I Was A Human Sock For A Day (I Tried Following A Safiya Nygaard Video)

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[Music] hello friends it's me Christine again and welcome to another video you may have recently seen my friend Sofia attempt to recreate one of my many many nail tutorials and you know what she actually did a good job she even gave us a bit of a show at the end there here it's coming here we go hmmm how I personally was pleased anyway so I thought I would return the favor on the 21st of January Sofia Nygaard published a video in her questionable fashion decision series where she wore an 8 foot long mohair tube and then I thought to myself now that is the sock I aspire to be I'm the most sentimental sock you have ever seen you see the suck is my aesthetic when I wear sock like clothing I feel like I can pull the hood over my head and just escape from the world and all the people in it and today thanks to this majestic creation I'm going to recreate Sofia's video and go full suck so I searched for the sock I ordered the sock and then I got the suck all the way from Bulgaria where evidently the greatest socks dresses live oh yes I bought two socks because who buys just one sock it's a pair of socks Wow look at the Knitting guys it looks like a bunch of little mini braids oh my grandma is so jealous right now now Sofia often brainstorms on how to wear such questionable fashion items but I know right away how this one is meant to be worn falls off mode engaged this is amazing I am a lonely caterpillar one day I hope to become a beautiful butterfly oh this is so warm and cozy [ __ ] yep this is pretty much the only way to wear it man my am my what do you think what do you think okay I'm gonna need you to be Tyler today oh so you're gonna need to be sweet and supportive and not make fun of me let's go be hard I have Woolies in my mouth you wanna make out yes I'm gonna meet you at the other end ready [Music] hello there another video you're really doing a good job of capturing what makes the FIA's video so great haven't you figured this out Sophia's approach to YouTube is to give oh [ __ ] I'm wearing for like five minutes the blue one might look better because it'll really bring out my eyes which aren't blue why'd you get to it you can't just buy one suck duh you dance into it it's more effective I'm in a sock case of emotion despite my emotional comfort to being alone in this room without other humans I'm going to wander into the world for the day and see what life has in store for this sock [Music] [Music] first it was off to Starbucks because this sucks gotta have its tea now normally I would send my drinks late to get it for me but today I wanted to see what life would truly be like as lived by yourself he also has fur in it then it was time to go where the people were in downtown Ottawa in my homeland Canada there are many different Canadian tourist attractions here but today I became one of them [Music] [Music] is that thing a cheetah no why am i irritating you all right let's go to the mall just kidding I look fabulous I hope they don't think I'm gonna steal things with my giant in the mall I wanted to see if I could find other socks like me I did see some blended knits that somewhat resembled me and I spotted my cousins the hand towels it's always good catching up but I was desperate to find my immediate family of socks so it was off to the lingerie floor [Music] baby what do you mean point zero sucks all have a point I'll protect you here I ended up in the men's socks section and got some weird looks but I knew what to do you're really blending in there look like an old Russian woman I made friends with some mannequins and met some sock fans along the way I even took a stab at modeling and let's be honest I was doing a great job modeling more material than the six of these other women combined I was a sock on a mission not sure what for but on a mission nonetheless stop on a shopping trip after my morning tea I had to find a washroom and then it was time to get some reactions now I expected that people would be interested in my sock because how could you not be intrigued by this wooly figure slinking around a shopping mall on a Saturday afternoon in Sephora my sock even drew a bit of a crowd because everyone wanted to know how to look like such a beautiful sock all right we had enough fun today no many people wanted a photo with me in my sock obviously because they Anders never seen such a fabulous sock and wanted to store this moment in their memory forever no problem some even agreed they'd wear it themselves would you wear that today that's a lie Lincoln Sofia may have worn this sock as part of her ugly clothing series but I can test that [ __ ] you like this up a couple older women seemed to have a thing for my sock and of course there would be other people who gave me weird looks or just ran away but socks weren't always perceived as weird as they have served a purpose since long before any of us were born which brings me to the next segment of this video it's time for a short history of the sock the modern word sock originated in the 13th century and was a term used to describe a light slipper that represented a symbol of wealth among the nobility but this type of fabric worn around the foot has been in and out of fashion since the beginning of human civilization one of the earliest known surviving pairs of socks was excavated from the Oxyrhynchus region of Egypt these socks were divided into because at that time humans had not yet evolved and they only had two toes on each foot in the Middle Ages socks were believed to have analytic powers providing spiritual protection from harm and literal protection from the cold these heathens wore socks for their ostensible protective powers specifically to ward off the bubonic plague and also because they were a lot more comfortable than simply walking around barefoot in the 1930s people in North Carolina were executed for wearing socks and sandals at the same time [Music] today in 2018 socks are a fashion statement and a metonymy for the modern aesthetic you can see socks being worn by the likes of Rihanna Hugh Grant and even Ryan Gosling in the modern world the benefits of this breed of giant sock extend well beyond the feet one key element the sock gave me was the ability to avoid social situations which I really appreciate it was also incredibly awkward trying to give people hugs so in a way the sock displaced the awkwardness from me on to the sock and people just laughed instead of thinking that I was insane it was kind of perfect in a way not fully being able to shake other people's hands or give them hugs or other forms of social interaction this is something Sofia also saw as an advantage of the sock back into the room I go so part of the appeal is the exit strategy somewhat ironic that I felt this soft protected me from social situations but in turn it also made me more social because I was just more attractive to other people during my outing as a Sox if he had tweeted that she was filming something extra and so I replied me too it's important to note that the sock was very long and probably better suited for a person much taller than me I often found myself having to pick up my sock and hold it while walking around so that it didn't drag on the ground and I had to be especially careful with it on escalators as the day went on the sock grew looser and became more of a workout to hold up because my weak ass founded quite heavy to wear this for an entire day it was heavy and I was sweaty the advantage though to carrying all that material around was that the sock was so cozy I couldn't help but take a nap almost everywhere I went being a soft was pretty exhausting so we decided to stop for some good old Canadian fruits in it was warm and tender just like me and it was tricky trying to use my hands and having to poke my fingers through the sock holes I poked my fingers through so much I even popped a bee lead well to Pili's actually I got some mohair on my fries another challenge was trying to eat without getting a wooly hair in my mouth dee-licious a brisk walk outside was next I think you just ruined a bunch of tourist photos and boy was I sure glad I was a sock because it sure gets cold fast out here in Canada painful and as the day turned into evening people were gathering with their friends and family to enjoy a night out on the town I on the other hand walked home to enjoy my night alone in the safe recluse of my sock oh and Ben can come too I'm coming in nice and steamy in here I feel like the baby at the end of 2001 a Space Odyssey relationship zone don't listen to her [Music] we should also acknowledge the aftermath of the sock journey which includes having hair everywhere the blue wool leaves stuck to my black cotton outfit and they floated away in packs when you picked them up lint rolling the hairs was very satisfying though despite the infinite number of wooly blue hairs I will find on my body over the next few months I would still wear this again ultimately I think my affinity for the song is a manifestation of my nihilistic worldview and my desire to return to the womb and be unborn thank you guys so much for watching and if you liked that video make sure to smash that like button and if you want to see more videos like this one make sure to smash that subscribe button and if you've already smashed that subscribe button make sure to smash that little bell icon so you can turn on post notifications to make sure you get a notification every time Sofia post the video I mean meet me every time I post a video smash smash smash just make sure to smash just pick up a plate and smash it on the ground here are all my social media handles don't forget to check out Sofia's next beat I here Sofia and Tyler makeup they're a big shout out to marlene grant for watching thanks for watching marlene grant and i'll see you all next time [Music] Oh [Music]
Channel: Simply Nailogical
Views: 6,167,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nails, nail art, nail tutorial, beauty tutorial, nail art tutorial, diy nails, easy nail art, diy nail art, safiya, safiya nygaard, ugly fashion, sock, scarf, oversized clothing, questionable fashion, simply fashion, knit, wool, giant scarf, socks, history of the sock, safiya parody, i tried following tutorial, simply nailogical collab, giant sweater, wtf fashion, simplynailogical fans, sock fashion, anti-social
Id: SOoJdafcciQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 03 2018
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