I FAILED My DCP Character Audition & Here's Why

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[Music] it feels so like all good fairytales ours has a prologue night before auditions a message in a DCP group chat asking who'd be up for last-minute prep sesh to win overwhelming response we decide to meet up at the hotel most of the outer towners were staying at I'm eventually commandeer the La Quinta Inn & Suites gym as a practice space we ended up having like over a dozen girls join in rotations of who needed to sleep and when the newbies plates landed some of the other hopefuls were also party princesses in fact one of them Celeste was an avid aerial fan / impersonator and that also happened to be vlogging that day and somehow knew / knows about my videos so if you're watching this Celeste you're awesome and hit me up [Music] anyways the practice session we started with the animations based off prompts used in previous years like cutting down a Christmas tree toymaker and toy coming to life Monsters Inc scaring scenario thing and Haunted Mansion character getting ready for a ball to name a few we went in pairs and then critiqued each other to be fair we spent a lot of the time talking and we even played this game where we shared stories and facts about our life but the catch was we couldn't stop smiling in true face character fashion the very end we touched on dance moves and components we heard were often used in DCP auditions wherein I learned what the heck of Grapevine as I was tragic but luckily there's no footage of that but ultimately the night came to an end as we headed back to get some sleep and prepare for the big day oh also my carpool bunny and I stopped at Walmart so we could get dance shoes and I got a new outfit to bolster my confidence for the audition suffice to say highly highly recommend hi guys so just got back from our little prep sesh which was amazing all the girls were still so we and so kind made me feel so much more reassured by the way that there were other girls of my body type in my size there I'm gonna go to bed I'm gonna get some sleep and I will see you guys in the morning okay so my dumb fight couldn't go to sleep last night because insomnia so I'm running a little behind I overslept a little bit here's the make up because the day but it's like 9:40 and you're supposed to check in at 10:00 the auditions at 10:30 I don't know if I've said that already basically it's 9:40 right now and I wanted to leave at like 9:00 so I'm running like 40 minutes behind but that was also to be really early anyway I'm just gonna go ahead and go I couldn't find any socks but I had ballet issues that I bought yesterday so that's okay and I'll see you list out hopefully hi guys I failed so I didn't even make it past the first round of cuts I'm a little and I'm trying my best to be okay because it wouldn't have been a face character anyway but it was just so different than I thought it was gonna be everyone online says they give you time and they explain the dance and they didn't okay so I want to account at why I remember I took a second to calm down I'm a little emotional but it's definitely not as much as if I was banking on being a face performer because this was just for fur for me because of my body size so Dee started I woke up a little late I woke up at 9:20 and I wanted to leave at like around 9 15 to 9 so I basically woke up at the time I was supposed to leave I took about like 15 minutes to get ready um and this is the makeup I was able to accomplish it's very very basic it's just my face makeup and I glued on a lash because I need eyelash extension filling there was a lot of girls that were more makeup than me so I don't think that this is a problem at all so don't go in there with a bare face if that's not where you're comfortable with wear as much makeup as you feel like you need as far as my outfit I feel like I wore you know a very average thing for the people who are auditioning it's kind of like leggings or tights or something like that and a leotard or a workout shirt a lot of people with like the full coverage jerseys like long sleeves didn't seem to make it through I don't know if that's actually a connection or a correlation but you decide I would definitely recommend wearing something with your arms free so fast for it I get to the dance studio it is exactly 10:00 exactly check-in time and I am given this number 187 it went all the way up to I believe 215 somewhere around there so we were the last group of girls so that I think is the cap and I can say that most people got there earlier than me so I would definitely say get here early but it doesn't really matter it didn't change anything I still got to audition like everybody else so basically I'm just handed a number and told to go into a room this room is like a typical dance to do rehearsal space with mirrors and bars inside there's an instructor she looks like Jazzercise for spring class kind of person you know she's got the all workout clothes long-sleeve leggings and she asked me to pull out my Disney auditions profile now this is different than your Disney College Program profile I made it a while ago and I don't exactly remember how the process was but I will leave links down below so basically once you have one of those you go to sign and Disney comm something like that they'll tell you the exact URL that you need to put in but basically with your location services on the Internet will recognize your an audition location and will let you sign in so you sign them you put in your number you say that you're 18 and you see that you're not currently a cast member and you submit you're signed in welcome to a Disney audition after that I sit down and it's basically an hour of sitting I'm just making friends I'm sitting there talking to other people it was really fun part of it I know I've heard from other auditioners or auditioners that made YouTube videos they say that you should interact with other people because it shows the instructors or the recruiters that you're really trying and you're outgoing and your smiley and you're happy and I did all of that it was intimidating though because there were a lot of beautiful beautiful girls like insanely beautiful Victoria's Secret girls and then there were other people that were chubby or were much much shorter so this was an audition for everything and I remember they said at the beginning like when auditions started so I'm fast falling a little bit they said that this is an audition for being a character performer not being a face character performer so basically you go through the same audition process for fur or face characters in the Disney College Program at least at the beginning and the most split you up later but I didn't get to that point so obviously anyway backtrack me and a lot of friends it was a lot of fun but it was an hour of sitting and I definitely hyped up my nerves a little bit especially seeing all these beautiful ladies come in and there were some who were like going over to the ballet bars and they were stretching and they were like professional dancers there so it was a huge wide range of talent there was a lot of different people there so if you're worried about it I would definitely say just go and just like get a feel for it after that our talking and getting instagrams and meeting other people and the instructor comes back in and I just want to touch on really quick something that I didn't get from other videos is that there is an instructor and a recruiter there are two different people the instructor is a person who teaches you the dance and gives you a couple tries to practice through it and the recruiter only comes in to say yes I like this person or yes I don't we recruiter sees you do I think two repetitions of it and that's it that's all they judge you on they see you doing animation and then the March sequence twice and you don't get a lot of chances to show your excitement throughout the process it's basically just one on and done which is so much scarier than anything anybody else is hyped up to be so what I wish I would have known is that you really have to perfect that dance before the recruiter even gets in the room so while you're walking around being told to line up you should be counting those steps you should be doing the hand movements with it and I did a little bit of that but I wish I would have focused on it more because the dance really really matters and other people said you can just smile your way through it and that is not necessarily true so the instructors in the room she goes up to the front we're lining up in rows not exact rows but it's kind of like where we were sitting we stand up and the thing about that is is that I was in the back cuz a lot of the friend group that I had was in the back and we couldn't really see the instructor for the animations it didn't seem to matter that much because it was just general instruction but for the dance it really mattered and I'll talk about that later the first instruction is to do an animation our animation prompt was you are a character in a parade and you see a child that's wearing your merch or a shirt with you on it or the same outfit as you basically you're just singling them out and making them have a wonderful time with Trude isn't magic the catch is you have to be a fur character of some kind and cannot be a princess which is hard for me because my brain always wants to go princess but they said that five Pluto Pinocchio something more obscure maybe Toy Story would work so we're told to give that animation to this side this side and the front so we do that we run through each one really quick um and this is kind of a freestyle they're not really judging anything this is for you to get a grasp of good ideas for movements and don't be afraid to look at other people and think oh yeah what she's doing with you know the heart or the kiss is really fun or going down in the last so anything like that use that to your advantage for when you're showing the recruiter your animation next comes the dance and this is where it messed up for me so again I was in the back I couldn't see the instructor she was just laying out some dance terms that I didn't quite understand and she was counting numbers and I couldn't see what that was supposed to punctuate because I couldn't see her doing it I could only see the people in the first and second rows who were you know kind of messing it up as they did it so I couldn't get the cadence right and I couldn't ever see the moves done properly which was a huge huge fault and I should have fought my way to the front one two three four one [Music] I'm really Kazuma instructor but your first dance is basically four movements in four counts so your first movement is going to be a March and you step off on your right foot which is important to get the pacing of everything else so it's one two three four then you step off on your right foot one [Music] three and now it's a great find enroll in your hands so one to breathe five is four and then you're going to do your turns which is that's basically the dance I'm not really good at it so I can't show it to you fast all that well but those are the movements and if you're a dancer hopefully you understood what I meant [Music] so basically we practice that literally twice and then we line up up until this point the room has been orientated so that we are facing long long and now we are moving so that our side is to the long wall and we can walk down the long side in front of the recruiter so here we are we're marching the recruiters at the end we go through that one time on our own with just our instructor not a recruiter so altogether we only got to go through the full dance three times and for me who isn't a dancer and doesn't know what she's doing and never saw the instruction the first time this was a huge pitfall the the fourth time I did this dance I was doing it in front of the person who decides my fate of course there were rows and rows of people in front of me because we are marching so I got to see a lot of people do the dance and I was trying to go through it and count the steps in my head but eventually when it was my turn I didn't do the best job I noticed that people who were really strong dancers and animators got through of course people who were strong animators but not so good of dancers they usually got cut people who were strong dancers and not so great of animators usually stayed so to me from what I've experienced with my recruiter it felt like people who were good at the dance passed and your animation didn't matter as much which is nerve-wracking because I am the opposite I feel like I'm better at animating than I am at dancing and I know the entire way through I had a smile on my face I was enthusiastic about it I think I just really failed because everyone in my row were poor dancers we're all kind of lost and hoping that someone was stronger dancer than us but we were all kind of weak dancers and stronger animators so two of the girls on my left bumped into each other I had this giant guy on my left I was all the way to right and he like he put his arms out really really far and he hit like the top of my head I didn't react I was just like hi I'm happy to be here so at the end of that round they called a couple of numbers and they said if we said your number please stay if we didn't call your number you are free to go which means please leave for a second I thought they called my number the friends that I was with they were like oh no no they called 187 and I went up and I asked and she called 190 seven so I was unfortunately nobody from my row or the row behind me stayed and when I was leaving I saw about 20 people left in the room that's what I would say so 20 out of 70 states so as someone who has been cut in the first round I would definitely say that my failure or might shortcoming would be the dance area and I think I should have taken more seriously I was just really happy when a lot of people said oh if you're not good at the dance it doesn't matter I wasn't a good dancer like no I'm really genuinely a horrible dancer I have no sense of rhythm so I should have taken a time to focus more on the dance moves than the animation because ultimately in that first round that's what matters more so if you're watching this in preparation for your audition I would say take the time to really focus on the dance aspect of this if you're not a strong dancer if you're a strong dancer I'm sure you'll be fine but pretty much every first dance that I've seen on the internet and that I experienced has the components of Grapevine one of those turn things doing your hands clapping and counting beats so I would practice that on my own so I would just know how when I get in there to put them together rather than having to learn how to do each move on the spot so I came out of that really emotional and I have to keep telling myself and what softens the blow is that this wasn't ever gonna give me my dream role which would be to be a face character aka princess I was going to have to be a fair character because of my weight so it's little less high stakes and I'm glad that I got to go four to one for my real audition that I'm hoping happens I can't give you too much advice because obviously I didn't make it I can't give you a cautionary tale to not take that dance for granted even if you are not a strong dancer learn those moves ahead of time you have plenty of time to practice if you're watching this you know before your audition learn those counts and definitely stay on beat I think that is more important than getting every single move in which was what I was a little too focused on I was like I have to do that turn so even though we've moved on to the next move I'm gonna do that turn and then lag a little bit and it kind of just caught up to me that I was a little confused and everybody was a little head of me but everybody rodent know what we were doing basically learn those dances stay on beat and stay positive I think that's the best thing that you can do and you can mess up in from the instructor but you can't mess up the recruiter unfortunately unfortunately you might be able to get away with a couple of stumbles but I I felt a little intimidated by the recruiter who who was really nice this is not the end for me I will definitely audition again but hopefully I will go in there a little more prepared so that is my story that is what I I failed and for those of you who are having upcoming editions I wish you the best of luck I'm sure a lot of you can do it a lot better than me but if you like this video please give it a thumbs up comment all that YouTube stuff and if you have auditioned or you're going to audition comment down below if you have any like asks for advice I will try my best to answer them but yeah thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to listen to me and I really really hope that you make it to the next audition and you give me free disney passes [Music]
Channel: Natalie Ever After
Views: 612,524
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: disney audition, disney college program character audition, dcp audition, disney audition vlog, fall 2019, character performer, dcp, disney college program, character audition, character performer audition, dcp audition vlog, vlog, fall adv 2019, fall advantage 2019, disney, perpare for disney audition, disney audition experience, disney audition storytime, disney character performer audition storytime, atlanta, atlanta ga
Id: N2VxFtoAHe8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 5sec (1085 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2019
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