Distributing Family Values in Helldivers 2

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I was there hell diver I was there the day Malon Creek fell Millions gave their lives in the fight for democracy only for their bodies to rot in the arms of tyranny but they died as Heroes and now you can too in the fight to retake it but this time in style because the Galaxy's finist has done it again after the successful defense of tianquan the Patriot Exo Suit is being deployed across the G Galaxy making any hell diver an invincible killing machine hell divers 2 just keeps getting better and better I'm taking it out BR you saved my life the most recent update has been super cool we of course got the long awaited Patriot Exo Suit God God is that you it might as well be so it's as close as we're going to get which is an absolute blast to use it it a serious punch but it can get destroyed kind of easily so you you just got to be a little bit careful with it oh well through the ground and I blew up one tank with my EXO Su a weapon to surpass Metal Gear just be careful hell divers remember your training manuals never question the Ingenuity of the engineers of superar because that is high treason I'm going to throw a barrage over there where's over there I'm go step on some bugs Retreat oh con con I hope the mech it is made with Imperial stainless steel so well damn he's dead dead want a Butt Rub what the crap oh my gosh launch me [Music] daddy he's dead the other major change I've really been loving maybe even more so than the mechs to be completely honest are the different weather effects and cycles that are on the planets now well these jellyfish are making little zaps on the ground right that that looks crazy it's just been giving all the planet just that little bit of extra personality and challenge just a little oomph you know uh now we got meteor showers Tremors volcanic rocks falling from the sky and when we get to other planets there's a whole lot more that we're going to run into so it it's really exciting yeah exactly what this is I'm so proud to be on the song of family values give him a little rub a little rubb and tug that's what I call Family Values just just abandon that all together R got this please Don't Shoot Me tank I'm so sorry for you so yeah the planets have gotten an almost complete overhaul and I couldn't be happier another thing that's really been making me happy though is the best glitch known to Super Earth space nothing will break his strong stance kill me this is the ultimate warrior only the truest of Hell divers can run into battle looking like that I've been enlightened ready [Music] to you got to be kidding me it is down to the just po my head feel very protected lying down with this Jack check all right Porter go to start turning it start turning it a little bit clockwise turn it like 20° qu clockwise it's the only [Music] way that's counter clock it's [Laughter] reverse all right that is that's it that's good I heard the sound okay okay to get the other way it's opposite what it shows they made a few changes the weapons in this update before the rail gun and breaker shotgun were clearly the best weapons in the game it was almost dumb to use anything else besides them so they dumbed those down a little bit and picked up a lot of other weapons to make them a lot better so I'm glad for it I think it's going to help the game just not stay stale because everybody's using the same one weapon so does the rail gun just not go through armor anymore you have to be be risky now you got to you got to Edge it as hard as you can but if you Bur you're bur super credit enlightened me I am enlightened too look at him press that button with his mind he's so powerful they're going to tell stories about the hell diver forever I'm triggered that the my arm still on about that silent about this for like 2 minutes and then you come back to out of nowhere oh man you can probably hear me chewing my bad no I like you chewing it calms me down I I like hearing you masticate do you want to masticate together yeah sure just name a place I prefer to watch my accuracy has improved tfold look at this guy we must protect the enlightened at all cost we got to go man all right let's go come on enlightened don't stay still we must bring the holy man back I think this is a a Chasm all right do you question the holy man I will never question you I will follow you anywhere you go join this what just happened the time has come he's a martyr we must carry on in his you car just explodes yes I don't even know how just combusted just exploded he decided that Nirvana was in Within Reach and he ascended that's what his followers will say for Generations Just Master ugu my time has come through I must go he turned into flowers I justly combusted I'm so proud of the community of this game and just how United everybody is and the fight for democ I love you hell dier I love you too hell dier I love how the lore and history of the war is just continuously growing based on the community's actions and what planets are lost and taken and more importantly what actions the game master Joel makes for us who if you don't know is the single person in charge of what is happening in the war and what the freedomist factions are doing against us all right that's it for me so yeah our Collective suffering has really brought us hell divers together and it's a beautiful thing alive got to get the not the way I'm equipped with golden showers what else do you need hell yeah brother ah I just fell with my laser and it killed me oh my Goshen no he dropped it right next to you then just hell yeah brother a super Earth Series of Unfortunate Events oh my gosh my friendly fire damage we're all looking pretty good on that front nope oh I'm dead dog I think it's probably good somebody just blew up the mine and I died I'm so sorry oh [ __ ] I didn't mean to do [Laughter] that I don't think it was anyone's fault I think something said it off I shot it me oh you fool I was going to get rid of the fence but then you were right there those Friendly Fire incidents were entirely unavoidable see she understands glad someone understands getting a high score in something is always winning ready what are you doing what are you doing where are we going we're going to fight the Bots the dirty nasty tetanus filled Bots it's over oh no oh your arm what's happening to my body why would you face it that way damn it only two stars what they were there ta diver they weren't there they didn't see your heroic actions I saw it firsthand Soldier there a just oh tank of the mountain oh tank of the mountain oh wow next one who clicks I will go there here all right Conor said we click in there we have landed inside their base you have to aim at weird it works I they aim more down [Music] oh one more time it's like training all over again there you go I love cornhole let's go look at my good little hell divers already in their pots tucked away nicely just as long as you aren't watching any anything UNT down there watching none of that AI garbage terminated things none of that artificial int I'm just playing with like a little worm in there as in a bug not my little [Laughter] room little weird I knew what you're talking about boy I've been enlightened he's enlightened oh no I've been unenlightened the false prophet oh my gosh there's so many tanks everywhere oh they have a double tank oh my gosh my did you see that bred yeah I saw it tell me tell me tell why are you seeing Selena Gomez Bren this just came into my head right now okay from A Cinderella Story my head is a myriad of insanity that comes out of the I know our sisters watch that I don't even I I thought it was just a song n man didn't know specifically it's from Selena Gomez in Another Cinderella Story cuz they made another there's a bio Titan I just got to be able to throw this save me thank you this is my final stand I remember me I won't have to remember you I'm once again asking for your reinforcement [Laughter] tree super I how they come down in Pelicans they actually try to blast things around us for a second why the the pelic shot you what happened the pelicin shot you in the back oh my God they're traitors shot you in the back I'm going to file a formal complaint to superar about that it'll take three to five business days that's the real work did you hit the P you hit the I I did i s i self bloed again this is why they waited so long to give us these they're like they're going to waste Millions listen my extensive hell diver training did not cover the usage of me that's all I'll say I say we full Walker assault this thing I like this idea I like you thank you let's go nothing can stand in our way I'm dead we lost one we're losing him oh no I'm dead yeah that was no he's dead for democracy oh one second po democracy oh it killed me I didn't think it die you're getting a you're getting a surprise inspection in your hell pod to see if you got any illegal Mr dead Captain sir it's not illegal I promise what the hell is this this guy's in a D'Or no we not D'Or I hate her that's got to be the worst drop I think I've ever done with one of those Walkers yeah that's pretty impressive so stupid that's so funny I'm shooting a rocket with this no I'm not there's no way in hell we're getting on this ship yes there is where are the samples I know where they are I see some sampas reload please I got the samples I'm leaving I'm sorry all I can make it oh God forgive me I can make it yes that was so dumb come here chy let me get a piece of that democracy see if I can even wrap my arms around you you chunky man goodness L there is some crazy stretching of model going on in the distance you see that right there you have crossed that path you've walked by the fire you've been forged in flame what is that from I made it up oh maybe you're going with Argonian names I am He Who Walks By Fire and swamps I hate fire I'm a lizard piss piss I am rubs many PS I've become enlightened I'm in trouble oh he's become lady to go this way I could see a holy war SP acoss the universe like unquenchable fire I believe bye idiots beautiful move right there no oh no the reinforcements are gone this is it for I can't move s up you fool he has no Sims oh no do you think gassing him would be good I think gassing them is always good look at that virgin land that's ready to be unver Virgin by the hell divers good the right place a good un virging of the land yep well hello dalon it's not going to happen it's yep that that didn't work my character hell divers never die as I get blown to SMI ring you were just testing the theory it's okay going for his butt oh the T the the turret no this is it for me there's so many TS so how was your death to BS the we got one minute oh I got him A's looking at me I don't know how I'm alive oh what you can change your equipment and from here I did not know that that's really sad you can what you didn't know you could change your gun I press square and you can change your you've never changed your guns while in this screen squ nope I always thought I had to do it over there no I usually just stick with one and go with it you guys serious seen it but I've never just thought anything really of it can I help you shut up you don't know what clockwise is come on that's not what happened I'm sorry I saw an opportunity you maniac how dare you I'm going to execute you so when we land I don't like it you this is The Edge that that is treasonous get away from the treason line that is treasonous oh wow it just dropped that from so far oh oh you saved my life it's not a hell diver drop like everybody doesn't say what about here I forget you're on a computer Bren so I'm like how are you going so fast whoa uh how does he drop it I don't have his controls uh just change press triangle that does work I guess that'll do it I running with you to keep your safe is how it's going on if you want to be surrounded by some pretty friendly company say no more does not allow to be so Speedy cover your rear my rear has never felt safer not today don't back up don't back up don't back I tried so hard I want to be a Guardsman that's what I want my title to be God godman of democracy godsman godsman you much courage godsman oh no I am in no need of your assistance I found a portal to the nether realm check it out oh what the heck me up it's a portal me up no it's endless okay we need to kill this guy hold on wait wait wait I can I can do [Music] this seconds yes nice like the video if you love [Music] democracy for rise to the SK
Channel: The Cyan Man
Views: 72,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2, helldivers 2 mech suit, helldivers 2 exo suit, helldivers 2 patriot exosuit, helldivers 2 chaotic moments, helldivers 2 funny moments, the cyan man, helldivers, helldivers 2 funny, super earth national anthem, helldivers 2 ost, helldivers 2 tips and tricks, helldivers 2 update, helldivers 2 best weapons, helldivers 2 family values, family values in helldivers 2
Id: HDNifm5NOms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 35sec (1175 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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