Dollar Tree DIY Lighted Chandelier

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hello everyone Daniel Walcott here but we're going to be making a do-it-yourself lighted chandelier that I'm very very anxious to share with you how many times have you looked on these wedding sites and on these in these bridal pots when you see these lovely chandeliers with these zooming crystals just hanging with the light just ever so delicately reflecting off of them well today I'm going to show you how to make one of these chandeliers for yourself using mostly about ninety percent dollar tree materials with of course some crystals that you will have to get elsewhere I will place those links in the description box below but without any further ado let's get started for this project you will need four of these candle holders you will also need two of these LED push lights you will need one of these decorative plastic platters and one of these decorative glass bowls you will need a roll of bling wrap and all of these aforementioned items came from the Dollar Tree you will also need an assortment of crystal garlands I'm working with two decorative types today and I will place those links in the description box below and of course you'll need flowers any color scheme of your choosing you will need of course your handy dandy tools and for this project we will be working with a soldering gun that is going to help us to poke the holes in the plastic using this sharp attachment alright let's get cracking so the first thing we're going to do is a fix our candle holder excuse me to our glass bowl and the reason why we're doing this is we're going to be creating a base for our chandelier to stand and so the first thing that we have to do is a fix one of these glass candle holders to this beautiful decorative Bowl and we're going to do this by using e6000 glue only that means my darlings that we are going to or you are going to when you're recreating this have to work on this project in stages in order to give that glue a chance to dry and so just using my e6000 glue I'm going to fix this right at the crown of that bowl of course having turned it over and once I have done so and found my placement I am going to set this portion of our base on the side to dry and I will give it anywhere from 12 to 24 hours then the next thing we're going to do is take these two candle holders which is going to be again a part of our chandelier and I'm going to fix those two together and then that other one I'm going to place on top of the candlestick that we're waiting to dry that is on top of that bowl and so again just going in only with the e6000 glue setting the other candlestick upside down on top of it making sure by using the beveled edges that those two candlesticks are lined up congruently exactly alike and then we're going to set those two candlesticks to dry the third one we're going to wait until that bowl is dry so we can fix all of them together and so the next thing that we're going to do in preparing for our lighted chandelier is we're going to make some holes in that little decorative lip of our platter and to do this I am going to be using my brand-spanking-new soldering gun that online and I'll be sure to leave that in the description box for you and so just making sure that that soldering gun has turned on I have mine set to 350 degrees and I'm using the pointed attachment that came with it all I'm gonna do is following the pattern that is already on that lip I'm just going to poke holes and as you can see like butter it is a very smooth process and just continuing this process going all the way around until I have continued and made all the holes I needed - coming right back around on the backside and if you can see my holes are nice and situated alright so now that we have made our holes what we're going to do now is a fix our crystal garland to that platter and as you can see here I'm going in with alternating patterns and to do this of course I pre measured and I realized that I needed only 21 gems to get the length that I needed now note I did not count the Rings that attach these gems together I only counted the gems itself and so alternating them one pattern the next pattern one pattern the next pattern until I got all of the crystal garlands that I needed and now just going in making sure to use your nails to open those rings as best as you could I promise you it is an easy process once you figure out your style or once you figure out how you're going to get it done eventually I did but at the cost of my two thumbnails but it's okay I got it done and all we going to do is continue around the circumference of that platter until we have affixed all of our crystal garlands I'm going to continue working and then I'll come back to show you what that looks like alright so here we have the top of our chandelier with all of our crystal garlands now what we are going to do here now is turn this platter upside down over on itself now mind you because we're working with rings some of those crystal garlands will or may tangle up one on the other but that's okay it's very easy to untangle them but what we're going to be doing now is placing our push lights this is the mechanism that is going to give our chandelier that elegant luxurious l-e-d light that we see so often in these commercial lights that they sell for what two three four five hundred dollars and up and so just going in with my bling wrap to make sure that these lights are just not underneath there you know doing nothing we got to fix it up a little bit decorate it a little bit so that we're working with a complete project I'm just going in with my e6000 glue and I'm going around the circumference of that light to make sure that if that light is visible it too is seamless and it fits with the decor of this chandelier once we have a fixed up bling wrap down or around rather that light then we will fix those lights to the inside or underneath of our platter and if you have not worked with these push lights before you may not know but they come with an adhesive that's already stuck to it kind of like double sided tape for my teachers if you know and you just peel that off and you stick that to the plastic container now if you want to make this in more permanent fix you could also go in with some e6000 glue and what I'm going to show you that even though you peel and you um fix that light to that plastic you still will have accessibility to your batteries so you will be able to change your batteries out once they die or if they I and this project will last you a long time and so if you see here I am going to turn them on show you that they work and then I'm going to show you what one of them how is just quickly a turn if you notice the back stays the top half of it comes off with the batteries pop those batteries out put some more batteries and lock it back in place and there you go so our chandelier is now lighted now what we're going to do here now is complete our base and stem for our chandelier and as I promised you we are now going to take that one candle holder that was left out like the cheese the cheese stands alone and we are going to glue him to his partner using e6000 glue and just a little bit of hot glue so that we can continue working if you're doing this project at home I would recommend only using the e6000 glue because sometimes what the hot glue done is allow your glass maybe to get crooked if it is not squeezed all the way together and so now that we have placed that lonely kind of holder with its partner we're going to go in with our second set of candle holders and place them on top of the first two that are already there and then once we have done that what we're going to do is yep you guessed it put those or that base that foundation on the side so that it can dry and like I said I would possibly leave it for maybe about a good 12 to 24 hours the longer you leave a 24 to 48 hours the stronger that bond will get but for my purposes I'm just going in with some e6000 glue and some hot glue to ensure that I can continue filming the video and completing this project of course for you to see and once we have a fixed those candle holders all together it is just a matter of waiting for them to dry so that we can continue so now what we're going to do I'm going to be giving you one option with which you can use this project I actually made two of these as I'm preparing for an event that's coming up I have to make five of these for that event but what I'm going to do now is I'm going to show you how you can fix flowers to this using your floral sponge but not making it necessary a permanent fix and so what I'm gonna do here now is I'm going to go in with some velcro strips that I got from Lowe's I believe it is and these velcro strips luckily have adhesive on the back of them so really all you have to do is put down your velcro strips one on either side one on your platter and the corresponding side on your floral foam and then what you can do is as you will see me do you will be able to place your flowers on it for an event if you so choose to use flowers one time if you wanted to do something different the next time you could because all you would have to do pull your flowers out pull your floral foam off take your velcro strips off put them back on the little piece of plastic that I'm taking them off now as you can see and you can go in with another idea so this project is very versatile and in the outro you will see one with flowers and of course one without flowers and so now that I have affixed my velcro pieces I am going to show you that once you place it down it is set it is stuck now yes put a little bit super fucker and so they came right off the velcro stayed attached to the velcro and the adhesive came off of the foam but my darling it is a good thing because it shows you that this is not a permanent fix it's not going to stay attached to your floral foam and that floral foam will be able to be reused time and time again and so just continuing this process with that one and going in with its partner on the other side just using those velcro strips to do the same thing so that we will have a full base with which we can affixed those lovely beautiful flowers that we got from Hobby Lobby of course if you wanted to make this an entire Dollar Tree DIY you could get your flowers from there but again as soon as I saw these flowers I just knew what I had to do with them and so just continuing this process as I go putting them down but I just want to show you how easy this process is so that you can know that it is not going to be a permanent fix and you will be able to go in and change things up as you see fit if you wanted to have another topper on your chandelier and here we go and there is the base for your flowers and then once I do that I'm going to start placing my flowers look at how lovely and beautiful and large those roses are and then I'm just going to continue this process as I go around the base of that floral foam and then continue to Center the top and the sides alright so here is our floral base or sorry our floral arrangement on top of our shine there and so I'm just going in with my 6,000 glue preparing adhesive for where the top of our chandelier is going to sit and then I'm going to ever so carefully fill it those acrylic gems to make sure that they're not getting stuck on that glue and all I'm doing now is finding my placement making sure that the top of the chandelier is sitting flush right smack in the middle of that base and it might take some time because I'm working upside-down but once I have found my placement what I'm going to do is press it down a little bit adding some pressure to it to insure that it's going to stay in place right where it's said and so now what I'm going to do is clean this up get rid of my glue fronds and then I'll be back to show you guys the finished project so here it is my Danny's darlings our completed project Here I am I'm showing you two options the one that we just created with the flowers on top and this second one or rather the first one I created that I have left to its own devices so here you can see you are able to decorate these chandeliers as you see fit or even just leave the chandelier in its natural form allowing it to stand in its beauty for itself and so as you can see our chandeliers are turned on there is light coming from our two LED lights that we are fixed to our plastic platter and what I also did after I thought about it I took another one of those LED lights and I placed it underneath that glass bowl so you have light shining from above you have light shining up from below and then all of those crystals are reflecting that beautiful light I mean these pieces are simply gorgeous I must say I think this is one of the my favorite project that I have done this far listen you tell me what would you do with these chandeliers would you use them for a bridal ceremony would you use them at a formal event would you make one and simply just put it on your bedside table I am curious please be sure to leave me some comments in the comment section below and not only that please be sure to like this video let me know that you liked it and I would appreciate it so kindly lastly to my Danny's darlings and thank you guys for the comments of questions the love the support as we continue to grow our DIY community and for those of you who maybe happen upon this video we would just collectively ask you to humbly consider joining our DIY community as we continue to learn and grow from each other and craft together my darling
Channel: Danielle's Darling DIY Designs
Views: 2,006,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dollar Tree DIY Lighted Chandelier, Dollar Chandelier, diy crystal chandelier, diy crystal chandelier kit, diy chandelier ideas, how to make a crystal chandelier centerpiece
Id: OA4CMmFRj5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 11sec (1151 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 14 2017
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