Disney INFERNO! The Real BBC with HeelvsBabyface and MauLer

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um God damn Gary some serious Gourmet what flavor is this that's right it's the all hell medium roast private blend check out the ghee grind coffee nerd Roddick page for our other options like the decadence feathers of Liberty vanilla infused flavored coffee or if you're looking for something darker try the dark roast m t blend of the fellowship you know what just buy all three get grindcoffee.com use discount code nerdrotic [Music] thank you the following program is rated tvmal it contains strong language and is intended only for mature audiences [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is a good time [Music] [Applause] foreign oh my God it's early but we're late but it's still early right we're late we're like well dude I had to set everything up myself you know because I'm listening Mr [ __ ] Hollywood yeah I did like set everything up myself [Applause] I got invited to Hollywood Events and red copies don't you know who I am wait is that true you read topics I was not invited to any red carpets what the [ __ ] are you talking about the red carpets yeah I rent carpets who could afford to buy a carpet exactly yeah Carpenter yeah rent it by the day I want a flying carpet that'd be fun oh yeah though what was that that was my real BBC alarm for the for the normal time for the normal time to get up that's not the normal time that's my you've got an hour and 15 minutes until the real BBC alarm yeah it takes me about that much time to get going to be honest with you yeah yeah I gotta eat I gotta I gotta well I gotta make sure I'm awake then I gotta [ __ ] eat drinks wash dress dude yeah moving a little slower these days all by myself uh this is the real BBC bagging boarding and chatting and I'll grab my comics in a little bit I don't have time to get those uh I got a Razer Fizz book I can show you all right here look at that um yeah yeah I got some uh Toys to open too that'll be fun uh so the reason we're early today is I'm gonna go see Mission Impossible right after this so uh yeah I don't live in Europe so I had to wait a day uh and I have just been spending my time making a video and watching all six Mission Impossibles and I just finished Fallout right before the show [ __ ] love that movie it's so good it's so damn good Devil's great talk about spoilers for that movie right we can talk about spoilers for that moment for sure I think it's a huge regret that cattle dies in that movie I do totally but I mean see in in Hollywood in the past Mahler he would come back he would just have like a little scar on his face yeah it all goes all over him and he like [ __ ] up his face it's like that was perfect now knock him off the cliff and no don't see a body and you'll come back he'll be great then he had a helicopter to fall on his head I like how I like Lane being alive I think that guy's a good villain too right so yeah no the ACT is great he was in Prometheus remember that oh yeah like the Navigator right since since they already made Phelps the bad guy number one which I still hate by the way because I I was I'm old enough to be a fan of the show what's so funny about that Gary as I saw her tweet that was like relatively viral and it was like you can tell nudes of like made up things to be angry about because if they would truly consistent when mission impossible one came out they would have complained that as an adaptation they made Phelps a bad guy I was like oh I have a friend who thinks that hello I [ __ ] hate it it's a genuine nerd now I guess so the the latest uh because I didn't see it uh didn't the latest Charlie's Angels movie make Bosley the bad guys world as well is it I can't remember uh I didn't see it anymore uh Charlie he's either Charlie or Boswell the bad guy in it can't imagine why it failed can't imagine uh but aside from that uh I see Lane is kind of uh a bond a figure a bond who went bad you know because he was former but he gets to kill Alec Baldwin so that's great that was uh my favorite scene in Fallout [Laughter] no no as you no Alec Baldwin's the good guy says pretty sure this gun is loaded [Music] oh I'm looking for the right button where is it where'd it go sorry I guess I should hit this one really exciting show so far uh love the movie series um I really like one I like the directing of one because I'm a big Brian De Palma fan but I just hate the ending uh number two is the biggest piece of crap dude child of the mission impossible franchise is Dreadful Anthony Hopkins is in it probably the only good thing in it oh dude and some of the lines were written by Ryan kennell you know like you know women it's got two of the best lines and all the series uh but you know two lines don't make a good movie he says something like so you want you want you want my my woman to be duplicitous and and go back to uh to her old boyfriend and she's like yeah which is a woman that's what they do and then dugre says uh women are like monkeys or something and they hold they hold on to one branch until they can grab on the other and I'm like oh this is written by Ryan is just stood there dude [ __ ] I know I know she would have never stood there these days but that was when she was young she was so cute man I mean she's 20 but 27 I think in the movie she's not she's not ugly she's just annoying in real life absolutely yeah at all she's just a hideous person in real life that's just a [ __ ] uh I I mean typical actor but yeah that scene where they drop it off to do gray or Doug Ray or whatever whatever I could have been Wolverine I should have been Wolverine that's all he says every when he gets up he has PTSD from a [ __ ] Hugh Jackman you know but uh there's a scene where he gets she gets dropped off at his house and she's gonna walk up the boardwalk or whatever and it lasts like 10 minutes it's like Jesus Christ how long does it take to walk up there let's see slow-mo then it keeps cutting away it keeps going he's coming back then it cuts away it does another slime so another slow mo and then when you called me up you're like I'm gonna call you it's like okay that oh that bit on the jetty I'm right there Gary insane uh which Mission Impossibles does Tom Cruise not ride a motorcycle now I don't know the answer to the question but there's got to be at least one I think he rides a motorcycle in most of them though did he ride one in one I don't think he rode one in one no I don't think he rode one in the first one definitely the second one definitely the second one definitely the third one definitely third one fourth one fourth one fifth one and sixth one yeah definitely the sixth one he likes me the seventh one uh fantastic uh it's it's all fun first one is very uh it's a very clandestine film the first one it's a very cold war it's very much like the Taylor Soldier Spy type of movie well this that's what it is it's spy versus spy if you look at this series altogether Mahler it would be better if neither organization existed because it's always Rogue agents yes and even Ethan Ethan hunts and rogate yeah I wish the world has not moved on and reacted to the fact that everyone could be wearing those face and audio things like you got it's like Scrolls I know and they actually don't use it enough in my opinion that was like one of the like I would use that all the time the MCU introduced those and went to Soldier and then we never sold them again like once in a TV show maybe but like it was crazy it's like that's that's amazing but I mean at least the series started getting more from from four on it got a little more consistent we'll just say I mean Ethan's on a motorcycle everyone's 96 isn't it 96 2 000. dude one is 2006. bro the fourth one is 2011. there is there is like big gapage between these movies the the well yeah I was 26 when this series started the young lad yeah I know a long time ago I know well look at that average in my 20th Street Mission Impossible stats you see how young he looks he looks like a little baby in uh in the first one he's 34 in the first one yeah he's playing a 32 year old I don't know why they did that they they it's a couple years ago by two years on his on his passport or something dude every age you see on Google when you check out a person from uh Hollywood is wrong okay all [ __ ] Liars since like early 20s to Mid 60s Tom Cruise will look the same it's there's going to be a day where we look at him and go oh [ __ ] okay he's he's entered old age now he's getting there oh yeah he is you see him in interviews and you're like oh [ __ ] because you know that he wants to look like Tom Cruise forever and if he could he would yeah he's doing a pretty good job in all fairness well I mean you know a lot of guys embrace the old era right because like you know like Sean Connery for example you and John Cleese there are these actors where I know them as young and old there's like a yeah the two kinds of them because obviously James Bond Sean Connery versus like well the rock Sean Connery these two they're almost like they're the same Henry Jones Henry Jones yeah yeah nah you know you know I'm sure Tom Cruise could pull off his old era very well yeah I think he I don't think he wants to I think I think Tom wants to look as he feels and you know this guy's I mean he yeah they've been you know filming this for the last couple of years or so but this means that Tom was around 58-59 when they started filming um part one and two dead reckoning and this and and he still tries to do as as much of the Practical work himself the stunt work himself and it's incredible what he does at that age is absolutely incredible and and I think he's the poster boy for his you're only as young as you feel and um I think he wants to look as young as he feels well and he's about to become Hollywood's [ __ ] favorite person of all time no they're gonna hate him they're gonna despise him I mean they're gonna well they're gonna want him because he makes money well I mean the the people with bright like Spielberg saying you've single-handedly saved the movie industry you know people with an actual brain are going to appreciate what Tom Cruise has done but as we've seen the movie industry Hollywood's no longer about making money it's about pushing ideological messages they're deeply [ __ ] but he'll probably have a sway enough to make some of his own projects now right got it who I mean Tom Cruise is his own company Tom Cruise can do whatever he wants Impossibles from the start yeah if Mission a special I mean he can now already but he's gonna have more carte blanche when if this one even go sniffs a billion dollars like he'll rule Hollywood again uh I think before this admission no Mission Impossible was considered like a really consistent thing it did pretty well but like uh it might hit Stratosphere who knows it depends on uh how this movie does it's really long uh the the one I'm about to see but yeah uh Rachel treves yeah I finally got one dude these are hard to find there's a custom one I sent from Brazil from Dan vasclan I got a I got some of these Gary I can't believe I actually got something from Brazil get these in America we get we got these these are our action force this is what we got before GI Joe oh and then Action Force turned into action force but with GI Joe characters ah and then it became GI Joe yeah we used to Easton's these are from um 82 Maybe what do we got here 250 million Global opening is going to be pretty damn good pretty damn good does it reach a billion who knows who knows I think it's got a really good chance really really good chance the legs will be interesting to see it's gonna be a lot higher than [ __ ] you know Indiana Jones oh yeah no and these do really well internationally as well like as well well well he well uh despite the onslaught of shiny uh product that hasn't uh delivered I.E Flash and Indiana Jones in the dial of dysentery the summer domestic box office I'm gonna have to change screens here uh at is that two wait don't move it don't move it here I'll I got it I got it now I can't see it at all sorry what don't touch it uh the summer domestic box office at 2.1 billion per Comm score is pacing 6 uh six percent behind last year's for the period for the period of May 1st through July 9th uh but that's last year um but what they aren't comparing it to is Summer of 2019 which was the last full release schedule using their covet excuses uh and it's 20 off 20 2-0 that's a lot um and that's because 2019 had I believe seven Disney films that hit a billion geez seven was it 19 or 18. can't remember uh but uh yeah or it might have been over 2018 and 19 but it's still like it's incredible uh and you think about it uh no superhero movie has hit a billion since no way home uh and uh that's the only one that's hit it since end game but I think this one's going to do pretty well uh all eyes are on the best reviewed Mission Impossible of all time uh Mission Impossible dead reckoning part one it's gonna be fallout's [ __ ] good man Fallout is the best one and I think by a ways I like them all from I think three is pretty good that's the nicest thing I'll ever say about jar jar Abrams uh and then uh Brad Bird I did a great job on four I love it I'm sure ghost protocols yeah yeah that's brilliant I love that one yeah that's a good one too but I think fallout's the best buy buy a long shot uh to hopefully get us on a July roll Wednesday with an expected franchise Global five-day record of 250 million made up of 90 million domestic and 160 million abroad uh 70 markets including Australia and Dan vasglan the Brazilian uh China China France Germany Italy Korea Mexico Spain why does it say Mexico Spain like it's one thing you see that there's there's no Oasis there's no comma between Mexico Spain uh Taiwan and the United Kingdom are you that United though really yeah really uh so yeah it's gonna do pretty well I think it does better than that that's just me I think it does better that I think it does 100 million domestic oh I think it's gonna go over 100 million domestic yeah maybe 100 110 yeah domestic um I love it I mean I got my review out yesterday obviously we're gonna keep spoiler free because there's probably a lot of you that haven't seen it we I I personally would like you to go see it uh but I I [ __ ] loved it absolutely adore I loved it I came out of that two hours 45 minutes and it went like boom whereas when I was watching Indiana Jones I was just uh plot watching looking at my phone desperate for that [ __ ] thing to end and as soon as their first credit went up I was boom out that door uh and I'm gonna go back and see it with a couple of mates who were unable to see it because I definitely want to see this film again I thought it was fan [ __ ] fantastic all right Mueller's seen it but he's not going to say anything right now we're just gonna I I I mean I don't know yeah you should go see it action is on the rise right now um I think it's absolutely worthwhile obviously it being a part one of two as well means that there's well we'll see how people feel about uh this is a half I don't think it was as good as Fallout okay that's fair but I thought Fallout was kind of exceptional uh phenomenal movie and what I mean by exceptional was like when I saw her I was like [ __ ] man I didn't expect a bitched Impossible movie to be this good I like them I enjoyed them but I was quite surprised with Fallout fallout Fallout amps it up with uh it's got It's got a better story it just has a better story and and everybody they make use of the characters really well and uh it's got a really good payoff Henry Cavill was uh really good in it shows that the guy can really add to a movie and he totally made the right choice keeping his mustache on yeah he just did yeah yeah sorry he just [ __ ] did that was a better choice uh and if you've never seen Man from Uncle he's freaking that's a great movie that is a great movie aren't they going they're going ahead with the sequel now apparently um not with Army Hammer oh maybe not with Army Hammer but yeah they're going ahead with the Napoleon solo and Henry Cavill uh people don't like cannibals now damn Prejudice what is what can you say yeah it's weird you always thrilled with it no you always wondered why Armie Hammer was a decent actor and you want to talk about privilege from a like a mega wealthy family and you're like how did this guy not make it any farther and it's oh he's really [ __ ] weird behind the scenes that makes a lot of sense um Kevin Spacey's career was strange if you remember uh he showed up in Wise Guy and [ __ ] was brilliant in that TV show and it looked like it was the sky's the limit for this guy then he disappeared for a little while then he came back and you're like that was weird like he should have been a star longer um and you go oh he was really weird behind the well he's a diddler behind the scenes uh super allegedly not so much bro my opinion that's just my opinion it's just an opinion that's all don't know if it's a fact or not but yeah yeah you find out that like some actors are just they'll call it difficult to work with because Kevin Spacey because you can't bring your kids to the set that's a little difficult when Kevin Spacey [ __ ] up coming out you know you know stuff is bad yeah yeah every space is diddling people no I'm gay yeah no no Kevin that's not that's not how it works how that works bro some people I think my were confused by me mentioning cannibalism do people don't know because you not know about Army hammers uh taste in food yeah uh look it up look it up look it up look it up look it up uh and that was all going down during the whole like me too thing when everybody was just dropping like flies so uh yeah there's that there's that uh but uh I'm gonna see it I I'm gonna see it but um Haley Atwells she's the she has some great assets oh she's got some great assets all right she stands out yeah she stands out as a she got a great her character goes through a lot of different [ __ ] and it's great to see the the changes and the and the uh the strengths her weaknesses it's great to see her she should be in more stuff she deserves it yes big time yes she's she she excels in this book she's really nice um her role in Captain America didn't kick her off better into more stuff Agent Carter you could get the two seasons of that but that was isn't this stupid like those Seasons I assume they stop because it just wasn't successful enough when if it was these days she should have gone between like five seasons probably even if nobody was watching it it was pretty good I watched the first time I like season one it was okay I didn't see season two though of what it was some it's kind of like Agents of Shield versus like half and half whether or not you're even supposed to think it's continuity like well seriously they treat it and obviously lower budget with like guest stars popping in every once in a while and you're like oh look he said Tim yeah Howard stock is in a couple of episodes I think yes he is yes he is yeah yeah it was pretty good it was pretty good I I think a little overprazed by some people but I thought it was pretty good fine it's fine she's hot okay yeah Agent Carter yeah that's good she is not overrated no show yes if you can do this peripheral shows you have to do it right you have to be prepared to bring in superheroes once in a while if you're gonna do a peripheral show in a superhero Universe you need to have the superhero coming in you can't just uh you know Gotham we'll have little baby Batman I was like what the [ __ ] oh now we know why Batman defeated all his villains they were all in their 80s by the time I've got you now Joker that's the other thing those spin-off shows or you know you know supplementals they need to feel like weighty instead of nothing that happens here really matches at all you just sort of hear all your waiting for bigger stuff waiting room of shows yep uh uh we have oh okay I know we asked we asked uh well we gotta look at the Wolverine costume that's what I was looking for but I got half a picture here I don't have the full shot um I'll find the phone then Ahsoka Traders just dropped and I put the link in there oh yeah but I want I'm Muller I wanted to ask you because I know I remember as his answer but I don't remember yours gun to your head okay uh do you watch Flash or Indiana Jones again Flash that's easy okay yeah I agree stuff I like in Flash even if uh I'm being manipulated you know what I mean yeah like I could I know there's there's a few lines a few scenes where I'm like yeah some Cobblestone dialer Destiny I believe in our efab we complemented one to three lines there was no scenes that we complimented it was just one two or three lines uh it was a miserable [ __ ] film and I don't want to see it ever again no no no no yeah easy for me answer wise yeah um and we'll definitely talk about uh the disaster that has been Indiana Jones it's been glorious and I will tease you with this it needed to happen it was something that we desperately needed to happen so for people out there who are saying we're celebrating its failure yes yes yes oh yeah and I'll tell you why you're like not to be successful are you kidding me 100 yes celebrating it celebrating it I feel like it's bad for storytelling if something like that is successful no and I'll tell you antithesis and I'll tell you uh later how this opens the door for a lot of independent creators things like this because it does one gate Falls Thousand gates open you know so oh I'm rooting for a company's demise this far yeah I mean honestly I'll be real it's not a company I've ever really liked but um you know what don't work for a shitty company I'm sure there's a lot of good people but don't work for a shitty company this thing is funny when when other companies make shitty products and we who hope for their failure that's normal when it's when it comes to movies you can't say that it's like why I know uh it well it threatens identity it does if you have a Disney Identity or a just a superhero or mainstream identity it threatens the identity uh uh oh actually just uh share this because this is this is coming from Disney this Christmas what Jonathan Majors uh magazine dreams that's [ __ ] Santa rank thing again it's uh no no no no I've linked this is this is this Disney Timothy chalamaze oh story are you sure that's Disney yeah really it is isn't it I thought that was with Warner Brothers or something I might be wanna whichever but uh whichever put it this way whoever is putting this out honestly whatever um I I couldn't be any more disinterested if I tried are we about to do the thing of you know the Johnny Depp Willy Wonka wasn't so bad after all with this no because that was [ __ ] that was terrible yeah the original nailed it never do it again yes just because um it's so weird there's been so many bad movies in Hollywood why don't you try and remake a bad movie into a good one instead of a good movie into a bad one yeah that's what old Hollywood does this oh wow yay a guy was just like how oh what am I gonna be oh I'm gonna open a chocolate factory well done mate can't give a [ __ ] uh it's a [ __ ] fart in the Wind it'll be I'll get money down after this after this like glut of movies we've just gotten in June it's gonna be pretty sparse yeah Warner Brothers yeah Warner Brothers yeah it's gonna be pretty sparse and then we're basically into another covet era this company is 50 billion in debt I know I know but hey Max passed up Disney Pleasant streaming According to some website who doesn't really do any data which I don't care they both suck uh and it says Amazon Prime's the the most watched is like how do you know that we don't even know how many prime active video customers there are we have no [ __ ] idea because they've never shared that information uh but we'll get we'll get into the um Indiana Jones failing and uh you know why why that helps it actually helps a lot uh yeah yeah sure there's innocent people involved and there's nice people involved and we don't want uh to hurt nice people who are working at jobs but again if you're working for a shitty company go find another company to work for I did that all the time I quit my job and found another company to work for uh you're I mean in a lot of cases you're not in some Pennsylvania Town working for a coal mine okay it's not the only gig in town you can you can go find something else uh I have no sympathy for Disney nor will I especially after they have treated Their audience over the last few years a good portion of America helping fortify this country into one of the most divisive uh times I've ever seen no you have no you have dude that's actually you you're a Cthulhu God it was it was a war 5 000 back that was pretty intense but no yeah this is probably the worst you think Timothy Chalmette is gonna go I should have been Superman it's Wonka time don't want to I don't want it [Music] yeah oh God watch okay I hate this [ __ ] Dimension that we've fallen into the original film is is [ __ ] perfect dude it's a it's a damn near Perfect movie with one of the greatest portrayals of any character ever it was when I was watching it as a child when they were playing on TV it would uh be like super entertaining and it kind of creeped me out and that was what it was supposed to do so to remake it you can't even you can't even emulate that because uh part of remaking something is to make it more sophisticated for the Modern Age and you can't because this movie is a Timeless classic it any kid can watch it at any [ __ ] time uh now five years from now ten years from now one of the greatest movies ever made yes it's been that way when was it made 70 early 70s yeah it was a weird time and it's still still an absolute classic to this day yep yeah what were you laughing at um Elon thrawn Elon thrawn yeah I've just I've linked the picture it's it's elon's Ron that just looks like Mar mads Mickelson mass mass it's pronounced Mass Mickelson [ __ ] is there a D in his name yes it's [ __ ] Mazz I don't give a [ __ ] I don't care about you right though your Euro trash pudding yeah Euro trash putting extra you know [ __ ] consonants into your [ __ ] words [ __ ] that [ __ ] it's mads Mickelson forever I'm sorry you know what there's no you in there to confuse you Gary I'm stroke adjacent you're gonna make fun of that now okay oh yes of course I am if you were in a wheelchair for taking a picture don't get up Gary yeah Gary doesn't stand for anything Gary's always sitting down hey Gary will you come with me I need I don't want to [ __ ] walk across the parking lot sorry I mean roll with me come on uh do you guys have handicap parking over there in the UK I'm sure you do right yes okay it's called the police it's called the parking lot um yeah it's not mad it's uh [ __ ] I had his name right in uh Derek yeah he's Strega bore he's struggable in uh The Witcher um who's in it for like five minutes you guys love that show right oh Season Three is out as well the Train the Wonka trailers just come out as well oh we can't watch that but we can watch the Ahsoka trailer we can watch it yeah I've linked it so let's watch the Ahsoka trailer then we'll look at something good that was going around the internet yesterday that you know hey hey they got a costume right right at the end of the superhero era ladies and gentlemen something fans fans of One have won [ __ ] almost 25 years and they finally hey let's put a costume on Wolverine maybe the fans will like that but it's a parody movie as well and it's a Multiverse movie Wolverine's probably from a Multiverse a costume it's not quite fully there the festival I had already not didn't he get [ __ ] swole for this movie why are we covering up his arms okay here see if I can this is what it's supposed to look like okay yeah that's what it's supposed to look like actually I've seen the fear uh because it was mentioned like I like the brown costume better yeah so from the image that's released I don't have his mask on people worrying it's gonna be a [ __ ] CG one it will be and he touches it he goes no dude it's gonna be an ironically meta movie another ironically meta metaver a Multiverse movie I can't even say that say that 10 times fast uh that's what it's gonna be we'll talk about it in just a second it's a Disney you know I I've I loved Deadpool one Deadpool 2 pretty good the kid was [ __ ] annoying as [ __ ] though I didn't like the kid at all right let's uh let's see the trail okay uh uh are we gonna be able to share this whoa whoa the war never changes Lady Gray Master pause okay I just want to test see how fast you can pause [Music] rewind it from the start start it up I just wanted to see how good her skills were inevitable one Must Destroy in order to create oh no oh definitely Disney we are no Jedi Ray Stevens it'll be cool to see him [ __ ] around with a lightsaber I'll enjoy that all right people of thrawn's return as heir to the Empire [Music] oh my God it's positive we're getting more of that stuff we get uh more of that trailer music goes [Music] uh here come the girl bosses let's go girl bosses such as you've never dreamed [Music] I've spent most of my life fighting a war that's why I'm trying to convince you you to help me prevent another one you and I both know who could help you with this pause I have the solution kill the rest of the men wait the final solution the final solution Star Wars kill all men Ray Stevens in this yet by the way there's still some men left it's gonna be whamming it's gonna go back I know hit play Star Wars as ever I bet you're a master founding you're difficult at times Anakin never got to finish my training Anakin name drop just like this you've never made things easy for me [Music] as a Jedi sometimes you have to make the decision no one else can I'm counting on you to see this through it's a haircut oh my God pause pause pause pause pause go back a little bit I said pause regardless of our personal feelings but a great Master pause pause maybe she's away from the screen okay go back a little bit don't hit play just go back about a minute and stay on pause okay so Sabine cutter hair that's so powerful yeah now she looks like a boy now she looks like a boy in it right that's what they call it yeah she's a Mandalorian not pixie come on let's say I didn't watch the uh animated shows Rebels well yeah Rebels was not so good that's what I hear yeah uh no it's good if you mean not so good like kind of stupid with like a couple of good episodes Tom Baker voiced something in it that was cool because that meant to be Ezra yeah that's Ezra behind her only Merle nice mural by the way what is she in a kindergarten [Laughter] it's supposed to like evoke how they looked in some animated thing that's not Rebels yep yeah that doesn't even look how they look like in Rebels well you know what I have to admit she looks like a kindergarten teacher that wants to talk to the kids about her pronouns but she looks like somebody Leslie Headland wants to [ __ ] yes so that could be a kindergarten class okay hit play please let's get this over [Music] no that's right regardless of our personal feelings [Music] if we don't stop throng everything will be in vain [Music] Anakin spoke highly of you I'm not here wait wait was Sister being training to be a Jedi now um why not it's not like I care there's a lot of work to do once a rebel always a rebel [Music] he lightsaber yay what happened [Music] well he's from it's from um Clone Wars actually um is it close no it's just it's from it's from Rebels the spinning The Inquisitor spinning yeah I don't care yeah like I was clear by the way that like Mandalorian season three was so [ __ ] rushed because look how many places they're going in this and all the different things that'll happen there's obviously Story related things will be event then like it doesn't look like they're gonna go to goofy planet to talk to Jack Black while lizzo does a dance or some [ __ ] this looks like possibly an actual TV show it looks like it's telling a story I don't expect it to be good though but here's the thing this is where we talk about fatigue uh and I think the best example of it was Andor uh a show that I couldn't possibly get through if I tried but people liked it but not enough nobody [ __ ] watched it and by all accounts for the people who could get through that very dredging boring show said hey had a good ending had good characters had a good story but nobody watched it a Star Wars product but it's not a Star Wars product is it it's a Disney Star Wars product even the people who liked it crap if I'm wrong here Morley will do but even the pic people that liked it said it it kind of takes about three episodes to warm up yeah it's um it's a slow burn I'm more than happy to concede that it's just that uh it's kind of unfortunate because people just don't have the patience to wait with how [ __ ] Stars has been right and I don't even blame them if it had come out right after Rogue one I think it would have been fine yep that's fatigue that is genuine fatigue in your franchise that's it good will bad will right like it's like I don't you know if if the same people who made dial audacity were like we're gonna make one more I'd be like for [ __ ] sake and it turns out it's like one of the greatest Indiana Jones movies ever I just feel like yeah what is it because you know it's just like because it's that Meme right of just they keep [ __ ] on your plate and then you're like I don't want I don't want the next meal and they get their ass ready I know it's gonna be [ __ ] but like how could you possibly know did you like Ahsoka as a character as um when she first started in the Clone Wars she wasn't likable and then she became actually quite a likable character and even at the end of the Clone Wars Even Stevens season seven her ending I think is is really good um I haven't gravitated at all towards Rosario Dawson's Ahsoka it doesn't feel like Ahsoka for a start it feels like a completely different character so but of course they're going with name recognition it's felony and felony wants all of his characters to uh to keep him in in uh in gooseberries for the rest of his life um but I I didn't I didn't like her in the Mandalorian at all but I didn't get much of her at all really no there's nothing there was nothing much to her though or like she was on the screen with Luke [ __ ] a Skywalker and they barely had any interesting dialogue no think of all the things they would have to say to each other this is coming from someone who didn't watch Clone Wars or Rebels or anything with Ahsoka in it I know that she's Anakin's like longest running Apprentice who has severe issues in relation to him that's Luke Skywalker watching that episode we wouldn't have known that we would have known any of it she's just standing like a [ __ ] cutout that's Anakin's son did Kathleen's son right there yes there should be some connection uh also did I didn't hear Kathleen Kennedy say this I know there's a lot of people running with the headline did she really say she wanted to move past George Lucas's Legacy or past George Lucas is that something she actually said can we find that uh because she said that um she doesn't want the old fan she says we won yeah she said that during Galaxy's Edge but I don't want these 50 year old fans or whatever I know she recently said that or people are saying she recently it's in public to say that is if she really said that then she really is just [ __ ] do you know what her her Legacy is Gary apart from failure I know beating Steven Spielberg's [ __ ] Barista yep that's your [ __ ] Legacy Kathy go get me some coffee I could use a cup of coffee I could do destroyed loads of [ __ ] yeah it's not the Legacy really that you want to be no not really she wants to she's ready to move it Beyond George Lucas's creations you haven't been able to create anything oh you you've already moved Beyond uh and below I would say you've moved below George Lucas's creations how much how much money would you guys be willing to kick in if it would guarantee us a audio commentary from George Lucas on dialer Destiny oh that crowdfunded that I got like and he has to be 100 honest I've looked it I'd love to listen about how much money would you be willing to pay for that top launcher quit probably more I probably will have to pay quite a bit to be honest with you that would be a pretty glorious especially oh hey man Spielberg just oh him and spill but yeah yeah I'll go I've got a grand they'd have to be like we'd have to like you have to be honest you have to be a hundred percent honest oh my God ass what the hell happened here that's what happened to you what's going on that's right got you yeah definitely Kennedy attacked me with a coffee machine took coffee at you no all right well I uh while you're figuring that issue out yeah uh uh I I oh I can't I mean I can't be bothered by oh you're gonna watch it right Mueller of course you're gonna watch it yeah yeah we'll do efap menus TVs on it yeah we're not expecting it's more of a um how do I put this it's like it's like your morning newspaper at this point like so how is however how [ __ ] is everything it's like local fire you know takes the lives of blah blah blah I just watch the soakers like this is what they're doing right now yep yep so this is the future of Star Wars is to move Beyond George Lucas and come out with a Brave movie The Ahsoka show which was I mean I'm not calling that their last hope because you cannot compare the character of Ahsoka to Obi-Wan Kenobi to Luke Skywalker um you know not a lot of people watch these shows comparatively to all the normies who have seen Star Wars it's a it's a minuscule number dude like everything's shrinking people who's watching secret Invasion oh nobody nobody nobody me and Gary that's it yes oh my God Is it bad is it bad dude holy [ __ ] is it bad when we find out that Nick Fury is just a an idiot that got helped out by these girls yeah we haven't have we talked about this on real babies no we haven't we can though no go for it okay so this is like it's it's actually a joke at this point so I was watching with Frankie and we were like this episode's already kind of assassinated Fury it tells you obviously that you said you sold that one right as yeah yeah so as you know and for those in chat who don't they basically just tell you Fury after Captain Marvel abandoned the Scrolls he didn't do much with it like episode one makes you think that he took them on and then ignored them until they became desperate which is really out of character for fury it's like why the [ __ ] he's not like he would get them sword and there's loads of planets in the galaxy we already know that from all the other films we've seen so you know just just this doesn't make any sense episode 2 gets way better because I actually thought that you know I'm so naive sometimes when I'm watching these [ __ ] model model products I'm like they're not gonna write the history again right like they wouldn't take a character that we know for X reason we know that they're powerful or skilled in a particular direction and then they just rewrite it they wouldn't do that yeah but no um Fury is in trouble and Talos is like kind of ignoring him or being a bit of a [ __ ] and he's like uh I'll help you if you admit you're helpless without me and so Fury's like I'm helpless without you which is already a bit of an awkward start because it's fury it's like nah he wouldn't say that but yeah okay then we find out the Scrolls on Earth are very mad at Fury and a lot of them are there secretly because Talos brought them in a million Scrolls yeah a million one million secretly integrated into our society at many levels of power we have no idea and I was happy to see that Fury reacts angrily to that I was like good the show somehow recognizes that that's [ __ ] terrible and terrifying anyway he says Taylor's like why didn't you uh and why didn't you tell me and he was like because if I told you you would put all of them to work and they gave us this flashback sequence in the second episode about how Fury would take the Scrolls and you would give them like agent roles as spies so he's known about aliens by the way since like obviously Captain Marvel which is still [ __ ] up the Avengers where he says that Thor was the first time an alien came to Earth that they don't give a [ __ ] so whatever um but yeah so we find out like oh so Fury's been using Scrolls for like spy missions for decades that's pretty crazy and then we get a scene to really bring it home as Talos explains the only reason that Fury is seen as a great spy is because of all the work that the Scrolls did it wasn't him it was the Scrolls doing the spying collecting the data and giving it all back to Fury Fury took the credit for all the Scrolls work yep oh and there's three episodes to go Mahler hold on hold on hold on hold on there's a lot to unpack there so what the [ __ ] was was Fury doing being a [ __ ] spy they literally say like he climbed the ranks in Shield because of the Scrolls yeah he had a team of Scrolls who could shape-shift that were working through and manipulating Shield to put him in charge the badass spy that was Nick Fury he's a fake he's a fake he's a fraud he's a total fraud he's even why he's even employed then uh well he's been faking it he's been faking it all the times he does all that information he collects that's all the Scrolls it's not him yep and he uses it as leverage yep so he tricked his way into the Avengers probably used Scrolls for that too who [ __ ] knows I don't know don't care he got his eyes scratched out by a kitty cat it's complete so to speak the assassination yeah no so if you think about let's bring this back to Ahsoka when you're like oh it might be just a fun Ahsoka story and it won't do any more damage to Luke Skywalker it existing does damage to Luke Skywalker because Luke Skywalker is alive during this time by the way and we got thrawn running around we've already we already know for a fact that she wants to annihilate Luke's Legacy we already know yeah so like what do you do at this point like uh what Katherine Kennedy yeah um she is the single best example now uh in the history of Hollywood of failing upward and uh and and reputation being a bigger currency than your actual creative ability oh she's been a great producer yeah her name has been on a lot of stuff with her husband Frank Marshall she's been attached to a lot of stuff from Steven Spielberg and a lot of other great uh men out there and she's taken a lot of credit she was handed a [ __ ] job by George Lucas you want to talk about privilege and she's sucked on it at it from day one from like day one she has been [ __ ] at her job and she's had it for 10 years seen some people mention I didn't even think about it like I guess the Scrolls didn't notice the hydra-controlled shield the whole time I guess they can I guess the Scrolls kind of forgot about Hydra it's so [ __ ] every every time they rewrite the [ __ ] history it was driving me nuts it was funny um these Scrolls hand him some stuff at the beginning of episode three as a flashback and they say something like this should uh this should control Draco for now it's like Drake [ __ ] off I feel like you're giving him all this information to help him deal with like the black widow stuff like as if the Scrolls had anything to do with that you just rewrite everything yeah for what reason for what purpose make this show have steaks the Scrolls it makes sense as the Scrolls have been here the whole time they've taken over the British prime minister like the leader of NATO like they've got all these positions of power and this crazy [ __ ] psycho wants to blow up all of Earth in order to get rid of humans because they were mean to him uh how did this Brew uh it sounds gay disparu described it as man wants to or scroll wants to commit genocide because a man broke a promise to him when he was nine you're so [ __ ] stupid man and it shouldn't have it never should have happened why would Fury not just drop him off on any you know what they could do is drop them off on nowhere be like hey Guardians we got a whole bunch of uh adult scroll people you've got a whole bunch of kids that need parents there you go it should work out you know what comes through in this show is is just the disdain for Humanity that the writers have and and maybe it's from being in that La culture I I'd probably have a disdain for Humanity if I had to live in LA at this point uh but uh that's that's I mean you can leave and that's also something you brought in yourself that's that's your dystopia that you created Los Angeles uh and yeah it's just there's a general disdained and and it's that Marvel morality we have seen over the past few years Mahler that stems from One Division uh or or Hollywood morality that we saw in Wonder Woman 84 you know where they just don't notice she raped a guy they just didn't notice I don't even think they realized like a million Scrolls going all over Earth for 15 years unchecked it's like we've lost we've already got everything you're done you're done you must have like how could you [ __ ] that up over 15 years and how and how did they lose to the cree how do you [ __ ] when you could shave shift how did you lose to the cree I don't know it's got a way to check it out there's an explanation but yeah uh for one they're an advanced race too they have ships they have things we don't have it's essentially been confirmed at this point that Roadie is a scroll and we don't know how long he's been a [ __ ] scroll which what God I hope since Terrence Howard that would retcon something really stupid they really did like everybody in Universe was like you look different it's like hey don't point that out it'll be racist or something they're like oh okay geez let's just accept that this is roadie now this is a scroll but some people have theorized that it'll be from Civil War where he took the spinal injury and actually died and then a squirrel took his place I was just like [ __ ] me that's gonna that's gonna change up all of everything yeah you could have had fun with this story maybe like maybe directly after Thanos you just do the secret Invasion uh you see the power vacuum they come in they're supposed to be bad guys anyway and you do it with superheroes and you could have had fun but that's that's the other thing is they're taking these ideas that could have been fun and like making them the worst way possible like hey let's not put any superheroes if it were planned even remotely right you have like a moment in [ __ ] Avengers where Maria Hill gets injured and she's got you see like a bit of green blood and you're like what the [ __ ] and it's you know everything's happening there's a battle nobody can take it and then you just like oh that's kind of weird and then like by Age of Ultron you drop a hint maybe someone's doing something somewhere and then eventually like yeah you got a couple people who are Scrolls and that's a whole thing but like they haven't done this little Captain Marvel was already retconning everything and now this is retcon in that it's it's [ __ ] hilarious that we've gone on for so long now that they're like [ __ ] on the work that shits on their work it's like this pyramid of [ __ ] it's because they don't pay attention to it they wanted to do this connected universe and it was done right in the beginning because it was Loosely connected wasn't too many dots you had to go around and and now the blip [ __ ] that was such a that killed Marvel the biggest [ __ ] up they ever had was stuff like oh the president has been kidnapped don't you think like cap would have been alluded about this don't you think that some other people should be involved like Hawkeye and it's like uh they're busy but these days it's like the whole world you have like Ant-Man wakanda forever full of and thunder and uh Mom all of them have revolutionary Technologies spells and like incredible advancements and all these different kinds of things but none of them have any awareness of each other as as films in the same universe none of them know they exist Guardians of the Galaxy introduced those Med packs that can save you from any injury it's like Jesus imagine Fury had that when Maria got shot right ah but oh well we don't we don't like we don't even remotely pretend like if the Scrolls if they use the Scrolls to retcon the entire MCU like every they're just all Scrolls though instantly combo them up [ __ ] it no but uh instead Patrick Duffy in the shower uh three Larson wakes up and it's all a dream and Patrick Duffy's in the shower so they made Nick Fury a sad old man who has decided to take on the Scrolls by himself because he can't trust anybody that's the logic I didn't do that very well though did they Gary every single person he meets in that show he never tests them for whether they're a scroll nope and it [ __ ] him over he gets someone killed because of that he likes to talk a big game though he's like nobody calls me Nick and that's how I recognized you uh like you're in trouble whatever that everyone's like oh isn't it amazing writing that Roadie earlier called him Nick like no that's like basic as [ __ ] nobody ever calls me Nick I was I was half tempted to control F all the [ __ ] screenplays at the MCU and be like did anyone ever call him Nick well okay you can go to shuri in wakanda the smartest girl ever and you know they live in a uh they have a wall around their country the ethno state so they couldn't have been infiltrated with any Scrolls I'd ask her to make a scroll detector or you just trust everybody or just trust everyone just trust and hope they call you Nick if you wanna so stupid as well because you can just cut off their hair and it'll either frazzle or because like squirrels don't have hair so it won't stay you know what I mean yeah because they showed us like they have different blood if you cut out some of their blood it'll bleed red from and then it'll turn the greenway I remind you do not what Marvel what a lot of these even dc'd to a certain extent they they rely on convoluting stuff from the comic books Gary we hang on we have to establish what the scrolls are in universe in universe so I don't give a [ __ ] what the scrolls are in the comic books and neither does Disney Marvel sorry as go ahead no no on TV once upon a time once upon a time what was it called it's called Star Trek Deep Space Nine I recall this show okay I do uh they have this this this this enemy yes they do and uh the enemy had a special power I think it was changing they changed right yeah they had a weird name zombies zombies and uh there was a little test that they would do Gary to see whether or not they were a chance there was can you remember that what that was that test was well they had their little pot right they had to have their pot in their vicinity they had to have the part but they also would cut cut you open yes cut you and uh it was an easy way to see who was a changeling and who wasn't a changeling if Scrolls having only watched the first episode and I didn't it was [ __ ] abysmal and the stars and Star Trek different colored [ __ ] blood which they do just take a just take a needle yes a needle and we can just go to the goat right the thing there's a whole scene where they figure out fire is the best thing against the thing and the thing itself is made up of individual cells ultimately that all have their own self like instinct sort of thing so they will betray their host so to speak to survive yeah yeah it's a great scene it's [ __ ] iconic and it's a really smart way to do it the faculty the scene is much goofier and lower level compared to the thing of course and what are they doing now that the big monsters are not a hate uh no they love Waters they hate being dried out so uh the main character has like uh drugs like a form of coke I think it is and uh it just the aliens [ __ ] hate it so you have to take like a snort of it to prove you're not an alien and it works it's like this isn't a lot of writers have come up with different ways for this to think but the Scrolls in this they're just ignoring that [ __ ] they're like nah it's fine all of the characters Nick [ __ ] Fury is just like I just trust you I didn't see you for an hour that you're acting a little weird but I trust you hate it so much I think I said stupid people you're only as smart as your writers and the writers are [ __ ] dumb hmm that's why they're on strike that's what makes the the ending of the thing so [ __ ] effective is that nobody saw Childs for what like an hour or something it's like so is he still human it's like we don't know maybe I'll be yeah the writers are on strike remember and yet nothing has changed nothing don't get paid enough to not come up with anything original I know we need to be paid more to vandalize more franchises we're worried about AI because it can actually write better than we do it takes it takes a lot of effort to be this [ __ ] it you know it does they're being super creative with their signs and they're having like pizza parties and everything uh this is the fight of their life ladies and gentlemen writing is at stake dude the fight of their life is to get to the front of the Queue at [ __ ] Starbucks for their mock a chunk of [ __ ] latte skinny makachaka don't mock the market don't Mark the Maka Chaka man it's pretty good I don't even know what it is oh my God yes it's uh it's secret Invasion I it got lost in the shuffle you know um at strange new worlds dude as if you were watching strange new worlds holy [ __ ] your mind would just if you're a fan of Spock this is I mean they prison rape Spock in this show they do I mean it's it's not just vandalization it is a gang prison rape they make him autistic and then the butt of jokes these are [ __ ] that's Akiva goldsmen so stranger words I might get around to it because holy [ __ ] well I gotta make a video about it because like what they do to spock is horrific it's freaking horrific and people are going it's not that bad it's [ __ ] terrible it is right back to the old [ __ ] what's that and watch three seasons of Batwoman I I understand that that was a choice and now I've got terminal brain cancer that was a choice that's why I dipped out of that show I physically can't do this anymore I reviewed the first three episodes it was built for people with brain cancer oh okay that's that's so you probably had it already oh yeah chicken or egg chicken or egg I don't know well it took brain cancer to write it so maybe brain cancer to watch it um I reviewed the first three episodes of the first two seasons and that was I I can't do it I just yeah I need to get a tattoo damaged across right well because those were behind me then damage remind me how long were the seasons again 20 20 episodes oh yeah here's the deal with Batwoman Batwoman was it's a character from The the golden age that they brought back specifically this is like almost patient zero Dan dildo yo brought him back I don't like Dan dadio Dan dildoio [ __ ] brought her into the comic books specifically to be a lesbian superhero and nothing else she was a lesbian superhero they got a good cover artist to do the cover art and people bought it for the cover art because a lot of people buy comics for the cover art and don't even bother reading them and uh that was it she was lesbian superhero so whatever but was I mean and I was gonna sit through 22 Episodes of that [ __ ] I would say like Angry lesbians oh yes I I would agree with you this is [ __ ] Spock this is Spock this is one of the greatest fictional characters of all time greatest American fictional characters of all time and they're prison raping him and it's it is [ __ ] disgusting so I think it's worth talking about I might have to suffer a little bit through strange new worlds uh especially like after Picard season three it just again it shows you how dumb and and filled with hubris sheer [ __ ] hubris uh Hollywood is when they get something good it's generally an accident at this point and then they go well we got this now all that momentum from Picard will go and uh [ __ ] over Spock for an entire season you know a lot the costumes are bright the costumes are bright and they have like a couple of hot chicks in it and then a couple that's how I see that any appeal to like Source accurate costumes is like meant to blind people yeah of any kind like it's like it's like see we got that it's like yeah but what about all of everything else what about the writing and the characters yeah hey Wolverine's got a costume now so everything's gonna be fine hmm oh my God look dude it's a it's an improvement I'm I'm not gonna get all hung up on the sleeves it's [ __ ] they should have done this 25 years ago okay look I'm surprised they even have the shoulder you know yeah so now I prefer the brown and yellow costume at least it's there um and they're they're fighting on a beach and this is gonna be another Multiverse meta-ironic movie can't wait Mauler right I mean it's funny right it's already tired and this isn't going to be out until next year is it no uh it's it yeah no no it's it's it is due to release May 2024 now wow I'm rushing this one 11 months and they're and they're in principle right now so uh oh and then Ryan and Ryan Reynolds cannot improvise cannot improvise at all and now uh people will go well they can cheat on the set there's wga people on the set watching there's little spies scab if he uh if he improvises yeah there's there's uh why doesn't he just say I don't care I'm actually I've actually got a bit of talent so I don't care about you untalented [ __ ] did someone say that he the loophole is that he could do everything through ADR that would be allowed so like they could have slots recorded okay so there's so he ad-libs like really secretly has a little sticky note pad and goes writes down the ad-lib oh it could be that but oh just you know if something happens and then he like looks over at it and then moves his mouth but you can't quite see what the words are and they can make that up in ADR if the strike ends and they go back for reshoots or they have enough time sure that will add a 100 million to the budget so that's pretty much in line with Disney yeah that's what they do remember what's the budget on this well 200 million it's a Disney movie that I I that would be my guess is 200 million uh the first Deadpool by the way made for I believe 70 million dollars if that yeah um so my guess is 200 million I'd like to see the mask oh God that's a monkey's poor thing right there that's gonna be CG let's just let's let's I'm not sure I'm not sure it's even going to be on we'll yeah we'll see but um uh is it Patrick Wilson interview and you mentioned that they recently did more reshoots for Aquaman like weeks ago oh my God it was a get rid of Amber Heard why are you making reshoots to a film that's already dead from what I heard and I think it's like vaguely implied by his interview it's it's uh shooting scenes that help it fit better with what's gonna happen next with DC with James Gunn and stuff like like acknowledging it or something no they're gonna put in a stinger leading up to like uh yeah another Universe yes they're absolutely I would I would do that I would hi you've already had your Multiverse movie in the flash I understand nobody cares as as is asking like good questions here I I totally agree as is asking how much those [ __ ] reshoots just added to the budget um 10 million 10 maybe more 10 15. as is asking legitimate questions uh to the universe that we're all thinking nobody's gonna watch this [ __ ] movie so they're like desperately so it's exactly what they did with Black Adam doing this piece of [ __ ] we need to get Henry Cavill back so they're doing the same thing with Aquaman I'm telling you man the the DCU is DOA dude it's so funny to listen in retrospective Black Adam was more successful I know and we were like and I'd rather watch Black Adam to be honest with you I know it's like I'm sorry I dodged that bullet I think if Christopher Reeve came back from the [ __ ] dead right now and and played Superman in Aquaman too I don't think anyone would still be interested no I think it killed it it's dead it's It's so dead and he's not killed it the moment they announced James Gunn's Universe it killed all of the other films I don't know what they were thinking right then I think they wanted to one-up Marvel and they didn't think it through or they just didn't care and their tax write-off date I mean what do you think you think it was like announced this before Guardians comes out to like [ __ ] it a little bit because get James Gunners like he's Ours by the way and he's gonna be oh maybe as a form of marketing to be like if you like audience yeah I think it's more of a form of marketing and now that I've read multiple articles and talked to people over years and years I was under the impression that hey some of these people are really smart they can't be this dumb yes they can yes they can they are this dumb they didn't just announce James hey James Gunn's gonna take over running DCU EU going forward they didn't do that they announced James Gunn and then they put him in front of a camera to tell you everything that he's gonna do before any of this [ __ ] came out and what he's gonna find out is the same thing Kevin feige found out half that [ __ ] you announced is get delayed or canceled it's so dumb just announce a Superman movie that's and then his universe is so underwhelming I know it's so underwhelming okay there's no no green arrow there's no [ __ ] Green Arrow there's no flash these are these are these are main members of the Justice League and they are missing but there's an authority there's an authority yeah super interesting to think that because Gary I think you're absolutely right if he had made that video talked about his plans and only announced Superman Legacy and that was Ultramar whatever the [ __ ] it was called if he just announced that and that was it I feel like we'd all be like okay yeah admittedly we did [ __ ] stupid webcams now um admittedly we all said just make one good movie thank you uh but now he came out with his eight-year plan eight year ten year who [ __ ] cares how many [ __ ] years dude and there's gonna be two Batman now like uh Matt uh what's his name Matt Reeves is gonna happen with the new one Gary Matt Reeves is gonna have his own [ __ ] Batman Universe along with the James Gunn Batman Universe and neither of them are gonna take place in television which I was you know we were talking we were talking about Dean Kane the other day as and I'm like you know who's been the most successful superhero in television history [ __ ] Superman Superman's had to have multiple successful series nothing is even close but we've gotten one [ __ ] Batman with Batman in it okay one [ __ ] Batman show in the 60s and it's a comedy and it's a [ __ ] comedy like how does that even happen I mean like Batman outsells Superman a five to one ten to one in comic books but man Superman kicks ass on television he does Lois and Clogg we've had Tyler Hopkin in Superman at the moment and that's the only thing renewed in the CW and we've had Smallville if we can add Smallville to that because that's the life of Clark Kent massively popular Batman you know every [ __ ] Batman show that comes out he's [ __ ] dead The Adventures of Superman with George Reeves every every old man my age grew up watching that show you're dead or he abandoned Gotham that's that's the two options you have in the Batman whoa but even in Batwoman right in Bat woman I don't you saw it all didn't you Molly we haven't actually finished season three but we're gonna oh have you have you come to the ghost of Bruce Wayne yet [Music] when Luke said he's not sure he wants to live in the world that's so racist yes yes I've seen that that yeah where he he was shot by a racist that doesn't use racist slurs yes that then became discount vain wait oh he was in he was in Titans too Batman Batman was in Titans played by uh old ass Jorah Mormon no he wasn't yeah Bruce Wayne was in Bruce Wayne was it yeah there was a hey there was a scene there was a quick scene with like a cheap ass costume that I think they rented the Batwoman for a minute well actually actually Batman was in Titan season one when they didn't have an actor cast and so he was seen he was seen in a couple of scenes in Shadows I remember I reviewed it but it was also um one of the scenes was a was a a a fake scene because it was a what could could have been seen oh my God why did you have to remind me that he became face started it you asked me what I have if I remember I told you mola I've got brain cancer I do too it cancels out oh my God skip it Luke's there again all right I'm gonna read some soup so we gotta talk about we gotta talk about Indiana Jones's failure and why it's important because I teased that earlier I teased that earlier but first now here it come and now here it comes well I think it's it's a teaser again it's a good thing I think it's a really good thing how could you root for something to fail it's gonna ruin movies no movies aren't going anywhere comic books aren't going anywhere novels aren't going anywhere they need to be decentralized uh you know you know why you occasionally find a good novel once in a while still uh the writers aren't unionized that's one of the reasons it's a gig economy the good Riders have to go out and write good books for them to sell Miner 69er for 20 British pounds cheers 69. uh Hale the chat and the 199 question mainly for Gary And as in my best William Defoe accent I can't do a William Defoe and I'm not going to ask ass to do an impression uh I'm dude I'm awesome at impression I I know you are but you know don't do that stuff for free ass okay uh do you do you ensure your comic and toy model collections with a specialist insurance company uh no because they're frauds they they there's no way in hell that they'll ever in my opinion there's no way in hell they could ever pay that off because a regular insurance company would pay that off if you have records and every you would have to have records and pictures of everything you own then you have to prove how much it's individually worse than what the inch worth and the insurance company will come in with the lowest common denominator you'll get you might get some money but it'll be nowhere near uh if your whole collection Goes Up in Flames it goes up It Goes Up in Flames I would say with your Marvel key books with your keybooks uh put them in a fireproof safe that is in the foundation or a safe deposit box that's big enough but that costs money that costs lots of money I mean my my storage is insured uh my semi storage unit with toys is insured everything else that's in the house it's on the house it's on the home insurance yeah and if the storage facility Goes Up in Flames ads we'll get Pennies on the dollar of his collection that's just that's just the way it goes I got a lot of pictures though if it makes you feel better I got a lot of pictures sure but I I kind of see it as just you know put it under your homeowners insurance but a lot Collectibles insurance I kind of see is a scam that's always been my view on it uh Slade Lawton for 19.99 Gary today I turned 22 and it's hard to believe I want a little youngster Yar what's up little tyke what's up little guy show off what's up kiddo hey [ __ ] yourself 22. I turned 22 today piss off [ __ ] yourself rubbing it in my life happy birthday uh as my brother and I would rather be British soldiers at breeds Bunker Hill than eat pineapple pizza wow okay I'd rather eat pineapple people I'll take all your pineapple pizza that's more pineapple pizza for me we appreciate your sacrifice we do yeah dirt is king or DRT is King not sure uh for twenty dollars thank you very much uh Gary you have uh seen my adventures with Superman no and I won't I won't uh the first two episodes felt very Superman with a very Voltron legendary Defender style and with it being early Superman career it's understandable to have young Lois and Clark uh Lois who looks like a boy uh and Superman who changes like Sailor Moon a gamer mental folk yeah and changes like you know what the moon watch All-Star Superman it's on HBO Max the animation has an orgasm what he changes uh it's really good yellow flash can back me up on that because you'll never guess Gary who who uh is responsible for that show the same person who is responsible for the Shira Show on Netflix Oh that chick wanted the right no not the showrunner I'm sorry the writers yeah well no not the not the that them not that them eat uh one of the writers so it's like the one of the writers of Shira is is doing this that's why everything's a self-insert for them yeah and I know it's like Americanized anime right that's what it looks like to me no it just looks gay in other words okay uh I'm not a fan I am not a fan of all anime I like some I like some but I'm not a fan of all of it okay he's judging you weeaboos I'm not yes you like what you like I'm just not a fan of all of it understand that uh I like some of it though some of it's really cool if you've never seen I don't like every comic book Watch Perfect blue I think your favorite anime as Cowboy Bebop um what about number two um I'd say ghost in the show hmm that one's good I'll only ask for one more uh perfect Blue's gotta be up there as well oh that might that'd be my top three I might play around with the order apart from definitely Cowboy Bebop number one oh my God he's gonna go on for 20 minutes and you asked him for three I just enough he said three okay you said three we're good Pi three seven six six for fifty British pounds thank you very much uh we're eventually going to do the doctor top five for rainy day we got it in the bank we're trying to we are we are gonna be people in chat we're eventually like there was never even a first five everyone's like I've already definitely okay by the way I've already told you two of my top five in the top ten because they were the same as some of their earlier episodes so you've already heard it two of mine but you haven't heard my number one which will be controversial that's a tease too entities too let's see if uh nobody's gotten back to me yet it's less controversial as the authorities the second movie to come out of James Gunn's DC Universe no not that controversial no not even close not even close I had to think about that for a minute but no uh it will it will probably piss off some classic cool fans uh Brock has gifted 10 erotic memberships for fifty dollars thank you Brock okay now back to pie three seven six six wait so the uh with the Scrolls that means there was yet another secret faction Shield manipulating everything around the world yes uh like Hydra the black widows and the ten Rings like who isn't secretly working for someone else is there anyone normal what about make some of the Scrolls Hydra yes don't know what's happening anymore there's literally what you need is the image of the presence about to sign a thing and then a scroll is like yes Mr President signed the contract and then someone pulls a gun on the scroll it's a Hydra agent and they're like aim is going to be in there too because we're trying to be a shield then the 10 Rings agent is pulling a gun on them and they're like no you have to sign the contract well they would all possibly because that's the variables put on it but it goes all the way up to like the Kevin robot from She-Hulk like that's the ultimate controller below that would be Kang and all of his timeline [ __ ] it's so this sounds funny so the thing is in the comic books there are all of these organizations but they make it work because you're telling a story over decades in thousands of issues so it and Marvel was never perfect but they tried they used to put little little boxes on the bottom and this happened in Amazing Spider-Man 127 you know like they would try to keep track they would do a good job Marvel has to just make what 30 movies and they've completely lost the plot like absolutely completely lost the pot they've taken they've taken your beautiful Lego right and they've just dropped it on the floor uh whatever you [ __ ] put together nothing has been planned like they're making rhodius scroll is clearly just like a thing where they're like [ __ ] it I don't know Roadie yeah that'll work they probably wouldn't make Maria hella scroll and then they were like the actress is like I don't want to be in this anymore they're like oh [ __ ] oh just kill it and I liked Maria Hill a lot coming out what was that and Brody's one of the main characters yes as they're adapting a major Iron Man story arc without Iron Man okay now the second one the Roadie he's a [ __ ] scroll but uh it might be that he's got the real Roadie captured somewhere yeah they've got him captured that's what I think it could also be the um [Laughter] it would also be that that is just that's been Roadie for like 15 years that he is just a scroll how could you tell it there's Roadie how could you tell it wasn't Roadie he could walk the thing well so that I think he actually can though but those guys like without any kind of [ __ ] but um they say that Roadie's known about Scrolls for like 15 years which takes us back to before Iron Man right it's 15-year Mark it's something like that I think that they deliberately said that so that they can argue that the Roadie we've known this whole time truly is just sprawl Rody or some [ __ ] [ __ ] we'll find out yeah Howard comes in that'd be so [ __ ] if you read the comic book which is nothing like this story stuff like that none of the stories have been anything like this no it's it's like um oh it's like how they adapted Witcher season three they said it's book accurate except without any context so it's essentially just Easter eggs they yeah yeah they take a line from the from the book and they put it in the show but the context isn't right and it doesn't make sense and it makes no sense and it loses the emotional impact yeah she called her she called Siri ugly yep so but the chat but most people just like why why is why is Vienna for calling Siri ugly it's from the book the context around it hasn't been established clarkston's farm season two what was that I watched Clarkson's farm season two on my on my own well you could have called me why didn't you call me did you call me that's cool you see them they're all they're all there but anyway that was really [ __ ] good and I look forward to seeing things it's amazing so uh I was talking to Mrs nerd Roddick last night because a lot of people have asked this and I think we should do it and we should try to do it before I go over to the UK and visit Clarkson's Farm um I think we should do like a e-fap or something on it a special on it and uh we could just talk discuss it or we can uh watch or watch season two and record some of it and uh I'll help we can edit something down I want to do something because I love it I know that the um the filming still filming three uh clocks and expects them to wrap up in October yep so we'll get that next year next apparently it's like bigger and better it's funny I was looking at the article they were like with returning Stars such as Caleb for Cooper or whatever it was just like I like the idea that he's this fob boy who's just like relatively never left his [ __ ] town yeah yeah well he said he'd never seen a James Bond movie yeah he didn't know who Greta thumbberg was bless his heart oh there's so much [ __ ] that he's disconnected boy you can't help but feel like envious he's just completely in his own little farming World which is nice this is okay I wish they would just do comic book versions that's all that's all I got to say um but yeah it was it was really good and holy [ __ ] is it doing the job of letting everyone know how screwed over farmers are uh yeah it is and I I have a feeling another network will pick it up I just hope it's not [ __ ] Disney God that would suck could you imagine um but yeah for one it's unscripted so they're super cheap to make and a ton of people watch it so I I am pretty confident that another streamer would come along and pick it up well yeah and you know I say what's cool about it is I think you could have the expectation that Jeremy's doing it because it's something to do yes and he's just gonna try and squeeze it for his word sort of thing but I get the impression from watching it that he genuinely gives a [ __ ] and he wants to make it work yeah I think Grand Tour is winding down because they're just getting old dude that yeah I think that driving around and racing around there it feels like it's winding down especially with that last special when only Richard was racing around and the other two were like oh we totally missed it and I can't fit in a car you know yeah this skits are getting a little bit uh you can see the scene but the funny thing is I don't mind just having a [ __ ] hour of them just sitting down talking about random [ __ ] anyway I don't either yeah the car stuff is incidental is x-ray girl here I see her in the background oh yeah red door sinks Indiana hi I'm still in my work clothes wait you're dressed as a nurse what's that mission yeah is it fathomable no not interested I thought so by the way your mic is hotter than the average temperature of the world on July the 4th yes oh is that better that's all better thank you what people hello you white people and a tentacle monster oh no Joyride stools I don't know what that is uh um it's uh it's meant to be quite funny but I don't know it's well x-ray girls in the movie you tell us about it x-ray girl I can't tell which character you are but you're in the movie I'm Ashley Park I I know her she's got a single voice but um what is this movie about I don't have no idea scroll up a little bit though because I want to read that it's the Asian experience so who am I riding no can mark That's the answer to that question you're playing at home um all right so uh Indiana Jones uh is is a massive failure it is a catastrophic failure it is the biggest failure in the history of lucasfilm might be one of the it's easy in the top five flops for Disney all time uh we're gonna get like profitability that's that's where the failure comes from but it's also a failure and storytelling it is sad it's a failure in marketing it's a failure of uh Harrison Ford and it's a failure we need it I said this way back when saying all of this without playing the cheering sound but you know you do you again it's barely I'm rooting for it and and the reason I was rooting for it is way back in the Last Jedi days when uh the fandom was uh perceived to be split when a lot of people were just liking the movie because they didn't like the people who didn't like the movie instead of actually liking the movie and giving like legitimate reasons why they like the movie and then and ultimately ended up losing that battle but uh some of us were going you know we need a massive failure if you want this thing to genuinely turn around if you want to save a franchise it needs to fail it needs to hit bottom uh timing is everything though we needed that failure to be the last Jedi or Solo or rise of Skywalker it turns out it was a completely different franchise for lucasfilm and Disney it was Indiana Jones that was the bridge too far that uh Muller and I discussed so this failure needed to be very public they couldn't hide it behind streaming numbers or call us Russian Bots or say it was review bombed or say it was covid or say it was the alt-right conspiracy from Steve Bannon they can't say any of that [ __ ] they can't hide it they have to own this and we'll see how Disney owns this they'll probably try to spin it but they have to own it lucasfilm has hit rock bottom like this is it Kathleen Kennedy should be fired should have been fired a million times by now uh and she won't be this is how [ __ ] stupid they are and now they're like saying well you can't turn these ships on a dime no you can't and that's why they can't survive no you can't that's why you need to [ __ ] fire people like Kathleen Kennedy so you can install the people who know what they're [ __ ] doing that can then start to write the ships but this is where this is where the problem comes in as they can't they can't right the ship it's damn near impossible for Disney to right the ship they they are on they are headed right towards that [ __ ] Iceberg they just hit it they're scraping up against it and now they're gonna sink for the next couple years as another Studio comes in probably starts to cycle over but it starts snowballs needs to go away a decade well they're they're not smart enough to do that so they'll continue doing it and this is why this failure is good because it opens the door for independent creators because this is chipping away at centralized entertainment at centralized Hollywood so there's still a hunger for good entertainment good storytelling Good comic book good books novel they're still they'll always be a hunger for that stuff well you guys now it's a better time than ever for you guys to provide it if you want you know and and no you're not going to compete against the 300 million dollar film but now we're seeing that some very low budget films have just competed and beat a multi 100 million dollar film so Insidious which I'm never gonna [ __ ] watch I don't care but it's a low budget movie and then of course sound of Freedom which uh you know either barely beat it or even competing with it on July 4th and getting close to beating Indiana Jones is phenomenal and per theater it was destroying Indiana Jones and we've already heard Shenanigans behind the scenes don't even know if those are true or not but let's just say sound of Freedom did pretty well uh and a lot of people are watching it a lot of people are liking it uh they like the message uh and that's good that's good but two independent films destroying or even chipping away at a movie that costs 300 million dollars with Harrison Ford's name on it 80 years old or not lucasfilm's name on it and Indiana Jones names on it is the failure we needed for things to turn around um you know this this uh little culture war that we're definitely in this battle I think there was a lot of people who were just I'm talking to content creators who are not you beautiful people in the chat I think there was just a lot of them who thought the fight would be over in a year that's no that's incredibly naive sorry it's embedded it's it's a it's a [ __ ] blackhead you gotta get he gotta get the roots out not just [ __ ] pick at this [ __ ] skin and they think it's over and uh you know I talked about this with Eric on on normal world and and quarter black it's it's no it just kind of has to be shattered and I think that's what happens to entertainment I don't think it'll be centralized and there's basically three or four Studios uh we'll say five that run everything in Hollywood right now five uh but of those five the top three run the show uh and that's Disney they still have the market share for movie theaters and as far as streaming is concerned Netflix is the big dog but Amazon's got the most money in apple who who has more money than I think has more liquid than anybody uh is trying to make inroads but they can't they just can't uh uh they you know they get all the biggest stars they get they get all these big properties but they just seem to that you know it's only for Apple people which is fine I'm not an apple person not anymore uh Insidious The Red Door sinks Indiana Jones with 32.7 million box office opening Joyride stalls oh no um uh elsewhere the conservative leaning film sound of Freedom comes in at number three with a hefty 18.2 million plus uh by the way as I just want to let everybody know that there's two far-right positions now that you need to know about you you need to know this if you go to the gym or you have a gym at home and you want to exercise you are far right and if you want to leave children alone you are far right so I guess I'm [ __ ] far right now I don't give a [ __ ] but if you want to actively protect children from slavery you're far right you're far right I uh sign me up yep oh okay if that's far right then I'm far [ __ ] right order every day but anything as we all know on the far left anything that's right if the far left is Yahtzee so they're [ __ ] meaningless [ __ ] Mark says call me [ __ ] wine so should we just call every film that comes out and these are the people who complain that we say woke [ __ ] Hollywood dude I don't say it enough I don't say it far left Progressive woke Hollywood Indiana Jones fails okay I could do that all [ __ ] day long playing by your [ __ ] rules people say woke too much it's it's an overused term really because I just heard that exercise is far right it's true it's true it's true big summer tent polls continue to struggle the struggle's real Hollywood's struggle my struggle by Hollywood uh the the file left Hollywood films are struggling yep but the far right Hollywood films are gaining traction uh at the domestic box office where horrorpic took down Indiana Jones and the dial of dysentery uh Insidious the red door opened to an estimated 32.7 million to win the July 7th through 9th weekend beating out Indiana Jones 5 which fell to number two in its sophomore outing with an estimated 26.5 million has it finally hit 100 million because it hadn't done it through the uh July 4th um it's on 122 domestic domestic weekend after two weeks so we're talking two weeks that's that is lower what they expected for the first weekend for this movie before hitting before hitting Independence Day that's the film's problem it's the international well it's the international is passed as the domestic is also the problem because again yeah okay again they expected minimum 140 million before they even hit July 4th on this movie with the film like they're expecting the international to probably do twice as much as the domestic and the actual International is pretty much just going parallel to the domestic I wasn't compared to the flash good question um The Flash was a much bigger drop uh the flash was a 67 drop this was a 55 drop a bit start stronger or it's he did I mean it's doing better than the flash because the flash did 55 million then dropped set oh sorry 55 million then dropped 70. something percent this did 60 million then dropped 55 right so it's doing it's doing better and it's tracking better than the fact but I would I'd be shocked if this gets to 450. I really would I'd be shocked if this gets 450 worldwide not not domestic worldwide worldwide I would be shocked too because I think it's going to hit it's about to get murdered starting today I know it open Mission Impossible opened yesterday uh in a lot of places but it opens today I think it's going to lose theaters they're going to start pulling it from theater oh it's going to start just crushing it so uh yeah and it's also in yeah 4 600 theaters um sound of uh freedom freedom was in a lot it was in 2600 theater that's a lot of theaters um it's been bummed up to 2900. and as it should because more people are watching it I think that thing's gonna have some a little bit of legs it's already made its money back and good for insidious too a movie I'm not gonna watch but like uh you know what was that that happened they're reliably that the city has been going for ages same for Annabelle and uh the nun and all those dream house yeah blumhouse yeah dude I'm not gonna speak to their quality but I know that people love them I wouldn't either but it's got an audience but it's profitability that that place is about and it it [ __ ] makes money it makes money and that's how Kevin Smith had such a uh a career much longer than he should have because back in the day he used to make movies for a couple million bucks and make you know 20 million bucks they made money they they were profitable uh uh then he turned into a big [ __ ] Hollywood Stoner sellout or maybe that's what he always was he always was yeah he was just his stories if you if you look at the context of his career his story [ __ ] in our Hollywood are simply based in his jealousy of jealousy yeah and that's what Howard Stern was too Howard Stern's sitting on celebrities and and Hollywood was just seething jealousy right uh which even the accusations towards us have died down it's like I I don't want to ever be there I have no desire to make movies or do any of that [ __ ] I like what I'm doing now but people have said that far you're just jealous because you can't make one it's like no I can't make one but I'm not jealous I always found that weird when people like so how long are you doing this before you get into making movies because you're a movie reviewer therefore that's your next step I'm like a movie a movie Reviewer is a career yep that is a thing and like um there's a couple of YouTubers who have moved on or tried to move on to it when they failed it was like Ugh now what do I do with my life exactly uh you know what you were you were a good YouTuber that you know yeah as a lot of people see YouTube as a stepping stone to a better and more respected career but actors I like your boys your boy Zach from diversity and Comics I like your boy Zach he was a better YouTuber he used to be a better YouTuber he was an exceptional YouTuber not you know but he wanted he didn't want to do it he want to do something different good for him but uh he was a better yeah I don't blame anybody who wants to pursue a different career but uh it's weird when they look down on YouTube as like a yeah I'm kind of like I looked down on me go ahead go right ahead uh the red door that just sounds like a porn uh overperformed despite weak reviews uh scoring the second best domestic opening of the series behind 2013's Insidious and it probably has something to do with its competition sucking and people just wanted to go see a movie I mean there's again there's still uh people still like movies they still like good stories and if this thing is well established and wow it over over performed I wonder why but every one of these has like the same structure right like there's an opening scare and then characters get enough information that they can search in the local library or find some guy who's like I know about this creature it's existed since the 1600s and then some kind of horrifying thing where they get a religious person to cast it out and then all that's left at the end is a hand and it's like the hand moves and it's like oh my God you know I'm actually dead yeah and I I gotta think back to The Hollywood Reporter calling calling um sound of Freedom uh right wing it shows their [ __ ] [ __ ] like these are really dumb dumb [ __ ] people because even at this point Hollywood Reporter doesn't realize that they don't think they're talking to anybody on the right they don't think that they don't think anybody from the right is reading this or anybody from the center they think they're all talking to their own little Echo chamber and they don't realize that no people a lot of people like entertainment so it's it's it's it's a bigotry it's political bigotry it's a blindness it's it's uh oh well every everybody on the right's far right and they would never read The Hollywood Reporter and that's that's the ignorance uh that's in that [ __ ] Cesspool of [ __ ] Los Angeles uh right now that that continues and that's that's that's the most Insidious thing sorry there you go I wonder if Insidious is a alt-right or leftist movie I think it's a uh yeah I I didn't hear their opinion on that and the ghost ooh they say racial slizz it's like ah there you go there you go I voted for Trump [Music] yeah they're dangerous uh grossing uh and it made some money you want to scroll down a little bit scroll scroll you want to scroll down I'm waiting for the series to end to make a video on it uh I was gonna do two but I just like no I'm just gonna do one uh I I could only do so many videos about male characters being [ __ ] prison raped um heading into the weekend uh pre-release tracking and suggesting that the fifth final Insidious is this really the final one come on this is a horror franchise this is the second best in the series stop saying final one in the horror franchises they can go on for minimum 14 or 15 movies okay why even why even say that they can't get the the original cast and I think the same guy's been in it for all of them um the guy from Watchman but uh just just just just make you know do it like any other sequel Patrick and other were different people in it Patrick Wilson's a good actor he was great Watchman by Annoying uh uh in his future directorial debut don't want to don't care okay dial of Destiny from lucasfilm and Disney tumbled more than 55 percent as it limped past the 100 million Mark domestically to finish Sunday with a [ __ ] a [ __ ] not a cuminum with a Q Anon well no Temple of Doom is a q Anon adjacent film now uh according to Hollywood with a cube of 121 million 0.2 million Indy five I earned a subdued 31.8 million foreign tally of 126 books I think I think we broke ass for 7 million and 200 [ __ ] whatever uh the sleeper hit sound of Freedom uh the Q Anon Nazi movie if you go I'm surprised I didn't say that [Laughter] come on Nazis come on Nazi let's go party [Laughter] come on Nazis let's go party from Angel Studios plays third in North America with an estimated 18.2 million the conservative leaning film which was crowd funded is doing big business in America Heartland by the way that's that's another that's that's future that is your future instead of running around uh to the same few producers or rich people who just want to have their name on a movie which will still happen to you can now crowdfund movies and that will become a very viable thing viable thing uh uh well our best Batman stuff has been crafting oh quite frankly yes and that's a great way to avoid Gatekeepers now uh I'll get to my point is doing big business in America's Heartland in America's Heartland it's in those fly over redneck States nobody in Los Angeles is watching sound of freedom Los Angeles is that where those steers New York City this is they're not New York City watching sound of freedom it's only those flyover states all those cousin humpers live in their basement oh as you hillbilly are you just from the asylum take one I'm sorry I stole a doughy Canadian boys line it was bad with bad movie opinions but he's hunting he's hunting Rob hunting is doing big business in America's Heartland and in the south in the south the South will rise again through the sound of Freedom sorry Hollywood Reporter can you please provide data on the on the demographic breakdown of how much money this has made per state per state uh I'm guessing people watched it in Oregon and in Washington I'm guessing we're gonna find theaters there but apparently it's only in the Heartland and in the South where this movie is doing well uh and and nobody ever points out that certain movies like Joyride or bros which flop but like independent movies that do well they're only released in Urban environments they're only released in San Francisco Los Angeles New York um that's why it's terrible to judge uh how a movie is doing in LA because that's the home team they [ __ ] sell out at almost everything the Burbank theater sells out almost for [ __ ] everything because everybody's in the [ __ ] industry but if you want to know how a film's doing come out to San Antonio and see if the theater is crowded or not San Antonio uh tell you what sorry Super Mario Brothers across the spiderverse sold out [ __ ] movie theaters I was it again what what can we be can we please be fair no no no no why why should I before why are you attacking the poor 330 Million Dollar Plus budget movie from the massive billion dollar corporation instead of protecting it against the small independent 14 and a half million uh creative you don't understand as I might hurt somebody's feelings who made 20 million dollars you're right I I'm not being empathetic enough more more hurt their ego than feelings but sure they don't have any feelings no uh they're the ones who are trafficking the [ __ ] kids but uh the elitist up their own [ __ ] ass media is saying that this movie I didn't even read this part of the article so yeah I'm like holy [ __ ] let's listen to these [ __ ] retards oh and you wonder why you're dying I just keep wondering you know I'll try to tell you I'll make lots of videos tell you why you're dying none of you are going to watch them and that's fine I don't give a [ __ ] I think it's [ __ ] funny at this point so apparently uh you're part of the clan and uh you're a Nazi if you [ __ ] go watch sound of Freedom a movie about freeing uh kids from a life of servitude sex slavery and well a life that leads to death at a very early age um operation underground by the way there's a charity that I have uh used quite a bit uh and this is kind of like it's about the dude who I guess runs that Gina Carano has used that charity as well it's a good charity It's a Good Charity uh it's uh received an A plus Cinema score from I guess only audiences in the south in the Heartland people in LA are giving it an F man uh finished uh Sunday with a domestic tally of 40 40 million dollars this movie has made and you know what did California give it did it give it a uh F would not turn gay it took the x out of latinx and women and gave it an X [Music] we took the x out of latinx to give this out an X [ __ ] you Pixar I am so happy it's failing I am I wish it could be Christmas I wish it could Fail Harder I honestly I wanted to fail some more and I'm gonna report on the failure she's doing that on its own it is but I want Indy to just really embarrass Disney and it and it has it's embarrassed Disney so much that we we aren't even talking about another Pixar flop nobody sees these movies so I haven't talked about anybody would have seen Elemental Elemental still got to make it at like 100 150 million to even break even it's just Elemental for one looks like it was developed in a marketing room hey let's do at uh anthropomorphic elements now you know and that way we could do this I'm not binary and it'll be fire and water it's like [ __ ] it just sounds like a Marketing Group came up with that [ __ ] nobody will guess the elements are actually allegories for race I just thank God my kids are old now and I don't have to [ __ ] watch this [ __ ] all this because I had to watch them all for about a 10-year period anything that was animated I was there and most of it was [ __ ] what would you start with what I start with like probably oh Toy Story two go way back Toy Story 2 is good Toy Story is two the Pixar was good back dude The Incredibles was the best one of all uh but then I saw like Little Gems like The Box Trolls I like the Box Trolls thought that was pretty fun but then I sat through like a hundred pieces of [ __ ] that I couldn't care less about that I fell asleep thankfully through most of them uh uh but yeah elemental's failing great uh across spider War versus what movie that only cost 100 million dollars it didn't have an ending uh did doing pretty well Guardians of the Galaxy could have probably done better if they hadn't it's on it's available on digital already and you'll be able to get it in Blu-ray but it did not surpass Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2. by the way it's going to be Disney's most successful movie this year without a [ __ ] doubt unless of course uh the Oscar push for Jonathan Majors magazine dreams does well or the Marvels there's the Marvels I guess that can make a billion dollars definitely I would actually say that's a safe bet yeah yeah for everyone else uh I cannot every every time I see something like this failing now particularly because I legit thought the flash was gonna do probably 600 650. I'm telling you Christmas lands November 10th yes yes I can't [ __ ] wait I can't wait to go to the cinema be sat on my own because no [ __ ] else is gonna be there and watch This Disaster and then and then they're the next movie they have if there's Deadpool 3 again it's look at that as a carryover from Guardians of the Galaxy there won't be a Deadpool 4. we'll just say that but then their next like Disney Marvel movie is Captain Black America falcon yeah a bunch of Hulk characters they go what the hell they're back Betty and the leader and they're putting them in a [ __ ] black falcon Captain America movie with Harrison phone all over the place stupid as [ __ ] you're doing World Brave New World Order well they're doing they want to do Thunderbolts and maybe dark rain some of the but you can't do any of that without the build up and you can't do the build up without Oh Captain American Iron Man and Thor and Hulk and all those like real Marvel characters not the B team or not the past the mantle team uh not the derivative team they're finding that out uh news flash Disney Star Wars is Han Luke and Leia that's what's in Darth Vader that's what Star Wars is what it was it's what it is today what it will be tomorrow are there a bunch of people who are into the peripheral characters yes but you want to sell to the normies into the normies Star Wars is Han Luke and Leia guess what you killed them all yeah Marvel you did The Impossible at Disney you didn't do it Paramount did it you took some B characters and you made them A-list uh and you'll never do it again so we have Captain America Iron Man Thor believe it or not in the comic books not A-list characters they just weren't they are and they became that and uh the ones you didn't kill off you completely vandalized but your MCU was Captain America Iron Man Thor The Avengers you know and they're gone so your franchise is gone it's just a bunch of B team it's a bunch of Scrubs I don't need no scrub shouting out from the passenger ride of his best friend's ride or whatever the [ __ ] it is don't need no scrub shouting out from the passenger side of his best friend's ride trying to remember a song from like 30 years ago sure R.I.P left eye all right Pete oh yeah good song though it is a good song they played it all the [ __ ] time uh uh look at that a comic book I should get some of those to bag and board the new Transformers okay so uh to sum it up very I don't think happy even describes it filled with joy that Indiana Jones 5 is failing utterly I am on Cloud Nine okay and I'm not sorry and I don't give a [ __ ] happier than a pig and Shake yep yep uh because especially with with content creators and this has helped build an independent movement talking about this stuff has helped build it and other people have ran with it like Eric July absolutely ran with it and done great things by the way I'm gonna I'm gonna be on with him tomorrow night on this channel but he's a failure he he's only taken 1.8 million dollars in like three weeks oh good god he's a failure it says stinky woman who stinks of cat piss that lives on welfare and lives in a YMCA and is nearly bald and is over 50 because Eric July failure obviously she's an expert in publishing and uh and selling comic books so um uh pride in Chronicles for 20 British pounds says hello all very excited to be seeing Mission Impossible 7 next weekend uh Mission Impossible films similar to Roger Moore era Bond thrilling Chase's Glam ladies and serious threat and human all missing from Craig irabon hail Tom Cruise yeah Mission Impossible has taken over for Bond I mean it just has and that's uh yeah I hate to say that as a bond lifelong Bond fan lifelong but Mission Impossible way more fun uh and yeah I not quite as goofy as Roger Moore by the way I grew up on Roger Moore I [ __ ] love Roger Moore that that's my bond that's the bond I grew up with as a kid love Roger Moore uh I think what Fallout did was got a little more there's like levity in that uh the cool thing about like Ethan darkness in that film Ethan Hunt like stumbles his way through that movie you noticed that right it's like a lot of it's just his grit you know it's not like I'm just this perfect spy he's like he's always looking confused like when he gets in the helicopter he's like we can do this as consistently made emotional decisions more emotional and moral decisions yes true instead of instead of what what has been now again should the IMF be shut down because most of the problems stem from the intelligence agencies [ __ ] agents going rogue yes I mean that's pretty much yeah everything but it's usually their fault a lot of double agents a lot of yeah I mean mission impossible to do Grace Scott is a former IMF agent yes or even maybe still a current IMF agent I wasn't quite able today they always want to have twists and turns and so they can't literally be like a bunch of guys just have a bomb and they're gonna set it off you gotta stop it well in one day I mean like uh there was an arms dealer there was a bad arms dealer in one oh in three we didn't even know what the rabbit's foot did no there was a couple I mean it's jar jar Abrams of course not uh yeah but there was one theory that if they stuck with I think it was just a fan Theory would have been good that when they called it anti-god it was uh it was a form of antimatter and if it was let loose it would just break down reality I'm like that'd be [ __ ] whoa whoa that's that's a pretty good weapon I like that um I've already released that it's called the isn't it the new zombie drug uh that's just breaking down people well I mean CERN put us I think cerns put us in multiple different realities to put us in this one holy [ __ ] they're like we need to find the right one we need to find the right one where Doctor Who Star Trek and Star Wars are all [ __ ] they like they released style of Destiny they're like they still think this is a legitimate movie that got made by people they're still tricking them into thinking this is a real movie I'm starting to believe that simulation stuff a little bit okay uh rad what is this radicalized radicalized uh for 25 in four parts says I've been watching you all for about a year now uh well welcome thank you I've always wondered why as calls some things dog [ __ ] I mean he could just call it [ __ ] if he if he if it stinks what's the difference [ __ ] is [ __ ] but dog [ __ ] is is this dog [ __ ] I think that's a really good explanation I think it's really detailed and I think that that probably keeps them from being confused yeah master of English well well done well done see the Brits always explain things better than Americans I will say that I mean they're better at bullshitting by the way I love Phil hemina's art Love Phil himself uh but after watching afternoon two with as crazy but I like it uh but after watching afternoon tea with as uh recently I went out to do some yard work with my two Saint Bernards and of course I literally stepped in it being dog [ __ ] I was angry it stunk I was actually cursing the Creator and it truly ruined my previous good mood for quite a while I finally realized the difference between uh the two types there you go you know Jesus is looking down he's like I did you stood at it man you wanted to know the difference here's your answer okay hey Gary Gary Gary some Phil coming as art yeah guess who wrote this uh it's uh it's uh showcase 94. oh Huntress Dixon you bet there you go all [ __ ] day every day Brad [ __ ] lies last part uh so all I'm really trying to say is Indiana Jones and the pile of dysentery is just that dog [ __ ] there you go I'm trying to remember when my movie was do you remember them they them no do you remember them tits yes I remember tits I remember boobs boobs I'd love me some Phil him and his art I do hot coffee for twenty dollars I think that Lucas picked KK explicitly to get back at people for hating on his prequels he knew that KK had no creative Talent when he picked her he knew her personality and I am certain he knew what would happen I think it was just somebody he knew that came in with I don't know how close the Friendship is I don't know um I think Lucas wanted to be wanted to pick the president before Disney took over Bob Iger made it sound like it was done behind his back I don't believe a [ __ ] word that weatherman piece of [ __ ] said so I don't know in his curated [ __ ] biography other than he [ __ ] over George Lucas I think George Lucas [ __ ] over himself I think he he made an emotional decision he sold Star Wars it was an emotional billion dollars is he gonna do anything with it himself anymore oh he's made more money I I you know I don't know if he's regretted the decision it it certainly sounds like he has but he's made more money he's made a lot more money off and and not had to take any of the Heat but I still think it was an emotional decision and he was already rich enough he didn't need to sell Star Wars he was already a billionaire he was already a billionaire so he didn't need to sell Star Wars I think it was an emotional decision based on uh the prequel listen the prequels weren't good all right I I know the Disney Trilogy makes them look not as bad okay but for the most part they weren't good they weren't good I'm not going to change my mind on that I'll just say I'd rather watch Phantom Menace than anything [ __ ] Disney Star Wars is done but I'm not gonna go I don't even own Phantom Menace dude I don't I own the original trilogy a Revenge of the Sith is all right it's all right I like all of them I don't think any of them are good yeah sorry I enjoy them a hell of a lot more you can enjoy them all day long that's that's fine there there are moments like the the lightsaber duels and stuff are really [ __ ] cool it's not it's just that Disney stars has just got that element of misery they're so good at creating miserable content and I I know a lot of people feel that way when they watch prequels or whatever but I find them fun I uh while when I watch all of my favorite Heroes get old and not care about each other and stuff in yeah find that a little bit more miserable and the prequel fans can can clap right back at me and say you like The Hobbit yes I'm not gonna say it's good though I'm not gonna say The Hobbit trilogy is good but I like it I think the is the third one is the one I dislike the most out of The Hobbit trilogy I remember the first one being like super fine uh the the it just needs to be cut down yeah there's the whole thing there's parts of the third one like towards the end I like uh and there's some good acting in that stuff but yeah the third one is just like stretched out and it's a third act tacked on as a whole movie that that just didn't need to happen uh but the first one's the best one and parts of the second one would have probably made a really good movie Just movie it's a short book so it didn't need to be made into a trilogy you know what I ended up uh forcing as to finally see oh The Prestige I did I did it and what did dads think loved it it's brilliant great movie brilliant it is a great movie really really good really nice was relatively impressed with my deductive reasoning for for some of the film yeah he picked up a whole bunch of stuff that I think is just the right amount of subtle um a lot of it because I like that they give you a lot to work with but they still pile on a bunch of additional stuff you know and then you start looking back you're like oh [ __ ] how do I miss that and you're like I know right I mean they were all great in it but huge admin and Christian Bell in it were just superb dude that movie has a wrestler as well [ __ ] that's a cool Factor man and then and yeah it's Nolan's best yeah it's my favorite Nolan film yep uh Ryan Benoit for 100 holy [ __ ] thank you sir thank you sir thank you uh uh Hail to the fellowship hey Gary I want to do some fan art for you can you accept Prince at the P.O box on uh your website yes also uh it's a UPS store so yeah absolutely also what's your favorite genre sword and sorcery Adventure or sci-fi yes yes yeah the answer is yes yes all of it yes yes I can only choose one oh well you know no I don't have to you can't tell me what to do you can't tell me what to do even if you give him one it's just like okay I think although there's not enough of them when there's a good fantasy movie oh I'm into it I think sci-fi better on TV better on TV because it's more fantasy the 80s best decade ever for fun yeah uh Adventure anything because Adventure covers action movies and uh Indiana Jones and uh Michigan possible and superhero movies so uh my answer is yes uh JM 1999 thank you as Mauler Gary there's a question mark there where does Akira sit on your anime list I've not seen it it's on my list 2C um I like it it's uh it's a very complex film very complex film um it's not something I tend to go back to a lot it's quite heavy so I I watch it I probably haven't seen it for 15 years now it might be certainly worth another re-watch there's something like Cowboy Bebop I'll go back to every few years perfect blue I like to go back and watch a few years Ghost in the Shell like to watch the movie I like to go into Standalone complex actually the film but if it was okay the answer is okay do you want to tell us what you had for [ __ ] dinner too while you watching super chatter I am sorry for answering the Super Chat that you spent your hard-earned money because he's not an anime guy he's like yeah nobody asked me my list because I mean like I don't even have oh uh I I've seen Akira okay but when I got out of prison and I was working working at the warehouse I did I [ __ ] didn't uh japanimation none of that [ __ ] I I didn't really care enough to even know what the [ __ ] it was I know I watched it as a kid a Speed Racer and Star Blazers and stuff but you know it just to me it was a cartoon so I'm looking at Akira and I'm like hey this looks like a really [ __ ] cool cartoon so I threw it in and I got written up I got written up for playing it on the video yeah I was playing Akira in the store in the [ __ ] in the retail store and they're like my friend no I love Akira uh on Hulu saw it for the first time very impressive also what franchise will be sacrificed next in Disney slash lucasfilm Kathleen Kenny is akin to uh and the Ocean Gate CEO too soon there are none there are literally none she's gotten through it all she's getting Dave filoni [ __ ] and Dave filoni's gonna [ __ ] up his own [ __ ] [ __ ] because that'll that'll bring in new Star Wars fans a season five to a cartoon that barely anybody [ __ ] watched what do you mean barely anybody I mean like a million people [ __ ] watched it in a country of 330 million people and maybe that was just around the world don't know not that many people watched it uh Ryan again for twenty dollars how did Fury not know about aliens before the asgardians showed up in Thor as said in The Avengers because he's a he's I guess he's a liar or he's a forgetful old man maybe Fury's Fury's got to be a scroll at this point [ __ ] all of them all man it's so sad they just forget all this [ __ ] because I don't care but but he definitely forget I just think they don't care but he dealt with the Scrolls and Captain a marvelously bad uh Captain marvelously bad back in the 90s that's good um well and by the way they searched the Galaxy they couldn't find a Planet as they do say that at one point Taylor says like they just couldn't find one that worked no planet that the Scrolls could you know hide we've seen a bunch of them in different Marvel films I know we've seen a [ __ ] ton of them no and uh why isn't anybody talking to the cree I mean the craze like this horrific Empire that's out there it's like nobody's worried about him at all they just they just wiped out a planet of [ __ ] people to the point where you have this Refugee crisis but the career just out there man there's an emperor maybe don't know Emperor there's so many civilizations all over the Galaxy that would take them in the the the film the show has to pretend like everyone hates them and then our villain is like meh everyone hates me so I'm gonna kill everyone we're gonna find out in the Marvels and we're gonna get girl Ronin the metoo Accuser they're gonna end secret Invasion Gary with like some really [ __ ] knot ties they'll just be like uh this is fine now this is fine now and this is fine now oh no onto the marbles and then after the Marvels this is fine now this is fine now Young Avengers oh my godsies oh go [ __ ] yourself remember all the people who said what are you getting so upset about they are not they're just passing a couple of mantles Marvel's been really good they're not going in the same direction as the comics that ended in total disaster that pretty much undercut the entire American comic book industry they're not doing the same thing are they they couldn't possibly be that dumb and yet here we are here we are told yourself told Yourself by the way is that gonna be a TV show or a film what a film um yeah intersectional feminist Avengers the intersectional feminist Avengers is that gonna be a Telly show well I mean the Marvels is kind of it uh I don't know the Young Avengers will probably be a television show but I think I just read an article it's coming out my video but they said well you know marvel can't turn on a dime but they but if they do turn things around uh we'll find out around 2026 or 2027. like well no no we won't no there's a strike they can't make anything so added year minimum to that and no not three years to that no because Hollywood will start saying wait a minute action movies are profitable and they don't cost as much money let's start doing those and independent creators can make ice cream movies all [ __ ] day long all day long Indiana Jones was an action adventure movie Once I know and not a CG Fest we're an old man is struggling to write a tattoo dude I'm watching Fallout and Tom Cruise is hanging off a [ __ ] helicopter for real above like a giant mountain range and he's he's just a little bit older younger than Harrison Ford was in Crystal Skull and he's older than John Voight was in the first movie in the first film yes yes looked old when he was young this is true he's always looked this is true well having Angelina Jolie as a daughter might do that to you just saying do you remember how he plays her dad in Tomb Raider yeah yes yeah and you know how they don't talk to each other anymore now yes yeah because he he's he's he likes Trump oh no no it was because he he called out hook and weirdness her her um her bizarre behavior with uh Billy Bob and all this sort of stuff and it was bizarre but that was Hollywood oh it was Billy Bob the one where they kept vials of blood on each other yeah yeah yeah boy that is nothing compared like I'm like oh yeah that's kind of adorable I kind of like I don't have a problem with that uh but now all the all their kids are uh our uh trans kids isn't it weird the the high percentage of trans and non-binary kids with actors and artists like their accessories to look cool isn't it strange yeah people treat you know one of actually one of Madonna's kids no longer identifies in that direction Will Smith I think almost had a kid or did have a kid do that a couple of basketball players uh some comic artists uh yeah lots of lots of celebrity-ish celebrity adjacent kids I'm Gwyneth Paltrow's kid called Apple yes yes yeah kids are not [ __ ] accessories you pieces of [ __ ] yeah it's these things people now zaku boy for fifty dollars when uh they're abandoned by their parents and they're homeless on the street talking to themselves smoking crack you and I can take care of them yep who sees into the hearts of men and the undergarments of women peeping Tom a gaggle of massage parlor murders has left the faces of the Happy Endings Twisted in horror is Tom hard enough to resist the tricks of our of the cat house killer cut what is it cut throat no Cut Throat yes oh my God that's also scary oh okay we cannot not have our happy endings Tom must thwart this but remember Tom is a biblically he doesn't care he's like I just want to see Bob's and then he he stumbles into you know fighting crime and he's like Johnny English yeah he's Johnny English he is that is it uh I'm a focker I'm a focker for twenty dollars says feels good to finally see these things fail it's sad it took so long to happen in retrospect and it ain't over yet more vids to come oh it's so not over and it also did take [ __ ] ages it took ages and we uh we're just in the beginning and it's a long fight and not everybody is up for this fight not everybody was about this fight especially you know uh Jeremy put out a great tweet the other day talking about hey this is you know this is the beginning of the independent era and independent eras start out like this and you know it was brought up that you know it's it we don't want to we don't want the wheel to just come back around again uh uh but that's kind of the cycle but there's an easy way to not be part of that cycle and that's don't sell out be independent stay independent keep your [ __ ] you know you can't put a price on not having any strings attached to your life or as few as possible as few as possible that's not even real to not have any attached but uh you know we still have things we gotta dance around here on YouTube and stuff but uh I I answer to the audience as answers to the audience smaller answers to no one because he's an Eldritch God uh an x-ray girl does math but um it's great it's great stay independent you know but yeah some people are going to sell out some people were never if if uh whatever this movement is some people were just never about it they were never about it never be about it uh be prepared for that be prepared for some disappointments along the way we've already had plenty believe me believe me believe me but stay focused keep your eye on the prize if you're a content creator but no better time now to start up this little hobby of youtubing if you can't create a comic or do both start YouTube create a comic uh build your own uh Fellowship why not and and even if it doesn't happen and you don't become insanely Rich which I hope you do uh you had fun along the way that's the whole point of it right uh but uh Eric and I discussed this and uh maybe because I'm stupid uh I'm fine with being stupid uh I'm fine where I am totally cool in the in this room don't want to be a part of any Studio or network or anything I just don't care I don't care to be a part of that at all it just sounds like obligations and wanting me to be places on time and I did that isn't the whole point of what we do being our own bosses yeah really you know it really is you know I'm not creative freedom like Barstool Sports totally [ __ ] sold out and it's hurting them you know and they were like the Indie Sports thing so now that just creates another opportunity Sports Wars for there to be another Indie Sports channel out there see it all the time uh Corey Corey blumberg for ten dollars Gary September I gotta keep it on the time I forgot what time my movie started what time was my movie started I don't know that you started 90 minutes earlier so I think my movie starts at three I gotta get out of here by I buy two we got time we got time fell for a minute as well like wait were we supposed to know the answers no no no no no I should no I mean dude like if I'm a little late I'll miss the half an hour of [ __ ] previews I'm so I'm done I can see any trailer I want on [ __ ] line now uh and and the only one I've actually giving [ __ ] about was the Dune trailer it was the only one oh I I had an Expendables 4 trailer what what there's an Expendables four there is uh uh uh so Sly is barely in it right and it's a Jason Statham Jason Statham movie which I'm fine with I'm completely fine with um there is a comic book uh Expendables go to hell I think yeah okay I got it right over there I got it yeah got the hardback uh how's drinkers comic doing oh [ __ ] were we supposed to mention Chuck dick uh uh sorry Graham's comic uh that was I think like a week or two ago oh [ __ ] I missed it no no we we didn't know it was it was meant to be on fnt and we we did we announced it on F T oh we did okay yeah we're good we're good don't we Corey blumberg for ten dollars Gary September 23rd Ashton South Carolina Hobbit Day celebration I'm gonna need you to attend as Gandalf and officiate my wedding there I'm dead serious well I I I did uh join I gotta find my certificate but I did join the church of life or whatever the [ __ ] it was so I can actually I can actually marry people what yeah dude it was just something you signed up for online 10 years ago and uh yeah you can marry people uh so September 23rd Maybe if you're dead serious email uh you gotta talk to my my manager which is my wife tell me if I'm available that week that's right that's after the UK it might actually be on vacation still wouldn't you I might be but we'll see we'll see thank you I'd be happy to do it I'd be happy to do it like a boomer a wedding that'd be awesome uh Maximus Maximus Tomas for five dollars as entered that Eric tax and video covering wolf going by the acid trip glitch on his camera what did I just say I think he's talking about when it went oh yeah yeah like an autistic style I guess some people might enjoy it you just look terrifying to me as it yeah it frightened and Confused me a little bit I look terrifying at the best of times mate [Music] I'd so uh x-ray girl we're probably probably do the gaming either probably tonight if you're up I'll let you know well I Gotta See Mission Impossible but then after mission impossible after a couple hours I'll be home so I'll ping you it was supposed to do it last night but I had to finish a video because comic-con's coming up and we're working on something for next week's real BBC that will be on as his channel don't know if it's gonna happen yet cross your fingers I can't say anything just audience cross your fingers okay Aaliyah Wells for two dollars uh what does Mahler look like LOL uh picture of him right there yeah lots of tentacles yeah he's about 70 foot tall about that yeah if I'm from kneeling down about 74 multiple times I can't wait to meet you in person I'm gonna meet you in person both you guys in a couple of months I'm super excited about it yay I am Terry's like desperately waiting for us to reciprocate them we just no you're not I don't care I don't give a [ __ ] I'm Gonna Roll into your house like I [ __ ] own the place I'm gonna start I believe I you when you say that Gary oh dude you would not see me and my wife together we'll start cooking you dinner how's You're Gonna Go is this it look at me yes yes no that's all I've got Gary it's a box what I lived in a [ __ ] box most of my life dude yeah you know you're talking to him right how big the houses are in San was it San Francisco yeah where I lived they're tiny they're [ __ ] tiny they're they're British size uh taker 610 for five dollars smaller during Gary's Golem stream I suggested if you need to correct him say no [ __ ] brain but you had had but you had left before he read that chat oh no oh so harsh uh I probably would respond a little bit but but it's funnier I thought it was a lot more funny to treat me like a small small child which was what they were doing they're going good boy don't go over there a mentally uh oh boo yeah so either mentally challenged puppy or very very small child not sure and I still say we didn't go hard enough well that's what she said a pack of lips are gone for ten dollars hey Mueller and as would you be willing to stream Metal Gear Solid 3 remake when it comes out if so get Gary in on it uh he'd drop his jaw from how well it holds up in this day and age I wouldn't know the difference this guy wouldn't know wouldn't you wouldn't have a [ __ ] clue um I'm not I'm not I'm gonna be honest here I'm I'm not a first I'm not fussed with it at all it's it's Konami just doing a a light for like remake to coin in on it it's got nothing to do with Kojima um I'm already pissed off enough with Konami just as a company never mind because Silent Hill 2 remake looks like it's been butchered what's what's Konami and Kojima is that like Ramen sure yes that's exactly right that's good guess Gary you got it right first try time first time brands of ramen I'm not eating Ramen anymore I I love ramen noodles but that's just carbs I can't have that yeah down with carbs I mean cops are you back to carbs can you do that now yeah well I'm doing my I'm doing the I'm back on the uh the prep meals oh there you go good good good but not simple carbohydrates right no sugars no no no no no no complex yeah I want I want simplex that sounds like a [ __ ] sanitary brand I was gonna say it sounds like a spot removal cream dude uh my wife's impact my wife meal prepped me for while she was gone so again I was treated like a very small child and she made like wow she did so cute it's great yeah that's awesome I just empty my little plastic bag of ground turkey and whatever [ __ ] couscous or whatever the [ __ ] it is uh rice [ __ ] and uh but it's not right because I hate it it's fun dry well if you have it with ground turkey and you put some spices okay I mean it's just sustenance it's just sustenance that's all it is yeah it's kind of like dirt but I like it man you know Mother Earth is good for you or something Mother Earth that's a ground turkey that sounds like it's what you get given to eat in a [ __ ] Turkish prison um did you did you use Turkish prison because of turkey [Laughter] the ground turkeyman there's too many people in the prison so as have you ever seen green it's Soylent Green as have you ever been to a Turkish prison [Laughter] Mueller can you tell us this week's efap is going to be what it's going to be about there is a good chance for waiting for rags to see uh uh dead reckoning uh we might make it about that oh [ __ ] I can't uh Drinker asked me to be on uh open bar if there's about a cant I want to I don't like saying no to the drinker but I'm driving up to Dallas to do normal world or I would or I would be there I would be there with bells on with little bells on looking like a little girl because I'll be as happy as a little girl tune on capsule say no of action with an angry emoji [Laughter] [ __ ] you you lush that's what I'll say wow God no uh hey dude he's got an interview with Russell Brand on Friday that is [ __ ] epic that is so epic yes comes out on Friday now he just needs to warning the Russells together Crow and brand into one video that's right interview people who would wrestle I think he just interviews with people just called Russell yeah that's right he has a preference for Russell's that's okay that's right he's a wrestle sexual I have my piouses you know yes uh paid and Crow for five dollars thank you nerd Roddick as Mauler Exodus question for you all who wins John Wick versus Tyler rake from extraction um well John Wick has got more plot armor yeah he's Immortal I mean he can't get killed he was he's been murdered like a million times he doesn't die to be fair John Works once dude oh yeah and it wasn't from the bullet wound it was Landing in a river in India he died I would have killed him instantly did the beginning the only crit the only criticism I have is didn't the beginning of the extract didn't the beginning of extraction two sort of undo the ending of extraction one yeah they like they pretend like the second we cut away at the end of extraction one a huge team of medical people came on to see and grabbed him straight away and trying to help him oh God look at him I'll help it was just like look he died that whole scene spells out the executive team that came into the writers and brought it back to life that's what he was supposed to reflect on [ __ ] people like that movie too but extraction one story was pretty clear right like he didn't stay for the death of his son he couldn't bear it he went to do more tours and stuff and then you know he's been living with that for the rest of his life all this guilt and he finally comes across this mission where there's a kid and he gets told by his people you don't have to save this kid anymore the extraction Jesus Christ shut that [ __ ] thing to save that kid because it goes beyond the mission of that point all the money he just wants the kid to live and then he does he successfully sees the kids safe and then falls off the bridge with the bullet wounds in his neck he's done he's out he's done his job and then they were like yeah but people really liked it make another one it made a lot of yeah he did a lot of work on Netflix what it did yes it brought in subscribers so that's that's the only way you can actually measure success is when something Pops that subscriber count then it gets sequels that's a streaming success you can't call something like mandala Mandalorian season three and or She-Hulk Willow crater any of this you can't call those successes which the access media some of those has been calling successes because during that time Disney lost millions of subscribers Millions so those are not successes they did not see that coming they did not see that coming uh maybe if they made more conservative leaning all right content maybe they made some work oh God they should just make alt-right Plus all right saving service oh my gosh surprise is not a category on Netflix at this point yes and then she just played sound of Freedom 24 7. [Music] oh God Christopher Miller for five dollars as what do you guys think about Microsoft trying to buy Activision slash blizzard well I am totally against it I can't tell you why but courts ruled in favor of uh the um the purchase they did of course they did because they initially didn't rule for it but then uh some uh they got paid off they got paid off and uh then now they're okay with it yes we don't think this is good we're gonna block this because uh you know he goes against the anti-competitive laws uh oh sorry you just gave us a big load of [ __ ] money yes we think this is gonna be good for the industry we think this is gonna be good the only funny thing is like the fox Disney deal should have never happened I mean that was such a breach of every [ __ ] law that's out there but they somehow managed it uh but politicians are corrupt that's 71.3 billion dollars Disney paid and now they're out of [ __ ] money they're out of [ __ ] money and and they don't even have money to they wouldn't know what to do with the fox properties Fox you will be missing Fox with the X-Men by the time Disney's done here we go there's Fox X-Men I'm pretty [ __ ] good you know wow wow some of them were some of them were very [ __ ] good some of them were [ __ ] we should rank them right now uh okay what's your favorite Fox X-Men movie Mahler [ __ ] uh you said it oh I figured you'd be quicker than this X2 I did it okay as eggs too Days of Future Past really yeah oh wow yep X2 would be second and first class will be third I really enjoyed Days of Future Past I think it's I enjoyed it's very fancy obviously in a good way uh X2 is pretty [ __ ] good I'm not saying it's bad I I watch it I think X2 is fantastic right I love Brian Cox in that movie and I like X-Men one I like X-Men one I like the Wolverine but I just think this I think X2 is better next than the first X-Men okay it might be a better movie but you're asking me what I like the most sure and it's Days of Future Past sure well remember Deadpool is in this selection right yeah Deadpool's I can see it would be I'll say X2 that's still soon I didn't even like the Deadpool comic but I like the movie a lot I thought the first one I thought the first move was fine I thought it was funny I don't think it's the Messiah of Comedy that people making out Deadpool yeah I think it's good it's a good fun film it's a fun movie yeah it's not a messiah of Comedy um I think it's just a good movie yeah it's a good it's a good movie and that's a good thing that it's a good movie and I think that's Gina chrono's titty bag and it was a good movie because Fox didn't know what they had they threw a budget at it because there was some fan response and uh you know Ryan Reynolds had a little bit of juice and they were able to make something and Tim Miller uh you know did a really good job directing it oh Tim Miller sorry I was thinking of TJ Miller for a second no no no no no he's done uh he's done what about worse then worst uh X-Men Origins Wolverine well there's some I haven't seen I didn't see that because it looked like that's a dog [ __ ] I didn't see the last X-Men film X-Men Origins worst the worst one that I saw apocalypse that's second worst apocalypse yeah yeah apocalypse because that's the worst one I've seen but there's a couple that I just haven't seen because of how bad Origin Wolverine really like well they did to Deadpool was uh something else at the end it the Deadpool 2 is so that's funny like X-Men three a lot of people hate it for good reason but it's got moments that I like I like X-Men three compared to yeah X-Men apocalypse and [ __ ] Wolverine Origins yeah Phoenix don't forget that one oh God I did forget about dark Phoenix yeah that one's [ __ ] terrible ah yeah I didn't I didn't see I didn't see I didn't see that I didn't see the election in the fox X-Men series haven't you there is a wacky there's there's one I haven't seen it was that the uh what was it called the one with um Maisie Williams and uh yeah oh my God I hate something mutants secret mutants or whatever just a mutant thing someone and chat will know is it new music box New Mutants was that it yeah nobody saw it yeah I didn't I didn't see it everyone heard yeah it's new music it's got uh Anya Taylor joy in it too who like I like I think she's great but um yeah I didn't see I forgot it was called New Mutants damn it uh I didn't care oh I didn't didn't see that couldn't be bothered with that [ __ ] movie at all but it looked like a complete disaster I mean the whole the whole um after after ruining dark Phoenix a second time as much as I like X3 oh it's insane you take the best [ __ ] comic run uh easily top three comic book runs of all time uh and just [ __ ] it up twice and you don't realize like you don't get another shot at this in the public sphere you don't get like oh well we'll do dark Phoenix a third time and that'll that'll get them coming people go we've seen this we've seen this already it's okay yeah it's so weird because like they they were almost the MCU again wouldn't it because it was like you got the Remy almost MCU and like Fox almost damaged you until the end because you'd think with the three X-Men it's like so now what and it's like we'll Splinter off with Wolverine and then they make one of the worst superhero movies in history I don't know why that happened I guess to write a strike right with a bunch of other stuff which is kind of funny to think about right now um and then like the Wolverine I I just I don't do you guys see that I did I like it it's fine I liked it it's fine it's fine it's the best yeah I don't think it was fine it is mid it is a mid movie as mid as it gets but it's like I'd watch it a hundred times over [ __ ] dark for you know if you watched it today comparative to what you've been putting out your one percent it's [ __ ] made yeah that's a bad third act I liked it up until the third act third act against Silva Samurai is the bad guy in that right it is yeah which is a good bad guy but just the whole thing was [ __ ] messy and dumb because yeah then they would first class as a sort of attempt at being like God like we're rebooting was that was can I forget the idea when that came out well the idea was it it was meant to be on the same timeline but I don't know if it was was because first class is very much on its own um it's only Days of Future Past that starts to yeah blend them right yeah because yeah I think I think first class might have been an attempt to be like all right we've got all of our new actors playing the characters again and we're gonna make a bunch more but we're doing it in the 60s was [ __ ] cool that was a great idea that's how they should make the Fantastic Four too the Fantastic Four should absolutely their first movie should entirely take place in the 60s and then guys such a weird timeline the X-Men fox movies they were never sure of what the hell they were doing were they no but I mean that's how we got some gems and some absolute dog because Logan is one of the most critically acclaimed ones and it's it's a definitive end there's no building off of that and I I'll never watch it again like I I watched it I'm like yeah it's fine if I like it I like Ben gold is apparently upset to find out that Wolverine's coming back in this new movie and it's just like you just directed Indiana Jones shut down [ __ ] off I think I saw a tweet response so literally you can't talk about anything to do with movie quality right now go back go back to making Ford versus Ferrari in 310 a year just go back to that just get out of genre dude you're great in other places and obviously can't handle the the heat the heat to be fair maybe he didn't see the other Indiana Jones films and so he just went off what Kathleen Kennedy told him he was always a sad broken piece of [ __ ] who was hated by everybody he's like oh okay yeah Andy was I'm surprised because you know what this was the bridge too far but like if it came out around Last Jedi there would be Indy was always this way you'd never understood Indy remember that one scene where Indy was miserable yeah see see [Laughter] God guys it's not as bad as it was in 2018 it really isn't like it's all falling apart now and it's fun and it's all dead but man the cope Around The Last Jedi was and Doctor Who particularly were just some some of the most [ __ ] [ __ ] I've ever heard it's so amazing to look back on because Ryan Johnson's actually cultivated a fan base with they literally say like it's stupid on purpose to trick stupid people into thinking it's not smart oh yeah dude what though I know that's what I was trying to say in my video but I can't say it as well so I just yeah I went to the it's not isn't that the [ __ ] meme yeah I meant to sound [ __ ] it's supposed to be dumb okay and then you point out like but this just still doesn't make sense this character this dude and they're just like no no you didn't understand that's on purpose on purpose it's the dumb School of filmmaking to make filmmakers look smart when they're not I think I've told you guys before but seriously there is a line in Glass Onion that I'm slightly paraphrasing but it basically goes the main character was so smart she died huh oh I get it no no I I think there are Ryan Johnson is one of those people who thinks he is too smart for this world I mean the people chat will know what I'm talking about but basically the killer Graham uh not Graham Norton [ __ ] Edward Norton Graham Norton killing people [Laughter] well it's the killer right so he's he's got to be you know powerful enough to kill but simultaneously Ryan wants to write him as a complete clown right an idiot a stupid worthless like evil villain man that no one likes and so he kills one of the main women in the film that's what starts all of this off and so the way Ryan writes it is that she wasn't stupid enough to fear Him she was far too clever for him but she didn't realize that he had spiked her drink and killed her and so we were like she's so smart she died yes and if you remember I don't know if you saw the first knives out but he had a character that was such a good nurse she accidentally switched the two medications automatically that she was giving someone at the beginning well his writing drives me absolutely [ __ ] up the wall oh yeah it's like um you you present situation X and then you just tell the audience it's not X it's Y and you're like that's nice Netflix games almost a half a billion dollars write another [ __ ] series of they like kept her over Henry Cavill that that should make it abundantly clear it's a bunch of slobbering window licking morons running that place okay yeah um I'm just curious if you'll have a rhino level write a villain that's not in Universe [ __ ] it's hard to get away with everything well all of his villains will be watching YouTubers because we're so in his [ __ ] head did you guys have a giant you mentioned a little [ __ ] did you mention the in Knives Out one Chris Evans is the bad guy in that and he says to a girl at one point like are you busy getting your sjw degree yeah it's like oh well by the way they are playing Among Us that [ __ ] is dead and it died like two years ago what are you doing uh terrified 38 for 9.99 hail real BBC anyone check Cinema Roberto's uh take on Indy five basically says it's great and ends with please stop focusing on box office numbers [Laughter] and that is not the only person who's liked Indiana Jones who said that it's like the box office it doesn't indicate if a movie's good or not and yes I completely [ __ ] agree with you there's a lot of movies that uh Doctor Strange mom does not reflect it's box office does not reflect how [ __ ] bad that movie was and it didn't make that much while you did hear that they added a hundred million to the budget introduction isn't that weird isn't that weird now do that with every Marvel movie because you would have to because that's how much they are um did you guys see like the uh Benedict Cumberbatch said that he set to record like scenes and lines and [ __ ] next year for uh upcoming model projects you said that an interview or something simulio has put out tweets or comments under two saying like well the plan was to have a shangshi sequel after CAG Dynasty or whatever but I don't know what it's happening now it's like oh the absolute Triumph that was the best big hit that was one of Marvel's best movies of phase four is it actually getting a sequel I thought it made all the money it lost it was guaranteed to have a sequel right come on and that's not even conjecture they posted a loss for that year a huge loss for that year which means all their movies lost money okay uh Striker x24 for ten dollars Gary Megan Kelly is going over how Disney is collapsing is she saying anything that we haven't over the last five years that's my only question uh would you ever do an interview with her on it since uh you guys are more knowledgeable about it yeah I'll talk to anybody they ask by the way part of why I mentioned um Benedict Cumberbatch she's like I find it funny that Disney have already they're squeezing him every chance they get right because he's like the best actor they have left but simulio doesn't even know what his movie is gonna happen Benedict Cumberbatch will be recording scenes for like all Marvel movies probably he'll he'll be just he'll walk it'll be like What's My Line he'll be like say oh no over there and then move your arms and you'll be like yeah okay fine let's finish the Super Chat because it's I don't know how to take this or have as since British people sound smarter well then you would ask Mahler tomorrow not all British people sound smarter and right no no I I think it's all right I'll think you said beautiful intelligent what what uh-huh uh Megan Kelly's I mean she's hot I don't even know who she is she's hot yeah come on I mean you know wood yeah you would come on what yeah that's a good looking woman uh agamemon fireman four dollars yeah uh I'm trying hard to forget Indy five exists but the fact that it does uh makes me so sad I'm all for a crystal skull Redemption Arc like what happened with the prequels I like it better than Temple of Doom I you can have the wrong opinion about that I mean that's part of the freedom of uh of opinion this is why you guys had to leave to have those kinds of freedoms because me and as we're just not letting that happen there's limits well Crystal Skull doesn't exist in my world so I can't be better than Temple of Doom okay that's probably why we left America in 1776 71. I like Crystal scope and we went [ __ ] this [ __ ] we pointed to the boats go back and watch the paddle Temple of Doom is awesome dude great film fun film Carnage capital is actually really endearing when you're watching now compared to um uh I loved how hang on a second I gotta check the time here time says okay we got a couple more of them we gotta get out oh [ __ ] we really gotta get out um Carnage undone for 9.99 uh I loved how sound of Freedom beat the DOA Jones on mercaday love to see that media trying to say sex trafficking is not a thing and call sound of Freedom a q Anon conspiracy yeah that is uh some crazy [ __ ] but uh as I said on Twitter welcome to the hill you're going to die on because these Mondays come in and what is it 3.2 million that is a Monday to Monday drop of 73 percent [Applause] context last Monday was technically a holiday in America because of your fourth of July weekend I don't care but it's a 73 drop Monday to Monday are you are you taking pleasure in that yes good because I am I am if you remember if you take too much pleasure to hit the camera off just I'm just saying yeah yeah well 38 seconds should do it with as you know it's fine with me uh Grimlock 1975 uh on the streamlab side for 12.90 first time Dono all right we'll be gentle there is no need to be gentle Lots uh is is it true that those with man buns are the type that would be given and Frank a Dr would have given Anne Frank a drum kit Jesus Christ much love to you all inhale a fellowship too soon things on the streamlab side for 1290 check out the Napoleon trailer uh with Joaquin Phoenix looks good has some dumb lines from the wife but historical uh Josephine was a [ __ ] uh she said you'd be nothing without me or whatever um just a fan uh I I saw the trailer and everybody's like fawning over it and I thought it looks all right looks okay I'll probably go see it Ridley Scott hit and miss these days lots of Miss lots a lot more missed in here yeah a lot more mess I think it's just so neat that he's he's just charging for you I think I saw a tweet saying 12 Movies since he turned 70. that's [ __ ] good for him man like really good for him sorry his brother passed away it was really sad I love his brother was a great director too um directed some of my favorite movies uh so good like you know you go girl you do what you need to do absolutely stay the [ __ ] away from Blade Runner and alien that's fine you go ahead and do something else paid in Crow for ten dollars which are your favorite mission impossible James Bond or Jason Bourne I gotta go with Mission Impossible series all hail the fellowship enjoy you guys Disney can suck it Lord of the Rings forever damn straight uh bond is still my favorite Mission Impossible is better now and I've never liked Jason Bourne that much I like the firstborn and then they just got very repetitive very quickly because they all have the same plot yeah I think all three of the best I'd pick Bond um all three in the current form as Mission Impossible yeah yeah that's that's the that's the word answer that because Mission Impossible and bond are fun Jason Bourne is shaky action I mean it's all made I got nothing against it it's just I don't know there's nothing really stands out I I did enjoy the first one a lot yeah I mean and it it I think it is a bit it was a bit of a trendsetter I think a lot of people copied it after it I remember it being a sort of um it changed a little bit for what people would do for action with the way that some of those things it changed the choreography of fighting yeah it did uh we'll do a couple more and then we gotta bounce uh Tennessee it's autism for ten dollars we got some more shitty movies for you do if you don't like them you're a bigot that's good okay well sung all right how am I supposed to say this [ __ ] a James big pardon [ __ ] James you James [ __ ] a James I didn't want to say the f word [ __ ] you James [ __ ] you James uh for 9.99 the audio video Club article about Marvel fridging female characters is hilariously ironic much love to you three guys and all hail fnt I'll have is it old or new I'll have to see it uh rumors Kathleen Kennedy is fired also trending Birdman 520 21 for ten dollars well it's probably for my tweet yesterday where I was told from a very reliable source that Kathleen Kennedy left lucasfilm Friday only to return to work on Monday no no I'll take response uh so she got fired over the weekend no she just went home and came back oh okay yeah she went home for the weekend so people don't get fired on Fridays and come back on Mondays I thought um [Music] yay yay Aloha boy for 9.99 the Deadpool movies are too confusing because Ryan Ryan Reynolds also plays Deadpool and X-Men Origins that Deadpool was different from current Deadpool why didn't they cast different person in this Deadpool James gun logic ah I see what you're doing there I see what you're doing there um well because Ryan Reynolds doesn't look the same for the past 30 years I guess but yeah and the thing was I don't know if you guys felt this way but I know a lot of people will like Ryan should play Deadpool give him his chance the Deadpool in X-Men Origins was not giving him the chance that was something else like people felt that was a really good casting Choice and then they [ __ ] it the Merc with the mouth and I feel like he proved that with the Deadpool one report oh [ __ ] okay yeah you've got it fun film if you look at Ryan rails earlier work basically all of his work no offense to the man but he basically plays Ryan Reynolds in the vast majority of his film Van Wilder is a [ __ ] great Wilder yeah great we have a great guy in um blade Trinity right like Ryan Reynolds and that character is similar okay like what you might expect of a Deadpool we've got to end it right here and I got to go I gotta go I gotta pulling out I'm I'm pulling out you got to have a good pullout game so thanks to the mod roddicks thanks to everyone in the chat thanks to everyone who left a Super Chat donation we're doing a square up while I'm playing a video game uh sometime tonight sometime tonight so uh I'll see you then uh as what you got coming up uh tomorrow 6 p.m UK time Melanie Mack and I will be going through our top 10 video games of all time our personal favorites not what we think are the best top 10 video games of all time uh Friday Friday night tights where the guest will be a person uh Josiah um Josiah will be the guest and uh and then and then and then then and then Sunday afternoon tea with as okay because it's been on this channel this week but we'll go through as always loads of different [ __ ] this afternoon with ours um right and then Sunday Funday and then and then Muller and then an open bar Mission Impossible with Drinker and you on Thursday yeah we'll be talking about that movie probably because I think he's seeing it hopefully before then I think he is that's the idea that's the idea all right uh x-ray girl uh playing games uh Final Fantasy 16 and 14 online so that's fun and uh sub two mine and Zia's Channel we talked about the first two episodes of Doctor Who Knew who and it was so good I wish I had watched more but I couldn't um so yeah I'm loving it there you go and this is going to be a quick out folks so cheers bye
Channel: Nerdrotic
Views: 262,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nerdrotic, Gary Buechler, Pop-culture, TV, Movies, Comic Books, Nerd, Culture, Commentary, Opinion, Discussion, Podcast
Id: tx0qbw1KagI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 191min 12sec (11472 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2023
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