Disentangled | Kirby de Lanerolle | 05th March 2019 | WOWLife Church

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there were certain times in the day and night that would be absolutely perfect for you to hear from God do you know the seasons in the day where you can hear better from God but is talking to you all the time but there are certain times during your day and night that you can really make a good connect and see extremely vividly and hear very well and I'd love to share that with you in this program you don't have to be a prophet to prophesy the prophetic secrets are not a part of some secret society that only country in a father and a son is passed down through that generation the prophetic gifting and the office and the ministry of the prophetic can be taught to anybody out there and that's what I like to do to synchronize [Music] you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what a way to start a meeting man just phenomenal beloved Floyd this is a phenomenal church I just love it so good Thank You Man Austin that's really really good it's good stuff Fred we want more of that right you ain't yarn that's good you're going to be a feature I'm sure of that it's so good so good so good Wow yeah and it was spontaneous there wasn't planned it was like yeah it's so good come on Jesus Jesus Jesus I am I I forgot I have a testimony yeah yeah it's not actually mine it's Philips testimony okay and Phoebe's not here to give it so he's all the way somewhere globe-trotting I'm not sure exactly where but he's gone on work and everything so synchronized you know and it's too much bass like too much bass like right too much bass is it okay yeah it's good okay I don't like it there okay all right so maybe I'm too loud are you sure yeah yeah a little lower lid slightly lower because I get louder than this and I just want to make sure that I can get loud yeah yeah is that good yeah okay so so Philip was somewhere with some clients and he's doing some work or some partners or whatever he did some work there and the same time I was having a phenomenal active night you know I mean some nights are more active you know whenever a profit you profits don't sleep you know if some people ask me how you slept and it's like a I say yeah well but actually you're most of time you're up you know I mean you're prophetic you're up most of the nights you never go to sleep nights nights are not supposed to be sleep time they're supposed to be times you commune in God and so I was having a phenomenal the active night and I had a dream of a region of I have a I have a pastor in Jaffna and his name is pastor Phillip okay he's there he's my main in Jaffna pasta Phil and I had a dream that passed the Philip God and his congregation got gold eat okay it's so cool okay and if you are new to Wow this thing happens it's been happening from the time we've known Jesus people get gold and silver teeth and solid solid sometimes solid eat okay so get ready to get bling and I like that I like the jam today so I'm telling you everything's prophetic like why did that kind of bling scene come I mean the teet miracle think um yeah I mean God just you know he's just funny right so Philip was he was in this place wherever and he wakes up in the morning and he goes to brush his teeth I mean he go to brush his teeth yeah that's what happened isn't it crazy is it not come on did you see that it's the whole thing it's the whole thing and he's like what day and so he says miss him it is in morning like could be my hole I said Oh honest I had the dream but past the Philly phone Jaffna but he's I think gone towards that area is where I'm not sure everything is Indy I'm not sure but whatever but it wasn't possible it's possible it that's how the prophetic realm works it works in association you know and so God was doing something Philip and truly like some of our coaches like Rogers Rogers got a tooth as well you know I remember and that was that was last year yeah like just like that tear and many people here got feelings yeah yeah you got half you got half yeah I've been with that man was that one of the meetings here the first mean you came here the first United meeting no way that's and and we heard the stories how our own loss and so you heard what happened Darwin right the back amalgam filling he's already lost all his hair and supplier because mercury is like not good you know it's not good for you and I can't be they put mercury into birthmarks right there might be one of the reasons why God does it but but actually Philip Bourne had had to had to go to the dentist and he's been saying and he basically said I'm just gonna do what Kirby does I'm gonna ask God for a filling okay instead of going to the dentist and then instead of a feeling he got a hole to be praised if we praise you we praise if we praise you thank you lord okay let's keep it short okay but action-packed can we do that action-packed thank you Jesus thank you Jesus does it resemble anything like that does that mean oh thank you Jesus I'm just going to show you something and we're gonna go very fast and I was hoping that this will be the last day I'm gonna teach on the manifest son okay and I was praying that you will get it okay but I'm just gonna do this very fast but there's a bit of reading can you handle it yeah so watch this I'm just taking you out of understanding why Jesus came why Jesus came was to what's the right world how do you how do you unentangled something is that right word you know detangle untangle unravel yeah but untangle is better can you say untangle is that okay yeah okay he came to untangle you right from your human lineage so but the problem with the church is that it keeps going back to the human lineage and you might not see that and I would be trying to set you up for today all the manifests all manifests on teaching is I've been trying to set you up for today because you might not know that you're tangled up entangled with human lineage because if you notice how the church always tries to push the inheritance of Abraham on you hmm you just get that okay and you're always told that you're supposed to have and then we start confessing stuff like this you start confessing that we are the inheritors of Abraham's blessing oh come on how many if you've been a church any church they tell you that you inherit Abraham's blessing but do you know that if you're in tank they'll be the wrong blessing you can't move forward you are not a part of Abraham's inheritance okay and when you understand that and that is what I've been trying to set up me trying to set up set up set up set up up to now is to tell you that as long as you are entangled in in that type of thing we can't really understand what God is trying to do for you today and now is that okay so let me start off with very fast you don't have to go there I'll say it Jesus talks about in John 12 we can put it up there oh don't well you don't have to read it because we're going fast remember okay John 12 talks about a seed and Jesus talks about it he says a seed or a grain of wheat has to fall to the ground and die okay so that it is not alone okay John 12 it's in in verse verse 23 okay he says so it has to die so that he doesn't remain alone but it produces much more or many more all right kill easy there you see in verse 24 so that and he's talking about himself he's talking about the cross there and so understanding that if you jump into 1 Peter it's just jumping in 2 Peter to show you this seed the read Peter dough okay 1 Peter God is trying to get your attention he's trying to tell you something okay and I want to see what I've been trying to do through these series he's trying to get your attention to explain something to you instead of you going back to a human inheritance and that is why if you look at 2 Corinthians 5 it says now you have been born again born again okay any expenses you are a new creation all things that passed away behold all things have become new okay he says you are a new creation and then in the same chapter he explains we shall not know any man according to the flesh any longer and he said even Jesus we will not know according to the flesh now just think about that that's in the Bible that teaching is in the Bible it says even Jesus you will not know according to the flesh you will not know any man according to the flesh any longer even Jesus you will not know according to the flesh I mean with statements like that we need to go deep into understanding who Jesus is I mean there's a statement like that you need to stop and think what the heck does that mean it means that now you are not identified when I look at each other we don't identify ourselves even according to the flesh according to where you're from what you did who you are we identify even each other according to the Spirit of the first born I can only heal you if you are of the spirit you can only get healed of your diseases and sicknesses if you understand that you have been born from above you're not of the human condition or the human consequence from the human species okay you are bearing the resemblance of something greater okay now watch this what it says here it was 1 Peter 1 was 8 listen carefully okay he says whom having not seen you loved oh now you do not see him yet believing you rejoice with the joy next with a full of glory okay now watch this in verse 10 this salvation prophets have inquired we go down really small carefully of this salvation that mean the salvation is coming to you prophets have inquired and searched carefully who prophesied of the grace that would come to you searching what or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ that was in them was indicating when he testified before and the suffering Christ glories that would follow - damn it was reveal then not to themselves but to us they were ministering things which now have been reported to you that means you have got something different from the prophets of all he said the prophets of all was searching Abraham was searching Abraham was the first person in the Bible to be known as the Prophet okay the prophets of all over Moses prophet Elijah Elisha they were searching of a salvation that is going to come to you that they did not have okay and this salvation that they're talking about is coming to you they say there were ministry of things which now have been reported to you true to those who have been preaching the gospel to the Holy Spirit sent from heaven things with angels is their desire to look at that means this thing that you have got angels have want to look at and it goes on if you look at it means angels I never seen it before you have to get that he says this thing that you have the Angels have never seen so they didn't see it in a Abraham they then see it in Adam they didn't see it in Moses but they're waiting because they're seeing it in you what am I trying to explain here this salvation of God has given you his spirit what is that what does that mean it is the spirit the Bible says like this and I if you look at you remember the seed must fall to ground and I remember why does the seed fall to Ryan Brown and I what do you what do you explain so that so that would be many so Jesus is talking about himself a seed must fall to the ground and die so there will be many come Ong it's a sailor moment the seed filter ground to die so that there could be many when she was up here explaining about what she was doing I can see the days many they've got one guy there's not one prophet there's many I'm seeing that a seed must fall to the ground the days many and I'm seeing now that many many many many many many are coming but many what these are what the Angels have also wanted the prophets of all of search for this so God says it's in it's in Galatians he says that in the fullness of time God sent forth his son to redeem those who were under the law okay born of a woman born of the law to redeem those who were under the law okay to receive adoption as sons Norman Jesus I'm going to say again it's God says in the fullness of time he sent forth his son to redeem born of a woman born under the law to redeem those who are under the law to receive adoption you get a word adoption as sons so we were many fewer they were men but now there's many of us many what sons so you can't take away this worse when you have adoption and then it says so that now the spirit of the son can come into your heart and you cry Abba Father now watch the above because you cannot use the word Abba from what I've been speaking to you you cannot use the word Abba unless you under understand adoption because whatever means my father come on Jesus so unless there's adoption so he says God gave his spirit to you so that you are adopted so when you are get adopted now you cry my father come on Jesus we're having a whole lot of puppies at home and every day people come and take a puppy and go okay and I watch petal to see when she notices okay it looks like she doesn't notice but these two notice the two mommies yeah okay the two mommies notice and so they are like really sad one puppy goes it's like the energy in the room has got a little less okay and but the puppy goes to a home and gets adopted and then it becomes my mummy okay now it's important to understand that the word ABBA means now because the Spirit has come to adopt we cry out he's now my father so preaching a people have friend taking word adoption out of the Bible but if you take about adoption out will take about about because a BA can only be used in adoption because it means my father now he's my father you were human being and now you call God your father so there's many so when Jesus says our Father it was a very important statement and I explained it at a trilingual it's a very important statement it doesn't mean just like our Father like a universal concept okay he's actually bringing human beings into the exclusivity of being divine so that statement he says how do we pray he says now he pray ladies come on come on boys no more god no I'm saying God because he's not your God anymore he was your God but now he's about you just get that okay so the first statement itself as you come to God being a human being now you come with this field of adoption that you cry my father you see so it's very important for whatever you want in your life how you come to God and what Jesus has done for you now what is this okay now I just said the prophets have waited to see this the key about approaching God is you've got to approach him and understanding the spirit that is in you crying now my father do you just get that okay the prophets of old have waited for this that means Abraham didn't have this ability when Abraham knew God he came as should I should I okay not a BA come on okay when when they knew throughout the Bible when they knew God he would have come here come as Jireh he got many sea peace got a pajara provider you understand it he come in different names when you deal with God you get a beautiful name of God Jesus himself gave to you which is my father come on do you just get that so your position of influence and authority just changes in a second did you just get that okay now why am saying that we mustn't entangle ourselves again in the bondages of the past is because in John 1 he says it like this he says now you are not born or the will of man okay but you're born of God so he says he says what is this about he says it's Nicodemus it's not about being you say you're talking about being born again he says yes it's not like a man has to again it's not a natural thing you're not born through a womb you're born through the spirit the woman and the well he tells the same thing he says woman do you understand that our Father is spirit he said you shall not worship the father any more do you understand a father's spirit and you worship Him in spirit come on okay so understanding that let's jump in to donate John 8 Jesus is having an argument with the Pharisees okay we're going to see how these argument pans out John 8 are you ready okay so we're gonna read part of the argument okay so they stir up and down with the people and chapter 8 verse 23 Jesus is saying to them chapter 8 John 8 verse 20 and he said to them you are from beneath is it there I am from above you are of this world I am not of this world I mean how explicit is he getting about explaining who he is and where he's from is it there therefore I said to you that you will die in your sins for you do not believe that I am to take what straight can you put it put it up there yeah yeah let me see I'm saying ah yes oh yeah my god oh my god that's really good can you have it up there yeah oh that's good there's a dude that just got straight right now hey she we just prefer that over front to it it was crooked like this and now before and after yeah come on Jesus my father our Father come on Jesus we put it up there okay okay when it comes up there we'll have before an officer media team you do before and after before and after and you see the adjustment okay all right now sorry where to show you tip to the whole church yeah it's good all right I mean I mean how do you have micro movements like that in the mouth you know it's just crazy yeah what do we thank you okay what's 23 okay we did was to injury right okay noticed it again Jesus is saying he's from about your fam be neat he's explained she's trying to get you to understand you were from be neat I'm from ABAB okay now what is verse 31 and Jesus said to the Jews who believed in him if you abide in my it's your my disciples indeed and you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free so he's telling the Jews who believed they were Jews who believed okay he says but you gotta now believe in me you believed in God but now you gotta believe in me sometimes you believe in God to the Jews who believed it says you believe in God but now you would believe in me okay and then he goes on in verse 37 he says I know that Abraham's descendants I know that you are in verse 37 I know that you are Abraham's descendants but you seek to kill me because my words have no place in you I speak what I've seen with my father is there and you do what you have seen with your father okay now what listen carefully they answered and said to him in verse 39 where is it the answer it said him in verse 39 Abraham is a huh and Jesus said to him if you were Abraham's Sheerin you would do the works of Abraham but now you seek to kill me a man who has told you the truth which I heard from God Abraham did not do this duty you do the deeds of your father okay now listen carefully now he's distinguishing himself from Abraham you have to get that Jesus being a Jew should be then talking like you and me when the church tells us I have Abraham's inheritance okay no see we go around same way of Abraham's inheritance and we are inherited to Abram via entangling herself again to a local inheritance and out the inheritance Jesus is not saying that he has Abraham's inheritance I mean truly if he was a real Jew it would be right for him to say that I am Abraham's children just like you you understand it so he's bringing why is he bringing at the difference and so if Christians don't understand why I'm preaching this today's a difference they will be going for the inheritance of Abraham so he's explaining and that is why the church is blocked because they are all saying how many of you have heard did they say that B about Abraham's inheritance come on raise your hand if you heard it we were Abraham's inheritance but Jesus is not saying that Jesus is differentiating himself from Abraham extremely clearly I'm not saying Abraham is bad Abraham is great okay but can I submit to you that the story of Abraham in the Bible okay has nothing to do with your inheritance but it is a pattern and a sign of how a man can receive what God has for him by faith I will say it again it is not to do with your inheritance it's like Abram went up the mountain He gave His only begotten Son that doesn't mean you need to give your only begotten Son the Old Testament is types and shadows so I was one of those people who is to tell my people look Abraham gave His only Son so you if you're going to join me you need to be able to sacrifice your children to believe in Jesus I was one of those legalistic people used to say that and my poor leaders you should think about this horrified but still come dilg's until the Lord revealed to me he says the Old Testament it just types in shadows Kirby do you understand that so can I persuade you to believe that Abraham is just a type and a shadow okay and you have nothing to do with the inheritance of Abraham but it's to show that a man could believe in God by faith do you understand so I'm not going to entangle myself because shall no not know any that kind of thing any longer I am born of God do you understand I'm not entangled with inheritance that comes from a man come on gene okay do you just get that okay so understanding that Jesus is separating himself verse 34 jesus answered if I honor myself my honor is nothing it is my father who honors me of whom you say that he is your God jesus answered I honor myself my own is nothing it is my father who honors me of whom you say that he is your God yet you have not known him but I know him and if I say I do not know him I shall be a liar like you but I know him and I keep his word now he's talking of God okay verse 56 your father Abraham rejoiced to see separate why is it Church thickness matter Abram they it is the Lord's Day now you get it okay so he said your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day and he saw it and he was glad was returned a Jew said to him you are not fifty years old and have you seen Abraham verse 58 and Jesus said to him most assuredly I say to you before Abraham was I am do you just get that he seemed very clearly he said you have no clue before Abraham ever came on the scene I was now it is I who have come now the children that will come is from I am do you understand it okay Jesus said before Abraham but I then it took stones to trow him joy to him and Jesus hid himself and went out a temple going through the midst of them and so he passed by okay now jump Galatians 4 do you understand by maternal line this Galatians 3 Galatians 3 Jesus we thank you Jesus we thank you we thank you because everybody up there um can we have a look at it before you jump in do you have a little interval like any movies yeah do you see that that one here can you see this one on the it's not it on left that anchor is this one straight come on is that that's good they just sound you see this once landed like this yeah and can you see this one straight that is hazy come on hey she just stand up but just now please just now yeah okay might get it on might get her I'm like this is so good this is so good I don't want to see how fate works because I tell you when I do these things I can see people are embarrassed okay oh man God is in the house I would show all my teeth because I want God to do something for me you understand come on wow that's amazing that's amazing that's just amazing god it's awesome thank you Jesus there's more there are more people in the house that happen now where we Galatians Galatians 3 yeah thank you Jesus yeah base digit Suresh is he here it's erasure Suresh hey it's your birthday today happy birthday man you came here to spend your birthday here come on give a big hand bless you bless you thank you that's an honor that's an absolute honor okay are you ready Galatian you can read a bit let me stop okay we got 50 mins to get this going okay Galatians 3 I'm going to show you this thing in the Bible we are trying to close manifest sons to close manifest sons they're closing with this we are disentangling you from your human bloodline no matter what it is you need to be disentangled and you do may be put under the father you understand it you have prophets have waited to see you because they've never seen you Angels have ever see you will they never seen you but they've seen Abraham's descendants you just get that okay now Galatians so Paul is writing in Galatians what a phenomenal book galatians just mind-blowing book ok can you read a bit yeah the tone of abraham right we're in verse 16 okay you can get excited with this stuff okay you're allowed to verse 16 okay where are we okay darlin I speak in a man manner of men though it is only a man's comment it is confirmed and no one no one announcer adds to it now he's in verse 16 now to Abraham and his seed remember the seed must fall yeah that is technical way to go to seed okay now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made is it there he does not say and receives huh okay as of many but but as a one and so God said and to your seed who is Christ huh now Jesus just said before he remembers I am and this I say that a law which was 430 years later so the law of Moses came 430 years after Abram okay cannot annul the Covenant that God confirmed in Christ okay for if the inheritance is of the Lord is no longer promise but God gave it to Abraham by promise okay now what is worse what are we 19 what purpose then does the law serve it was added because of transgressions still there till the seed should come to whom the promise was made so basically it's going to say it was thought of thousands of generations or hundreds of generations after Abraham to one particular seed to one particular person not to all of Abraham see do you understand that so the promise was to one and then it says here I love this one here for we just thank you verse 36 verse 26 for you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus do you want to send out so he says now you're not descendants or anything from Abraham your sons of God through faith in Jesus you just get that for as many of you were baptized into Christ have put on Christ so nowadays no Jew there's no Greek there's no slave there's no free there's no male like no female for you are all in Christ Jesus now watch carefully okay you are all in Christ Jesus and if you are if you're what not Abraham if you are Christ then you are Abraham's seed and heir according to the promise so the emphasis is that you are of Christ and Christ is before Abraham not the other way around we are not Abraham's generations we are not inheriting Abraham's blessing we are of God we are of Christ and that's for that is why we now can say okay we got an inheritance but inheritance comes from God not of Abraham you might want you have your goodness so our inheritance is completely different to what Abraham's generation got whatever he got better day but blessed in what what they did in Abraham was a blessed guy your inheritance through Jesus Christ he gives you his father you're not adopted into a Jewish sect you're not adopted into Israel come on Jesus you are not having a nice trial seed you are children you are Gentiles so your inheritance is by faith in the father you just get that okay understanding that John 16 let's send John 16 me close with this so but this entangling yourself from anything natural and we are falling into our line of who our real father is now we say you know the song father Abraham have many sons many sons father Abraham you are one of them no and so are you and let's what unless just praise the Lord father Abraham had many sons many son said father Abraham I was using this come on how many beasts and out that is so wrong that's when you're trapped I am a son of God and without a sense of blasphemy I'm saying that because of Christ Jesus I am not of a natural inheritance at all Abraham waited to see my day I mean he saw my day he was glad the profits of all searched from all times waiting to see this generation come on Jesus you see will you know the difference you can go for the gold eat you understand when you know the difference you can go for the phone battery charging you understand that but you know the difference you can go for crazy finances if you go for Abraham's finances believe me it's limited there's more wealth in the world today than there's ever been if we go for Abraham were caught up in a natural thing we have to go to really who I am I hope you get this there disentangling yourself to understand truly God came to have a family and He gave His Spirit to us that we are adopted into his family and not to a Abrahamic family and Abraham was just a symbol a sign in the Old Testament that we see how it is to be adopted unto God he's a foreshadowing of what is happening to us so we see that Abraham believed in God and was accounted to him the same way now we can believe in God and become the righteousness and so he was a foreshadowing it can you do with the entangling come on come on come on come on come on now let's go it's never die I was going somewhere don't sixteen yeah John 16 who is Jesus who is Jesus who I can't hear you he's the firstborn son that's very very important okay he's a firstborn son so in verse 13 he says now the spirit of adoption has been given to you and what does the Holy Spirit do for you this is what he does he says however when the Spirit of Truth has come was sorry was 13 and the Spirit of Truth has come he will guide you into all truth he will not speak on his own authority but whatever he hears he will speak and he will tell you of things to come listen verse 14 he will glorify me and he will take what is mine and he will then declare it to you because Jesus is the firstborn so he has everything he says so all that the father has is mine okay that's why we call him the Lord Jesus Christ that's why we worship him he's worthy of everything okay so he says everything that the father has is mine is it there and he said the Holy Spirit is being given to you so the Holy Spirit declares what is mine to you he reveals what is mine to you okay I like this one here and then he goes on I won't read the whole thing and Jesus says in a little while I will go and then leave it while I'll come back and then they are arguing among themselves what is this little Y little Y little Y little while okay and that's the question that we need to ask his little wild thing okay and he says in a little while I'll come back and he came back in a little while okay and he says you are going to go through a time but you up and be sorrowful and you're gonna cry and I'm gonna come back in a little while and he says now look at me and he says now receive the Holy Spirit and he blows into them just how he made Adam remember just how he made Adam okay he blew it Adam and Adam was raised up okay he comes and he blows into them and that's a little while okay now so we are not maturing to become sons one day we are not waiting for sonship one day to be the glorious Son of God we have been transformed into the image of the son by the understanding of the Holy Spirit that's what to condense tree says so what a Holy Spirit is doing now according to Corinthians 3 is revealing to you the Son of God inside of you so we are being glorified every single day more and more and more and more you understand it we are being glorified we are being healed we are changing because the Holy Spirit is revealing to you that you are not off a human origin anymore because humans get sick humans get diseases humans get under the weather but if you are the son of God then you will receive something that is divine you just get that okay and then he goes on and then he says this and he says now a woman is gonna be in labor and she won't give birth to a son and then after that in verse 2 he says illa dis verse 23 in that day you will ask me nothing is it there on that day you will ask me nothing think about that Jesus is saying that he says on that day when a son is born you will ask me nothing why because now you got a spirit of adoption inside of you that is crying my father from my own you see so you're not going to go to Jesus and ask anything from Jesus [Music] come on come on come on jesus is my Lord am i saving I love him you must understand I have a relationship with Jesus you understand it but jesus loves you so much that he says on that day when the Holy Spirit comes upon you you shall ask me nothing that's what it says most assuredly I say to you the body has a father in my name and the word name is in my reputation in my place he will give you until now you have asked nothing in my name Wow you see he says telling the disciples every time you want a miracle you come to me Jesus and he multiplied the bread Jesus someone's died he's healing the sick okay someone someone died he goes and he wrecks the funeral in raises the dead he says all this time you not ask anything in my name is Helen come on just get it but they go to Jesus Jesus they go to Jesus and say Jesus we have no nothing to eat he multiplies the bread Jesus my son has died he raises the dead but is that all this time you ask me ask nothing in my name think about that you have got an opportunity that they didn't have all this time they're asking Jesus Jesus turns around as the Son of God and he says my father come on and he had the miracles and I said okay never said again come on get it get it get it Jesus turns around and says my father they come to Jesus Jesus do this for me multiply the bread Jesus raised the dead come ha ha ha he turns around and he uses this exclusive words ha and he says and they're all there with all human beings and they asked him Jesus because he says my father and my father would show up and do miracles so he says all this time he's telling the disciples his own disciples he saying all this time you ask nothing in my name you're asking me you're not asking in my position you're not asking as me you're not asking as the son of God you're asking as a human being you're asking be Son of God but a seed must fall to the ground and die so that there would be many so he says on that day when I give you the Holy Spirit now you can cry when people ask you oh my kidneys failing when people ask you my heart is failing when you ask you my finances are failing okay maybe we'll ask you my son and while my father died you can turn around and now say my father but he says on that day you will ask me nothing but you'll ask in my place in my reputation you shall ask my father Jesus did you just get that that is HUGE isn't that cool verse 24 until now you've asked nothing in my name but I've seen the most crazy miracles the disciples I've seen the most crazy miracles huh but he says you don't ask me ask anything my name you asked me but I'm telling you I'm gonna give you the Holy Spirit and he will come to you and you will cry my father you understand come on Jesus yeah until now but still go it was nothing my name asked now in my name in my position and you will receive that your joy may be full come on Jesus isn't it cool okay look at verse twenty sixty seven it gets even better verse 26 what is they in verse 36 in that day you will ask in my name and I do not say to you that I shall pray the Father for you oh my god do you understand what he's doing you know how he's trying to set you up he says come on in that day you will ask in my name and I'm not saying that I will pray the Father for you he is not necessary there's no third parties anymore you are even Christ Jesus he didn't put you on the side of him he put you inside of him that's what he means joy in the spirit but when that day you worship the father in the spirit of adoption and you will cry my father come on is that but a father himself loves you come on ready so in that day you asked him my name I do not say that I shall pray the Father for you for the father himself loves you because you have loved me is it there and I'm believed that I came for from God means he was the only begotten Son I came forth from the father and I'm coming to the world again I leave the world I die and I leave many sons but I go into the father is it down wow this is so good so good so good what's 29 I came forth from the father I come into the world again and I leave it well and I go to the Father I hope you understood manifest something I don't need to go to father Abraham I love for the man my honor father Abraham he's here with me in the cloud but I'm not entangled with his lineage I have a father that is not of human origin I have a father his name is AB ba he's my father because I love Jesus because he's the only begotten Son go to my teachings the only begotten Evers we were not sons before don't believe that recently said Aviva son before no we never had the glory he was the only begotten Son that he came to the earth so you can be adopted into his glory now we don't have to now go to Jesus because you have been made a son of God do you understand that you don't maybe made Jesus Christ he's our Lord and our Savior but you've been put inside of him because now his Spirit is inside of you and you cry because they were adopted and say Jesus this is awesome he's now my father okay how can you press up the answered man how can your prayers not be answered my father come on that's connecting my father just telling my father my father my father when he leaves he says let me introduce you now to your God and my god your father and my father and he calls us brothers only Jesus can do there's no I mean I've been through philosophies and religions and all this kind of stuff and everything is about letting go of yourself every philosophy is about you let go you let go you let go if you're somebody just let go let go and that's the way you can get spiritual every philosophies like that if you're somebody you let go off the luxuries you let go of the positions you let go of the places and then you become spiritual it's so natural man we got a truth it's not a philosophy someone who has the position he's not telling you let go of your position he upgrades your position he upgrades your influence and he says in fact you are not influential enough for her he looks already will say you have not still got a position no matter you believe a precedent no country says letting go of your position will not make you more spiritual upgrading your position makes it more special but I know where you can do it on your own you were before the son of so-and-so and your lineage of ancestry of aristocracy and you think you're a big shot and you're walking around thing you got inheritance no matter who you are and he says that's poorly and beggarly to me he said because you eat all the billions you haven't still dive in or 80 okay with the doctors that you have you might be able to increase it by two to three years let me give you my place come on Jesus he says whoever you are I'm upgrading you you take my position before the father come on G come on let's worship God I think we just need you to worship God today we just need a worshipping come on can we do that can we do it oh Jesus you're so awesome you've done miracles among your people today Jesus you've done miracles you've given us your position that we can cry Abba Father and we can have the power of a son in every area of our life thank you Jesus come on [Music]
Channel: WOWLifeChurch
Views: 4,768
Rating: 4.9663863 out of 5
Keywords: Kirby de Lanerolle, Wow Life, Wow Sri Lanka, Prophet K, Prophet Kirby, Scandal, Offence, Scandalous, Sycamine, azccheus, Manifest Sons, Sonship, priesthood, Order of Malchizedek, abraham, issac, jacob, inheritance, first, born, firstborn, entangle, disentangle
Id: DF9x0cobDvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 29sec (3269 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2019
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