Anchoring timbers to stone: ancient technique with modern twist for building codes/extreme winds.

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ink lines on the wood ensure accuracy Measuring 3, 4, 5 to get square Ensure post is plumb with a level checking the center lines, never the edge of the wood. The plug helps with blow out from chiseling. Pine tar, linseed oil mix Clay subsoil sand boric acid, salt would also work A thick grout is made with little water The post center is hollow, so for extremely heavy loads or peace of mind, the grout adds support and insect/fungal resistance. Compressing the fibers so it will make a super tight fit.
Channel: Mr. Chickadee
Views: 365,343
Rating: 4.8844881 out of 5
Keywords: Japanese timber frame, stone plinth, stone anchoring, hand drilling, granite foundation
Id: YBhgge17vw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 14sec (1094 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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