between the holes yes yes yeah so we missed the crucial moment for the that's life it worked yes now i'll start with the filing work so that's amazing how well the file works even in the hard part [Music] crazy foreign so my friends if i work is done it's far away from being perfect but i would say this is enough for today next step is to remove the coating layer from the handle and after we burn it with the gas gas burner with this one and it becomes like this so that should be enough so now i coat it with a bit b wax that makes that make it a bit shiny now i want to make a black oxidation layer on this plank steel that it looks like this this is a bit more like hand forged and this is a bit more bling bling so i like this i know two methods how to make this one is this uh vinegary sense twenty percent and the other one is coffee but with coffee i don't have any experience that's why i take the vinegar sands what i have to do is i have to heat it up in a pan and when the vinegar is hot i put the eggs head inside okay vinegar is hot enough so i put it in for maybe 10 minutes so now you can see the bubbles on the surface and it's already start to blacken so with cold vinegar this doesn't work so you need you need a hot vinegar this works much more so this is the result after 10 minutes uh i guess i'll put it back in all the ten minutes and hope that these parts get a bit darker so we had the idea to add half a glass of coffee powder so then we have both effects look at this espresso this is the result after the oxidation process i polished up the edge a little bit with this leather strap like this and now the edge is super sharp look at this so next step is to add the handle and after i show you a special protection version with a paracord the axe head is on the handle last step is to add a protection a handle protection with paracord yes so to be honest this paracord protection is probably more useful in that way that you have to meet the paracord instead of protecting the handle okay my friends i hope you liked this project thanks a lot for watching don't forget to subscribe to my channel and see you next friday again ciao
Channel: Felix Immler
Views: 615,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: customize an axe, How to modify an axe, modify a cheap axe, Felix, Immler, Pocket Knive, SAK, Swiss Army Knifes, Taschenmesser, Schnitzen, Sackmesser, Bushcraft, Survival, Camping, Hiking, Wilderness, how to, maker, Victorinox, Life hack, Trick, scout, Modify an old axe, customize an old hatchet, carving axe, DIY axe, transform a cheap axe, splitting axe, diy schnitz axt, viking axe, wikinger axt, minimal tool modifications, blacken the Axehead, charring the handle, Paracord protection, DIY
Id: 4Pq1cOL5Z_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 24sec (1164 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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