Cheerleaders Share Their Cheer Horror Stories

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I think that actually became illegal in competitions her chin had like an indent from one of my brace brackets I didn't even like the guy so I don't really understand why she was so mad and hated me so much hi I'm Spencer I was a cheerleader for about three years in high school hi I'm Vanessa I've been cheerleading for ten years in Rhode Island at the University of Rhode Island and my high school hi my name is Laura and I was a cheerleader for three years in high school when I was cheerleading in high school we had one practice where you're practicing for a competition we were practicing a really hard pyramid which is multiple stunts kind of working together to do one thing my coach like to try the things that was like a little bit more difficult because then we would get more points my best friend MT was in the middle she was a really really good flier so she's the one who you know gets like thrown up in the air is on the top of the stunts and I remember there were two Flyers on either side holding on to MT there was a part where we had to like swinger and when she went to swing I can't remember she kicked my friend Courtney in their face or if her hip hit her in the face but we practiced the pyramid we went all the way through it everyone went to their spaces after the pyramid to continue the routine and Courtney kind of just like went to the side or went to the front didn't really make any noise I think I heard like one whimper but I didn't really think anything of it cuz cheerleading hurts all of a sudden everyone was kind of looking at Courtney when the fires had swung Mt she hit Courtney in the mouth but Courtney's teeth went from being like this to like this they were still there they were fine she went to the dentist they got put back into place with braces and it was only temporary but like that was the scariest thing because I think that was the most hurt anyone had ever gotten up until that point none of us knew what to do and even my coach was kind of like uh I didn't know teeth could move from here to here without like being knocked out that was just oh yeah it was really bad so when I was chili D in high school I had this friend she was like my best friend well she liked a boy the boy liked me and she was mad she thought that maybe she could change his mind her idea of doing that was to get a perm and darken her hair because she had light brown hair in her head she thought I'll just try to look more like Vanessa it didn't work he didn't like her still she was on my cheerleading team she was my bass and one day we were practicing and I fell and I broke my wrist it hurt so bad I was out for the whole year and at first I was like upset but at the same time I was like oh this happens this is part of cheerleading but when I found out that it might have been deliberate that was a whole different story she was bragging about it telling everyone about it I dropped Vanessa purpose because she's a I didn't even like the guy so I told her I don't like him he's all yours so I don't really understand why she was still mad and hated me so much so I approached her about it and she said no way but I didn't trust her after that and to this day I don't really know if it was intentional or not so my first year cheerleading it was my sophomore year in high school and we were at cheer camp which happens the summer before where you're kind of learning all the new things for the school year we were doing a some sort of team-building exercise at these camps they always do like icebreakers so the company that was running our to your campus called the UCA and the you see a cheerleader that was with our group said I need a volunteer so I raised my hand thinking you know we're gonna do something fun who knows and she tells me that I'm going to have to put on all the socks of all of my teammates on my hands and then continue to layer every single girl socks on top like mittens and perform some sort of relay it was hot we were in a hot gym everyone has been working out has been stunting so all the socks were sweaty it was so gross smell terrible luckily they let me wash my hands after but it was pretty traumatizing and I honestly don't know why I agreed to do that we had practice like we always did I think this time we were kind of just practicing stunts to see what would work we were trying out new fliers so there was a new girl who's gonna be on the top of the stunts and I think we were practicing how they would come down from the stunts there's a single you throw them up and they spin once and then they come back down or there's a double wear throw them up and they're supposed to like rapidly spin twice and then come back down I think that actually became illegal in competitions later on because people are getting hurt I think we were practicing a double with this new flyer it's important to note that before practice I told my friend Michaela that she had a perfect nose they threw this new flyer up she went to spin and she came down just fine but when she came down she threw her head back and my friend Michaela was the back spot for that stunt the fire came down slammed my friend Michaela in the nose all we saw was Michaela go like this and like very calmly like walk out of wherever we were practicing and like to the bathroom yeah I mean she broke her nose there was so much blood she was very calm for the amount of blood like she was eerily calm but I think she like didn't know what else to do for like I want to say a week or so after that she got a nose big like every other day she blames me to loose day because I told her she had a perfect nose I was in college and we performed every halftime at the basketball game and I was always in the front cuz I was a gymnast and a dancer and we had this new routine I did a lot of choreography for it there was actually a guy there that I really liked and I was so psyched we're in the middle of our team and there was a group of girls right in the front I knew them they were on the hip-hop team and they were like it looked like they were whispering about me but I just tried not to care because I was doing my thing my crush is here so I'm like I'm just gonna keep dancing turns out I turned around squat down for the next part of the dance and I noticed that my boob was out the whole time I have no boobs that's why I didn't feel it I just thought everybody was watching my awesome dance moves but yeah that wasn't the case at all I was just flashing everyone that was at the beginning of my college career and for years people were talking about that so we were learning how to stunt and we were in an elevator a half extension where two girls are standing face to face as the basis and they're holding the Flyers feet at about neck level so we were learning how to come down from that in a cradle which is where you throw the flier up and then both of the bases catch in the arms so when this is done correctly you are fairly close together throw the girl up catch she comes down but if you're new and kind of scared like we were we were too far apart when we threw her and so when her body weight came down it brought both of us forward and we kind of had like a kiss of death and my teeth which I had braces at the time and her chin collided we hit and then it was like everyone like kind of backs up cuz everyone saw it happened and so I'm covering my mouth because like it really hurt and she's covering like her mouth area the cheerleader captain coach person was like okay let me see and I like moved my hand and that my teeth were all bloody and then her chin had like an indent from one of my brace brackets for probably a few days after that we were afraid to do that stunt I think that base and I were not a good pair so we did not stunt together again [Music] [Music]
Channel: As/Is
Views: 1,159,719
Rating: 4.946013 out of 5
Keywords: HALLSC, PL-ExpertsHorrorStories, PL-HorrorStories, as is, as/is, buzzfeed, buzzfeed as is, buzzfeed as/is, buzzfeed horror stories, cheerleader horror stories, cheerleaders, cheerleaders share, cheerleaders share their horror stories, cheerleading, cheerleading secrets, cheerleading stories, horror, horror stories, secrets, story time, storytime, true horror stories, true stories, women, women share
Id: YF8xS8YcMmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 43sec (463 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 15 2019
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