Disney Gets SLAPPED! Hollywood Strikes Again? Superman Returns | Friday Night Tights 288 w Dean Cain

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[Applause] [Music] God damn Gary some serious Gourmet what flavor is this it that's right it's the all hell medium roast private blend check out the geek grind coffee nerdic page for our other options like the decadence feathers of Liberty vanilla infused flavored coffee or if you're looking for something darker try the dark roast f&t blend of the fellowship you know what just buy all three dig grind coffee.com use discount code nerd rodic all youat from Gamers better stop jerking off to me okay I smell like burnt hair that is stopping you please Gary step into my car oh I get it I'm supposed to get in your car and let you put your finger inside me then if I go down on you I get a movie part please Gary I'm not from Hollywood I'm not going to your mouth and my time is extremely valuable Jesus this is a nice limo yes it is now suck my [Music] PR [Applause] [Music] here they come and the crowd cannot wait oh Friday night I apologize cuz I'm probably late oh [Music] Friday radical light andyan it's Friday night tight Friday night [Music] tight time has come they finally H oh H Friday we're notated just so we're clear sweet mother Mary turn on the you it's Friday night tid Friday night tid Friday night TI Friday night tid Friday night [Music] tid what's up what's going on everybody's just super fired up right now everybody has concr they're all fighting off concret or pregnancy or something uh well how's it going fighting off that pregnancy Chrissy not good not good at all I've been running into turn Styles all month and nothing welcome to Friday night tights only 7 minutes late progress not Perfection that's we should make a t-shirt with that really uh maybe maybe not don't want to get ahead of ourselves one day at a time time that uh that scene might be co-opted by every single I like Marvel writer you a progress here not Perfection Progressive Perfection not Perfection they just think they're action realistically right uh oh we've got a lot to talk about especially with Disney with Hollywood uh there could be another strike uh it's from a group called AI not to be confused with Nai uh or a different Yi or a different Yi is it Nazi and pig latin yes that's what it is well it's a communist organization so uh it's a communist Union that it's all the Carpenters and Stage hands and stuff and they could actually shut down Hollywood uh we got some Disney news we got some Game of Thrones news no that not that there's another show coming out that actually might be pretty good that we could talk about and there's a bunch of other stuff uh oh G corano suing uh suing Disney suing Disney and their earnings call where Bob said some pretty uh I I did spit out my coffee when he goes uh you know I was uh looking at the jz's time uh they spend a lot of time on games really we we got to be there one thing we noticed is that young people they they tend to like the video games the video games as if Disney has not already made games for decades have an organization called Lucas Arts yeah that they just immediately shut down thanks Bob hey hey let's be fair let's be fair Disney do not have uh a library of source material to call upon like other franchises do no this is Kennedy told me that yeah and she would never lie uh I'm Gary hello as hello how are you good are you asking the chat or you asking me can't both anyone that will listen to me right today oh we're great I'll speak for the chat we're doing just great uh what a day what a week what a it's like every time we do a show we just like well you know let's see let's see what we'll do next week and then bush bush every week every week all it's all day every day 365 fing garbage wait did you say Bush you mean so like je like a regional thing it's Bush somewhere it's Bush somewhere Elsey it's Bush League throwing bushes away je Jeff Jeff in chat said I'm good how are you I'm good Jeff thanks Jeff Jeff cares Jeff yep as likes Bush yes there we go that's breaking news oh or Brazilian we can get Dan vasque hi Ryan kennel from RK Outpost what's up Gary from nerd rodic yes we're here man the the past week has been insane megga con was nuts the Meetup was [ __ ] wild and I think a lot of us were kind of just a little emotionally exhausted afterwards it like for a good reason getting to meet so many people talk to so many people and we're uh we're ready to get back to normal scene rock and roll no dude that Saturday I'm still worn out is uh because I'm old but uh that was riding Hagrid man Hagrid I didn't get to ride Hagrid wow there was a lot of people riding Hagrid it was too hard to get I thought you did that in prison plenty of times oh my God that that was Jamal that was Tyrone call on Tyrone he was like call me Hagrid hello Chrissy mayor hello it's great to be here I did a wonderful one on-one with asz this past Monday guys speaking of riding Hagrid wow yes speaking of BU what a start watch it on my channel if you hav Chrissy yes it was good times and I just did another oneon-one with Anthony kumia uh this morning so you guys can check that out too good chats good times we love Anthony he's great we love it I was watching part of it while I Was preparing uh I watched the pilot for uh Lois and Clark a dude they uh Max I think did some restoration on it because you could tell the effect scenes they didn't fix but everything else looks great it's fantastic like especially the Terry Hatcher stuff you know how is it full screen no it's still yeah in honesty though how the hell do you fix 90s TV special effects you you don't you just what they did is like it's super clear damn near 4K looking and then they go to the special effects and it looks like a DV like a first generation DVD looks like mod Marvel films right Cil shepher in Moonlighting yes it does it's like the fast well you and you know civil Shephard you know that got blurrier as as the seasons went on too you're like God dang I can't say anything uh no Terry Hatcher looking good damn oh oh yeah damn uh but yeah it was cool it was really cool uh hello Shad EMB Brooks hey how are you Gary did you have a good time at Mega con I did yeah would have been fun I'm sure sure was a yeah yeah I hope nobody got fomo out of that at all yeah yeah hey it's only like a 24hour plane ride for you come on yeah I know no better yet why don't you just get an U and fly over here he can run on the water I'll dig my way there next year but I reckon I'll get there one one of these one of these days but I'm going good good to be here excited and uh get going how you going there as do you have a good time as well I why the [ __ ] is everybody asking individuals how they're doing like we're like let's get through intros as fast as possible we're like hey what was your weekend everybody's off because next year I'm going to be there as well yes we were at Friday morning tights we're back at our regular time what was that noise x-ray Asian noises oh oh my wife anime excitement I don't want to get ahead of myself I'm glad you're here sh Shad by the way we're all doing fine so stop asking okay we're fine I'm good I need I just needed to know Gary now I'm now I'm perfectly Odin how you doing I'm doing great the real question I have though Gary is how are you doing I'm doing great how was you said keep it quick so I'm keeping it quick big gulps huh okay see you later all right see you later not the only one who cares about the damn rules try to follow him don't even start Odin don't you [ __ ] start with me okay quarter black Garrett Pizza is still owed uh yeah this morning I woke up I had breakfast uh I took a [ __ ] um yeah hey I'm doing good okay someone's doing well perfect I didn't ask how you were doing I just I just said quarter I was just going with the I was going with the them yeah that's good comics division hi everyone uh next contestant please wow okay so uh for x-ray girl I'd like uh to wish you a very happy Lunar New Year I forgot it's New Year oh my God happy Japanese New Year you bring much shame to your family my dad's going to disown me again I'm sorry I I mispronounced it it's runer New Year guess what I'm gonna give you guys we we're done all the intros right the best gift so I'm gonna leave now bye bye bye I thought the I thought the Runa was on a Wednesday Gary I've been asking for to leave for years now you finally got your way I certainly hope Gabe alib warn Dean what he was getting into with this show I'm texting him right now and he text me what's up yeah there you go there you go thank you thank you what's up Gabe hi Dean how are you how fantastic good day all it's it's how are you doing how are you doing start my day I had a cup of coffee and then I no I'm I heard that okay I'm definitely a little star struck right now uh Dean I was a huge by I was a huge sa by fan like I'm sorry wait Chrissy what did you say I was a huge Save By the Bell fan like later he's my cousin all all of my family uh are literally wanting to say hi to you uh so hi from all my family but Dean I I don't want to start off on a on a on a on a downward note but uh with everything that's going on in America right now because I'm British I see I see looking in I see you know the political struggle I see I see the the racial struggles going on right now I see all of these sort divide divide Division division division um I have to ask you in season three of Lois and Clark Terry Terry Hatcher is clearly wearing a cream shirt in the however when she's outside it's it's white and I tell you we don't need to go into it but I've got a PowerPoint presentation uh we can go through it after the show if uh you have is was it cold I would be like using that uh Superman freeze breath exactly that's the real question would Superman use a little bit of that freeze breath just uh you know cing would he we have a scene where something like that takes place the answer is absolutely you got to be really careful with that because you can go a little too far and then cross fight break something you don't want that do not want I thought these were pink not black I don't know why you he's got x-ray vision if he really wants to he could just that's true that would be UNT Superman would never do that episode on Lo Clark when the other guy gets his powers and is doing the peeping and then Superman comes down like that's not onut mate tough to be the most moral Boy Scout the Big Blue Boy Scout but that's the role Smallville though it happened in Smallville when he was getting his X-ray he couldn't control it and he no heat vision it was heat vision when he had the hot teacher and he almost burned oh yeah but when he got the yeah he got the heat vision when he got horny but when he was getting the old x-ray vision so that's because he was a 30-year-old teenager I was just watching I was just watching the pilot and I love when Clark K gets off the bus in Metropolis and soon as you get off the bus another bus breakes go out and there's two nuns crossing the street pushing this St I was laughing my ass off I was like that was awesome it has you got to raise the stakes you know they should have been pushing prams if they were only pushing prams there was someone pushing a pram yeah there was yes a cat in a tree nowadays they just let the bus run over the nuns but that's that's current Cent be driving the bus yeah yeah do it on purpose it'd be Satanist nuns no it be that sisters of Perpetual whatever that you know oh the ones that the Dodgers brought out there just the degenerates oh that was disgusting without and then they just go out the courtroom do that oh my oh my my welcome to F we're incapable of change okay we're just incap capable there is a lot of craziness going on right now in the world there's no doubt about it especially here in the United States I know you're across the pond are you across the pond right now as yeah yeah I am so you got you got and I'm not gonna say that we're in great shape but y'all are got some things going on too over there UK it's it's Madness and I think a lot of this stuff is by Design I I I don't you know I think they're people pushing the the racial bound people pushing that Division and I think so much of by Design and it and it actually permeates into our comic book world and that is sad disgusting thing that hopefully we can eradicate like the plague uh because it is a plague I I think this is a good opportunity Gabe what's up brother thanks uh by the way Gabe was kind enough to give me uh space at his table at ComiCon thank you brother yeah but for I'm sure most of the chat knows but maybe for some new people give us give us a little background what happened to you uh when uh when you left the industry um well you know that all that woke started to pick up momentum around like Obama's second term and it just got crazier and crazi i' worked at DC Comics since 2008 staff artist and then I went freelance and I just kept my head in the sand like well my books aren't work so I don't care and it just kept encroaching encroaching and more and more and more Insanity that we all see that you guys all report about all the time and finally they asked me to work on a book where Superman basically hates America and his underage son is uh you know bisexual so we're going to be focusing on the sexuality I don't care if it's gay or straight or whatever but they're underage people we're going to focus on sexuality as a plot point and I just said okay I'm out of here I can't do this anymore so I resigned from all that and uh then uh you know it was quite the uh quite the brewhaha online it was very weird to go viral be contacted by European news agencies and all this interviews and then this uh handsome stranger messaged me on Twitter what and uh you know Dean K he said uh Hey brother we need to talk well yeah vision from another plan aside from you but uh he saw that he saw he he said he appreciated how I stood up for you know what I believed in and I didn't want to do this stuff I have children I don't want to be hey don't come in dad's office you don't want to see what I'm working on right now I don't I'm not that guy you know what I mean I don't want to cover my drawing board or whatever really fast when they come in here I want to make uplifting fun stuff so Dean said uh I want to help you I want to promote you and stuff like that so he helped me with the last book I did truth justice American way and uh that was to defy DC because they got rid of that slogan you know and then uh when I was just about wrapping up truth justice American way it just came to me like what should I do next and I contacted Dean I said hey you want to do a book starring you in this 80s 90s action movie you always dreamed of so he kind of cooked up this character Dean K the All-American law man and then I wrote a plot and and I just feel like the hand of God on it because we started talking and he instantly was like yes I want to do this with you and he he said to me have you ever seen Roman in the stone and not knowing him not knowing this about me that was one of my favorite movies growing up I saw that when I was like 10 or 11 good saw it a million times that and Raiders L Ark and that's the tone of what we're doing with Dean Kane All-American law man it is a throwback to all that stuff it's absolutely outrageous fun masculinity Fathers and Sons is a huge Dynamic we got a beautiful gorgeous woman who's kind of his Princess Leia his Kathleen Turner from Roman and EST Stone you know I mean that spunky woman that's there's sexual tension there but it's uh it's the good stuff that you can read to a kid and you don't have to worry when you flip the page that we're GNA say to kids hey are you confused about your sexuality well Dean Kane is here to tell you no it's not no no Dean said to me something I love very much like in our book evil is evil and good is good and there's a clear line there hell yeah it's just w i teamed up with an old buddy of mine he was an animator for years and I drew that cover um I'm the writer and the colorist and the letter but my buddy Aon just a master animator and illustrator at the highest levels for over 30 years the guy is a Workhorse he finished penciling the book it's 110 Pages uh he has three more inks to go I've got 14 colors left so we're going to make our deadline this thing's going to get to the printer and get out to you guys uh end of March as promised so thank everyone back it if you haven't backed it well I've been a professional artist for nearly a quarter century and I've never ever ever missed a deadline going back to ply things I did in college I don't miss deadlines it's it's unacceptable to me people give us this money in this economy I have to honor that and do great work and Dean has just been amazing to work with this character that he came up with and he wrote like a little character Bible and sent it to to me and I read it and it was just like yes this is exactly what I want to do so again I wrote that plot it's the same sort of structure and beat as uh Raiders of Lost Arc and again Romancing the Stone Those are the big ones that we really like kind of infused in this there's Veronica our beautiful fem fatal she's a singer in this Mexican nightclub you'll love it he's crossing the border dealing with the Chinese controlled Mexican cartel it is awesome it's ACTA and gorgeous yeah's got nice hips right I'll tell you what the art as you can see some of it on there it's gorgeous it is gorgeous gorgeous stuff I am super proud of Aon and and obviously Gabe tremendously so and it's just fun it's it's a lot of fun it's a wink and a nod but it's good versus evil and uh a lot of really clever not I'll be back but a lot of little onliners and things of that nature which are a lot of fun and it's just uh I'm just so proud of of the work that those guys have done and to be a part of this and uh I can't wait for people to get get out there and see this thing I think the idea of getting back to traditional storytelling and basics of good versus evil is what so many people are missing right now across all forms of entertainment it's why you see those types of stories you know pop off and do so well and overperform where people think they will uh because people have had enough of the morally gray stuff people want to get back to basics and that sounds like that's what you guys are doing here yeah no no question I I love that you chose to make your autobiography in visual form it really helps me see what you all of it is true it all happen the name that's exactly yeah that's what I expect if you uh if you saw some of those last couple Pages there we do have your Rambo gearing up scene where he's putting on the black you know makeup and putting the knife and putting the arrows because for the final got Ry I respect the representation though you just taught me out the theater there Dean sorry I'm buy 20 yeah clearly with the black p you're trying to peel the to everyone including Canadian Prime Ministers we get [Applause] it you're right we uh Dean did write me a note like can we work Justin Trudeau into this somehow I like I got you my dude Jimmy kimm's a big fan big so what you're saying so Justin trau somewhere in the comic book we can find him there is some gay representation that's oh there you go hey Ryan uh better gay than they better gay than never yeah what wait a second you know the phrase better late than never I don't know I know that but like I'm no I'm trying to decide like what you meant from that and I'm like chy you you are the living embodiment of better late than never oh wow thank you wow God final egg since thanks the last one it was more it was more period show but okay we can go with an age joke on top of that if you want yeah okay damn we love you Chrissy guess nothing's off uh off subject here have a nice day to be fair Dean just to explain Chrissy is pregnant although we do often just [ __ ] on her for being a woman she happens to be pregnant go hey look at hey I'm also wearing a Gator Land shirt which makes me look like white crash yeah well I mean you are so it's all good be proud of that whiskey tango Chrissy come on come on finally I feel represented but seriously guys the graphic novel looks freaking awesome and that's exactly the type of stuff we need serious action again good masculinity absolutely brilliant love it yeah it's a lot of you know again it's very simple it's good versus evil but it's got that wink and that nod to it you know like when Han Solo is there and he's about to get put in that bronzer thing or whatever it is and she says Princess Leia says I love you and he says I know yeah know it's that wink and a nod that fun stuff you can't even get stuff like that now that would be way too heteronormative and uh what what Hollywood has done is and and Comics is broken the wheel and it's just just putting it back together or rediscovering it like uh we we need we've had n ISM for so long now I you know I don't know if you're aware Dean but uh pretty much since Watchman uh the comics IND industry has slowly turned into Watchman watchman's a great story on its own but it was never supposed to be the main story and we've seen it just encroach its way into everything and now it's just it's in tatters it's completely destroyed the American comp book industry and uh I don't know if you've walked into a Barnes & Noble lately but if you do you you you get a visual representation of of what has has happened to the market share which is still there we just got back from MegaCon 180,000 people there all potential customers it was pretty much dominated by anime and manga if you go to that book section in Barnes & Noble you see about the one I have here in San Antonio it's like uh five shelves about waist high and then up to the ceiling 42 shelves of manga 42 it's it's it's crawling out it's dwarf the entire science fiction the entire science fiction gaming and American comic sections which used to be huge uh it it dwarfs it and uh you know it it's so the Market's still there you need to grab it somehow and uh well that's sound bad but uh you know they let you they let you do they let it's just lock room talk let let is the operative word they let you yes yeah I mean get some just locker room talk man what is the but what is the big reason that manga is doing so well it it deals with classic themes it's classic themes that's what it is classic gender roles men or men women a women uh classic good versus evil then for the most part yeah it's not rocket science uh it's relatable stuff people and and also manga has an incredible amount of choice uh you know you want manga about [ __ ] going fishing there's manga for you you want manga about eating fing manga for you whatever your sort of proclivity there's something there in in subject matter for you they cater for everything and and more off to the not it's actually really good fun and translates really well to any audience and I think obviously the check in the box where you need this diversity thing this diversity thing this diversity thing that seems to be very much a western entertainment thing as opposed to what they're doing over there that's a biggie and that's a big giant thing you know checking the boxes we weren't trying to check the boxes with this it just so happens that that Gabe is a is a Lebanese Mexican man um so so he's got everything covered I'm a Japanese I'm [ __ ] I'm also Asian CH so um my given name is Tanaka um so so yeah just so we weren't trying to check boxes but it just so happens that there are a whole diverse group of people in it just because that's the story but we weren't trying to fit any Square pegs in round holes or whatever it may be um use your imagination there but uh you know that's telling the story so you're normal that that's what it sounds like you you just made x-ray girl exceedingly jealous uh she kind of owns the whole I'm the only Asian here and then you know I'm part Asian po [ __ ] Superman [ __ ] you know oh I had while I was watching the pilot uh Mrs nerd rodic was next to me uh breaking down your entire life uh by the way she's she's riveted in the show and she's all did you know know his father you know that stuff I don't want to get too far into but she knows everything unfortunately and she probably will be watching you sleep now I just wanted to warn you yes yes I love light stalking okay nothing too personal I heard I heard a rumor that she's bought two breeze blocks and a hammer uh but I I don't know what on Earth they're going to be used for I have no idea uh so how long you've been working on the comic Gabe uh I started the pitch with Aon about last uh like last April it was almost a year ago as I was W uh in the middle of finishing the other book but we started it in Earnest I think Late July August something like that right d we had some preview art at Comic-Con you saw the art there Gary when you were at my booth doing the signing I had that huge eight foot poster or whatever we had that and we really got going and I gotta say to Akon he's a hero he's over in Europe he came here for the holidays to visit his son in Los Angeles I had seen him for years uh because of Co and he got behind a little bit because the holidays and his cintique those drawing screens we use for digital coloring and illustrating it got broken on the airplane so he's like working like a mad man he ordered a new one he got it delivered the other day and he's just been going crazy working on it so we'll make the deadline we're good but he has been a hero behind the scenes to get this thing done and he's just a joy to work with he's completely based he's completely a lot of art artists are artists you know they're fancy and you may kiss my ring and he's more like me and more like Dean about it Dean and I come from athletic backgrounds and football and stuff like that and I I approach this like a Craftsman you know what I mean like get it done do your work you know get up early work all day and and Aon is so easy to work with because he's like that and he's such a great Storyteller I don't write full script I don't say panel one this happens this is said this is said this I give him General description of the pages he gives them back to me Alters a little bit enhances and I'm blown away when I get what he does what he changed in the final scenes blew my mind my jaw hit the ground uh and that's his background in animation at the highest levels and all that he worked uh at the biggest Animation Studio you could think of back before they were woke he was a lead animator there and he's a genius this guy so uh the product is beautiful I stand behind it I put my name on it El Tai that's my name my father's last name I stand behind this completely you guys will love you haven't had this entertainment in Forever this is what they stole from you what you want Dean and I have it so I'm I just feel so blessed and humbled to work on this it's out there I mean you know people need to find it that there's still good stuff out there but it's a lot harder to find it's not coming from any of the corporations right now Marvel and DC are B bad shape there is somebody I can't say who as knows uh there is somebody behind the scenes trying to change things trying very hard to change things and uh I hope I hope that person succeeds uh because I think uh you know marvel I don't know how you do it honestly I don't know how you fix Marvel Joe Biden yeah shout out hey Hey Joe Biden would get uh uh well no I want know when you say it that was too bad of a joke I'm just roll are you doing the wrong salute when you hail him uh maybe oh nice nice press conference yester uh yesterday that was that was a winner now we know why it's taking so long to get peace in the Middle East we just can't convince Mexico to open their B his defense you know CC he thought it was yes yes so okay yes all right spish in there that was that was absolutely terrible um but you know it's weird to see uh um CNN and and MSNBC going after him now finally so it's it's like they've decided okay he's done um what are we gonna do before this election happens because I've never seen them pick apart all the things that he said which he lied about in the fres conference several things that are provable lies and obviously misrepresenting uh you know CCE um of Egypt uh and that border between Gaza and Egypt and why it's closed and blah blah blah blah blah but it's uh it's it's weird to see them on him as opposed to making you know excuses for why he can't be prosecuted for having um all those documents that he should have never had um and now he gets it because he's not mentally sound to stand by I'm sure they were told that they're allowed to be critical of him now like let me ask you Dean as a fellow Californian you're a Vegas guy now and I might be following you I love it here but geez and you tun in roic you were here forever too but um what do you think of them pulling Biden out and then running your best friend good old Gavin Nome Patrick as our future president dude really does look like though you guys saw American Psycho he looked like that and that's all I see yeah I see that I see that happening and that's what I feel like he's I feel like that evilness is he's gonna just peel off his face yeah oh God he's like did you see that interview where he's talking to a Target employee and they're talking about the whole thing with the governor uh making it really soft on crime and how the people were walking out of the target like right in front of them it is so hilarious and the dude is so [ __ ] clueless he he is and it's terrible policy he has driven California into the ground his policies are the reasons I left eight months ago I'm ecstatic here in Nevada it's awesome I'm out I look at all these things and I feel bad for California and Californians but I'm happy I I I mean it drove me out highest poverty rate in the nation highest homeless rate in the nation um horrible schools my son ended up going to a private school when we were there because I was not going to keep him in the public schools uh just everything is is just gone to pot took a 97 he's got a 97 billion dollar Surplus turned that into a65 billion doll deficit in one year you know health health for that is funny but they put him on the national stage I mean it's crazy that's such a who drew that it's beautiful that's amazing no don't don't start but that that might be AI then praise AI uh I I [ __ ] hate this guy I hate this guy so much uh he was my mayor in San Francisco forever uh and he I remember he promised to eradicate homelessness in 10 years that was 18 years ago uh he was giving say which 10 Gary and they that's a good point um whatever his Masters told him he's just an auton the only thing he was famous for was legalizing G gay marriage uh briefly when o Obama shot it down uh and then they had then they had to reverse it so he could grand stand that's all he's ever been good for is Grand standing but I thought he was famous for having an affair with his best friend and campaign manager's wife that too oh see you know you're Gavin Newsome Dean Kane that's good yes he had under his umbrella for a long time yeah you realize what's gonna happen you realize what's gonna happen Dean your training as Superman's going to have to be used in the future once he becomes our Lex Luthor like President he will have to stop gome it's gonna be up to you guy in the first uh All-American law man you know specific guy Ming maybe in the next one there's who there's somebody's running Ming right might right yeah just go up the ladder you can have one puppet after another George Soros yeah who's your favorite uh who's your favorite cosplay is it uh Gavin Newsome's uh baitman or is it uh Biden's Mr Burns I'm gonna have to go within bit it's just too good and it's too evil and it's too there the the the bumbling burns I I I can't yeah not not that is good stuff yeah there you go I love my hair there good hairline going the polka dot blouse really brings out my eyes this is a this is actually a the photo shot the photograph of Gary's first photo in prison he's on the wrong side how'd you find it how many uh how many boxes of maros did oh dude that was two cases buddy that was two cases of mar two Mar Reds that's like gold in there that's like gold in there come on you PA you paid a premium Dean you paid a lot for this game well I was young I was young he was young you know the money okay I was looking about what that is with inflation you know yeah I know right California I'll tell you what it's a lot easier living in Nevada no question oh yep let me think state income tax 14.4% or zero zero I like zero I got zero here in Texas too so Texas Florida listen guys I need you to buy these Comics I gotta pay that I gotta get the hell out please get me out please a gab Relief Fund we're gonna have to the company needs to be set up in Nevada my friend yes right yeah not Maryland not Maryland not Delaware yeah musk oh that was brutal that was a great Delaware in my kitchen oh sorry that's that's to to B Biden comes from Delaware so that's that says all you need to know yeah um I left California two years ago never look back don't miss it at all grew up there my entire life just like it's not you know I go back to visit my mom can't can't wait to get out of there Malibu which is gorgeous yeah they just ruined it with horrible policies Dean Dean uh kind of kind of to push this onto um sort of TV related uh with with everything like the infection of everything getting out California you know the the far left going [ __ ] crazy when a few years ago uh let's say eight about approximately eight years or so ago they brought Supergirl to the CW and you were actually brought on to pay play her human father yeah and Helen Slater was brought on to play her human mother so you know they're kind of doing the lovely little connection with uh with the various shows and then you were just unceremoniously [ __ ] whooshed and it was and it's BL and it was the same Kevin Soro came in later B you know is is this really a a direct response to uh how you are uh politically perceived because you know nobody no nobody in reality gives a [ __ ] where you vote once every four years that's that's nonsense to think that is insanity Rob Riner I hate his politics but I like his movies I think he's a great director uh Bob dairo Robert dairo great actor don't like his politics but I'd work with him in a heartbeat um Denzel Washington I love his politics and I love what he has to say and and and I have worked with him and he's my favorite actor by far what happened on Supergirl Greg berlan who created it I worked with him on a film way back in the day called um the BR Hearts Club and it's really sort of his story and it was great we became great friends uh but he's gay you would never know because he doesn't wear it on his sleeve and doesn't talk about it all the time um and it wasn't that huge part of the show um there was part of the show when I came on my one of my daughters was was was gay and whatever and was no big deal for my character at all because she was an adult whatever you want to do that's your that's your business what happened is they they changed showrunners because Andrew churg got uh me toed y not for anything sexual or anything they did he got so once he was out the whole show changed and I my opinion I think christberg is genius and wonderful and they made a huge mistake there and the show just went and tumbled and I wasn't really excited to come back and I knew they were gonna kill me off and they asked me to come on and do something and blah blah blah and I said are they gonna kill me and they wanted to use some stuff that I had shot before and I said are they going to kill me and they came back and like yeah I go then no not coming back there to get killed hell yeah yeah um yeah the things at the CW weren't the same after he was uh he was me too I remember that and it was over over such [ __ ] and uh we're starting to see that change a little bit uh too late for a lot of people uh Roy price who I talked about my video started Amazon Prime made a dick joke at a party and like lost everything I [ __ ] dick that is ridiculous yeah it's it's bad uh and and the story doesn't get out there enough ridiculous it's on the dick but no but it's ridiculous that kind of stuff really shouldn't happen pendulum has gone way too far and it's got to come back to some normal situation but unfortunately there are a lot of body parts you know left on the road behind and Andrew churg is one of those and I I've been talking to Andrew lately too we've been we've got a little project we might be coming out with together um because that guy knows more about Superman lore and DC lore than I'll ever know and he's genius with it and he's got some really great Concepts so we might be hitting another another thing out here soon enough sorry Gabe I mean I we're you know we're dating you this is not exclusive open relationship we're polyamorous creators here that always you don't he doesn't wear it on his sleeve he wipes it off first I'm like we have a thing I don't check Dean's phone he doesn't check mine you know what I mean okay okay okay see those things somebody reaches over to grab a drink and pick up the phone better gay than they okay we saw what happened to Jonathan Majors Jan I don't know for as many projects I'm all for as many projects with as many great collaborators as possible yeah get stuff out Gabe's doing wonderful wonderful work what's that brother you know about my other big one I sent you that I can't say yet that's say a word right uh I will have two please you don't know what it is as he says it's other big one for all you know it could be a I will have three please as many as you need for you anything a with [Laughter] guamo I like some uh I'd also like two Sprites as well Gabe is doing great work and I hope that it it's the kind of thing that can uh you know push out there and and change the culture more and more and more and I hope these these these projects not just ours but all the ones that gave us doing you know get out there and explode because it just makes sense and it just makes sense I'd like to get back to entertainment that I can appreciate and enjoy and show my son and my my God kids who are 13 I'd like to get them you know I can't wait for them to see uh Dean canol American law man when I show that to them they like this is the coolest thing I've ever seen I love this I want to do good things I want to do you know standup things and I want to you know that that sort of situation and that's what we want kids to to grab on to and not not the not the not the stuff that we were talking about earlier Joe Biden yeah definitely not that hair sniffer I I think um about how much uh real quick how much stories inspired me and when I had to give up on a dream I had worked for since was a little boy sending samples to DC Comics and all that before I was an adult I had to walk away from that I remembered Indiana Jones stepping onto the invisible Rock Bridge in um uh the Last Crusade I was like okay God I have to quit this job I live in California with a mortgage here what am I gonna do I don't want to make filth and I could imagine myself like Indiana Jones just stepping out in faith and saying I'm out of here I can't do this anymore and that's what the power of story like the scientific research that shows stories are the ultimate form of so I'm so glad to team up with a guy like Dean that has the exact same values as me that we're going to write first entertain you that's the first goal to entertain the hell out of you but also to inspire you so you understand that you can be more than you ever dreamed and you'll maybe you'll think about Dean K and All-American law man when you have some problem in your life as silly as that sounds I thought about Indiana Jones when I was 10 and I saw it I thought about it as a 43 year old man and it helped me you know what I mean so I want my stuff to have an impact like that and uh working with excellent people like Aon and Dean is just such a blessing so thank you all who are supporting it right now I see I see a lot of sales coming in and that's amazing it's very humbling thank you guys so much excellent well I tell you what I tell you what there's a lot of sales coming in because there is a lot of broadcasting Christmas fans in the audience dude I was I was watching that this Christmas I [ __ ] loved it I [ __ ] watched it too yes it was it was that and it was marry me my [ __ ] 10-year-old Nephew just was just watching those and it it was just those are the two and we just like the next day what you what you want to watch is just like put this on it's like okay we're watching this again then you know okay let go yes I love it it's so much fun I had a lot of fun making that movie too um just great fun all the way around and and smart wonderful people so it was great I love that you know um to just jump on what oh sorry just to jump on what Gabe and Dean were saying before about the importance of story because I have a really direct experience with this growing up and Dean you're you're involved with this story because as a young boy right Superman was my main hero like I was obsessed with Superman so much so I legitimately as a young child wanted to have superpowers and be a superhero when I grew up and this is a true story you can ask my parents so much so that I would go out and try and brainstorm how to get superpowers and I and my my my no I'm not kidding it's like gee it was too hard to find a Genie bottle and or a radioactive spider and my My ultimate kind of um answer was that hold Lord I could Santa Claus for them because he's got magic he brilliant genius right but this is the thing because I wanted to be a superhero as a kid that meant I had to act like a superhero and that meant obeying my parents and doing the right thing okay and so like my Superman growing up I watched all the Christopher Reeves of course but Lois and Clark came out when I was like eight n years old and so I I just watched that whole thing absorbed it all and it had such a tremendously positive impact on on myself becoming a better person because I had that example to try and mold myself after and I find it such a tragedy that that's missing in today because I have four boys of my own and they got nearly nothing in the modern day so I'm I'm showing them the old stuff because that's where it's at but we do need the new stuff being made that has those you know fundamental morals in them because it has an impact on people and I think the people who are wanting to push an ideology and not I think we know they've admitted this they know it has an effect on children that's why they trying to push it into the media that children consume because they want to mold them socially engineer things into some dystopian future that they want and of course it's being rejected as it should and then you know with the work you guys are doing pushing back on it as well but but something I'm interested to know from you Dean I because I assume and I think that's pretty safe to say I'm not the only one who has that kind of you know experience with this classic media and stuff like that what does it feel like for you being such a crucial role in being part of something that ends up being pretty darn special for people's childhood and upbringing and how it helps you know mold them as they grow up well first of all Shad I say what you said was is the nicest thing I could ever hear and it's the greatest thing because that's exactly what it was here is this person this this being that is the most powerful being on Earth and chooses because of the way he was raised by you know American Farmland you know apparance with American values and the idea of individualism and right and wrong and truth and Justice and very much the American way that was the the the key I mean the audition scene for Lois and Clark where I finally had the the final audition scene I had to do it with 10 different Lois Lanes is that Lois is inebriated comes to my apartment and wants to to to Fe the Ducks to shake your hand badly as Clark wants to he can't because he's that moral it's that thing and that's what I that's when I knew that I was gonna get the role in my brain I was like this when I saw that scene I was like I got it of course uh and that's great and you know having raised my son uh my son is 23 now and having raised him and watched different shows there are certain shows that I want him to watch in other shows I'm like why like his mom would have him watch gry's Anatomy or things and I was like why well it was soap poer to me and I didn't want I was like all right whatever he's seeing gory stuff and he's a little kid but I wanted him to watch things like my show he didn't watch my show but uh things like that and we watched things together Friday Night Lights we watched Friday Night Lights together and we l that we because he the time he was going through those things and we would sit and talk about the issues that came up why soand so was a bad influence why this person was good and we'd go through that we actually just go pause then we'd have a conversation so the nicest thing I can ever hear and I hear it at so many Comic Cons and so often when I'm meeting people is they say they grew up on the show and the show helped that there was they bonded with their grandmother or their uncle or their you know Dad or their sibling or whatever it kept them out of trouble it helped get them through high school all those things because of the the the morals and the the car the way the character was and so when somebody says that to me and I hear it all the time it's the greatest thing I could ever hear I'm so proud to be a part of it I think the show still holds up in a lot of ways because it's about values and it's just it's the nicest thing I could hear so I I love hearing that from you thank you for saying that and uh I'm just honored to be a part of it and and and and I'm so proud of what it was versus what some of the stuff we have now yeah it's it's it's I mean without trying to go [ __ ] um Fast and Furious uh the the family element of of S Lois and Clark was so so important the parents are so important Marin parken uh was so important to to his development and you know the respect he has for his parents the respect that uh he has for his upbringing and and what shaped his morality and and ultimately Superman is is the is the ultimate immigration success story it is it is a is it a person who has come from somewhere completely different who's who's arrived in America believes in the values of the country truth justice the American way uh and has allowed that to to shape him and be successful himself and not just be successful himself but also understand that he unbeknownst to everyone else has incredible power and how not to abuse that power how to actually use that power for for for good instead of you know the the dichotomy of of uh Lex of course who who uses his power and influence for um for nefarious reasons so it's it's such a a positive moral uh story without being preachy or or or moralistic you can just look at somebody every as a regular guy we can't ever be Superman but I always wanted to be Jimmy Olson you know I always wanted to be Superman's best mate you know I just wanted to be that that person all right all right Clark you know all right sup you know sort of thing um and it's great because you feel like the The Outsider looking in and just seeing and just using this as such an inspirational uh platform to say yeah you can you can be a better person you can change can I speak on that family Dynamic uh Dean you'll verify this in the script I wrote there's a very important thread with uh Dean K's character his son in this and a big part of this is Fathers and Sons and this is a huge thing anyone who knows Dean knows he's a dedicated father and I'm a father too it's the biggest part of myti I'm a grandfather I'm Mexican so I'm a young grandfather we get we get it done early course I got a granddaughter that's a year old's get it done grandfather we get on but uh hey you're in Vegas Raiders but um but to me I see Society being out of being out of order all this stuff and all this relationship problems all this stuff with men being so weak that's what's wrong with society's men being weak it's because they don't have fathers because fathers tell you you can do it when you don't think you can when you're growing up and they instill that in you know that Dean from your wonderful father your football coaches all that so a big part of that adoped me right and like Superman aded by a great All-American father and um a big theme the theme of this book it doesn't spoil anything for me to tell you is do the right thing even though you're terrified that is the theme of this story with his son with himself with others we repeat that theme over and over and over we get it across that you and that's the lesson that your dad your grandpa your uncles your football coaches are supposed to teach you that yeah you're terrified you're going to do it anyway because I know you can and I think young men are growing up never hearing that you know what I mean so they turn inward on thems and it's it's horrible to watch people people fail so I want to inspire people let them know they can be more than they ever thought that's so important to me and that's the importance of a dad and a father figure and that being around there's so there's there's so little you know back in from my past uh what I saw in California prisons is just other lack of hope uh and and and so much of that came from abuse it came from uh not having a dad uh growing up in this horrible area where there is no where where they're constant preached that that they're victims right uh and they're victims of the system and they're not taught individuality they're just like hey this everything's against you all the time well you know what uh the thing I learned you know from my dad is uh I internalize life isn't fair and you have to approach it like that uh but there's always hope there's always that inspiration and it's you know it's really important to have that Father Figure or a coach or something out there uh and if you don't uh you know it works sometimes not not knocking everything but uh if you want to if you want to know what a commonality is in prison is horrible upbringing probably didn't have a dad or an abusive dad right well I mean uh to kind of you you know you're adopted uh Gary uh I came from a single parent family as couple of years in the Foster system with with no family literally going from Foster family to Foster family and and it was very important for me you know you you sort of look where where did you get your role models from you know where'd you get that as a child because you don't understand that in itself you don't understand the importance of of a family and and a cohesive family so you look around and to me that's where I found you know uh superheroes uh that's that's where I found these these people who were going above and beyond and you'd look at those as your sort of inspiration and you'd look as those sort of your moral core uh your Supermans your Batmans and all that kind of stuff uh and and yeah they were they're vastly important for for you know a kid that didn't have a father growing up to to really take that um what take that masculinity you know from the these characters take that take charge uh take that you know you can control things you can forcefully enact and and uh and and put yourself in a position to uh uh you know to take some flag because it's the right thing to do and yeah so very important so stuff like that massive inspiration and you know I major Lois and Clark fan but I did just want to bang Terry Hatcher there was a line there's a long line tell you one thing though you know how you uh you look at somebody on camera or whatever you look at somebody like God they're so sex you this and you see him kissing somebody you're like oh my God they must be amazing because tell you a little secret here's a little secret you ready she Diana rigged you she Diana rigged you from a Majesty Secret Service he was an amazing kiss her and it was a pleasure to kiss her every single time that was lovely lovely yeah yeah oh go on oh sorry well I was just gonna say with everything what you know guys have been saying right just really hits home how lucky I feel growing up in the era I did because I had a good strong father figure but also you were kind of bombarded with these good influences because there was great shows in media you know yeah Lois and Clark big one and then of course all the other influences I loved He-Man and Spider-Man and stuff and it's basically like Society was structured to try and teach boys to be men and be positive and and it was really hard to then fail because you had to go out of your way to it because there was so many good influences contrast that to now where so many fathers are just checking out or not even there or just bad influences and then we have the classic heroes being just totally Destro destroyed and raked over the coals and and belittled and denigrated and then when then they try and propose these new Heroes which are just pathetic weak sacks right and like and no wonder young men are having a hard time in currently right now and they are struggling so much breaks my heart genuinely does but it goes downhill like as a man I've been a father you know for years I've been married almost 28 years if I [ __ ] everything up it doesn't just affect me it will ruin my wife's life it will ruin my son my daughter and now my grand I will ruin all their lives if I choose to be selfish if I choose not to control my emotions and not do like impulsive bad things I can ruin and and then you expand that to all Society so when men don't act correctly well then this is what you get so we need these good strong Role Models so it's an honor to make good art to inspire people you know my son's a video game designer and he's just just coming through working on different things and projects but he made one little just one little piece um and and at the very beginning it says you can choose to be a victim or the master my boy that's my boy right the beginning put it out there because he's not gonna be a victim and and I thank God that that I was able to to instill that in him the way my father instilled it into me and I feel bad for those kids out there now who don't have those places to look and those role models to look up to and and I think you all are doing a great service by saying the things you're saying and doing the things you are and Shining a light on this because it doesn't get talked about enough and it gets shunned actually it gets shunned to to say there should be a strong father in the home and a strong husband and you should be a good person and do these good things um you know one of the shows I used to love um it wasn't on the young kid thing it was scared straight because you get these kids who don't have a father figure at home and they're like all bad you know my badass yeah I I smacked my mom you know she had to call the police on me I'm not scared these guys aren't going to scare me and then they walk into this prison and there's a grown ass man there who will straighten you out immediately um Gary I don't have to tell you what it's been like there but I mean like bless it you know those are you know the things they're doing to try to straighten these guys up is phenomenal and and I and I love to see that happen that moment where a kid realizes they're not so badass there's a guy right there that could take five of you guys out without even blinking um so you you know think about who's giving you food and shelter and caring for you and um that's why I love that show in particular why were you so hard on those kids go Gary come on man that was over top long ago he's wearing his prison outfit today for you it kind of Gonna Keep the top button done and then just but it's my Superman shirt okay you're actually practicing you're practicing What You Preach though because all right we've talked about you being Superman and obviously that's a fictional character and you're actually Dean King human being in real life and you don't possess those Powers spoiler Al really that's my favorite tweet of yours with that person was like not real you're not Superman you are correct I pretend a reserved Deputy is isn't that correct you are a reserved Deputy no I'm I'm a fully sworn fully SW fully sworn in Deputy Sher so you're putting your money where your mouth is and you're actually you know putting yourself out there and and uh it's not just false bravado or or anything like that you you're genuinely doing it and it's [ __ ] amazing to see I mean I I you know obviously I watched you with all your shows and stuff but I've been following you on Twitter for a long long time and and the reason why I've been following on Twitter for a long long time is you the incredible amount of sense that you speak the common sense that you speak and and the the sort of the again again that moral tone with you is always sort of there and it is very still today very inspirational to see because we do live um in an industry and we do live in a world full of people in power most of them just being cowards self-serving what can you do for me uh I'm in this position of power I say I'm going to do this to do that and then they leave it and they go straight to a corporation uh top job they've got millions of dollars in the bank they haven't served anyone but themselves uh and to see you go out there and say right yeah I'm going to be a deputy I'm going to put my my self my body my my life uh on the line that is massive respect man thank you I appreciate that you know I joined when when all that defund the police stuff started happening when I was a kid you were told don't talk to strangers unless it's a police officer because they're good and they're here to help you and you know I had had some negative contact with police officers before I've seen some people overly officious I'm like what a jerk makes me want to hate all police officers this that the other thing um but then I also know so many people that are military and so many other police officers I got to meet and know and I was like you know these are great people who really have a strong moral code and sometimes they get ticked off you know when someone's been running at 97 miles an hour through kids you know neighborhoods and stuff like that so they yeah they give you a little business and there's times you know what you need a little business um to straighten some people out and there's some things like that but I mean they're such great people so when I I I was always saying you know the the police are you know by and large fantastic people law enforcement are by and large fantastic people especially your everyday working people and nobody was standing up and then somebody I I don't know who it was somebody said something about like you know oh yeah sure you you you you care so much about the police why don't you join them so did idea I've been sworn for I like the product so much I bought the company you know so yeah I've been sworn for for five seven years now I think and just got reworn in again and uh love I love the people that I work with and they're fantastic I love their mission they're all great people now if there's a bad cop in a group everybody knows it there's got to be a way to sort of weed them out and they do my my Sheriff you you won't be there you will not be there for long and and neither with my chief of police and I am a reserve police officer in Pocatello Idaho Sheriff's and police are a little bit different okay um so I'm both and uh they're fortunately we have great leaders there and they're great with Community they do all these things to make the community love them know them talk to people it's like when you used to have beat cops that would walk your beat you knew everything that was going on and they have that that was a great concept and that's what the both these uh both these departments that I work with are like that so I'm super proud to do it thank you for for saying that and noticing that um the the like I said the the men and women that are you know I do it part-time they're there every single day a couple of our guys got shot and big fight and um they took down the person but they one of us got one of the guys was with me on the Range every day um Darius great shot which he proved to be a great shot in the heat of battle but got shot in the face he wasn't that handsome anyway he's gonna get me for that one that's gonna cost look a lot different but those just Heroes real heroes and these are the thing that people you know talk about heroes right a hero is a regular person in an extraordinary circumstance and police officers are every day they pull up and they don't know it's a domestic disturbance which everybody hates because everybody's angry and you never know what you're walking into pulling over a car on the side of the road you walk up there you don't know what you're getting into they shoot you in the face I mean that kind of stuff happens constantly or just sitting in your car these days as a police officer like happened in New York and they got executed you know that kind of stuff is just crazy they're allowing you know illegal immigrants to come in and beat up you know a couple of police officers in New York City they walk free yeah should never be the case it should yeah the double the double sticks like that uh I had some feelings about that I'll put it mildly um my fellow officers had some feelings about that and then the way the justice department just let them go that stuff is insane and that stuff needs to get fixed because there needs to be a sense of justice and there wasn't in that case and a lot of the time there isn't so that's stuff that kind of kind of burns my tail a little bit well when you can get away with doing that kind of behavior to a cop I mean it basically means they can do it to everybody at that point exactly well it it we we saw that when I was in San Francisco when defund the police like just started being talked about you saw the respect for the rule of law which wasn't great there to begin with just evaporate and people started getting attacked on the streets almost within a week of people saying that it was it was nuts uh you heard that the S there's Sirens all the time in San Francisco it was all day all night usually it take a break for a couple hours it was just all day all night and and then the cops started quitting they just quit and that's what's gonna happen is they're gonna quit and the cities are going to get worse and oh that already happened that's already happened yeah so and then you get then you get shitty cops uh in the cities because like no not the good ones don't want to work there why would you if you're not gonna get backed up so get RoboCop then don't you you get Del City Rob I heard the robots are quitting too so you know you the robots are going to go Ai and start wasting people yeah shot's F yeah oh don't get sh not gonna waste Shad though EXA that's he's their friend he's playing the long game we need something to kill those freaking emu okay done hey Shad when the AI messages you and says hey don't go to school tomorrow Shad you got to tell us okay I will be think of your friends please uh we've got some uh questions and comments for for the guests uh real quick if you guys don't mind uh my good friend 32 Flavors of Nick Weiser that guy can drink I can tell you that right now aw dud awesome dude knows his metal loves his Comics says he L f&t Gabe and Superman Gabe what is your favorite Chuck Norris action flick looking forward to allamerican law man it's gonna be huge uh thank you so much everybody go get bigman commerce.com get Dan Kan allamerican law man right now we're almost done shipping in March uh I just watched two nights ago Invasion USA from the Canon group that movie doesn't have a plot but it is nonstop adrenaline love you don't need a plot you got double ues right all you need it's that if you if you go to tuby you can watch Lois and Clark on tuby but you can watch Invasion USA for free you got to watch some commercials but I just watch Invasion USA so I'll say that's my favorite Chuck nor it's just pure Insanity that movie it's just over it's a lot of fun here's one thing he's like dealing with a drug dealer the bad guy selling him drugs and when they're gonna pay and do the transaction he smashes the drug dealer's girlfriend's head on a metal cocaine straw while she's snorting takes the guy's gun shoots his dick off throws her out the window and then shoots two other guys later in the movie this bad guy shoots another guy's dick off I don't know who wrote this but he does like dick Dr yeah I remember that scene where she had like the metal straw her nose and she's all freaking out that was such a good scene oh she didn't die with the metal straw of her nose it didn't go to her brain no he threw out the window after threw out the window no she's not a she's not a turtle Saturday Night Out in Yorkshire to be honest with you it's an insane movie insane yeah it is uh bolski for $2 says God bless Dean Kane fnt and G&G hail hail to you bolski thank you the service dog for $5 says Dean what was your uh what has been your favorite project you've ever worked on no matter how obscure well the top two I would say would be Lois and Clark for sure because you spent four years doing it and it's just you're there that human psychological thing about if you suffer for something you really appreciate and you know we were that was a that was insane um so certainly that but then I love the working opposite Denzel Washington which I alluded to earlier in out of time I was just so great to work with the very best and he was so good he made me a much better actor just by the stuff he was doing and he knew what he was doing I he was doing that on purpose surprising me in scenes doing things just the just amazing so it's great to work at that level um and it's also great to work at the level where you're every single day all day long doing Superman so those are two of my very favorites yeah and as uh I well you're probably aware but uh I I was watching uh Lois and Clark on on Max and it looked it looked looked really good like the they did some restoration or something except for the effect scenes but um they skipped those but uh and that was probably a good idea but like they did a really good job it looks great I you know it's not out on Blu-ray at all which kind of sucks but I like my physical media but somebody's working on it so and they did a decent job love it uh oh what happened x-ray girl I was just going to what are you doing to me woman is going on you know we we can't see we we can't hear her but she has a comment people okay so yeah whatever x-ray girl that's why she's doing uh hi Dean along with Superman the animated series Los and car was also my uh my Superman show Growing Up in the 90s such a great era of TV from Nicholas Horton hail Nicholas Horton for five British pounds proper money uh catus how am I supposed to say this catastroph it's New Zealand catastrophe catastrophe with the zero castrop a weird way I'm illiterate they like to mess with me it's catastrophe xray girl say catastrophe oh my God I want to show you my huge child that I created good job well done well done thank you what it like having Superman as your dad dude he never gets asked that I'm sure as that's what you want a that's a good answer right there kiddo he's going to the gym right now too go to get to the gym get to the gym later going to he's a Jiu-Jitsu guy he fights jiujitsu catastrophe which was my education in my life uh for 10 New Zealand Dollars hey oldan you played Superman very much as it is in the comics how do you feel about the darker less romantic version depicted in the modern movies grew up watching you thank you for your work love that uh I think Henry Cavell did a great job but that Zack Snyder world is Batman's world it's dark I hear James gun is bringing back the light and the hope and the sense of humor and I hope that's the case because I grew up on Christopher reev he was my Superman and that's when I played Superman you know for us and Lois and Clark Clark was the character and Superman was the disguise so when I played the Superman character I just kind of was doing the same thing I did as a kid when I'd watch Christopher reev do it I'd pretend I was Superman that was kind of the same thing um because he was my inspiration for all of it and um I I love the idea that maybe it'll get back to that wink and a nod I love the Guardians of the Galaxy especially the first one that sense of humor that that that's that's what I think we're missing uh and I and I can't wait for this new Incarnation and I hope it's everything I'm Dreaming it is we hope so too we hope so too yeah he's he's definitely got a lot of work to do to make up for the bad vibes right now the DC has at the box office so it's it's a tall bad vibes very bad uh the uh from Darth Enron for 999 that episode of a different world that Dean Kane starred in was 10 times better than any of the woke crap they do now look it up Gary it's good stuff G fnt remember the great thing about that is uh I played an Italian racist kid in college and uh oh never change never change please those like you know I don't I don't categorize but like most of my friends are black um you know my other Bud's Iranian we're everywhere we don't if you heard us talk to each other we're insulting each other not just one quarter black [Laughter] either yes a racist they went to tout on me my boys just called me up going bananas and now whenever I say you know people want call me a racist you call me a lot of things racist ain't it um but but they were like you know when you played that character on a different world you weren't even acting and are oh what a burn I was but Ryan I think there's a great opportunity for Ryan in Hollywood they what a racist we know a guy we know a guy we call him the Black Panther yeah if you listen if you're afraid and those slurs will just you know sneak out there listen I'll fill the rooll all right I'll do it I'll sacrifice myself I'm ready to go you can be the racist version of Dei Ryan is the white face of black panther that's what he is sp incorrectly yeah yeah d e mate it'll kill an AC acronym racist something or people got very upset at me because I dressed up as black panther for a Halloween okay I thought it was being respectful and these guys got so triggered I couldn't believe it them I also but you know here I have he did that rainbow AK47 boy look at that inclusive very inclusive yeah I particularly like the AK-47 myself but just me yeah yeah I'm not allowed to like those but my wife uh you're allowed to like them just not owned them uh Opera operation outstanding in the field for $199 1999999 Dean uh I don't expect you to recall me but do you recall visiting taji Iraq in 2005 I got a special permission to come uh off Army Mission and meet you at our box as uh meet you at your I was thinking the same thing uh meet you at our boxing ring uh I had a Superman Shield sticker I bought uh I brought on uh deployment that you signed grew up watching lnc with my U Lois and Clark with my dad do you recall meeting somebody in Iraq Cy of course I remember that was the longest 17 days of my life in May of 2015 I went out to visit our troops in the middle of a very very bad time uh of the war we had just taken Fallujah a few months before um that when I finally got to Fallujah I was that was the first time I was actually in a I stayed in a building you know it was not a big you know stay in the Four Seasons in the middle of a war it was nasty it was awful Camp tazi was actually quite nice and it was near the end of my trip um they did have a boxing thing they were they were doing some boxing for uh for their U um entertainment and stuff so you had you know all kinds of stuff going on I met a whole bunch of are men and women in uniform I don't recall that particular person I was taking pictures of everybody and and trying to document we didn't have cell phones back then so I was trying to document everything I could there it was uh I did notice in Camp tagi I could have a near beer which was nice um because you can't drink in in in uh in in theater and in country and uh just you know what I was shocked at with our our our well first of all I was shocked because we were getting mortared and rocketed I was at Ford Opera bases two or three a day uh and I was shocked at the age number one of of our men and women who are over they're kids they're mostly kids they're 18 19 20 years old and they're in awfully difficult positions and they're just fantastic lovely wonderful human beings you know I met so many wonderful people including the person who just said that right there the thing is I see them all now at Comic Cons now they'll bring a picture of us and I look exactly the same have a change goes you know because I forget you know that was that was almost 20 years ago and and these people were like kids now they're grown adults and and they talk about you know what it was like having someone come over there they also have a great sense of humor because we were getting mted one day and we were in a ran to the bomb shelter thing and one of the guys goes all right I'm sick of this [ __ ] Superman let's go and he starts dragging me out little small tra pee peee and I just saw some crazy stuff a lot of injured a lot of our wonderful men and women so God bless uh what was the name of the person who sent that operation outstanding in the field operation outstanding in the field bless you um and uh thank you for your service and I'm glad so glad you're back safely yeah thanks for coming back uh I am dambo on the stream La side for $50 says first met Dean at South Texas Comicon talked about his appearance on crowder now he shows up on on fnt Mr Kane's name may need to change to herpes why uh cuz cuz he's everywhere getting around it's like luggage you can't get rid of that [ __ ] uh welcome to the fellowship soups hail all and hail to you uh Mr Butt Crack media for 50 Canadian pesos hey Gary and ft crew 50 Canadian pesos yes uh to the amazing chat and big hello to Mr Dean Kane a question for Mr Kane what was your favorite moment moment with Terry Hatcher and lo Lois and Clark is it on screen or off screen I'm gonna ask that I'm add that there some clarification necessary I think the favorite moment in the show was when uh when Clark asks her to marry him and she who's asking Clark or super but I really enjoyed the kissing scenes did I say that earlier I mean it's okay to hear it again I mean it's fine I mean like it's a good brag it's a good brag man you know that's the ultimate did you know that I kiss Terry Hatcher on a very regular basis PID some good money yeah did you know I was in fuger in 2005 and I still look the same today that I it's because I kissed Terry Hatcher that's why it's because I spent the night's kissing Terry Hatcher and I got paid for it as well got good money keeps you young uh Matthew Reeves arrives for $50 hello hail Gary it was uh wonderful to meet you and ex ex girl and Megacon rip had a wonderful turn out and people will notice that if they haven't already nice to see Superman on f&t Dean please don't let as fool you he is chat's favorite New Zealander hail Friday night TI New Zealander oo it's a it's a yeah it's a horrible horrible mean like dis me every time I can think of a worse one you guys literally called me racist which is a meme like but the horrible horrible one is that you're from [ __ ] New Zealand yes yes you know how insulting it is toand like as an Australian I can detest thank you thank you I feel you brother I feel you New Zealand didn't lose a war to a bird okay war is still going on Gary we haven't lost it yeah we haven't won it it's like the last thing from the last Resident Evil film that's what it is man I feel your ass as a San diegan I have to make sure it's clear people know I'm not from Los Angeles or San Francisco hear San Diego okay military you're still in California though that's you're still in California San Diego might be the better part of the Communist prison but it's still the Communist prison Gary I not going to dock myself but I live La Hoya adjacent you know that yeah my my grandma my mom was born and raised there my grandma was born and raised there I lived in ananus yeah I missed the carneia of burritos that's about it right oh we have the best Mexican food in the world in San Diego yes my anus cannot wait to be sat on the toilet it it will I'm gonna take you I'm gonna take you to one is in lucadia which we used to call qu ludia and uh for the longest time they were a b-rated restaurant still ate there didn't care just knocked over the Cockroaches that were on my table does matter cuz the burritos were so good so good uh over here we have things called uh flavors you're going to your brain's going to explode heard of it oh yeah we uh as Brits we spend hundreds of years taking all of the spices from all of the worlds and not using one of them so pompous of you guys just look at all the spices we have yeah yeah it's just these spes where's that something changed in the history of Britain because in the medieval period the knights and everything they would load up their food with spices but as soon as the peasants get in they're like well it's too good for us now we'll just reject us do you have a just a little bit of salt and pepper who who doesn't you have snot can I eat snot please all right let's tuck into a plate of mushy peas and eel right right number one mushy peas a [ __ ] that's a that's a war crime right mushy PE that's a [ __ ] War crime jelly deals that's that's [ __ ] Cockney London [ __ ] that is what principality in our L principality as a as a northerner northern New Zeal you give me a plate you give me a plate of beans on toast [ __ ] yeah it actually wasn't as bad as I thought it would be so it's actually onto is good pretty you know what even better as uh not veite onum uh pori for $10 the second book could be Dean going to Australia to help Shad with the Emu War maybe yes that's what we need Dean let's do it an international travel guy he'll go anywhere yeah that's right and we do in all Ser we do want to have as many of these books as possible so uh your support is making that happen thank you guys yeah I already have other plots I've talked to Dean a little bit about it some really interesting stuff fun things we have plan we want to make it keep going like a James Bond kind of franchise it's so much fun hey uh Joseph fio is helping you out Gabe uh for $4.99 it's been 30 seconds time for another plug on Dean Kane American law man available on big man comics by game master of the plug thank you Joseph Joseph is a a great fan he shows up on a lot of my streams I love this guy very interesting guy and uh good taste in movies too good taste of movies like love you Joseph thank you I'm sorry give me me a moment it takes me a little bit I'm not a young man okay there it is there it is wow hey that that joke landed [ __ ] brilliantly Gary talk about timing what excuse me I've got a I got a timing joke here just wait a minute I'm just where is it now where's the button gone it's where wait hold on here it it timing K warlord on the Stream side for $40 [ __ ] you ass just make your truns chit do and get over and done with [ __ ] sake ah dude and just the many strokes they just they're happening more more often I can't feel the side of my face yeah I was G to say is that what happens when an Asian man goes to an as Asian massage parlor a mini stroke i g to have to argue with that you're already you're asan Dean does it apply asan Dean you know not that part you can pick your parts I guess yeah uh we talked about this on real BBC but I was driving through Houston and there was a uh an ambulance coming in and said uh it said emergency stroke response Yeah Boy and the only thing I was thinking is like either way our tax money is going to a good cause did you happen to get the phone number for that one you know I missed it you never know you might need one uh hail the legendary Dean Kane defending as's pronoun rant on Twitter caused my novel to get a review bombed on my Publishers website it's all as his fault review bombed wow uh yes the things that don't matter continue not to matter Hail to the fellowship to 19 199 and and Slayer we love G G corano we love Gina hail Gina [Music] corano hope she gets paid with this lawsuit oh yeah paid paid paid at the bare minimum the best thing like that I think will we will be able to see is if it does go forward with Discovery and to see all the email like they're gonna try to settle before that because they don't want that but they don't want to see all of the communication between all these people at lucasfilm you know the 50 transgender employees that were trying to put her through a struggle session like that's the stuff I want to see so badly that they'll probably never let see the light of day they will pay millions not to let that get out oh hell yeah oh I'm thinking about joining the lawsuit Dean purely because I watched the Marvels uh yes oh we can do that we can do that you know they actually to do that but there wasn't enough people that saw the Marvels to form a class action but I did yeah as just dealing with discrimination not war crime so different thing yeah it was like I don't want to go into it it's like [ __ ] casualties of war with Michael J fox that's what it that that voodo that Voodoo guy for $20 says no offense to Dean all I remember from Lois and Clark is Terry Hatcher all jokes aside great to see you on fnt uh hell I can't argue with that that tells me it's a healthy young man just as FYI do you have any contact with like Justin whan and and Terry Hatcher at all still absolutely yeah okay I talk to them quite often well Terry more often than than not we've did a couple Comic Cons together and um you know she we went one in we did one in Australia um so we went to five different places in Australia it was great um then then uh we did one in New York and we did one in Pittsburgh I think so we have some time we talked about doing a fifth season even um it's funny because I was like that'd be great we'd find out what's going on with them you know their kids would have superpowers and this is what I was my in my concept and she was like I was thinking you know like Superman gave up his powers for this I'm like no no no no no no no pretty pretty don't talk yeah yeah yeah just look good just look good just tell her they already did that in the CW crisis Justin's now a teacher isn't he hasn't he given up acting he's now teaching is he right I don't know that I don't know that I'm surpr I'd be surprised because he's a very good actor and and he can still act and teach if that's what he wants to do I don't haven't I've sort of lost touch with him over the years but occasionally something will come up and uh love Justin and and we I was in uh I did a movie with him in Bulgaria and like just shortly after we finished uh Lois and Clark that was interesting um but uh just Bulgaria in 97 was a little a little bit different than it is now Eastern Europe in 97 that's a fun [ __ ] place yeah it was a wild wild west you didn't want nip over to Serbia over at that time really yeah there was a bit of a war going on at that little bit of a little bit of a spat going on over there we l could hear from where we were because we were just over the mountain range and we were doing a war movie and they were like listen they were like listen you know we're out there we're spread out in formation we're doing all these things and they're like if for some reason someone decides to think we're somebody else and starts to bomb us just get down and and don't move I'm like what we're shooting a movie what are we doing no let's not do anything that makes them think we're bad guys that how about we just you know put up a red flare and let's not have his name actor actor actor pleas uh Devin H uh har Harward sorry another stroke for 1999 hey lf& hey Dean was watching you uh was watching a John mullany special the other day and he mentioned your role on Law and Order SVU how was that experience on that show oh was awesome I've had a chance to go on a lot of different shows Criminal Minds Law and Order SVU shows that have been on the air for you know decades and they have it down to a science um really fun to go on different sets and see what the what it feels like there marish karate was great um I will say that on Law and Order sbu my character um was terrible of course an awful guy a doctor um but but I and I was a rapist I would go on these dates and and um Gavin yeah basically I was playing gav and then uh and then um U he'd end up raping the girls whatever but at the end he ended up getting his girlfriend she married him so she couldn't testify against him he got away and she killed herself so I got away with it which was the slimiest thing and as I'm getting out um and they're pulling me away and I turned back to marish and just gave her that smile that says I got away with everything and after the take she's like I want to kick the [ __ ] out of you so bad so it was a lot of fun show is great those guys are wonderful I never thought I'd be arrested in in by iced tea though I never thought that would happen and he says I got news for you yeah put your hands where I can see them I am not Superman IC T playing a cop is the funniest thing ever he's done a lot I know I know City I know it's been forever but when I first saw it I was like oh my God uh vid man body count for five oh I know I've seen body C just pretend it's I just pretend it's the same character from Friday that's it and it just makes it so much more interesting right vid man 5,000 for $5 uh Dean thank you for visiting the troops I was over there as well many of us were just young kids back then great stream hail fnt hail to you truth man so many kids people don't realize that you know when they're talking about like I'm a big Second Amendment guy you know I I'm a police officer but I'm also a big Second Amendment guy and I believe in that they're talking about raising the you know age to 21 to be able to buy you know rifles or things but we're putting these 18y olds out there training them completely trusting them with million dooll equipment in everybody's lives and but they're not able to have it here in the United States that just doesn't make sense to me uh it's craziness because those soldiers are so young and uh bless them for what they go through over there what they did go through over there and hopefully won't be going through in the near future um because things look a little bit Bleak yeah J well I mean handling a gun at 21 having your gun ripped off at 10 uh yeah you know where are the priorities with that where the where's the uh that is [ __ ] that's some disgraceful and there's some there is a huge huge Reckoning in terms of lawsuit in terms of accountability in terms of everything without industry is a whole coming big time coming yeah Gabe was talking about people getting their dicks blown off in that uh and that Chuck Norris thing man that's that's back when movies the entertainment indust like hey this a bad thing to get your dick chopped off clear you're five picked up a Barbie okay let's get you into [ __ ] theater immediately and they probably had an experienced armor on those sets too like a real experienced one so they didn't really blow off anybody's dicks Alex no he's not he's not insinuating Alex he's not J ja for $ five Mr Kane I love how everybody's so nice here stop it chat we know you okay just don't the Mr Kane stff we met some of you yeah we know sing we're doing the sing yeah Mr Kane still certified uh are you still certified on the weapons you fired on the TV special Stars earned their stripes all those years ago yes I am not all of them because you kind of can't get certified on a Barrett 50 caliber sniper rifle it's not something we shoot often in law enforcement but certainly uh rifles I mean M4 shot guns AKs ARS all these things you know you know how to function them shoot them and I am certified on certified on everything Clean and Clear Nathan Taylor for 999 hi Dean what was it like to work with Drew Barrymore and the best man that was great that was so much fun the show was great Luke Wilson sha Patrick Flannery I love sha Patrick flry what a great guy nefar you guys saw like born a champion or even that La the one he just recently came out with nefarious he is and he's such a stud Boondock Saints Boondock Saints great guy great guy great Family Guy and you see he's taught all his kids you know jiujitsu and they're just badass kids they're crushing everything and he's and he his hashtag is whenever he's talking about his kids hashtag they came from my [Laughter] balls technically correct I mean teally nothing wrong with that I don't you know it's factual it's biological he's a straight shooter straight shooter calls it like it is that's where they're from takes responsibility uh hey I saw a lot of Hollywood actors do that a couple years ago I take I take responsibility you [ __ ] poser [ __ ] off uh Fabian Finlay for $21.95 British pounds proper money hi Mr Kane this Mr Kane stuff you guys Mr Kane is my father it's my father are you my father uh you are my second daddy oh and he spells it wrong too he spells it favorite with that unnecessary U no it's wrong it's wrong it's wrong America I'm in America great again make you great again whatever uh you're my second favorite Superman I have just bought yours and gab's book what is your take on pineapple on Pizza burning question it's gonna I generally avoid pineapple on Pizza un unless I'm you a Chosen One I'm crushed I'm starving and there it is [ __ ] I'll eat it but I'll do it with a with a scowl on my face that's right painfully I know that Henry you were always my favorite always my favorite it's unnatural the blasphemy I'm telling my wife to order pineapple pizza right now to to get over always soet about this add up to the team guys that's right whatever man team loser I think it's one of now now Fabian is cool Fabian says it's one of the foods of the Gods you're always welcome here Fabian okay you're always Hail to the fellowship you can't you can't say anything hey hey having Superman on our side counts for five okay that's right for those keeping track that's right Gina please tell me you like pineapple on pizza oh she probably doesn't I need some help here okay you can always super Superman Superman [ __ ] loves pineapple and pizza he told me a little one behind you right there yeah yeah love it love it he says can't get enough of it can't get enough of it he says I think it's fine I wouldn't order it but I'll eat it I'm just pizza is my favorite food in the world and Dean lives by the best pizza in the world Pizza Rock has like two three locations in Vegas and if you when you go to Las Vegas you have to go to Pizza we'll be there will check it out in April and I will put pineapple on the pizza there and I'll see how good they they do it supposed to go tonight Pizza Rock piz Rock you're going there's one in Henderson there's one there ran right near my house right there you go so absolutely you know you're gonna uh Gary you guys are doing the I met you last year at the April event or whatever in Vegas and uh I think the chat should say if they want Dean to come to the one this April in Vegas since he lives there me putting you on the spot like an put him on a spot like a real [ __ ] yeah bring him over to the Salty nerd studio for some time yeah you're always welcome we're not going to put you on the spot but of course you're welcome and we can uh we can forward you the dates well I can tell you the dates right now it's uh it's Wednesday uh April 10th at 7 pm at the Millennium fandom bar in Las Vegas uh RSVP is going uh up tomorrow I think we're doing it today for members tomorrow uh for non-members and uh we we'll talk about it later we got Dean here right now looks pretty good though it was fun hey there we go free pineapple pizza no else wants to know I'm just a little bit [ __ ] heartbroken over here right now no I never knew I could hurt like this I really and yet here we are here we are heart and shatters uh Alex bfor for never meet your Heroes never meet your Heroes because they won't like pineapple on pizza because they're smart Alex for $9.99 hi Dean I used to watch Lois and Clark on my portable TV coming back from my grandparents the show would air when we were leaving that's how much I love the show and your work love that that's the things I'm telling you that's what I love to hear like you know you coming back from the grandparents so obviously on every Sunday they go visit their grandparents and they go through and it's a bit of a ritual I had shows that I watched with my son if people watched mine and that did anything to them or made them think of their childhood um in a very positive way obviously um then I'm ecstatic and just honored to be a part of it it's weird though because I'll get like this young hot 23y old girl go oh my God my grandmother loves you and I goose right there maybe Grandma's hot too maybe the Grandma's hey maybe she got a new hi got a new hat Grandma you know ter Hat's a grandma new new no is she I'm not Kidd no no no I don't think had a child she [ __ ] likes pineapple and pizza [Laughter] though uh cool to see you as Jack the Ripper on Smallville Great Character says Daniel John for 19 yeah that was cool was fun and you know the girl that I was trying to take her body parts was play Chloe oh Alison Hanigan yeah Al Al Hanan alone Jesus she was not a I'm so sorry she got in a little trouble a little bit little bit of trouble I wonder if I was any sort of inspiration no you acted so well character were you branding people on a vagina Dean I mean it kind of was unsaid but I think how crazy must that be she's out of prison now she came out of prison few months ago um but that is just Insanity that whole nixim stuff it'd be really tough to build the business back up again after you know so many years off going to build up you lost a lot of market share to other Cults you know so well he's in prison for I think 126 years but there's no female privilege out there at all like he she gets out six months and he's gone for the rest of his life two life 18 months of a threeyear sentence and he's got 126 years uh cyborg Valkyrie for $10 hi Dean I just wanted to say that I grew up watching loen Clark and you and Chris reev are the only vers of Superman I acknowledge you both embody hope and strength much love and MAA love that I love all about that right there perfect um that's a wonderful thing Christopher ree is my favorite Superman of all time and uh we need a new president so I'm gonna agree with there we go come on man read on both counts uh last question for Dean uh John posie for $20 longtime Watcher firsttime chatter oh we got a there you go yeah uh hey held to the fellowship looking forward to meeting Dean at Huntsville Pop Culture Expo in April there you go I will be there in April but not the April that you guys are going to be here so that's good oh that's cool be there that'll be a lot of fun Huntsville Alabama where my roommate Amit L from college grew up that's just a madeup name you make sure he says Amit he got that t in there called ahed all the time and that pissed him off there's nothing racist I love him already you don't want anything worse than a little tiny angry Indian man no but he taught me some phrases he taught me how to [Music] say which means you're a very bad girl oh chy I knew I knew I'd heard that somewhere yeah ordering schwarma did did he teach it to you or were you hearing all the time and good question good question I'm not sure did you ask why he was calling you a naughty girl he would call me that well hey better gay than they Dean better g day Dean's time was limited we thank you for the time that you have given us Dean it was great meeting you finally uh thank you for coming on hope you sell lots of books freaking loved your show we love uh that you go out there and break the narrative and you just don't sound like an NP normal NPC from Hollywood and uh that you uh you did age pretty well dude so screw you screw you are like you're like the same age right mad he went to uh Princeton played in the NFL dated Brook Shields was on TV uh jealous about I'm not jealous whatever I went to prison I have more action figures than Dean Kane okay yeah I'm honored to be on here with you all I appreciate it tremendously bless you all lady and gentlemen and uh again I appreciate it all and a lot of fun and I hope you invite me back on another time thank you so much appreciate you that was a that was a heck of a story next time take care bro man awesome all right DK nice oh we need we must have at least one Asian person on at all times yeah at all fot have that check box yeah thank God I'll tell you guys I will tell you off the air same guy he's one of the most genuine people I've ever met we actually we're doing business together for sure but we've actually become friends friends we talk and call all that I text him all the time text me back to [ __ ] brag gab come on now what I'm trying to say what I'm trying to say is he is the same person it's not a like that's refreshing you know because working entertainment you meet people and then off the air it's like whoa that I didn't know that was coming but totally a genuine dude dedicated father very Char a lot of great things he does and he doesn't publicize them like a lot of Charity stuff and all that so awesome dude solid guy hey's doesn't like pineapple and pizza [ __ ] him he's a hero you're jealous you're jealous Superman we all need right now I still love him I still I still so uh we got a [ __ ] on Disney now uh oh yeah uh yeah so they had an earnings call these earnings calls bless Valiant Renegade for breaking that he a he's a financial analyst and he had other analysts on and some lawyers and some smart guys I'm [ __ ] dummy that [ __ ] was boring as [ __ ] uh especially and it's all scripted except when Bob [ __ ] up and I think one of his biggest fuckups uh was for one he had the CFO read all the bad news like everybody noticed that right like he's all yes hey we got all these great things buying epic games take it away CFO and he's oh yeah we lost 1.3 million um and then they were there you know so I had x-ray uh no I had lady graem uh check cuz like I didn't want to listen to it again I'm like wow I heard the Star Wars projects they mentioned a couple years down the road what was the Marvel projects that they mentioned for this year um and there wasn't much wasn't we've already seen one of them uh Deadpool now was it Deadpool 3 and Agatha were mentioned I don't think X-Men 97 was even mentioned no wasn't which honestly like I it's obviously we're kind of into that because of the series but in terms of the amount of people that watch The Animated stuff it's minuscule but it would be like it's the first like real for into the X-Men Deadpool 3 is not going to be like real X-Men this is like something and this is how culturally [ __ ] they are they have no [ __ ] idea how influential the X-Men animated series was uh it was I would argue you equally as influential as the comic books it made arguably more fans than the comic books it led an entire other gener well it was obviously but like there was the gener My Generation early 80s who bought in the X-Men Jim Lee came on and and they did this really weird thing with the Animated Series they just like adapted the comic books that's kind of all they did yeah insane wow insane and created a badass theme song yes [Music] and that the fact they didn't use that you know tune for the movies as a crime but Gary you're right that was my introduction to the X-Men I was only able to get a certain amount of comics and so if if I could get a comic it was always Spider-Man but no that the animated series was how I even discovered the X-Men and it was freaking great I wasn't into the X-Men as a kid but I love that series I mean this is the new version of X-Men 97 by the way his storm wow transition gender and Ray swwa aggressive I I I don't have high hopes for series uh bo Deo worked on uh even though he called out The Witcher he still worked on The Witcher and uh I just yeah it's and didn't the showrunner come out in trash fans as well believe he did like a year ago a ago yeah it's it's just they're gonna they're going to lean into they're not get of course they don't understand why it was popular to absolutely everybody uh and they're going to lean into uh the 4% of the population and lower that they think it was marketed towards and not understanding funl being understanding what the X-Men was about uh it was basically you should tell the story from the 90s and not from 2004's perspective thank you yeah maybe that's what you should do maybe when we do a Harry Potter series we should make it about how life was in the 90s when that book was set not how it is in 2024 and representative of 2024 yep maybe when you're doing an Indiana Jones video game uh which the time period for that is set in the [ __ ] 1930s maybe you shouldn't make it about modern day maybe you should make it an example of what life was like in the 1930s I don't know I'm just saying maybe that sounds like crazy there's like a hundred more examples of that and maybe when you adapt a prehistory Engish the audience maybe when you adapt a pre uh history uh prehistory English mythology from a thousand years ago that's technically supposed to happen on this world uh you don't have it reflect like a modern audience you know I get so tired of that modern audience bull crap it's red flag audience equals far-left politics that's it's all it means you saying if something exists and it has a formula that's proven for Success you should just adapt that to the new 100% change it make it better you improve it that's what Jeff bzo said like he likes to improve things he knows nothing about it make her gay we're gonna improve this Joe by ruining it it's like can you imagine the tarity that you think you're gonna correct talken yeah like oh he didn't get it right let me tell you how he should have written that like just the the balls to think it's the hide of hubris and it pisses me off because they did the same with the Wheel of Time they actually felt there were elements in The Wheel of Time that was problematic we need to fix that and and they thought that they could do better than they cut things from the book to just inject their own episodes out of the made up bull crap stories about gay Waters and things and it's because they could they think they can do better the huis is insane like those uh localizers changing all the video game dialogue from like Japanese and then uh just like why do you think you're as good a writer as the person that made this you're just an activist weirdo well culturally sensitive because they're Savages from another country oh my God have respect for the original narciss narc narcissism and narciss also also the constant affirmation the whole everyone gets an award kind of bull where you are wonderful and in fact you're perfect the way you are you don't need to work on self-improvement and your writing is wonderful because you tick all the check boxes and stuff like that and and how dare like if we ever criticize them then will we called racist and stuff like that because you're just doing it because of their black or some stupid bull crap they everybody's equal so you're not better than tolken you're on the same playing field oh yeah what does he know about writing right right so Bob uh back to Bob Iger what he he said something to the effect of we're GNA focus more on our basically our popular franchises our core franchises now Ryan you brought this up in a video I thought it was a really good question or was a daily I get them mixed up there's so much of it uh you brought up a who are the Avengers who are the core characters right now who are they yeah like when when he talked about Marvel he specifically said we're going to you know reduce the volume and focus more on our you know our powerful big popular franchises from Marvel he also made a greater point about franchises and sequels in general but yeah when you hear that you assume okay X-Men Fantastic Four which God when one of those ever actually get get off the ground and the Avengers but who are the Avengers Now The Avengers are black Captain America who we haven't seen in five [ __ ] years by the time his actual movie comes out Captain Marvel um She-Hulk Shen I don't know who's part of the Avengers right now certainly nobody that's actually going to bring people to the theater Ant-Man probably Ant-Man doctor strange but they never fully took off as Leaders they're just part of the team right uh nothing there no Captain America no Iron Man Spider-Man Scarlet Witch they don't even own Spider-Man Scarlet Witch Scarlet witch is dead right now she'll come back well she'll come back but she's not a core character what what the core character are Thor which they've cucked Captain America is dead Iron Man's dead and uh I mean like arguably black panther core character that they like is popular uh is dead is dead yeah they've replaced them all and so if they're going to rely on their large franchise kind of names well that you have not Iron Man you know you have the replacement you have not Captain America the replacement you have not black they're all being replac these aren't the original characters and so even if they try and rely on the big names it's just the skin suit it's like here is our you know more Progressive version of the characters you love and no one cares yeah here here's our here's our uh Captain America but black and gay definition of insanity doing the exact same thing atast Iron Man she's black and gay it'll work this time promise it's never been tested really well the best part of it too is that they're re-shooting the same Wilson movie with no [ __ ] script right now yes do you know what they do have coming it coming a bigger bigger budget not make it back don't believe they're re-shooting right now I think it's scheduled for March through June March through June or May through August one of those but there will be re-shoot we could probably make a pretty good guess the entire movie get re [ __ ] four months is a re-shoot like as as they spent on principal photography yes at that point you might well throw the movie out and just do a new one with Captain America they are just missing Captain America Captain America with what as was saying how they all they replacing everything with these diverse things they're even doing it with the diverse characters already blade is black you got everyone loves him he's a great character but no he not we'll replace with women now as well and they've gone so far that they are even disrespecting the characters that were diverse that were already there that people loved with a name like blade they could make him Dominican and just give him like literal blades to go cut people well they might because it takes place in the 30s so this blade story takes place in the 30s in the South so I'm sure it'll be completely free of modern-day politics yeah totally not about racism uh is there a reason it's not Wesley Snipes because I he still looks great and all that and he like the first Blade movies outrageously he might show up in uh Deadpool I wouldn't be surprised to see him in dead different universes yeah the reason it's not he's he's getting but he's not out of shape it should be Wesley Snipes but um Marshall Ali is a good actor like if if they gave him a good script he would be a very good blade and that's the problem fourth build on the they fixed that but they're keeping his daughter and it's still going to be the villain going after the daughter's blood so blade will be it'll just like Doctor Strange or Thor uh the the through line of the plot will go through the female character and the male character will be running around and not be a main character go with me on this go with me on this one so taken out of the box thinking okay make it blade movie make it about blade that's tough it's not gonna work dude it's that's not what the modern audience is looking for they're really looking for the girl that's the key to everything we like shorn there yeah yeah the modern audience does not the modern audience does not like the main character okay the main character uh represents the patriarchy and uh nobody has be a bad dad nobody goes to a Captain America movie to see Captain America nobody goes to a Spider-Man movie to see Spider-Man we want to see the side characters okay that's way more important especially am Chavez the female Side characters can we can we specifi yeah well I assume female side character straight cuz he had a daughter so he's black so the black straight males are the white men of black people so that's also another ding on him yeah could a white guy yeah they [Music] [Laughter] could I did they do a circusy thing with it you know I'm laughing because they do that when someone who's diverse that doesn't agree with their politics while they instantly you know what do they do that with um I forget his name but it was the black face of white supremacy because he did I I do have to say Gary was listen Gary was asking for Gina cron to weigh in on the pineapple on Pizza debate I have a I have a report she already has from 2020 from 2020 let's get that's right Gina we got Gina we got Superman you're my hero pineapple on more for me I knew I liked her I knew Point beautiful Italian woman she's a hero she knows real Pizza 10 points Slytherin I I was uh I was rooting I was rooting for her in the Disney lawsuit but I don't know man I [Laughter] know sort of moving into Bob's Corner right now you know all you know what with the proxy war I've said said this on previous streams please forgive me but uh I kind of hope Bob gets everything he wants you know cuz I I I don't think Nelson pelts uh getting even if he got uh that CFO position and that seat in the board that he's asking for I I I don't know how he can change anything he can't fire anybody you know Gary Bob does look like a pineapple on pizza guy just saying what shut your mouth look like he looks like a veite eaten oh oh he's too we that guy irons his [ __ ] jeans and takes two showers a day [ __ ] that guy [ __ ] weather man his jeans are got a nice crease down dude he just bought his like his big solution was buying his way and does didn't even buy the whole thing just a piece of epic Gaming to to counteract the market share that Universal is going to [ __ ] destroy them on with epic Universe because he talked the first thing he talked about with the oh we like the gaming but we want to do Park stuff with it too so you know that's a reaction and when when you're a leader of a giant this is what this is why Disney is too big to succeed it can't innovate anything all of the how are they getting out of this hole with a bunch of [ __ ] sequels they're not doing anything new they're not innovating anything they're just buying their way out of failure and you can only do that for so excited for the repurpose Moana seriously it's like already making a sequel series now we're just going to turn it into a movie and I like how they just admit that fact too it's like oh so that's why it's going to suck CU it's just going to be a show that they turned into a movie look we we talk about it all the time time they Disney needs to clear housee top to bottom everybody but we have our reasons right for their reasons internally they should be going look we need to wipe it generally kind of for the same reasons but back to front front to back because [ __ ] everything is not working all of the things that they want to have work are not working all these sequels don't work anymore they need to clear house for their own good not just to save these franchises that we love I hope they don't I want them to keep going oh yeah absolutely just keep going and it's obviously they're not going to they're going to continue to go down there's no options they've buried themselves and I'm just uh got the popcorn oh well this is great oh well oh well oh well well the funny thing too is that they did bring up Star Wars as well uh but it's one movie which is the Mandalorian grou movie which is going to come out in 20126 but no mention of the ray movie for some strange reason they did not mention the did mentioned at all they didn't mention it all no they didn't mention at all the only Star Wars related was mentioned was the grer movie so that's probably because that's a a new announcement they made in the quarter and then they did confirm the acolyte will be releasing in 2024 right who that yes a bunch of diverse people a bunch of gay people with lightsabers that's what I said yes yes one of gono's harassers detractors let's go with that that's the person who's running that she's not going to be in yes yes when is that scheduled to come out the acolyte this sometime in 2024 they have not put a they've not put a date on it in terms of summer fall whatever but we know that is probably we're spending money left and right oh I love it and you know agath this coming out that's going to be as as popular as Echo actually less so like who freaking cares about Agatha and they they're still it also this is the reduction of volume for them they were all talking like oh we're going to reduce our volume of content it's like yeah still putting out way too much theyed failure that so they by saying that they're saying all that stuff was [ __ ] the stuff they were pushing forever and say it was successful until it wasn't uh through their very diverse female director of the Marvels which uh came out on Disney plus I'm sure the article will be out in the next 48 hours it it's the most watched thing on Disney Plus but they threw her under the bus she left the project uh because they kept changing the schedule she still sucked too because she went after the fans it's a total admission of failure at this point uh but the but the the basic point is you got the same [ __ ] people who got them here trying to unfuck the problem and that never works that never [ __ ] works okay you dude you can't unfuck something by sticking your dick in an ass you can't it doesn't unfuck it we have a really complex problem to solve I know let's throw some retards on the job and that'll be the same retards who got us here that'll do it uh the writer from W division is writing the Fantastic Four John Watts left the guy who who the guy who directed the guy who directed uh no it's a Jack Schaefer uh it's it's one of her underlings um and then the guy the guy who directed the guy who directed uh antifa man quanti Quant Mania I can't even talk anymore uh is uh directing Fantastic 4 now uh no Spider-Man movie in sight X-Men [ __ ] what's the earliest we're gonna get an X-Men movie Ryan 27 27 or 28 yeah yeah Fantastic Four No One's Gonna [ __ ] care anymore by that point they should have had that [ __ ] ready to go for ingame in game take a break for a year and then you come back with X-Men what the [ __ ] call it come Fantastic Four are they still gonna call the movie X-Men because I I'm not even kidding I thought I heard that that was too sexist she was fired she was fired they'll call it that they will I think a couple of years ago they might have thought about not calling it that but stuff has changed so much and they're so [ __ ] desperate to get people back and listen Deadpool 3 is probably going to get people back it's gonna have crazy cameos uh and and I made a promise last night that I will tell you guys before the movie comes out what that Cameo will be by the way Ryan already knows uh but dude if that it'll probably be a success if that thing [ __ ] up though man holy [ __ ] they're done yeah but at the same time that it's one movie it's not solving anything right it's one movie it's not GNA go anywhere that's gonna get people well the problem is there's nothing after that like worth a [ __ ] like right it would be one thing if Deadpool 3 like comes out in May and then in the winter we're looking at Fantastic 4 or something which if they had actually got in their asses and done done [ __ ] like a while ago when they should have that could be a possibility but no it's going to be Deadpool 3 and then nothing nothing until black Captain America in like February or March of 2025 get hyped so there's just there's not going to be anything to get excited about or connected to and I do think personally I think it's going to be fun I think it's gonna make a lot of [ __ ] money especially for a rated R movie I think it is gonna be like people are gonna be excited to see a lot of these characters but it's really just gonna be very shallow uh like surface level enjoyment that really doesn't do anything to help solve their problems no and chos just like no way home like no way home did it in a way where it moved a story forward for Spider-Man and made it interesting but it still it did not help the overall MCU what Ryan's talking about to your point you're absolutely right it's GNA be a fun little gimmicky thing that will do great and it will not affect the overall Universe in any way shape or form any way shape I I disagree I disagree Spider-Man no way home really did help the MCU Doctor Strange didn't that the because DR Strange got a massive knock on from that film huge and then when people saw that night sh in a weekend yeah exactly exactly but to Gary's Point all the cameos and the what they did in no way home I actually didn't like no way home but even with the people like who's talking about it now you know there's no real substance that's film on yeah but but like films that have a lasting impact right people remember you know Lord of the Rings classic examp somebody asked me shad and I had a hard time thinking since since the pandemic so since we'll say since 2020 on what films and just any film what film is is going to be considered a a modern classic going to be remembered and talked about in 10 years I mean there's Oppenheimer I guess that's an obvious choice top guard Maverick I would say like I really liked it I don't think so I don't think it'll be discussed in 10 years maybe I rewatched it the other day and damn it it's damn it's really [ __ ] great but we're talking about like above that we're talking about modern classic something you know like say Interstellar I I Adore that movie Interstellar but no we're saying since 2020 on 2020 I didn't hear that 2020 like will Joker be I mean that that's before the cut off but will be will Joker be discussed 10 years it's pretty amazing uh I think depends on how the second The Joker sequel does if the Joker sequel ases well then I think it will I mean Elevate the first one even further um I think if they did make a sequel it would Elevate the first one that's me though yeah no there shouldn't be a sequel I agree we all know this there shouldn't be one but it made too much money for them say there never should have been a joker origin story and that came out of nowhere and was really good who knows but the overall question is Godzilla minus one like what what film is going to be remembered years from now as like God that was great I mean not a film but a series House of the Dragon well I think there's a couple TV series I think but film we can't think of one we cannot [ __ ] think of one a film well like I I think that Dune part two is gonna be maybe like I think I'm going to like whether there's a [ __ ] popcorn bucket for me to come in or not I think I'm going to come during that movie you want the double hold popcorn bucket no but like I I think dune's going to be good too Christopher Nolan just gave it the highest praise of all comparing at the [ __ ] Empire um but no no like we're we're struggling the whole point is we're struggling and before 2019 we could pick a couple of movies it's like oh yeah [ __ ] that one's gonna go down in history yeah you know the live action Lion King yeah totally you know like with Christopher Nolan saying like yeah good director right I just I can't trust director's commentary on other films being burnt way too often no I mean they're being professionally courteous yes they are you're not supposed to understand any of the dialogue in the film that's very heavily focused on dialogue and understanding the story Oh Oh you mean tenant CH when he said oh it's not supposed to be comprehensible okay it's an experience you know I really want your ears to like bleed because my audio is so high it's an experience okay it's an experience thanks Chris love it when your mic pops right uh well the thing is he loves iMac so much but the like in a real IMAX theater you got to get the sound exactly right or it's going to sound like [ __ ] he he's not the only person who's put out an IMAX movie that sounds like [ __ ] in IMAX uh but [ __ ] Doom got it right holy [ __ ] sound design oh my God and and Godzilla minus one the sound mixing on that was unfuckingbelievable notch so uh yeah maybe maybe it's Dune 2 which Ryan and I get to see in two weeks two weeks o it's coming up Sunday 25th I got tickets can't wait to talk about that hey um we talked about uh forg a an hour because I'm a professional gamer on real BBC we talked about uh Suicide Squad uh just uh Suicide Squad kills the Justice League our good friend Kurt Meer by the way gave a great suggestion um Kur I love Kurt he's all instead of saying self-d delete on YouTube if we want to avoid uh saying you know the term suicide uh we could just say we pre-ordered uh justice uh suicide kills the Justice League we can use that term now uh which I like very much but um I told a little story on real BBC this week I said you know what I'm gonna write a [ __ ] comic I'm gonna write a comic baby I'm gonna write a comic and that comic is going to be uh Harley Quinn the modern [ __ ] New 52 Jim Lee designer [ __ ] [ __ ] Harley Quinn comes in she's annoying the [ __ ] Joker The Joker pulls out his [ __ ] gun he clicks little bang the little pow thing comes out he pulls that out loads it shoots her in the [ __ ] face somebody drew it somebody [ __ ] drew it and that's we're gonna we're gonna print it we're gonna print it offer it for free obviously I can't sell it so we're g I'm going to print this [ __ ] we're going to give it away it's going to be called The Killing woke yeah there so I want to tell you right now that you can follow this artist on by the way he got a gig on my book over this [ __ ] so he's awesome uh you follow sojack sojack doart on Instagram sojack doart he does a bunch of stuff he's really [ __ ] talented and he whooped this up in a couple of days he was actually working on another project he was listening to real BBC he heard our story and just immediately started working on this so scroll up a little bit got who wants to read it go as okay I'm telling you Mr J I'm going to tell the B myself all right Holly I almost forgot I needed to remind you of something what is it Mr J that it was never about you my dear okay next next panel don't be silly Mr J that wasn't funny at all maybe really maybe this one will make you laugh boom scroll all the way down scroll all the way [Music] down on the corpse SP on the corpse but look this is the thing if Joker ever got wh that Harley would kill Batman over him he would do that he would be like freaking no the whole point of that was I'm sick of the [ __ ] character Harley Quinn just kill her she's she's overused she's terrible she's never been as good as she was in the Animated Series it's never worked in the comic books because for one they redesigned her iconic costume from the [ __ ] animated series that they never should have taken out and did that stupid [ __ ] Jim Lee Design that that looks terrible so just Ender end end this [ __ ] pop vinyl Hot Topic feminist uh appropriated character uh and uh just well [ __ ] they've already made up a new one but she kind of reminds me of Ahsoka like a character that like had a purpose and was around for a while and and you know regly popular with the people that liked her and then just got way overused and is now into everything they've done that with male characters if you want to if you want to know how the Joker feels mad love write mad love and then you'll see how he [ __ ] reacts to Harley mad when she tries to do [ __ ] right brilliant absolutely brilliant it is put on the list and and uh you know the Adventures of Batman the uh the comic adaptations of uh the Batman anim series are [ __ ] fantastic too John burn did some of those um but uh yeah it's uh I'm [ __ ] over Harley Quinn so uh well done I freaking love it so um yeah I can't sell them so happily at our Meetup uh hopefully we can get some get these things printed and uh we'll just pass them out just pass out why not the killing woke uh we got to work on a cover now I guess but two pages that's about all I could well I didn't even write that he did I just plotted it and he made it better so well done well done that was [ __ ] awesome brilliant brilliant stuff uh what else we got to talk about Garrett I know we had another subject and I'm completely blanking it right now Gina we have not talked about Gina's lawsuit on f&t it's been talked about all week um guys Gina is suing Disney what good this the first time I've heard this oh my gosh well I think it's more like the reaction is more interesting now there is so many corporate out leave Disney alone oh my God uh and she's getting the the I mean it's just ex exposing why she's suing in the first place and I think uh some people have chimed in and uh I look this is going to be a tough case to win think so too yeah but you have elon's lawyers and if uh she's asking for a jury trial but what people are misunderstanding because yes California is an atwill State what she's pointing out is the inconsistency which is the Discrimination one person was allowed to do something she and she was fired over something somebody else her her counterparts were doing so that's where the case lies and specifically in California they were some like decent protections for some of those as well um yeah like I again any type of suit like this especially against a major company is going to be difficult um so even though we clearly know what happened we know that it was [ __ ] morally wrong and disgusting that they lied about on the way out that they tried to destroy her career all of these things it doesn't mean it's necessarily easy uh even in civil court to you know get a remedy for that but the reaction from some people like you show the Sue The gonos Saga that no one cares about anymore just got worse by someone who cared enough to then angrily tweet about it in racial liman protect and protect her [ __ ] comments so that no one because she was getting ratioed to [ __ ] hell that's how few people care about it Rachel gotch you [ __ ] uh feminist writer for uh the Mary Sue that's a dumb [ __ ] right there Rachel lishman uh scroll down a little bit uh we'll read a little bit Rachel I'm going to we can stop right there fine oh no sorry okay I thought I thought we do whole Batman J corano cannot let sleeping dogs lie the actress who previously played carun in the Mandalorian continues to make her own gross social media posts everyone else's business as she's now suing Disney while being backed by Elon Musk a cursed sentence if I've ever seen one get some therapy oh my God just go out of business uh I'm sure some sleuth out there has already figured I I don't know who they're owned by they're probably owned by some Consortium the mar uh that just funds this just pit of money that doesn't [ __ ] bring in anything uh I've talked to some people including our Good Friend Neon over at clownish he's and he's talked about like how the ad money for just for websites in general is down 75% oh we're seeing websites drop left right and center and this maybe Mar Sue will be like an old shriveled ball a male dude girl like a dingleberry off the ass of a dog can you imagine being a fan of this website what positive person and things are going right in their life is fan of Mary Su are you [ __ ] kidding me wakes up every morning like I can't wait to read the Mary Sue oh the birds are singing the sky's blue I gotta put my [ __ ] hat on yeah I imagine the like primary demographic is lonely women in their 30s right like that's that's who's visiting this site uh I think 40s this is this is a website that actually smells like catpiss and and box wine yeah so what do you think that yellow is wine all right don't knock box wine yeah it's got alcohol and it'll drink it you may have a problem Ryan just saying uh I don't know wait wait wait wait oh go goe go now I know where the box of wine at Vons has coupons for cat food I didn't understand the connection that's good cross promotion uh Ryan do you remember what you said to me when I said you may have a problem I read uh for you and Drinker I was like yeah I I do so you were like uh you may have a problem this is what success looks like everyone and you like pointed to me and Drinker would just [ __ ] just gone we're Blitz out of our minds and I think I turned to you and drunkenly said something clever I said you failed at alcohol yes I I read the first step from uh AA and you told me that I failed at alcohol you're right I did I failed miserably at it okay horribly at it what are your thoughts on say something that that's that's I'm clever enough to come up with that I clearly am not too drunk that's the rule hey x-ray girl what are your thoughts on this I hear you're an expert I mean you know I drank Ryan and Drinker out of the bar not surprise me hold on we we we drank more than you I know yeah what are you talking about it's so funny that people think I drank you uh I didn't do shots that was the everybody was buying Drinker a drink I did shots Drinker that was awesome I shot one shot with Drinker that was fun but um yeah shots means you're going to get sick okay no it just means you're gonna get [ __ ] up really fast look here's the secret before you go to bed you vomit that's all it is you go to sleep well let's just say that's all you got to do you drink water vomit and sleep yes yes we'll just say a certain YouTuber did that and uh felt way better afterwards um here's what you do I care so much about the people that bought me all those drinks I refus to throw it up I kept it down congratulations so proud of you R yeah I respect the [ __ ] out of you for that Ryan you know it's great being a sober guy at these meetups at a bar and uh as people get uh more and more drunk the music gets more and more louder so like I can't hear anything they don't even know what they're saying it's like okay love you man so much man have you'll have sobriety company when I'm there G thanks it probably like I always think about that because I couldn't imagine you know you know going through what you did in terms of like drugs and alcohol and everything and then like having that around if it's difficult I feel like The more I've been around you and the more times I've just been [ __ ] blackout drunk and [ __ ] and everybody else is [ __ ] it's probably easier for you not to drink when you see all that chit it's a lot it helps that's what we're doing we're helping you it is a great deter service there is the small joys in life is hanging out your friend hanging out with your friends who drank the next morning and watching them all suffer and you're like it's the little things man that made me feel great I feel like that's my problem because I don't I don't like get hung over so I have really no consequences for my actions um that's kind of an issue doesn't get hung over [ __ ] hell man I know other than what I did right that's theough part you're like so what did I do last night yeah I did I had a few of those nights yeah uh uh let's get to the super chats that just made me think of Ryan's green ranger story oh God that's the worst story ever bro we gave that dude [ __ ] for eight months a year after I would never stop I would be on his deathbed going dude green ranger dude green ranger story holy [ __ ] as is like [ __ ] he's going to give me [ __ ] about mail tits the day I die yes I wouldn't be a friend if I didn't I wouldn't be a friend if I didn't okay uh but we're going to get to the soups now this would be a great show thanks everybody for showing up out there hail to the fellowship uh holy [ __ ] oh oh I guess it's a good time to do a couple plugs so our good friend Graham Nolan good Graham Nolan is is it like a couple days left a day left on his book no no it's just St I got that confused sorry Grant think Canan oh my God great so far yes where the American down there with the 's is at the top oh wow there you go sorry it's San Francisco Indiegogo is a San Francisco company so they're yeah they're gonna put America on the bottom uh they just are uh he got [ __ ] he got no I can't I can't we're get in trouble what okay let's let's get around okay how bad is it going to be if you're holding back on it dude well I was going to say it's the top one is the top is the currency of the top one two [ __ ] planes one second oh you gonna play the audio we're GNA Play the trailer sorry one second I just had to update something here there you go okay yeah you wouldn't you wouldn't want to accidentally show a file of your beastiality porn yeah yeah that would be badely not gosh you [ __ ] [ __ ] what a freaking who knew that Vos and chank eer had even more in common what a what an absolute surprise that was what a absolute surprise herey comrade when the new Revolution strikes we're going to have sex with horses with horses how would crush a horse have sex with you oh my Goden as long as you given it to the horse apparently it's not rape did you did you did you me right now wait did you see the The Grand Tour as where they went to columia and Jeremy got caught the guy [ __ ] the donkey and then he's like and he gets the whole group down he's like do you all have sex with donkeys they're all yeah but they're just just the female ones he's all white because the male one would be [Laughter] weird wow wow oh so good okay up let's do Graham's video let's let's do it yeah we're so sorry Graham I'm not I'm not sorry [Music] Graham Kelly Mack mcgruer the sequel Graham Nolan's Monster Island boy I got that yeah [Music] action [Music] suspense pronouns JX gend transitions trans Kids the first thing inclusion Monsters uh hey [Music] tits on women not on men Monster Island [Applause] yeah uh graamam Nolan's good [ __ ] dude we love him and uh please support his book we'll have him back on uh one of our shows real soon uh the 20th 20th February BC my channel you know it's it's like like you know and Graham and Chuck there's there's like some lunch pale comic shop those were always the best ones the lunch pale comic creators uh you know who uh almost a blue collar approach to things and you know Graham's a normal dude you always see him like [ __ ] smoking a cigar fishing yeah just like steak yep it's great it's great look at all I mean he's big into body he's big into bodybuilding he's shared bodybuilding routines and stuff with me because I'm weai to weightlifting too and I find that like working with Dean Dean's a former like made it to the NFL you know like I think that's a big part of those uh you know blue color kind of artists because there are there are artists that do think they're better than everyone which is just boggles my mind it's just that's a way of creativity it's yeah it's it's part of it and and uh but for comics in particular you know those uh that's the stuff I loved the most uh ' 80s 90s was just the you know the comic art I don't need it to be and this is just a personal preference I don't need something super overly detailed that's why I was never like a big Jim Lee fan uh you know I'd much rather read something with graham Nolan art in it that's that's or John burn you know who was still fluid and great but did didn't go nuts uh that that was always my favorite art so he co-created yeah yeah yeah I got big into weightlifting as well Gabe it's my belly wow I got the weightlifting too watch lift something down here now I just lift my drink sorry I just I went all Jeremy on you there yeah uh went all Jeremy how how is our bro by the way Jeremy our bro he super chatted he he s he's fired oh is he oh I love I know Ryan just like don't [ __ ] bring that up but um I have to bring up that Jeremy is now saying bro all the time because of some interview but he replaced uh you know what I mean you know what I mean you know what I mean you know and then and I called him out on it in the daily to he's like do I say that a lot was he being real Ryan or was he putting on a show was he like did he not being real I don't think he quite understands how often he said that all [ __ ] time yeah so apparently on cobcast last night he reacted to some video of Vince Russo who's like a WWE guy who always just says bro constantly bro can you believe believe this bro holy [ __ ] bro and so the entire [ __ ] chat was just saying bro when we started the stream Jeremy kept I didn't have any idea what the [ __ ] was going on so it was all just to piss me off and that's all the entire stream on daily turned into so if you see anybody saying bro in the [ __ ] chat that's why I just ignore the [ __ ] out of it I I don't know like it's not [ __ ] funny but everybody thought it was really funny the funnier thought it was funny just not Ryan yeah dumb [ __ ] 199 [ __ ] the only time Ryan thinks things are funny is pure sh and Frid when he sees somebody suffering or do something incredibly stupid and usually leads to injury [ __ ] cracks him up every time so that's Tru like the lowest form of Comedy like America's Funniest Home Videos seeing you somebody get hit in the nuts or some [ __ ] what I find funny yeah well idiocracy punch me in the balls right wasn't it punch me in the balls or the Big Show uh Hey K is C is is back kiz kiz I'm streamlab side hey everyone uh by the way it's from last week but uh I I've I've read it because I we missed it on Friday I've read it on three live streams because oh I'm so I yeah okay uh can't make well I fired x-ray girl like three times this week but I hire her back who's gonna do my math um can't make it to Megacon this year but should be at Vegas I can't wait to see in Vegas excellent job with content lately everyone keep up the great work you you be good K Biz uh glad to hear you're back uh not another see Vegas yeah we'll see you in Vegas yeah uh not another dime has gifted a lot of Dimes 20 nurotic memberships for $100 W hey rolling The Wretched two parts wow sorry four four four four okay I was going to go cuz that was really short for him uh four parts for $100 so you wait you [ __ ] up on the math your parents are not going to let you out of your house for like a month progress not Perfection I'm using your words against you no your parents are going to lock you in a basement uh until you can uh you know figure out piie I don't even know how to I can't even do a math joke yeah the square root of infinity or whatever uh so rolling The Wretched in four parts for $100 uh so did gay finally ride Hagrid no I didn't as a matter of fact I'm gonna have to go back uh to ride Hagrid and uh I've got a plan to do that uh maybe he uh got th three quter gay to help him and they rode Hagrid together no actually were both disappointed because we both wanted to write ha Hagrid together and we didn't uh even though we play paid double for that kind of action uh looks like everyone had a great time at Megacon without me except maybe Gina who was obviously forced at gunpoint to stand next to Jeremy for a photo that is true I can actually attest to that um if you have't the funny thing is it's such a bad picture of Jeremy it looks like he's at gunpoint brutal it's he's like I look so tired it's like yeah you do yeah bro yeah yeah bro yeah bro yeah bro if you haven't already let uh let her if you if you haven't already let's hear some Vegas dates I uh I have a lot to do before April hotel reservations and restaurant reservations I am sure Comics is going especially digging the event this year yep no doubt Comics will be digging things hi Comics uh I ho Chad um can I ask real quick on that Vegas thing what day what week weekend is that it's the week of week Wednesday it's during the week so we're doing it during the week so it's during the week uh the dates of cinemacon April 8th to 11th we're going to be there from like the 9th to the 13th uh the date of the event is Wednesday April 10th 7 PM Millennium fandom bar RSVP is live for members and then it'll be live for uh everybody else tomorrow because that week uh that Saturday the 13th is UFC 300 so I'm sure hotel rooms are going to be going in Vegas that's a giant UFC fight oh yeah they they have plenty of room though like and luckily we're doing our stuff during the week as well so that should probably help it's all part of the plan it's all part of the plan we we will do it impromptu meet up there probably you know uh somewhere along the strip uh and we did that last last time so we'll announce it there probably at the end of our Meetup we'll go you know Friday or whatever after and T will go run around um I'm blanking uh why am I blanking on the street now the old part of Street well I'm old Baker Street Baker Street 221B tender 221B ttic tactical there you go no so yeah it'll be Freemont Street will probably run around it's really loud there's a bunch of women like with their titties hanging out and stuff and uh they'll you and even men too as if you want to go yeah even men thank you appreciate that and how about the kids being rolled around in like [ __ ] wheelbarrows did you see that that was weird wheelbarrows yeah wheelbarrows there there was like kids being rolled around you can roll me around in one of those we have to if you drink as much as you did me at Megacon so uh although you did keep your balance that was pretty good yeah I yeah I was it was funny like Drinker ability to speak English like almost disappeared by our we because we took an Uber home and it was fine at first and then it just turned into like a Joe Biden speech at the end D you know you know the thing the president of Mexico yeah [ __ ] dude that was so [ __ ] funny so Jeremy's we'll get back to roll in just a second so Jeremy stream got pulled down two times last night it was for like some weird [ __ ] like uh like people they're like actually abusing the copyright system or something but none of it like stayed on there and I think both of them are public now so it doesn't so we've been hit before on copyright stuff and usually when you stop and and you can even restart like it'll let you go and you won't get an email or a striker it's it's kind of weird it's yeah I think that's what happened to him yeah yeah um but other people weren't hit but I guess some other people were but either way when the impromptu Joe Biden [ __ ] thing happened and I went to their to the channel uh that that they where that Jeremy was showing it there was fox or something like that just everybody in that channel so obviously it's all one 199 in there it was just all [ __ ] it was so [ __ ] funny it was great and and when he goes uh oh you're so the doj his own doj in his defense for having some documents whatever said that he's a well-meaning uh forgetful old man and the only difference going to prosecute him the only difference no but the only difference is like the reporters were actually shouting questions at him I have not seen that I have literally not seen that it's not just one guy from Fox that was yeah but it's not just Peter duy it was [ __ ] everybody and like yeah that was it almost did feel like a setup like hey we never let this guy stay up this late yeah hey we never let him actually take question he doesn't know the answer to it felt like a setup I think they're just letting it be okay now to criticize him yeah well there's no somebody else up they kind of have to at this point I mean they can't hide this [ __ ] no Gavin Newsome it's gonna be Gavin Newsome yeah well they've been saying it's clear he's got dementia like him love him hate him it doesn't matter it doesn't matter it's quite from a regular person he's clearly got absolutely as I have a family member who has it he's [ __ ] got it like absolutely got it even the way he walks yeah um yeah yeah yeah so if it's Gavin you know what good most people [ __ ] hate Gavin Nome most people hate that [ __ ] he would he would he's terrible he doesn't so if you notice he doesn't debate very much he debated DeSantis that's so odd because he rarely debated any of his opponents for any of his elections in California ever uh because he's such a [ __ ] puppet um and he knows [ __ ] about [ __ ] he's just he he seems like a nice but he just he looks he looks like a typical politician like your evil politician see in a movie is Gavin Nome uh well he he looks lost too which is the funny part it's like it a couple years ago when he was visiting LA with those railroad tracks when they're hitting all those Amazon boxes he's like how did this happen he's like because of your [ __ ] policy he keeps doing that it's the same thing with the target interview too it's the same thing how's this happing we have the 10 toughest laws it's like you're a [ __ ] idiot dude uh but Bill Maher loves him still uh Shad the emus are not happy you rejected their very generous uh peace proposal and their ground units are going to take Australia first of five strategic targets the world's only vomite Factory in Melbourne you should have taken a deal Shad there will be no peace the only option is complete Annihilation when you're hang of your own crows there will be peace uh today's read Genesis 1:22 then God blessed them and said be fruitful and multiply and let the Emu multiply in Australia he lfn Q Fellowship chat baby Thor and pineapple pizza which I'm G to have for tonight for dinner here Melissa's I I you know what Melissa probably stopped watching soon as Dean left what do you want to bet oh yeah because I've just been talking to her on Instagram so yeah she did Dan Dan [ __ ] Dan Vost gayness uh will go now asub to neurotics Salon gay boys Salon gay boys uh DJ Cobra this uh it's or is it de de Cobra Cobra you know what I mean day Cobra B cobra that's what it is B Cobra you know what I mean you know what I mean $50 says bro Dean Kane uh look forward to an emergency uh bedet Cobra C tonight I'm sure it's going to happen you got to say no that's it what else am I supposed to say he's gonna say you know what I mean so strange dude um when you get a little older like dramatic pauses are actually I just forgot what I was thinking and I need to like I need my Wi-Fi to reconnect okay when you're watching a video it just you know when your Wi-Fi goes down a little bit you know just got it's got to go back up ah what happens man it's what happens uh no I'm sure the stream will be insightful politics and uh a chat full of Bros look forward to it there be a lot of bros there Steve devono two parts for $50 first time [Applause] o Chris Chrissy will not be gentle she's GNA put that strap on on and you are in trouble uh first timer super chatter in honor of my wife Beth uh today would be would have been her 53rd birthday oh I'm sorry always bought her pineapple pizza on her birthday she lost her battal cancel cancer in 2019 [ __ ] cancer by the way [ __ ] cancer uh I discovered you folks about a year later during the lockdowns oh man was right before the lockdown too [ __ ] brutal uh thank you for making my Fridays a bit more funny and enjoyable [ __ ] cancer [ __ ] cancer and hail the fellowship hail to you brother strong uh Tomac for $50 says Master gamer Gary yes what can I do for you uh is it true we're making the mother of all omelets here and that you can't fret over every egg uh yes we can't fret over every egg we are make an omelette without breaking some eggs can't make an omelet without breaking some [ __ ] eggs uh even those eggs um like the ones you get in uh I think it's Vietnam where the bird is somewhat like the bird fetus is grown in it yeah oh you know the name of it because you probably eat it for breakfast x-ray girl what's it called No I I've had it okay well you ate the bird yeah the little knows what it is is it still moving my best my best friend's Filipino it's called B it has the fertilized chicken inside oh Filipino Vietnamese yeah it's [Laughter] called does it like move around when it slides on your gullet or no no it's cooked oh yeah so weird nodd weird weird yeah I I don't like foreign [ __ ] all right I like it to be Americanized I'll fry it for is really unsurprising but I'm mostly with you on that one yeah I'm not I went to a Filipino cookout in uh San Francisco got invited by some of my customers and like the duck head was still in with the duck like there's like a duck meat thing and there's the [ __ ] duck head right there I'm like yeah that's why people like don't you want to travel like [ __ ] no why the [ __ ] do I care about the rest of the world the rest of the world's literally [ __ ] breaking down barriers and barbed wire just to [ __ ] get here why the [ __ ] would I want to go somewhere else sometimes they have good food though right sometimes they have good food we have good food yeah Fran they usually bring it here so we could just stay here and eat it here France didn't smell very good the traffic was third world but the food was good uh the Paladin for $50 comic shops are good too I couldn't read language uh Hy Megacon was amazing and you all made it uh one of the best vacation bus trips ever getting the poster framed and put up in my store hope youall enjoy your Comics uh deadly Duo for Gary gi. Joe for Jeremy uh berserk 14 for quarterback Garrett can't wait for next year hail Paladin by the way Hil thank you again thank you Paladin better read it Garrett it's a good book oh dude I G get the 14 I have one and I have 14 so fill in the rest 14's out [ __ ] I got to get 14 I got them all I got them all need more I need more sh Mark the cyborg some guy some one-legged dude told me to get him and I listened uh how am I supposed to say this x-ray girl par uh Mac Kai par maai is it like I don't know why you try to trick Gary guys I don't [Applause] know checks out hell first time super chatter oh be gentle no uh the wife and I enjoyed meeting everyone in Orlando we were the ones with wedding rings engraved in klling on oh [ __ ] yeah that that nice hardcore that is Hardcore and rad and that's why you lock that one down for sure uh you just wanted to say hey and we appreciate the entertainment uh live long and [ __ ] Disney Kapla a fastic Stoner uh I knew a few people like that uh on the streamlab side for $100 I was the [ __ ] Stoner I was yeah I was it was cuz all the meth I did with the pot that's why uh dear ft crew uh thank you for all the insane laughs and those uncertain times I'll be 39 tomorrow please give two gifts one help me to promote my SpaceTime chill albums for Stoners and drunkards uh and there's that you want to put you can put that uh that uh Link in the chat if you want okay x-ray girl thank you and two sing Oh sing to me happy birthday we have not done that in a long time I was a good time to do it let's do it do we want to sa do we want to save it to the end we'll save it to the very end it's going to chase a lot of people man was it's going to chase everybody away and and all these people are trying sub to Dan vasque right now to get me to sing some Bon joovy I will give give you an example of my singing skills today and you know what maybe I'll make everybody on f&t be my background singers if I lose we didn't lose we didn't lose I lose you lose didn't you know that I I'll do it I I'm down Oh thanks Ryan see Ryan Ryan's a true friend you Garrett you're a [ __ ] Judas subscribe to D mask you're G have to do the work don't do it I say just make Garrett do it you know if I didn't I'd kick you right now but I know you'd end the stream you [ __ ] I still want to kick you right back to Crowder this is getting gay no and then you guys can ride Hager together I want kick you [ __ ] much godamn it want to kick you so hard you probably missed my joke on square up last night or I I opened up sipping some coffee and I'm like I stole that from Crowder along with qubik oh yeah is is that the stream you did is that last night that still has a typo in it oh I don't give a [ __ ] members only who cares no some kind of new word it's public under erotic live it's like is there an it's supposed to say anti-an but it says AIT fan oh it does I should have just put tit I should have just put tit do you want me to change it to tit fan yeah no just fix it if you can of course my crack staff always got my back St that like it's like I missed it too I don't care yeah because that's never happened to any one of us here oh no not alliser about it I saw the notification like the day after right like on my phone so I assumed it was like you had changed it right when she started the stre I went right to sleep afterwards and then I check during like today on fnt I was going it popped up again it's like no it still says anit fans anit fans anit fans I love the chat did like doesn't even correct it who doesn't care he's just [ __ ] typical Gary uh [ __ ] 5817 on on stream La 100 [ __ ] pond in Game of Life Is it true they put a trigger warning in front of that uh somewhere I saw that going around I don't know if it's true though for blazing yeah that was actually from like 2020 and it was from 50th Anniversary man yeah for punching the horse it was it wasn't so much like a trigger warning for punching the horse I know vosch got really upset I didn't hear about the vosch thing what happened there thanks for playing we explained it like half an hour ago when we talked about it Comics what were you doing feeding my dogs come on I got back at the very end of that that's ironic that's ironic because he was he showed a bunch of people having sex with animals so uh so vosch was on a stream and he opened a file with some like beastiality porn or something like that and uh he went to save an image and then the the window opens up where you want to save it and it auto went to um all this uh like porn um and and and it showed yeah horses doing things to um that's insane first rule of Internet yeah like who sa save that who would save it to their computer and then like keep it on a file like on their desktop or something like that dude what the [ __ ] the label of the thing is probably just like horsecock porn or something but if it went to that folder though it meant that he was in that folder last right before the oh my God so I and you know it won't affect him with his audience at all like he probably gained subs from it so he ain't gonna lose any yeah he ain't gonna lose any uh [ __ ] 5817 for $100 sorry I couldn't uh witness Hagrid running uh a cold train on my favorite f&t personalities uh H ft Dan vasque is gay so gay he wrote a song about me wishing I was gay so uh and it was beautiful beautiful song Beautiful song I liked it of course you did because you're saying's great inste of gay bunch of [ __ ] simps for Dan vasque that's all you my whole crew lady grab Master is the only one on my side Perry has been strangely neutral on the whole thing I could gay today who well I know you're yeah yeah you're on my side who's in the lead Gary Gary by 14,000 I [ __ ] hate counting Subs it is the gayest [ __ ] thing I can't wait for this to be over I just [ __ ] start it [ __ ] I didn't start it no I didn't I agreed bet on a road trip and I only heard half this is collusion no no no I'm driving to Vegas last year and we're in the mountains and I caught like the first part of the bet I'm like [ __ ] I can't not accept this now so I'm like let's do it and then like I forgot what the original terms were but it was like it basically Dan was going to get away with nothing right like uh I would sing the full song and then he would have to do something I can't even remember what it was but I'm like whoa whoa whoa I didn't I didn't hear that part so like you have to sing a song that I write for you about man buns being gays and he agreed to it he was man enough and he agreed to it um and uh maybe Dan can remind me what the original terms were because they were like [ __ ] weak they're like third world terms but um wow yeah you know uh so I agreed and here Dan said Gary forced me to do it see you in the chat force you to do [ __ ] okay maybe the starving children that run around in packs forced you to do something when they chase you to your shanty house every day where your [ __ ] in a bucket but uh oh now you're going hard I am going hard but at least that bucket of shit's a weapon for all the starving children and dogs who are chasing him around in his third world country that's known for that's more known for shaving puic cares than anything else although they count votes about as well as we do so there you go shaving shaving pubic care and horrendous gang drug violence yes go burn a rainforest Dan vasque okay npe natee for $50 uh bought Disney stock in 2021 and saw it plummet soon after over time I wanted to sell due to my anger over Disney but didn't uh want the loss after the stock shut up this week I could I could sell it and now I give some profit to the fund of my first Super Chat to F hail oh [ __ ] that's awesome nice thank thank you thank you KCK it to the man get the [ __ ] out of there uh ex uh lady gr Master did the math she uh she she it was uh it's around what 30 million subscribers Disney has lost in a cal Disney plus has lost in a calendar year uh and they made a big deal about like hey we only lost a quarter of a billion this quarter and we only lost a million3 we're going to be profitable this year yeah yeah no we've turned a corner guys manifesting yeah let put put the energy out uh in the meantime while everybody else was losing Ryan pointed this out in his video uh Netflix [ __ ] did great absolutely 10 million Subs which is nuts 10 million subs and made a bunch of [ __ ] money um um I think one piece was a huge hit uh I think uh getting the wrestling deal might but that wasn't in the quarter that no that was not that was after that was after they announced that at the quarterly earnings report remember that's right uh they you know um extraction two they also had some other stuff that I didn't watch that was super popular every [ __ ] thing like Netflix dominates the streaming charts I I don't like suits was over the summer so that wasn't that quarter like but but that wasn't that quarter I don't even know what game the reality show squid game uh oh that was great one piece probably brought a lot of people in but the thing is they were the F you talked about this this morning uh I think it was Ryan it was they were the first in the game okay they were the first in the game they helped develop what they did was they repurposed a lot of people in Hollywood at the time were going for the set top box thing because there was PlayStations and Xboxes and stuff and they were streaming through that and they're like hey we can do it through a set toop box like a cable box but then Netflix just like we'll just do on our [ __ ] website we'll and this this technology had been there forever but Netflix was there first they got the best people Disney plus was built by Netflix people that they stole so and and and Netflix has uh they have patents on a lot of the menu tools so that's why all the menu tools and all so and they have a much big uh better UI than anybody else because they were the first and and it helps to be the first to then maintain that they lost money for years they were in the red for [ __ ] years they've only recently gotten in the black but now that they do and like I'm not like some big honk for the corporation they're just the best right now they won they clearly won because they were first everybody else was chasing them because they innovated they innovated Den Disney does not innovate Warner Brothers all these old school Hollywood studios are going to get gobbled up they're all [ __ ] going to get gobbled up by bigger companies because they stopped innovating years ago uh and they're not taking any chances uh um Dakota Johnson for Madam web [ __ ] she has been great I got to get her red carpet [ __ ] because she is so sarcastic about [ __ ] everything she just doesn't give a [ __ ] she doesn't give a Fu she's a legacy Hollywood person it doesn't [ __ ] matter I think she's really bitter she be in this movie that's really bad she gets really mad if you say call her a nippo baby she gets really mad I think she's really upset that she's in madam web we we showed that we showed that when she made the post confirming like the deadline story confirming that she was cast in Madam web like years ago both her and Sydney Sweeney tagged Marvel Studios who has nothing to do with this movie they thought they're gonna in the [ __ ] MCU not not the Sony the Sony morvus Universe Dakota Johnson fired her agent right did she not a week after the trailer debuted she fired her agent moved somewhere else that is great great that's hilarious that is [ __ ] great I think that's happened to a couple people in this thing because Matt Smith also when he was talking about taking the role in morvis he's like God who was it um somebody who's in uh who play the chicko plays nebula what's her name oh Karen Gillan Karen Jan Ken Gillan yeah they had worked together before and so he was like you know I wasn't really sure about it but I talked to Karen she said this whole Marvel she's done like seven or eight of those Marvel movies blah blah blah like that's what convinced him to do it and Andrew Garfield they both talked him in that's why he left Doctor Who early Y and and then he ends up working on morbius hey thank God he left Doctor Who for morbius well no for a lot of things but for Hollywood he like he was talked into leaving uh he was supposed to be in Doctor Who season 8 he was supposed to be in Doctor Who season 8 he wasn't Terminator genis Isis heis prob good for him in the long run and he was supposed to be in a movie called rise of the Skywalker too so uh that's right seems like the only good thing has been in sentence is House of the Dragon how's dude the crown the crown he did the crown is good uh I heard but uh arguably like uh Damon Targaryen could go down as his best role he was he [ __ ] killed it absolutely killed s good let see what happens the rest of the uh the rest of the series real quick and also we've got a new one we got a new one and like I I would normally be like over the [ __ ] Moon excited about this because this is like the best backstory in Game of Thrones it's aon's Conquest I mean [ __ ] Heron Hall alone will be so great to see just melting the [ __ ] out of that castle but um unfortunately uh as Ryan and I chitch quick uh and DM and Ryan you were right dude like we might as well enjoy this cuz we will never get the books 4592 days since the release of a uh a song a dance it's gone man uh aon's Conquest spin-off in the works from Batman part two writer uh has he written anything else though because that's kind of even written Batman part two for [ __ ] sake I don't know yeah that that's like the weird thing it's like I don't know what else he's done other than something that hasn't come out yet so like Ryan Kell had a has a writing background and has run shows before and is a huge A Song of Ice and Fire fan and it showed and George was there too for House of the Dragon I don't know about this but uh normally I'd be excited about it Henry caval is Aon [ __ ] yeah that'd be great I know it won't happen no no no no that's like been a fan for forever I don't like I we he doesn't we don't need Henry caval to be Aon no it' be cool it'd be cool uh I've always envisioned aegon with a little bit longer arms so I'm not sure yeah doesn't have torosaurus Rex arms yeah but overall there's a couple stories that so many people want to see including Robert's rebellion and things like that but especially with even what's been revealed in House of the Dragon about like the prophecy and everything like we're going to find out some of that [ __ ] in this I have to imagine I again we me and Gary talk briefly in DMS ironically enough when the news broke I was talking to somebody else who really loves the books and they were basically just like like [ __ ] that I don't want that I just want George to finish the [ __ ] books I do too and I'm like I get it but I'm at the point where I've accepted that it's not going to happen um and I think eventually maybe we get wins maybe an unfinished version of wins we'll never get the last one ever so to me if if we're not going to get those and I just don't think we're gonna get those I'd rather see these things come out because House of the dragon's been [ __ ] phenomenal so far so if you're telling can get something else that's you know close to that level of you know in this universe and actually tell us a little bit more that we don't know already I'm down for it yeah and if just in case you don't know and House of the Dragon huge [ __ ] wins a winner spoiler huge so the dagger that uh the assassin's blade where Arya was a Mary Sue and killed the mik uh night King that came from uh that they that Catlin thought was Tyrion uh that that uh was it's a Valyrian steel blade that belonged to Robert uh and it had a prophecy written on it uh from aegon to conqueror and we never knew why like the targaryens lived on uh dragon Stone Forever Without conquering Westeros which they could have done anytime they wanted and they didn't and then they decided out of nowhere hey I'm going to go and uh and Conquer Westeros it's because aegon uh had had uh had dreams had dreams that because some targaryens have prophetic dreams about the long night so that he needed to go and unite the kingdoms for the coming the coming long night whenever that that shows up that was a huge [ __ ] spoiler that was never mentioned in the books we never knew what his motivation was so now we know uh that's the only way we're gonna find out anything until after George dies and then somebody gives us his notes of what his ending was and there's so many questions and things about you know about him and his wives about whether his kids his kids yeah his Sister Wives about whether his kids are really his kids because you'd imagine I mean aegon was young he was [ __ ] two chicks the entire time yet he only has two kids a lot of people had questions whether he was fertile or not or whether yeah because rainy was a [ __ ] [ __ ] V viena probably use some sort of weird dark magic for meor who knows one of them would have to be tar I me a Targaryen would have had to impregnate the other targaryan possibly but not necessarily not necessarily but yeah you never [ __ ] know uh you can't get it up for your sister wives who can you get it up for I mean he preferred one sister wife over the other uh so well I think he was [ __ ] but could was he infertile that's the question that's always question yeah that's but I mean it's a [ __ ] George R Martin story so we can just assume it I mean that kind of [ __ ] happens all the time uh Duke devil 95 is GI to 20 nerdrotic memberships for $100 ran we're going to have to do a [ __ ] Song of Ice and Fire stream like we're gonna have to do one soon we're going to have to just do one soon uh Robert Mcdonald for $50 Gary Mar burls more like menthols no Mar burls I didn't I don't smoke menthols I'm not black don't appropriate yeah if you if you don't smoke menthols you ain't voting for me yeah that's Joe B it was slogan a lot of people don't know the full Biden quote is if you don't vote for me you ain't black and if you do you'll wish you weren't that was but in all fairness if if you were black and you didn't vote for he doesn't treat you like uh anyone and in all fairness he thought he was talking to Obama right there so I thought was the one who was riding all all this uh he's pulling the strings can you imagine the awesomeness if you had Dean Kane Kevin Sorbo and Gina corano on the same f&t I wouldn't be able to handle it that'd be kind of awesome Richard uh bck for 50 know uh right before Deus K the St right before he got casted as Superman it was down to two guys do you know who the other guy was oh no was Kevin Sorbo way wow no way that's actually true yes uh background lurker first time poster welcome Joshua Beckle for $50 as strikes me as a man who came into possession of a 70s porno rag as an impressionable young guy boy so far pretty accurate as such the experience has affected his adult life and he can only be aroused by afro afro checks out checks out any person of our age uh is very familiar with the don't don't don't don't don't shaving your microphone sounds like a vibrator uh quar that was too for you right you you [ __ ] know prison boy we have vibrators in prison dude he tried to get him a million times nothing that penetrates yeah oh my God yeah dude they would I only had like four cassette tapes right and they wouldn't let half the music I liked in because they you like pornno for pyros just because of the name uh like anything that was any kind of violence they're like no uh but they let in like Suicidal Tendencies um the art of rebellion that one got by for some reason like it's okay if you kill yourself uh you went to a Canadian prison no no oh a protoc Canadian prison called f uh quar it's me trying to read super chats what uh Mr Bigler you are muted me me and Tucker could like have the stare off of the century right there hey did he come back to America by the way that's [ __ ] brilliant horny [ __ ] they're talking about putting a travel ban on Tucker because they're so not back oh [ __ ] man uh on the road today and not getting the best reception so can't watch and listen live but hope it's all a great show with Dean and Gabe qu andar for 200 $50 Dam excuse me thank you uh Star Wars Theory 20 Canadian pesos what's up the what's up watch your video with okay was funny says great seeing you boys uh till next time dudes so long gay boys no I said that one so long bro so long bro I got to meet him for like three three three seconds he yed I didn't get to spend too much time we were so freaking busy and he was doing meetups and we were doing stuff but yeah it was good to finally meet him yeah it was good to meet him same Z's uh same Z's tekashi on the stream La side for 50 oh hair pie hair pie as knows what that is B is that is that is that when you pull out and it goes wrong never happened to me bro so I don't know goes right pulling xay girl knows exactly what I'm talking about I refuse to look at the camer was it like not clear enough no [ __ ] P when you pull out and you come in a woman's hair on accident which hair I I Meir from your [ __ ] head at this point yeah sorry not sound like Hillary Clinton what difference does it make it matter to a girl [Laughter] okay a this went South sou hairie what hair clippers were too far I know the hair cers were too far no no I thought as was going to actually shave his [ __ ] face or half his mustaches don't you love we have two like pretty devout religious people on our show and we're just the worst [ __ ] people ever and they thought we'd be nice for Dean Kane hey hey hey when Christ was on Earth he he ministered to the Sinners and he yeah that's right yeah he hung out with the [ __ ] he did he probably heard a a lot of hair pie stories calling us all you know nailed it just like Jesus who actually nailed him just like the Romans just like the Romans and the Jewish leadership I will be going to church on Sunday who said that oh will is that is that going to absolve you of all your sins Ryan going to church on Sunday that's the point is that is it it helps certainly oh like I went a couple times I went when I was a kid yeah I took communion and stuff so I was like 12 then I stopped going yeah until you found out it wasn't a drug no there was alcohol dude like it it was wine so somebody in the chat say too soon 2,000 years too soon man he's coming back he's yeah it's fine he came back he's okay H Justin Martins for $50 I can't wait till your bet with Dan Vasquez over I can't either although roasting him on Twitter almost every day and him roasting me has been kind of fun I'd love to be able to subscribe to his channel he's very talented he he's an extremely Talent talented gay man he is I also want to show my support for the lgbtqia community you don't hear much from them these days very under represented such a shame I know right according to H uh Hollywood Hollywood Hollywood Hollywood uh 50% of everybody is gay and according to comic books 90% of everybody is gay so like a 100 now in comics uh it might be 100 it might be 100 the person who uh as and I were speaking to about like UNF [ __ ] Comics like the only thing I brought up is like how how in the hell do you UNG everything how do you go about that like what what world is that Deadpool kills the Marvel universe that's how you do okay well you you you do another you do a hard reset yeah and you just don't mention the fact that they were you don't it's not like oh they're straight now you just do a hard reset you put put them with a romantic partner of that that's heter makes them heterosexual and bring just move on bring it up hard way to do it I heard you can pray it away think they have some camps for that too I don't think that works but okay um how am I supposed to say zebracki like oh that's sorry that's Bosch's alt yeah don't save it don't save it $49.99 that's good we're good right there uh I'm a N9 to-5 slave I I know there's lots of things I would like to talk about on YouTube but doing so would mean taking a plunge and a large amount of my time dedicated to uh build a fan base I have a wife and we'll have a baby soon is it too late no I mean just ignore them I mean ignore the wife and the baby she's got it dude you did your job you put in the little uh the the the Little Swimmers and you just kind of [ __ ] [ __ ] off and she she works it all out and then you can work on your YouTube career I'm sure it'll help your marriage no don't listen to any of that uh I had it's a hobby man it's a hobby is a hobby yeah I had a full-time job and uh uh two kids wife uh who uh career woman who was gone so I had to watch the kids a lot and commuted to work an hour each way every day or that godforsaken golden bridge that cost me [ __ ] 50 bucks a a week to go over [ __ ] highway robbery literally no Gary please keep talking about the [ __ ] story your life Jesus [ __ ] Christ it's half past midnight here for [ __ ] sake Golden Gate Bridge only on this show I'm gonna start I love as is tired wait wait wait is is is as complaining about somebody giving them their life story bro Have you listened to one of your [ __ ] streams rant incom I know your entire grocery shopping list dude every people here shut the [ __ ] what's what my get what's my grocery list tomorrow uh don't distract them let him tell the story I don't even know what it is anymore all right so Z zebra coock yes you can still have time to start your YouTube channel just start with figure out what you want to talk about start with like one thing a week right and if you can handle that maybe up to two videos a week that's it you shouldn't quit your job or anything to start YouTube do it as a hobby at first do not quit your job do not quit your job please it's a hobby it's a garage band hang on to it as long as you can Hal this is the last one rollan Ronin the Crusader two parts 50 hell had an absolute blast at Megacon seeing you all again and finally meeting the king Eric July the black stanlee people love it love it Eric called the black stanlee it's almost like the Miles Morales of Miles Morales we could actually you could just say Steve Rogers is Captain America Miles Morales is Miles Morales and Eric jly is the black Stanley you will get the best Twitter interaction of all time uh QB thanks for the chat at the Saturday Meetup it means a lot brother what' you talk about uh this year feels full of opportunities so I'll see if I can make Vegas if I can't make Vegas you can bet your sweet bippy what what's a bippy uh you'll see me again in Orlando Hail To All Hail Gabe hail Dean Kane and Hail to the fellowship hail oh and if I seem like I don't remember it's because I had a million shots it's because text me Dean text me he said great bunch and gave me a thumbs up oh tell don't ever put me on that [ __ ] show again yeah you [ __ ] retards yeah was awesome he was awesome yeah he was great it was great having him on and uh Ronan I remember talking to you so yeah me too there you go it's great talking to you all right they're gonna wrap before wrap before we get to wrapping up I gotta bounce I'm going to say my goodbye now later bro thank you guys so mucher everybody latero putting up that hand like that Roman salute yeah was it you see how like he just kept see you man later bro if we're ending it I wanted to say uh really quick Chrissy I love what you do and could you follow me on Twitter my daughter is a standup comedian she's she's on a te she's one you back okay cool she's won four roast battles she's won four in a row now uh she just where is she based out of she's here in San Diego I drive her up to LA and all that to Hollywood but she does it here at the mad house and the different ones here in San Diego she's doing her own mdy show at the mic drop I believe she the mic drop we hey yeah and you know the mic drop I love that that's a great Club I want you to please talk to my daughter she's uh finally getting paid to do standup and all that and I'm so proud of her she's a Sav on the roast battles it's uh awesome Gabe you ever been to SoCal Comics um yes that's on Claremont Mesa boulev right y it's my buddy's shop Jamie newal it's a it's a cool shop it's a [ __ ] amazing shop it's near the mic drop it's like right across the freeway from the mic right right right all right uh Comics what do you got coming up absolutely nothing no I I um have a project I'm finishing off as soon as I done with that I'm going to be working on my stupid video it's not stupid it's about the competency crisis so um been talking about this for a while and I'm finally going to [ __ ] pull the trigger on it so that's why I got coming up two two JetBlue Airlines collided on the [ __ ] Runway what the hell did you hear about that no I didn't it's funny because a lot of a lot of what I'm talking about is going to be the airline industry not just entertainment so and and because that's very very important right I think it's a little more important I think talking about in the airline industry would be be a little more important than entertainment so I will be driving to Vegas I will be driving to Vegas this is probably my last year flying to Vegas yeah yay all right thanks Comics uh ex what do you got coming up uh tomorrow on geek Geeks and Gamers tabletop 3 p.m. we're doing a PVP battle uh with rude ey sevy epic Mike um dis Bru so if you want see that join us at 3 p.m. and Saucy Saturdays at 8:00 pm um and uh check out the video I made of all the stuff I bought at the con I'm trying to be a better nerd yeah thank you no you're doing you're doing good you're doing a good job oh as oh as is still here I uh got your black widow got your black widow my throw in the trash now yeah might throw in the trash now look see the wizard were amazing remember wizard 1996 yeah wizard I had that I had that every [ __ ] nerd had this very one is that a m is that a Mike wearing Go cover oh rip Mike yeah it is one of the greats rest inace Mike Wizard World was awesome too young tody m [ __ ] M right there Ching is in a mid [ __ ] spawn the animated series on Max watch it if you haven't watched it it's as good as Batman the Animated Series it's [ __ ] great I think honestly it's better than the comic books I just the comic books the com the comics are they're okay they look the series was really [ __ ] brilliant yeah the first 25 are great are [ __ ] great when he still has the clock countdown oh yeah yeah goes up and down after that uh who do I have next Chrissy hello oh this was so fun today um I'm going to be at in Jersey at Tiff's Ale House uh Saturday February 24th get tickets to that and then I'm doing probably one more gig in Pennsylvania in March I'll let you guys know when you can buy tickets for that and I'm so sorry to miss Vegas um they won't let me Al it would be fun to give birth over there would be a blast it maybe literally depending on what you're doing oh my goodness depending on what you're doing and no it's okay Chrissy it's okay just have a good healthy baby we'll miss you we'll see you next time we'll be there the following year okay and take care of yourself uh Shad M Brooks hey Gary hi I got lots of stuff happening okay sorry yeah yeah sounds awesome big sounds great sounds amazing Sean shaders we're tested out bangs and see how effectively if you could disarm someone heaps of fun um I had a recent debate over on sides scrollers about AI art where I throw down with George a alexopoulos on uh you know he's on the Anie side I'm on the pro side hell George yeah that was a fun discussion so you can check that out at again Sid scrollers and then you know we got our on night watch and having a lot of fun making stuff doing stuff excellent you want to see the Thunderbolts no I love the Thunderbolts man do you think any anybody in the film is gonna look like any of that [ __ ] 90s art yeah I don't I don't think there's a thunderbolt that is in the film no uh Baron Zemo I don't know if Z I don't think zemo's in the Thunderbolt he was later but um I can't remember the original chat will know it's it's a [ __ ] Soviet America man uh white [ __ ] Widow uh went spier I I think citizen V in the Thunderbolts is Baron helmet zimo is posing his revealed eventually yes 30-y old spoiler or whatever yeah but the original run of the Thunderbolts I freaking loved ah it was great series was that Mark Bagley and Kurt busek right yes was the team on that fantastic I think oh see this how you get the ladies going you go deep into this old war right here baby nice I'm just going to read uh you guys go on I'm going to read gonna read wizard magazine uh quarterb ER yo uh Sunday Sunday Funday with as x-ray well actually not x-ray girls not not going to be there I going to be on vacation very sad Cara's going to be there with us and we're going to play Vacation you were just on vacation no you're working now I don't care I still work but it'll be at the beach okay it's my time x-ray girl God damn it sorry sorry sorry sorry C hey Gary Gary hey you [ __ ] yes you I'm gonna kick you out right now oh I have that Thunderbolt Spider-Man team yes loved it look at this sylvest whatever maesto look at that oh that's amazing that's [ __ ] step all over it's fine all right no we're going we're going to shut up please go start start over Sunday Funday we're playing a game then forbidden Frontier that night neurotic live with uh Adam as always it's going to be fun it's been a little bit what's our since we've done it what's our talk uh don't ask me time travel oh time travel oh yeah do my research tomorrow and this week on normal world we have a special guest oh Gary from the nerd rtics CH wow oh [ __ ] is that this week it is this week I say it public noral world that was a completely no just so this week we have a Gary and it's gonna be fun it's going to be fun be back on normal world it's going to be really cool hey uh forbidden frontier people real quick I have uh a reading for you reading assignment if you choose to accept it it's on Audible it's called visions of Atlantis reclaiming our lost agent uh ancient Legacy who's it written by Graham Hancock just uh posted it today it's called visions of Atlantis so uh that's GNA be future homework for you out there there you go there you go all right uh and then we have as who's been patiently ah yes I have uh tomorrow I'm thinking I need to do a play through of the Final Fantasy 7 rebirth demo which is out so we might get might get that done tomorrow uh Sunday afternoon tea with our and then Sunday Funday afterwards with qbg and Cara this week real BBC is on Gary's Channel again because we did back toback on mine so it's back toback on Gary's and that's that's that's it at the minute I'll probably do other stuff hey you GNA check out Stella blade when it comes out oh I'm gonna buy every copy I thought there CP of assets you would like and I'm gonna I'm gonna line them all up there and I'm going to call it the Cheesecake [Laughter] Factory every time a Japanese or Asian because it's Korean actually uh every time a uh an Eastern Asian woman has a nice ass and sjw loses their [ __ ] that makes life good why got to be [ __ ] ugly like we are [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] that's exactly how they sound I love how they're all freaking out over it I can't believe she's that attractive and uh Gabe thanks for coming on with Dean what do you got coming up man oh thank you so much for having me all of you guys this is a mad house here it's a lot of fun the chat you guys are amazing and uh why I don't know it's just like a party in here I feel like there's confetti falling constantly while we're here um I have what I have going on guys subscribe to my YouTube of course that's Gabel T I got my monetization back slapped the wrist for three months but I got it back two days ago I do 80s and 90s action movie reviews on Wednesday nights it's called Double Impact it's a really funny it's improv comedy mostly but we're talking about movies like Invasion USA and double impact and all those great vanam St what go and of course go to big manc comics.com I have awesome t-shirts and you may have heard of this guy Dean Kane we collaborated on the best graphic novel of I don't want to oversell it the century perhaps and I'm almost done with it I've got uh just inks three more pages of inks about 12 more pages of colors this thing's going to be amazing get it to the printer in like two weeks and I'm going to be mailing these out the end of March so if you order it today you're going to get it in just a few weeks like I don't know what what is that like six weeks but please everyone who can hear the sound of my voice order this awesome action adventure book no woke no non sense is just thrilling adventure dashing hero awful bad guys sexy women everything you miss everything they took from you me and Dean and Aken got together and we're bringing it back just for you please get it today that's what I'm up to I have other great Comics coming but those are Hush Hush right now contracts have been signed they are actually being worked on big man comics you're making it grow when you guys buy this stuff you're making great things happen we can't stop Disney and all that but we can replace it with other stuff we can out compete them I need your help so please go get that today thank you thank you so much Hy brother uh thanks uh for everyone uh thanks to bed Cobra for not showing up go see the bedet Cobra cast uh thanks to Ryan he's our bro uh who else took off one question uh we actually it's a notification we need to sing Happy Birthday oh that's right oh this is how it's gonna go out folks I'm I'm really sorry uh run away Gabe while you while you can uh I'll count us down but first I want to show remember remember the toy guide in Wizard magazine oh yeah that was my favorite part that was that was my favorite yeah I like that and I like the the price guide on the coms e Echo is on I got to put my echo on too yeah how how are we going to sing in unison when there's that little time B it doesn't matter that's how we do it the answer is we don't you want your own you pick your Melody and you go count us down count us down Harmony and one and two and three Andy birth happy birthday to you happy birthday dear super chatter I forgot your name forgot [Applause] name birthday to part lost a th people watching bye [Music] [Music] bye [Music] God damn Gary some serious gourm what flavor is this that's right it's the all hell medium roast private blend check out the geek grind coffee nerd rotic page for our other options like the decadence feathers of Liberty vanilla infused flavored coffee or if you're looking for something darker try the dark roast f&t blend of the fellowship you know what just buy all three G grind coffee.com use discount code nerd [Music] rodic [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] do not come do not come I'm going to [Music] come [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so know you be how me say bab let me go let [Music] me
Channel: Nerdrotic
Views: 239,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: teD15YWMVFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 222min 15sec (13335 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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