Convergence Church - Sunday Morning // Pastor Greg Simas

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use every melody just tell me [Music] is [Music] [Music] tell me [Music] [Music] just tell me [Music] [Music] really give it up [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] all right guys we're going to get we're going to get started in about one minute okay you guys say finally thank you guys for being patient we love me [Music] [Music] [Music] you i live to serve you and i'm not ashamed of it so tell me [Music] [Music] when you [Music] good morning everybody good morning good morning good morning if you guys just want to stand we're going to go into a time of worship this is not good come on we just want to say hello to somebody next to you just bless them if you encourage them tell them they look good even if you don't think it you know i'm just kidding and we just want to say good morning to our online family it's so good to be here with you guys [Music] god's gonna move this morning he's gonna move this morning and the beautiful thing is we don't have to convince him to come we don't have to convince him to move his word says be still and know that i am god it says be still and know so it's often actually in our stillness where we'll know him the most and not in our striving and so i just want us to hold out our hands before us and i know it's just a pad right now in my voice but i just want us to be still for a moment and i just want us to hold our hands and just for us to ask him individually each one of us just ask him what's on your heart this morning then i'ma let it be quiet for a moment what's on your heart this morning father jesus jesus yes yeah yeah yeah yeah and then i want us to ask one more thing i just want you to ask the father say father what's one of your favorite things about me and i won't listen i let him speak his words of life over you [Music] his word says that you are the joy set before him on the cross says his thoughts towards you outnumber the the grains of sand in the earth sometimes we get so caught up in life we we don't even think to ask him how do you how do you see me you might be asking what does this have to do with worship [Music] but i think it it puts our perspective of who he is before us and who we are before him so it breaks down some of the walls that we feel like we have in front of us to get to him [Music] he believes in you [Music] his word says jesus is at the right hand of the [Music] father ever interceding for you praying for you jesus [Music] not your mom not a pastor not your friend those are good but jesus is at the right hand of the father praying for you so we thank you god we thank you jesus that you called us on this earth for such a time as this we thank you god that you make no mistakes so the fact that there is breath in my lungs means that there is purpose for my life and we say yes to that we say yes to you god would you just align our hearts with yours would you align our minds with yours would you align our bodies with heaven with yours god and even just with that god we just declare healing over every sickness we just declare that every every every person has pain in their body whether it's in this room or online that all pain must go in the name of jesus that all pain must go in the name of jesus we say anxiety you have to bow your knee before the king of kings we just release peace that surpasses all human understanding right now that's what you have to give father that's what you have to give so we come to you this morning with a thankful heart we come to you this morning with a heart of praise knowing that you are here now and you are proud of us here in this moment [Music] so we just enter into worship looking at the eyes of our father that is smiling at us and we thank you that we don't have to climb our way up to you but you came down to us [Music] yeah so just worship from that place this morning [Music] yes god yes god [Music] on us come rest on us [Music] i'm [Applause] you're is [Music] [Music] do it again on us spirit me me [Music] is is [Music] you oh i'm here [Applause] [Music] oh yes [Music] [Music] we [Music] i [Music] yes you're the one [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] you can come on in here [Music] we welcome you in this place [Music] [Music] [Music] come on me [Music] you can have your way [Music] me [Music] just like [Music] just like [Music] we're here sing that out to him that you're here for him this morning just like any other room [Music] suddenly [Music] is [Music] is [Music] oh jesus jesus yes yes god yes god would you come and rest on us [Music] come let us sing to the lord [Music] his mercies are new every morning oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] his mercies are new his mercies [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] is you [Music] [Music] let the rocks cry out in my place come on [Music] breath you gave with our praise [Music] is [Music] [Applause] god this morning one more time to you jesus is [Music] in our hearts oh is [Music] everything that's in me plus his holy name [Music] oh everything that's in me come on [Music] me within our minds is [Music] [Music] within all [Music] everything that's in me bless his holy name [Music] everything that's in me bless his holy name is [Music] praise will ever be on our lips jesus we lift you up god we lift you up [Music] [Music] he's so good um [Music] jesus jesus precious lord that i have found more beautiful you are my treasure my great reward i just wanna move your heart it's all i wanna [Music] no matter how much the cost i freeze to you all to you your love made away jesus jesus all my ambitions my hopes my dreams my [Music] a life i want to do [Music] i just want to move [Music] [Music] hours is my days [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] just tell me is no matter how much [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] you [Music] i live to please you [Music] [Music] get away [Music] you blow us away [Music] [Music] you blow us away [Music] this morning you blow us [Music] away yes [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] is i'm [Music] is house [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] tell me [Music] can't help to worship you [Music] tell me [Music] mm-hmm is [Music] oh i see your goodness in the rising of the sun i see your goodness in the never giving up on my [Music] oh i see your goodness in the rising of the sun i see you goodness on my heart never giving up [Music] i see a goodness jesus in the rising of the sun i see you goodness [Music] we thank you jesus you thank you jesus [Music] you're good you're good you're good jesus you're good thank you father did you hear foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] the atmosphere is changing now the spirit of the lord is the evidence is all around but the spirit of the lord is the atmosphere is changing now right now for the spirit of the lord is here the evidence is all around that the spirit of the lord is he overflowing this place fill ours with your love your love [Music] surrounds us you're the reason we came to encounter your love see how the atmosphere is changing the atmosphere is changing now with the spirit of the lord [Music] evidence is all around can you see the spirit of the [Music] lord atmosphere is changing now the spirit of the [Music] the lord it's all around give us eyes to see jesus let the spirit of the lord please in this place will fill our hearts with your love your love [Music] [Music] come on let's take it out overflowing this place [Music] you're the reason we came but you encounter your love for your love surrounds us [Music] spirit [Music] your kingdom come yes your will be done we're here as in hey come on let's just declare this out this morning come on [Music] let's lift up our hands come on [Music] oh god he rises we need you jesus we need you now cry out let me hear your voice [Music] a miracle can hide [Music] the evidence is all around the air for the spirit of the lord is here one more time a miracle can happen a miracle can hide you believe it through the spirit of the lord he's here he's bringing freedom and the evidence is all around that the spirit of the lord is [Music] the spirit of god [Applause] yes we need you jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] when they were there in the upper room they were unity in action [Music] there was harmonious synchronization in the body of christ as they were waiting for the presence of the lord [Music] father i ask that you would unite us [Music] father in our thinking unite us in thought [Music] we ask lord that you would bring unity to the body of christ [Music] lord this is the miracle that we need on the earth now [Music] lord we repent for wayward thinking we repent for thinking that we have an answer other than you father we repent for counting on the wisdom of men father we repent [Music] for thinking that the world system is the answer [Music] lord we look to you and we ask that you would point out any wayward thinking it that is within our hearts [Music] lord we submit our soul to you again we ask that you would have it all that you would take our minds that you would take our hearts lord we offer them to you again we ask that you would have your way here on the earth we ask that you will pour your spirit out lord your word says that when we call on your name we will be saved your word says that in the last days you will pull your spirit out on all flesh we ask would you pour your spirit up in every church across the nation in every household that every tongue would confess that jesus christ is lord would you move across the nation father we repent we repent we come back to you jesus fill us with your spirit pour out your spirit oh god pour out your spirits fall fresh we need you we need you now more than ever come holy spirit come lord come lord wake us up god wake us up lord let us see how you see hear what you hear we submit to you again god forgive us for our past we choose you again we choose you again it's not a president it's not the senate it's not the supreme court it's the one true living god the just one who sits on the throne you are the only way god would you come bring your holy spirit would you pour out your spirit on all flesh receive glory receive your glory god receive your glory god make your name famous in the earth jesus yes lord yes it is yours it is yours it is yours give him glory sing it to him because yours is the kingdom and yours is the power yes god the glory is yours [Applause] come on man [Music] [Music] [Applause] put this on your lips let it be your prayer sing it out as a prayer [Music] is [Music] your sovereign lord i bless your holy name you're a sovereign god i bless your holy name [Music] your name is holy [Music] we ask now god that do what only you can do [Music] father and if i am blocking your moving move me god if i am blocking your moving move me god i ask that you would humble the proud [Music] i ask holy spirit that you would meet the wise i was just here [Music] yeah jesus [Music] more god more jesus god [Music] yes [Music] when jesus stays the same [Music] when you come nothing stays the same [Music] uh [Music] pray this with me [Music] father i give you my heart i receive your joy do what only you can do father i give you my heart i give you my heart and i receive your joy [Music] do what only you can do father i give you my heart and i receive your joy do what only you can do [Music] thank you jesus thank you jesus we love you jesus amen amen welcome everybody go ahead greet those around you we're going to spend some time saying hi welcome [Music] my is [Music] like you love me [Music] to do [Music] [Applause] [Music] one two three [Music] cause no one's gonna love me [Music] my god [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is well good morning everybody good morning everybody so good to see all of your lively faces god is so good my name is andrew and i'm i get to do some announcements this morning welcome if this is your first time here at convergence would you stick your hand up in the air we'd love to say hi to you hey welcome thanks for joining us we love you all so much thanks for thanks for coming in we would love to get connected with you there's a little card that's in the seat back in front of you fill that out drop it into the offering bucket when it comes around um we've got our intro today if you want to find out more about who we are as a as a body come after church we're going to have our intro course i hate to say course it's more like a get to know you we get to meet you you get to meet us we get to know each other it's cool it's good that'll be after service today my voice is shot this is i i talk loud for about 30 seconds and my voice is like ooh it's gone like my range of voice is now from like whisper to shouting i have to shout now in order to get sound out hey anthony alyssa hey anthony and alyssa are here these guys are in la but they're long distance family members so hi love you guys so much welcome um i didn't i like saw you then i was like wait is that anthony anyways hey without any further ado we're going to do one more act of worship you ready would you stand your feet with me while while we take our tithes and offerings and we're going to make our declaration over our finances you guys ready ready all right as we receive today's tithes and offerings we are believing the lord for jobs and better jobs raises and bonuses benefits sales and commissions favorable settlements estates and inheritances interests and incomes rebates and returns checks in the mail gifts and surprises finding money debts paid off expenses decrease god's blessings and increases thank you lord for meeting all of my financial needs so i may have more than enough to give into the kingdom of god and promote the gospel of jesus christ hallelujah father i thank you that you're such a good god you're a really good father there's nothing that comes from you that is not good it's all good so lord we ask with the talons that you've given us that we would be faithful and not plant them in the sand bury them in the dirt father that even our children that we wouldn't cast them away and plant them in the dirt father even the job that you've given us that we wouldn't neglect it or despise it but lord that we would take the talons the provision the gifts that you have given us and that we would make them grow we ask for strategy we ask though that as we labor you would bless our hands that the projects were over the people we influenced that they would see the mark of our savior jesus christ of nazareth and that all would come to know your faithfulness through the work of our hands because your blessing is on our lives so lord we are people who are faithful and we make that declaration in the house of god today lord find us faithful find us faithful in jesus name amen all right we've got a couple more announcements on the video hey convergence pastor greg and i want to just come bring this really cool special announcement for you guys on this past monday in our staff meeting we're just allowing the holy spirit to kind of move and we're sharing these testimonies about what's going on in your lives and what's taking place in our services our small groups at home in your personal lives the holy spirit is just all over our community right now and we're so hungry for him to move so go ahead so it's it's important thanks it's important that we seize the moment and we felt like in the staff meeting that man these testimonies were coming forward and it's like i just kind of tossed it out there i just said we need a holy spirit night where we just invite the presence of god believing for extra levels of increase to take place where we're going to actually go for miracles signs wonders you know we're going to go after the baptism of the holy spirit we're going to go after these things in the in the meeting and it's going to be kind of a wide open meeting and so everyone jumped on it felt like the lord was on it felt like the presence of god was on it and so we felt like let's just do it yeah so we're excited to announce this friday september 10th at 7 pm this is for everybody everybody in the bay bring unbelievers bring your family members your children the elderly to the young we want everyone to come with great expectancy for the lord to move friday night september 10th at 7 pm here at convergence we would love to see you there yeah i'm looking forward to seeing you guys god bless you [Music] hey guys devon here and today i'm going to be bringing you guys our video announcements hey guys after service today we have intro week one so if you want to join a team or learn more about convergence be sure to sign up at the connections desk after service hey guys this thursday from 7 30 to 9 30 p.m we have a prophetic ministry so be sure to register online hey guys this friday night we're having our first ever holy spirit night from seven to nine pm we're gonna have worship we're gonna believe from miracles and the holy spirit's gonna be there that's all i have for you guys for today's video announcements so please stand up and help me welcome pastor greg [Music] [Applause] hey guys you guys got the joke all right where's devin is devon here he's in the back oh all right when he walks in i'll say hey guys anyway uh great great uh great to have him yeah this friday this friday night we are gonna go for it and we're always making room for the holy spirit every time we gather we believe that he's the most important person in the room and so we want the power of god to come and so we we experience the presence of the lord um in our worship and around the word and we don't know what's going to happen friday night we do believe that people will be encountered god's presence will be i think waves of the presence of the lord we've had testimonies of angelic activity inside of our space on sunday mornings just recently and uh like angels are real just fyi and you can't read the book of acts and and believe otherwise because there was angelic activity all through the book of acts and so the book of acts doesn't have an amen at the end of it and we're still living in the book of acts in 2021 and so we're we are seeing that we're hearing testimony of it and uh we would love for you all to come out short notice totally no it's short notice um but we just we just felt like there was an urgency um and so we're gonna we're just gonna land the plane friday night seven o'clock so it's gonna go from seven until who knows when right um we're hoping until you know nine you know nine seven to nine like a two-hour service but um we found out when god shows up time kind of flies by and people can come and go whenever they want of course and so i think the best services on a friday night is when the service is over you don't know where else to eat but denny's because everyone else is closed and so i've had several mini denny's meals and uh i don't i'm not in favor of their menu but i don't know how you can mess up on eggs and uh and pancakes right so and then god forgive me for the pancakes i'm just i'm just saying so when i was much younger i could have a full stack i guess that's what they used to call them right full stack short stack grand slam grand slam all right so take your bibles to genesis and open up to genesis chapter 13 whether it's whether it's your uh digital bibles or um it's your paper bible i prefer paper i do want to say welcome to our online family um i forgot to get my notes out here welcome to our online family glad you're with us whatever whatever one we're shooting from what camera we're shooting from today we love you i'm glad you're joining us we have some amazing news coming out of texas this week and uh with the heartbeat law being being passed praise the lord for that i was rejoicing but there will be warfare and i don't have time to talk about life and abortion except to say choose life and abortion is murder so so i heard i understand now that that there might be some legislation coming out of florida in south carolina along the same lines so we just want to give praise to the lord for that i remember years and years ago when our kids now they're all you know when they were in high school standing in front of abortion clinics in fremont and with red tape over their mouth and kind of following the that said life on it yeah and it was kind of a thing that lou engel started many years ago and i remember hannah and we used to be out there in fact pastor greg was out actually out there along those lines and i was rejoicing several years ago i think it's been five or six years when the fremont abortion clinic closed and so we can thank the lord for that [Applause] anyway um enough of that god's on the throne and um i want to speak to you out of genesis we're going to be kind of like all over the place so it'll be really primarily it'll be in numbers uh 13 and 14 and then but we'll start in genesis 13 as well and i want to talk to you today about when giants stand on your promise when giants stand on your promise i have no idea i have so much to say and i have no idea how i'm even going to land the plane today but i believe the plane will land sometime between now and 4 o'clock but it will land as we visit genesis are actually numbers 13 and 14 we see that the the children of israel we all know the story of the of their captivity in egypt we know that uh in genesis chapter 13 14-18 god appears to abraham and he lays out a promise to abraham and he says in genesis 13 14 and the lord said to abram after lot had separated from him lift your eyes now and look from the place where you are northward southward eastward and westward for all the land which you see i give you and your descendants forever and i will make your descendants as the dust of the earth so that if a man could number the dust of the earth then your descendants also could be numbered arise walk in the land through through its length and its width for i give it to you in verse 18 then abram moved his tent and went and dwelt by the tibernath trees if i could say that correctly of some other place i can't really pronounce which are in hebron and build an altar to the lord i just want you to kind of footnote this word this city called hebron and there he builds an altar to the lord hebron the word hebron means confederacy it means friendship it was it was the place of covenant it was the place of encounter it was the place of promise hebron was to be one of the central cities in the old testament the promise of abraham and his journey to hebron at hebron abraham's name is changed from abram to abraham buried in hebron are abraham sarah isaac jacob rebecca and leah we also know that david when he was announced to be king he was actually his kingdom started in hebron so hebron is a place of promise it's a place of encounter and as we travel through we see this the story unfold in the book of genesis we see abraham starting his family we see that joseph comes on the scene he's still living in that space and and then we we understand that he goes and he's in he's actually sold into into prisonment for 15 years he the king has a pharaoh has a dream joseph interprets the dream and he becomes second in command in an ungodly nation we know that there was a famine that struck the land and joseph talks to pharaoh and asks pharaoh if he can bring his family into the land and pharaoh says yes and they they actually start their israel begins in a land called goshen and so they begin to multiply and multiply and multiply and in exodus chapter 1 after pharaoh the pharaoh that that joseph was under and joseph passes away a new pharaoh rises up and the scripture says that he did not remember the pharaoh did not remember did not know joseph but he was alarmed he was alarmed at how fast israel was growing how big it was and he says in verse 9 of exodus chapter 1 he says and he said to his people look the people of the children of israel are more mightier than we come let us deal shrewdly with them lest they multiply and it happen in the event of war that they also join our enemies and fight against us and go up out of the land verse 11. therefore they set task masters over them to afflict them with their burdens and they built for pharaoh the supply cities and there's two supply cities that i'm not going to pronounce because i won't pronounce him i know ramses is one of them the other one yeah goodness all right so we see that that israel is moved into slavery and if you if you study jewish culture and they said they were probably enslaved for about 120 years in other words they it wasn't 400 years of slavery it's about 120 years of slavery and that's interesting because there are about 120 people in the upper room in acts chapter 2. all this lets you drift on that all you prophetic people and people who want to connect the word with different things all right in exodus chapter 3 moses comes on the scene and moses is called he's a deliverer he was raised in royalty he goes ahead and he kills somebody he flees he's in the desert god appears to him in a burning bush and god is going to rescue his people because he actually made a covenant with abraham way back in genesis 13 that is actually allowing the people of god to grow and expand that he's with them and a mighty nation will come out of them so he sends moses to deliver which is a whole year's you know one year worth of sermons and abraham's another i mean but just the development of that and how god calls and how that flows in leadership everything there's so much there that we see in the life of moses but he lays out to the children of israel that god is going to deliver them and he's going to bring them into a land flowing with milk and honey and one thing about a good vision a good vision will always create a great picture and so god is the the greatest visionary the greatest leader and so he casts the vision a simple vision to these enslaved israelite people now they don't have they they don't have a victory mentality they have a slave mentality and so the lord sends ten plagues in egypt and so every single play from my understanding that the lord sends actually defeats or actually allows the egyptians to see because each plague represented a victory over a certain god in the egyptian culture i'm not here to talk about the amazing demonstration of god's power but i just want you to know that egypt was the mightiest nation on the earth and god single-handedly brings out over two or three million people let's we'll even say 1.5 to 2 million people 1.5 to 2 million people okay think that think about that for a moment 1.5 to 2 million people god and moses basically single-handedly bring them out of egypt and now they're on the march to this promised land that's flowing with milk and honey can i tell you that god delivered 1.5 did i already say that the 2 million people through miraculous signs and wonders river turning to blood you know just crazy stuff god sovereignly does and israel for half of those miracles israel is not touched god actually makes a distinction between the egyptian culture and his people the israelites just if that wasn't proof enough for the 10 miracles yes miracles then then then to have the ten miracle five of those miracles unfold while the children of israel are untouched by them the last one being the firstborn dying israel being untouched by them wouldn't you as an israelite living in the land of captivity as a slave actually be in awe of who this god is we can't recognize a miracle the demonstration the raw power of god over in this particular situation egypt a a nation that is that is saturated in idolatry pharaoh being recognized as a god himself and and to to actually witness that and and have it impact you in such a way but we'll find out in about 50 days in about 50 days 50 days later they actually forget everything that took place in israel i mean in in egypt so moses raises them up not only did they leave egypt but they actually left egypt wealthy they left egypt with so much anyway greg reserve yourself so there so now we have the red sea experience there they are backed up here comes the egyptians god says you know the pharaoh is like you know how many people have watched the ten commandments the old brenner i mean old old jewel brenner movie you guys even know who you'll bringer is like maybe 80 percent don't even know who he is how many people remember you'll brenner put your hand up you're all old like me well you could have watched it with your parents young anyway yeah that's that's it right there charlton heston right released by people from bitter bondage you know that's what i was raised with so let that be written so let that be done you know like the old brenner anyway you have to watch the movie you haven't seen it all right yeah special effects you're going to laugh at but it was cutting edge back then believe me so they have the red sea experience pharaoh is like your god's a bad commander backed him up to the red sea we all know that the sea opens up they walk through the red sea on dry ground which is another miracle we understand the the water falls back on the egyptians these are all things that we recognize of god showing up and that the israelites witnessed witness with their own eyes my voice is changing again now here they stand stepping ready to step into the promised land the land that moses was talking about a land that was full of milk and honey the vision is right in front of them the they were on the very edge of the promise that god made way back to abraham almost 800 years ago this was this generation's moment they were the generation 800 years is a lot of time if you think of generations between 40 and 100 years or talk about multiple generations this is the generation that i was taking out of slavery and in a moment from one day being slaves for 120 or so years to actually in in just about 11 days they're standing at the very promise that god had given to their forefathers abraham here they are 11 days it's an 11 day journey give and take people have different but i like trying to figure that kind of stuff like how long did it take for them to actually leave egypt and get to the promised land i like stuff like that i look i actually spend hours looking for stuff like that kind of thing that's the way i think there's 600 thousand men that's quite a big army so they counted the men it's about six hundred thousand not to mention women and children so we can safely say it'd be between two to three million people you have two to three million people six hundred thousand men on a commission from god to take the promised land so moses i mean yes i think it's moses yes we're still with moses all right so moses gathers up the men and he which brings us to numbers 13. so we just travel through a bunch of the genesis you know anyway in about 15 minutes so let's pick it up in numbers 13 17-22 and i just want you to keep in mind i have not forgotten hebron then moses sent them to spy out the land of canaan and said to them go up this way into the south and go up to the mountains and see what the land is like whether the people dwell in it are strong or weak few or many in other words scout out the land whether the land that they dwell in is good or bad whether the cities they inhabit are like camps or strongholds whether the land is rich or poor or whether there are forests or there are not be of good courage underline that in other words that word actually that you can just say be courageous and bring some of the fruit of the land now the time was the season for the first ripe grapes don't start thinking about food please right verse 21 so they went up and spied out the land from the wilderness of zinn as far as riyadh near the entrance of hamath and they went up through the south and came to hebron a hymen whatever and salami the descendants of anak were there now hebron was built seven years before zone in egypt verse so they sent them out for 40 days they come back we all know the story they give they give a report now they select 12 men i just want to say something about that they selected 12 men from 600 000 men in other words they got the cream the cream of the crop these guys weren't losers they were leaders they were recognized as men of of renown so every tribe had to select one man to go into the land of promise that god has promised to them 800 years ago when abraham was on the earth and you're going to send the cream of the crop men who are who have a sense of understanding they unders they understand warfare they understand all these things and they're going to send them out for 40 days into the very land that god promises abraham 800 years ago and they've been waiting for this moment and so he goes ahead and he sends them out now they departed verse 26 and they came back to moses and aaron and all the congregation of the children of israel in the wilderness of paran and kadesh they brought back word to them and to all the congregation and showed them the fruit of the land verse 27 and they told him and said we went to the land where you sent us and truly it flows with milk and honey and this is the fruit so they bring evidence of the goodness of god verse 28 nevertheless i have that circled because there's a transition that's about to take place yes moses we went ahead and we we did what you told us to do we do see the evidence of your goodness the word of the lord is true it is a land flowing with milk and honey and here's the evidence nevertheless but but the people who dwell in the land are strong the cities are fortified and very large moreover we saw the descendants of anac there the amalekites dwell in the land of the south the hittites and the jebusites and the amorites and every night you could possibly think of dwell in the mountains and the canaanites dwell in the sea and along the banks of the jordan we see the goodness of god we see the promise of god but we also recognize something else there are actually giants in the very place where the promise sits the battle usually takes place in our hearts and in our minds before we ever step onto the turf here's where the battle is the battle is right now with these 12 leaders 10 of them these spies that went out the battle is not so much out there as much as it's in here unbelief and fear originate in the spirit of a man so though they see the promises of god though they waited 800 years to actually enter into the very promises of god though they see the the grapes that are actually carried in the goodness of god the evidence of what he said to be true they still are filled with unbelief because the war is actually taking place internally before it's ever actually actualized nevertheless the people who dwell in the land oh my gosh have you not oh i'll get there then caleb everyone said caleb it's a great name then caleb quieted the people before moses i don't think caleb said i think caleb said shut up quiet down i don't know how many people are there but it's not just two or three it's the whole congregation he sees the ten spies he just spent 40 days with these 10 spies and they were probably like i don't think it was pastor aaron talked about igor you don't remember that we'll never we'll never do it we'll never break in we'll never win look at these people they're just and i could just see caleb spending time with these him and joshua spending time with these 10 spies recognizing their unbelief and saying we can do it we can conquer the land so they come back they're the first ones to speak and they go ahead and they give what they call a bad report an unbelieving report to the congregation and caleb steps up and says i've had enough and he says to them let us go up at once no hesitation not even a strategy session let us go up at once and take possession for we are able to overcome it i'm tired of hearing about the enemy i've had enough hearing about how big the enemy is it's time for us to understand what the promises of god are and hear the promises of god and let that be enough to actually catapult us into the land of promise we have too many voices that are that are speaking that's actually causing the body of christ to be fearful and a spirit of fear has taken over in the body of christ and we don't hear the word of the lord anymore we're so bound up with fear and unbelief we don't step into we just qualify ourselves from entering to the promise the promise never changes the promise never changed it's still the promise it's either you take it or you don't take it because it's there to be taken i love caleb he's like listen i refuse to hear about the giants verse 31 but the men who had gone up with him said here it is we are not able to go up against the people for they are stronger than we at that moment it's time to sit these ten spies down and say let's talk about egypt for let's just go over the testimony again okay let's let's talk about the first one the first plague the river turning into blood like let's spend some time in fact let's spend just an hour just talking about that one like let's revisit the second let's revisit the third you think that god who can hail down brimstone can't take care of his people of promise into the promised land he can't take care of kanan he can't take care of anac the giants he can't take care of the jebusites the canaanites the every night that's possible he can take care of it because we just saw 30 or 40 days ago god delivering us from egypt can can fear be that blinding that the fear the spirit of fear can enter into a heart of a man or a woman that we actually disqualify ourselves even though we know the miracles i mean that's a question it's time to revisit the testimony it's time to think about how big god is it's time to revisit the supernatural do you remem you remember we just walked out of egypt bro do you know hey what's that around your neck that's a gold necklace right we just walked out of egypt man you didn't even get your sandals wet when we went ahead and crossed the red sea do you just not remember that that was that was that was about 30 that was like 40 40 i say 51 days ago you don't remember time to revisit and they gave the children of israel a bad report which they spied out saying the land through which we have gone as spies is a land here it is that devours its inhabitants i i just want to tell you the power of leadership which i just really would love to dive into right now but i'm not it devours its inhabitants and all the people who saw in it are men of great stature can we just go right back to egypt again please here's the thing this is what they were facing in egypt god did it all in canaan you're going to co-labor in egypt you could sit back eat popcorn and watch the movie and you're going to have to gear up and go to war there are some battles god just takes care of you say lord i give it all up to you it's all yours right the intercession just do it just pour down create the miracle like we believe for that and god he'll do it there are times though he's gonna say hey put your sword on we're going to war and this is their this is their moment this is their time he's not going to come down and bring brimstone on hebron he's not going to come down and he's going to have boils break out on the jebusites no this one here we're going to do this together they've just been led by the presence of the fire by night cloud by day they know the presence of god is with them and still they can't get past the war inside so then they they saw the giants verse 33 i don't even know where i would left off i'm just going to jump in the descendants of anac came from them there were giants and they said that we were like grasshoppers in our own site and so we were in their site so not more than 50 days ago they were delivered out of egypt and i wrote down here i don't have no idea where i'm going to go with this but i wrote it down i'm going to say it this is nothing more than the spirit of fear generated by bad leaders creating a narrative that eliminates god from the equation right now we're in a battle over the narrative we're in an ideological war we're in an informational war and if we're not careful we're going to be absorbed by that narrative instead of god's fear robs us of confidence the most destructive power of fear is found in the subtle ability to redirect our attention from god to something else people were all reading a book and staff and kind of go over there it's a leadership book but this kind of popped out this week it's interesting i'll just read it to you it's a quote i don't even know who it's from but it's in the book quoted there's a footnote i just don't know what it is people allow themselves to be ruled by fear because it's more predictable than freedom people allow themselves to be ruled by fear because it's more predictable than freedom the spies chose safety over god's promise the spies chose safety over god's presence and his provision fear often masquerades as wisdom it intimidates us into a place of retreat it slays the promise on the altar of safety the most astonishing thing is that the spirit of fear blinds us to the testimony and the promise of god in our own lives in reading this passage this week i was like how can they how can they forget what god did in egypt this wasn't like a forefather story this was fresh they encountered the raw presence of god they saw them how god delivered them how can they be standing on the edge of a promise an 800 year promise of stepping into the very promised land and now they're so can fear be so powerful that it actually hinders god's people from stepping in to the very promises of god to the point where they have seen god move like no one has seen god move like that i mean jesus okay he's the ultimate i mean but jesus didn't call brimstone down on you know the pharisees and the sadducees and demonstrations signs and i was just i was amazed about how the clutches of fear can actually be imparted in such a way that we recognize what god has done just okay 14 days ago and now we're standing on the very edge of entering in and we're shrouded with unbelief what kind of fear does this i think it's the spirit of fear ii timothy 1 7 we all know the pastors but god has not given us a spirit of fear but a power love and a sound mind and i believe the spirit of fear is running wild in the world shall we continue numbers 14 1-10 so all the congregation lifted up their voices and cried and the people wept that night bad leaders produce a faithless congregation when it says that the congregation lifted up their voices they wailed it wasn't like they were way they were crying out and we're talking about millions crying out because of a faithless group of people who gave them a bad report and all the children of israel complained this is how quickly it can turn and all the children of israel complained or criticized moses and aaron and the whole congregation said to them listen to this if only we had died in the land of egypt or if only we had died in the wilderness fear had gripped them so intensely from the ten leaders to the con to the whole assembly to such a point that they would they began to actually dream about going back to egypt and into slavery oh if only we had died in egypt better yet only if we had died in the wilderness anything's better than what we're facing now whole congregation just forgot what who god was so wrapped up in the narrative they missed the big guy verse 3. now here comes the why question why has the lord brought us to this land to fall by the sword that our wives and children should become victims would it not be better for us to return to egypt so they said to one another let's select a leader and return to egypt hey let's kick out moses and aaron who actually brought us into this place of freedom and let's replace these two guys and get somebody who agrees with the narrative and have them lead us back to egypt what are they talking about they're talking about two million people led by a ungodly leader who's not anointed to lead and they're gonna march right back into the through through the gates of egypt and right back into slavery that's what they wanted 800 years crazy isn't it it could happen to any of us wow look what moses does moses and aaron fell on their faces before the assembly in the congregation the children of god they just hit the deck they knew what was about to happen i'm telling you right now intercession has got to be the number one thing we need right now there's two things in here intercession intercession and preaching i'll just say it this way intercession and speaking out the moses and aaron fell on their faces i mean and we get the picture they just got done saying let's go back to egypt and they just took they just dove face in the dirt this is your leader facing the dirt the one that drove face in the dirt the one that partnered with face in the dirt they're like oh lord what's mercy but joshua the son of nun in you in and caleb the son of jefferna who were among those who had spied out the land tore their clothes that means that's the sign of grieving and they spoke to all the congregations speaking an intercession of the children of israel saying the land we possess with the land we pass through to spy out is an extremely good land if the lord delights in us then he will bring us into the land and give it to us a land which flows with milk and honey verse 9 only do not rebel against the lord say allah nor fear the people of the land for they are our bread their protection has departed from them and the lord is with us do not fear them grab bethel's podcast when pastor bill spoke on this very same passage about two weeks ago and he talks about the giants in front of us and that those giants are actually our bread we actually get nutrients from defeating giants that's what god's called us to grab the podcast it's worth your listen listening to we can't really go into it except that i really liked it but here's what he's here's what some translators said this is basically what caleb said wherever that wherever that wherever that verse nine okay for they are our bread in other words what caleb is saying is the spies are saying that they're going to go ahead and devour us and caleb is saying no we're going to eat them for lunch that's what joshua and caleb are saying their protection that we're there is shadow their protection has departed from them the lord is with us the lord is with us everyone say it the lord is with us say it again the lord is with us and that's all you need anytime the lord calls somebody in the bible into an impossible assignment he always says he's with him abraham joseph gideon it doesn't matter just go on down the list you know jeremiah go on down the list and then he says in matthew 28 he gives us the cr the the great commission and it says at the very end i am with you there is nothing impossible with god no one in heaven is shaking no one in heaven is saying oh my gosh what just happened in the senate today oh what's going on in california oh my gosh like gosh is kind of a weird word for god to say but and the lord says i'm almost done lord says in verse 10 i've had enough that's it i'm done so he tells them caleb says don't fear him and here's what the here's what the congregation says we have moved now from changing leaders to killing leaders we're moving now from hey let's remove them and find somebody but when someone continues to voice the word of the lord and bring encouragement and tell them not to fear they want to move from uh removing them to actually murdering them there's something about as a spirit of fear that's entered into people in such a way that when there's a word of the lord that comes truly from god there's something that rises up within them that actually wants to murder them in their heart they want to crucify him go after him and they have the word of the lord and that's when the lord says that's it you know the big guy verse 10 and all the congregation said stone them with stones wow you speak the truth and they want to kill you now the glory of the lord appeared in the tabernacle of meeting before the children of israel that was it the glory of the lord it's like this uh you you remember me no no the glory of the lord when it comes in that level and that measure can drive out the spirit of fear in a moment the glory of the lord showed up it's the weighty glory of god shows up the lord of hosts the word in the old testament for the most word that's used in the old testament defining who god is is the lord of hosts what does that mean the lord of the army warriors the lord of the armies has just showed up the one that is going to fight with you and for you he just showed up let's quit the debate let's quit all the arguing let's go the presence of god comes and rests on the people i'm going to fast forward through a bunch of stuff because i want to wrap it up numbers 14 28-38 i'll just define it in two summarize it two statements one the lord says you want to die in the wilderness you're going to get your promise so for each day that they spied out the land will be a year so now you're going to wander in the wilderness for 40 years and those who were faithless they're the ones that are going to die in the wilderness but your children will see the promised land what happened to the ten spies well kind of like a plague and they died what about caleb and joshua they were rewarded the lord says the ten spies are gone the generation that refused to believe won't enter in they had their moment and they disqualified themselves but joshua and caleb come on now can two people i mean there was only two people against the whole congregation i don't believe two million people were like oh my gosh that's the report the bad report i think there was a mixture of those who did believe joshua and caleb this it was just few so then there's hebron hebron was the place where the promise was actually substantiated given that's where the very city that abram became abraham [Music] so i love the story because in joshua chapter 14 verses 11 through 15. caleb 85 years old i i've always prayed this prayer often lord i want the same kind of spirit that caleb had when i'm 85. i want to be just as fit as caleb was when he was 85. [Music] so this is what he said they went ahead they conquered the land but they're conquering the land they conquered the land yeah and he says this verse 7 joshua chapter 14. i was 40 years old when moses the servant of the lord sent me from keddish barnia to spy out the land and i brought back a word to him and it was in my heart and then he goes ahead and he talks about how faithful he was to the lord and then verse 13 and joshua blessed him and gave him gave hebron to caleb the son of i can't pronounce his name hebron became therefore became the inheritance of caleb to this day because he wholly followed the lord god of israel and the name of hebron formerly kadus arba actually named after a giant and the land had rest from war i love what he says yes i am as strong this day on the day that moses sent me just as my strength was then come on everyone's saying amen who's a little older so now is my strength for war both for going out and coming in and he says give me this mountain what do we need i know i said it for quite a long time now we have to know that we know what god's saying and then you just are stubborn with it what's god saying to the church what's god saying to you i know i i feel like sometimes i'm just continue to repeat myself but i feel like i need to continue to repeat myself for me because so much is changing every single day in our culture that report this report that took place this took place that you know what and you are completely off balance unless you stay connected to the narrative heaven's narrative i believe we've entered into a time now we have to suit up get the swords on go to war we don't do so ignorantly we don't we don't do it without wisdom without understanding without hearing the voice of god that would be foolish just as foolish as it was for for the children of israel once they get the word of the lord after the intercession of moses for his people and god says you're going to go out 40 years and you're going to die in the wilderness the very next day they suit up and they say we're ready to take the land and moses tells them don't do it [Music] god's not with you what do they do they do it anyway [Music] and they get pushed back they get defeated because the lord wasn't with them and it's super important for us to hear the voice of god and respond to what he's saying and i want to emphasize this word respond because i can find myself react react react react react react anyone did anyone reacted this week am i the only one i'm almost reacting every hour and i have to push myself back and say okay lord what are you what have you said and what are you saying my sword's ready and this is his sons and daughters he's calling into war right now we don't war against flesh and blood but we do war against principalities and powers rulers in the air intercession we must be people of prayer here's what's crazy moses was one man who interceded was a friend with of god and this is a i don't have time to that he intercedes for the whole nation god's ready to say hey i'll start over with you that's what he told them i'll start over with you and i'm going to have you be the nation and moses is like no no no no don't do that he intercedes and the scripture says i've heard your i heard your voice and i've changed my mind one man entire nation your intercession is powerful a lot going on in our nation a lot going on in our state pray in the spirit amen i don't want to be filled with unbelief i refuse to be filled with unbelief i don't want any of you to be filled with any unbelief any fear we step into the provision of god the same one who actually touched the leper lives in you he is willing and he is able let's bring people to jesus let's share the gospel let's bring the good news let's carry the joy let's be ready in season to pray for people lay hands on people believe god there's a there's a bunch of people who are absolutely shook up and we have the gospel message it's not the time for us to turn inward and fight with among each other that's that's craziness we can't be fractured we have to be unified we have to move forward together with the things that are our main and plain share jesus with someone encourage them on social media share your faith cast some joy give them a scripture god is with you in this season let's stand [Music] so lord i pray that you would resurrect promises in this room i pray god the very things that you have shared with people whether it's prophetically whether it's in a dream whether it's a promise you've given them whether it's a verse that's coming out of the scripture god i pray for every promise that's in this room that that is not shut down by unbelief or fear in any way i pray god that you would release the angelic into everyone's lives we pray the spirit of god would land on each one of us i pray that that we would be people who are consumed with this area of love and passion for jesus and are walking in boldness serving and loving people god i pray that we would actually share christ more than we criticize that we actually walk around with joy so people could actually see the transformational difference in our life while everyone's all quote shook up god i pray that you would go ahead and use us to bring life and security and peace to people god i pray for anyone who struck down in any way with any kind of sickness lord that we be carriers of the anointing that we lay hands on the sick we actually do what the word of god says and see transformation a lot of hurting people a lot of worried people a lot of nervous people whether it's about the economy and things in heaven are not shaken solid so we trust you with it in jesus name amen amen pastor andrew is going to come up sorry that took a little longer than
Channel: Convergence Church
Views: 253
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 138min 30sec (8310 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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