The Chilla's Art Experience

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few things are more horrific than everyday life take this concept and add a vhs crt effect and you've got yourself a recipe for some truly unsettling games it's a theme few of tackle despite how effective it's been in past media from manhunt to videodrome these are true micro indie titles made by two japanese friends using unity they're simple janky and unpolished but also they're a passion project between just two people they're not action-packed or cinematic they're tense and unique offering a small snapshot of the horrors lurking beneath the surface of japan brimming with the folklore and culture that that territory comes with so let's begin with this anthology of japanese horror starting with the closing shift the game opens with an unnamed barista who's late for her shift we have to get ready and head out taking the stairs down when on the ground we find a phone ringing we grabbed the phone and tracked down his owner right off the bat this dude gives off creepy vibes his bizarre face model doesn't help he just stands there now staring at us with his stupid compressed face [Music] but it's a free country so we get into our car and head to work a coffee shop that for legal purposes is 100 not a starbucks rip-off inside our manager schools us for being late and explains how the tutorials work which are a series of educational vhs tapes i do love an interactive twist in a tutorial especially one that keeps you anchored in the game's world but they're worthless it's nearly impossible to see what's going on but you know a for effort walking onto the shop floor a chill low fire beat kicks in and our shift begins [Music] the start of each day is spent creating and serving different drinks there are a bunch of different recipes and you'll have to refer to the board and the staff room to put them together as orders fly in froth in milk or add in a variety of syrups it's the core mechanic and it's surprisingly fun once you get into the swing of it like a mindless simulation game or a greatly simplified overcooked different customers all have their own quirks and personalities ranging from tweakers to a group of brogues behind each other their coffees the models and animations are different they're certainly not chiller's specialty but they're made by two people all things considered it's not awful and generally kind of fits the uncanny aesthetic of the game aside from the time our manager left clipped through his car possessed it then drove away one of the earliest customers we serve talks about the rise of stalker cases she also subtly calls us clapped then orders a mock-a-chip basic bitchiato but the tone is already set you can't not pay attention to her forewarning there's a stalker out there eventually the last customer will stumble in wearing a trench coat and looking dodgy we're one wrong order away from getting a flashing but this is a detective who's scouting the area looking into the crazed stalker reports he claims that we should close shop early if we want to be safe advice we take up and begin the close each night there are a few different cleaning duties we have to carry out tonight we have to sweep the floor heading to five different dirty spots around and holding the mouse button on it for a few seconds this cleaning section is cleverly impactful because we've just been warned about the creep on the loose and the second the customers are gone and the cleaner begins the happy jingle instantly turns off you feel like the environment becoming hostile you go from this [Music] to this pure unnerving silence even the shop design is very clever here it's like 90 window which means when you're by yourself at night anyone can see in and see what you're getting up to while it's very hard for you to see out we carry out our duties and finish sweeping when the power cuts now in the dark we have to make our way to the breaker in the storeroom walking through the dark silence door all the while knowing a stalker is out there turning the power back on milk hands are spilled all around milk returned and the floor swept the day ends and we get a flash of what looks like someone hiding in a closet a closet that looks mightily familiar the second day begins in which our first customer claims that a weird man was standing in the window staring at us but when we check it out no one's there as the night progresses increasingly weird customers will rear their head and that actually means making the drinks becomes kind of tense because of one reason you have to turn your back on the customer to make it you're exposed naturally our back is the most vulnerable part of us you want to protect it it's instinctual and here with a creep on the run and weird things happening around us we have to take our eyes off of the customers and just hope for the best anyway we make this deal his coffee and he walks to the back corner of the shop the only area you can't keep an eye on and once he leaves we have more chores we have to clean the tables and take out the bins but while we're taking them out a van enters the car park and slowly crawls alongside us then stops dead in front of the bins and sits there until we leave [Music] a lot of the horror in chile's games comes from implication this could just be a dude turning around in a car park or it's a threat it's intimidation and when clearing the tables at the back corner we find a picture of ourselves from the window but there was only one customer that sat there the man in the grey hoodie day three we leave the flat as usual but on the way down we bump into this absolute [ __ ] [Music] now that was such an unnecessary jump scare what's this woman doing a saint rose style insurance fraud speed around the corner like that again and i'll boot the crib over don't try me [ __ ] at work we speak to our manager who not only doesn't believe we're being stalked but implies we're clapped before dashing out the door the real kicker here despite raising our concerns he doesn't even have the decency to close the back door behind him after a good day's work we begin busting tables again when we hear a high-pitched buzz come from the intercom looking at the camera there's a man stood in the drive-through i personally wouldn't go out there under any circumstances but we don't have a choice so we head out to find the driveway empty and in his place we find a note on the menu taking the letter we find a proclamation of love for us you know your typical incel [ __ ] but all very worrying the next day the doorbell rings and we find another creepy letter where the stalker claims to know us better than anyone claiming that he lost his phone and we found it for him this confirms that the man at the start of the game was the stalker and his obsession is getting out of hand it's snowing now so piles of ice and snow were building up on the ground weirdly it's kind of reassuring because the white reflections make the dark corners feel brighter they're less likely to hide some dude jerk in his dingaling arriving at our car we're in trouble it ain't working so we have to take the bus and after a short ride we arrive at the coffee shop but as the bus is pulling away we see our stalker in the back window who must have been sat behind us the entire time and man you have to know that dude is sniffing the seat when you get up you just have to know in the shop we have to find our manager where we get a very rare video game [ __ ] scare i don't blame him for that if i was squeezing out a big and some gal barged in i'd scream too we carry out our shift even getting a visit from legendary lil tweeker [Music] then at the end of the day we carry out the regulars chucking out the bins and cleaning the toilet and finishing up the room goes dark through the back window we see a countdown begin and ghostly apparitions appear [Music] they request drink after drink endlessly as the counter slowly ticks down and it's implied that we have to fulfill these orders in time lest we face the spirit's wrath but try as you will there are just too many and eventually the time runs out it was a nightmare i don't know if i'm giving it too much credit but this scene could represent how she views the customers each one could potentially be her current or even future stalker we see each one as a potential threat to our safety it's like an anxiety dream whatever the case it's back to work this time for our final shift the detective is first in the door apparently we called him last night out of fear of our stalker and he compliments our decision claiming that the police wouldn't be able to help then he offers to look around the area to see what he can find [Music] nothing particularly untoward happens until the last customer arrives and they seem iffy she asks if the antenna is having work done because there's a man on the roof oh jolly assuming it's the detective we grab a ladder head over and climb up to find a hatch leading into the lock store room jumping down we discover a dirty living quarter the same one we've seen in the different flashes through the stalker's eyes he's been living in the coffee shop this entire time with the shocking revelation we have to shut up quick and get out spinning the remaining food and doing a quick stock check the music and tension are building up massively here and now you could ask why she doesn't just leave or call the police but you know it's a horror game creating scary scenarios trump's logic job's complete we only have one last objective flipping the closed sign the has played his hand and this time he means business blocking the way out and looking to cause us serious harm but now we have to figure out what to do there are technically three ways the game can end depending on what you do now one option is just running out the back and getting utterly steamrolled [Music] not great option to be honest so what else can we do well we can try a stealthiest gate taking the screwdriver from the storeroom opening the vent in the toilet and sneaking to our car [Music] the only problem is we forget to check the back seat [Music] these are not the main endings to get the main ending we need to grab the ladder which has magically regrown on the wall get up to the roof on the way we can even see the detective lying dead in the cold the poor bugger yeah this one's for you trench coat man because from here we can grab a cinder block and drop it on our stalker's head he drops to the ground and a text dump explains what happens next having just killed a man she runs to the nearby police station asking for help but when they return the body's gone and with nothing else to do they just bring her back home leaving her to fend for herself with a crazed stalker killer out there not great police work some might say back in our room the tv signal goes weird so we decided to call the repairman and notice our phone is missing outside we hear our phone ringing and head down where we find it sat right next to the same van that's been present from the start every step you take on the way to get the phone is just painful because you know at any moment something awful could happen we go back up to a room and call the cable company when from behind us the wardrobe opens [Music] and that's it it's depressing and quick but it has been foreshadowed the entire game as the detective said earlier the police wouldn't be able to help it is a shame that there's three endings but in every one of them the player is murdered by the stalker if you're grifting through all these endings you think there'd be at least one semi-decent one this game tackles a theme that not many other have looked at and is actually a very consistent and ongoing issue that affects a lot of more vulnerable people being alone in a city full of creeps these are very real fears that a lot of people around the world feel every day and i think the game does a good job of capturing the anxiety social work the term itself is enough to strike fear into the average man it's a very difficult job that requires loads of dedication from an emotional and physical standpoint and that said it's not often the backdrop for a horror game enter the caregiver this game begins with a player tomita in the staff room of a local care center we grab our bag and head to the receptionist who i'm pretty sure doesn't have a rendered face it's like a wig on a mannequin horrifying anyway we explained that we're about to head over to a client's house called suichi because their daughter called claiming that there was an emergency the client in question has a house just north of here so we head over through a town up a hill and eventually we arrive at our destination [Music] we let ourselves in and start to look for the old man but he's nowhere to be found the theme of this game feels like it's taken directly from juwon the grudge a creepy house with an elderly person being cared for by a social worker it's the same plot but you know what i'm here for it only we players were lucky enough to get a grudge game with the house being completely empty we checked the garden and while looking around we spot suichi sat in the window staring at us we introduced ourselves asking what emergency we were called out for but he doesn't say anything he appears to be mute looking down he's begun to wet himself we don't have a rolled up newspaper to hit him with so instead we use a cloth to clean it up and from his side it looks like his entire face is missing but he just has really small squat facial features around the front thank god i was almost concerned for the man pissy pants dealt with we explore the building once again able to clear some bin bags and gain access to the second floor heading up in one of the rooms we discover a sealed door and begrudgingly we take a closer look [Music] staggering back we fall to the ground and the camera zooms out revealing raiden sometime later we find ourselves in the shoes of kuromoto naomi we grab our gear and speak to the receptionist where she tells us to take over the suichi case obviously we know this is bad news but to naomi this is just another day on the job so we head over it's dusk now and there's an orange glow covering the town which looks so much better the super dark aesthetic chiller games often opt for do the games no favors this kind of setting makes the graphics pop way more arriving a second time and heading inside we hear a noise from the kitchen a kettle is boiling so we head over and sort out the appliances [Music] the dirty living quarters and social care aspect also reminds me a bit of hikikomori a big problem in japan people are choosing to close themselves off from society and slowly die living within their dirty homes the game might not be directly drawing inspiration from this social issue but there are definitely parallels you can explore the house again now you're even able to head upstairs to the same room we saw tamita get ambushed in earlier the door doesn't open fully only a small gap the game does give you the option to peed through though nothing happens if you do but it's a tense moment you can't help but peep even though you really don't want to pee being in horror games is just never ideal eventually we find the old man in what looks like a bonfire room and he's either letting lost some steam or that's meant to represent his smelly ass either way we decide he needs a bath but before we can do one a tv turns on so we track it down and turn it off [Music] after this a bird hits the window and dies with a safety pin in its mouth something we'll need later but first we need to get the bath running problem is there's a plank of wood block in the door so we need to clear it first there's a window in the garden we can use to knock the plank but we need some steps and a long tool we grab the rake from the shed and find a ladder in the garden now rather [ __ ] moronically you can't use this ladder to step up to the window no sir instead we have to use the ladder to get to the attic so we can use a [ __ ] step stool this is the definition of reinventing the wheel and it almost threw me into a blind rage after clearing the plank beyond the door we see a pale woman wheeling suici past i mean you're telling me that that's not the shift over with her i'll be out of there but what can you do like i said social work's a nightmare searching through the house he's nowhere to be found until you look out the window and find him in the garden the bugger gave us a whippy [ __ ] he's a natural-born survivor again we don't seem in any way concerned by these goings-on and take the man for his bath once in the bath there's a knock on the door or at least i think there is it sounds like the world's shittiest moped is trying to start up he's been sent a package which we take in leave on the table and after that we tuck the old buy into bed once there we're stuck in the bedroom with the background sound building up then it reaches a peak and from the door we can see something watching us down the hall back at headquarters we speak to the receptionist who turns out to actually have a face delightful we express our concerns about the house and the old man wanting to know more we asked to read tomita's journal to see if anything stood out reading it we discover references to the horrific scene we saw at the start of the game but interestingly she's still alive and hiding in a flat nearby so seeking answers we head over to see what she knows she lives in the tallest building in town but at the front door we're stopped by this smack head that'll only let us pass if we win a game of rock paper scissors and i don't know what the hell they were going for with this guy he doesn't even have a proper animation they've just crammed in a stock fighting idle animation and to make it even better he only ever chooses paper it's not even random like a random number generator between one to three as to which [ __ ] choice he makes i could do that like this is so disjointed and dumb it kills the sense of atmosphere that the game has spent the last 20 minutes creating being him he still won't let us through instead he asked that we get drugs for him so throwing away all sanity and any sense of morality we sneak back into the care center and head to the medical cabinet to grab something he doesn't even specify what drug he wants so we just go straight for the morphine we cash in our happy juice and head up to find our old friend sat in the dark speaking to her she's unsettled claiming to feel sick so we offered to make some tea tea in hand we ask her what she saw something that sends her into a frenzy where she shouts or you know types aggressively that we have to get out we're not getting anywhere with her so we leave and after taking a few steps we hear a scream from the flat [Music] despite the chiller games relying on our imagination to do the scaring they decided to show one frame of her falling here basically t posing on the way down it would have been so much better if they just had her jumping over the edge letting the noise ring out from below and letting us sit on the balcony taking in what just happened [Music] after another dip to black we're back in the care center this time no one's around but we apparently get an uncontrollable urge to return to the house the suichi it's raining on our journey over and inside the old man is nowhere to be found exploring we find the different components to build a winch and we use it to open the locked door upstairs finding a sealed altar and a crowbar with a bloody note claiming that good fortune can be found beneath the floor there's only one floorboard in the house we're able to interact with so taking the crowbar to it we reveal a tunnel and head down making our way through a dark cave we stumble across a bizarre shrine with a pile of dead crows in the center and the old man suici hanging in the center covered in black smoke [Music] there's a note by the altar that contains a reference to different times and locations in the building we have to set the times on the four o'clock spread around the house to break the curse that's keeping suici pinned to this altar we start to make our way out of the cave when the grandmother attacks granny's appearance is scary when you first encounter her but once you make some distance and cast your eyes on her moronic movement animation [Music] it completely kills the atmosphere i mean come on just make her slower why speed up the animation when it looks like she's a co-coddled soccer mom on a power walk this is mobile horror game levels bad dodge in a deadly attack so we find the four clocks and set their times accordingly which opens a chest in the living room inside we find a ceremonial dagger which we'll use in suicide downstairs and break the curse allowing us to remove him from the cross surprisingly he's able to talk now having only been made mew by a curse placed on him by what he refers to as the raven who's now apparently possessing his dead wife according to him taking the wives bones out of the altar upstairs and removing them from the property will break the curse so he gives us a pair of scissors and we head off just before leaving the cave we find the grandmother sat in front of the ladder she's not attacking us anymore claiming she only wanted them to stay together i mean i thought she was playing the tin whistle here at first but i think she was just clutching the blade while praying taking her bones we turn to leave when we're ambushed by raiden the ghostly crow we're in an endless maze of rooms now with this spirit chasing us down looking like something right out of takeshi's castle this spirit is referred to as tengu they're disruptive deities that would appear as birds of prey mixed with humans and other creatures even the mask we found on suici is based on let me get this right sarutahiko okami the original depiction of a tengu which has a red face and long nose as we saw depicted in the cave eventually running through we run into a large white room glowing intensely with a static white until we regain consciousness outside the building having taken the bones out the curse is broken we get another text up now outlining what happened after this point we take the bones to a nearby temple where a priest blesses us and buries the bones after which we decide to take care of suici ourselves not wanting to leave him behind and after a while we decide to visit the wife's grave when we get this abomination in the end the old man was the evil spirit all along waluigi i'm just gutted the old granny wasn't like wobbling up the hill before tombstoning us into the grave instead what was the demon doing for the days we were looking after him just sitting there on his own [ __ ] waiting for the most epic prank time it looks like a fan made blender animation these games really struggle with the endings it's either a bizarre cut scene that leaves you confused and wanting more clarification or a huge text dump that just tries to explain everything in a very monotonous and unengaging way to round this video off i wanted to talk about a game that got chiller on my radar in the first place the convenience store [Music] in many ways it's a predecessor to the closing shift and it's an interesting one let's just say the first dabble into this environment it was not without jank but there is something so captivating about being a store clerk in the middle of nowhere with bizarre hauntings happening around you but what is it about we begin in our home it's dirty and the ceiling looks like it's leaking but given the amount of living space in japan hey this is the rit also there's a radio in the hallway that's playing funny buggers flipping around every time you get close to it it's just a glitch but i don't know how they pulled it off surely that requires more code to make happen it's bizarre we get dressed to eat some food grab our flashlight and head off for our shift every day we have to pass through the same small town the theme of work commute is present throughout a lot of these games it's definitely a focal point of the developers the fear and the mundane i guess i don't know maybe they just have a very personal hatred for repetitive work schedules the japanese are famously overworked and this could be their way of mocking it on the journey there are dozens of lamps but no light the entire town was like the chosen undead decided to end the age of fire passing over a bridge and turning a corner we see our workplace it's glow illuminating the area against the dark of the town it feels like a safe haven it's drawing us in [Music] entering the light zone was blinding the shop is pristine with its white shelves and colorful stock this is where we'll be spending most of our time we speak to our manager and clock in there's even a cctv system that covers the entire store and from the moment you look through those cameras you just know that they're going to cause heartache at some point each day on the side there's a note written from our manager giving us a task to carry out today we have to check for expired food and check out the bad stuff you can even bring the food to a homeless man outside if you're feeling generous i thought that might impact the game's end you know but no the ungrateful out just walks off without so much as a thank you sometime later after serving our first customer the door will start to open and close with the unique dinging noise ringing out [Music] but taking a closer look no one's there spooky out back we throw away the rest of the food discovering what looks like police tape blocking off an unknown area we can't get past so we continue our shift bobbin long until the mailman comes in claiming to have a special delivery for us nice one keep on keeping on heading home we open the package finding a tape that we instantly whack into the nearby player it's not clear but looks like footage recorded from outside a serious crime scene kind of like the plot of sinister i assumed we'd be able to find the crime scene while exploring the town but i couldn't find them i found houses that looked very similar structurally but there was no crime scene no tape it's a shame it feels like a wasted opportunity to build real atmosphere make proper use of the town they created it's weird to have this entire town developed without ever really using it back at base our manager talks about the door's behavior from yesterday claiming it was caused by faulty wiring and laughing at us for being scared because of course ghosts aren't real the wrong game to proclaim that many thinks clocking in we check our new task there's a rat infestation out back we have to deal with easy enough listen there is more to this game than just shopkeeping i swear please bear with it we grab some anti-raspberry and just [ __ ] demolish the rat community before heading inside to find another customer he wants five beers and a pack of smokes which is all good and jolly my drugs but vidi this the [ __ ] expects us to get them for him these are the worst type of customers real or virtual entitled to make matters worse you can't just stack the beers you have to walk back and forth five times for each individual can i'm in purgatory right now just awful game design i mean unless we're being sake [ __ ] and trying to make a point you know bringing them over real slow like in which case hey fair play rude [ __ ] served we looked down the aisle to find an old lady stood by the toilet and head over to see what she's about she says some nonsense about a daughter living here before getting angry and marching off yeah that's right shuffle your dusty ass on out of here peace restored the door starts acting up again so we decide to check the cameras and in the doorway we see a child this isn't good and as always the protagonist doesn't seem to care i'd have found it in my notice the second the old birds scowled at me let alone the creepy camera kids anyway we finish our shift hand over another package and head home but waking up the following day we start to head out when we catch something in our bathroom whatever's happening at the store it's following us home arriving for our third shift the manager's nowhere to be found so we head to the staff room to look for him nice one you compressed jpeg easter island head looking ass real good joke i hope you enjoy the rest of your night buddy i hope nothing happens to you today's task restock the shelves a job we quickly carry out and once done a man comes in claiming he's here to fix the conditioning unit around back while he's working we serve another customer one that seems concerned we're working alone so late feeling protective she leaves us a talisman to keep us safe customer satisfied we go to check on the engineer except he's not there and the yellow tape has been pulled down there's a pipe branch on the ground that we can use to open the ac unit and inside we find a key through the now open gap we find a shed and the key unlocks it but the door still won't open apparently we feel an unknown force pulling our arm when we try so we give up then back in the store we hear heavy typing there's no one there but we go to check the cameras when we see something scary something jump scary now this is what some would call a cheap scare and i couldn't disagree their work in later games vastly improves at building more genuine scares that was kind of [ __ ] back on the shop floor there's a bundle of talismans scattered gathering them up there's only one place to use them inside we find our manager he's dead and on the tv next to him is the number four yeah that locker scare ain't so funny now is it huh walking in the door shuts with scratching and banging noises building up all around us the body slowly looks up and no matter where we're standing the head will follow [Applause] we wake up the protagonist thinks it was just a nightmare which i mean certified [ __ ] moment but regardless there's another tape on the floor this time it shows the outhouse this confirms our earlier suspicions that these tapes are likely to be showing locations where people have been murdered after this for whatever reason we decide to head back to work the shop's empty when we arrive and there's no clocking sheet this should immediately put your back up because clocking in has become such a ritual at this point that you know something's up when it's not there leaving the area the world shifts to a nightmare version it's not the most elaborate there's not more than a few red crack jpegs scattered around the floor but in place of the food the shelves now have dozens of tvs you can interact with turning on up to four at a time you have to turn them on in a certain order but what freaking order is anyone's guess there's a ton of them this is where our trusted cctv comes in clutch looking through we can see a ghost child wandering the shelves stopping to stare at four specific tvs on a fixed roux these are the tvs we have to turn on it is still tough to figure out exactly what tv he's looking at from these angles but thankfully the correct tvs don't make static noise when switched on so making the correct choice just takes some trial and error once done we hear crying from the storeroom and telling the corner we find a child on the floor i'm not going to sugarcoat it that entire climax was [ __ ] awful super janky and even the noise was dumb it sounded like the ghost was tugging out a quick one before attacking with all that build up you'd have hoped for a more dramatic conclusion it's over in a flash then we're just back in the normal shop like nothing happened but in any case there's a final tape out the front from here we have a choice watch the last tape or post them to where they came from viewing the tape is considered the bad ending and watching we see footage from outside our window then it cuts to us in bed where the monster attacks us claiming its fifth victim this ending is us it implies that after everything we've seen we decided that the best course of action was oh [ __ ] time for a quick nap it's dumb and to make matters worse there's no save or checkpoint system which means you have to trek through the entire game again to get the other ending in the good ending we send all the tapes back to their delivery address which appears to break the curse after which a tech scroll outlines what happens next which for brevity's sake i'll summarize greatly after sending the box off we quit our job and spent a while investigating the shop and the cause of this paranormal curse it turns out that there was a murder suicide where an abusive husband murdered his pregnant wife then himself and yeah i mean that's kind of it the baby and wife in question are likely the two spirits we see haunting the ground although the point of the tapes are never explained in any way despite playing a huge role sometime later as the protagonist is walking past the shop she apparently feels something wrong and looking at her hand she's picked up a rusty nail from the floor that's the last piece of information the game gives us what happens next is up for interpretation either she shakes out of it and leaves the area or she uses that rusty nail to get up to no good possessed by the violent spirit that haunts the area it would have been great if all this information was in some way conveyed through the game rather than being dumped at the end overall it's not great the story isn't portrayed or concluded in a satisfying way and the ghost appearances are just awful in just a few years you can see huge improvements the chiller art games in almost every sense i just wanted to show you where they started so you can appreciate where they're going okay so as i've said multiple times these games are goofy unpolished and amateurish and they're 100 not to everyone's taste but i have to reiterate for a two-man team i think it's impressive how unique they are and it's only getting better with each iteration something that has to be hindering their quality is the rate at which they pump these games out they're like rabbits populating the steam store i wish they would take their time and spend a year or two working on one big polished horror game with the same crt found footage aesthetic hire a decent animator to actually bring the creatures to life and make the experiences feel less disjointed and i think they'd be onto something really interesting the vhs horror scene is massively underutilized and it's just naturally scary so the more content in that field the better these games are primarily walking simulators which some people hate but i do think they have their place in gaming especially for indie teams that just can't afford to add engage in combat or enemies that don't walk like they've [ __ ] themselves well i hope you enjoyed the bizarre rabbit hole that is chiller art games if you enjoyed this video please remember to subscribe you've made it this far in a bizarre video about analog horror games very few people have heard of you might as well take that next step and subscribe thank you very much for watching don't forget to like if you enjoyed any of these games check them out on steam chilia arts very good stuff i wish them the best of luck moving forward this was just a detour a little break um and i'm moving houses in about two weeks time so this whole setup this will probably be the last time you guys see it and i haven't been using it in the videos of late but say goodbye because we'll have something new next time you see me so take care bye
Channel: TotallyPointlessTV
Views: 1,039,823
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Totallypointless, Totallypointlesstv, Horror, games analysis, VHS horror, chilla art, chilla art games, Japanese horror, Japanese's horror game, closing shift, stalker video game, the caregiver, the grudge, The convivence store, haunting, found footage, scary game, horror analysis, Japanese found footage, The Most Bizarre Horror Games You’ve Never Played, The Darkside of Working In Japan, The Chilla Art Collection, Disturbing Japanese Horror - The Chilla's Art Experience
Id: alT_zo4oiAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 59sec (2159 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 09 2022
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