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In this video I'm gonna teach you  how to work with Divi in a more   efficient, better, and smarter way.  So watch this video till the end   because all these tips are gonna help  you out big time. Let's dive in, right now! So a lot of people use plugins to enter  code to your Divi website. It's totally   not necessary. Just go over here to Divi and  you go to Theme Options in here. And then you go   to the tab called 'Integration'. In here you can  just add in a code to the head of your blog or   to the body. What it says in Divi: is to add  the code to the <body> because it's good for   tracking codes such as Google Analytics. That's  not true! In Google Analytics it literally says:    "Immediately after the <head> element so we're gonna  copy this code, we're gonna paste it in over here.   Here we go. Make sure this one is enabled and just  press save changes. No need for another plugin.   If you for example create a new row and you  go to 'Settings', you might notice in 'Design'   and 'Sizing' that the max width of the row  is standard 1080px. This might be a bit too   small for your websites. Nut if you want to  change your row settings every single time,   it's gonna take a lot of time. What you do is  you change this for example to 1280px, and we   go over here to 'Presets'. We're going to change  the default preset over here with this button;   'Update preset with current style'. If you do this,  you get a warning. Because this will affect all   rows using the row default preset across your  entire website. If you now press on yes, all the   rows in your website will become a bigger size,  but also every new row you're creating will have   these styles. Really powerful feature make sure  to use it when you start building your website. We all know mobile devices are very important. But  do you know how important? Check on your Analytics   and you can see that on this website, 75% of all  visitors is coming through their mobile device. How to   optimize for mobile? Its really easy. If you now go  to this menu item over here click on it. And here   you can switch between different devices. Let's  go to the phone view. And now for example you see   that these buttons are not completely lined  out the right way. So how do you change this   only for mobile? You go to your settings, you go  to 'Design' 'Alignment' 'Button alignment' is to the   right side, but if you only want to change it on  mobile devices, click on this icon over there. And   then for phone we go to 'center' this one. And you  might also check the tablet to see how it works.   And then you see its also centered at the right  side, not that nice. Click on the center button.   Let's change the second button, go to 'Design' go to  'Alignment'. Hover over your button, then go to your   mobile phone, and place it on the center again.  Also with tablet, go in there and also align it   to the center. Well done. For example this text  is a little bit too big on mobile devices. So we   click on the module settings, we go to 'Design'.  I just press the brush icon over there. Text   size: I can also change it for mobile like this!  And put it on 20px. Whoa, put it on 24px. Way better   and it works with every module within Divi. This  button looks very nice on desktop but on mobile   phones I don't want it to be over there. How do  we do that? Well you just go into this module you   go to 'Advanced' you go to 'Visibility' and you  can choose to disable this specific module on   phones and tablets for example. Well I only want  to disable this on phones. So press save, here   you go. When you just want to replace the image  for a mobile a different kind, you can press on   these settings. You go to 'Image' and when you hover  over here you'll see this icon again. Click on it.   And now you can select a completely different  image just for your mobile phone! For example I   want this image on mobile. This image on tablet,  and this image on desktop. Actually every single   thing that is changeable within Divi can be  changed for different devices. For example the   text you can even add more text. "Text for mobile"  and here we go "Text for tablet" and this is the text  for desktops. It works amazing. Also the sizing  options, the max width, the module alignments, all   these things can be done within Divi. It's really  easy to fine tune your new website for mobile devices. Sometimes you just can't select the right  module. When you're changing z-indexes for   example, or you just - like this - was playing  with the spacing. Now I can't add a new   module in over here, because of the row!  Very easy to fix, just go over here and   select the 'Wireframe Modus'. Now you can see  your entire page how it's been built up in   modules, rows and sections. Just add in a new  module over there, and while you have added   it, you can even switch back to your desktop view.  Now it's very easy to add anything that you want.   People want to create a mega menu like this, and  they're always using a plugin to do this. Well it's   not actually necessary. It's very easy to do within  Divi itself. You just go to 'Appearance' go to 'Menus' and the first thing in here is we go to 'Screen  options'. We're going to enable the 'CSS classes' right there. And then you go to the menu and as you  can see, I have a products menu, and in here I have   an image, custom link, with all these sub items. If  you go to product you will see that the CSS class   of the highest level is a "mega-menu". Just like this  just mega-menu. And then when you scroll down you   can see this one's a "mega-link". So the second level  is "mega-link" and all the sub items don't have a   CSS class. This was the "mega-link" and these are  with no other CSS classes. "mega-link" "mega-link" no   CSS classes. As you can see that's just the way how  it works, its really easy and it works like a charm.   So this custom link is also a "mega-link" and I just  put in a image over there. Really easy this is just   the image, change the width a bit, and then you just  have a beautiful image on top of your mega menu. Another thing I see going wrong a lot is actually  using the layout system of WordPress itself. What   do I mean with that? Well if I'm trying to change  this module settings of this blurb. Some people   actually change this entire text - select it - and make  it bold. And also for example change the text to   blue. Well you can do this this way, but when I  now go to this brush icon, and I want to change   the body font weight for example Ultra bolt, or  light... it's not possible anymore. The text in here   contains now HTML, which has more priority than  the Divi CSS layout. What I strongly suggest: if   you want to make this bold and you want to change  the color of the entire thing, press on the brush   icon over there, and then go over here and make it  for example bold and change the color if you want   to do this. If you're doing it like this, then if you  go to content and text you can also change for   example, this little word to make it for example  white again. You can use some HTML inside of your   module, just for small adjustments. For overall  adjustments please use the Divi module itself.   In 2023 I still see people using the default  header in Div. I mean look at this, it's just   hideous. A logo with just this one, and  you have to tune it and tweak it using   the theme customizer. Why? What you need to do  my friend - to harness the power of Divi - go to   your dashboard, you go to Divi, and you go to  the 'Theme Builder'. You could just add in a   new template over here. You can build it, and you  can choose is it for a specific page? But maybe   you just only want this for a test page for  example. And we're going to create a template.   And then you can add in a global header and a  global footer. If you try to edit these things,   you will have the full power of the Divi builder  inside of your global header. And this is just   really simple. Just a section, a row, a menu, and  a button. But you can be as creative if you want. So please stop using this standard header  in your Divi websites. Thank you very much.   Another thing is that people don't know how to  align vertical modules inside of your row. In here   I have a row with three columns I have text and  icon and nothing. But I want them to be vertically   aligned. So that they're in the center of the row.  Really easy to do if you know how. First we need   to go into the row settings, click on it. And we go  to 'Design' 'Sizing' we're going to 'Equalize column   heights'. Turn this on. Then we go to 'Content' and  click on the column you want to align vertically.   I want the first one. I go to 'Advanced' 'Customs CSS'  and the 'Main element'. You type in here "align-self: center;"  Just like this. Save this one. You go to the second column , go to 'Advanced' 'Customs CSS' and the 'Main element' and again "align-self: center;" . Press save it.  And save it. And there it is. So stop using padding and margin, because this is the way to actually do  it safe on all devices and it works like a charm.   Also a thing that's very useful, is to name your  sections and rows. If I now go to my wireframe modus, you will see that all these things in this  page is all just normal section, row, section, row, section, row.... I don't know what's in there! If you're  using the wireframe a lot, it can be very useful   just to change some names. This section is about  "The steps to success". So I go into the section   settings, go in the 'Admin label', and here I say:   "Steps to success" and save it. And this section is   going to be called "Quote". This section is going  to be called... And when I now go into wireframe   mode, you will see that hey this is really logical!  Here are my pricing plans, over here is my quote,   and then I go to my steps to success. Really useful  if you're creating big pages and you're using the   wireframe view. What I see people do is go into the  module settings hit the brush icon and change the   text font to; whatever they're using. But they have  to do it every single time. Now you can do this of   course with the presets - like I already shown you - but you can also go to the 'Theme Customizer' over   there. And in here you can go to 'General settings'  go to 'Typography' and here when you scroll down,   you can actually change the font of your titles  and your body, and the colors to change the   standard font. And of course you will have all  the Google Fonts available on your website.   Now this is very useful and will save  you a lot of time creating your website.   Now on my contact page I want to have a Google  Maps view of my location. And I want this section   to be full width. So we're gonna add a new section,  I'm thinking going full width. I'm gonna add a full   width map. And then... "For development purposes only"  I'm going to add a new pin. Title? I don't know?   My office? I don't know, what should I add in here?  Map Google Page could not find it? Right, wait   a second. Map pin address? Washington DC, Find it.  Request denied? What am I supposed to do here? There   is a far more easier way. Just go over here add a  new section, just a normal section like this, with a   normal row. And a module will be a code module. Go  to Google Maps, go to the place you want to show.   Make sure to zoom out the way you actually want  to shown the map on your website. And press 'Share'.   'Embed a map' over there, and press 'Copy HTML'. Then  you go to your code module, and we paste it in   right there. And we only have to change one thing.  You go to your width, and then we change the 600px   to 100%. You can also change the height to whatever  you want. Press save. And now we go into the row settings of this module. Click on 'Design' 'Sizing'  change the width to 100 percent, and also the max   width to 100 percent. Then we go to 'Spacing'  padding: 0 bottom: 0. Save it. Also go to   your section go to 'Design' go to 'Spacing' padding  0 bottom 0. Just like this, and press save.   Building your website you will notice that you  use a lot of the same colors. The right way to   build your website with the colors is actually  not the way you might think. If you go to your text   modules over here for example. What you will see  is this normal color palette over there. I actually   never use this color palette. What I always do is  use 'Global Colors'. Over there. Why do I use Global   Colors?Well this is the power of Divi. If I now  change the heading text color to this dark blue   color, then this heading will change that's no  problem. But when I press now on this Global Color   over here, and I'm going to change this for example  to a red color. And then I'm gonna save this. Watch what   happens. "Are you sure? You have made changes to  the global color this will affect all instances   across your entire website, do you want to proceed?"  If I click yes now - let's just do it - and we press   save, you will see that every time when I use this  global color, it now turned into this hideous   red. But the power of this is that I can change  all my colors in just one go throughout my entire   website. And I want to save it again my website is  just on the normal colors again. Phew! If you want to   add more global colors, just press on this plus  icon over there, select the color you want to add   in. Press the save button and there it is. And if  you want to change it or disable it, just right   click on it, here you can replace it, delete it,  and edit it. Really easy and it works like a charm.   If you are creating your Divi website in your  native language, then you know that some   modules the translation is just not that  right. What's a Buffer? Its margin and   padding, it's not a buffer in Dutch! I mean this  is, this is just not supposed to be like this.   It is actually because when I go to 'Settings' and I  go to 'General' you will see that the site language   is in my native language. And that is very important  for your visitors in Google because now Google's   search engine knows which language this website  has been written in. But if I want to build my   website in English,but show my website in Dutch,  there is a trick for that. You go to 'Users' and you   go to your own profile over there. Make sure that the  language is set to English or whatever language   you want. Press save. And now all the menus are in  English, and the entire Divi interface is also in   English again. Which works way better in my opinion.  But the site language is still in Dutch. And this   is really great if your visitors speak another  language then you want to build your website in.   If you're creating your Divi website and  you're working with posts or projects, then   you might see this hideous layout. You always  have this, the titles the buttons are just   ugly, and then this sidebar which is just building  with widgets. I mean this is... it gives me the 1987   creeps! How do we change that? Really easy. You go to  'Divi' over here, and you go to the 'Theme Builder'.   In the Theme Builder we can actually create a new  template, click on it; 'Build new template' we're   going to use it on all posts over there. Create  template. Now here comes the really important stuff.   Add a custom body over there. Press 'Build custom  body'. Now you will have the full power of Divi.   So what we need is we need a new row of course,  add it in. And the first module we're gonna add is   a 'Post Content' like this. Hey now this looks  pretty amazing. If I now save this and I save   my Theme Builder. Now when I refresh my post this  is what I see. Just "Welcome to WordPress" it's just   like this. And when I press edit post, and I can  actually use the Gutenberg editor just to create   something like this. When I now press on preview, I  will just see this entire layout created in the   Divi Theme Builder. But there's more. If I go back  to my Theme Builder and change my Custom Body, if   I want to add my title in top of it, I just scroll  down, press this icon, and I press post title. Like   this. Save it. I'm gonna drag and drop it over  there. Then you can just change the elements   if you want you have the title, the meta, the author  the date, like anything. Just style it! And now when   I refresh my post you will see this. If you're  wondering about this entire beautiful website how   to create it in Divi, just follow this tutorial  and I'll show you step by step. And if you just   want to use the templates, it's also included  in the zip file. Just because I love you guys! I also see people struggle to get in a new  header on different pages. For example on this   page I've created a blue header over there, but  if I now go to Services, you will see that this   entire header is white. We have a different menu  color - it's turning white - and we have a different   background and a different logo. How to do that? The  Theme Builder strikes again! It's really easy to do.   Just create a new template over there. Select the  page you want to use for them, or the categories   or well maybe a contact page. Create template. The  first thing you need to do is go over there and   disable Global, like this. If you do that, all the  changes inside of this header will stay on that   page and not across your entire website. Then we  go into the custom header. And we can style it just   the way we want to have it. So for example let's  change the background to this global blue. We're   going to change the logo to a white one. And you  go to the background, gonna make it transparent.   We're gonna make the menu text color white. Its  that easy, the power of the Theme Builder should   not be underestimated. Now when handing over a  website to a client for example, I see a lot of   things going wrong when I use the Theme Builder to  create posts. On the post they can actually click   on edit with Divi Builder. But I did create the post  in Gutenberg. Because it is just easier for people   they don't have to work with styling, they don't  have to design things, it just works like this. The   problem is this really nice button over here! It  just feels so attractive, people want to click on   it. But when they do this page actually goes to a  Gutenberg page. How to change that? You go to 'Divi'   you go to 'Theme Options' we go to 'Builder'. And here  you can disable the Divi Builder on posts, like this.   Press save changes. Now when I go to my posts, there  is no "Edit with Divi" button. And when I press edit,   you will see there is no way to start the Divi  Builder. This works actually really great to force   your users to just use Gutenberg. Some people just  resist change and don't want to use Gutenberg on   their posts. Well I got you covered. Just go to  'Divi' go to 'Theme options' over there. Then you   can go to 'Builder' and you press on 'Advanced' and  here you can actually use the classic editor. Press   save changes. Now when I go to 'Posts' 'All posts' and  I'm going to edit my posts. And now you can still   edit your post without using Gutenberg. This just  takes me back years ago! It's actually nice! Totally   depends on what you're used to, but this just  feels so.... easy. Was Gutenberg such a good idea? Now this one thing actually bothers me the most. Because you  are just throwing away literally money. If you go to over there, and you press  enter. You have a limited discount of 10% on your   next Divi purchase. And what I mean with throwing  away money is this: if you're still having a yearly   access paid plan, you really need to switch to  the Lifetime plan right now! Because the lifetime   access is only 225 dollars. And you'll be set up  for life! Now with coming up Divi 5 over here, I've   already had a sneak peek and a test drive. They  might be changing the pricing! So hurry up, get your   lifetime license while it's still available. Now  if you don't see the 10% discount, I got a trick for   you. Open up this link in a new private window. You  go over here: 'New private window' or just go over   here and open up a 'New incognito screen' it will give you the discount again! What I think is a real shame is when people   not style their 404 page. I mean look at this! This  is just when you click something wrong you go over   here, what is this? it's totally not as  beautiful as my entire website! How do we change   that? The answer is of course the Divi Theme Builder.  Add a new template - build it. And go to your 404   page right this, and press 'Create template'. In here  you can add a custom body. And when you create it   you can create anything you want, like this. And  now when I go to a link that does not work, or I   mistype my URL, I will see this "Woops, page not found!"  And you can of course style it the way you want it.   If I know search for something like "Website". I  have created this amazing search result page. And   it just works really easy. Just make sure to create  a new Global Template for your search result. And   change your Custom Body. However there's one trick  you need to understand. If you have your post title   you will need to add a Blog Module. And you have  to check this box: "Posts for current page" put it on   yes and then everything works like a charm. When  adding some custom CSS, there are multiple places   to do this within Divi. Of course you can have a  Child Theme. You can also go to 'Divi' 'Theme options'   and when you scroll down you have also a place  for your custom CSS. It's over here, and it will   also show up in the customizer. Which is also great. But if you want to use CSS only on one page or one   post, there's an easier way. Just go into here  the Divi Options. And press on this, the gear icon.   Here you can go to 'Advanced' and you can add  some custom CSS, which only will apply on this   page. Sometimes really useful! If you only want to  add in a script on one page, just go in and add a   new module anywhere you want, and add in the code  module, like this. Then make sure your code starts   with <script> and also ends with </script> and in  here you can place in any script you want. And a   good practice is then also to go inside of your  wireframe view, right click on it or just press   on the menu item over there, and press on 'Lock' like this. And now changing this will be a kind of   challenge, because you have to right click on it  and press 'Unlock'. So there's an extra layer. If I   go to the visual builder, I cannot even change it  over here, because I get this hover thing that its   locked. Which is really great so other people  won't mess up your codes inside of your pages.   If you try to debug your website because  you've added way too much plugins, and they're   all interfering with Divi and other kind of  things, before panicking you can easily find   out where the problem comes from. Just go to  'Divi' over there and we go to 'Support center'.   In the support center you can scroll down  and enable 'Safe mode' now the safe mode will   only apply for you. It will temporarily disable  plugins, child themes, and custom code it added   to your integration areas. And if you now open  up your website and you see that everything's   working fine, the problem is inside of your  plugins or your custom code, and not with   Divi. And with that knowledge you can delete  plugins and find an alternative for example.   In the Divi Theme options you go to this 'performance' tab over there.  If you scroll down everything needs to be enabled.   Also the improved Google Fonts loading, and  Defer additional third-party scripts. Then   you press save changes. And this will make some  difference, but the real big change is when you   follow this tutorial about speeding up your Divi  website. I'm using a paid plugin to do this for   us. And it's really amazing and I use it on all  my client websites. Make sure to check that out.   This tip will actually change your  progress of building websites in a really   extreme way. Divi has built in a lot of shortcuts.  For example if I want to copy this module, I can   press this one, press copy module, go over  somewhere else, and press paste   module. But those are a lot of things you need  to do. You can also just hover your mouse over   it - press Ctrl+C on your keyword and press Ctrl+V  any place you want to have this module. And this   makes it really easy to just copy and paste  things around in your WordPress website. But   there are way more shortcuts. If you go over  there and you click on this question mark, you   will see 'Keyboard shortcuts' over here. You will  see all these things that will really speed   up your workflow within Divi. Make sure to look  at them, because it will save you a ton of time.   If you're building your website you'll notice  that you'll be reusing a lot of modules you've   already created. And you can of course copy and  paste them all but there is another way which   is way better and way more easier. If you have  for example this beautiful button I have two   buttons over here that I'm gonna use regularly on  my website. What do I do? I press on this icon over   here 'Save this module to my library'. Click on it  and give it a useful name like orange button. And   press save to library. Also with this one, I'm  going to save it to the library and I'm gonna   press save to library. If you're building  a lot of websites and you're reusing these   kind of buttons in different kind of websites,  you can save it to the cloud so you can import   them across different websites. Also really useful! And if I now want to add in my button over here, I   just press on this plus icon and I press 'Add from  library' and now I can just add in all the things   I've been saving from my website. Like the  transparent button, but also titles, H1, H2   upper text Gray, paragraph, orange buttons.... it will  save you a lot of time. But you can also use Global   items. If you save this to the library for example  you can choose 'Save as global'. Orange button and   then we're gonna add "Global" to it. Press save to  library. And now it turns to light green. That means,   when you change the layout of this button, it will  change throughout all the global buttons inside of   your entire website. Add it in. Add from library.  And you can see this orange button but then it   is this this global icon over there. Click on it,  use it. Now another powerful feature about global   modules is that you can actually disable syncing  for example the text. So global but not synced with   text. But then when I go to 'Design' I go to for  example my alignment, which is a global option   and it has been enabled. If I change it to the  left side and I change it, the other button also   goes to the left side. That's the power of global  modules. So presets, global modules, and saving them   in a library are useful tools that will save you  a lot of time developing your Divi websites. If   you have any questions or you just want to add  in your tip drop them down in the comments, I'll   always reply. Subscribe to my channel if you want  to see more WordPress related videos, and the next   tip is to check out this video! Because it also  contains a lot of golden nuggets... Golden nuggets!
Channel: Matt - WPress Doctor
Views: 16,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wordpress doctor, wordpress, wordpress toturial, toturial, how to, websites, wordpress expert, Divi, divi tips, divi tips and tricks, divi hacks, divi theme tips and tricks, divi theme hacks, tips about divi theme, tips divi theme, tricks divi theme, tricks divi
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 22sec (1822 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 07 2023
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