Disturbing Media Iceberg Explained (GRAPHIC CONTENT)

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if this video found you in your recommended list you either watch a lot of icebergs or this is going to be your first experience watching one for those who don't know what an iceberg is it's basically a tier list on any given topic which starts at the top starting with the most known facts of a subject and dropping all the way down to least known facts to preface the video just so everybody can enjoy this video without being scared in the comments there will not be any jump scares in this video however i do think that some of the content may creep you out beyond imagination as i am going to be playing clips from all the videos that i mentioned so of course be on the lookout for that during the video but i assure you guys there will not be any sudden increase in volume or anything like an actual jump scare this is going to be part one of two and i will be posting the part two to this iceberg in around five days or less from now just because right now there is like 20 plus pages of actual script for this video and i'm not confident i could get a video out before the week is over if i did all of it in one shot with all that said grab some food pour on some more blankets and get comfortable because this one's going to be a long one i did not create this iceberg the original iceberg was actually created by a reddit user by the name of the best youtuber if you guys want to check out the original post i will link it below let's get started with layer 1 which i'm going to call the weird mainstream part of youtube creepypasta videos this entry is talking about the videos on youtube discussing various types of creepypasta creepypasta is basically horror related legends or stories that are just that legends and stories most of these stories aren't actually real and i say most because i do believe some of them are based on real events but the actual stories themselves are almost always fathomed up there are stories written as if someone is retelling an event from their life or just like an urban legend some of the most famous ones that you guys might have heard of are jeff the killer smile dog and squidward suicide these stories have found their way into video format amongst a plethora of youtube channels that all dedicate their time to reading off various creepypastas as if they are the characters in the story if you have time to dedicate to it just type in creepypasta on youtube and you should find many many channels that have lots of videos retelling these old stories elsagate elsagate refers to the controversy that still plagues youtube to this day specifically the side of youtube called youtube kids you know that side of youtube that's supposed to be only for kids well lots of videos have surfaced to youtube kids entailing some of children's favorite tv show or movie characters doing sexual or traumatizing acts there are videos of spider-man performing sexual acts on elsa or mickey mouse getting his ear dropped off and just a lot of stuff that wasn't really meant for kids to actually watch this idea became more widely spread in 2017 when people realized that if they let their kids watch youtube with autoplay on that in a matter of like 10 videos their kids would already start being subjected to these types of videos you can still find these types of videos on youtube kids as it's really hard for youtube to crack down on this problem without completely changing the landscape of youtube itself for a more in-depth explanation i've linked a ted talk below that i believe went over the problem pretty thoroughly moving on scare theater scare theater is a youtube channel that has been uploading to youtube since early 2015. the earliest published video on his channel is obey the walrus explained which funny enough is actually another entry on this iceberg anyways this channel mainly posts videos centered around explaining scary urban legends very very eerie youtube videos and all around any type of creepy or disturbing internet mysteries throughout the rest of this iceberg you guys will see me frequently reference this guy's channel and it's because most of what we're going to cover today in the iceberg has already been made into a video by scare theater so i would recommend checking out his channel for anything you don't see on this iceberg because chances are he has a video on it unfortunately the channel hasn't been uploaded to since november of 2020 and doesn't seem to plan on it anytime soon from the looks of it if you got time to go down to rabbit hole and binge i'll link the channel below don't hug me i'm scared don't hug me i'm scared is a three minute video that was uploaded to youtube in the summer of 2011 which on the surface seemed like just another sesame street type show for the internet however while the beginning of the video seems like any other kids show the video takes a dark turn halfway through and it starts getting straight up disturbing with how the characters are reacting to their environment since 2011 the channel posting these videos which also goes by the same name of don't hug me i'm scared has published numerous videos centered around the same idea of having a fun sesame street feel in the first half of the video and then only taking a dark creepier turn as the video goes on while on the surface these videos seem like nothing more than to serve as shock value they dive into topics such as how religion and cults can affect you early on or even how sesame street teaches kids to not be creative but instead to think the way that adults tell them to think there has been six additions to the don't hug me i'm scared series with the group stopping its posting in 2018 if you want to know what happened to them i actually made a video explaining what 2021 has planned for the group i did in fact find an answer as to what happened to the group and why they stopped posting but i'm not going to spoil that here if that interests you i'll link both the don't hug them scared channel and my video below jack stauber if you guys have heard this song on tik tok or just in general then you probably know who jack stauber is but what you might not know is that jack stauber creates very creepy claymation jump cut style videos on his own youtube channel what i've been playing in the background is a promo that he made for his album which honestly i don't know who the hell thought it was a good idea maybe i'm just missing something with all this but his channel is riddled with these types of creepy claymation 3d animation and just weird polygon characters doing very strange robotic movements and i just don't understand the whole purpose of all this other than to garner attention to his channel his first video was posted back in 2013 and has since uploaded all the way up to august 3rd of 2020 when his last video was posted most of the animations on his channel are pretty high quality and they tend to all have the same sort of style so while i can't seem to appreciate the art that jack stauber creates i'm certain that some of you out there definitely can appreciate it and for that reason i will leave a link to his channel below for anyone to go down the rabbit hole just note that some of his videos are definitely more disturbing than others moving on parody animations i believe this entry on the iceberg has to deal with those videos on youtube that you see that take an idea like pokemon or harry potter and then make their own animation based on those characters some are very well made and put together while others are reminiscent of what you might find on a random flash game from new grounds this in my opinion is kind of similar to the elsagate videos with the poorly made parody animations feeling more like creepy random images being thrown around with vaguely recognizable characters while the more high quality parodies like oni cartoons are done for audiences to enjoy by putting these characters in hilarious situations i'll leave a link to oni ng because this was my first personal experience with these types of animations on youtube if you guys have any animations you thought were disturbing or just straight hilarious feel free to link them below salad fingers salad fingers is a series of 11 youtube videos created by david firth these videos are mainly about a character named salad fingers which is named after the same name of the series and how he takes us on a journey into his life the videos are full of very creepy moments like this where he stabs his finger into a nail or when this horse has a hole cut into its side the main plot of these videos isn't very well known but many videos have surfaced on the internet and attempt to explain what exactly is happening in the whole series david firth has gone on record stating that the animations were created because he was tired of the bland mainstream style of animation that has been used since the dawn of animation basically he wanted to put something out there that was just different we see so many animations and cartoons nowadays that are just the same happy kid shows being regurgitated over and over again and david firth wanted to bring something to the table that would tell a story in a different way while using that same style of storytelling he wanted to use animation but take a darker spin on it solidfingers would be amongst the first of its kind and the future for videos like this would only get better now if david firth is to release another one is very unclear i assume that episode 11 is the final episode in the series and i will leave a link below to a video posted by david himself which has all the episodes in the series bundled into one hour length feature this actually brings us to layer 2 of the iceberg if you have been watching this far remember to smash the like button as it doesn't just help me with the youtube algorithm but it lets me know i'm doing a great job with that said let's get into layer 2 of the iceberg which i like to call the actual weird part of youtube i feel fantastic i feel fantastic is a video uploaded by creepyblog in april of 2009 the video gained mass popularity almost immediately because of what the video entailed the video begins with an animatronic robot named tara that began singing a song about how she feels fantastic it is definitely a very creepy and eerie video from the look of it but for the fans of the video at the time it would only get weirder towards the end of the video this clip randomly cuts in where it's literally just a clip of grass in the wilderness presumably someone's backyard many many theories came out explaining how this video was uploaded by someone that killed and murdered somebody after killing said person they took all the clothes off of the victim which is presumably a woman and they hid the woman in a hole underground they then dressed up their homemade animatronic in the victim's clothes and made it sing this is why the animatronic keeps saying i feel fantastic for whatever sick fetish the killer had he wanted to picture the woman that he killed saying this over and over again the killer then decided to upload a video of it singing and tease at where the remains of the body lies and thus we have this clip here this has actually been debunked as there is a website that explains who made the android and how much it cost to make it i believe that there is another website out there from the maker himself that explains how he made the robot and what it can do so no murder story here but it's still a great story nonetheless if you want to see the video yourself i will leave a link to the video below let's move on blank room soup blank room soup is a youtube video that shows a man being seemingly tortured by two weird mascots the torturing that is taking place is forcing this guy to eat this soup that to this day has its contents unknown this video surfaced around 2005 but didn't gain widespread popularity until a few years later around 2015. there are apparently three other videos that spawned after the creation of this one with the second edition being the same type of video as the first both the first and the second video are the same in the sense that it's just a video of two masked people watching the same guy eat the same bowl of soup the main difference though is that in the second video the two figures stand at the back of the room until the end of the video where one of the costume figures lunges at the man and then the video suddenly cuts to black and seemingly ends the third edition in the blank room soup series is a 10 second video where the figures just seem to have captured a new person and held them captive the last video in the series is where it gets a bit more interesting the last and final video is a 30 second clip taken by what i assume to be a random bystander on the street the video itself is just a clip of one of the masked figures from the first three videos standing and guarding the front of this unknown location the full story of these videos goes as follows the figures captured the first guy tortured him and killed him then they captured a new person and are now guarding the area or building that they keep the guy captive in now on the surface you might just write these videos off as just another weird story but that's actually wrong and this is where the creepiness factor intensifies as opposed to the later additions to this iceberg the origins of the blank room suit videos still remain a mystery to this day what i mean by this is that no one from the video's creation has outright came forward and said these videos are fake and no one has been able to outright prove that the videos are in fact fictional however there are a good set of facts that point to this video's creation being nothing more than an attempt at making a shocking art piece the rest of what i'm about to say is all known facts the character figures that you see on screen are actually from raymond s percy's artwork collection they actually have a name as well one single head is called a ray-ray he created several of these ray-ray costumes and did lots and lots of performances with them he has stated in an email that these costumes were in fact stolen by some unknown people at one of his shows that he did and shortly after the blank room soup videos appeared online so the narrative that the creator himself puts forward is that someone stole the costumes and then they made the blank room suit videos raymond then tries to cover up for the fact that he made more videos and performances with the ray-ray costumes after the blank room suit videos came out by stating that he just simply had extras it's this narrative that i can't wrap my head around and i just don't buy it remember guys just because the creator says something doesn't mean it's true i say this because in blank room soup 3 the guy being kidnapped has actually been identified and he's part of the band that raymond worked with the name of the man in the video is gil sharon and he was part of a band called stolen babies stolen babies had many other videos animated by raymond s percy knowing this the narrative that raymond put forward in his emails falls apart if he worked with this man before and the creations were used in this video that is a clear relationship between raymond and this kidnapped person knowing all of this you can already start putting two and two together it's entirely plausible that raymond is just one of those people that loves to keep up the illusion much like how a magician refuses to give up their tricks raymond doesn't want people to know it's all fake because the funnest part of watching these types of videos is the illusion by the way before moving on i want to credit that last part of the theory to this video right here that i found on the subject now with all that said let's move on lasagna cat lasagna cat is a youtube series created by the group fatal farm which entails parodies of the well-known comic strip garfield the videos on this channel go as far back as 2007 and they have stopped uploading as of 2017. the videos from 2007 consisted of them acting out comic strips from the garfield comic and then shifting into a seemingly random skit after showing what comic they parodied but then comes the videos in 2017. now i had to say this before getting into the 2017 videos because in my research for this iceberg i have to admit that at this point in the iceberg i was pretty underwhelmed and even when finding the lasagna cat's first videos i was still pretty underwhelmed until i saw this video of everything up to this point this is the first thing that made me physically cringe not just what happens in the video but the fact that someone actually made this four hour video and put it on the internet it's just bizarre before i explain this video i first have to explain another one so in 2017 the group posted a video titled 1-800-591-3274 video was basically a parody of any high budget movie trailer lots of action sequences cool transitions and some high intensity situations like this now this was all generally fine to me because i've already seen lots of weird stuff like this before however what made me cringe was this video posted on february 23 of 2017 titled sex survey results this video is 4 hours and 40 minutes long i repeat 4 hours and 40 minutes long now to be fair the video is fairly normal for the first four hours or so the first four hours consist of someone knocking on this door one of the garfield characters answering it and then a mannequin reads off what i assume to be voice clips from the people that called the 1 800 number from the previous video it's just a cycle of this you hear the door knock a garfield character opens the door the mannequin stands there for a second a random person's 1-800 voice clip plays and then they transition to the newspaper and it starts all over again now i wasn't about to waste four hours watching this so i admittedly skipped around and realized okay it's just four and a half hours of people's voice clips being played i'm not gonna waste any more of my time i'm gonna go research another video so just as i was about to click off the video and write it off as just another stupid art piece i saw this comment intrigued i skipped to the end of the video and for the first time my research i just sat there and was like what the [ __ ] so at about 4 hours and 39 minutes the video takes a very very weird turn the main character is double opens the door and when the door is closed the double turns super old we then see a shot of him staring at this random cat in a window and then it cuts to him walking away from the house he runs into this weird duo which appears to be painted to look like mannequins the mannequins drop off a briefcase and lo and behold the briefcase holds a stuffed version of what i assume is the cat that we saw from earlier then we cut to a shot where the cat's floating then it jumps to a guy in the middle of some rocky mountains where i can only assume that this guy presumably gets himself into a fight with this native american figure that appears to be painted like a cat the guy then turns into a pile of worms the native american person screams and then it cuts to a girl screaming inside of a school bathroom now what you're about to see on screen is basically childbirth so if you don't want to see any disturbing or graphic images please skip past this or go to the comments i do warn you right now this is going to get very graphic very quickly but i'm going to keep playing the video let's go once we get more of the shot we actually see that this seems to be a nice church school girl giving birth to a kid and then dumps it in the toilet leaving the baby to die now this scene right here this scene is what made me say what the [ __ ] now i was gonna blur this out but seeing as the original video is still up on youtube i figured my video would be fine i will however leave a link below to anybody that wants to watch the actual video the thing that really bothers me and it's such a strange thing to be bothered by but how the hell is this channel's budget so damn high who on youtube is giving these people money because honestly it's just so weird to me that someone is out there with money producing these videos and the video is somehow still on youtube but youtubers that cuss a lot are somehow taken off it's just plain weird and i don't care what anyone says about how this is art and it's supposed to talk about like rebirthing and dying and life and death at some point i think it's fair to draw a line on what's just plain disgusting for disgusting sake and what's art maybe i'm just missing something but i don't i can never appreciate stuff like this i think it's just plain weird in their defense though i believe that there is a podcast out there that i myself have not been able to find where the creators explain basically everything about the content that they've made so far they explained why they chose garfield why they started posting in the first place why they took a little break for a little bit and they explained basically the whole meaning behind it so if you guys know about this podcast i would love a link to it to watch it or hear it because i want to get into the mindset to appreciate this but as of right now i just think it's plain disgusting with that said let's move on dining room or there is nothing this entry on the iceberg is a minute long short film created by david b earle in 2006. the video begins with a grey-skinned girl sitting at a dining room table with her eyes closed her eyes then open she starts spitting out nonsense and as she says the nonsense the camera zooms out slowly until the girl face plants in her bowl the camera then stops moving and lingers for an abnormally long time until the video is reversed the girl picks herself up from the ball and then we find out what she was trying to say earlier in the video she spits out the phrase there is nothing and then she closes her eyes and the video ends the film itself is meant to spark discussion over life and death david b earl has gone on record stating himself on his website davidbeatroll.com which i will link below and explains that the film is meant to have no actual beginning or end and no real sense of where those beginning and ends start you can read his full explanation on his website feel free to check it out in the link below pet's cop pets cop is an unfiction let's play web series unfiction means that it's a fictional story that pretends it exists in the real world with you and i the channel started posting on march 12th of 2017 where it unveiled its first let's play episode the let's play video itself is based around a fictional obscure playstation 1 game of the same name petscop the game is shown to have been created in 1997 by gerolina the player who goes by the name of paul starts playing the game and posting videos because he wants a specific person to watch these videos he even at some point acknowledges that the videos he's posting have garnered an online presence but he insists he doesn't care about this and only continues to post so that quote unquote they can watch the game itself is nothing more than what appears to be a cutesy kids game where you must release pets from their cages and collect them the person talking in his videos as said before is named paul and even states himself that the game appears to be unfinished he explores the first level of the game in the first episode which is fine and dandy however when paul enters a cheat code the game begins to show a completely different and darker side of itself the fun dancy game music suddenly stops and this is where the game starts becoming very very weird the entire series has 24 episodes total with its last episode being posted on september 1st of 2019. what the series itself is about and by the series i literally mean the videos themselves as a whole not the actual game pets cop the web series itself goes into deeper and darker themes about child abuse and raising the dead through recordings and all that type of jazz the story is a lot more complex than just that with more and more characters being introduced throughout the episodes if you guys want to go down the rabbit hole yourself i will leave a link below to the subreddit and a google doc that thoroughly explains the events of the web series as well as the actual channel that posted the content in the first place agamemnon counterpart this entry on the list is a youtube video by the same name the video itself starts off stating that in the year 2571 a video cassette tape was found in a pile of rubble on a certain blue planet and that the video following is not related to it yeah you heard that right this is literally the stupidest statement i've ever read on any video but anyways let's move on the video that follows the introduction is quite psychedelic with a weird character hopping towards the screen with mickey mouse hands for feet with the text let's make a friend popping up on the top the video then gets distorted and a faint sound of someone's screaming bloody murder can be heard eventually the screaming stops and the video ends a creepypasta based on this video which i will link below goes a lot more in depth on how the screaming was actually from a murder victim from japan or something along those lines the origins and purpose of this video have since been debunked as nothing more than just a piece of art that was entered into a competition the competition in question being the destination imagination event from 2001 the video's description literally has this written out saying that the sound design and drawings were made by dave from 2001 and then stating the phrase d2k1 i will leave two links below that go more in depth on what happened the first link is a video by scare theater which was an earlier mention on the iceberg and the second is a link to a google document that completely debunks the theory surrounding this video obey the walrus obey the walrus is a viral video that features a disabled drag queen tap dancing to some distorted version of itsy bitsy spider a lot of people find this video very unsettling due to the nature in which it was edited it was first posted in 2007 the video itself was actually taken from clips of a documentary called the goddess bunny the documentary was about a woman that became disabled from developing polio as a child and then try to make a living as a dancer and entertainer the sad thing about this is that the video got a whole lot of hate from how creepy it was but the person in the video itself was just another person like you and me trying their best to attain their dreams the woman in the video actually passed away in january of this year having known all this i actually can't go back and watch the video without feeling bad for the person in it and it no longer creeps me out but instead just makes me feel kind of bummed out if you guys want to watch the video for yourselves i will leave a link below to it not much else to be said here let's move on username 666 username 666 is a video that originates from this channel the channel posted it in february 26th of 2008. the video itself is nothing more than a creepypasta in video form or also known as a video pasta the video depicts a person typing 666 into youtube and then refreshing the page over and over again in doing so the page becomes very distorted and starts turning red and very demonic looking some disturbing youtube videos begin playing in the background and just when the video is about to reach a climax a woman inside of the youtube video which is playing in the browser actually reaches out at the viewer and the video ends now this video itself is nothing more than a fathomed up video nothing that happens in this video and nothing about the video is actually real and i'm going to provide a link below as to what actually went down and why the video exists in the first place there was actually a good timeline that explains what actually went down in this video the short version is that a channel simply called 666 had its channel deleted due to the nature of the content on it and this made the channel's creator very angry so they posted username 666 on their second channel this would explain the so-called angry attempts at refreshing the page over and over again much like what someone in disbelief would do if their hard work was deleted i know if my hard work was deleted or my channel was deleted i'd probably just sit there in disbelief refreshing the page over and over again hoping that it was a bad dream that's the short version though for a more thorough explanation i will leave a link to a video going a bit more in depth on why this video was posted jump scare videos as i said in the beginning there will be no actual jump scares in this video so try not to worry too much during this section of the iceberg now i was very confused when i first stumbled upon this part of the iceberg because i don't understand why it's so low everyone and their mom should know what a jumpscare video is by now as jumpscare videos are a majorly known thing on the internet if for some reason you don't know what it is it's just a video with a fake premise in the beginning which gives you a false sense of security and then right when you least expect it in the video the video will throw a scary figure in front of your face and make it scream loudly some notable examples of this are videos such as the scary maze game the ghostly car ad the golfing jump scare and the rocking chair video these are just some notable ones that i remember myself and there are probably a lot of one-offs that you and i have had personal experiences with for example i know one by the name of toy story secrets which scarred me as a kid and watching it now it's not even that scary but as a kid i was very scarred by it these videos have been around youtube since the dawn of its creation so i'm very confused as to why this is so low on the list nothing more needs to be said here let's move on that will bring us to the third layer of the iceberg a layer that i'm going to call you definitely went down the rabbit hole sitting and smiling sitting and smiling isn't a really creepy addition to this list once you know the reason as to why the person is doing it so if you go to benjamin bennett's youtube channel right now you will find a video series by the name of sitting and smiling if you click on one of these videos it's literally what it sounds like each video is four hours of benjamin being in front of his camera sitting and smiling this video series is part of an endurance art performance that benjamin frequently live streams and then he uploads the vods to youtube he gained a lot of popularity when in sitting in smiling five someone actually tried to break into his house during the fifth live stream a burglar broke into his house and walked upstairs you can see the burglar open the door and say hello he then sees benjamin sitting and smiling and nopes the hell out of there i would too if i saw someone just sitting and smiling in front of a lonely camera and one lonely lamp there have been a few other instances like this on his live stream for example on livestream 52 he actually urinated himself and had a puddle seeping out underneath him however benjamin entirely dedicated to his craft did not break his composure and continue to sit and smile you can even see the puddle evaporate over the course of the next two hours in streams 238 and 257 he begins crying for some unknown reason and eventually calms himself down but the reason as to why he was crying is still unknown but nonetheless all these instances remain part of the live stream and he still uploads them for everybody to see if you guys got four hours to waste i will leave a link to sitting and smiling five so you guys can see exactly what went down during that live stream hanging munchkin so of everything on the iceberg so far this one actually really creeped me out for some reason the hanging munchkin refers to a possible suicide on the set of the wizard of oz during the scene when dorothy the scarecrow and the tin man skipped on the olympic road together you can see a person or some type of entity hanging from this tree swaying slowly from side to side after watching the video myself it's pretty undeniable that this isn't at least a person hanging from this tree the studio has gone on record acknowledging that something does exist here but they tried explaining it as not being a person but instead being a shadow cast by a bird on set now even with this explanation there is no way in hell that this is a bird i mean look at it it has a clear starting and end point if it were the bird that they want us to believe which they actually did edit the bird in in the dvd version it wouldn't have been shaped like this and it would have a shadow connected to the ground because the bird on the dvd version is clearly sitting on the ground that's another point to mention people are claiming that this hanging person is only on the vhs version which i honestly believe i don't think it's a person per se but i do think that this is definitely not a bird some people have claimed that it's a crew member that took care of the lighting ropes from up above and then they fell and their neck caught the rope in such a way that it hung them others say that it was a munchkin actor or actress that got tired of reshooting one of the munchkin sings and hung themselves out of frustration whatever it is it still remains in the movie to this day and all i know is that this is definitely not a bird poppy initially i thought i had the wrong channel or set of videos when i looked this one up because i didn't find any of the content particularly disturbing poppy is an american songwriter and singer the reason that she is on this iceberg is because she frequently uploads no context eerie videos to her youtube channel however i didn't find a lot of them to be disturbing and instead found them more just random and nonsensical the only one that i found that was remotely creepy to me was this video called sunglasses where she just exclaims i love my sunglasses like three times with this weird vibey music going on in the background and then she concludes the video saying i love my sunglasses because they allow me to see things that aren't there and then when she puts her sunglasses on it reveals a person wearing white clothes and a creepy white mask sitting next to the camera that is recording her this is the only video i found creepy but apparently some people think that every single video she posts is creepy maybe i just haven't seen the creepy or scary video from her yet but it seems more like we have a lady gaga type of situation going on and i don't know it just didn't really hit that creep factor for me if you guys want to check out her channel below i'm going to have a link for it tell me what you guys think about it maybe i'm being too harsh but i just didn't think any of it was creepy canal 5 3am tweets canal 5 or an english simply called channel 5 is a mexican television network that has a very weird history if you go to the canal 5 twitter right now you will see normal tweets that are typical of a network like this however around 3 am canal 5 starts tweeting out some very unorthodox scary and very very disturbing type of videos i'll be playing some of these videos in the background while i talk the crazy thing about this is that channel 5 has never acknowledged the fact that they do this people have chalked this up to the fact that they don't want people to know that it's a thing and are doing it more for a publicity stunt if you want a lot more information regarding this i recommend scare theater's video on it as he does a very good job capturing the creepiness of the videos as well as explaining why they do this i'm going to leave a link to that video below and with that said let's move on local 58 local 58 is a youtube channel created by chris stop he also created another addition to this iceberg called candle cove however i'm going to be going over that a bit later in this video local 58 is actually one of my favorite additions to this iceberg because i can understand the purpose behind the channel the videos on this channel are supposed to be real recordings taken from a broadcasting of a tv channel called local 58. my favorite video from local 58 is this video called contingency where the video starts off explaining how the broadcast has ended only for the broadcast to be interrupted by a militia type of message explaining how the us has lost this war that's been going on in the background and is currently being invaded by a third party that seeks to take everyone captive and do unspeakable things to them but we have a contingency plan the contingency plan is to have everyone in the world kill themselves with no one to take captive we have technically won the war the message is then cut off by the network stating that what you have just witnessed was nothing more than a hoax now these broadcasts aren't actual broadcast from tv but videos that people created themselves and then posted to youtube on the surface if you watch this video at any time they probably won't come off as creepy but more just like eh another one of those videos but if you watch them with the right mindset they really start to become creepy and you start to understand why they are highly regarded as being scary in my opinion this is what true horror looks like horror in my opinion isn't lazy jump scares or just simply gory graphics it's real horror stuff that could affect you and me at any time in our daily lives and that's what local 58 encapsulates imagine being in your room alone with the tv on you fall asleep only to wake up at 3am you see a news broadcast has just ended it suddenly gets interrupted and you see a weird broadcast about how there was a war that went on behind closed doors and that your country lost the victorious country or victorious third party is now invading your country and gonna take you captive by force they're gonna do unspeakable things to you but you can avoid this even though we lost we can in fact avoid this just load your gun and take the shot they can't take you captive if you're incapacitated just when it's telling you how to take care of your children with your gun the clip cuts off and the news channel comes back on just as normal the channel explains that what you just witnessed was nothing more than a hoax as you lie there with your gun loaded you wonder are they coming this is exactly how these videos are intended for you to watch i personally love what these types of videos go for because i think traditional horror is always pretty fake but this dives into something that could realistically happen to any one of us in the real world if this sounds like it's interesting to you i'm gonna leave a link below to the local 58 channel they have many other videos like this on their channel not just contingency so make sure to check all those out with that said let's go on to the next addition to the iceberg kate yup so this one was just straight up disgusting not like the lasagna cat video but just nasty kayup is a youtube channel in which a girl who i assume is kate posts videos of her eating loads and loads of food the main distinction between her channel and everyone else's mukbang channels is that her videos entail her eating food at a very very fast rate almost as if she is starving and this is exactly where the rabbit hole begins people have speculated that it's not normal for a person to eat this fast eat this amount of food and then it's not normal for someone to wear a blindfold while they make these videos she has also been seen with bruises on her body in some of the videos and there are also random occurrences like this where the table that she's eating off of randomly starts vibrating or the ball that she's taking food out of randomly gets moved all these things happen and she never acknowledges any of it happening around her also she never talks in her videos it's just her eating that's it the theory is that kate has been kidnapped and starved and is forced to eat an abnormal amount of food this would explain why she looks so starved why she eats so much and why she can be seen with bruises sometimes people also like to state how in this video she spells out the word help by capitalizing only the letters h e l and p she does so in the text that pops up on screen and if you go throughout the entire video those are the only letters that are capitalized now to me this whole theory doesn't really make sense why would you kidnap someone and then let them edit their own video with that said though her last post was a year ago on november 10th of 2019 this has caused a lot of people to believe that she has been murdered or something along those lines i personally don't believe this one because honestly it just doesn't add up no one would kidnap someone and make them upload videos like that it just doesn't seem like anything that somebody would be able to realistically pull off a more likely explanation is either burnout from making these types of videos or she has an eating disorder and was forced to stop making these types of videos for that reason youtubers stop posting all the time myself included sometimes life just happens and you might have a day job that gets in the way of your hobby maybe she has a job and friends that she doesn't want to know about her disgusting hobby of eating food like this all these explanations make much more sense but it's still fun to think about the kidnapping theory every now and again i will leave a link below to her channel so you guys can go check it out for yourselves the dawn is your enemy the dawn is your enemy is a reference to an adult swim bumper that would play as a sign off bump to the network i believe that there is a creepypasta tied to all this but the main reason this is on the list is because it traumatized a lot of kids much like how i have childhood trauma from one i'd be watching a tv show and then suddenly one of those flash flood warnings would come on air this bumper aired during the early morning when the last episode of adult swim would come on and it served as a way to scare kids off of the tv so that they wouldn't realize that there was a different side the cartoon network the phrase the dawn is your enemy is in reference to how the dawn which in this case is the morning is actually your enemy it's your enemy because of how late you stayed up to watch this bumper adult swim actually aired a follow-up to this bumper on may 17th of 2020 after an episode of american dad the bumper was changed slightly though as it was changed to say the dawn is your front of me and was created with the creepypasta in mind they even have a red balloon fly up and the sun wink at the viewer like in the creepypasta besides that though not much to be said let's move on little babies ice cream why this is so low on the iceberg is unclear because i think this video went pretty damn viral it's exactly what many of you are thinking of it's this video of a man who appears to be made of ice cream eating himself that's the entire video it's just a man eating ice cream made from his own body with a narrator explaining how delicious the ice cream is the video was nothing more than a publicity stunt and a commercial made by the company little babies ice cream and as big as the commercial got it wasn't enough to save the company as the company little baby's ice cream went out of business in 2019 even though the company has ceased to exist this image will forever be burned into our minds candle cove candle cove was originally a creepy pasta that was posted by web cartoonist christov in 2009. you guys should remember christoph as i just mentioned him earlier as the creator of local 58. the story candle cove was presented in a format of a message board conversation with many people talking amongst each other about a children's cartoon or show called candle cove in the koopie pasta candle cove was a pirate show that basically contained a lot of nightmare fuel for kids including a scary looking puppet and marionettes weird long eerie pauses in the show and episodes where the entire episode was just all the characters screaming and crying until the episode ended the creepypasta then ends with one last message on the message board saying that someone had recently visited their mother at a nursing home and asked her if they remember them watching a show called candle cove the mother then responds by saying that she was surprised that the person could remember such a show one questioned about it further the mom explains it like this i used to think it was so strange that you'd say i'm gonna go watch candle cove now mom and then you would turn the tv to static and just watch dead air for 30 minutes you had such a big imagination with your little pirate show that is where the creepypasta then ends now while that's pretty creepy with the show being nothing more than a fathomed up occurrence in the minds of many children it is just a story and nothing more crazy enough though the show channel 0 which is a tv show that was based on four creepypastas the first season is based on candle cove and stays pretty true to the original story chris staub was even involved in the writing process for the first season of the show if you guys want to watch the show now though i believe it's only on youtube tv or apple tv so that kind of sucks this brings us to the fourth layer of the iceberg we have now moved on from that weird part of youtube to what i like to call diving into the alternate reality poochie and pansy poochie and pansy is a web series that started on youtube back in 2009. the series is about poo champanzee which are both dogs and their quest to rescue this random kitten basically the show is on here because it's riddled with these random jump cuts and disturbing imagery such as this video of this person with one eye bulging out or this random shot of an empty hospital most of these videos tell an overarching plot about them finally rescuing the kitten and the series pretty much ends there on the surface these are nothing more than just weird disturbing videos made for disturbing content's sake however the show was actually a part of something a lot bigger a quick tldr on the purpose of the series the series itself served as a start to a much larger arg or so-called alternate reality game now before i get into what this game entailed i believe it's important for viewers to know what the hell is an alternate reality game an arg is exactly what it sounds like it's a game but it's not like a video game or a board game it usually entails someone creating the start of this arg but unlike other games they don't publicly announce that the game has started creators will usually silently start their arg in the background and then set one thing off in their content to tip people off to the fact that the game has started for example there was actually a dark knight arg done when the movie was coming out where people were given one dollar bills with the joker's face on it they were given these bills randomly at comic con one year these bills were only the start and tip them off to the start of this arg they would then fall down the rabbit hole of clues until they got to an end game where the game is then won by someone out in the real world they however have no real purpose though it's not like you win a prize or win something for doing all this most of them are just treasure hunts for treasure hunts sake or they are done as a marketing tactic much like with the dark knight one where it was just meant to promote the movie so how does this relate to pooching pansy well in poochie and pansy the arg that took place was called the hunt for the gengado the poochie and pansy series served as nothing more than as a hint as to how to start the hunt the genga diddle is referenced in one frame of the show and that's just one of the many clues that is given for this entire hunt if you went through the hunt it would bring you to this channel here and since the arg started it seemed to have finished as the creator himself posted that the genga diddle has in fact been found if you want a more in-depth explanation i will link scare theater's video going over poochie and pansy allen tutorial alan tutorial is a youtube channel that was created in june of 2011 and its first video being posted in the same month of the same year like the name would suggest the channel started off as a tutorial channel but not like any other channel of its kind this channel's tutorials were more focused on very obscure reasons and obscure tutorials that really made no sense for example his first video was called how to leak on a piece of paper which is exactly what it sounds like he also has another video called how to fill a tiny bin with dirt these tutorials aren't really meant to teach you anything and the more you watch alan's videos the crazier allen and his life becomes it really starts picking up around this video called how to pick up a blue chair off the ground where allen becomes increasingly frightened of picking this blue chair up a few videos later allen cuts himself while quote unquote installing an ac unit but doesn't even stop doing what he's doing he just ignores the blood all over his hands and continues with the tutorial as normal the next video that he posted is him straight up tearing his house apart he then soon becomes locked out of his house and in another video he begins living out in the wilderness from here alan descends into madness and seems to get captured in one of his videos all the while allen still posts his tutorials and his happy voice and always talks to his viewers as if nothing is wrong his last video was posted six years ago in december of 2014 you might be wondering what was the point of this channel well as opposed to some of the other entries on this list this one has a clear-cut explanation the creator of alan tutorial is none other than alan resnick who came out and explained that the channel was made for an art project the art project focused on a dark satire of all the tutorial videos on youtube resnick in his own words explains that he felt a lot of the people on youtube were making very crappy content like this and posting very nonsensical tutorial videos without having much real purpose and that was where the birth of alan tutorial came in he wanted to create a satirical story based on that even though it's confirmed fake the videos are still kind of hard to watch especially during the night time feel free to check it out as i will leave a link below to the channel body of a pig this is in reference to a video that was posted back on june 7th of 2007 the video is simply titled body of a pig and features a group of what i assume to be ghost hunters or paranormal investigators that began checking out an unknown haunted location the video starts off as anyone would expect but during their investigation they pick up some audio on their evp which clearly states i have the body of a pig it is stated that after the evp was recorded that they caught a picture of the so-called monster that said i have the body of a pig this picture and video got very popular and as of right now the video was sitting at over a million views people were led to believe that this was real and cannot ever be a hoax however the video has since been debunked the tldr on how it was debunked is due to how all the other videos on the channel are clearly faked and use the same techniques as the body of a pig video if you want more information regarding this i will link yet another one of scare theater's videos that debunks the body of a pig video pilot red sun pilot red sun is a youtube channel that focuses on posting ms paint style animation videos the first video was posted in december of 2012 the video was titled what's for dinner it's just a 20 second video of well instead of explaining it i'm just going to play the video it's only 20 seconds [Music] hey chef what's for dinner slime [Music] most of his videos are like this seemingly nonsensical and just all around ms paint animations i will say though most of these videos have some kick-ass music which is produced and created by pilot redstone himself as for why he made this channel i believe that a potential purpose for why he actually created the channel and started posting all these random animations surfaced around march 28th of 2016. this day marks when he posted a video by the name of achievement achievement was the name of pilot red sun's first album i personally believe that he used the ms paint animations to garner a big enough audience that would then want to listen to his music but hey that's just my take on it i would expect something this far down on the list to be a lot creepier but this just seems like a lot of the other videos that i've gone over so far maybe i'm missing something but i didn't really feel creeped out at all as a matter of fact when i watched his last video that was posted mr fujiwara's office i felt this overwhelming sensation of calm and tranquility it was kind of weird but i think it's due to just the smoothness of the animations and the sounds that are used maybe because i watched it shortly after waking up in the morning but i honestly don't know pilot redstone has continued to upload videos all the way until august 12th of 2020 where we have his last upload which was the video that i mentioned mr fujiwara's office if you guys want to take a look at his channel i actually recommend his album achievement as i personally like the techno music style that he went for check out the link below if you want to see more of pilot red sun's content wp kept kw wp cap kw is a video that surfaced around 2014 i believe it began on youtube from this video titled cursed youtube video wp kept kw real story by i triple e wire in a video they explain how two weeks ago someone told them of a rumor about an unusual and hard to find youtube video they would search for weeks typing in wp kept kw on the youtube search bar but no results ever came to be until finally one day they were able to view the video the video is of a blurred face that looks really misshapen all the while a scary distorted noise plays in the background that becomes increasingly worse the person watching wp kept kw explains it after watching the video that the face keeps randomly appearing on their computer and that they have tried everything to get the curse off of their laptop obviously this was just a hoax as the first claim the person made isn't really believable and if you typed in wcapkw right now on youtube it'd be the first result before the video was debunked however people theorized that the person in the video is a person that died and the recording you are watching is their last living seconds other people have claimed that the person in the video is a failed government experiment that died and this is why his face is so misshapen if you want to see a debunking video on this i will leave a link below to that video cursed kleenex commercial the cursed clinics commercial refers to this commercial where this little demon looking kid and what i assumed to be his mother are just sitting down near each other the commercial begins with some very eerie and creepy music as the mom gets closer and closer to the kid and then she picks a tissue out of the kleenex box next to them just then the kleenex starts controlling itself and even propels itself out of her hand and then just as it reaches its peak it starts to sharpen and make a point then the kleenex logo appears and ends the commercial so while the video itself isn't too creepy it does have a creepy backstory the reason it's called cursed is because there was an urban legend surrounding the commercial people claimed that the cast of the commercial were all cursed and all met untimely deaths soon after making the commercial some people have even speculated that the woman in the commercial was institutionalized and became pregnant with a demon child obviously all this was nothing more than false rumors but one thing that did in fact happen after making the video was that many many people watching the commercial at home filed complaints in fact so many complaints about how unnerving the commercial was ended up getting the commercial taken out the air fairly quickly even though the commercial was not on the air anymore the legend still lives on not much else to be said let's move on the max headroom incident the max headroom incident is in reference to one of the first times that tv was hijacked and put on blast in mainstream media the incident in question took place on sunday night november 22nd 1987 where residents of chicago watching the local news on wgn tv were suddenly interrupted by a video of a mysterious man the video contained no audio and depicted a man in a max headroom mask which max headroom if you guys don't know was the world's first computer-generated tv host and actually has no relation as to why the chicago news was interrupted at night the first interruption was nothing more than a short burst as it was shortly taken out the air right after it started but then later that night a broadcast of doctor who on wctw tv in chicago was also interrupted by the same hacker the two hacker clips are pretty much the same but the main difference between the two being that the second interruption had audio in the audio the man mentions a famous sportscaster makes fun of coke commercials at the time and just does some plain weird [ __ ] the reason that this video is on the iceberg is because it's just plain weird and this person has actually never been caught no one to this day has no clue as to who is behind the max headroom incident there are larger theories on who it could be but i don't have enough time here and i'd recommend looking up the incident yourself because i honestly can't sum up all the theories into one small section this brings us to the end of this video as the last incident that was said will conclude the fourth layer of the iceberg i will keep you guys posted on the community tab of my channel of when part two to this iceberg will come out part two is going to be going over layers five through seven it should be coming out any day now and has around the same amount of content as this video by the way if you have watched this far and are creeped out just remember that most of what you were hearing about and seeing is just doing its job the point of these videos is to be shocking and creepy and remember that none of what you're hearing or seeing is actually real i know that ruins the fun of it all but i'm more so saying this for all the people watching that are completely bugged out if you guys are seriously tweaked out at 3am watching this video feel free to check out the other videos on my channel such as the what happened to the don't hug me i'm scared video or what happened to the movie 9 from 2009 they are much more light-hearted videos and will surely take you out of that creepy mindset speaking of which if you guys aren't already make sure to subscribe and hit the notification bell so you guys don't miss another upload i am pleased to announce that we are really close to hitting 5 000 subscribers and i expect to hit it within the next day or so thanks to every single person who has joined my community and i'm super excited to get more content out there with all that said i will see you all in the next video thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: YourEverydayTheorist
Views: 1,344,120
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: youreverydaytheorist, your, everyday, theorist, yet, iceberg, don't hug me i'm scared, scary videos, jumpscare videos, disturbing videos, disturbing, iceberg videos, iceberg chart, iceberg explained, explained videos, i feel fantastic, petscop, poochee and pansy, salad fingers, theory explained, videos explained, scary video explained, iceberg chart explained, disturbing content iceberg explained, scary content explained, content, lasagna cat, daisy leaves, imaginedom, scaretheater, tent
Id: _wgTF-2_e0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 8sec (3368 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 26 2021
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