Divi Builder Plugin With Astra Theme Is Amazing

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the Divi theme Builder is comprised of two parts we have the Builder itself and we also have the theme although the Builder has been updated over the years the theme has been lacking behind and as a result of that we don't have a lot of features in this video I want to show you how to use a totally different theme but this time we are going to be using the Divi plugin let me show you how so over here normally when we go to our products we download the DV theme which is this one right here but oftentimes we don't really talk about the plugin itself so in this example let's download the plugin so to do that you can just download over here like that and then now it's downloaded now I've already gone ahead and installed it on my new site here so to install it you have to come over here to plugins and then click on add new next you want to click on upload and then upload the plugin and then activate it and the theme we are going to be using is the most powerful theme out there that I've ever used it is the Astra theme so to install the Astro theme you want to come over here to appearance and then click on themes next you want to search for Astra and you can see here usually it's one of the first ones you click on install and activate but I've gone ahead and installed the pro version because this is what has all the features in fact let me show you quickly what I was able to do in a very very short time so over here I was able to create this header here with the button and also this woocommerce icon here so let me show you how that's done so once Astra is installed what you want to do is to come over here on the top and then click on dashboard so this is going to take you to the main Astra dashboard where you have a lot of customizations so here if you want to customize the site identity this is where you would click and this is the header Builder and so on so let me show you how the header Builder works so I'm going to click here and open this in a new tab so here is our header Builder so all you have to do is to drag or add anything that you want to add in here so at the moment this is what it looks like so let's say I want to delete this cart item I can just go ahead and delete it and that is gone all I have now is just my button at any point if I need to add more items here so let's say I want to add another button I will just click over here select my button and now you can see my button is now showing this is now where I can just drag and drop it wherever I want and in real time we can see where the buttons are so this could be a login and this one here could be a sign up and to customize the button you want to come over here to the button click on it and then you can go ahead and give it a title so this one here can be sign up and then you can easily publish it now there's also some controls here on the bottom we can work on our mobile view here and now you can see we can go ahead and customize this as well but everything out of the box works really really well but now not only can you do the header but there's a lot that we can customize here we can do our page headers we can do woocommerce custom layouts site layouts blog Pro we can also do our typo photography now this here is very very important because if we set our typography here at this point it is going to adjust across the whole website so let's go ahead and take a look at this so if I click here on customize I can go into my body font here and set it up so right now I've set it to Poppins I've also set my size over here and I can also do this with my screens for headings font I can always come over here and I can leave it as inherit because this is the main one that I've just set up but over here on our weight I can go for bold just to make sure that all my headings are bold and then once I'm done with that I can hit publish now I can continue on and also add my heading one two three and four and so on now what I also really like about this is I can also set up my colors over here so if I click on colors we have a default color palette here but I can always go in here and customize this and all these colors are going to be applied pretty much across the whole website so this is very very powerful because we have one central place that we can set up our colors so if I come over here to the global palette I can go in and choose style number two for example I can go for style number three and so on but the cool thing is if I need to change any colors here I can go in and recreate all these colors here and choose my own colors so let's say my accent color here changes changed I can just update it here and it updates across the whole website so this is a very very powerful system to set up if you want to use an advanced theme for your website so let's say everything is done here I can hit publish let's go ahead and see what this looks like when we start building our pages on our website so if I come over here now to a blank page if I click on enable visual Builder we are going to notice that we have access now to our Builder so I can build from scratch so let's say I want to start off with the three three column structure and over here I want to add a blurb I can just go ahead and do that and you're going to notice something very interesting here you see now that our text here has come in as Poppins which is the font that I set up earlier on in the theme options so now I can go in here and customize this from default here if I need to change it here I can go in and say play effect display or let's go with this one here so now you can see it has been updated but if you want to keep it as a default we can just leave it like that and for our font Title Here we can make it bold and we can always go ahead and also change the colors here if we needed to so everything else just works the same as we would if we're using the DV theme and the Builder all in ones like how we normally do so now let's go ahead and save next let's add a full width header here and see what this looks like so I'm going to go into my design layout and I'm going to make this full screen and then I can go back to my content here go to my background and select an image so I'm going to click here on this plus button and let's say I want to use this image here I can upload it all right so let's go ahead and save and I can always do my usual drag and drop and everything is working fine but the most important thing is I am using the Astra theme and the Astra theme is super super fast and it's full of features so let's say all this is done I'm happy with that let's go ahead and see what happens if we install our presets are they going to work so I'm going to come over here and click on new page so let's give this page a name I'm going to call this style use DV Builder build from scratch so what I'm going to do now is to use my DV design guide Pro and see if all my presets are going to be added on to our site so here is my file it's unzipped I'm going to drag and drop it here import presets and then I'm going to go ahead and import okay so it looks like everything has been imported now I'm going to hit publish let's go back to our page now and see if this is going to work so I'm going to refresh this so now if I come over here to my settings click on this drop down I can now see that all my presets have been added and this is really really cool so I'm going to go with this one right here and right away you can see that all my Styles have been applied and I really really like that next I'm going to come over here to my blurbs if I click on this first one here click on the drop down so let's try blurb number four and already I can see my style has been added there all I have to do is to go into my icon here activate use icon and let's say I'm going to go with this one and right away you can see that all my colors my design has been updated and let's try a different one here this time I'm going to go with number seven let's add our image and there we go so The Styling is working perfectly and let's say I want to change this image I can always go all the way down here to my background click on the third Tab and then I can just choose a totally different image I'm going to go with this one here click on upload and then over here on the text I can add my subtitle and my design is now being updated and as you can see I can work really really easy all my presets have been saved which means I can design my website super super fast now let's dial back and take a look at more features that this theme has so we also have features like the mega menu so you can go in and style this menu here out of the box with the Astra theme so these are the sort of things that we don't have if we use Divi out of the box as the theme Builder so if you're a DB user and you want to take your designs to the next level with an updated theme this is the way forward I highly recommend the Astra theme it's really really powerful and it has a lot of features in fact I'm going to do a full review of the Astra theme alright guys thank you very much for watching and I'll see you in the next one take care
Channel: SiteKrafter
Views: 5,041
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Augustine mak, divi 4.0 templates, Divi 4.0 template, Carflows divi, wordpress funnels, online courses, create online courses, online course business, best website them builder, how to build websites for beginners, wordpress websites, how to build wordpress websites, how to build websites from scratch, how to build wordpress websites from scratch, how to create a website from scratch, divi theme builder, how to create a wordpress website for beginners, how to make money online
Id: 5RPgV8bXKig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 6sec (546 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 15 2023
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