Connect chatGPT to Wordpress & Woocommerce for Content Automation

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sharp GPT has taken the Internet by storm everyone is talking about it but a few questions remain can we connect chat DPT to Wordpress to create content automatically or even better can be connected to woocommerce to create product descriptions and what about SEO could chat TPT also help us with that well do you know what let's find out shall we oh and by the way the answer to all these questions is yes very good so I'm gonna use a demo website here that we've created using insta WP so if you want to check this out how you can create demo website very quickly in just a few seconds using insta WP we'll leave a link in the description below so as you can see we start with no plugins and we just have the default theme but now again this will work with any WordPress installation so we go to plugins we're going to install the essential plugin that we need so add new and here in the search engine Rook a I power okay and this is the very first one here GPT AI Power by signal sahin okay and this is the one we're gonna need to install so let's click install now and then activate there you go and I can skip this all together so Skip and this is basically the only plugin that we are going to need to implement chat DPT into our website and as you can see by the side you have the content writer Auto content writer image generator product based playground judgpt train your AI and so on and so on so it's absolutely a complete solution and it's free as well now there is a pro version as well that you can use but we're going to use only the free one for this demo here so the first thing that we need is an API key as you can see here so how do you get your API key if you hover on top as you can see you have a link click on this it will open up a new tab and now let me zoom in a little bit you have to log into your account your chatgpt account okay so let's click login continue enter your password and right here as you can see we have a button here create new secret key so this is what we need to do and make sure you select the type of organization in my case it's personal but it could be a business perhaps this is the account that you have and click create a new key and there you go as you can see our API key has been generated and you can copy this and click OK and then we can go back to our WordPress dashboard and paste it here as you can see it should start by SKS something something okay so Ctrl V and then save so let's create our first post automatically using chat GPT okay so we go to the Post section here and normally you would click add new but in this case we're going to use another feature as you can see with generate new posts so this is the one we're going to use okay so click on this and all you need to do is basically type in the title here so I just went with the subject all together could be anything basically you know so for instance our touch Key Mobile phones becoming obsolete and let's see what chat GPT can create for us so by this side here you can see of different options so you can select the language you can select the style so as you can see you have informative academic analytical anecdotal argumentative articulate and so on and so on so let's go with informative for instance okay and you can select the tone as well so formal assertive cheerful conversational and so on so let's go with formal here okay and then you can select heading so how many headings do you want to create so let's say perhaps maybe seven okay and we're going to use H1 as the tag you can also use keywords but this is the pro version again we're going to use the free version here only you can insert an image as well so let's add an image perhaps to our post here and a featured image as well and then you can select the size so we're going to go with 512 by 512 and you can select the style even of your image so abstract modern impressionist pop art cubism and so on and so on so let's go maybe with contemporary okay so we can add additional content as well do you want to add a tagline an introduction a conclusion so let's do all this okay let's add all of these and you want to add a table of content you can even do so but in our case we're not going to use that so we can add an anchor text Target URL and call to action button as well and Link this directly to maybe a sub page on your website or whatever it is you know and we can optimize this for SEO as well so let's create the meta description as well all at once once you've selected your options all you have to do is Click generate and that's basically it so let's click on this so as you can see now it started generating the content so this is going to take a little while maybe a minute a minute and a half so I'm just going to pause here obviously but it's still much faster than typing all the content yourself obviously you know and there you go as you can see now we have the introduction on top the pros and cons and then different paragraph Just underneath and we also have an image attached to it and everything is done for us including the SEO The Meta description is done as well so if you're happy enough all you have to do is to click save draft there you go so now our draft has been created and now we can have a quick preview you know let's see what it actually looks like so this is the image that's been selected for us so this is clearly a touch Key Mobile phone so are they becoming obsolete introductions the pros and cons we have hard touch Key Mobile phones have evolved over time look at this this is fantastic you know this is this is a full-length article and images have been included for us automatically as well so I looked at the length of this article this would take you definitely longer than three minutes just to type this and this has been done in a bit less than two minutes it's two minutes and 49 seconds now if you're happy enough all you have to do is Click publish publish and that's it you're all done and now you can repeat that over and over again as many times as you want with as many articles as you wish and now let's see how we can use chat GPT to create description for our products this time so using woocommerce okay so as you can see I have a demo website here we're selling a bicycles and bicycle accessories okay so let's go ahead with this so we go back to our WordPress dashboard and as you can see a woocommerce our products we go to all products and we're going to create a new one basically okay so add new not normally you would put the product name here the description underneath but this time I'm going to chat GPT do all the work for us so we're going to scroll down the page and you have this section here so right here you're going to put the original title so this could be the bike model for instance you know so we have a cube agree c62 this is a Pro bike and then you can write an SEO friendly product title you can ask for a description to be written for you also a short product description and why not create product tags as well okay so let's click generate and all the works gonna be done for us automatically and there you go guys you can see all the content is imported and created for us as you can see automatically by using chat GPT so no effort required from us obviously you know and if you're happy enough all you have to do is click save and there you go guys as you can see all the necessary fields are now filled in with content and now we can finish the creation of our product here so we can add an image so let's select a file together I found one here online so open then insert we can select the categories as well so this goes into bicycle so we're gonna set the price on 1999 and that's basically it we all done as you can see the tags are there and everything's been created for us automatically apart from the image and the price obviously you know so let's click publish and now let's see what it looks like in the front end so open in a new tab and there you go guys this is our landing page as you can see the title here Cube agrees c62 with the price this is our short description all our time bags in the full description and all of that has been done automatically for us using chat GPT now would you like to find out how you can make money using chat GPT if this is the case you can go and watch this video next
Channel: Mr Web
Views: 26,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatGPT, connect chatGPT to woocommerce, connect chatGPT to wordpress, connect woocommerce to chatGPT, connect wordpress to chatGPT, mr web, woocommerce, wordpress
Id: zDBkyHcTv8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 0sec (480 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 30 2023
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