DIY Dollar Tree 🌲 chandelier Glam & Bling

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hi everybody welcome back to my channel and those of you that are new welcome make sure you like and subscribe at the end of the video so today we're gonna do a bling glam uh chandelier i'm actually gonna put in my room i have one of those rooms that don't have a main light in the a lot of the older houses don't have a main light in their master bedroom so i hanging up over there over my bed i think it'll look really pretty so what we're gonna do i'm gonna list off the stuff we go through and then we'll get into it so i grabbed a dollar tree uh hula hoop it is the smaller ones and i noticed there was a couple different sizes so this one is a 20 inch diameter hula hoop we're gonna use three of the dollar tree fences i've also seen these fences which are similar looking not the exact same but they do are similar in style at dollarama so if you don't have a dollar tree then there's a dollar ramen near you so we're gonna need three of those uh we're actually gonna end up cutting one once we get it back on the hula hoop we are going to use two packs of these they can be bought at dollar tree and dollarama as well i bought some velcro tape it's just um double-sided so how i'm gonna hook the lights on which probably might change when i get to that point but i had an idea that i'm just going to use velcro so every time i need to change the batteries i can just un velcro and velcro it back on i'm going to just use some battery operated uh fairy lights these ones i got at dollarama i got two packs of them i bought these the feathers and i bought three so i believe i'm gonna use three i'm gonna overlap in spots they're quite thin got these at dollar tree but you can get ones at dollarama they're a lot thicker and bushier unfortunately i went to a few stores and they were sold out so there was three of these as well so what we're gonna do i'm actually gonna end up painting painting these white just for a base coat i always hate spray painting over a darker color because sometimes you have to use more spray paint than you need and then it costs more for spray paint than actual paint so what i'm gonna do is i'm actually gonna paint it just with the dollar store paint uh this is actually from dollarama i'm actually gonna paint both sides on the inside and the out doesn't take long to do i've already done a test one of this already so i will show you when it comes to that point i'm actually making two as this video but i'm not going to confuse you so i'm going to stick to the one that uh the white one but the black one that i'm going to do is actually i have a different idea for a gazebo one so i'm making two of them one for my room and one for my gazebo once i get my gazebo up and the snow melts so when i paint this white i did buy this spray paint you can keep it white i just it was more of a chalky look maybe that's the look you're looking for i was actually had different ideas i was actually thinking of putting much once i painted it white do a couple coats and then i was gonna put mod podge on it then i was actually gonna put some silver glitter on it and bling it out but what i actually did and i remembered is i bought some spray paint and it's actually super silver and it was quick drying i bought it at michael's i'm sure you can get at any hardware store i'm i'm not sure if any of the crafting stores down in the u.s carry it but this was the super silver got it at michael's it was on clearance for five dollars never used it until this one so i i just i know it's gonna turn out good and then i don't have the bling in front of me but i thought about putting some diamonds flinging up just certain areas of it just to bring it out more with attaching the feathers around it excuse me so what i'm going to do is i'm going to stop the video i'm going to move everything then we're going to come back and i'm going to show you how to uh how things go okay so what i've done is i'm actually taking i open the i found the spot where it was open so we need to take this oh i'm gonna show you here the first step you're going to take all this stuff off just be careful you don't bend the hula hoop well we don't i don't think you need to see the whole video of me taking that off so i'm just going to show you that oh now it's stuck in here so then you'll just see so what after i get all this paper off the hula hoop i'm actually going to put some e6000 glue and glue it back in but before i do that you're gonna you know how you make that little noise we're gonna do this it's just a little rice take that out and it's all a little rice it makes noise i'm sure well it doesn't look like race i'm not sure what it is but we want to get that out and then glue it back in with e6000 so let me get back to that let me do this off camera and then i will come back and show you the next step okay everybody before we i'm gonna paint them we're gonna take the tags off i just have some pruning scissors don't look at my finger as i was taking the tape off the hula hoop i nicked myself i cut myself okay so what we need to do is we need to take the top part so i'll show you i already did one so what i did was i already took the spikes off three spikes so there's one i'll just show you i think these are just pruned i just do it lightly i just want to make sure you guys see and just kind of do it level you don't want to do it too hard because you don't want it to snap and break so there's one i'm a lefty so i just kind of cut on one side a little bit i'm gonna go back on the other side [Music] again there's two we got one more okay so this is our second one as you can see i just take a little sander you don't won't really see it anyways once you have it on there okay that's the second one now for the third one i'm gonna do the exact same process now with the help of my son i actually held it around the hula hoop so i did a chalk line here so we're gonna cut it off here i left a little bit so once it is fully secured on which we're going to use zip ties um then you might just have to cut it a little bit just to um just to make it a little shorter and to wrap it on now i use the same things these actually i'm gonna use the same ones to cut you might have better i just find these are just a little bit thicker there's the other one okay so where i put the chalk which is right here so i'm just gonna kind of cut there to here so i don't know i'll use this just to show you it's kind of like right there so i am going to cut this part off but leave it there and then we'll see what happens when we get it on if i where i need to trim it i don't like this rope hmm i think i need better i need some cutting shears so i will just trim this off so this will be the three i will just file this trim it a little bit better find some better shears to cut it with but i'll wait till the end to do that when i put it on i will actually do it actually before i put it on but it will be at one point that it kind of connects but it won't be exact aligned but you could you won't notice it all right so what i'm going to do is i'm going to fix this up i'm going to put my paint my white paint my dollar store from dollarama paint on it i'm going to give it a good coat on both sides let it dry which is pretty fast driving drying and then i'm actually going to put the silver silver platinum paint on them so once i'm done that i will come back actually before i do that i will come back with the the hula hoop and that and we'll show you how to attach them with the zip ties okay everybody so i did use the metallic spray paint the pure silver one uh this is what it looks like with nothing on this is actually the edge that i cut off so i did spray it and i actually did it uh on both sides so i will show you i did some bling already i did get some uh glitter stones rhinestones from dollarama which i used i got these ones i believe they're from dollar tree the little thinner ones the bigger ones i did put on uh i'll just show you here let's take this one out of the way i did put the bigger ones on you don't have to worry about too much decorating the top because the feathers are going to cover it so i just did the straight lines along here i don't want to go too overboard but i like the bling i think um on the end points here i'm actually going to put some glitter some silver glitter with modge podge i haven't done that yet but i did it uh just the opposite just the straight lines i think going around curvy might not be as well i also instead of i know a lot of people don't do the inside i've seen a couple of them but nobody's done the inside i did the inside only because if it's going to be over my bed and i look looking up it's going to kind of look plain on the inside when it's circle so i did put smaller ones and i believe those are the ones i got from dollar tree um you i did do the inside just to add a little bit of bling as well i did the same pattern as i did the other side so i'm done too i still have to do the other piece i wanted to show you took me a probably a good over a good hour to do the two and a half plus the back sides of them a little bit more work these little gemstones i believe i got i got them at dollarama which i've seen a few other ladies do in their crafts uh they do sell them in the dollar tree as well not a my dollar tree in canada here i haven't seen them but i'm actually going to glue those in just right in between the little crack around the bottom just to add a little bit more bling and i'm gonna do the actual uh silver mod podge like i said with the glitter also i did the hula hoop i took all that off and i actually spray painted it as well silver but it's you're not really going to see it anyways to add the feathers when you put it over but i just like to keep everything i guess the same color and the same tone so let me finish off i'm going to finish this off the ones i'm just gonna tell you because obviously this one just came off now for whatever reason and it's the smaller one seems sticky so these rhinestones are not moving at all the ones on the back for whatever reason it's the same spray paint on the back this one i actually glued on uh i actually extra glue in there but for whatever reason the little ones in the back don't want us and they're just as sticky i don't know why they're not staying i don't know if it's more rounded in the back or not but you might want to just put on the back when you do do them if you're going to do that on the inside of the chandelier you might just want to put some glue because this one just came off another one so i'm just gonna go over and double check to make sure none of them fall out i know these ones haven't because i already put glue on them but i just wanted to show you the nice beautiful silver finish what it looked like you can use any bling you want it's all up to you you don't have to do the same you can copy remember it's your craft you can do uh you know omit a step that i do it's all up to you we'll be back when i'm all done this and we will start putting it together on the hula hoop and we'll see you shortly okay everybody i'm back so i actually took the black chain and i actually painted it with the metallic silver so it took me a few times to move it around just so i got it totally painted all the chrome silver so i did that i put them together i attached the just over to it two over two and three quarters i'll show you how to attach it to the hula hoop i'm going to use uh i only have really big zip ties i think these ones are going to be too small but we will see i'm going to attach it to it i'm just going to let you know when i was attaching it i had a little problems trying to get the the grooves together so when you're spray painting just be careful that you don't put too much by the attachments because then it's too small to go in but i just took a pen a little tool like this and i just cleaned around so i was able to get it in so let's get it started i'm going to have to stand up so what we're going to do is we're just going to grab the hula hoop and let me see i have a little i'm gonna put this candle and kind of use it as a lift on one side so i'm gonna grab the zip tie let me see if the smaller ones will work these ones were a little bit harder i had other ones that i use that are really good okay i'm gonna try the longer ones even though i'll just have to cut them at the end because these ones are really hard to put on for some reason i'm just gonna grab another candle if you know keep it up like this there we go so i'm gonna move it around so you just keep actually doing this oh these ones are huge just trying to make sure that you guys can see in the camera what i'm doing it doesn't matter how many zip ties if you want to do it tight all the way around because you're going to put the feathers on after sorry i'm just trying to maneuver that so what i'm going to do is i'm going to stop the camera i'm going to put it back on when i get to the section where i cut it so you can i can show you how i over loop it so if you see what i'm i'm doing is just creating attached all the way around so i'm going to do that for the rest but near at the very end where it crosses over and i cut it i'm going to bring it come back and show you that part okay everybody so i did finish attaching the ends and i did i just wanted to show you so this is exactly where i attached it i did cut the side that came that way and one of these that were on this side as well as this one and the other piece that was sticking out so i just wanted to show you that i did just put some zip tie here and one here under the diamond i didn't lift the diamond up here and i just painted it with a little bit of metallic paint that i had so it looks even you can't really notice it i'll notice it because i know it's there but you won't notice it from the naked eye when it's hanging on the ceiling so the next step we're going to do is i bought some velcro strips they're double they're taped on one side so what i'm going to do is i'm actually this is what we're going to put the battery packs on so i'm just going to show you quickly i hope they don't stick they're super sticky so i just sorry and you can't lift them up after because you see what happens they get real so you want to do it all the way down backed onto each other oh my i'm going to trim the sticky part that comes off i did that on the other one just want to go all the way down so there you go so this is how we're going to put on the battery pack because you can just velcro it on so what i'm going to show you here so i just got some battery operated lights i'm actually going to start where there's you want to start an opening that you can velcro it i'm just going to show you here and then you can just cut off the length that you don't need which i'll just end up cutting there so i'm not gonna glue the lights on i did this on the black one but i will show you after the one that i'm gonna hang in my gazebo once the snow is gone so so i'm just going to wrap it and i'm going to go all the way down half half a moon basically i'm going to wrap it all the way around to go to the to the other end and then i'm going to put the battery light on the other side so i'm using two packs doing the same thing with the velcro and do the other side of the half of the moon just so i get an even look on it so i'm going to do that i'm actually going to put the feathers on top i think i'm just going to zip tie them on i have more white zip ties and put that on when i come back i will show you what the finished look is and i'm actually going to do one more step that i'm probably just going to add with hot glue and i'm i think i showed you these little diamonds already you can get them at dollarama and i believe dollar tree in the us i saw somebody posting them um they're just little diamonds and i'm actually just gonna glue them a little feather on them right just right in these little corners here just to add a little bit more bling to it so let me finish this off and i will come back and show you the end product and i will actually show you my wrought iron one that i made for my outside for the gazebo okay everybody we're back i just wanted to come and show you i zip tied the feathers on and i wanted to show you i put the bling i just used hot glue on there i thought it turned out pretty well uh i'm missing a little section that didn't add all the way around but once i see some more boas out there i'm just going to add that little bit on i actually put the chain on using zip tie as well and it's still not even heavy so it turned out really pretty i'm also going to show you the one i made uh out of just the plain black ones which was easy enough to do you follow the same procedure you use the you just put it on a hula hoop as it did the zip tie around i didn't do any bling i just kept it the wrought iron i added the the greens uh all the way around as well i did three different kinds i did this one uh there's this one i'm not even sure what they're called and there's another little one underneath and i did it all the way around exact same thing i zip tied it down then i went and put the flowers as you can see the red flowers all the way around it red's my favorite color so this one's gonna go in the gazebo once we get rid of snow and i can set up the gazebo again oh i forgot to cut these off where they're hanging but exact same exact same style this one's just not as much work as the other bling one but uh i just thought it turned out really well and i wanted to show it just because i think this one both of them are my favorite i don't know i like them they're different different reasons but please like subscribe if you have any comments please comment below thank you for watching and have a great day bye
Channel: The Crafty Shopper
Views: 38,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dollar tree, DIY dollar tree, DIY crafts, DIY glam chandelier, The crafty Shopper, DIY dollarama, DIY home decor, DIY gazebo Chandelier, Dollarama, Dollar tree fences crafts, Bling home decor, DIY bling chandelier, Dollar tree chandelier fence, Dollar tree chandelier, Diy vanity tray, DIY tray, DIY chandelier, Gazebo Chandelier, Dollar tree fences, Dollar tree fence crafts, Fence crafts
Id: ICsjg3tkGZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 12sec (1452 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2021
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