Discover How I Automated Google Review Responses Using OpenAI & Zapier #chatgpt

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Jacob here The ghl King and I am super pumped to bring today's video to you it's been a long time coming I've been diving deep into openai Chachi PT and the different ways that we can use this tool this amazing tool that has been brought to the market and how we can use it in real life situations to actually help improve our businesses make them more efficient more effective and help them make make them more profitable this video is going to dive deep into how can we use openai use chatgpt to find automatically find new reviews that our clients leave on Google come up with a response to those reviews and then post the response on Google all within seconds of the client leaving a review this is huge whether you are an agency that sells reputation management and you want to add a value add like myself I previously used to sell reputation management as a standalone service and an add-on to that service was we would reply to those responses or reply to the reviews that they got every single time they got a review we'd reply within one business day or two two business days and we charge 99 a month for that that's a twelve hundred dollar a year add-on that we were using to help bump up our average client cost and also we're providing a lot of value to the client for that because they didn't have to go in there and manually respond to these people every single day and I'd say about 40 to 50 percent of the people that we onboarded paid the extra 99 a month for that so that proves in that situation that these clients your clients do not want to deal with having to respond to reviews it's a pain in the butt and they just don't want to deal with it now are the end consumer let's say the business I know that you definitely don't want to be going in there every single day when you get a new review and reason to them manually and taking the time out of your day to do it it just becomes cumbersome it takes time and it's inefficient so in today's video we're going to break down how you can use openai chat GPT to like I said automatically find new reviews that are left on Google come up with a response to them and then reply back so to get started we're going to be using two tools the first one is open AI like we mentioned and we're going to be using zapier if you do not have an openai account you're going to go over to and you are going to come down to the API section you're going to go to login and if you do not have an account you're going to sign up if you already have an account just sign in like I do and then you are going to go it's going to bring it to your overview and you're just going to click on your information here click on view API keys and it's going to bring up your API keys and if it's your first time logging in you're going to need to create a new secret key and I'm already at my max number of keys so I can't do that but once you do it's going to give you a new API key you're going to copy that key just make sure you copy it and we're going to save it now you're gonna we're gonna go into zapier if you're not already signed up for zapier you're just going to go over to zapier's website sign up for a new account with them uh create an account and you probably need the cheapest plan that they have if you're just doing it for review responses but if you already have an account just create a news app and we're gonna jump in and edit this app so we can see what this looks like so what I did was is there's a trigger so you're going to choose your Opera event which is going to be Google my business so actually I have it right here Google my business the event is going to be new review click continue you're going to log in with your Google my business account you're going to select the location that you want so if you're you're going to make sure when you sign in with your Google my business account you're signing in with an account that has access to the page that you want to respond to the reviews from you're going to go into set up your trigger you're going to select the account that you want you're going to hit continue and it's going to pull in some reviews now I can pull in it pulled in three different reviews for me here um we can do let's say B or you can do a H you pull any of these up it's going to show you let's go with C just because it actually has a review response so as a comment and it gives you the star rating so this is five stars and this was the response that we got from the client now you're going to hit continue and then you're going to add a new uh option in here I already did that so we're just going to open it up you're going to connect with open AI so when you do this you're just going to go in here you're just going to search up open AI here you're going to use the event of send prompt and hit continue you're going to have your openai account if you haven't uh how did your account you're going to have to connect your account now and it's going to just ask for your we can I'll show you here it's going to open this up and it's going to ask for your API key so you're going to take the API key that you got from here that you copied and you need to paste it in here and hit save and then you're going to use the openai account that you created once this spins and loads give it a second here uh I don't know you're going to hit continue and we're going to go through our models so you're going to select the from the model text eventually 003 which is the most recent open AI text model AI model so you're going to use text DaVinci 003 and the prompt that I use and this is what I found for to be the most effective way to get a good response from the AI back is I manually type in here response to this Google review do not include an explanation of why or what you're saying just include the response this was a blank so when you do this the way that you do that is this is a five star so I'm going to delete this this is a blank so this is number reading five star rating left by and then you're gonna use the reviewer name for the company and then you're gonna put your company name in here and then you're gonna let's say we're gonna move this and you're going to show all options and you're gonna put the comment down below so the comment is the review that the person actually left for you temperature I left at 0.7 maximum length I left at 1 000 stop sequences I left blank top P1 frequency penalty zero and presence penalty zero we're gonna hit continue we're gonna hit continue or actually what I'm going to do is I'm going to retest this action so you can see what it comes up with as the response to this text to this review and here's the response that it gave me so thank you so much for your kind words Olivia we're so glad to hear that our team exceeded your expectations and that you were pleased with the end result we appreciate your business that's a great response that you can give without having to think of it now if you as a business owner have to sit there and think of this it can take two three minutes out your day you probably wouldn't have even came up with as great of a response as that as professional of a response as that and it just becomes cumbersome every single time you get a review so you're able to automate this for yourself as a business owner or if you're an agency you're able to automate and come up with a response and you can even upsell it as a maybe an extra 49 a month or 99 a month where you're going to respond to people's reviews for them as one of your bumps in your checkout process so we're going to hit continue and the next step that you need to do is you're going to click on this you're going to add a new one and you're going to look up Google my business again so Google my business the event is going to be create a reply so this is where you're going to reply to the review you're going to hit continue you're going to select the account I already did all this so I'll delete this really quick you're going to create reply select the account and you are going to the review name you're going to be able to pull from the input of that review so number one review name you're gonna pull it right there and your reply this is what you are going to reply as the business this is what you're going to reply with so you want to pull what chat GPT open AI came up with so this is uh choices text thank you so much for your kind words boom and we're going to hit continue we can retest this action and within seconds the reply was sent to Google my business and now that review has been replied to so we just tested it it did it on a previous previous review for us we can hit close make sure it's on hit publish and now that this is turned on for your client or for yourself every single time that a review gets left on Google whether it's positive or negative it's going to come up with a response the an appropriate response based on what they said it's going to use their name it can use any different parameters that they're using like it can reference things that they said in their review and it's going to spit back an appropriate human-like response within seconds this is huge it's going to allow you to free up time and make sure that every single response that gets left on your your Google my business page gets responded to those people those customers feel valued appreciated and they get a response and they just feel like a real human has interacted with them and they appreciate it so that is just the tip of the iceberg of what's possible with openai chat GPT I'm super excited for the other things that we can do with this I've already built out a ton of different tools that I'm going to be bringing to you but for now I think that this is an awesome thing that you guys can Implement into your either your own business or your clients businesses and it's going to be able to help free up time and make you guys more money and make you more efficient that's all for today's video I appreciate it if you get any value from this make sure you subscribe or like or comment I appreciate all the interactions I get thanks so much
Channel: GoHighLevel King
Views: 5,573
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: sa5dneLCpyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 10 2023
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