DIY Maple Taffy on a Stick (is Canada even real?)

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don't eat this No unless it's me [Music] well hello everyone it's me Christine again eh eh now that's one Canadian stereotype I actually live up to recently I've been seeing a lot of is Canada even real means where people who live on tumblr comment on a number of practices that supposedly take place in Canada as if Canada were some kind of carefree theme park that was just too good and just too fun to be real you are fake news I'm here to tell you that Canada is Canada actually exists in fact I'm literally in Canada right now at this very moment specifically in Ottawa Canada which is the capital of Canada it just so happens that our Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's house is just a short drive away from me I'm not even kidding okay odd it was pretty small now one name in particular that caught my attention was the maple syrup taffy on snow me on tumblr of course that's where all the deep thinking goes on you better not be [ __ ] with me Canada is this for real it is all too real and so I saw a few of you tweeting me asking me if this was actually real and I replied confirmed every winter there was some kind of winter festival where there would be a maple taffy booth and they would just pour it on the snow and you buy it on a stick for like $2 and you know what that's what we're gonna do today it's a maple taffy tutorial [ __ ] hey do you like my pants it's really quite simple all you need is maple syrup and it has to be 100% pure maple syrup not that Aunt Jemima fakes are a [ __ ] okay no it's not the real [ __ ] don't even bother you're also gonna need a pot and I don't mean the kind of pot that's gonna be legalized across the whole country this year haha is Canada even real some popsicle sticks a candy thermometer or something that you can dip into the syrup to read the temperature fresh snow and it's got to be fresh a baking pan or some kind of wide tray to lay the snow in a stove or a heat plate and lastly and most importantly you're gonna need an adult to supervise because before the maple syrup gets cold it's gonna get hot so Man Man Man Man I'm ready that one get the snow honestly you don't use the yellow snow okay or the dirty snow on Twitter I saw a lot of comments of people confused about why you would use snow as if snow itself is unsanitary I kind of get the misunderstanding maybe in some countries or places where there's less snow all the snow you get turns dirty like in the street with cars but in Canada you have so much fresh snow to work with this [ __ ] ain't dirty it's fresh from the sky now that we freshly packed the snow we're just gonna leave it here so that it's ready for when we need it once we heat up the maple syrup okay I'm cold let's go inside step 2 or the real maple syrup in a pot no measuring required just kind of guess how much you want to enough to have a sugar high turn your stove on and turn it on high then you gotta wait until it comes to a boil now you gotta be careful because this [ __ ] bubbles up when it's hot you don't want to let it overflow or you will have a very sticky mess on your hands so you want to heat the maple syrup to 235 degrees Fahrenheit because that is the perfect temperature for making maple taffy starting to smell so good we gotta be safe no kids in the kitchen okay we're just gonna pull you over here in your pumpkin there we go [Music] okay then I'm gonna let you do this one oh yeah yeah [Music] nice good technique have you done this before every Canadian has it stripped me on the side it's fine the really hot maple syrup is hitting the snow it's starting to solidify so it's getting harder so you stir finchy see the kids love it ready for the fun part it's where we get to roll one so you got to stick your stick in and then you're gonna roll it up oh no I missed some of it I got to do this kind of quickly I think we waited a little too long but this is also thing that people do they just leave it right in the snow and then they literally eat it like this yeah the snow actually sort of adds to it it's like not a bad thing to get like some of the crystals snow on it you can also make snow cones like this it's stuck in my knees again - hate me that's why we have free health care here our teeth are ruined by maple toffee anyway this is super easy to do we just messed up in the sense that you're supposed to pour and then immediately roll it on to your pops you talk too much been balling who are you pointing at me in the middle hey babe I ganging up this is how you make boys stick in Canada simply sugar shack I make you maple toffee on a stick only 50 cents enough to have an appreciation for the real [ __ ] if you tried to make this with Aunt Jemima [ __ ] well first of all I don't think it would work because of science and chemical composition but second of all that [ __ ] is garbage doesn't that stuff just like corn syrup it tastes so bad Jemima I love Canada that's pretty nice they also do this kind of stuff in the northern states of Vermont Michigan I think there is a maple syrup industry there too but 70% of the world's maple syrup apparently comes from Quebec which is the French province of Canada do you know that it's important or internationally important statistic I'm ganna die it was actually like a maple syrup cartel and like a black market that's all the crime we have in Canada it's just dealing with this from the black market no this is from legitimate sources this way can't stop eating it help me are we done well this was yummy a very tasty play hockey after this let's go get a beaver table let's let's go get a beaver tail it's about a boot time no one's feeling that I've literally never heard someone say a boot but a absolutely is true we use it as an expression hearing I say it a lot it's like you're gonna get me my tea later hey hey she's looking man she no stop it that's for mommy it's mommy's breakfast lunch and dinner hey hey it's like saying right right ain't that right yes cream on sheet well pity shoe shoes save Rebecca beaucoup de Jongh okay pase no part to the moon dead complete marveling come watching we should give you lessons later okay finally I can teach you something can I see your wallet what for Donetsk why students I got to pay the maple syrup dealer bags now another is Canada even real type theme I've seen a lot of it's about our Canadian money it's so amazing that it does many magic tricks such as it's kind of indestructible you can't rip this [Music] literally cannot rip the Canadian dollar bills actually we don't even have dollar bills okay we have five dollars and that's the minimum Looney tune you do feel good I'm a loony got loonies and toonies the other magical thing about Canadian money is that it's Hollow look at that [ __ ] okay we got the Queen's face and she's rainbows you also have colorful money like it's not all just like this no it's like this binge and another reason why Canadian money is so magical that tumblr cannot believe is that they're waterproof I just thought your money should go for a little dip just a corner look how much YouTube money you think we have we could just be ripping up dollar bills on camera it is true that this is worth like five dollars Canadian Canadian money even when it's less because where it seems like you had scissors you could cut this I know but most people don't intentionally cut money it's an accident let's hear a savage how do we get you deported the last magical fun fact about Canadian money is that allegedly they smell like maple syrup is Canada even real I've never heard it kind of does but we also have yeah they definitely do have a bit of like a synthetic sweet smell to them it's straight earlier in the day before we opened up any maple syrup I swear to God we both agreed that it kind of smelled like I'm sure it's all in our head no no no no no let me get you an internet resource so a lot it's really quite fascinating because I thought that was just [ __ ] like someone just said that I would money smelling maple syrup that's just stupid waste of money to make something scented like that but in 2013 the National Post which is a major newspaper in Canada wrote an article called scratch and sniff cash this is real news in Canada I would like to know once and for all if these bills are in fact sent it says an email from a perplexed citizen for the record bank official Jeremy Harrison says no scent has been added to the banknotes I think it's all in your head when you're told something is going to smell like maple syrup then you smell it you want it to smell like this yeah yes listen to these people I could smell the scent once but not all the time I bet a couple friends that cannot find proof is it just me who's writing the Bank of Canada to ask this the Bank of Canada initially withheld all the public respondents about the new polymer bank notes citing privacy concerns Trump never tweeted about it how will we know if it's fake news think I'm a figure you know what if your hand is real no in Canada instead of laundering money organized crime just washes the money in maple syrup and puts it back into circulation a snow wash that money in a mixer Oh make that money oh yeah okay are we done here you've just learned the history of Canada simply fit three lesson 101 actually I've seen some of you guys tweet me examples of when you had a history project to do on a different country other than yours people chose Canada and they would like put a picture of me to represent not superwoman she lives in the US now she left she's a traitor all those Canadian youtubers leave they're all moving to a nice we're in the gold I just don't really fit in in LA not sure why is it cuz you're a song I mess up all right well if you haven't subscribed to my channel yet it's a boot time age alright everybody thanks so much for watching and we'll see y'all later [Music] Oh [Music]
Channel: Simply Nailogical
Views: 7,444,610
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nails, nail art, nail tutorial, beauty tutorial, nail art tutorial, diy nails, easy nail art, diy nail art, cute nail art, simply nailogical, maple taffy, maple, maple syrup, canada, canadian, eh, aboot, canadian stereotypes, is canada real, is canada even real, canadian money waterproof, canada bank notes, canadian maple syrup, justin trudeau, canadian youtubers, maple on snow, cristine and ben, simplybenlogical
Id: h5CLO2n6OxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2018
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