Divine Reversal - Canon Andrew White

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I want to look at the issue of divine reversal and I want to start by reading you a short passage from Isaiah 61 verses 1 to 3 - glad those who mourn in Zion giving them a crown of beauty instead of ashes the oil of gladness instead of mourning the garments of praise instead of the spirit of despair the very essence of what eyes liars message was about the Messianic hopeful message looking to the future was about our glory now that God wants to reveal all of us have experienced divine reversal I want us to look at the book of Esther I know that God isn't mentioned in the book of Esther but he doesn't need to be because it's all about him it's all about the divine presence if it please the king and if I have found favor in his sight I be pleasing to his eyes let it be written to reverse the letters devised by Haman the letters which were about killing all the Jews which he wrote to destroy the Jews we shine all the king's provinces and the king replies seal the new letter with the king's ring for the writing which is written in the King's name and still with the King's ring may no man reverse all of us have the need for the divine reversal I can think in my old life about what I thought I wanted God to do what I thought I wanted him to reveal when I was little my teacher said to me at school what do you want to do when you grow up I said two things I want to be an anesthetist an anesthesiologist and a priest she said you can't I said why not she said because you're a Pentecostal and they don't have priests plus it okay so I just thought about the anesthesiology and I knew I only wanted to go and train at one Hospital in London since Thomas's Hospital part of London University and I prayed and prayed and prayed I went for my interview which went quite well my fault Shirley they all take me and then I got a letter saying we're very sorry you're very good but you're not good enough and you're not coming here and I pray them faith and my headmaster schools that I don't leave it they must take you I prayed and prayed and prayed and sometimes when the answer is so negative and all appears no we've still got to believe yes if God has said yes it's not no it's yes so few days later I got a letter saying we're very sorry Andrew but we made a mistake the answer isn't no it's yes so I went and started my medical training and I qualified and I loved it and I was rather good at what I did in fact I was so good I thought God can't want to move me from here because this is what I'm really meant for and I remember standing in the garden opposite big big been by the River Thames and I said thank you Lord for everything you've given me thank you for sending me to this hospital thank you for enabling me to raise the dead I was quite good at that running the cardiac arrest team and the really good thing the thing about cardiac arrest and not very well-planned they just happen when they happen so there I was praising God for sending me there and for all he had given me and then I remembered I needed to see what next Lord because just being in the comfort of our comfort zone isn't where God always wants us to be so I said Lord what next resuming his they stay here and you know he said I want you to be ordained in the Anglican Church and I said Lord do you know they're not all saved they're not all saved and he said yes I know that's why I'm sending you so that was how he got me into the other thing so I really am a gas man that's what you call an Methodist or anesthesiologist but then I became a vicar a clergyman but now I've become a supernatural glory ministry man [Music] and that is why I'm here and that is why I've been in where have I been San Jose's California that is why I've been here this month and I have seen the glory like I've never seen I've seen the glory up the mountains up that refuge of hope it's like going to heaven it's like driving to heaven but it's really really uncomfortable getting there the thing is that when God wants us to go somewhere he doesn't say it's going to be all comped oh and God is calling all of you to go somewhere what I have seen upon about the people here is that they are people of destiny they are people who know where they're going but for those of you who know baffle I'm actually a destiny kid I belong to a class for their destiny kids and we all know where we're going and I know I'm here because God has said yeah and so there I was doing work as a clergyman in London I was in Clapham anybody know where Clapham is well one person knows William Wilberforce came from there heard of William Wilberforce yeah so that was where I was and then one day my bishop said to me I won't send you to Coventry and selling some deeds Coventry in England means you're not going to talk to them you're going to ignore them but Coventry Cathedral was the International Center of reconciliation and it was the main center of ministry around the world for making peace so God sent me there and when I was there one day really enjoying it mainly working in Israel and the West Bank God said to me go to a rock this was in the bad days in the sadden days so I tried every means to get to Iran I went through the diplomatic ways the British government said whatever you do you're not allowed to go there it's far too dangerous you won't go there God said you will and everything I tried didn't work do you know what the very last thing I did the very last thing I bought my team together to pray about I didn't pray first I prayed it there and and we prayed and the next day I got a fax from Tareq Aziz the deputy of Sudan and said come to my office to see me next Thursday so I went as you do and it was wonderful I arrived in Iraq and I knew I was home I knew where I was meant to be being nurtured and groomed in Judaea theology in rabbinic s-- I was the only non Jew to go to an ultra-orthodox Hasidic Jew Sheva the hasa dean with the big guys with the big furry hats and the long beards and the curly pears at the side and from Israel to Iraq is not really known but I went and I got there and there was one Anglican Church it was built in nineteen or 1836 and because the British and Americans have been dropping bombs on Iraq in Desert Storm they'd all been kicked out so I went into my church no life just one living pigeon and a few dead pigeons and I went into this dirty old building and the Lord said to me the words of Haggai to 9 the latter glory of this house will be greater than the former says the Lord of hosts and in this place I will give peace so there I was spending my time going between is and Baghdad true coelom Baghdad and the church was still dead there was nobody there and then in 2003 there was a little war you who speak funny English and may impression we joined together and had a little war and there I was in Baghdad and suddenly it came to life and the deaf church with nobody in it suddenly all these people turned up they were all the coalition the Brits and the Americans and my first service there was full of spooks I had the director of the CIA the diet of the FBI the idea of mi5 all the intelligence agencies they were all there I don't know what they were doing but they thought this was Church but then Baghdad got too dangerous to go out to church so they were all banned from leaving the Green Zone and going out to church beliebers awake they gave me a new church and it used to be Saddam Hussein's palace they didn't need it anymore and so his throne room became my chapel and he had a really good solid gold throne and he didn't need it anymore so it became my pulpit can you believe pastor Greg having a solid gold pulpit it'd be having a trendy wheel chair I had MSM but I could still walk and kind of run but I had a super super throne it was really really really good and we had a really really glorious church and it was quite amazing actually because you know I'm sorry to admit this but in the early days when you law were planning to come and visit our slot I was very involved in all the plans and we would be sitting the office the White House liaison the Pentagon I never forget one day there we were you know planning as you do in a day's work and suddenly gold dropped everywhere and there I was with Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz and the Pentagon leaders and the gold and glory of God was coming and the strange thing was that all of these people were actually Anglicans I thought how God how so I was in favor this war originally looking back I see it was a major disaster and it didn't work out right at all but it works out right for the kingdom of God the establishment of his heavenly kingdom that was why I was there for the gold for the throne for the glory coming can you believe that all those supernatural things which happened so I had my solid gold pulpit I had my palace chapel there are few other things are needed I needed a Baptistery well it was quite good because damn didn't need his swimming pool anymore [Applause] so I got a swimming pool I never forget the First Baptist baptismal service it was on Easter day two four and we were all there singing I'm praising God and in those days before I was a kind of a better light I was a very much a Wheaton boy and all of our army commanders were all from Wheaton apart from the general who came to be baptized and that was general Kim he was from Sudan anybody from Sudan here well we had general Kim Babel his assistant Brigadier Kim and he got baptized as well and Brigadier Kim Oh Colonel Kim and Colonel Kimball captain Kim so we had a Kim Kim Kim Kim Kim and it was wonderful and we were baptizing these people and knowing the glory of God and then we got our church opens Imam which was dead he came to life and first week we had fifty Iraq his second week hundred Iraqis third week 150 rockers and I thought this is quite good growth of a hundred a week and we grew to about six nine thousand that wasn't bad considering we were in the midst of a serious dystonic country but that's God's glory he's the unexpected what you never thought was possible becomes possible and so I was working in the embassy Chapel and now in my English church and in my Chapel in the embassy the worship was quite good it was getting bad friend and a new British commands general arrived now his name was general rowdy Porter now I thought this is rather good it was I knew his mother so I said to general Porter when he arrived I said general Porter you might be a general but you better be careful because I know your mother and he said to me canon white you might be a Canon but I grew up with your wife I was in her Sunday School class so he won and this general believed to law general woody Porter with his three stars became my worship leader a worship leader in the palace isn't that amazing how God turns it around impossible to make it that possible how God with verses which was what was terrible to make it supernatural and the worship was so amazing and I can never forget how God spoke to us through the worship that we shared and I never forget one day there was a song which I'd never heard of I'm a little bit out of sync now I am really a cold Naldi I don't know the new choruses I'm still singing oh happy day happy day and jesus loves me this I know and all that kind of thing and they were singing a song and I didn't know it because it was even order than my songs do any of you know in know never alone no never love he promised never to leave never to leave me alone but that night as we were seing no neverl alone the mortar bombs were arriving the Rockies were landing in the palace and all we could thing was no never alone no never alone he promises never to leave us never to leave us alone and that was the heart of our message in our ministry and our knowledge that he will never leave us alone that he is always with us and he is here with you now and I can I came into this place and I felt God saying to me very clearly that this is his place this is where his presence is but you know what he said to me especially he said I'm especially working with the young people those who are under 20 because you are being prepared for what is to come this place is not just about now this is the Church of the future this is a Church of waffle Ward ace to come what I have witnessed here in California is the glory that is to come I've seen the glory what I witnessed art that terrible mountain with your refuge of hope Jill it is a place of the future it is a place where you are rescuing those who have been slaved those who have been deprived those who've been set aside and you're rescuing them for the future for the glory that is to come I have a school in Jordan and my school is made up all of Iraqi refugee Christian children those who've had to flee for their lives those who were running from Isis and when Isis came in he's identified all the Christian homes in the whole of Iraq by porting the Arabic letter known painted on their wall unknown is the Arabic letter N and this was the Eve Isis saying these people are Nazarenes they follow Jesus of Nazareth so that sign known was the sign which brought fear to everybody it was even a sign that people used to talk about the persecuted Church and saying we as those in the West and safe society must not forget the persecuted last year no earlier this year the graduation of our school I went to school and my total shock and surprise all the children had a bath or the noon side and I said why you got that they said because you see Jesus has given us the victory they tried to destroy us and now we've graduated from Christian school law what we have achieved that wait everybody thought was impossible has now become possible and that sign which said we are destroyed we are finished now says we are high we are so much of what was negative became positive women were so oppressed in our culture but when we had our church of six and a half thousand we were running a clinic we were running a major food Relief Program we fed we watered we healed we worshipped and the people organizing and leading this world were not the man it was the women and I learned then that if you want a job done properly you get women to do it you know from my cultural background that didn't even really go but Wow seriously it went and to this day the women of Baghdad's churches are the power behind the throne they're not even on the throne the throne is disappeared I don't even know where it's gone now but the glory of God is still shining and our school is still worshiping and still singing our children three times day they meet in their courtyard and sing in arame prayer and God is so real to them these little children you might say oh they're just going through the rituals that Prowse no they're not I wanted to really try and get the children to see prayer more than just sing the Lord's Prayer or Aramaic so I said to the children one day I said I want you to all ask God for something every one of you needs to ask God what do you want God to give you God is kind he wants you to have something nice and one little boy called yourself all of our children are called you sleep or Marian or Yosef or Mimi or Tuesday for move moves or Marion Josie's so Joseph yourself said to me I said what would you really like God to give you he said I would like a Burger King I say the Burger King he said we see all these signs for Burger King but none of us have ever been able to have a Burger King who God give me a Burger King and I prayed for him and I put my arm around him and I said I promise you God will give you a Burger King I wasn't sure how the next day we had some American missionaries turn up and they decided they were taking us all on a picnic and they did and everybody got a Burger King there wasn't one burger king aerys Burger King's the whole school so I know my burger king storing like see my small stream but it's a reality now if gold can give you super Burger King he can give you something even better and I don't just mean a no I player I mean something really really great and all the time God is giving us what is really really great they are proud to wear the non sign what is leading the worship all these great things that happened things which were so negative have been turned around one of the really strange things it's very strange for turtleman an Anglican or any clergyman even for you it would be shamed strange for you too as well I had a brothel yeah they they didn't Kwazii and Saddam's sons had a brothel in Little Venice near the palace and they didn't need it anymore so they gave it to me and we turned into a house of prayer and so our house the prayer in Little Venice as it was called actually used to eat Kwazii and O'Day's waffle and it was very interesting when it became a worship house and was very comfortable and there are things in it which I wouldn't have really chosen to have in a house of prayer you know the big fluffy pillows and things but God was there the Lord was there as we say at the end of every prayer I love whom I honor the Lord is here his spirit is with us the Lord was there his spirit was with us so all sorts of things would change even another story I have is this pen I've got no books to sign because I've sold out at the mall that this pen is very good at signing books there is not famous for signing books it's famous for one day Martha I Roubaix the National Security Advisor came to me and said abouna Andrew we want to borrow your pen the Prime Minister wants it I said why does the Prime Minister want my pen he took my pen that night on television he was using my pen to sign Saddam Hussein's deaths and that is divine reversal the Lord can use something which was used for glory and he can bring down the enemy and he has brought down the enemy and in all of our lives he has brought out down the enemy so that the victory might be seen now the psalmist says he changes the wilderness into a wall of water and the dry land into a spring of water and that's what God is saying to all of you here you may have been in a desolate place but I am giving you a place of life I am restoring a dry place to make it a living place full of life this is no ordinary Church this is no ordinary place of worship I'm sure that on this supernatural journey this month God has caused me to finish here this place is the beginning this place is where his glory is springing forth one what's his church called connect conversion all these modern churches now called connect conversion repair yeah it's so confusing but one thing we know it is a Dory play this is a true glory well it's a real place of the glory of God this is a place of radical dramatic reversal I want to leave you a very clear message that by the power of the Holy Spirit we are all called not to take care but to take risks my mentor in life used to say to me when I left him he said don't take care take risks and in the power of Jesus we take risks [Music] I just them so full of awareness of the glory of God and the power which he reveals to us and I know that there are people here today that God wants to heal and restore and the Lord is saying to you take divine risks go out and mercy that blessing and God is especially saying to the young people you are the future you are the future of my church of my kingdom you are the future of what I'm doing in that Bay this Bay error isn't just any old place in California this is the place of Gloria and this area around here is indeed a supernatural life I say thank you Lord for your glory here [Music] everybody God wants to speak to everybody here this morning because he has for you part of his divine journey planned come Lord show us your journey show us where your fullness thank you Jesus you are here with us we Steve the glory of the Lord [Music] maybe you're scared maybe you're scared because you know God has called you to do something big and you don't know what that is [Music] who would fall into that category [Music] right upon all of you I release God's glory God's healing God's anointing and if you've poured your hand out now and you've said that you're scared of what God is asking you to do I want to anoint you afterwards come up to me wherever I am where will I be down here and I will anoint you because the anointing of God is upon all of us so specifically he's calling some to a unique ministry and that unique ministry is not for 20 or 30 years time it begins today it begins now
Channel: Convergence Church
Views: 1,955
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: IeOt519k3Wo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 59sec (2879 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 21 2019
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