Woke Hollywood in PANIC Mode! "This is a Full-Scale Depression"

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nero.com greetings you over 1 million Awakening wonders thank you very much you know there are warnings as old as time don't talk about politics at the dinner table look both ways before you cross the street don't run with scissors Don't Drive Drunk don't dat a woke white woman and our good friends at Hollywood have ignored the equivalent of all of those don't hire activists don't go on strike to hasten an industry contraction don't make the pain customer your enemy don't buy billion dollar in ual properties with built-in fandoms and then piss off those fandoms immediately by subverting their favorite characters Lord Vader prepare to meet your maker but at least for now it looks like the 8-year Hollywood Wane Bender has finally come to an end dad who recently transitioned from Mom has bailed it out of jail and it's on its way to a Swanky Malibu rehab and in this analogy while woke Hollywood is going over the eror of its ways its friends the gaming industry and Eastern entertainment are moving moving in on its girlfriend the market share something that Eastern entertainment in particular was able to take advantage of because the woke adct Hollywood decided not to work for a half a year and now the results are in Hollywood contraction hits entertainment executive Jobs quote this is a fullscale depression unquote oh no anyway last week from deadline for Hollywood q1 was a bust will cinemacon bring Q2 hope uh spoilers no but I may be at cinemacon can't wait to meet movie Bob now often when I go over these Naval gazing access media articles while they make some good points I have to fill in the blanks like Hollywood and entertainment is being murdered by the message but there's something different about this one all due respect to Godzilla but the first quarter of this year was a bust for Hollywood there's no getting around it the news read like an April Fool's joke without a punchline to be fair I don't know if April Fool's Day is necessary anymore especially here in Western civilization every day is April Fool's Day especially in Hollywood and entertainment and I'll give you an example of that later Disney gave up its fight with Florida better to face its battle with investor Nelson pelts Paramount's Global debt is down to junk and Paramount plus is weirdly removing some of its hotter kids titles from the streaming mix just some speculation here maybe Paramount plus is starting to distance themselves from certain Nickelodeon shows over a certain documentary uh yes that was poorly handled AMC is scratching for cash and pedaling stock the Alamo Draft House chain is for sale and that actually sucks because I like the Alamo Draft House at the box office q1's big hit was part two of a reimagining of a science fiction novel that ran hot when I was in the eth grade well we must be around the same age in other words a long time ago through the weekend Doom part two had about 252 million in domestic ticket sales which helped drag the overall box office total to around 1.6 billion with a boost from the strong last minute performance by Godzilla X Kong the new Empire watching that was the Cinematic equivalent of a 54-year-old eating a Happy Meal brief enjoyment leading to inevitable regret the total is only down about 6.4% from last year's first quarter but it's still off 45% from the glory years like 2017 and 2018 and what's really sad is this article doesn't even mention Ghostbusters Frozen Empire and I have to agree with Jeremy John's a better title would have been Ghostbusters afterthought which underperformed its first weekend and then fell off a cliff at second or the record Doom part two would have placed fourth in 2016 different times behind Deadpool Star Wars The Last Jedi the movie that truly started this downward spiral and the furry's favorite zootopia in the q1 standings as tallied by boxofficemojo.com thus have expectations Fallen the first quarter box office in fact roughly matches what it was in the year 2000 and that's without adjusting for inflation now the article States Keen observers of course saw the current movie slump coming sure if you had at least one functioning eye and an above room temperature IQ which would exclude most of Hollywood as the number of planned releases fell in the wake of last year's Hollywood strikes yet they went on strike anyway now deadline asks what can be done about it that would have been a really good question in 2016 but apparently Hollywood is in need of a reboot now I have been told in the past by some people that the titles of my videos can be a bit hyperbolic at times for example Disney is in full panic mode but this next paragraph really exemplifies their desperation and shows that Hollywood is in full panic mode maybe some answers will actually surface next week in Las Vegas when theater owners meet for their annual cinemacon convention granted Caesar's Palace isn't normally where you turn for deep soul searching and strategic Vision but the great industry reboot has to start somewhere bit of a shocker coming from deadline who along with all of their other ilk in the access media had been reporting that everything was fine until recently but they do talk about the need to diversify create some variety because quite frankly in the big budget films we've gotten over the last four or five years particularly from Disney there hasn't been and then they bring up finding strength in the middle by backing modestly budgeted movies like The holdovers and Megan or Godzilla minus one although that's not from Hollywood and then they bring up angel Studios and don't put it in the negative light what or given that Sony is sitting out cinemacon which should tell you how important cinemacon is to the industry it might be worth listening to the angel Studios presentation on Wednesday April 10th the people who brought you the sound of Freedom you know the movie that the entire mainstream media was coming down on calling it The Anon of Q you know the film that exposes trafficking children Angel Studios might patch some holes in the schedule or have a useful thought about the alternative audience which has grown thanks to Hollywood's act over the last Almost decade but this last paragraph is the kicker that certainly beats counting on Hollywood's corporate types who have bigger problems the movies right now or looking towards the Stars many of whom would rather talk politics than promote films did I just read that did deadline just call Out movie stars for being insufferable [ __ ] if you're looking for a of things possibly changing far too late that was it or waiting for Despicable Me 4 which might or might not jump start things come the middle of Q2 that's how bad things are again that's just theatrical we haven't even talked about the streaming bubble which has burst but the main thing driving the Hollywood Market has been franchises and not just any franchises old franchises that they've completely destroyed and their time is come and gone and we're well into the apathy phase something Bob Iger is finding out after overseeing the destruction of Star Wars and Marvel and in the what have you done for me lately Hollywood Disney Star Wars which I believe has never been good but I'll be fair and say it hasn't been good for about seven or eight years and Disney Marvel hasn't been good for five and poor all bobb's even lost his allies in the access media from The Hollywood Reporter Bob iger's Invincible era is over after a major Wall Street firm sides with activist Nelson pelts who is fighting the the activist Disney Company ahead of an April 3rd shareholders meeting investors are questioning how the CEO plans to plot out growth and his own succession probably by buying more [ __ ] and now even the media is wondering if the guy's going to leave in 2026 like he promised no matter what happens with the shareholder vote the weatherman will still have his job but it will be an indictment on his entire Legacy which will matter to him a lot and considering what Disney Marvel and Disney Star Wars has put out or announced over the last 6 months the Marvel Ekko our charmine oey shinoy Ray movie and the acolyte I would like to point out it wasn't meant with rage it was met with laughter and very soon it won't even be met with that if you want a good example of two franchises that are well past the anyone giving a [ __ ] phase look no further than Star Trek and Doctor Who both shows have a lot in common they're either at or approaching being 60 years old Doctor Who is well past being a decade since it was good in Star Trek is approaching too both franchises had their continuity that was built over decades by some pretty brilliant men and women completely destroyed by hack activist soap opera writers both franchises sacrific their male characters on the altar of agenda Al to promote insufferable female Replacements both shows gave us pronouns in space she's pretty fast they're fast um they not not she I've never felt like a she or or her so I would prefer they or them you're assuming he as a perno true yes sorry good point are you he or she or they get out of my face clown all leading to diminishing returns and when it was all said and done both franchises were completely spent then with both franchises there was a glimmer of hope with Star Trek there was Terry metalis Picard season 3 which was immediately squandered when Alex curtzman decided to not pick up Legacy with Doctor Who it was the return of Russell T Davies David Tennant and Katherine Tate for some specials but unfortunately instead of getting TV showrunner Russell T Davies we got activist Russell T Davies and it was immediately squandered and now both franchises have series coming out in the next couple of months and I doubt you even know or care Star Trek Discovery better known as STD flours up one last time this month and the once in agatic and mysterious Doctor Who hell is in the title returns as the not so mysterious Dr Gay in May correction Disney's Doctor Who and yes that's another thing Iger had a hand ining up on March 27th variety put up this PR puff piece probably directly from Paramount the future of Star Trek from Starfleet Academy to new movies of Michelle Yao how the 58-year-old franchise is planning for the next generation of fans sheer ging hubris just a few hours later in The Hollywood Reporter we get this Paramount Global debt cut to junk status by S&P Global and just days before Doctor Who released another cringe trailer and announced their episode titles for the upcoming season Russell T Davies said this I think Doctor Who would have to become a co-production there's no way the BBC is going to fund that you've also going to look in the long term with the end of the BBC which is somehow surely undoubtedly on its way in some shape or form and after watching the abysmal Ghostbusters movie and Roadhouse backto back were the only redeeming thing was Conor McGregor's horrific acting a don't be like that here I got a tip for you don't let no one get this close Hollywood isn't just out of ideas they're out of recycled ideas and let's be real most of these franchises weren't franchises at all they were one film some were maybe two and most if not all were of their time and the ones that were legitimate franchises that could have lasted forever unfortunately won't their best days are far behind them partially if not mostly due to incompetent hacks writing different variations of the sad old Legacy character teamed up with a girl boss who by the end of the film shows him the error of his ways teaches him how to live laugh and love right before he dies um well I'm surrounded by idiots no yeah I'd create a bankruptcy and corporatism to the mix and that's a recipe for disaster but hey maybe I'm wrong maybe I'm blowing things out of proportion let's take a look at the remaining release list for 2024 which features 17 variations of prequels sequels and reboots of course we know about Deadpool 3 and Joker 2 but here's the rest furiosa a Mad Max Saga without Mad Max Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes the fourth film in the third reboot of that franchise Bad Boys four inside out two a quiet place day one Despicable Me 4 twist dur which is the sequel to twist dur alien Romulus which takes place between alien and aliens making it alien one and a half a Beetle Juice sequel a Transformers prequel Venom 3 Gladiator 2 The Karate Kid which is a sequel to The Karate Kid which was a reboot to the original featuring some people from the original not to be confused with the final season of Cobra Kai Mufasa a liveaction prequel to the liveaction remake of The Lion King this is fine I'm okay with the events that are unfolding currently if you like what you heard please like share and subscribe if you didn't like what you heard I thank you for listening this long I will see you in the next video nero.com please [Music] [Applause] subscribe [Music]
Channel: Nerdrotic
Views: 693,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nerdrotic, Gary Buechler, Pop-culture, TV, Movies, Comic Books, Nerd, Culture, Commentary, Opinion, Discussion, Podcast
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 36sec (816 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2024
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