My Secret for making a Lawn Striping Video | Humic Acid | Soil Compaction

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holy cow the grass is deep today telling you with all this rain we've been getting I mean it is some kind of thick and dense it looks really really good right now could not be happier with the yard now you look at this right here and you can see this area right here looks a little different that's kind of matted down looking sort of well I had about 30 people out here playing family wolf football the other day and we would have home plate over there and you see a little bit of yellow tent right there and a little piece of grass where that's what hanging plate would everybody was that hearing out they all had a great time this right here is what happens when you give your zucchini and incredible fertilizer like higher bricks and rains all week and you don't get time to come out here and pick anything look let me just do this look at that joke the man like a bag on the over grooming turkey leg or something good day everyone and boy whoops one cleans the mice clock with that bad boy right there alone hey there's Pete with GCI turf hope you're having a great day today happy Father's Day before we jump into this Green County fertilizers got a sale this week Father's Day 2020 and the rest of this week they're gonna put all the products on sale I'll link that up in the description below we're gonna play fool non diluted rate of humic trail to my yard using a backpack sprayer we're gonna mow my hay field yeah feel like I got to get a terror out man telling you the grass is so deep it has been raining all week long kind of setting my yard up for a pretty cool July 4th striping video I'm gonna mow my yard with a machine that you've never seen me on before it's a beast that's really really big and it's really really cool and it stripes really really hard because I've got one of those big league long rollers for it I'll link that roller up in the description I got a coupon code so you can save some money on that - hey July 4th right around the corner we're gonna celebrate that freedom and I'm tell you I love my country I love the people that serve our country day in and day out and make it possible folks like me to enjoy freedom Hey I got my first GCI t-shirt yep my first gzi t-shirt I don't have it on because today's Saturday I'm mowing I'm getting the shirts tomorrow so we can start shipping them out on Monday it's a GCI turf t-shirt and then on the back it's got a big American flag with all the different branches of military and first responders represented I wouldn't get up in the description below you check it out if you're interested hey happy Father's Day I'm telling you what a cool cool day it is I love being a dad nothing in the world like it is a joy joy joy to me at the end of the day being a dad is getting your kids set up for like that yet you're gonna have birthday parties and you're gonna have good times and bad times and you're going to enjoy each other and you're gonna not enjoy each other you're gonna butt heads and you're gonna hug all these different conflicting things within the cycle of having a family but at the end of the day for me being a dad is preparing my kids for life it's kind of like an Olympic athlete right they get out there and they train and prepare years up to that big day with no different raising the kid you've got them four 1819 years and you're training them for that big day when they go out on their own they live life by their self and obviously they can always come back get some advice and probably ask for money and some food and other things like antiport be there to do that but at the end of the day we want to get them set up for life so that they can be successful it's so important to farm was I've talked to the men our kids my wife and I on our kids we talk freely we open and welcome all communication with our kids because see when they're trying to learn something they're gonna find out the answer okay we don't want the world giving them the answer I don't want the teachers giving them the answer I don't friends giving them the answer all the answer to come from mom and dad not because mom and dad's right all the time it's because mom and dad are training those kids up in the ways of the Lord so that when they're old they won't depart from it Hey look I know Father's Day is pretty tough for some folks my dad fortunately still alive some of you watching your dad's not here look I want to give you something that's gonna give you strength today and have to get through Father's Day I want you to know that you have a God in heaven that loves you so much more than your earthly dad could ever even dream about loving you put your hope and your trust in Jesus lean on God Almighty say get your faith right I'm telling you what days like today man it makes it so much easier to get through just from reading comments and questions and all I kind of take it as folks think that I mow my yard with that striping roller all the time like constantly doing it and that is not the case I put the striping roller on when I am filming for a striping video there is an occasion where I will put the roller on and mow the MOU before the striping video filming so what that means is I'm always mow my yard without the striping roller except when I get to the day that I'm going to actually film the striping video then I put the roller on and mow with it but what happens is when I put that roller on it enhances and makes those dug those lines darker crisper cleaner more defined and they just pop you much much better so hopefully that right there will eliminate any confusion as to whether or not Pete Moses yard all the time every time with that striping roller because I don't [Applause] man I'm telling it was so deep I'm gonna actually put the bagger back on it and go back over and kind of collect some of the clippings because it it's really really deep so now you know how to oh look balloons from my one of my kids at a birthday party the other day now you know how I set the yard up for a Streisand videos is one I'll mow at about two times in the same direction whatever the pattern is I'm trying to layout I'll cut it two times like that without a striping roller and on the third cut then I'll put the striping roller on that's the day I film the actual striping videos on a rare occasion that second mowing I'll use the roller to and of course you can't have a good striping video without a lot of cool mowing footage and of course some flyovers you know I love doing the flowers and kind of showcasing the yard so obviously that is all about the big ball of goodness right so we'll see how it goes July 4th be sure and subscribe to the channel that way you can check it out so how many times do I mow before I change my pattern up we're typically it's about three times again I'll design out my my pattern with my first mode with no roller go over the exact same pattern the following week no roller sometimes with a roller and then that third mode that's when I actually put the roller on go over the same pattern the third week in a row and then I film and show you the video then after that I come up with another pattern in my head and start the process over so it just got done mowing look at all that I think that's coming my way should be a good thunderstorm or a little bit of rain to water in this humic here but hurry up you gotta remember be really careful with this stuff cuz it's really dark look at that straight Hemet number goodness so I'm going to freeze right here and say one thing I'm not in any way encouraging you to spray a non diluted food concentrated rate of humic acid although it won't hurt the yard you need to stick to the recommended rate which is between six and nine ounces per thousand the only reason I'm using it is it is the safest product I have that I can spray in full concentrated form to show off the pump on this spray basically trying to show off this pump on this freighter see how strong it is now down in the bottom of this jug there's a little bit of goodness kind of stuck to the jug I am gonna put a little bit of water in there to bust that loose so I can get it all out it's all that fertilizer you're putting down and micronutrients and that kind of thing if we apply the humic acid it's basically making all that stuff more efficient making it work as good as it can and we'll top it off with some more concentrate mmm yummy [Music] no trouble whatsoever hurry now use this one my sprayer nozzle assembly so I can cover eight-foot a pass to make spraying pretty efficient ain't spray my 17,000 square foot yard and about twelve or fourteen minutes roughly at about five minutes to refill no issues whatsoever I just sprayed about 8,500 square feet in five minutes or so nephew recently ordered one of these Strom sprayers or my nozzle assembly last month know that they were on a pretty extreme backorder because of the virus but know that they are shipping these things as fast as they possibly can and if you order one now of course they're in stock now if you order one now know that they're shipping the back orders first it might be you know a week or so before you actually get it the shipping just is not as fast as it typically is due to that backorder but know that they're coming and they'll get called up and then the shipping or getting right back to normal it'll be lightning-fast like it always has been now one thing I've learned over the years of using these things is when you're spraying you get some material on the wand and on the cap and it's when when you soon as you get done if you go ahead little water to it and that's it all just come right off and you're good together something else I'll do is I'll rinse the inside of my tank out with water and when I'm using any friendly product meaning you know green punch microgreens green affect humic acid RGS aerate any of those Brinley type products I'll fill it up with water and I'll dump it around a tree and you don't want to do that if you're spraying herbicides okay I don't do that if I'm spraying herbicides let me say that again I'll repeat that process and I have water coming out now obviously you cannot do this during the winter what I'm about to show you but I will leave about a quart of water in my tank in between my applications and that allows me to bleed out the line watch you change colors that way I get all the material out of the pump in the hose and it also keeps it primed for my next use so now ought to come and do is put my next product in for my next application start spraying all right so that's pretty typical that raiment right around us it's sprinkled barely nothing to mount to nothing say even though we've had a lot of rain I'm still watering this humic 12 in I'm running these zones about 15 minutes per zone and that'll be good and the next irrigate are you laughing at get on out of here oh whoa I'm gonna get wet fifteen minutes is own and though I that was my daughter and my wife leaving out a lost train of thought now 15 minutes for zone just enough to wet it and get get the material off the leaf blade and kind of wash it down in there a little bit the next irrigation cycle of the next rain or whatever we'll we'll get it flush then this right here's the compaction tester kind of tells you in a way how hard the ground is and you see it's about 30 to 33 inches deep one hand so I don't deal with compaction issues that comes from years and years but eight years to be exact 9 now of being super consistent on my lawn care program using all the right things at all the right times of the year and this is what you end up with I got longer guys for both warm and cool season and the guides are designed to obviously they're step-by-step tells you what to do when to do how much to do of it the whole nine yards it's thinking gnats are killing me and also the the programs designed to over time it eliminate or get rid of soil compaction because hey the end of the day I think that's the whole problem right it's hard for roots to grow in a block of cement that's a little bit of a rock right there pretty cool say over time if you want to get rid of soil compaction and get rid of that hard ground if you want to feed your turf for high-quality professional grade products and fertilizers and stuff like that you know control disease in the yard fungus take care of the bugs insects the grub worms control weeds in your yard crabgrass and all that kind of thing look in the description I'll link up that warm season and cool season long term guide and of course the cooler seasons for fescue rye bluegrass things like that and then your warm seasons gonna be for Bermudas origin and grasses like that hey I appreciate you second time a your day and watching the video again happy Father's Day man what a privilege and an honor and a joy to be aged dad nothing in the world like it when I was a little cook out here tomorrow my dad and father-in-law and treat him to a steak and that kind of things I got to tidy up and clean up and get the griddle ready to go I made in chopped that bad boy right there and throw it on there st. looking forward to July 4th thank you for watching I'll check you later
Channel: GCI Turf
Views: 78,615
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How I set my yard up for a Lawn Striping Video, Humic Acid, Soil Compaction, striping video, lawn striping video, lawn care, how to, compacted soil, lawn stripes, big league striping roller, striping roller, lawn striping roller, lawn roller, lawn care tips, lawn tips, gci turf, lawn care tips and tricks, lawn care tips for beginners, lawn mower, diy lawn care, clay soil, how to fix soil compaction
Id: hcYAa3GIxP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 58sec (1078 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
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