Dollar Tree 🌲 Jenga Block Christmas Tree Manger

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hello welcome back to my channel and anybody that's new welcome my name is Debbie I'm the crafty shopper today we are going to do a Manger using a Dollar Tree jangle blocks you can find them in the kids section uh you can order them online if you're in the US some I've heard from some you can order a minimum of three some I've heard you had to order a case uh if you sign up with the dollar website they do offer 50% off shipping to your home keep an eye out for that you sign up for the newsletter and I get them every especially in this time of year I find that they send out every other week they're sending out a coupon you could also make friends with the manager any of the stuff usually they're pretty good I've locked out here in Canada we can't order online but uh whenever I'm looking for something I'm they're able to save it for me when uh when it comes in and I grab it right away so you know you could also talk to the DT staff if you're having a hard time uh finding any um next thing we're going to go on to is the glue I suggest only using wood glue I do use well Buon I have other Crafters that use the Dollar Tree wood glue I've never seen it in any of my stores so I'm just assuming it's not in Canada only on the US side this can be bought at Rona or Lowe's uh here in Canada as well in the US I've heard heard from fellow crafter Nikki she says you can buy it at Hobby Lobby in the US I do not suggest using any hot glue uh glueing your blocks cuz they don't seal properly when you put them together and if you do have L glue that does stick out between the cracks it is hard to pull off and sometimes I do use hot glue but it's only to glue a piece or two or just um making an existing um uh I guess putting two crafts together and just using a little bit for hold but I would not suggest using it on a build it will last longer if you use the proper glue I use the L shape CU it reminds me of an L ruler you can find that in the hardware section at DT um they're really good for keeping your blocks when you are gluing them together this build will be flat there'll be no stacked blocks what I mean by that is they're all going to be flat glued flat like this I do pregl glue pieces of my builds together so the video is not very long when I say stacked it's just putting the blocks like this if you watched my past videos I usually say stacked is like that but that's not for this video but I just thought I'd mention that we're going to move on to the base and this build is going to be 207 blocks I always suggest um watching the whole video because sometimes through the video I this creation I kind of build it as we go I do have an idea sometimes I do alter it a little bit but for now it's 207 blocks and I'm just going to I'm hiding this so you we it won't look so confusing um I do suggest getting a pen and paper and this is what I do for all my builds plus I'm recording just to let you guys know and writing down the numbers maybe a little note I'm just writing say for example this is the base what's under here and then I just uh put the numbers down and it just keeps your idea when we're talking about a lot of numbers with counting blocks uh just to keep it fresh in your head so you're not having to watch the video over and over again so we're going to start with the first row and it's 15 flat so you're going to glue 15 flat here another row of 15 flat and one more row of 15 flat as you can see here I'm going to move this out of the way so that's the base and we're just I'm just going to show you one [Music] side so we're going to start with one of the sides it's going to look like a Christmas tree uh well the shape of it anyways the ne the next side this first row we're going to do for one of the sides is 27 27 flat another row of 27 flat and another row of 27 flat that's three rows of 27 which is 81 and you're going to need two of these next thing we are going to do I'm going to put the base here now you are going to line up the blocks going to put some glue here well bone half on this [Music] side and you're going to bring it like this and then it's going to go straight up until you can make sure that you just see that it's even not leaning one side to more to the next and then you're going to just pour some I know this is off a little bit I don't want to stick my head under the camera just want to make sure that it's the base is touching straight and then you're going to just pour some well bond glue there and then you're going to leave it at least for 6 to 8 hours before you move it so now that I left this overnight I just want to touch base with you so it is solid as you can see you will have just a little bit of movement and that's only because the the blocks like you can see here but it is solid to stand on its own now once I left it for about 6 hours yesterday before bed I did flip it over and I'm just going to show you here right in the cracks because it's not flush because it's on an angle underneath I actually just put some well bond in extra in the cracks here and I also painted some extra glue just with the paintbrush right on the insides of the lines I didn't do the top I actually underneath I did on top here just an extra line of glue you might see and be able to see the shininess now that we have that done and then I left that over overnight so it is solid um going to use some gel stain this is just from Rona it's just some dark walnut you can paint it whatever color you want you could use DT paint if you do use the paint just make sure you double check before you do glue it together that you don't have a lot of glue stains on it um I do have a couple on there that I didn't file off but we are going to add some stuff to it once it is stain so it's not going to be so visible on the sides so the next thing we're going to do is we're going to grab a piece of black form board I have it underneath already I caught a smaller piece it was just too big for my area right here and you're just going to use a TR uh chalk when you you uh trace it on the side on both sides I did at the bottom of the um at the foam board it level here so then I don't have to cut the bottom part out so when you take it apart here all you have to do is cut around here you will cut in a little bit um a little bit more into the lines about probably a/4 to a half inch prior going all the way around just because when you do put the chalk on the side of the board you're doing a little bit more out of the border now when you actually Trace with chalk the best thing why I like using chalk is because once you have it on the side you can just rub it off and it comes off easily you just damp it a little bit and it will just come off as opposed to using a black marker that you will get on the edge or anything like that and I've always just like using chalk when I'm tracing cuz it's just easy enough to get off and then you're going to use an xacto knife to cut this out do not use scissors cuz it won't work out really well and it'll make it really clumpy all right I just wanted to show you so now that we have that done we're not going to do anything with this one just yet only because I am throwing a few ideas around I wanted to get it cut first before we started adding the green to the sides and it would be much easier to cut it out before you put the greens on otherwise if the greens are on you're not going to get a better cut than that move that out of the way now I've been to Dollar Tree I didn't really find anything uh Garland they just had this Garland I wanted something a little different more looking like tree branches um maybe your DT has some Garland mine didn't have a big selection I went to three I went to our other store called Dollarama and they had this but I've plucked things off already I already took everything off as you can see the little stems here so I took a bunch of these off the edges and then I just cut them down a little bit shorter I will keep these and the pine cones for another craft but I really loved how the look of these were and that's exactly what I was looking for couple dollars more but well worth what I wanted now cutting them down on both sides of the tree this is the top of the tree it's a little bit angled because I'm trying to show it side ways than the other way I'm going to start gluing just hot glue and I'm going to hot glue them down flat even with the even where that's a little bit bumpy and I'm just going to keep going down along the side just like that that's why I wasn't really worried about the glue Mark showing cuz it's just going to be concealed a little bit with all the green going down I'm just going to hot glue those just all the way down and I did Count I did have enough so on the one Garland I think it was 450 and I end up having over 31 of these little stems on here so it'll work out just perfect and I'm just going to keep going down and just like this and finish with another two once it's in place and I'm going to do both sides now that I finished it I did put some on the front edge of the tree I didn't do the bottom yet but I think I might do the bottom I haven't decided we'll see when I move along I end up gluing them on more of a fuller effect than I thought I would I did leave this spot open to place a star you can put an angel even a bow I haven't decided yet as I'm building it with you guys I did find these in my stash and I wanted to show you uh you could find more of these floral piics at DT I think they come I don't know if it's three or five in a pack maybe somebody can let me know in the comments so others can find out as well I only had three on hand so I'm not sure if it was three or five um but you could cut these stems off and use the longer stem as well when you're putting them on because I did end up cutting these um separately instead of putting it on in the three shape like a foot style I end up just cutting them separately and I know I said I wasn't going to um add more blocks but this is I build with you guys when I'm making my design so I do have an idea but sometimes I do switch it up and this is going to be one of these videos that um I'm going to add some more blocks now you're like where are we going to add these blocks with the backing that we cut out already and I'm trying to find it here you can totally do it I thought about different scenarios of things I wanted in the back and I don't know I went through a bunch of my head and I just I I don't know it just doesn't feel right for me maybe you can think of something creative I thought about putting Maybe music notes like The Old Rugged Cross there's a bunch of different things um I just played around and I actually had the printed music sheets and everything they weren't big enough I'd have to alter it a bit but it still just didn't feel right then I add was playing around with some blocks I'm like how can I add blocks without cutting them and to add a backing with the block so it Blends in with the side being uh more of The Rustic Vibe so to speak so what we are going to do and it's probably not going to be the we're going to take we're going to add 30 blocks we're going to do two rows of five five and five and they're going to be flat going to stick that right on the bottom right here I'm just going to make sure that we're getting this in the video then we're we're going to add another two rows of four and four and stick that and when you're sticking them in you're just going to make sure you put it at the lowest point of the bottom row where it's just about to stick out and you're going to glue them on but you're going to turn it over when you glue it on I'll show you what I mean another two rows of three that's six and they should all evenly SPAC out with the rows and you'll know when you do it upside down I'm going to show you how you're going to glue it that's going to be easier than doing it this way but I just wanted to show you from the camera another two rows of two which we're going to go here I think this one can move down a bit and then uh just one and one so an extra two and I think this is what my idea trying to create this so they will be evenly spaced all the way down we are going to stain them I am going to do the chestnut like I did the original part but when you're gluing them on you can just turn it upside down like that and you're just going to make sure that as you I'm going to move this just a little bit up there when you're gluing them on that they're even and you're just going to put your dabs on and it can stick out a little bit cuz it's going to be painted the stained color so it's going to blend in the back and you're just going to glue them on like this and I'm just going to glue them on it's getting late here so I'm just going to let them glue on overnight and they should be evenly placed as you go along you're just making sure that the widest point on the bottom hits here here even if it sticks out in the corner that's a bit and if you want to cut them that's great too I'm not going to go through that effort of cutting them and just like that and you can glue them after you stain them um overnight now we're going to add lights in it I'm going to add these fairy lights oh they're stuck here these ones are from Amazon they're just the 10 lights on them sometimes I put 20 and these ones I'm just going to use the 10 you're going to glue the one side of the battery pack and it's going to be on this side here just that you can open it to change the battery if you need to and I'm going to glue it at the back side on the bottom part of the back where we I'm going to turn it this way just going to stick it under there and I got 10 so I'm going to put the top of the point which would be five on each side and then I'm just going to hot glue it right in the back part of the tree and glue it all the way down the sides and out as much as it comes whatever I have left with it all the way down on both sides all right we're going to put some um I got this mini tree topper from Dollar Tree uh just snapped off the end with my wire cutters I am I'm just going to make sure this is in the camera going to glue it right on top right like that just go with the gold I had this lifting up on one side because of the battery pack on here now on the back top of the wood in the back and the lights turned out really good and I'm going to show you they were pretty even too and just the way it worked with putting it up in the middle part at the top here just it went the five on each side I just left these ones in the back near the bottom so I'm going to take some more leaves I'm glad I got the extra Garland and I'm just going to glue them like I did on the side here but I am just going to glue them so it conceals the top of the wood it gives a little bit more green to the back of this tree this slash manger stable um we're just going to glue them right on top of there so I'm just going to do I'm not going to do the very top one I don't think you can't really see it much in the corner but I am going to do the bottom here and the best thing about that and I'm just going to shut the lights off here is that on the back here it's just going to actually I will do the top I am they're going to conceal just the top part and blend in just because it is uh let's see you can see the board sticking out just a little bit so I'll just blend more into the back of it so the backing turned out really well just right on top I'll flip it over and just show you just one on each side now I'm just going to move this so we're going to do a base on it we're going to grab one of these uh crates from Dollar Tree excuse me Dollar Tree has the nautical rope now this one is with the thicker diameter and this is the 2.3 M I was going to paint this but um I'm just going to totally cover it and I'm going to make sure that it can't you can't see the the crate underneath and what I'm going to do is well I'm going to do that I'm just going to wrap it so this is is going to be where the tree sits on and I'm just going to hot glue I'm going to take that wrapper off I'm going to start at the back so you don't see the seams where you glue it on and you just want to make sure that it's nice and tight as you go all the way around and wrap it until you can't see the crate anymore now that I have it done all the way around there's a little part here and it dips in that's fine you're not going to see that little top part there I'm just going to use some well Bon and glue it right on top now on the inside of the manger where I'm going to put right here we got my little figurines I was able to get some like I did last year when I did my other jangle block manger um these ones are from Dollarama they're $4 they're quite pricey I tried looking online too and I find that they're very hard to find now if any of you watching if you've seen these little figurines especially with my friends in the US because these are from Dollar I here in another dollar store which is similar to Dollar Tree please post in the comments where you've seen maybe the figurines if someone's having a hard time finding them I know Dollar Tree here does not have these at all I don't think I've ever seen any any of the some of the crafting groups I've never seen that they're from Dollar Tree but maybe Dollar Tree plus Dollar General um maybe some of the other local Source Family Dollar Hobby Lobby just comment below and everybody check if you're looking for the figurines maybe you'll be able to find some someone to let you know so I have the three here Mary Joseph and Jesus and I'm just going to use place them on the bottom part of the tree and I'm just going to use some Spanish moss around them I am just going to hot glue them on and just spread out some Spanish moss once I'm do do that I will turn the camera around and we'll show you what it looks like finished all right guys this is it I know you got to see all the background hiding behind that board is a big mess of my crafting supplies anyway so we have the star up there and just down I think it turned out really well so there's the rope and I just really liked it how it turned out I did add the green around the tree I wasn't going to but then afterwards looking it I think it just actually made it uh made just completed the project I wanted to thank everybody that commented I'm surprised my Channel's reached as far as it has I did start um a craft buddy post on my Facebook The Crafty Shopper if you're looking for a craft buddy please head on over look through the comments maybe you'll find a neighbor or friend that lives near you or you can talk to anybody uh on Facebook Messenger as well thank you for watching happy crafting and see you soon bye
Channel: The Crafty Shopper
Views: 4,724
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dollar tree crafts, Dollar tree Christmas crafts, Nativity scene, Dollar tree manger, Dollar tree diy, Jesus crafts, Dollar Tree jenga block crafts, Dollar tree jenga block Christmas tree manger, Tumbling tower crafts, DIY, Christmas diy, Jenga block nativity scene, Jenga block manger, Manger crafts, Dollar tree jenga block crafts, Tumbling tower manger
Id: 4CmOGhM4_uQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 27sec (1407 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 19 2023
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