Every ride at Disneyland

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foreign welcome aboard the disneyland railroad we're embarking on a grand circle tour of the magic kingdom we'll be stopping at new orleans square vicki's toontown we'll also visit the grand canyon and make a trip back in time to the primeval world and the age of the dinosaurs before returning to main street station as we begin our journey remember that for a safe trip you need to stay seated keeping your hands arms feet and legs inside the train and please watch your children our first stop is new orleans square station but to get there we need to pass through the wilds of adventureland it may seem possible through here but trust me it's a real jungle out there literally so be on the lookout you just never know what might be working along the rails just ahead of new orleans square station this station also serves frontierland and critter country if you'll be leading us here please remain seated until the train comes to a complete stop then watch your step as you're getting on for those of you continuing on with us we'll be resuming square station new orleans square ladies and gentlemen boys and girls please remain sitting till the train comes to a full and complete stop in the station please make sure you have all personal items this is galaxy's edge location thank you to those just joining us welcome aboard the disneyland railroad to ensure a safe ride stay seated with your hands arms feet and legs inside the train and please watch your kids brassos it's where the critters are celebrating day this place we're passing over is home to a whole bunch of them here in critter country you can join winnie the pooh tigger rare rabbit and rare bear on their fun-filled adventures as we steam past hungry bear restaurant last outpost of these parts we're now joining up with the rivers of america and entering the frontiers more than a century and a half ago this is my favorite there is a revered indian shaman sharing his stories with those in the great river valley below traveling through nature's wonderland in a matter of days rather than the months it used to take by mule or stagecoach steam power not only fueled these iron horses but the dreams of a whole new generation as it moved west into this great frontier of course some of those dreams and the stories go into please keep your arms and hands inside the train at all times big thunder mountain where i hear that mysterious spirits have grabbed hold of those mining trains and turned them into the wildest ride in the wilderness outside okay this tunnel signals our transition from the frontier to another kind of gear the ones you'll find on mickey and minnie mouse our next stop is also the gateway to fantasyland where you'll find many of your favorite disney animated characters and stories if you're leaving us here please wait until the train comes to a full stop remember your personal belongings then step carefully from the train have fun and say hi mickey hello everyone thanks for joining us on the disneyland railroad for a safe ride remember to stay seated with your hands arms feet and legs inside the train and please watch your kids [Music] of them all fantasyland you can see people stepping onto it's a small hole just below us we're now stepping forward into the future through a land inspired by visions of tomorrow submarines and astroplasmas and if we look overhead maybe a glimpse of a march 7 monorail this is the latest version of the first daily operating monorail system in the entire western hemisphere gliding above disneyland since 1959. below the monorail and us are the fun-filled roommates of the autopia drivers of all required if you're into sewing spaceships but doing battle with evil enlighteners and emperors tomorrowland is definitely the place for you speaking of which we're pulling into tomorrowland station right now if you're leaving us here just stay seated until we come to a full stop and stay thank you you don't want to lose inside the train please supervise your children during the trip we'll be entering the diorama please don't flash photography or video lighting next stop main street station the next leg of our journey will take us from the fantastic world of the future to the breathtaking beauty of nature's own design the grand canyon for your safety stay seated with your hands arms feet and legs inside the train watch your children and no flash photography [Applause] [Music] so that was the grand canyon as we know it today but it wasn't always this way now let's travel back in time um uh [Music] we're now returning to our own time and to main street station gateway to disneyland ladies and gentlemen are you stopping the extreme station this station has no reps on these stairs all right there we go [Music] something big and hurry put you in the boat that's okay [Music] you know uh eric used to work for a calendar company and he got fired because he took a couple days off [Music] i'm just kidding we'll never see them again welcome to the world famous jungle cruise my name is ryan and i'll be your skipper for as far as we get today a few reminders for you folks please watch your children remain seated people hands arms feet legs almost hairpieces and jewelry inside the boat your wallets leave those on the boat i'll come back collect those later before we get too far everybody reach down below your seats there grab your sense of humor you're gonna need it for the rest of the trip down there how many of you here woke up today and said jungle cruise gotta do it yeah me too every morning [Music] [Applause] where dr indiana jones is famously searching for the world's greatest treasure it's just too bad i'm right here [Music] oh look at this on the left-hand side you see that right behind that tiger is the world's largest animal cracker sorry was that joke too crummy for you guys try again that's how i eat my dough i tell these jokes you try to pick up some noodles as we go along can't promise it won't be overdone just playing the cookie crumbles now you will notice the deeper deeper we get to the jungle the worse and worse my jokes get yeah wow look at this it looks like the whole herd has come out this is unheard of hey does anybody here know how we can tell these are small eared asian elephants no not the small ears it's because they're in asia anybody here know why their skin is so wrinkly there's no irons in the jungle yeah but speaking of wrinkles that's birth out there bertha has been in that water for a very long time let that be a lesson if you stay in the shower for too long you will turn into an elephant we just went over this the wrinkles are because there's no irons and uh here's my friend squirt here oh he's coming up everybody get down i'm not kidding i'm not kidding i'm just kidding some dry humor i would never put you in that kind of danger okay there's no danger here do not make any sounds like a banana especially if you're wearing a yellow shirt they might find it appealing look at this all night [Music] usually it takes me six shots to get it right but now it's fully loaded the best way to get through the jungle is fully loaded like i said before but with guests with guests not that kind of cruising straight ahead here we have schweitzer falls named of course after famous african explorer dr albert falls and the best way to get through the falls you know what it is right [Music] if you don't believe me you might be in africa i thought we're gonna uh yeah there are a couple more elephants are there yeah these are african all elephants now folks how can we tell these are african elephants that's because of the big ears the location has nothing to do with it i mean if you had an african elephant in india it would still be an african elephant just incredibly lost you know what i mean we're gonna move on to the african belt here home to a wide variety of animals as you can see up here we have some striped horses some black horn sheep long neck cheetah in the back those are really bad look at that those lions are protecting a sleeping zebra [Music] tired they're tired that's right kids that's how zebra often sleep is on their side surrounded by lions with their eyes open legs up and they are not breathing so we're just gonna let it rest in peace you ever wonder how they split up zebra meat though you got light meat dark meat like meat during me lightning dark retail oh wow look at this what a sight there's got to be a billion rocks on that beach you don't see that every day another elephant question does anybody here know where you'd find an amazon elephant no not the amazon in your imagination there's no such thing as amazon they don't exist yes they're dangerous when they wiggle the ears [Music] i guess just like that relationship it's time to move on uh moving on to headhunter territory which is a beautiful place to be headed actually looks like they're having some type of party up here oh it looks like a dance party i do speak some of their language let me see if i can translate [Music] until he turned himself around [Music] thanks boys hide back down for the next group perfect yeah by the way it's to throw or not to throw that is the question they really do turn the ham one up don't think it's just a tragedy i mean all that rabble rabbit was really much to do about nothing anyway so we're gonna move on to the moment you've all been waiting for the amazing the colossal the outstanding the contagious the eighth one of the world [Music] i know it's exciting but do not try that at home okay you'll just hit your head on the faucet don't ask me i know that just trust me although a lot of people do take it for granted i know my sentiments exactly could have been bolder on the delivery but i thought that joke's rock solid just the way it was so many people tell me how marvelous it is that it really crushed it because i was on the road hopefully i don't hit rock bottom any time soon though so they're trying to cement myself and i'll be here to become a concrete part of the leadership team that's not too jaded just let me know i'm really trying to keep myself down to earth anyways that there is traitor sam he's the head chef over at cannibal cafe specializes in finger foods open face sandwiches stews do on occasions he makes hamburgers fried fries and a big cup of jar let him know anytime he'd love to have you for dinner oh looks like our fun-filled romantic cruise is finally coming to an end did you [Music] [Applause] [Music] my boat cause a lot of peer pressure do not want to give it to peer pressure trust me on that one but anyways uh on behalf of myself from the entire dremel navigation company we'd like to say uh you know sorry rude please [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] snakes so [Music] [Music] get out of here next time your blindfolds okay uh quickly um [Music] um oh um ahead ah [Music] um um okay so [Music] [Music] blue [Music] you've seen the curse of treasure you know where it been these be the last friendly words you'll hear you may not survive the past [Music] no fear oh [Music] is we uh never surrender oh is what may i offer for these hearty heads every you'll never find the treasure without a look at this ear map very nice oh [Music] you [Music] [Music] thank you is here you go dearie he says [Applause] so oh oh oh [Music] [Music] and it's many shiny rewards shall escaped me is is shoes [Music] [Music] on so [Music] let there be music from freedom give us a hint by ringing a bell and spiders fall in the spirits wherever they're at your happy hearts have received your sympathetic vibrations they are beginning to materialize so we have been unavoidably detained by pakistan's remain seated in your doom body please we will continue our tour momentarily [Music] hey is have a great day oh [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] hello free momentarily oh let me go [Music] is right up here ah me [Music] so [Music] [Music] yes is mmm and [Applause] still not working [Music] [Music] be wary [Music] what a wonderful dream [Music] good boy it's your birthday it's time for your puppy [Music] i'm sure you'll find my person to be quite delicious and gracious you'll never guess what it is the wonderful thing about teachers is hi there hey oh let's go [Applause] so oh so oh ah and then get picked up by other people maybe i don't know it's a new thing and even tell you about the instagram's happening there it is the most famous landmark is are they offline oh there we go or the canoes i know you don't know it shouldn't be even worse for you he's parts for years now but i never get tired of taking in the breathtaking beauty of the columbia river the majestic trees the stunning rock formations that means we're all clear as we head up the missouri and turn it into that most wondrous of musical instruments the fruit it's a legend from lakota that passed down from generation to generation on behalf we hope what is that and the tide waits for nowhere [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ahoy shipmates we're just clearing the busy port of new orleans and beginning our journey into the great american wilderness our vessel for this voyage is the proud sailing ship colombia the first american ship to carry the stars and stripes around the world she's a 10-gun three-masted merchant ship it was back in 1787 that she first set sail from boston arbor going all the way around the horn and sailing onward to the pacific northwest hawaii and china in the three years it took us to make that journey the colombia was more than just a ship to us she was our life and our home ford midships is the main hatchway needed below decks where you may see how we lived and worked on the high seas the galley captain and cruise quarters are open for your inspection for the rest of you we invite you to stay up on deck feel the wind in your face and experience the wonders of this land we now know as american again [Music] one day [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] one [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] our fair ship to colombia was one of the first american vessels to explore the pacific northwest it was in 1792 that this very ship braved a sandbar and discovered a mighty river which we named the colombia after the first ship to sail our waters [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you not foreign just ahead is the most treacherous part of our journey that island off the starboard side often hides the scourge of the seas not thirsty pirates they sometimes lie in wait to attack a passing ship such as ours and steal its bounty and the starboard fox's cannon and prepare to fire a warning shot so as any curious pirates hide near the shore will know we are well armed those of you run right now and the gunners aim be a might pool be great to fire one folks if you guys are sensitive to loud noises please cover up those ears okay higher one now that should put some fear in them looks like we're safe for now but i ask all crude passengers when we travel this far upriver okay shipmates if you haven't done so keep a close eye on the riverbanks where you may be able to see moose elk and other wildlife it lies in sponge cold a base of oh [Music] tell them it's a prisoner transfer [Music] did it work good don't get to move on there's a clear path to the turbo lifts at the end of the hallway turn right [Music] last scene here we are fired no no no i sat down this does not look good try to find another way down to the escape pods the resistance will attempt to rescue the prisoners have neither the resources nor the courage to engage us you underestimate their convictions break the shields shields i see no evidence [Music] [Music] wow [Music] oh [Music] attention our resistance [Music] resistance oh [Music] okay you're clear your escape routes came in a little off target ground crews will meet you outside the wreck right nice job recruits not what you signed on for but hey you're resistance now i think i have that authority right back where's the lieutenant i need eyes on back i know i should hope so great job recruits thanks to your heroism the location of the resistance makes is secure bravo good job oh punch it yes yes keep shooting action free that could have been much worse yes you got one excellent keep shooting yes okay he's coming down let's get out of here [Music] i've never gone through any quarters now after my way to kill your god minus what you owe me for damaging the falcons [Music] [Applause] [Applause] um [Music] oh good [Music] foreign [Applause] oh huh oh oh wow that's windy up [Music] youtube [Music] oh it's toasty [Music] [Music] it's look great hey this one [Applause] [Music] um thank you out of himself [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we made it [Music] oh this celebration [Music] [Applause] [Applause] these dwarves can't hide snowy [Music] in this disguise [Music] [Applause] nice [Music] hey [Music] all of a sudden i fell [Music] he went this way [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] her chance i'm not sure where i am [Music] he went this way [Music] and shall we play croquet rule 42 the queen [Music] oh i'll take it [Music] foreign [Music] my house [Music] bye oh god where are we i'm already lost huh [Music] oh my god right here last right up the camera hey we did it welcome aboard the daisy my name is cynthia we'll be your storyteller and captain for today just a few things before we get started for your safety of course please remain seated keeping those hands arms feet and legs inside the boat at all times and please let's supervise our children even the adult ones we don't want our stories having any unexpected twists the characters in our stories travel through a rabbit hole maybe with some magic pixie dust or on a magic carpet ride but we have the great opportunity to travel right through monstroso don't worry about him though he's actually very friendly he lets me and dory practice our oil in here all good stories must start off with once upon a time so once upon a time there was a big bad wolf who lived inside his cave and he would look across the way licking his lips at the three little pigs with their house made out of straw stick and of course a hundred percent wolf from brick as much as that wolf tried to huff and puffed his way through all three houses alas he could not and those pigs were safe and warm in their blanket many of our stories take place in quiet little towns just like the one that alice grew up in right outside of london when one golden afternoon she followed that white rabbit down down down that rabbit hole standing in wonderland where things only got hurried there and tyrion there over in london park peter panted wendy michael and john darling all off into flight when they were finally in neverland they never ever had to grow up of course peter had some help from his friend tinkerbell in order to get there i think we could all use a little help every once in a while we'd have a whole new world if we did which is why a lot the common street rat was helping out the princess and disguised jasmine when they first met in the marketplace of agrabah they didn't know it but they would actually be getting married inside that golden palace by the sultan himself but before they could get married they took that magic carpet ride over sideways and under through these magical archways where they both fell in love and they also found their sense of adventure in any good story there are twists and turns so we are turning right into the cave of wonders where aladdin had the task to find that magic genie inside the genie was waiting to grasp a in his three wishes all that it had to remember was to only touch the lamb unlike aladdin the seven dwarfs never have to wish for their gems they're working very hard in those mines back there you could hear them high ho hi hoeing away you can also hear snow white whistling away while she works inside their cottage waiting for them to return home speaking of hard workers cinderella grew up with her wicked mother and stepsisters inside this blue chateau but don't worry she's now living her happily ever after with her prince charming inside that pink castle right on top of the mountain even though her ride there was not very smooth as you can see her carriage has gotten stuck on the way down when at the strike of midnight all of the magic faded away and it turned back into a pumpkin cinderella's happily ever after may have included a handsome prince and a big shiny castle but if i'm being honest i really don't need any of those things my happily ever after includes a good night's sleep which brings us to my favorite part of our story our quilted flower bed which was inspired by a 1933 silly symphony called lullaby land i'm sure some of you may be wondering how we keep our trees and flowers so miniature and yes of course they are real we have a wonderful gardener who comes in every night she sprinkles some of the perfect sea dust on them so that they never ever have to grow up i think tinkerbell forgot to sprinkle the ducks today though over at toad hall you would normally be able to find mr toad and mr mull is right next door but i believe that jake daddy has towed his silver off his fantasy land on a wild ride to nowhere in particular our ride is sending us into arizona where queen elsa has built her ice castle right on top of those mountains elsa and anna both found that all they needed was the love they had for each other in order to melt princess robin's frozen hearts in this small alpine village a carpenter named geppetto parked a little wooden boy and wished upon a star for him to be real it wasn't until after pinocchio saved geppetto from the belly of monster loyal that the blue fairy was finally able to grasp their wish no streets attached this timeline everyone say yoo-hoo over to oaken [Music] princess ariel also had a wish she wished for what do you call them she took her very first steps over at prince eric's castle where she got her voice against her way back to missouri where our journey ends ariel's first began at the entrance to atlanta where king strikes still lives within other daughters on behalf of all the storytellers here thank you so much for joining us today on storybook plan now as we approach the doll please remain seated with your hands aren't saying figures inside of the boat we will all be standing up together on my count of three so the boat remains balanced and no one has to visit under the same sounds is is right there uh so so so so uh um [Music] please stay seated now in your seats until crazy comes with a boat now as we say to the animals that's the end of the lion oh we're gonna fly [Music] i'm falling sideways without a feather but he doesn't need one anyway i can't believe it we're flying down by day hey yes i'm back sir sir sir go around pinwheels and squirrels and starks hey look and you look just like timothy mouse not like this one this is the longest dumbbell flight ever he must have two feathers go down landing dumbo but we're right here [Applause] oh oh uh oh true [Applause] please remain seated with your seatbelt fastener for power welcome to it's a small world for your safety please remain seated [Music] yes [Applause] away [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] is okay [Music] [Music] is [Music] so all over his car this foreign of puts you out [Music] oh [Music] i love this guy we did it that only took 90 minutes and now it's our turn i don't know how anybody gets two people um here we go that'll be us in four seconds [Applause] oh legs the latest generation of disneyland moderators it was the first daily operating waterfall system in the western hemisphere so we are now arriving at downtown disney station gateway to the downtown disney district and the disneyland resort hotel if you will be leading us here and returning later today please hold on to your front ticket as you leave the station you may record the monorail for a return trip to tomorrowland up until one half hour prior to disneyland closing please remain seated until the water rail comes to a complete stop and the doors have opened then gather your belongings lower your head watch your step and exit to the left of the monorail thanks for traveling with us today and we hope you enjoy your visit to the disneyland resort we got our green light goodbye mister what kind of dinosaur is that ian i want to say a stegosaurus that's what i was thinking i was not sure if they were yet yeah but i was not sure if that was one of those times where they said yeah that's actually not a real species feet and legs inside the cabin watch your children and no smoking please the tomorrowland water rail station along the way you can get a birds eye look at the downtown disney district disney's grand california hotel spa and disney california adventure to the left for monorail is the main entrance of disneyland the happiest place on earth since its opening in 1955 it has posted hundreds of millions of years including presidents kings and celebrities it is the original disney theme park created and enjoyed by walt disney himself to the right at is morning when we walked in all later yeah beautiful loved it i heard the guys saying that like it's music to my ears man all lanes open we're about to enter so be sure to remain seated keeping your hands and arms inside the cabinet a land inspired by science fact and fantasy below us is the submarine lagoon where you can dive into a fantastic underwater adventure aboard the finding nemo submarine orange across the way are the icy peaks of batteryhorn mountain home of the world's most famous bosslet run and beneath us is the autopia where drivers of all ages can travel the road to july as we cruise over tomorrowland our pilot would like to share a few program reminders hello everyone welcome to busy man for your enjoyment today lots of fun activities going on do you ever make these sound stationary methods and 6 pm along main street usa also this evening at 9 30 we do have our 86 magic and that is also about main street usa at nine o'clock at 10 30 we have two showings at fantastic our laser light show and that's right while the purpose of america be arriving in the station in about a minute it's a skeleton and now we're riding alongside the happiest custom of them all fantasyland home to pinocchio snow white and other storybook characters we got that our final destination please remain seated until the monorail comes to a complete stop then collect your belongings watch your head and step carefully from the train on behalf of all of our crew thanks for traveling with us and we hope you'll have this is the tomorrowland monorail station all ahead one-third this is the captain speaking now that we're underway i'd like to welcome your ball as the conditions of our voyage may be unpredictable please remain seated at all times pressure in the boat three degrees degrees as we leave the coast behind and head towards open water you'll notice that this is a popular spot for divers searching for exotic fish let's see this is actually better it didn't have any music back then did it yeah oh yeah he should be going on right now is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] okay the colorful reef that surrounds us is a biological community that thrives in warm shallow waters it usually takes more than a year for a coral to grow only one inch an amazing fact when you consider that australia's great barrier reef stretches [Music] no fast and worries all controls eight degrees down zero degrees true steady as she goes hi sir the fish world has always been considered a silent habitat but now thanks to remarkable advances in marine technology we can use instruments such as our sonar hydrophones to actually hear the fish [Music] is [Music] [Music] is many creatures can be found commuting in this current including the majestic sea turtles welcome to the eac mini marlins [Music] [Music] don't worry i'm not going to eat all at once [Music] it's getting closer [Music] it could be anybody it's not anybody it's me do i know you dory talk about a small world my name's dory too oh what's that it looks like me first i'm thinking of something pink and bouncy that looks like a balloon yeah jellyfish right okay now i'm thinking of something pink kind of balloon that's jellyfish you're good and i'm controlling [Music] let's go i was so worried oh of course when fish can fly oh i found chico it's nemo [Applause] check out all the whales he pisses the wheels on the grill then why is that whale eating that yellow submarine dude mermaid we are surfacing and approaching our home port we've enjoyed having you aboard on this adventurous voyage thanks for joining us and have a tough day [Music] [Music] monorail so hahaha so [Music] [Music] wow many monorails again so [Music] [Music] [Music] vietnamese space shuttle for your safety remain seated with your hands arms feet and legs inside the rock and watch your children you are clear for lunch that's right foreign wow that was cool go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh yeah no oh god yes space wind that is world class again michael j yeah right [Music] make it difficult i'm not hitting anything i'm doing so bad and now you're gonna do worse receptions oh that's working no i was doing so well voice okay here we go destroyed may i break a hundred thousand oh there you go [Applause] [Music] attention oh i was helping you with anything i think that's pretty good for me i started doing the site you gotta look down kill shots
Channel: FreshBaked!
Views: 1,463,291
Rating: 4.8838639 out of 5
Id: HG0DodrAF_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 144min 37sec (8677 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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