Dollar Tree 🌳 Jenga Block Arbor Trellises

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hi everybody welcome back to my channel and anybody's new welcome shout out to my friend Gail in Louisiana Stacy in Texas Jazelle from my home City Noel Linda Sharon Gina Sherry Tony and Karen uh hi guys all right so we are going to do another d janga block build uh we're we're going to start off the video a little bit different than I normally do uh we are going to make a template so you're going to get any plate you have in the cupboard now this one moving across is measured at 10.25 in now you can use any size of plate uh the block numbers obviously will change but we're going to make a template so I have a straight B bom here that you want to make sure this is just a piece of Dollar Tree foam board and we're going to flip the p uh the plate over I'm going to stick it about right about there and we're going to just do from right about here and we're going to make a line to right about there I think that's about where I ended up on the last one and you're just using it cuz you want to half move and I went down a little bit too much on one side so that's okay I can kind of just go like flip it over and just realize where my straight edges should be so I'm just going to erase right there you're going to take a ruler and I'm just going to do straight down I am going to place this flat the ruler on the bottom so you make sure you got a straight line and we're going to do that sorry I'm going to flip it this way guys make sure once again it's flat over here and hits the line over here and just like that now with foam board you can't use scissors and I would suggest using an big exacto knife Dollar Tree has these little knives like that mine is not doing too well I need to change the blade I am going to use a bigger one as I go along I'm just going to cut this part out go slow and make sure it's nice and sharp and goes through the the board also make sure whatever you're working on that it has um protects the table or the surface whatever whatever you don't want to cut through and go onto your table or anything like that now that I have it cut out now I'm going to just measure it so what I was trying to say is just keeping the bottom straight when you do make the outline just at the side of the foam board just so you have a straight even Edge on the bottom and I'm just going to show you here from the top it's just over 13 in tall can be 12 in tall it really depends on U how big you want it so I'm going to do the 13 in tall and just move this aside it's only a template and even though we're not using this in the crafts it's just helped to build blocks with it you can always keep this later for a project for um a tombstone for Halloween uh backing of one of a jangle block builds that we do so you always just keep it you don't have to throw it out when you're done I'm just going to quickly go over what we're going to use we aren't going to be using we don't need the L-shaped ruler cuz we're not gluing the blocks straight like that but I did want to mention it just for future builds that you do even if you don't use my video use somebody else's video or you just want to create your own design keeping the blocks nice and straight As you glue them along here really works wonders L-shaped Carpenter ruler you can find it in the hardware section at your DT store my preference of glue is well bond I buy the bigger bottle at Rona L's I got the 420 mil as opposed to the smaller bottle for $ 160 for I think $4 more I get the bigger um bottle and it's over double the size of the small one so better value to get the bigger bottle now you can use the wood glue I did get wood glue from Terry and it is Mia so it's not my area so for until I find that glue cuz I put it in my crazy craft stashing everywhere um I'm going to use it for another builds so I am just going to keep use wbon for this build we are going to be using the tumbling tower blocks I call them jingle blocks they are the smaller blocks from DT they come in two different packages they come in blue this is the older pack and the brown is the newer package now a lot of you have been telling me that dollar tree has lately been coming out with the two-tone ones um I haven't seen them here myself I'm in Canada but for all of you in the US I suggest going to Dollar you can order them if you don't have them in the store maybe you can talk to a manager maybe they can call you when they come in they do sell out fast uh you can get free shipping to your local store but it's only on selected store so it really depends where you live if you sign up with dollar as well sometimes they give you uh 50% off shipping to your home so just be mindful for that all you have to do is sign up for the newsletter on their website and um they'll send you an email out every couple days or a week they send email letting know certain products have come in keeps you informative what's being at the store as well now I played around I had this idea I woke up this morning and I'm like I really just woke up and said this is what I want to do so this is how I started my day with this idea in my head now it's later in the evening and a perfect time the good thing about jangle blocks um is you can make pretty much anything if you guys all followed me before you know what all the stuff we can make and we can still keep making all kinds of different stuff now uh it's similar to my Christmas or sorry my Easter baskets that I did but I wanted to try something a little different similar to um the trellis planter box but I want just a trellis and that's what we're going to do today now the builds I am going to do two of them I'm going to do them two different ways so you can pick either way what style maybe you like better and I'll give you the variety of one being a different color than another just to see what your preference are thank you for all you that have tagged me in some of the crafting groups you guys are also talented sometimes I have to double take I'm like is that my craft uh another thing I wanted to touch base with is um there's a craft group and I'm not going to mention any names I don't mention craft groups on my social media but uh there's a craft group that is taking a mids of the groups are taking people's pictures and posting as their own and so many of you have contacted me and I'm aware of that um my biggest suggestion I think everybody should do it that's any in any of the craft groups is just simply putting your name on your picture when you post it craft groups are going to post it it's not like you're putting a advertising name or anything like that some craft groups do have rules but I suggest everybody putting they're just their name anywhere on your picture of your craft so then if somebody else does post it it won't match to their name because there's lots of that like I said going on in that crafting group and seen a little bit of fights going on and um I just think it's a good idea we're going to start with this and we're going to pick some blocks so I am going to tell you after this build we're going to do two different same idea two different styles and I'm not sure how many blocks I will tell you once we build it cuz I just run with the idea we're start at the very top we're going to put one there we're going to start the sideways One n you know what let's start this one we're going to we're going to do this way I'm going I'm going to put something heavy here cuz I don't want it to move let me just put a block here box so it doesn't move so we're going to start right in the middle you're going to move down similar to the Easter baskets go down just going to keep following on each side to give the arch on the side and you're just going to keep going down now I realize when I'm coming to the bottom I'm going to make sure the bottom is flush and this is the one thing you got to make sure the block on the bottom needs to be flushed to the end so when we stand it upright so try to make in between the little blocks try to make sure it's even on both sides might have to shift some blocks kind of have the spacing kind of even all the way around this one looks a little off I think just like that so we're going to do 1 2 3 4 five 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 so we started with 15 then the next thing we are going to do so we're going to add another layer just give me a second here guys there's some stuff in my glue we're going to add some now I didn't say this at the beginning of my video um I do not suggest using hot Glo whatsoever for any jingle block builds and they don't doesn't last long well Bon's also at um Hobby Lobby thank you Nikki for letting me know that we don't have Hobby Lobby here in Canada so you're going to put some glue just like that and you're just going to place it on right like that just kind of on an angle and you're going to fill the gaps all the way down now the bottom I'm just going to show I'm going to jump down to here you just want to make sure it's straight so I'm going to fill in these ones and I'm going to fill it all the way down to even like like the other side all right so we glued the second layer so the first layer that we started at the very bottom that we just placed down was 15 so the next row on top of it is 14 and we're going to go back around and we're going to do 15 so on the bottom here that's the bottom one sticking out you need to make sure I'm just where's my glue that it needs to be even so if you need to find a ruler or something you know what I'm just going to use I know it's not long enough so you just want to make sure it's straight you're going to put a bit of glue I put more than a bit of glue and you're going to place it the same placement as the block underneath and when you see little glue drips I just wipe them off cuz this is going to be standing so you want to make sure this next row that I have it flush against the bottom one and I'm just going to push it down a little bit to make sure it touches the ruler so that's even with the next block so I'm going to do another row of blocks on top and that should be another 15 all right so we got first row 15 second row 14 and the top one was 15 and we're going to go back again and we're going to do another row of 15 so I'm not just going to keep coming back and forth cuz I think you guys kind of get the pattern the 15 14 15 14 so I will have so we have three rows right now now and I'm going to do seven so we'll end with 15 so 15 14 15 another 14 15 14 15 that makes sense so when I show you sideways you'll know what I'm talking about now that I have the seven rows drawing you can just easily take this out now after realizing that um we're going to need a base and I have an idea what we're going to put it on but I want to have a little bit more stability I don't want to move it right now cuz it is drying also too when you're letting it um putting the glue on just make sure none of them shift cuz sometimes one was shifting over here when I was gluing it so just moved a little bit so just be mindful in between rows would be um helpful if you'll left them for five 5 to 8 minutes per row just to make sure that they don't shift and you keep gluing on them and then they start being awkward so we are going to use the carpenter ruler L-shaped ruler um I want to put a base on here it's going to go on something else that will get to later but I want to while I'm going to let this dry totally overnight with um well Bon it says 24 hours I find within 10 minutes things start to tot toally dry but I want to make sure it's solid because it is a bigger build I have a row of six flat right here and I'm going to add another seven rows for a bottom piece that I am just going to glue it on the ends of the four on each side and leave that overnight all right so I left it overnight to dry and it came out really good as you can see the p and all the way around now I think this one I don't know what's something got on it and I usually try to get put these blocks in a different build so you don't see it I guess I didn't pay attention so the total blocks just for the round trellis part is 102 so we started off with a row 15 then a row 14 a row 15 14 15 14 15 so then you have the four on the bottom that we attached to the base on both sides the bottom itself was a row of six * 7 rows is 42 and then that equals is 144 blocks for this build and you can see it's sturdy so what like I said At The Mention or like I mentioned at the beginning of the video uh patience letting it fully dry is the key um um especially when you're makinging a bigger build so nothing moves or shifts or anything sometimes things will fall apart and if you ever have anything that does fall apart sand off the glue don't glue over top the glue cuz it probably not going to hold now I am going to do two the second build is going to be a little bit different wise with um the blocks but I am going to do this one uh with gel stain and I'm just going to use a dark walnut and this one is from Rona all right so I finished staining it all the way around uh with the base I wanted to do something a little um different it was just a little bit plain and I'm going to add to this build so from 144 blocks we are going to add 12 blocks so the total will be 156 we're going to add a row of six and we're going to put along here and the top just adds a little bit extra support for the top as well because you'll be gluing it on part of the top on one side and we're going to do another one on the back side so it gives it a little bit of a lip on the inside bottom of the base of the trellis all right now that we have it all done I like the little extra on the front and back like I said extra support and just couple things that I want to put on the bottom that has the little lip so nothing falls out um I was going to do these ones Easter and I've decided I'm just going to keep them in general spring craft and I've done so many Easter baskets and stuff like that um I got this at um Dollarama and this wasn't even in the Easter section it was just in the the summer spring Decor I guess you hang it outside uh I really liked it and it wasn't that expensive it was $4 and I thought it was super cute and I was going to hang it outside until I was making this craft and thought this would be perfect to have it hanging inside this trellis so I'm just going to cut it and I'm going to tie it right through the Hoops here and have it hanging probably around right there I think it would look super cute doing that and then on on the outside a lot of trellises that are outside um have um floral on it and I just saw this one uh stem and this was from Dollarama as well my DT doesn't have that many flowers right now and I just really like the colors and I thought it would just make it more pop with the stain and I'm just going to cut it in half and I'm just going to glue them along the edge and I think it's long enough that I can probably do it twice and I'm just going to hot glue them around the edge all right now that I have that glued on um I got one of these stems from uh Dollar Tree the plastic foliage uh I had some from another one that I picked off already just little pieces now you can put little uh hanging pieces I'm going to cut the top a little shorter and just hot glue some I just want some little pieces sticking out to fill around the top on the base right here uh just the DT clipboard shapes of the fence and it just I'm going to cut it shorter and you can just overlap a couple at the end and you can hot glue it right to the bottom once you have your it's straight and I'm going to paint them actually I'm going to do white so I'm going to hot glue those in paint that white get that glued on all right so I got some of the little um piece pieces that I did in the back I just and I did add a few just to fill it up a little bit in between the garland that I put on I do want some that are a little bit longer we are going to fill the bottom but I just feel like a little bit more in the back if you seen my t-u video I did get this one strand um of greenery and I'm just going to just pull them off and I'm going to just add a little bit of extras in the back just hanging looking like long pieces of um of greenery hanging on the back I'm just going to add a hot glue a couple pieces on the back also I just found this bird in my stash that I think I'm just going to stick at just with the colors I just thought it matched with the flowers and I'm just going to hot glue them right up here sitting on top now for the bottom I am just going to use some mod podge and I'm just going to kind of make a design coming outward underneath the swing with the rocks and then on the sides here I'm just going to leave empty until we move on to that step now that I have the Rocks uh just over some top of the Mod Podge even if some of them are a little bit loose it's okay cuz we have that lip on the front and back to keep the rocks in I just want to put in a corner got a little the little pots from um Dollar Tree they come in a three pack and I just have this part of a succulent that I'm just going to stick in there going to stick it right in the corner I don't know why I feel like I need a little plant in there and then the exposed area of the wood here and the wood here I am just going to put some reindeer Moss down now you can use um the little uh green felt fake green grass that comes in the squares if you have that near your store you could do that too I'm just going to put some reindeer Moss down all right so I found a little mushroom and I just just for something to put there you can put little flowers if you want to totally everything can be changed um Dollar Tree has these little welcome signs with the little bike I'm going to take the chains off right here and I'm going to try to cut with wire cutters those little circles off so I can use the bike all right so I did have no problem at all I didn't even have to cut it I just moved it back and forth you probably use Flyers uh the little back part there's still a little piece on there but I didn't even cut the metal it just kind of came off I did touch it up with a little bit of uh Tuscany red and black just because there's some parts of the black on there now you can totally change the color of the bicycle if you want I'm going to leave as is I'm going to glue the front wheel on the front part of the blocks on one side and I'm going to shift the back end of the bike just a little bit [Music] [Music] for Sweet let's start on the white one the second build now all right we're going to start on the second one we're going to change this design of the trellis a little bit different we're going to switch the blocks and we're going to move them we did them the long way or the narrow side outwards we're going to switch it to the side so we're just going to place them like we did the other ones but flat we're just going to go around and it actually will be the exact same number will be 15 blocks I like to start I start here to make sure it's even on both sides the same idea making sure it's level to the bottom of our cutout oops I'm going put this on it so it won't move just making sure you got the right spacing all the way around this um this one here we're not going to uh make a bottom for it we're going to use something else so it kind of gives you a little bit of different options you can mix the first trellis to this trellis switch out options so we have 15 here and then we're going to do 14 15 and we're going to do work our lay layers upwards and I'm going to do um I'm going to do 10 I want to see if the thickness will be enough sticking out only because when you're doing them this way the build was out uh wider on the side when you have the blocks um halfway gluing them flat the build will be skinnier I just want to make sure so I'm going to do a row up to um stack them up until 10 all right so here it is glued I did 11 rows 15 14 15 14 15 14 15 14 15 14 15 the 15 making sure that the outer blocks were the longer than having them short just gives it extra stability on each side so 160 blocks now I was going to do uh a DT tray in it that fits perfectly now the first build because it is wider does not fit in the DT it's just a little bit off it won't sit flat I am going to put a jangle block build on the inside of it so I'm going to opt out but I did want to show you if you're low on blocks maybe you want to just use the tray and use this build I'm going to use uh um same base as the other one except I'm going to glue it on a little bit different we are going to do six rows or seven rows of six so the first row is six all the way down to seven rows so it'll be 42 blocks in total and when you place it on top you won't be able to see cuz the camera's covering it there is amount of space in the front and back because it's a little bit more arrow and that's okay cuz we're going to do just like the other build we're going to add another two rows of six and six once it's glued on you'll be able to put it right on top of the blocks instead of the first build was in front this one will be right on top while this is glued on top and then you can glue this part together now that it's fully dried on you can see what I'm that on the sides of the front of the bottom board now I did this with the Easter baskets uh I tried with the spray paint but I want to do I don't know why I'm showing you that uh just some white DT paint I am going to do two coats of that and then I'm going to go over just with some semi gloss white I find that it's a lot easier especially with the holes in it and it turns out pretty good it doesn't do full coverage unless you do a bunch of layers but we just want to base um white on it and I think it will turn out pretty good all right now that I finished that so I did two coats of the white DT and I did about three three or four coats of the spray paint and I think it turned out pretty good I'm going to flip it this way now I'm going to put some fairy lights and I'm just going to weave it in and out of the holes I order my fairy lights with the thin battery pack from Amazon and I always like getting the batter if you see in the pictures I like getting the ones that have the little extra plastic and you usually can see in the pictures when you order them I just find that they're a lot brighter and instead of just having the straight little wire right to the battery pack I don't know what it is I just find that the ones work better um with the battery or the extra plastic on it and I get 10 for just over $20 and they have the 20 LED lights and I use the color warm I find the white bright is too uh bluish when you are going to glue on the lights I usually just put the battery pack the part where you take the two screws take them out first and then I'll just hot glue it down like that so if you need to open it up you can just open it like that and change the batteries when you need to then you're just going to Loop it and I'm just going to show you here I'm just going to hot glue the battery pack and I'm just going to keep the lights more to the top and just go like that for actually I'm just going to go like that and we we're going to conceal it after and then I'm just going to bring it out and I'm just going to weave it in along the lines back and forth until I'm done putting uh the last part of the fairy lights on all right now that I have it glued on I actually put the battery pack on on the side as you can see here The Greenery is going to be over so it is going to cover it um I'm going to do some Greenery on it I got these it just says plastic Greenery grass from Dollar Tree and I'm just going to take this off and you can put anything on there you can put flowers around it more greeny I'm going to do some Greenery these stems are pretty uh pretty thick I think there's five in total I've already cut some off already there's two then I going to show you you might have to cut them shorter so I have a bunch of these I have uh six B C's uh stems all together and I'm going to show you sorry I got six of these so I don't know if I'm going to use all of them but I'm going to cut all these off and the best way to do it and there's always one longer one oh this one's about a little bit longer the longest one you're just going to bend it I'm going to hang it so the back of the uh sorry trellis is and you're just going to hot glue it right on just like that and then some of the side ones exact same idea you can hot glue it right in but when it's sitting straight like that there's the one main piece holding it all together just kind of bend it so when you just hook it in glue it it goes nicely down the side I think I'm only going to go to about here and I'm going to do all the way around the top and the back all right so I left the top part open like that you can see I just did it down to about 3/4 down and I didn't put the back on yet uh as I was building or as I was gluing on the greenery I was going to do a bench sitting at the bottom and then I totally thought to myself that why don't we do a hanging bench and I was like okay you know what we can do that and so even if you did use the tray the hanging bench cuz originally I thought I would didn't want the lip being so deep in that tray for DT so you can still use that tray and use the hanging bench so the hanging bench uh the bench itself is only going to be 35 blocks and we are going to start with the back of the top of the Swing bench I guess we should call it so you're going to put four blocks you're going to glue them like such you got four blocks there then you're going to glue a block on top oh there's something there I don't know there's something here there's a pieces fluff going to glue piece right there I'm just going to move this out the way going to add another piece you're not going to put in the middle you're going to kind of do it over a little bit one piece directly in the middle there and then just kind of figure out right there just make sure the spacing is a little bit even in between these two and right there so we got the four five blocks then you're going to add four four more blocks just to the top and you're just going to glue it right on like that and just like that that's going to be the back part so that total there is 13 I'm just going move this one out way and then the base I already had done cuz it was in my part of glued blocks never used used it for part of a project so this is going to be the the seat of the swing and we're going to do four four four and four so that's 16 then you're going to grab three blocks and you're going to just glue them just like that on the side the white the thicker part and you're going to need three and three so you're going to be six so that's a total of 35 blocks now I do have a glued on the other side so so you're going to grab the base of this of the Swing seat swing you're going to grab your one piece that's dry and you're going to glue it right on top just like that and you're going to glue the arms the three and three right on top right to the back and right on each side just like that now when I was doing it you could put the little arm out but um when I put when we put it hanging it's going to catch on the arm if that makes sense and it will make the arm I'll show you when we get to that part but we're just going to glue this together and I'm just going to go ahead and paint it white before we attach the swing I want to actually do something on the bottom of the trellis I'm just going to move it like this oops I'm just going to move the camera down a bit on the bottom here I'm just going to put Place some rocks I'm just going to paint some Mod Podge down on the bottom in the front and I'm just going to hot glue some reindeer moss in the back and then we're going to glue the the swing on all right so this is painted excuse me um I want to do a cushion on it I just don't want to leave it all white I just cut out a piece of cardboard I made sure it was a little bit smaller on both sides just to accommodate material um I didn't have any stuffing so I am just going to use some hot glue and I have some white fur from DT just a piece will be my uh my stuffing it's a little bit thicker grabbed a piece of material from Dollar Tree cut it out according to size and I'm just going to do it right there I don't feel like my hot glue is my glue gun is hot enough and let me see I'm just going to hot glue so we're going to make a little uh a little I guess seat pad for it okay I'm just going to hot glue you can also sew if you're great at sewing you can also sew some stuff you can sew it on maybe you have stuffing I just thought the little um fur was good enough to have a little seat that it's gives it a little bit of little padding to it now I'm just going to cut the extra off I'm going to cut a little bit on the corners now you can also instead of doing a seat cushion you could also do uh cushions that's another option just going to I want to just glue this down a little bit more make sure this is tight there and this kind of reminds me of wrapping the bottom part underneath that's the top just going to stick it right in there you know when you're wrapping gifts and you're trying to get a nice straight edge before you put the glue on and you're just going to flip it over and it's going to stick all over my nails you're going to do that for the EXA other side I might have to glue that a little bit of that corner down so make sure it's nice and flat it's a little bit more than the other and then once we get this part done we are going to add the thing for to hang the um the bench and you want to make sure that when you're cutting this that you do cut it shorter so you make sure it fits and it fits just like that all right so I'm going to move this over so I thought about a bunch of different things that we could use as chains there's if you can't find anything like these these are just glass cords and they come in different styles you could use juk rope um you use string it's really up to you I just thought I really wanted the look with the silver the silver chain look and they're actually perfect that you don't even need to cut them or anything like that just going to move this over here and I already have one in here I'm going to turn this sideways like this oh yeah no my rocks I didn't glue all of them all the way down that's okay little lip keeps in there actually I'm going to show you here so this is the center then you have you see the little holes here then there's another Center holes another Center of holes and then I put them on the fourth row of holes here on the front and and right on oops sorry guys right on the back here right there on that side then I'm going to do the same thing so one 2 3 4 and you do this before you put on your Greenery that's why I stopped thinking that I wanted to do the basket so and it just goes right in the hole there much easier if you don't have the greenery on it I'm going stick it right in there and then I'm going to do it right at the front so it's going to go underneath so I'm going to have to lift this Greenery and I'm just going to switch the view of my camera all right now that I have both the eyeglass uh chains here I'm going to start with the back now you're going to take the bottom and you're going to glue it right on the back right like that so I'm going to do that you're probably going to have to hold it on for a minute or so actually I'm going to move it down going add another piece want I get that whole piece okay we're going to try this again we're going to do the back first so do you see top part there then I'm going to need a little bit more hot glue for the other I think that should work then we're going to grab the other side of it and we're going to do the exact same thing make sure I grab that so when you do the back first before you do the front you can just make sure that it's even so the one side doesn't flop forward or backwards and after I actually glue this on I'm just going to paint a little bit of well bond right over the hot glue and right over the little components here to make sure that it seals properly so there we go we have that one let's see that one fell off don't do hot glue over hot glue I'm going to pick this off now that we have both of the eyeg glass chains on each side I did glue one already and I'm going to show you right here there's a bit of the whole plastic piece right on hot glued sideways we're going to do the same for the back we're going to do the back first I'm going to do it here guys just give me a sec so if you do the back first then you're going to do the balancing out afterwards just make sure that I'm just going to hold it here for a second once I do get all four on four on glued on I am going to actually just paint some well Bon right over the hot glue and the little uh plastic in the metal thing here just for some extra support that should be good now okay so I'm going to have to pull this I think pull this one up and this is why I didn't want to have the little lip hanging over so you make sure that this and it looks like that's going to go right there you're just got to play with the chain move it up or down I'm just going to do some you can glue it on ouch then you're going to do that with the other side the little tricky part right right on before I play around and move them I don't want to cuz that one's still drying so you're just going to have to play around with the top part and just make sure as you go along and just like that so you have it hanging and then we can just put the little pad in there once we're done now earlier did say that I'm going to just move the camera again oops up here I am just going to fill some more Greenery and I am just going to stick like I said earlier some Greenery in the back all right um I want to add some color in there just cuz it's really really green all the way down and I did find some of these piics that I have um that were in one stem and I end up cutting them but I think I'm just GNA pull these off and I'm gonna add a little pink only because we have that in the cushion for the swing also too sometimes you might have little pieces you could stick in little bare spots and I'm just going to hot glue these in randomly uh throughout the top and both sides all right so I am finished and I just wanted to show you I just added a little bird that I had in my little animals box that I keep of animals that I have and on the bottom I actually switched out my rocks to be full kind of a rectangular with a little bit of green on the side and I just added a little flowers with some reindeer moss on the side just to give a little touch now on the back of the bench I just hot glued the chain there just so the chain kept coming on the side and it just holds it in place better nice and balanced so here what it looks like all done with the flowers mixed in with the other Greenery you can see the lights it's a little bright in here so it's hard to see all lit up then you got the little flowers on the bottom and I thought I'd share this one again just so we could have one more peek you can always come to my Facebook page The Crafty Shopper and have a closer view of all my builds plus if you want to meet a craft I do have a post just search it up maybe you'll find somebody in your area that likes to craft just as much as you do please give me a thumbs up and let me know which one you like better happy crafting see you soon bye
Channel: The Crafty Shopper
Views: 13,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Crafty Shopper, Jenga block crafts, Tumbling tower crafts, Jenga block trellises, Tumbling tower trellises, Dollar tree jenga block trellises, Dollar tree diy, Spring crafts, Jenga Block spring crafts, Home decor, Spring home decor, Dollar tree arbor trellises, Debbie Hawn, Spring crafts 2024
Id: S-gS-J2PJQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 19sec (3019 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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