How to make an Outdoor Solar Chandelier

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hello everyone rachel here with rachel's unique crafts and today we're going to be making a chandelier from dollar tree items it's a chandelier that um you can put on your porch your patio anywhere outside no electricity so let's get started i'm gonna turn you down here and i got this wire basket and i bought the wire basket to get the um the chains because it's got a little hook and three chains going around it so i took the chains off set that aside and so here's our chains and it's got little hooks on the bottom okay i got four solar little lights and i painted because mine's gonna be painted white i painted um the little caps white okay so i got four of those and what you do you pull the little tab out so that they will light up in the dark they will need to say they well they just came on see how it came on okay so i've got four of those and i have went ahead and painted all four okay next we're gonna use a splatter um pan from the dollar tree and i painted it white i was gonna make a snowman and i never got around to it for christmas so i pop this little black thingy right here out and then this wire goes um about i don't know maybe two inches or so on each side so i just pulled it out with some pliers it is kind of a challenging to get those out but you can get them out without messing up your splatter um pan next we have this um dollar tree um wreath form that you make grease on so we're going to use that then next i got two of the little garden fences from the dollar tree so let's get started get all these little price tags off and you can snip these off with um different tools i have scissors even used some little garden clippers also but i found my wire cutters work the best because they got a little angle to them so i'm just snipping off and be careful if anyone is in the room with you they don't get slapped with the little flying pieces i did use a knife also on this project and some zip ties so for roughly i mean with the paint now this is um almond i think but i used white on mine and i'm not going to use this can but this is the kind of paint that i used um and i used white so let's get started now i'm putting my splatter pan on the top side of this wreath form i'm going to take my knife and be careful i'm going to put a little hole right here and let's see put the zip tie down i'm trying to think this out here i think it's going to need to go on the second row yes okay second row and it's sliding off i hope everyone is having a great day this is not my original idea i've seen um a couple of crafters do these and they've both done them a little bit different so i put my own little twist to them um just because i wanted it done my way the knife cuts the screen very easily and i'm using white zip ties because i am going to paint my white i have um white patio furniture it was it's wrought iron it was black but last summer i painted it white and i'm loving the white kind of the country you know farmhouse slash shabby shoes look okay let's see i'm not measuring i'm just kind of eyeballing it to kind of put them evenly separated around the ring and i'm using four okay so we have our um screen our um screen pan attached to the wreath form and see how the top part is kind of rounded so the bottom part is kind of like a dip okay so we have that much done now i am going to let's see i'm attaching mine with the top of the the wreath form and the top of the um yeah mesh pan screen uh facing down and the reason why because this has got a dip to it so this is lower on this side where if you flipped it it would be on the top on this side and the reason why i want it to be lower because when i put my light bulbs my um solar lights down in here if you've got them that much lower you can't hardly see them on the top just kind of camouflages it hides it so that's my reasoning for turning it upside down okay so we're gonna take it here and it's got um on the corner it's got a i don't know if you can see it or not it's got a little hole right here in the design and that's where i'm going to start with my zip ties and the reason why i'm using it there is because it will keep it from moving around sliding because if you put the zip tie on this open part the zip tie could slide back and forth where if it's got in that little tiny hole see if you can see it there it's not going to move okay so now we're going to bring it around and start zip tying it to our wreath form i just kind of pull on it and i try to make sure that my little um fastener thing is on the inside of it now you can put as many or or as few zip ties on here as you would like some of those little holes are really small so i just got some of those pliers there to pull them through let's snip that off i'm gonna go around here now you can find these little garden trellis or garden um fence at dollar general but they're a little they seem to need to be a little thicker and they also they're two dollars instead of one dollar and they um are smaller they're not as long so it would take more than just two if you got your little fence from the dollar general instead of the dollar tree okay and this doesn't take really a long time all right now they fasten us if you can see this they fasten into each other on the first one that i did i kept getting one in and the other one would slide out and vice versa it looks like this one is going to do the same thing okay it went in pretty easy okay i'll come back and add more zip ties but just for time's sake i'll hurry along so you don't have to sit here and just watch me do zip ties i think i was pulling on the wreath form instead of the zip tie and if you haven't um subscribe to my channel i would appreciate it if you would hit that subscribe button and that way you'll be notified when i uh upload new videos you'll get notifications hit that like button for me if you like this idea okay now when we come around here i'm going to snip off that little gadget where it connects the two together because we don't need it because it is going to overlap a little bit and i'm going to snip it off of the one up under here also like i said you can use any kind of little gadgets that work for you to get these off um even some good scissors they'll probably be dull when you get through but i did scissors on one see they pop everywhere so just be careful okay so now i'm gonna take a zip tie and put these two together i'm going to put the part where it snaps together up under there so that it's not as noticeable and we're gonna snip this off let's see where i want another one i'm gonna put one down here so that it stays together for the the length of it okay so now this is what it looks like so far that pretty and you could do black um the wreath form is green um and the mesh splatter mesh um is black when you buy or silver i think when you buy it so you could you know paint it all black you could paint on silver you could paint it gold any color um a gold would be real pretty um so now but the lights are even coming on already you see those kind of see if they're on okay um let's start i've just got my knife and i just put it down the hand here and twist it now to make it a little bigger i'll take my wire cutters here just be careful because it is if you've dealt with a brillo pad before you know how the little metal is it will kind of stick in you and it doesn't feel too good so and i just take it and pinch it down and once you get it going you can press it in there usually what it did yesterday okay let's get another little dart that's not what to do so let's take these i don't want to get it too big there we go and it just pops down in there and see uh you're hanging it this way so the sun's coming down and going to recharge this every day when there's sunlight and the light will shine through up under here okay so we need to do let's go straight across and do one over here they're all already on then i'm going to come between here push down all right okay now we've got our chain and i'm going to hook i hope these other ones let's see i'm going to hook on this little bar here got little crossbars and it's got three and i think there's six crossbars so you can do every other one and then you've got your hanging chandelier isn't this adorable for less than ten dollars you gotta buy some paint the paint um i already had paint uh enough to do my first one but the cans of paint are like three something at walmart this is the white one that i did in that pretty and i've already hung it outside and it lights up and it's just beautiful at night it just puts out that little glow of light but you can paint them any color i did use um chalk paint on on the top of these little lights um because chalk paint adheres to metal very very good so that's what i did but so this is the chandelier for outdoors nine dollars plus your paint so if you've already got paint that's you have that done now let me show you a quick quick one that you can do this is out of the dollar general fence it is a little smaller and what i did let's see this one i think i had to use these theirs was a little thicker and smaller but i bought them so i said well i'm going to use them just cut off the little stakes here that you know stick in the ground and then it has big hooks on each end so i'm gonna snip them off and y'all they just go flying everywhere okay i'm gonna have to get these and finish snipping that off okay so it's got four little loops here and what i did was i took it and i bent it on the little four stems and it came around let me snip this a little bit more [Music] and i'm using white you can use black if you're gonna paint paint it black or any other color you can use whatever color that's what i've already used okay let me um do it this way i'm going to go in i'm going in from the middle and coming around so that i can go through each side that way my big part of the zip tie is on the inside of this that way it's when it's painted it's not going to be noticeable okay we're gonna snip that i'm gonna come down here and do another one this one's a lot quicker but it's only going to hold about one of the little lights little solar lights okay now you could turn it up this way and put a candle in it and actually have you a lantern you know that you could just sit on your um your table outside and that may be something that i do but i bought this little um grill topper that you put your vegetables and all in so they don't fall through the grill i bought one for a dollar in dollar general and this was two dollars and there again our little silverlight was a dollar so there's two three and then this made two so um 350 and you're going to have well 450 because you i put a chain on this one also and so you can put um the silver leave the silver light in there let's see how cute and then you just hang it um you can get the um and i didn't use floral wire on this one um you can get the shepherd's poles um i believe you can get them at walmart any of those places um and you know i'm just kind of estimating the size of this this is the longest part of this project right here is just cutting this i just like using these because they are just quicker on this little piece of grill mate here so you don't have to just be here all day okay so i'm guessing i need to go down right [Music] here i have just fell in love with these because they're so cheap you know to make and they're just adorable see i think that one went crooked and i went out a little bit and this helps to to keep it more in a square shape also and once i got this on um yeah there we go it's got a little lip inside um see i think that one does too they have a little lip right here on the top so i just fit that little uh grill platter inside that little um lip okay i've got a little piece of floral wire and just to keep this um from falling out it's not going to be that noticeable i'm going to take it twist it around and just kind of thread it through a little bit just a couple of times on each side that's going to keep that screen from falling through and it's just a nice thin wire so it's not real noticeable and you get it all painted and you'll never pay attention to it you can get the floral wire at walmart or any craft store michael's hobby lobby um any of those places go down go back this little corner here i'm gonna tie this one off i used two on the last one this warm wire i do about two sides i'm just bringing it through the corner there and twisting that end together and then you're just making big loops just like you know sewing a hem or something so when i'm betting on kind of just threading it through this just secures that screen really nice now what i did on the corners i came back and added a zip tie on each corner let me go up through here and tie this off and there's no rhyme or reason to this just just hook it where it's not going to come out come loose it's not something that's going to be played with now these are dollar tree solar lights i've never used them before but i have used the solar lights that you get like from walmart and all and they take batteries here's the thing with the batteries they they may last you a year um and then you got to replace them so the batteries cost more than these little dollar tree um solar lights the batteries are very expensive um i think you get a couple of batteries and they're like you know four dollars so i would rather next year come in and buy you know what is this four eight nine ten spend ten dollars on ten more solar lights and replace them every year and you've still got your chandeliers versus buying the batteries for the expensive solar lights that's just me i've got the nice expensive solar lights around my yard around my front and i will tell you most of them are dead because i don't want to go buy the um expensive batteries to go in them so with these they're a dollar each all you do is go to you know dollar tree every year and or even dollar general has the solar lights for a dollar each so and what i'm doing here is i'm going on each corner and i'll lift it up to show you and just giving it a little bit more [Music] support okay i got one more okay didn't get enough out okay and i'm just going up from the inside again just so that the big part of my zip ties on the inside well this one didn't want to come through all the way so i'm going to take my knife and pull it now i was wondering why it buckling up in there okay tiny quarters down in there okay so see i just went around each one on the edge and put a zip tie and then where it was put together i've got two zip ties on that corner so now you will just take and just make your hole here now this is probably more more so to poke you or cut you than the other so just be very careful when you're doing this step and i'm just pushing them down there okay where's our light here i'm gonna pull this out and see it's already i don't know if you can see it or not with it push these in a little bit all right we need another chain like i said i just got these baskets from the dollar tree just for the chain and actually you could um make a chandelier even on this i would take and turn it up this way and put you a solar light you'd have to do some probably a little um hanging or whatever but you could even do one out of that and i bought these for the little chains these will be cute for pumpkins so i'm not gonna um do away with them i will use them in another project let me know in the comments if you like this idea um if you're gonna try it what you think of it like i said i've seen a couple of crafters that have made some similar but um not exactly like this i used a little different a few different items than they did so i like to get ideas and just kind of put my twist on it um i think one lady she used it but she used her garden trellises the opposite way i'm just trying to think of how this is going to be into a triangle i may need to move one of those around no that that's good see how it hangs and you've got a nice little chandelier and you can hang these anywhere if you've got a a big tree that you know the edge of it if the light gets on hang it there you can hang it on your patio um that's where mine is going i have a concrete patio that um does not have a top on it so but this is our white one this one is finished and it's already been out there on my patio and it lights up and just puts a little glow at night and i just really love it and see you can't the the zip ties they don't stand out so you can't hardly tell that they're even on there so let me know in the comments if you like this idea or if you're gonna give it a try let me get you back up here where i can see um and let me know if y'all like this if you're gonna try it what color you're gonna try um i like the idea of a black one but i painted on my furniture white so i'm gonna do mine in white you could even turn these up and uh you could put the mesh up here and do your light or even do candles do a lanyard um any any kind of little uh way would be so cute i'm just loving this idea and this is the black one see the black one's pretty too and if i hadn't painted this white and painted it black you wouldn't you know wouldn't stand out and then you could have painted your little lights black so i think this is just a wonderful idea for summertime or even winter you know even in the winter i leave all my outside patio stuff out um so we you know i have a fire pit so it's going to be nice to have out there year round so y'all comment let me know if you like this idea let me know if you're going to try it i thank you all for watching please hit the like button if you like it and subscribe so that when i upload more videos you'll get notified i appreciate it thank you all for watching rachel's unique crafts have a good day bye
Channel: Rachel's Unique Crafts
Views: 253,625
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make an outdoor solar chandelier, dollar tree, dollar tree diy, how to make an outdoor chandelier, Rachels unique crafts, outdoor lighting ideas, outdoor lights for patio, outdoor lighting, outdoor chandelier diy, outdoor chandelier solar lights, dollar tree outdoor chandelier, diy outdoor solar chandelier, diy outdoor lighting, outdoor chandelier, solar lighting, backyard lighting ideas, solar lights outdoor garden, easy solar chandelier, easy solar lights
Id: tZCR-ysgs4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 37sec (2377 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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